Who are you?
האדם שאתה,
haadam sheatah
Who am I?
מי אני
mi ani
Mah Shemakha
What is your name?
שלך השם מה
My name
in Hebrew is
shem mem yod
Shmy pronounced sh-mi.
this does not say
who you are
just what you are called by others.
Have you ever asked yourself the ?
Who am I?
Who are you?
mi atah? מי אתה
Who are you Lord?
האדם שאתה, אדוני
haadam sheatah, adonay?
The Scriptures tell us that we are made in the image and likeness of our Heavenly Father.
Yeshua/Jesus being the perfect example.
He had one physical parent, the one with the womb,
the wombman in which Jeremiah says He formed us.
Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart …
The image and likeness is the important issue.
This is the spiritual side of who we are and the most important part.
There are some in the bible who were more aware of who they were than others.
In 2 Sam 7:18, David asked the Lord
Who am I?
He asked in 1 Chron. 17:16: when King David went in and sat before the LORD; and he said: Who am I, O LORD God? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?
The scripture says that David was a man after Gods’ own heart but this was not due to his bad decisions and list of sins; but because he repented …Even with his close relationship to the Father he still asked the question
Who am I?
We see that this question was also asked by others in the scriptures: In Esther 7:5; Isaiah 51:12; Ruth 3:9; Ex.3:11; 1Sam.18:18, 25:10; 2Sam. 1:8, 7:18; 1Chron. 17:16, 29:14; 2Chron.2:6; Deut. 18:17-19; Acts 9:5, 19:15.
In Matt. 16:15 Messiah asked, who do you say that I am?
& in Mark 8:27 Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. As they were walking along, he asked them, Who do people say I am?
Peter answered by the Spirit of Holiness bearing witness..
In Luke 4:34 the demons knew Who Yesua/Jesus was!
Who are you really?
What identity do you identify with the most?
He knew us in the womb Jeremiah 1:5 before we were born and named by our physical parents.
All mammals go through the same process to bring forth after their kind, so what makes us different?
Is it because we have a birth certificate and a social security number?
Is it because we have a Drivers License when we reach a certain age; or because we have all manner of certificates and diplomas with our name on?
John the Baptist knew who he was … or did he?
John declared he was a voice crying in the wilderness to make straight the paths of the Lord.
A preparer of the way.
Jesus/Yeshua knew who His cousin John was and said of him..
Matthew 11:14 And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.
… are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was … come. And if you are willing to accept what I say … he is Elijah, the one the prophets said would come.
If you are willing to accept it he is Elijah!!! John denied it maybe he was not aware he carried the spirit of Elijah! This was in fulfillment of the prophesy that I will send Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord. So that also gives us a marker in Gods’ timeline! It also gives us an insight into the little understood complexities and mysteries of the inner workings of the unseen spiritual realms. His ways are most certainly higher than our ways!
Yeshua/Jesus knew who He was and it’s probably safe to say that Elijah and the old testament prophets knew who they were too.
But Who Are You?
Have we ever asked ourselves or considered
who we really are?
This question is not referring to our physical, earthly identity in this world; for we are not of this world.
John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
John 8:23 . And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I … But he continued, “You are from below; I am … of this world; I am not of this world. Jesus …
John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Spirit cannot die,
this is the likeness and image of God,
Who is our Father, the God of all spirits.
Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, Num. 27:16
God is the Father of all “the spirits,” whether in the flesh or not; all are of Divine parentage, for God himself is Spirit – Πνεῦμα ὁ Θεός. John 4:24
Hebrews 12:9 Furthermore, we have all had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we respected them. Should we not much more submit to the Father of our spirits and live?
Every physical body decays, from the moment of birth, the cycle of life is on a downward spiral. This is bad news…
BUT the GOOD news is we are NOT our bodies,
we are spirit, the spirit that inhabits this physical body. Some say soul and define it as mind, will, emotions; this comes from a Greek mind set. Soul and spirit in Hebrew is the same: breath, wind, spirit nefesh/Ruach or consciousness. That which survives death of the body.
We need to get it sealed in our understanding….the physical flesh body will wear out one day or we will simply leave it behind as the real us, our spirit & soul, goes to our Father.
we don’t die…
we are eternal
and will exist eternally as a spirit or in spirit form in one of 2 locations/realms/dimensions, as scripture indicates.
Could it be that the reason Yeshua /Jesus was able to give little to no importance to this life and everything that physical existence means and requires, is that He knew Who He was? He was the Son of God and the Son of man. He came to bring many sons to glory.
