The answer to this question is
No and Yes!
Because we are not supposed to dig up our past when we become new creations in Jesus/Yeshua
For as far as the East is from the West* is as far as He has removed our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:12)
and they are forgotten and erased when placed under Jesus’/Yeshua’s Blood.
is also correct,
as in the case of
is acceptable..
for it is all part of..
Archeological evidence reinforces the Biblical narrative.
A SEAL Bearing the name of King HEZEKIAH has been found in Jerusalem
A clay imprint, known as a bulla,(bulae), which was unearthed
Maps showing location of Israel
from excavations near Jerusalem’s Old City,
Jerusalem Temple mount and Area marked in red showing archeological excavation site.
and later discovered to be from the seal of the biblical King Hezekiah,
The seal in its protective display case
it was displayed during a news conference at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem December 2, 2015.
Below The archaeological site of Tel Lachish
Near to Jerusalem,
Lachish was the most important city from the time of King Rehoboam, until the exile of Judea in 586 BCE.
The City of Lachish during the Judean Kingdom 8th Century BC
The late Iron Age gate where the Lachish Letters* were discovered is marked by an oval (almost circle).
This is the entry to the site used by tourists who visit.
The newly-identified entrances are in the area of the rectangle marking. This is the area where most (or all) of the current excavations have been conducted.
The newly-identified entrances have preliminary dating to the earlier Iron Age [1200-900 BC, the period of the Judges and the United Kingdom] and the Middle Bronze periods [2050-1550 BC, the period of the Patriarchs]. This is where Prof. Yosef Garfinkel began the 2015 season of excavations.
If this is in fact a gate that can be dated to the “early Iron Age,” then this is a very important discovery for reconstructing Israel/Judah’s geopolitical character in the 10th and 9th centuries BCE.
This from the article stated at the time:
The archaeological site of Tel Lachish has been undergoing excavation for decades. However, given its enormous size, only in March of this year, was the elaborate structure of the city gate fully revealed in its original state.
King Hezekiah
According to excavation director Sa’ar Ganor, the “Gate Shrine,” which is the specific site that now is being fully exposed, points to none other than King Hezekiah.
More specifically, the findings at the Gate Shrine are linked to Hezekiah’s religious reforms mentioned in 2 Kings 18:4: “He [Hezekiah] removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the *Asherah.”
The broken horns of the twin alters located within the Gate’s structure were broken to desecrate the pagan altars of Baal.
The latrines found within the Gate also point to a common practice used to desecrate pagan holy places, first mentioned in connection with King Jehu:
“They also broke down the sacred pillar of Baal and broke down the house of Baal, and made it a latrine to this day” (2 Kings 10:27).
Tests conducted by the Israel Antiquity Authority found that these latrines were never used, adding weight to the notion that they served as a sign of defilement.
The Gate also reveals that the biblical institution of the “City Gate” was real.
Ganor points to well persevered benches located within the gate’s chambers and stated that, “According to biblical descriptions, the gate of a city was where everything happened. The city elders, the judges, governors, kings, and bureaucrats – all of them sat on the benches at the city gates,” which now can actually be seen for the first time.
Sketch showing measurements and detail of the paleo Hebrew Ancient Pictographic language.
For helpful charts showing their meanings:
Tracing of the bulla, (bulae)

Seal impression of King Hezekiah unearthed in the Ophel excavations.
More detailed pictures of Seal impression of King Hezekiah unearthed in the Ophel excavations.
More detailed images.
Modern Hebrew Translation
King Hezekiahs Seal and the Egyptian Ankh.
The text above reads:
ANKH (Crux anasta,Key of Life, Key of the Nile) The Ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol of Life and is also considered to have meaning in ritual magic and in wiccan/neopagan traditions, as a symbol of immortality and completeion…the ankh …is somehow leading the civilization to communicate the underworld.
On the right side the representations of Egyptian gods holding the ankh.
Detail of the central image showing image of ahkh on far right.
As expected, politicians were quick to seize the opportunity to emphasize modern Israel’s connection to its biblical past.
Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commenting on the Seal:
Minister of Culture and Sport, Miri Regev, said that this discovery is one of many in a long line that “gives us a glimpse into our rich past.”
Text from above picture.
Location of Underground Tunnels Beneath Jerusalem
Carved out underground tunnels that carried water.
These archaeological findings are opening the doorway to some of the most incredible biblical sites known to man and will continue to shed light on the significance of the area’s incredible past.
More interesting and exciting discoveries will be added as they present themselves.
Helps the ‘doubting Thomas’s’, as we witness to others when:
Archeological evidence reinforces the Biblical narrative.
*What are Asherah? Posts explaining what they are on MMMM site, plus some extra photos. See links below:
Interesting point: East and West will never meet if one continues for ever in that same straight direction and is essentially infinite: However, moving from West to East will eventually meet and is measurable and is like in a circle. So this statement is more meaningful than thought of at first glance.
For * See Posts:
*Digging Up The Past (cont.)
*What are Asherah?
*Lachish Letters
Also coming soon more on… *East to West
Some of the above Article Originally posted at Israel Today Magazine.
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