A Timely Reminder of the Day of Blowing

Shalom chaverim and mishpachah!
Peace to friends and family.

A timely reminder that the

Day of Blowing /Rosh HaShannah – Trumpets

is this weekend.
The New Moon Day of the seventh month is called

Yom Teruah  – יוֹם תְּרוּעָה.

This is also translated as the ‘Day of Trumpets’,

although it actually translates more accurately as

the ‘Day of Blowing,’

Rosh HaShanah as Yom Teruah

Day of blowing (the Shofar)

or YomhaZikkaron – Day of Remembering.

Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה, Rōʾš hašŠānā,


“head of the year”

There are four ‘New Years’ in the Jewish calendar:
Nisan 1 – Beginning of the Festival cycle; first month in the religious calendar
Elul 1 – New year for tithing animals
Tishri 1 – Counting years; Sabbatical years, sh’mitah; counting Jubilee, yovel
Shevat 15 – Tu Bishvat for tithing fruit trees

Rosh HaShannah marks the beginning of what many term the

“high holy days,”

the days of repentance/teshuvah and seeking to have one’s life right before the Lord God and man. The month preceding Rosh HaShanah, Elul, is marked by blowing the shofar or ram’s horn every morning at the morning service.
The common greeting for Rosh HaShanah


Leshanah tovah – for a good year


leshanah tovah tikatevu

may you be inscribed for a good year.

The Rabbis taught that on Rosh HaShanah God inscribes the names of all the righteous in His book of life for the coming year, so this is the greeting.

For this reason, the greeting is not used after Rosh HaShanah, as it would be rude to suggest that the person you are greeting is not written in the book. The Rabbis further taught that those whose righteous and unrighteous deeds are equal, hang in the balance and their inscription in the book of life is put off until the coming Yom Kippur.
The rabbinic emphasis upon “deeds weighed in the balance” cannot stand in light of the truth of the gospel proclaimed throughout the Scriptures. Our standing before the Lord is not a matter of our good deeds, but the result of being brought near through the atoning work of our Savior, Jesus/Yeshua.

Rather than being a day of ultimate trembling, as followers of Messiah Jesus/Yeshua we find in Yom Teruah, or Rosh HaShannah, a day of reflection upon the value of our being written in the book of life, and the debt of love we owe to the One Who has called us to Him.

Obviously, this rabbinic view is not how a Messianic believer thinks or believes because, we recognize that having our name written in the Lambs Book of Life is not a dependent on an individual’s good deeds/works, but by the advantage through grace and mercy of having the blood of Yeshua /Jesus cover and remove our sins. That is why leshanah tovah, “for a good year” is used as the traditional greeting.

The ten days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are called the 10 days of repentance/teshuavah; looked at in previous posts. According to the Rabbis, this is the season when those who are not certain that their righteous deeds outweigh their sins strive to “tip the balance” on the side of righteousness. The Sabbath that falls in these days is called Shabbat Shuvah /Sabbath of returning or Shabbat Teshuvah /Sabbath of repentance and is marked by additions to the service with those seeking repentance and making their life right before God.

The meaning of this Celebration:
When the shofar sounded in ancient Israel, it signaled that:

heaven and earth were about to meet, that divine power, the supernatural forces of heaven was about to break into the mundane affairs of men!

It signaled that great things were about to happen!

Rosh HaShanah emphasizes the sovereignty of our Heavenly Father in creation and that He cares about the world and remembers all our deeds and that He is not removed from the world that He created.
It reminds us of His kingship over us personally, and of our need to affirm Him as our King.
Through the sounding of the shofar, we are reminded of the Scriptures that He has graciously given to us, and of our need to willingly receive all they say to us and to plant His word deeply into our hearts and lives. Rosh HaShanah brings to us the true image of our Heavenly Father and reminds us that as creatures created in His image, we are to reflect His likeness to the world around us. Messiah Yeshua /Jesus did this perfectly and He stands before us as the perfect example of One who fully accepted His heavenly Fathers kingship and lived accordingly.

Rosh HaShanah also carries with it an emphasis on Messiah’s return, it looks to the future when Messiah will reign as king on the earth. According to 1 Thess. 4:16 when He returns, the shofar will sound announcing His kingship, and He will set up His throne in Jerusalem. we can look forward the coming of our King Messiah, as we celebrate Rosh HaShanah, because one of these days, every knee will bow to Him, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord of all.

Many believe that the return of Messiah will coincide with this celebration being the season of

Blowing the trumpet or shofar

and is significant with the scriptures

the last trump will sound etc.

The Word of our Father tells us through Messiahs own words in Matthew 24:36

1 Corinthians 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
1Thess 4:16 17
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The sound of the Shofar reminds us that He continues to call us back to Him.

In those areas of our lives were we have strayed into sin, the call of this Lord is to “return,” to seek repentance/teshuvah and forgiveness. We also remind ourselves of the reality that He is our King, and that we are to show him our full allegiance and loyalty. Rosh HaShannah is a time of renewal, and Father’s appointed time to remind us of who we are in light of what He has done for us. It is therefore very needful, a critical and timely appointment in our walk with Him.
Present Relevance for Believers and Prophetic End-Time Implications of
Yom Teruah or the Day of Shouting.

The Shofar blasts prophetically, the summer months between the spring feast of Shavuot/Weeks/Pentecost, and the fall feast of Yom Teruah is a spiritual picture of what is often called the Church Age, which is the period of time from the Feast of Pentecost in Acts 2 until the return of Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah at the end of the age and lasting for approximately 2000 years.

For many, especially those living in a hotter climate, summer is a time of weariness and fatigue due to the excessive heat. In the same way, many believers have fallen asleep or are growing spiritually weary while waiting for the return of the Messiah.

Jesus/Yeshua discusses this issue in the Parable of the Ten Virgins Matt. 25, who all grew weary and fell asleep awaiting the coming of the Bridegroom Jesus/Yeshua.
This all changes on the first day of the seventh month of the biblical Hebrew calendar when off in the distance the sound of a shofar blast suddenly pierces the atmosphere and wakes up those who have fallen asleep. Not only does this blast on the shofar signal the beginning of the 7th month when the new crescent moon is sighted, but it announces the return of the Bridegroom Messiah Yeshua coming for His bride – the redeemed saints. As in the Parable, the cry went forth that the bridegroom was coming and all woke up to prepare for His arrival. In these end days, that cry is going forth even now for all to hear, to awake and to prepare for the arrival of Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah.

The ram’s horn shofar is bent into a curved shape and it represents the repentant humble hearts of both the one blowing and those hearing. This is the season for the righteous to get right with the Father and bend their hearts in humility before Him and shake ourselves out of spiritual lukewarmness and instead to wake up to spiritual action and preparation. The fall/autumn Appointed Times point to last days events that will occur at some point in time in the near future. It is a time to be refreshed by the breath of God, His Ruach HaKodesh, and to be aware of a time of new beginnings.