For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. Heb. 2:10.
Note: when men sons or brethren is used it includes daughters/women/sisters; children would be a better word to include both physical body-type-vessels. There is no male/female in the spirit; why do we still struggle over such basic issues?
Gal. 3:27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek,slave nor free, male nor female, for youare all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.
If we are truly born from above by His Ruach Ha Kodesh /His Spirit of Holiness, having our spirit that was dead to our Heavenly Father made alive to Him once again! Then our true identity is there to be revealed. We are children of God also, yet we existed before creation according to Genesis.
Spirit cannot not exist,
so where were we before Gen. 1:2,
and who were we?
What did we do?
Were we spiritual seed in the spiritual loins of Our Heavenly Father of lights, waiting within Him to be birthed into a flesh body/human being?
We are an eternal being, a spirit, our bodies are the containers we dwell in, with 5 physical senses to enable us to interact in this earthly realm by utilizing and instructing our flesh brain. If we existed prior to being physically born, why do we not remember? Did we have our memories wiped?
We are here to find out who we are in Him and to
choose the Father…
which father we will serve?..
and also to complete the task we were sent here to do.
To be a good and faithful servant.
Our brains, where our memories are stored, is flesh and will not survive the demise of the body, we will not take our brain with us. Could the transition be more like the awakening from a dream/sleep and it quickly fades into a distant thought that we can’t quite get ahold of again?
Who are you?
What makes you, you?
Psychologists like to talk about our traits, or defined characteristics that make us who we are; this is more based on the carnal, fleshly sense-based personality.
He did not come to save our flesh.. No flesh will be present in heaven. God can’t look upon us without the Blood of Messiah Yeshua/Jesus covering us, because our flesh is corruption and filthy in His sight.
Gal. 5:19 &
2 Corinthians 7:1 Therefore, beloved, since we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from …
… , beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness … , we should cleanse ourselves from every defilement of fleshand spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear
2 Peter 2:10 Such punishment is specially reserved for those who indulge the corrupt desires of …
… him and don’t think of anything except their own filthy desires. They are reckless and proud and … of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.
We do not know what we will become but we know that we shall be like Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
1 John 3:2
We are spirit.
We came from the One True God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel; and we will return to Him …
We are created in His image and likeness meaning;
we are spirit as He is spirit, and beings of light as He is.
He said in Matt.22:30 we will be as the angels in heaven.
So what is your real identity?
It’s not the one your parents gave you, we are not our name, nor are we the one we have become of our own making; by copying others and fashioning ourselves after others standards and lifestyles.
We have nothing that is original except sin nature! Everything we have and want and do, is from a source outside ourselves. Our manner of dress, place of residence, the car we drive, the way we communicate, none of it had it’s origins in us.
We are all copy cats! We emulate first our parents, then our siblings, then family, friends, coworkers, etc etc…in speech, actions, traits, etc. and all are dependent on which country we are born into and the influence of the culture we are exposed to. This is why we are to renew our minds with the Word of God. That is reality, not this world and its systems… we have to change our ‘worldview’ to one that views everything out from the eyes of the spirit, from Heavens perspective.
He came to save the soul, NOT our flesh and
He came to make and give The WAY for our spirits to be reborn from above to everlasting life, so we would not remain in death because we were all born in sin and its’ wages are death.
We always assume that is referring to physical death but it’s not… it’s spiritual death, which is the literal separation from God, our Heavenly Father for ever – for eternity!!
Is a physical life here worth more than that?
Is our own way/plan/lifestyle worth more than that?
Are our own plans and what we want to do here and now, worth more to us than this??
Matt. 25:34
prepared for us from the foundation of the world our inheritance….
so He knew us then before we were a physical being.
Think on this… Our physical parents, and this includes those who are parents themselves, our parents bodies were made to be used to create the physical container for our spirits/souls. Is this why Yeshua/Jesus said he Had come to separate within families because this natural family is a flesh relationship? We are not His family unless all are born from above..and because of that, separations will take place.
Matt.10:34 Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.35 For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.…
In John 3:3, the term “born again”
in the Greek is
“gennao anothen”
which in straight English means
“born from above.”
It does not actually translate into
“born again”
“born from above”
meaning born of God,
spiritually reborn from heaven.
Flesh is flesh and spirit is spirit, He said to Nicodemus
and they (Parents) become one flesh at marriage
not one spirit.
The spirit does not come from the parents but from God and ultimately returns to Him.
When we leave this body
Dust to dust, flesh goes back to the earth.
