Because – Silence Is Beauty

1 Peter 3:3-4. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. Learning evolves out of communion but we should be mindful not to mix the two.Many times we are over anxious to learn or speak or get answers to our prayer requests.We will see the Lord most clearly in the silent still pool,

where we can hear the still, calm, small voice. Kings 19:11-13Here in this place, words are as pebbleswhich when dropped into quiet water,send out ripples and distort the image.He wants to minister to us in the beauty of the silence.In ways He could never communicate by words alone. Psalm 62:5 For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him.He desires to look deep into our souls and as He searches us out and knows us,His blessings will come in ways yet unknown to us. He desires we also minister to Him. We need to be still and wait quietly for His salvation. Lamentations 3:26. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.Time spent in His presence is never wasted for only He can touch us the deep in our souls.Our modern, technology oriented lives, have become too busy and too noisy.And we are too eager to impatiently move, to get up and go on with our lives and are easily tempted to dispel the perfect, calm, place in His presence because we’re too busy and so we can do what we need to do to move forward   Like a child with a short attention span we want answers and action NOW!We leave our ‘shopping list’ of needs and requirements at His feet, and rush out of His presence, without any semblance of real or meaningful communication and expect home delivery without delay!We are often uncomfortable in the silence.

It takes practice and discipline to remain quiet before Him for any prolonged length of time;Yet it is for us to minister to Him from our inner desire, asking Him to create in us a clean heart, and to renew a right spirit within us. Ps 51:10The still waters of Psalm 23 where the sheep must drink, are those same pure waters, where we too must take in His spirit.Sheep are not happiest when drinking from fast-moving waterNo doubt sheep are afraid of the rushing water and rightly so because if they fall in, their wool would become so saturated, that they would drown with the extra weight pulling them under.

Likewise for us to receive the full benefit of His life-giving waterin the form of His Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh, we must be still and know that He is God. Psalm 46:10Because in the silence and stillness, that pool will reflect all that He is; and all that He will be in us; and all that we can become in Him.The more still that the water is, the more accurate the reflection, as with a mirror made of glass. Likewise the more we are still within, as well as externally, the better we reflect Our Father. We can only see our reflection in still waters otherwise what we see is distorted.Our cry should be, “search me and know me”. Psalm 139:1, 23Then after we are refreshed from the still waters of the pool and we touch that which has imbued us with life then, when the ripples go outward across the surface, it is symbolic of the giving out of ourselves.

But unless we first fill up; there will be no substance in our outward reach to the lost and hurting world around us.Jesus, lover of my soul

Jesus, I will never let You go

You’ve taken me from the miry clay

You’ve set my feet upon the rock

And now I know. I love you, I need you,
Though my world may fall, I’ ll never let you go
My Saviour, my closest friend,
I will worship you until the very end…There is no salvation without purification, so the need to have God create in us a clean heart, is essential for maturity as a believer.

We have to have an inner cleanliness. For Jesus himself reminded us, the pure in heart shall see God. Matt 5:8Everyday we should take a mental mikveh/ a bath for our minds and determine to be honest with ourselves and then, to think on, whatsoever is pure, etc., as referenced in Scripture. Phil 4:8Our minds stray, our hearts wander, but let’s not lose our souls but instead discover the living Word Himself and plant Him deep within us, to purify our hearts as only He can (James 4:8); by the washing of the water of His Word . Eph 5:262 Corinthians 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. Because in the silence of His presence there is holiness and the fullness of His Shalom. When Jesus said My Peace I give to you. John 14:27He was talking about Shalom which cannot be translated into just a single word..

When there is Shalom there is tranquility,

there is an absence of disorder and violence,

there is justice, sufficient food, clothing and housing. Divine Health no sickness.

There is absence of conflict, lack, hatred, abuse, bribery, corruption, pain, suffering, immorality and all other negative forces.

That is what Jesus was meaning when He said, ‘My peace I give unto you.’ This place of Shalom, is being still and knowing He is God.Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.

Because there is beauty in the silence and in the stillness of His shalom.


Mikveh or mikvah (Hebrew: מִקְוֶה / מקווה is a bath used for the purpose of achieving purity


Shalom to each and everyone.