Let’s allow Him to breathe on us, to revive us and empower us as we enter into this prophetic season, and as every day we prepare ourselves so that when the moment comes for each of us, we are ready to meet our Savior, Lord, King and Redeemer, Messiah Jesus/Yeshua, in the air.
Yom Teruah also begins a season that prophetically speaks of war and battle, in ancient times in Israel, the shofar was a weapon of warfare, and in the last days it will be used again as such. It was used to call Israel to battle, to defeat her enemies with Gods’ help. The shofar was also used to proclaim victory after the battle was won and to worship our Heavenly Father who had given them the victory.

Israel’s fight against her enemies still continues on even in these end times. The enemies of the redeemed Israelites, us, are mostly spiritual, being the world, the flesh and the devil.

James 3:15; Ephesians 2:2–3.

The shofar’s blowing is a call to awaken out of spiritual sleep, lethargy, stagnation, slumber and to repent of sin. No man knows the day or the hour of the new moon’s arrival each month, although one who is alert can know the season, however the human tendency is to grow weary in waiting, and to grow slack in one’s obedience to Father’s commands. When the new moon is sighted and the shofar sounds, this is the signal for

the slumbering to awake,

for hope to arise,

renewal and spiritual revival to occur


action to be taken to put off sin

and to draw closer spiritually to our Heavenly Father.

The awakening sound of the shofar blast is the Hebrew word


Strong’s G8643, 

Lev. 23:24 and Num. 29:1

where the phrase “blowing of trumpets” is teruah,

Teruah means

the shout or blast of war, alarm, alarm of war,

war cry, signal, and sound of tempest.

Teruah derives from the Hebrew root word ruah meaning “alarm, signal, sound or blast of the shofar, to raise a shout.”

The name Yom Teruah could therefore have several literal meanings: 

the day of the shout,

the day of the war alarm or

the day of the shofar blast.

When we understand the significance of this day from a biblical understanding, we realize that Yom Teruah is a day of shouting with extreme joy or as a shriek in alarm, or a day of shofar blowing. As previously mentioned shofars were blown in biblical times to rally the people together, to alert the people in time of war, to warn the people, or as an instrument along with shouts to express the people’s joy, or to praise our Heavenly Father.
Yom Teruah prophetically involves all these concepts, for it is a day when His people will shout with joy as they gather to meet Jesus/Yeshua in the air after having been bodily resurrected at the sound of the last shofar blast, but it is also a time of alarm and shrieking on the part of the wicked, as a time of war and terror brought on by the judgments of our Father are about to come upon the earth.

Yom Teruah is a day of new beginnings or renewal, to wake up from lethargy and slumber, to be broken out of that sleepy, comfort zone state and to be awakened to action. Again, remember the ten virgins of Matthew 25 who slept in anticipation of the bridegroom’s arrival? When the shout went forth that he was coming they were all awakened. Some were prepared to go into the marriage supper of the bridegroom and some were not.

Are we awake…  and ready??

Our Bridegroom is Jesus/Yeshua….So keep looking up, our redemption draws very near!

Links to previous posts: 






Rosh Hashanah 2023, which begins the Jewish year 5784, starts just before sundown on Friday, Sept. 15, 2023, and ends after nightfall on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023. Believed to be the day Adam and Eve were created, it’s celebrated as the head of the Jewish year.

Shavua Tov, Have a blessed week.
Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.
It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.
You are very precious in His sight.
Not sure ..you can be…

don’t delay one more minute,
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.

Who Is Our Heavenly Father’s Friend?

We are familiar with Abraham being called

the father of faith and the

friend of our Heavenly Father.

The first mention of Abraham as

the friend of God 

is recorded in 2 Chronicles 20:7.

Art not thou our God, who didst drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel, and gavest it to the seed of Abraham thy friend for ever?

The visible and authentic trust that Abraham showed in the Lord by his actions, was rewarded by him becoming the friend of God. 2 Chronicles 2:7.

There is another reference in Isaiah 41:8.

But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.

Literally Isaiah 41:8 could be translated as 

Abraham, who loved Me.

Abraham showed his love for Adonai through his faith accompanied by obedience as seen in Genesis 12:1, 4; 15:6. 

In the New testament, James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God

James confirmed that Abraham was truly


It was Abraham’s faith that entitled him to be called


Moses was also called the friend of our Heavenly Father.

There was no one who had the same level of face to face intimacy with the Lord God that Moses had.

Exodus 33:11 So the LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. 

Exodus 33:11 
HEB: אִ֖ישׁ אֶל־ רֵעֵ֑הוּ וְשָׁב֙ אֶל־
NAS: speaks to his friend. When Moses returned
KJV: speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again
INT: A man to his friend returned to


7453 rea: friend, companion, fellow

Original Word: רֵעַ
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: rea
Phonetic Spelling: (ray’-ah)
Definition: friend, companion, fellow

There are several Hebrew words for friend.

Were Abraham and Moses the only two given that privileged relationship, or are there others?

We crave that type of intimacy in human companionship, longing to be cherished and treasured; but sometimes there is distance or disappointment that make human relationships less than that which our Father desires for us.

However, in His plan of the ages our Heavenly Father knows our needs and when He sent His Son to walk and live among us, it was not only to restore covenant relationship through His sacrificial death; but also to form a close and lasting friendship with us, one that will endure not only through this life but throughout eternity. By His life, death and resurrection, He enabled us to call Him Messiah, Savior, Deliverer, Redeemer and amongst many others, also His friend.

How do we know this?

Because in Messiahs own words in John 15:14 and 15

14You are My friends if you do what I command you. 15No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not understand what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you. 16You did not choose Me, but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will remain—so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.…

Amplified Bible
I do not call you servants any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you [My] friends, because I have revealed to you everything that I have heard from My Father.

He calls us friends if we are obedient!

You are my friends if you keep on doing what I command you.and he has told us everything He learned from His Father

and then says

16You did not choose Me, but I chose you. Meaning we were created to be His friends!

5384 philos: beloved, dear, friendly

Original Word: φίλος, η, ον
Part of Speech: Adjective; Indeclinable Numeral (Adjective)
Transliteration: philos
Phonetic Spelling: (fee’-los)
Definition: beloved, dear, friendly
Usage: friendly; subst: a friend, an associate.

John 15:14 Adj-NMP
GRK: ὑμεῖς φίλοι μού ἐστε
NAS:  You are My friends if you do
KJV: are my friends, if ye do
INT: You friends of me are

John 15:15 Adj-AMP
GRK: δὲ εἴρηκα φίλους ὅτι πάντα
NAS: but I have called you friends, for all things
KJV: you friends; for
INT: however I have called friends for all things

 In Hebrew, a friend is a male or female person. In the Bible, a male is referred to as a chaver, while a female is called a chaverah. Chevarim being the plural for friends.