Viewed in this way we do not ‘belong’ to our parents, we are not their ‘property’.
Look at it like this, we are simply ‘on loan’ to them from the Lord. He placed us where He did for His purposes. He knit us in the womb of His choosing preparing the vessel to carry us – the spirit/soul, to do His will. Made for His purpose. They are, and we as parents likewise, are to help all individuals grow up in the will plan purpose and admonition of the Lord.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Prov. 22:6
They are to help us grow and fulfill our call in Him, not our personal fantasies, dreams and goals. Nor should they cling to us, or us to them. As Yeshua/Jesus said,
I must be about My Fathers business.
Our cultural heritage stifles and suffocates Gods will for us. We are here for His purposes not our own, we have it back to front when we ask, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ saying, ‘You can be anything you want to be’ …NO, not according to scripture! …
Whose are you and whom do you serve?
If you are not Gods’ child and don’t want to become one, then you can do what you want…So Who are you?
If we say to this mountain be removed…do we believe that?
And if it were not true why did He say it?
Who are you really?
It’s time to think and realize
we are not our body,
we are not our earthly identity
this body is the temporary dwelling place
for our spirit,
the real you,
the body is just the wrapper!
You are spirit and light,
the body cannot function without us inside it.
We really need to re-assess our innermost desires; if it’s based on what the world says is abundant life, then we are deceived and working for the wrong goals.
This life will end, this body is dying, we were born into decay, it has no future but the grave. BUT our soul/spirit will live on;
for the true believer it’s unto eternal life;
for the unbeliever it’s eternal separation
from our Heavenly Father.
In a way saying we die is a misnomer,
we don’t die because
we cant die;
spirit is spirit and has no capacity to die,
it’s another state of being.
Romans 14:8 “For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.
Often we are so out of touch with our spirit that we focus on the flesh body and its needs instead. The soul has the emotions and the senses to help our spirit operate this vessel/this body. If we cannot get ahold of this reality, our bodies will dictate to us its’ desires and dreams of a reality in this world and that is what will dominate our lives. Then our walk with Him becomes a big struggle.
Through our 5 physical senses we see here what we want because we see what others have and we want it too. It is coveting; it’s desiring the things to make one wise and to make one look good.
It’s the same tricks and temptations which started a very long time ago in a garden… lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life; wanting others to see that you have made it, that you are somebody, that you are wealthy, etc etc…. This is of our own efforts not glorifying the Father.
Paul said it
oh lord deliver us from ourselves from this flesh that wants and needs and causes us to stumble yet James says we sin when we are drawn away by our own lusts.
We must choose daily to die to this flesh, it’s not a one time event. Crucify the flesh, kill it, deny it, it will lead us only to the broad way.
The longer we walk with the Lord the more He will require us to tighten up our walk and to cut off the sins that so easily beset us; to lay down the things that take our time away from His presence.
To deliver ourselves from the snare of the fowler.
Any life without God as the focus, the goal and the fulfilling of His will and plan and purpose, is off course.
It’s not a message that many want to hear, but if we read what He told us to do, how many of our lives really conform to the instructions He gave us?
Father help us to wake up and stop living for ourselves and or close family. We are just building our own kingdoms and not His.
This life is a one time opportunity to get it right; we don’t get a replay like a game.
Yeshua/Jesus warned us, few there are that find the gate, few there are that enter in. Matt.7:14.
The Good News is, if you are reading this, there is still time to change..
It is the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, financial gain and possessions that are the snares and temptations that we fall into.
That’s why Yeshua/Jesus told the rich young ruler to give it all away; the riches had him, he loved them more than Yeshua/Jesus and the Father.
If we seek first the kingdom, He promises He will add all that we need.
We try to add them ourselves using the worlds system to do it. This is not Gods 1st choice way…
Who are we?
You are not your flesh body…
This is a truth we must get hold of because it will change the way we think and see ourselves and everything around us. It will help us to function from our spirit and live by the gifts of His Spirit. We will leave this body behind when we are called home. Our spirit goes to its’ maker and the body does not survive without us in residence.
So death is NOT to be feared,
it’s simply a transition
this earthly realm to the heavenly realm.
We introduce ourselves by name and occupation. We identify with the name given by parents/guardians, or one we choose for ourselves by changing birth name on our certificates to another. We cannot alter the original but it still is not who we are.
We take on the identity from the family that we are raised among, adopting their ways and habits emulating their lifestyles.
It’s all we know.
All we are exposed to and we copy them.