Mysteries Secrets – A Prophetic Plan Revealed

‘Once Upon A Time….’                                                                are often the first words to a made up story. In many ways the end for us as believers is simply, the beginning.

We are at the Beginning of the annual scripture readings followed throughout Israel. They start following the last of the Biblical 7 Appointed Times of God / 7 Feasts of Israel, looked at in previous post. is a perfect time to remember the first word of our real HIStory is B’RESHITE, or the more familiar GENESIS.It is Pronounced be-re-sheet and means,

In The Beginning.However, it means much more than beginning it means at the start of or ‘at the head of all things’ in the sense that it is the beginning, but also infers


the Head Creator planned each step


began as a


Here the Mystery of The Gospel is within Genesis.

Also spelled Bereshit, Bereishit, Bereishis, B’reshith, Beresheet, or Bereishees.It is most appropriately the title of the first weekly Bible scripture reading or Torah Portion, which in Hebrew it is called, The Parashah.

Sometimes titled Sefer Rishon – the First Book or Sefer Ben’at Ha’olam – The Book of the Creation of the world.

For readers convenience all the scripture references (Torah Portions) to follow through the Bible in a year are listed on a single page and can be accessed from MMM Homepage or

The first letter B at the Beginning of this word gives revelation.Literally: Son God Destroy Hand Cross!B in the Hebrew alphabet (aleph-bet) is the letter BetBet means house and its shape is composed of three Vav’swhich add up to the number 18 (Every Hebrew letter also has a numerical value see charts and information also available on Home page or click on the links below:)

the same value for the word chai or life.Chai, (living / ḥay) is a Hebrew word that figures prominently in the culture of modern Israel; the Hebrew letters of the word are often used as a visual symbol.

The word is made up of two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet –  forming the word chai –  ח  Chet  and  י Yod , meaning: lifealive, or living.

The most common spelling in Latin script is Chai. (Tea lovers may notice the name of their favorite drink!)

In Hebrew, the related word chaya means living thing or animal, and is derived from the Hebrew word chai (חי), meaning life.

The Jewish toast is l’chaim, to life.

Chaya feminine, Chayim masculine
The house of creation is then the life of the universe. Bet also has a pre-fixative function meaning ‘in’.

Suggesting God’s intention of abiding within the realm of creation.In this first weeks schedule, the portion opens with this statement about the creative activity of God.In the beginning God created the heavens and earth Genesis 1:1

The Scriptures actually begin not from the 1st person perspective of some man’s understanding of God but from an omniscient 3rd person perspective, a voice (קול) (sound, voice, noise pronounced Kol),
that reveals the glorious power that created the entire cosmos by means of His Word. דבריו

John 1:1-3 In the Genesis was the WORD and the Word was with God and the Word was God He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

John 1:14 The Word Became Flesh and dwelt among us.

Proverbs 3:19  By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place;

 The very 1st verse reveals the nature of God as being triune, which is also indicated where the plural form of The Name is used as Elohim with the singular verb used bara. Meaning, He, (God), created.Later in verse 26 we read (Hebrew reads from right to left)and it’s a direct quotation from Elohim that uses plural personal pronouns.

  1. Va•yo•mer Elohim na•a•se a•dam be•tzal•me•noo kid•moo•te•noo ve•yir•doo vid•gat ha•yam oov•of ha•sha•ma•yim oo•va•be•he•ma oov•chol-ha•a•retz oov•chol-ha•re•mes ha•ro•mes al-ha•a•retz.

  2. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

Stopping for a moment to realize what a breathtaking statement this is in the opening line of the Scripture. We also see it is shrouded in mystery as the Bible describes how Elohim created the universeyesh me’ayin יש מעיין    

(ex nililo-) לשעבר

(over a 6 day period,)out of מתוך nothingness האין .Who else can create out of nothingness?
The end of this action was a stunning creation of a human being–

betzelem elohim in the image of Elohim אלוקים Himself.

בצלם אלוקים

The introduction to the 1st day of creation is with a vision of the Earth as להם זכויות tohu vavohu     ווהו טוהו   without form and void,

and the spirit of Elohim is seen hovering over the waters.