We are familiar with calling Yeshua/Jesus our savior Messiah Lord Master King but can we say He is also our friend?

How do we see or consider Him?

How do we appear to other people in our relationship with Yeshua/Jesus?

Is He just a task master and we the obedient servant; or is the relationship something deeper?

Are there examples of this kind of loving friendship in His Word?

The book Song of Solomon is a representation of our relationship with the Father and even more it’s a picture of His heart and it is very important that we come to understand and know what His heart is towards us.

The picture expresses the kind of love that is not only overflowing, passionate and bubbling over, but also as being active. It’s a love that’s always doing something, and always looking for a way in which to express its depth and commitment.

In Song of Solomon 2:10 the shulamite calls Solomon

her dodi

she is saying that she is

completing him in love.

Here we must understand the Hebraic thought, which is, that love is not complete until it is shared… and this is a direct reference from Messiah Yeshua when He said

they will know that you are my disciples because of the love one to another.

Shared love is this way too and necessary if we are to enter the heart of God.

We are to say to Him that He is our beloved. There is no one else but you. Not parents, siblings, children, grand or great grand, etc. Yeshua/Jesus said

these are my family those who do the will of my father.. Matthew 12:50.

Everyone who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive one hundred times, and will inherit eternal life. Matthew 19:29

Nothing and no one is to come between Him and ourselves…

Beloved is also transalated as dodi.

Dodi comes from a semitic root that means to boil and its also a word used for love; but not feelings, or a surface love ..it is the real unconditional love.

Unless we can call Him beloved/dodi do we have any right to enter in to His heart, to that deep and intimate relationship?

yadid: beloved 3039

Original Word: יְדִיד
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: yadid
Phonetic Spelling: (yed-eed’)
Definition: beloved

Psalm 127:2 
HEB: כֵּ֤ן יִתֵּ֖ן לִֽידִיד֣וֹ שֵׁנָֽא׃
NAS: For He gives to His beloved [even in his] sleep.
KJV: [for] so he giveth his beloved sleep.
INT: after that gives to his beloved sleep

Song of Solomon 2:10

The word yadiyad is made up from the word yad which is hand in Hebrew; and it’s repeated, making it to say or read

yadiyad or hand in hand.

Parents, mothers and children, siblings, friends and couples often

walk hand in hand.

It declares to whoever sees them that they share a special relationship.

Is this what people see of our relationship with Our Heavenly Father/Messiah, one of beloved friends walking hand in hand, side by side?   Sometimes one in the lead pulling the other along and sometimes in the rear holding the other back?

There is an ancient belief in Hebrew culture that the heart was in the palm of the right hand and that when two people joined their right hands it was symbolic of sharing each others hearts.

It was the part of the body that does the most important functions for other people, and why we say, can I lend you or give you a hand?

Rather than a foot which hasn’t the same ability to assist someone!

We offer a helping hand or arms and hand to support another; and the ancient belief was maybe more of an indication that they realized a persons hand was the most usual outward expression of their heart, love and compassion.

It may bear a reference to the scripture God writing us on the palm of His hand, as they would have understood the deeper meaning with the ancient thinking of heart in hand names are written in His heart!? Isaiah 49:16

The modern Hebrew expression meaning

friend is yadiyad

literally hand in hand

Here in Genesis 28:16

Yod Daleth Vav Yod Daleth

yad i yad / yad v yad

with a v not an is the same in Hebrew.

The word for knew here is yada and means more than just knowing. It’s a reference to the intimacy of a married couples relationship. As in Adam knew his wife and she conceived.

Yada is also constructed from the word Yad/hand and the same word from which the name David comes, as well as the word yadiyad.

People used to shake hands and it would be a mutual agreement or form of contract between them, saying lets shake on it. It’s obvious that a handshake held much more significance than it does today. Another reason the right hand was offered as a greeting, was to show the other party you did not have a weapon in your right hand.

It is a common custom now to offer our hand when we are introduced to someone for the first time; and it can indicate that in meeting them, there’s an initial action to sharing a future relationship either business, casual or friendship.

In days past the handshake had more meaning than a casual relationship; they believed that:

by taking someones hand and particularly the right hand, you were sharing each others heart.

This action has a much greater meaning, more than just help me out of this situation I’m in but – take my heart and let me take yours.

The ancient thought behind it is that of:

sitting at the right hand of our Heavenly Father.

It was a metaphor, an idiom, meaning:

sharing the Father’s heart.

yad: hand

Original Word: יָד
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: yad
Phonetic Spelling: (yawd)
Definition: hand

Recall Hebrew letters also have a numerical value:


Yod Daleth

The letters in the word Hand YD,

without the vowel letter a:

yod = 10 dalet = 4 = 14

2 hands joined =28

There is another word in Hebrew with the value of 28 which is: kocha

which means: great strength

כֹּחַ and Daniel 11:6

כּחַ  noun masculine

Deut. 4:37 strength, power (Late Hebrew id.);

The rabbis/teachers, say that when 2 words have equal numerical value, there is a connection that we should take note of. In this instance the two words with the value 28 could refer to:

two hands joined together is great strength!

Or in other words:

A friendship from which one can draw great strength.

This is what Messiah Yeshua/Jesus wants for us,

we are to draw great strength from

our yadiyad with Him

when He said:

I no longer call you servants but friends.

How is our relationship with Yeshua/Jesus?

Is He our yadiyad, our beloved friend?

Are we truly walking with Him hand in hand/ heart in heart..?

In the following verse He is calling us to come:

In the phrase in Song of Solomon:

come away with me

in the Hebrew text there is a lamed (a letter L), before the pronoun Me.

In the Hebrew language, when used as a preposition as it is here, the lamed is usually translated as TO or UNTO so it would read God is simply saying

Come to Me

He is calling us today…

come to me.

And just as the Father in the parable of the prodigal son, who ran to meet him. As we turn/teshuvah, and come to our Heavenly Father through Jesus/Yeshua, He will meet us, coming towards us… then we can become His friend.

Yes, we can be His servant, we can be present at all the meetings and be on time, and we can listen closely to His instructions and obey them. We can be loved by our Heavenly Father, but do we want to be yadiyad, hand in hand with Him?

We can be serving the Lord so much that we fail to realize that He is reaching His hand/His yad out to us. With the concept we just looked at, He needs another hand to complete the word Yadiyad – to be hand in hand.

He may be our Master, our King, our Savior but He wants to be more than that. He wants to be our  friend, our Yadiyad, His hand in ours, His heart joined with our hearts and always to be and remain our Yadiyad: beloved friend.