For now we see through a glass, darkly;
but then face to face:
now I know in part;
but then shallI know even as also I am known.
1Cor. 13:12.
If we do have some memory of an existence before our spirit /soul was inserted into the physical body, by the time we can speak we’ve forgotten. We are told how to behave, how to live by those around us. Then we are educated by a worldly education system; we have no clue if what we are taught is true or not, we just accept it and much of what we are told of our history is only partially true, with many changes and omissions to the whole truth.
We think we are who we see in the mirror and the world molds us by its’ standards which are in Direct Opposite Reverse to the Way of the Father whose DOR, Dalet is Jesus/Yeshua.
This is the only way we will find our true selves and why we must renew our minds with His Word. His Word tells us we are eternal spirit and soul which cannot die so we have been around for much longer than we think.
We are His own, given to Yeshua/Jesus by His and our Father.
We have to get our eyes opened to really see this life is vanity, worthless, pointless, that only what we do for the kingdom of the heavens will have lasting value, however noble and good it may appear.
Treasures in Heaven again,
you are not your body
you are not the identity you project,
you are not your career your status and the old man is dead.
For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
We are consumed with this life and it quenches His spirit within, choking the lifes/chaim from us; Mark 4, and does not bear fruit to maturity.
The world and all its’ pleasures are not rooted in the Word of God. They belong to the prince of this world which is why he could offer them to Yeshua/Jesus.
He rejected them so should we…they are seducing, deceiving temptations, aimed at the flesh and its carnal desires. We must see them for what they are…We need to stop being a part of it and come out from among them and be separate.
His called apart ones.
What the world offers us is temporary and will pass away without lasting fruit to our credit. Whatever we love, we pay attention to and give our time to. Our time is the one thing we can direct and have control over, how do we spend it? What are we consumed with? What are we devoting our life to accomplish, and for what end?
Matt 10:34-42 whatever/whoever we love more than the Father and Jesus/Yeshua; whatever, whoever we place in the position of 1st place and importance is NOT worthy – deemed entirely deserving- of Him. V 38
Family, this is serious, very serious.
Spiritually speaking, our identity is Not with our physical family. Matt 10:36, members of household, Micah 7:6, our children are not ours, we are merely stewards until they can function without assistance. Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov.22:6
We are all brothers and sisters in the kingdom of God our heavenly Father. You are a spirit and so is everyone else. No family relationship in the spirit is like the world expresses it; we are all equal in the family of God.
48 But Jesus replied, “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” 49 Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of My Father… Matt.12:49.
We must begin and continue, to stop focusing on the things of the natural. Our bodies are simply containers for us to function through on the earth. Until we get it settled within us, we will be pulled down by its’ physical demands, feelings and 5 senses, and all the physical pain and problems.
You are not your body
and you have rule over it.
This is a liberating message if we want to receive it.
He came to set us free
don’t go back into bondage.
When God delivers us out of bondage, our eyes must be fixed on Him and Him alone. We must be determined not to look back or go back to the place that God has condemned.
Every person working for another, by way of a company etc., is in reality a slave to that job.
The rich rule over the poor,
and the borrower is a slave to the lender.
Prov. 22:7.
Anyone who has debt, is in bondage to that debt.
The system has been set up to keep us in that bondage. Usually its incurred for things we want or think we need… houses, cars, etc., etc., etc. Things will keep us trapped, living a simple life with less is the life with less bondage; because the things we take on trap us into having to keep serving another who is not the Lord.
The world and everything in its systems belong to the prince of this world and we are to come out from among them and be separate.
Beloved family let’s put our trust in Him now, don’t wait until we are desperate but starting now, believe Him to supply our needs. Believe for that meal without a wage, without a handout from the government.
Can we do it?
Let’s begin to believe for our healing in the Name of Yeshua/Jesus of Nazareth instead of first going to the Dr. There is not one scripture where Yeshua/Jesus said go to a Dr. Go see a physician because I can’t heal you.
Or go to a psychiatrist I don’t know what’s wrong with you it’s a psychosis…
no …He cast out unclean sprits and demons that were causing sickness and disease. Those in the medical profession are a huge blessing for us and we are beyond grateful for their ministry and expertise…but what would we do if there is no Dr. or Nurse around??
What and who are we making our first choice?
Our jobs own us, we are slaves to our bosses, we do what they tell us because we want the money in the wages we get, to finance our dream and fulfill our goal…. How have we got so off track as far as what Messiah said to do??