Following this we read the first direct quotation of Elohim:– Yehi Or!Let there be light!  We are then told that Elohim saw that the light was good (tuv טוב), and He separated it from the darkness (חושך choshekh), adding that Elohim called the light (אור or), day (יום Yom la or) and the darkness (חושך choshekh), night (לילה lay’lah).This was the ending of the 1st day.

Here is another great mystery – the mystery of the 1st day. It suggests some sort of divine designation of good and evil, light and darkness, connected to the creation and division of time.Before He created the specific Light/Or,
 it was the Shekinah Glory of God The criteria for determining the start of each day is at Sundown / erev rather than at sunrise / boker. In Israel today and everything to do with the Hebraic Jewish calendar is based on this scripture that Elohim declared.

And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. Vaihi erev vaihi voker yom echad. 
It should give us pause to question why it was ever changed, especially if we believe that God always knows best!

A brief overview of the following days:

Genesis 1:1–2:3 

Dividing the upper waters from the lower waters Elohim formed the canopy (חופה) above the Earth.

Some scholars believe that the waters above were in the form of solid ice! We know outer space is freezing cold and even from a commercial plane at 36,000 feet and the outside temperature at that height is -57° C (-71° F)!This may also explain another suggestion that before the flood, the sky above looked more pink than blue from earths surface. The thick layer of ice may have caused the suns rays to reflect through it as a prism altering it.

On the 2nd day and called the physical canopy heaven (שָׁמַיִם Sha•ma•yim).

Va•yik•ra Elohim la•ra•kia Sha•ma•yimOn day 3, He set the boundaries of the land (ארץ eretz) and seas (יםמי Yahm) and called forth trees and seed bearing vegetation from the earth.

Elohim fixed the position of the Sun, Moon and stars on the 4th day as a way to establish both the times and seasons (יםדענמ), (including His 7 Appointed Times/Feasts), and to be a source of illumination to the earth.On the 5th day, the fish birds and reptiles were created and received the first personal blessing from Elohim.
On day 6 Elohim created land animals and finally a human being (betzelem elohim בצלם אלוקים) from the dust of the earth.  Dust (ah-vahk   קבא)His sanctified the 7th day as He ceased His work and designated it as a day of rest.

  1. Vay•chal Elohim ba•yom hash•vi•ee me•lach•to asher asa va•yish•bot ba•yom hash•vi•ee mi•kol-me•lach•to asher asa.

  2. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made.

The word Shabbat is derived from this word.

In Genesis 2: we are given a closer look at the creation of Adam and that Elohim also has a personal nameYHVH  הוהי yod hay vav hay  the sacred name of God, that is, the Lord.Literally: Son  God  Destroy  Hand  Cross!


For many scholars it is generally believed that Elohim is the name given as the creator of the universe. This name implies justice and power where as His personal name expresses the idea of the Creator’s closeness to us.
This can be better explained where we read that it is YHVH who breathed into Adam’s nostrils the breath of life to become a living soul, (betzelem elohim) formed him from the dust of the earth. 

 Va•yi•tzer Adonai Elohim et-ha•adam afar min-ha•ada•ma va•yi•pach be•a•pav nish•mat cha•yim vay•hi ha•adam le•ne•fesh cha•ya.And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,and breathed into his nostrils (מ ש) the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The life-force is not a result of organic material, it is from God. Neshemah chayim = breath of life.

Chayyim is plural (literally lives, not life) Elohim is plural.

Are Soul and Spirit the same thing?

Chayyim hints that God put into Humans more than one kind of life.

From Mary’s physical body she put forth a song of Praise in Luke 1:46-47 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.

Nephesh = breath. This cannot be the plural of majesty – it must be the plural man? God breathed lives into Adam? Breath and being are a supernatural thing, and they come from God, outside our three dimensional realm. Evolution teaches against this concept, that life is an accident. Microbes, germs, etc – are not included with animals in the animal kingdom.  Food for thought!