Even more special is the fact that the relationship with our Heavenly Father can always be that of “beloved friendbecause He always keeps His promises and longs to establish the relationship Yeshua/Jesus died for us to have.

We were made for God.

Song of Solomon 7:11

In the original Hebrew, the Shulamite woman is saying she is

for or to her beloved; 

and if it follows that this is a picture of our relationship with God, then we were made for God.  

God created us for Himself.  

He created us just for Himself, for His pleasure.  

The first purpose for our existence is that we were created to bring pleasure to our Heavenly Father. 

Revelation 4:11 KJVS Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. He made you so that He COULD ENJOY YOU, both in this world and eternally in heaven

 Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Sometimes we get so focused on fulfilling our own pleasure, we never stop to think that our main purpose and function in life is to bring pleasure to the Lord. 

We are created to bring glory to Him, to honor Him, to praise His glorious name, to thank Him for His abundance in our life and to praise Him for His abundant grace,

“everyone who is called by my name, whom I have created for my glory, whom I formed and made. Isaiah 43:7

This is the very purpose of man – to glorify God in every way.

Ps100:3 says “Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his;”

The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear, reverently respect God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Eccles. 12:13

 He is really the only one we need to please, and He is the easiest person to please; because He designed created and equipped us to bring pleasure to Him.  

Maybe some of us are not good looking or talented, but if He created us that way, then whatever we look like or are able to do, when we do our best it will always bring Him pleasure.  We may feel we have no talent, but there is something about us that our father designed to bring pleasure to Him ,and if we ask Him He will show us what that is.

He is our beloved 


His desire is toward us.  

The most usual way to make contact with someone or something, is to reach out and touch with your hand. A touch of the hand is a universally understood sign of affection; however it can also be done in an aggressive move. In legal terms it’s the difference between assault and showing affection. It is also a way to express your desire for a deeper relationship.    

We are His beloved and He is our beloved. 

Are we ready to be His friend?

Are we ready to reach out and take the hand being offered to us?

Yes, there are more than just Abraham and Moses who are friends of our Heavenly Fathe; all HIs disciples were and as such then so are we.

Decide today to be yadiyad – hand in hand, heart in heart with Him, our beloved friend!

 Proverbs 18:24

A man who has friends [ a]must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

He is our Yadiyad, let’s always walk side by side and hand in hand with Him.


Shalom aleikhem
chaverim and mishpachah!
Peace to friends and family.
Shavua Tov, Have a blessed week.
Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.
It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.
You are very precious in His sight.
Not sure ..you can be…
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.


Crusts and Crumbs: Some Kool and Freaky Things.

Many times we skip over words or phrases because we don’t know what is meant and there is no explanation because to those writing, reading or listening; it was commonly understood without a need for explanation.

Here are a few insights into foods of Middle Eastern culture as related to scripture.

In Genesis 25:29-34 we read of Esau giving his birthright for a mess of pottage.

29 And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he was faint: 30 And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom. 31 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. 32 And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? 33 And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. 34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.

We have here the bargain made between Jacob and Esau about the birthright, which was Esau’s by birth, but Jacob’s by promise. It was for a spiritual privilege; and we see Jacob’s desire of the birth-right and he saw his opportunity when his brother desired what he had.

What exactly is pottage?

nā·zîḏ  נָזִ֑יד

Genesis 25:29
HEB: וַיָּ֥זֶד יַעֲקֹ֖ב נָזִ֑יד וַיָּבֹ֥א עֵשָׂ֛ו
NAS: When Jacob had cooked stew, Esau came
KJV: And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came
INT: had cooked Jacob stew came Esau

Pottage is a very common dish in the Middle East and the people call it


It is much like gruel or hummus and is made of various kinds of grains, which have been beaten in a paste. The red pottage is made of kurakan and other grains, and it was for this that Esau sold his birthright!

Other common uses of the term were for example: When land was sold for an insignificant sum, other people would comment, the man sold his land for pottage. If parents gave their daughter in marriage to man of lower standing in the community people may say, they have given her for pottage. If an intelligent individual acted in a manner less than what was expected of him, it may be said of him: He has fallen into the pottage-pot.

Wheat and Tares

“While Men Slept, the Enemy Sowed Tares”

Matthew 13:25.

“Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.”

wheat  וְחִטִּ֥ים

chittah: wheat

Strong’s Hebrew: 2406.

חִטִּים (chittah) — wheat

Original Word: חִטָּה
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: chittah
Phonetic Spelling: (khit-taw’)
Definition: wheat

Strong’s Hebrew: 2591. חִנְטִין (chinta’) — wheat

Original Word: חִנְטָא
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: chinta’
Phonetic Spelling: (khint-taw’)
Definition: wheat

2 Samuel 17:28
HEB: וּכְלִ֣י יוֹצֵ֔ר וְחִטִּ֥ים וּשְׂעֹרִ֖ים וְקֶ֣מַח
NAS: basins, pottery, wheat, barley, flour,
KJV: vessels, and wheat, and barley,
INT: pottery and earthen wheat barley flour

The tare or darnel grows plentifully all over the Middle East, and is a huge problem to farmers. The grain is small and is lies along the upper part of the stalk, which stands perfectly erect.

The taste of the grain is bitter and if mixed with wheat in bread causes dizziness, and often acts as a violent emetic.

An emetic is a medicine or potion that makes you vomit, which you might be given if you’ve taken poison or some other harmful substance.

It is a poison and must be carefully winnowed and picked out of the wheat or the flour is not fit for food. The tares can hardly be distinguished from the wheat until the heads appear at harvest time, — even the farmer cannot tell them apart.

As harvest approaches the wheat grows heavy and bends over more and more, but the tares or darnel are so light-headed they stand very straight. This is the opposite of wheat which bows over gracefully, indicative of the humility of the believer in the presence of the Lord; whereas the tares stand up with heads held high in a posture of pride and arrogance. Tares are bitter and cause dizziness and are poisonous so this is a clear picture showing the traits of those who are not true believers.

Greek 2215. zizanion — zizanium (a kind of darnel resembling wheat)
zizanium (a kind of darnel resembling wheat). Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: zizanion Phonetic Spelling: (dziz-an’-ee-on) Short Definition

Darnel (9 Occurrences)
(n.) Any grass of the genus Lolium, esp. the Lolium temulentum (bearded darnel),
the grains of which have been reputed poisonous. Darnel

At harvest time the farmer cuts the heads off the tares and puts them in a pile until he has harvested the wheat; then the tares are burned. Notice the order, the tares are gathered first!