Go into all the world and preach the good news of the gospel of the kingdom heal the sick raise the dead cast out demons the kingdom of god is within us so we carry it wherever we go. Lay hands on the sick they shall recover.
Who was this said to???
Everyone – whosoever will hear and do.
The call has gone out but only a very few answer it.
We choose our own way, our own path, our own life … it does not change the call that came to us; it’s just we didn’t have ears to hear like so many when Yeshua/Jesus first spoke it.
This is a serious message and no doubt many will be offended and raise up, voicing excuses that we say are valid reasons for why we are doing what we are doing.
The truth is… the truth of us… is where we are right now.
Today, this moment….if it were our last… are we ready to meet our Lord?
We are only promised today; yesterday is gone for ever, and tomorrow may never come for us … have we done what we should have? It’s a message designed by our Father to stir us up… and how we respond, will determine the WAY we take from this moment forward.
Many will wish they never read it, because now there’s a choice to make and some don’t want to.. but we have read it and Father knows it so…
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore
choose life, (chaim/hayyim)
that both you and your descendants may live; Deut. 30:19
So choose
וּבָֽחַרְתָּ֙ (ū·ḇā·ḥar·tā)
בַּֽחַיִּ֔ים (ba·ḥay·yîm)
there are only 2 ways
everlasting life in the Fathers presence and
everlasting death without Him……
be one of the few that enter in to His glorious kingdom.
What is there, or who is there, on this earth that is more important???
Whatever it is, it’s an idol before the Lord. It’s another god, the thing we give our worship to, it’s instead of, before and in front of the Lord.
Even when we say we love Jesus/Yeshua, our actions, our fruit and priorities tell a different story. We can fool people but we can’t fool Our Father. We can even fool ourselves, saying, oh God understands.. He’s a God of love He doesn’t want me to do this, or that, He wants me to do what I’m doing and be happy.
Yes it’s a hard saying, so were those messages which Yeshua/Jesus said, both to the crowds and to His disciples.
Well we say, that was then and not everyone is a disciple or is supposed to go …go where you are! Your mission field is as close as your breath…we must stop compromising with the world, with trends, with fashion, technology, and entertainment. We are not here to have fun and enjoy life, we are sent here by our Father to fulfill His will to do what He asks of us ….
Lord Jesus /Messiah Yeshua, help us see
who we really are
open our eyes – hippatach –
reveal to us
who we are in YOU.
Our natural, earthly family here, may not be our forever family if they are not walking with the Lord; and if unsaved, neither are our siblings, parents and children. As for those who are His, we will see them as they truly are one day, our true spiritual siblings, we only see them as in earthly relationships for this earth experience. In Christ/Messiah, our parents, children, grandparents, etc., are all our equal siblings. Our brains and memories will die with the rest of the physical body we don’t take those with us.
This world and everything in it, is NOT reality; it’s a construct within the earths framework, constrained by a thing we call time. Time does not exist outside of this realm and when we transcend/ascend, or however we want to name it; this life will be as a moment, something like a dream we had and can hardly remember. We came from Him and will return to Him for a future we can barely imagine. Yes there is beauty here but it’s temporary, transitory; we are passing through and where we are going is wonderful beyond our words to describe.
Our foundation is in Yeshua/Jesus, not here, so let’s stop building our Eden, our paradise on earth because according to scripture, it’s about to be burned up. Build up your treasures in heaven where they will not be destroyed. The disciples got it, they understood and not loving their lives unto death, they ran their race and completed their course. Can we say with Paul that we have too!????
Who are we??
We are spirit, we are eternal, we will never die, so we can cease being afraid of death… for the believer it doesn’t exist its just a change in the realm of existence.
This age is at its’ close, Yeshua/Jesus is coming back. Revelations prophetic pictures will come to pass; God will judge this world and everything written will happen just as He said it will…are we ready?
Are we prepared for those things in Revelation?
Are we able to stand in that day?
Will we be counted worthy, deemed entirely deserving, to escape those things coming upon the earth and to stand before the Son of man? Or are we loving our lives too much? Are we seeking to save our lives, or are we looking unto Yeshua/Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. And will He find that faith demonstrated in us when He returns?
Know that you are loved enough for truth to be told to you and this writer makes no apologies for declaring the Truth of His Word. Wouldn’t we rather hear the truth and not an ear tickling, feel good message that does not set us free? He loves us and will not lose one that has been given Him by His Father.
However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them. For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will. And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but that I should raise them up at the last day. John 6:37-39
He is calling us close to Himself..
Today, if you hear His voice,
do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.