Va•yi•ta Adonai Elohim gan-be•Eden mi•ke•dem va•ya•sem sham et-ha•adam asher ya•tzar 

and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

 In the Garden of Eden (Gan Eden)was 
the tree of life (etz ha-chayim)as well as the tree  of knowledge of good and evil(etz ha-da’at tov vara).Adam’s first responsibility before the Lord, was to work and guard the garden and to refrain from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

He was originally created as a single individual however the Lord, (YHVH הוהי yod hay vav hay /The Name/ Hashem), decided it was not good for him to be alone, so He had all of the animals pass before Adam to see what he would call themAdam’s ability to name them was by divine inspiration, as he incorporated in their name a subtle description of their very essence, characteristics and functions. Example below: 

Genesis 2:19-20 “And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:

and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field;” … (KJV)

This all happens before the creation of Eve in Genesis 2:22 and before the fall as described in Genesis 3:6

Looking in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary at a few Biblical Hebrew names for common animals we find;

Thus we see that the names derive from observable physical characteristics of the animals or their observable behaviors. The cormorant is named due to its diving into the water in pursuit of its prey.

Following this amazing feat, none of the animals were a match for Adam so the Lord put him into a very deep sleep
and built a woman from his side so that she would be a helper in front of him. Ezer kenegdo.

According to scripture when he woke up, Adam was very happy and called her Ishah and they became one flesh basar echad as the very first marriage ceremony took place on earth.Shortly after 3:1 we are introduced to the serpent na•chash נָחָשׁ as the shrewdest of animals which the Lord created.The Scripture tells us the first thing the serpent said, was by way of hissing at eve the haunting question –  did God really say you shall not eat of any tree in the garden?

Tree of Life – Etz ChaimShe answered correctly.  Omitting the deadly consequences concerning the fruit of the tree of the knowledge good and evil, the hissing serpent implied that the Lord was keeping from them special insight that would cause them to be as gods.

So began the downward spiral into evil… (which is interesting if spelt backwards, is live! The word evil means literally, out of harmony with God.)

The tactics he used on her have not changed in 6000+ years. First she believed the lie, which involves our mind and our thinking. Second by looking at the fruit, she used her sight and then the action, as she took it from the tree. Lastly, in eating the fruit it resulted in the sin, which was a direct violation of God’s instruction to them. She was not alone as the Scriptures tell, Adam was with her at this time and knowingly ate the fruit offered to him. We often hear this action called the fall of man. It was in fact of enormous consequence, being an act of treason against God’s will, it resulted in them being expelled from the garden immediately and mankind came under God’s curse with the ultimate judgment being – death.The entrance to the garden and access to the tree of life was guarded by Cherubim with flaming swords so they would not eat and live forever in a fallen state.The serpent also had judgment pronounced upon him.  In doing so, the Lord prophesied that a struggle for the fate of the human race would follow. Being represented by the serpent, Satan שטן (from the Hebrew word adversary) now had illegal rights to humanity as they were now under a divine curse. But God had promised to reverse the curse by means of the seed זרע Zera the Messiah משיח the Anointed One who would crush the head of the serpent and restore mankind to his original position. The Bible comprises the complete story of redemption and describes the cosmic war to reverse the curse by means of the seed of the woman who would come and to deliver humanity from the clutches of sin and death.

The story continues citing some of the consequences of sin. How Cain murders his younger brother Abel הבל in a fit of jealous anger and is banished from his family.Abel is a biblical forename which may derive from the Hebrew Hebel, itself derived from hevel (breath or vapour), or from the Assyrian for son.

We are told of some of the descendants of Cain (קין Kayin) who followed in his evil ways, (evil = out of harmony with God), that we also hear of Adam and Eve’s third son Seth, סת meaning, compensation. Their descendants began to call on the name of the Lord and Seth had a son named Enosh ענוסה which means man, and is a clear reference of the coming bar enash / בן אדם or son of man. Daniel 7:13

Notably the 10th generation descendant of Seth was Noah נח Noe or Noach = rest

John 1:1–14  reminds us again that it is very clearly a reference to the opening words of Genesis and John identifies Jesus/Yeshua as the Word (devar מִלָּה ) of God Elohim. (Word of God מילת אלוהים) and points to the fact that He was the creative power whose command cause the entire universe to come into existence. He Jesus/Yeshua is the true light from God,  אור אמיתי מאלוהים

the Promised One who would bring truth to all the nations of the Earth and would be the fulfillment of the mission of Israel by giving birth to the seed of promise. The person of Jesus/Yeshua was the promised seed Jesus/Yeshua ben Yosef /Joseph עישו בן יוסף the Son of the Father full of Grace and Truth, and even though His own people rejected Him… it is only a temporary situation which will end and all Israel will turn to Him and be saved. Romans 9:11.This is the secret plan of YHVH.