Bread lechem לֶ֣חֶם

Strongs# 3899

lechem: bread, food

Original Word: לֶחֶם
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: lechem
Phonetic Spelling: (lekh’-em)
Definition: bread, food

John 6:35 I am the bread of life

.lechem ha-chayim לֶחֶם הַחַיִּים the Bread of Life

Messiah often referred to Himself as the Bread of Life and these words were full of meaning to the crowds who were listening to Him.

In those days, bread was the staple of their diet being their main food. Back then it was not unusual for someone to stop and pick up a bit of bread that had fallen in the road, they would touch their forehead with it as a token of respect, and carefully place it in a small crack of a wall or a nearby rock, so that it would not be trodden on by other feet walking by. Local bread is normally a round, flat cake, about a quarter of an inch to an inch thick.

Leavened bread wasn’t common among country folk. Women cook the fresh bread for each meal and the oven is often just a small, slightly convex sheet of iron; placed on three stones with a fire underneath.

A very thin, large piece of unleavened dough is placed on the oven and when it’s cooked, it is similar to a huge pancake or tortilla.

Sarah baked her bread on hot stones on the hearth in her tent, having built a fire in a hole in the floor of her tent and filled the hole with small stones, then the bread was placed on the hot pebbles.

What is a Parched Pulse?

In Hebrew the word for parched is

קָלִי qali

qâlîy kaw-lee

or קָלִיא qâlîy

from H7033   קָלָה

roasted ears of grain:—parched corn

2Samuel 17:28

The word pulse is found in Daniel 1:12, 16.


Daniel 1:12 
HEB: לָ֜נוּ מִן־ הַזֵּרֹעִ֛ים וְנֹאכְלָ֖ה וּמַ֥יִם

KJV: and let them give us pulse to eat,

This is found in abundance in the Middle east and is very popular. Pulse looks something like very large peas and when the whole plant has been roasted, it’s sold in small bunches on the street.

Filled with concentrated nutrients, it enables Bedouin travellers to go for a several days’ journey with only a handful of pulse for food.

When King David fled from Absalom to Mahanaim, the people gave him as a present,


“parched corn, beans, lentils, and parched pulse”

2 Samuel 17:28.

2 Samuel 17:28
HEB: וּשְׂעֹרִ֖ים וְקֶ֣מַח וְקָלִ֑י וּפ֥וֹל וַעֲדָשִׁ֖ים
NAS: flour, parched [grain], beans,
KJV: and flour, and parched [corn], and beans,
INT: barley flour parched beans lentils

7039 qali: parched (grain)

Original Word: קָלִי
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: qali
Phonetic Spelling: (kaw-lee’)
Definition: parched (grain)

Word Origin
from qalah
parched (grain)
NASB Translation
parched (2), roasted grain (4).

Daniel 1:12 says, “Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink.”.

הַזֵּרֹעִ֛ים pulses hazzeroim

Daniel 1:12
HEB: לָ֜נוּ מִן־ הַזֵּרֹעִ֛ים וְנֹאכְלָ֖ה וּמַ֥יִם
NAS: some vegetables to eat
KJV: and let them give us pulse to eat,

 Ruth gleaning for parching?

“Then said Boaz unto his servant that was set over the reapers, Whose damsel is this?

Ruth 2:5.

This could easily be seen even today by the country people of Bethlehem.

The greetings are the same between the owner and his servants, “The Lord be with you” is merely the “Allah m’akum,” heard every day, and the reply, “The Lord bless thee.”

Some of the workers had a tendency to be rude towards defenseless women, this is why Boaz commanded them to treat Ruth with respect. The reapers came from all parts of the country, and largely from the lower class and because they were far from home they threw off all restraint and often behaved badly.

The meals too, are very much the same today; the dipping of the morsel in vinegar, and the parched corn. This parched corn is not like corn or maize in the west, it is more like wheat or barley. They pluck a small bunch with the stalks attached, and tie them into small bundles, the corn heads are held in a blazing fire until the chaff is burned away. After roasting, the kernels are rubbed out in the hand and eaten. This was a very popular food and the gathering of this corn for parching was never considered stealing.

Parched corn is often referred to in scripture. It was not unusual to see people pluck off some corn, rub the heads in their hands, and eat the grains unroasted, as they passed by the wheat fields, just as the apostles did.

Ruth 2:14;

קָלִיא. qali

parched (grain)

Original Word: קָלִי
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: qali
Phonetic Spelling: (kaw-lee’)
Definition: parched (grain)

Ruth 2:14
HEB: וַיִּצְבָּט־ לָ֣הּ קָלִ֔י וַתֹּ֥אכַל וַתִּשְׂבַּ֖ע
NAS: and he served her roasted grain, and she ate
KJV: and he reached her parched [corn], and she did eat,

2 Samuel 17:28
HEB: וּשְׂעֹרִ֖ים וְקֶ֣מַח וְקָלִ֑י וּפ֥וֹל וַעֲדָשִׁ֖ים
NAS: flour, parched [grain], beans,
KJV: and flour, and parched [corn], and beans,
INT: barley flour parched beans lentils

7039 qali: parched (grain)

Original Word: קָלִי
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: qali
Phonetic Spelling: (kaw-lee’)
Definition: parched (grain)

Leviticus 23:14
HEB: וְלֶחֶם֩ וְקָלִ֨י וְכַרְמֶ֜ל לֹ֣א
NAS: nor roasted grain nor
KJV: neither bread, nor parched corn, nor green ears,
INT: bread roasted new neither

lentils וַעֲדָשִׁ֖ים

2 Samuel 17:28
HEB: וְקָלִ֑י וּפ֥וֹל וַעֲדָשִׁ֖ים וְקָלִֽי׃
NAS: [grain], beans, lentils, parched
KJV: [corn], and beans, and lentiles, and parched
INT: parched beans lentils parched

5742 adashah: a lentil

Original Word: עָדָשׁ
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: adashah
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-dawsh’)
Definition: a lentil

In the summer the owners often sleep on threshing floors, just as Boaz was doing when Ruth came to him. It was understood that a woman should not sleep on these floors, and to do so would give the same bad impression which Boaz was concerned about, yet it was not unusual for the whole family to camp on the threshing-floor to protect the crop until the harvest was over.

Boaz knew Ruths character and that she was guided in her actions by her mother-in-law, who taught her that she had a right to Boaz for her husband, and that the law of God said she could not marry anyone else. Boaz says to Ruth,

“When thou art athirst, go unto the vessels and drink, .. . At meal time . . . eat of the bread, and dip thy morsel in the vinegar . . . and he reached her parched corn, and she did eat.”

A common sight in Israel is that water is always available in large jars. Local people are mostly satisfied with bread, a few olives or an onion. At harvest time they eat a better meal. This consisted of tomatoes, cut up with oil to dip and moisten their bread morsel in, or leban, which is a sour, clabbered milk.

Clabber is a type of soured milk. It is produced by allowing unpasteurized milk to turn sour (ferment) at a specific humidity and temperature. Over time, the milk thickens or curdles into a yogurt -like consistency with a strong, sour flavor. We would call it kefir or yogurt.

Folks sit on the ground around a common bowl and dip in. During barley harvest the wheat is still in the milk, and


(meaning rubbed wheat),

is made extensively.

This freaky

is the parched corn of the scriptures, and in Hebrew:

qali  קָלִיא Strongs # 7039

The green wheat is cut and mixed with a pile of dry barley straw, which when set on fire, is hot enough to roast the green wheat. The ears of wheat are then rubbed together in their hands to winnow out the dross.

Even today some reapers still make parched corn a part of their meal. It has for centuries been a very common sight to see travelers stopping along the road, to cut a handful of wheat from someone’s field, and making a little parched corn for a meal, or even just rubbing out the green ears in the hand to eat the soft kernels.

Deuteronomy 23:25: “When thou comest to the standing corn of thy neighbor, then thou mayest pluck the ears with thine hand, but thou mayest not move a sickle in thy neighbor’s standing corn.”

“Messiah went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungered, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat.”

It was a common practice and not a crime; the Pharisees were simply finding something to complain about His disciples.


2132 zayith: olive tree, olive

Original Word: זַיִת
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: zayith
Phonetic Spelling: (zay’-yith)
Definition: olive tree, olive



“They Shall Still Bring Forth Fruit in Old Age;

They Shall Be Fat and Flourishing”

Psalm 92:14.

The olive tree, mentioned some 40 times in the Old Testament, is one of the very first trees named in the Bible.

An olive leaf was brought to Noah’s ark in Genesis 8:11.

The olive is the most common cultivated tree in Israel, producing abundant fruit and oil. One tree often gives from 10 to 15 gallons of oil.

Olives and bread constitute a large part of the food and Olive oil was and is today used very much for lighting. In the tabernacle service, besides being used for light, it was also one of the ingredients of the “Holy anointing oil” as noted in Exodus 25:6; 30:24.

shemen: fat, oil

Original Word: שֶׁמֶן
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: shemen
Phonetic Spelling: (sheh’-men)
Definition: fat, oil

Exodus 27:20
HEB: וְיִקְח֨וּ אֵלֶ֜יךָ שֶׁ֣מֶן זַ֥יִת זָ֛ךְ
NAS: you clear oil of beaten
KJV: thee pure oil olive
INT: bring about oil olives clear

Olive oil was used in treating wounds, Luke 10:34. It was used for the head, Psalm 23:5, as an act of courtesy in Luke 7:46; as well as to anoint priests, kings, and prophets for service.

Leviticus 8:12; I Samuel 16:13; I Kings 19:16.

Many references in Leviticus show how much use was made of oil in connection with offerings.

Leviticus 8:2
HEB: הַבְּגָדִ֔ים וְאֵ֖ת שֶׁ֣מֶן הַמִּשְׁחָ֑ה וְאֵ֣ת ׀
NAS: and the anointing oil and the bull
KJV: and the anointing oil, and a bullock
INT: for and the garments oil and the anointing and the bull

The olive tree has small white flowers in May, Job 15:33..

The fruit is gathered by beating Deuteronomy 24:20.

Or shaking the tree Isaiah 17:6.

An olive tree grows slowly, very often lives to a very, very great age, and bears fruit till the last, even when the trunk is nothing but a shell. Some of the olive trees in Gethsemane are believed to be approx.. 2000 years old.

“The righteous shall still bring forth fruit in old age.”

Hyssop  בְאֵז֣וֹב  zufa

Psalm 51:7

ezob: hyssop

Original Word: אֵזוֹב
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: ezob
Phonetic Spelling: (ay-zobe’)
Definition: hyssop

Purge me with hyssop

(with zufa as in the original)

and I shall be clean wash me  And I shall be whiter than snow.

Zufa: Aromatic herbs and spices contain essential oils and are recognized by their considerable antimicrobial activity. One of the natural mouthwashes in traditional Iranian medicine is Zufa.

Zufa or Hyssop is a famous medicinal herb that is also a member of the mint plantfamily. It is closely related to plants like rosemary.Its smell is very pleasant, and taste is spicy with astringency and a bitter end [3]. About its habitat,Zoufa has grown in ancient Rome [5], Jerusalem and Cairo and Iran

Hyssop is used as a spice and also for its medicinal oil. But to the prophets it represented meekness and modesty.

They contrasted the hyssop with the cedars of Lebanon, the symbol of exaltation and pride. 2Kings 14:9

Hyssop is a very effectual purge for internal cleansing and zufa is also a potent bleach for external cleansing.

So now when we read the Psalm, Purge me with Hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me with zufa and I shall be whiter then snow; we will have a clearer picture that

we are to be cleansed both inside and out.

The Blood of the sacrificial lamb was applied to the doorposts and the lintel with Hyssop before the Passover.

Spiritually let us apply the Blood of Messiah with hyssop/ zufa.

Now we know

what is kool

and freaky!

Everything in the Word of God has a deeper meaning than just surface reading and we are encouraged to dig deeper for that treasure, those pearls of great price.

שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם‎,

Shalom aleikhem

chaverim and mishpachah!

Peace to friends and family.

Shavua Tov, Have a blessed week.

Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are very precious in His sight.

Not sure ..you can be…



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.

It’s Time To Turn

Time to turn away

from everything that is distracting us –

towards Our Heavenly Father/Messiah.

In Hebrew culture, the time to turn, is designated to the appointed season of Teshuvah in the annual cyclical calendar. For believers in Yeshua/Jesus our Messiah, it is an ongoing daily attitude of heart and mind, so that we can walk as His disciples.

In Luke 22:31 the adversary demanded to have you people for himself to sift you like wheat….But I prayed for you Simon Peter that your trust might not fail.

When Jesus/Yeshua spoke of little or faith that might fail, He was referring to faith that was immature and needing further experience to grow by tests and trials; just as our faith grows and matures with every test and trial we go through.

Messiah continued…And once you have TURNED back in repentance strengthen your brothers.. Teshuvah turning..

Strong’s Hebrew: 8666.

תְּשׁוּבַת (teshubah) — a return, answer

תְּשׁוּבַת (teshubah) tchuvä;


Recall the hebrew letters b and v bet/vet בַ

are the same.

In the Hebrew mindset, Turning is not Conversion but repentance.

It is the ability to turn back to Him and seek healing for our brokenness.

Psalm 51 is sometimes called “Perek Teshuvah

the great chapter of repentance

which includes the well known scripture:

Create in me a clean heart …..


Teshuvah is better translated as “return” and signifies:

a return to the original state,

and there we will have our ‘answer’, the place of restored relationship and peace, true shalom.