Jesus is the mystery of the ages that God set in place, the secret plan and seed He planted in genesis (the first beginning) that He would send Himself as the Redeemer as the seed of the woman Who would crush satans head. The plan of redemption both began and ended when Jesus died over 2000 years ago, the mystery of the gospel, the Word of God, became flesh and died in our place to redeem all mankind from Adams sin, the fall. And as scripture records, if satan had known the outcome he would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. He is outwitted and defeated.Before that happens the opportunity remains for all people to become the children of God by ילדים של אלוהים personally receiving Jesus as their Savior Lord and King. Make sure we and our families have made this important decision, for once an individual accepts this invitation they become grafted into the original covenant blessing that was given to Israel.Another fascinating revelation can be seen in the letters YHVH and their meanings from the paleo Hebrew letters and a prophetic connection to Messiahs future death.because evenWe have been given the Word/Torah of Truth and the life of eternity He has implanted within us. Eternity is in our hearts in the very essence of the spirit He breathed into the red dirt that He had formed into a human soul.

There are many genesis, not just one beginning, and as one phase comes to a conclusion it simply makes way for the new beginning.

The end of His story is the (genesis) beginning, for He is the beginning (genesis) and the end… Are we ready for our next GENESIS?

Keeping It All Bottled Up – Part 2

God places all the tears we have wept in a special place…  

In a bottle and a book. (Psalm 56:8)

Every tear that we have shed has been saved up.

The ancients who lived in David’s time, had a practice of putting tears which were shed for someone who had died, into a little bottle called lacrymatories.

(lah-krim-ah-torrie)And when they buried their deceased loved one they would place these lacrymatories or ‘bottles of tears’ inside the tomb. The ancients believed this practice actually helped begin the healing process of losing a loved one.

Archeologists who have unearthed ancient graves, commonly come across these ‘tear bottles’ inside the tomb, indicating it was widely practiced in ancient times.This noun Lachrymatory, pronounced læ-‘kree-mê-tor-ee, (also the root of our word crematory).

It comes down through the ages by way of the Latin word ‘dacrima,’ which shares ties with the Greek term dakry for tear, a distant relation to Old High German zahar also meaning ‘tear’, which fashioned the modern German Zähre for ‘tear’, and Old English tæhher which is nowadays, ‘tear.’

These little bottles were made of glass, pottery, agate, sardonyx, or hard baked clay.

The word here rendered ‘bottle’ means a bottle made of skin, such as was used in the East; but it can also mean a bottle of any kind.

Our tears are precious to the Lord, and He is aware of each tear we shed.

Most of our emotions are connected in some way to our crying liquid tears as well as to the physical cavity of the eye itself helping it to stay moist so we can see.There are 3 types of physical tears produced by our bodies:

First the basal variety, which are made as a form of lubrication and protection for your eyes.

These are constantly secreted in tiny quantities (about one gram over a 24-hour period) and coat our eyes when we blink, yawn or water from a dry climate.

This is what a basal tear looks like under a microscope(Above watering eyes in a micro climate)(Above: yawning from exhaustion tears)

There are biological and physiological components that initiate tears from the tear duct, for the purpose of cleansing and washing the eye.It’s a built in automatic window wash!

Second type we produce are reflex tears.(Above: Tears in response to cutting up onions.)

These are also for protection and are released to help wash away particles in response to irritants, such as wind, dust, smoke, cutting onions or that wayward eyelash. (Greater magnification of above.)

The third type of tears – emotional tears.
These tears contain more protein-based hormones than basal or reflex tears. Our tears, no matter what the form, are a combination of salt water, oils, antibodies, and enzymes.Studies have revealed the scientific basis of tears, and show how weeping and mourning tie into the deepest regions of our brains. The seat of the Soul is also believed to be in the same area of the brain.