Teshuvah has 3 parts:

first, the regret of our sins,

secondly, the decision to change,

and third, a verbal confession of our sins.

We could also say there are the 4 R’s of Repentance:

Recognize: what we are doing wrong

Regret: with godly sorrow

Resolve: to change and do better in the future

Refrain: from exposing ourselves to things and people where there is temptation.

In truth, whenever we sin, we should immediately do Teshuvah;

to turn from evil, and to turn to the good.

2Cor. 7:10 godly sorrow worketh repentance For the sadness that is used by God brings a change of heart that leads to salvation–and there is no regret in that! But sadness that is merely human causes death

Acts 3:19-21 19 Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from

 the presence of the Lord,

After repentance

sins are blotted out


times of refreshing come.

and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

The season of Teshuvah is the month of Elul,

the 6th month of the Hebrew spiritual Calendar.

This is the equivalent of the months of August /September for the Gregorian calendar months and are observed over a period of 40 days.

August 26th is Elul 9, Elul is the 12th and final month in the Jewish civil calendar, or the 6th month, from nisan. (Recall Israel has 2 calendars Civil and Religious. These are covered in previous posts).

Elul 1 5783 began on August 18th 2023

Rosh Hashannah is on September 16th this year.

It is a month that connects the past year with the coming year..

Elul ( אֱלוּל)

Elul is traditionally a time of introspection and a time to review one’s deeds and spiritual progress over the past year.

This month is set aside for Teshuvah/Repentance in anticipation of the Fall Appointed Times/Feasts. The month of Elul is a time to prepare for Yamim Nora’im, The Days of Awe by getting our spiritual House in order.

This is a time to look into our hearts and ask the Ruach HaKodesh to search them and reveal any hidden sins, resentments, forgiveness, pride, anger, bitterness etc. and to repent, make Teshuvah and work at walking according to the Spirit and not the flesh.

For Messianic Believers in Yeshua/Jesus we look back and rejoice over our past redemption and deliverance during the Spring Appointed Times /mooedim/ Feasts of Messiah, With the Fall Appointed Times /mooedim /Feasts we look forward to our future deliverance and exodus from this earthly realm and to the return of our King. This is a time that we prepare ourselves as His Bride and make sure we are ready to hear the Sound of the Shofar! For the trump will sound.

Link below for more on the Appointed Times/feasts of the Lord


Notably the last 10 Days of this season of Teshuvah come between Rosh Hashanah and leading to Yom Kippur are specifically designated for Teshuvah, when in Hebraic tradition the gates of prayer and repentance are said to be more open than at any other time during the cyclical Hebrew year.

For messianic believers, Yeshua/Jesus is our sacrificial lamb. He has paid the price for our sin and as we have repented/teshuvah/ turned to Him; we have forgiveness of sin and are restored to a relationship with our Heavenly Father.

We do not have to wait a whole year to be forgiven because of Yeshua/Jesus we can repent immediately we sin, trusting in the power of His shed blood to not only cover our sins, but erase them. Then we are forgiven and the broken fellowship, the separation because of sin is restored.

Strong’s H8666

teshuvah; an abstract concept meaning,

“returning;” from 

Strong’s H7725

 שוב shuv,

a primitive root meaning,

“to return.”

The 3-letter root is:

shin + vav + bet.

shin ש =

two front teeth, sharp, press, eat, two, again.

vav ו =

the tent peg, add, secure, hook.

bet ב =

the house, household,

family, in, within

To put these together we have:

Again (shin) secure oneself (vav) to the house (bet). The house we have left, (like the prodigal son), to which our Heavenly Father returns us, is His house, because Genesis, His story, began with the Father, a beautiful garden, and the two children He had made to dwell with Him forever, to be a part of His household. His story will eventually be complete…full circle!

Shuv is the root of teshuvah, “repentance.” The term most often used to describe this restoration in the New Testament, is salvation or justification.

The abstract concept of teshuvah is used sparingly in the Hebrew scriptures; most English translations of repentance and restoration are of the verb, shuv.

Here it refers to Simon Peter / shimon kefa, RETURNING to unshakable trust after denying Him three times.

John 21:15 – 17 strengthen your brothers,

which he effectively did/ fulfilled in the early messianic community. Acts 1-15

This is what we are also called to do after we stumble into sin – once we have TURNED back in repentance and are restored and refreshed we are to strengthen our sisters and brothers..

Sifting exposes weaknesses that need to be, and can be strengthened by the infilling of His Spirit Acts 2:14 Peter stood up and said let me tell you what this means

and later in verse 41, 3000 were added.

Sifting is part of the process our Heavenly Father uses and applies to our lives. Then the weaknesses that surface and are exposed can be dealt with accordingly; salvation includes freedom, deliverance from all bondage.

Messiah prayed for Peter by name because He knew him and his previous stumblings.

In the same way He knows each of us our strengths and weaknesses. However just as with Peter and the talmidim/ disciples, He does not leave us in our weaknesses.

In the last three posts we have looked at His Spirit of Holiness. Ruach haKodesh, and His role in our lives. Peter was filled with that same spirit, a holy boldness spoke through him, he was never the same again.

The same can happen for us also, however we must be willing to surrender all, holding nothing back. If we have been saved for many years and feel a dryness in our walk and relationship with Him…

then it’s probably time to teshuvah –

to return to our first love ….

Click link below for more:


The Lord had breathed on them in John 20:22, and it would seem that was the point of their being born again from above.

And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Spirit: Aramaic Bible in Plain English. 

This would mean that this infilling of His spirit was a separate occasion, different from the salvation moment and different from water immersion.

Paul also found this to be true in Acts 19:22

There he found some disciples 2 and asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They answered, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”  3“Into what, then, were you baptized?” Paul asked. “The baptism of John,” they replied.…

…46For they heard them speaking in tongues and exalting God. Then Peter said,

Acts 10:47 Can anyone forbid these people from being baptized with water? They have received the Holy Spirit just like us.”

 So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 2:38.

Is it possible that a lack of true heartfelt repentance is a spiritual block to receiving the fullness of His spirit?

According to scripture,

Repentance is a commandment and

only the obedient receive His spiritual gifts?!

And if we love Him we will obey what He asks of us?

So much of what our Father wants to accomplish in our lives is prevented by us; we are a stumbling block to ourselves, it is not our Father Who is withholding from us, it’s our self centered disobedience!

Acts 11:17
So if God gave them the same gift He gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to hinder the work of God?”

Acts 15:8
And God, who knows the heart, showed His approval by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as He did to us.

In Matthew 3:11 John declared two separate immersions or baptisms – one out ward cleansing the other inward cleansing

 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

Here is a question for every reader to consider and ponder.

Have we ever come to the point in our lives where we can say the words from this verse..

I indeed …but He?

Until that moment comes we will never know what the baptism/infilling of His Holy Spirit means.

I indeed am at the end of myself and I cannot do anything more.

We have been struggling trying to walk a spiritual walk with only physical carnal tools, abilities and weapons; and we simply get worn out because it has been in our own strength.

We indeed are out of options, our energies and resources are completely spent, leaving us exhausted and feeling like we should just give up.

But He begins right there at that point of complete lack.

He does the things that no one else can ever do.

Are we really, truly, honestly, prepared for His coming?

When Jonah/Yona/Dove, preached in Nineveh they made a choice…and repented before judgment came upon them, a sign Messiah referred to..

We know He is coming again but He is also coming first in a personal way to each individual. He cannot come and do His work in and through us as long as there is anything blocking the way, whether it is something good or something bad.

When Messiah comes to us, are we prepared for Him to expose every wrong thing we have ever done into the light?

Because that is exactly where He comes and wherever we know we are unclean and need to repent, is exactly the place where He will stand and highlight the need and wherever we are clean, where we have dealt with that sin that hinders our relationship with Him He will walk away; expecting us to follow Him.

The sifting is in process in our lives and like Peter, there is the option of repentance, of turning.

Repentance does not produce a sense of sin, it produces in us a sense of unworthiness that words cannot express. It is not just an emotional feeling of being sorry for doing something and then turning around and continuing to do it again and again.

Derived from the Greek word METANOIA it means:

to have a complete change of mind; and to have a renewed mind in Yeshua HaMashiach /Jesus Christ. It means to forsake the old way of thinking, living and doing and to humbly seek our Heavenly Fathers will for our lives.

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good, and acceptable and perfect, will of God.

When we find that true repentance, we realize that we are absolutely helpless and that like John, we are not worthy even to carry His sandals.

Have we ever repented like that, or do we have lingering thoughts of trying to defend our actions?

Perhaps the reason our Fathers Holy Spirit is restricted from coming into our lives in fullness, is that we have not come to the point of complete repentance in true humility.

In verse 11 he will baptize you….. John is not speaking here of the baptism of Holy Spirit as an experience, but as a work performed by Messiah Yeshua/Jesus .. He will baptize you.

The only experience that those who are baptized with His Holy Spirit are ever conscious of, is the experience of being aware of their absolute unworthiness, of how truly dependent we are on His mercy, grace and forgiveness.

I INDEED was us in the past, BUT HE came and something miraculous happened. We must get to the end of our ourselves, where we can do nothing but He does everything. It feels like a point of complete helplessness and it is because…. without Him we have nothing and we are in big trouble when we think we don’t need Him. He looks for our complete and total surrender, not just our acceptance of His offer of salvation and belief in Him.

Have we surrendered all?

Is there any part of us that we are withholding from our Heavenly Father?

Is there any area of our lives that we still want to be in control?

Today is the day to make certain and to allow the sifting process to complete its objective, then we can turn like Peter did and strengthen those Father puts in our path.

True repentance leads to complete surrender, then we, as the prepared vessels can be filled with His Spirit of holiness.

Christ in us, not only the hope of future glory, but present power to accomplish His will, plan and purpose and for His good pleasure. Let us be sure, certain, that we do not miss the day of our visitation. Let us grab it with both hands. We are only promised today so let’s surrender all to the only One who surrendered all for us. We don’t know the day nor the hour He is coming back for His Bride; a body of believers who are ready, without spot and wrinkle on their robes of righteousness.

The season, the time of Teshuvah is constant for the messianic believer; we are to be those wise bridesmaids with our lamps filled with oil/spirit of holiness. It’s a wake up call to all of us to be ready spiritually, prepared mentally with the mind of Christ; focused and not sleeping, looking for His return. Every day believers leave this world behind – one day it will be our turn.

The same cry that John called out is echoing through the ages into our hearing…repent for the kingdom of the heavens is near

…its the same cry that Messiah preached in Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

We cannot be saved without true repentance, being sorry is not enough. Acts 17 warns us… it’s a command, not an option; and when Messiah said it 2000+ years ago, how much closer are we today?

Time as we know it will soon run out,

we need to hear truth not ear tickling, comfortable messages from our pulpits; because only truth will make us free. We must have ears to hear, because only the truth we hear and apply will change us into vessels He can use….

There is a timely warning for us all to wake up in

A basic part of focusing on teshuvah is Who our Father is; and we can see that in the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy that were revealed to Moses after the sin of the golden calf in Ex. 34:6-7:

Link below to the Thirteen Attributes


Our Heavenly Father’s great compassion, in Hebrew His rachamim, is for us to make it to the end, to endure and mature and grow in grace and faith; so that once we return to Him we are to strengthen our fellow believers. Because everyone goes through the refining fires, the times of sifting and separating. This is the work of His Spirit of Holiness in us as we saw last post.

Again everything is connected, we cannot compartmentalize His working in our lives, nor can we say we don’t need this part or that part. We cannot choose His method or the instruments of His preparation for our promotion. Listen to what the Ruach HaKodesh is saying to us and showing us, as we submit ourselves more and more to His Way, His Truth and His Will for our lives.

Do we as Believers in the Messiah need to Repent, to do Teshuvah?

What does the Word say?

Read again His message to the 7 Assemblies/Synagogues in Revelation and we will see correction from our Messiah and His warnings to repent. Revelation 2-4

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Revelation 3:19


Prophets like Jeremiah and Joel were calling the people to return to the Lord:

They said, ‘Repent now everyone of his evil way and his evil doings, and dwell in the land that the LORD has given to you and your fathers forever and ever. Jer. 25:5

Joel 2:12-13 AMPC Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and keep on coming to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning [until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored].

The verb ישׁוּב, turn oneself, turn about, is here used in a double sense: first, as turn away from one; and then turn towards him, return again. 

In the new Testament in Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. 

This season also reminds us of Esther and her willingness to prepare herself before coming into the Kings presence so she could approach him and ask for mercy for her people. This is a reminder that in humility with a truly repentant heart we can always approach the King of Kings and allow His countenance to shine on us.


Teshuvah’s 40 days of repentance,

prepares believers for Messiah’s appearing!

We must choose to allow our Father’s Ruach HaKodesh, Who loves us, to rebuke and chasten us so we can bring true fruits of repentance and go forward a Bride without spot or blemish ready for the Wedding Feast!

Turn and keep on coming to Messiah family, for surely this is our hearts desire that every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship with our Lord is restored.

This is His desire for us…

and it’s time to turn!

שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם‎,

Shalom aleikhem

chaverim and mishpachah!

Peace to friends and family.

Shavua Tov, Have a blessed week.

Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are very precious in His sight.

Not sure ..you can be…



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name