Tears are intrinsically connected to emotion. There is a whole process that we go through starting at the time of tearing up, yet each one looks vastly different when examined under a microscope.(Above: tears from laughing until we are crying.)Laugh till we cry,frustration,anger,sadnessand griefloneliness

paindepression love reliefexcitementhappinesssuccessecstatic joy

– Seems like every one of the above list could evoke a tearful reaction…

(Above: tears of ending and beginning.)Not all tears are alike; and each person’s tears are unique to them, just as our DNA, fingerprints and retina scan are.(Above: tears of elation at a liminal moment.)

Tears cover the totality of all of our lifes’ experiences

Does a tear of grief look any different from a tear of joy?


Each tear is different: when you cry based on the underlying emotion it produces different chemicals which show up in the tear drop. (Above: tears of change.)

Each tear contains the emotion and the pain and hurt caused by an outside influence often through words or actions of others or a physical trauma to the body.
(Reference: Joseph Strondberg.   Emotional Components of the Tear.)

 Interesting Note: The work of the late Dr. Masaru Emoto, a visionary researcher from Japan, studied the impact of human consciousness on water and its crystalline order.Water that was imprinted by love, gratitude, and appreciation responded by the development of complex beauty,


water that was mistreated by negative intentions became disordered and lost its magnificent patterning.

Perhaps something similar occurs in our tears?…It’s known, for instance, that tears contain unique substances depending on their cause.If that is the case for water outside a physical body, how much more could the water that is part of us be affected?

Each human body comprises 50-70% water.

Emotional tears, for instance, contain leucine-enkephalin, a natural painkiller your body releases in response to stress.

 The Black and White Photographs in this post can be found in the public domain on www “Topography of Tears,” (photographer Rose-Lynn Fisher of ‘The microscopic structure of dried tears’.)
Tears are the medium of our most primal language communicating from birth to death, hunger and everything in between.

Tears cover the totality of all of our life’s experiences.(Above: tears of remembrance.)

Each tear will carry a composite of the events of a human life amounting to one drop of the oceans expanse.

Crying is to the emotions within the soul, what soap is to the body, it truly a cleansing thing.

It contains all that is ours as is represented in our DNA, so no wonder He keeps our tears.

It’s a unique record of each of us.

The shortest sentence in the new Testament speaks of Messiah’s tears:

John 11:35

Va•yivch Yeshua.

 Yeshua wept

However when Jesus wept wept in the garden of Gethsemane, the sum total of all the tears shed by humanity on the whole planet, from the Genesis in Eden to the completion of time in the future at the end of the age. They were being borne in His body when He shed His tears for every soul, prior to the shedding of His blood on Calvary’s cross.

Jesus who as the Son of God, bore all the tears for the sins committed by and to mankind.First came the water and then the blood.   Heb. 5:5-9 

The Epistle to the Hebrews tells us of, ‘His strong crying and tears.’ These are tears which we cannot fully understand; but they were tears for the sins of the world, the weight of which in that most mysterious agony He was then bearing.There is no telling just how many tears have been shed throughout history, yet all our tears, the sum total of human existence was put on the cross.

Untold multiplied billions of tears were covered that day by the blood of Jesus. Each tear we shed has a purpose.  Tears are unique to each one of us and they are designed to give us comfort when we our souls are overwhelmed with emotion and conflict.All our perceptions and all our lives experiences are contained within the tears of failure, joy, etc., and every human emotion we have experienced in our lives; good, bad, or indifferent.

It changes when we come to know Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, because He changes us from within.(Above: tears of momentum)

Tears of agony, rejection and defeat are changed into tears of relief, acceptance and hope.(Above: tears of possibility and hope)

There is coming a time for all righteous believers when God will wipe away the tears for ever.  They are poured out upon his altar as a one-time offering to God.

(Its an interesting thought that it in some way it could be connected to the water libation performed during the Fall Appointed Times?!)

In Isaiah 53, when Jesus/Yeshua, bore our griefs and sorrows, every emotion, and every response since the time of Adam and Eve. All our life’s experiences, that is what Jesus took upon Himself. That is when He wept and why that statement is so powerful.

Our emotional hurt often isn’t our own fault, but rather caused by the wrong-doing of others.Weeping actually brings a healing power to those who have been wronged and helps us heal emotionally.

One day for some of us our need for tears will come to an end –

O Lord my God, I cried to you, and you have healed me. Ps 30:3

Adonai Elo•hai shi•va•ati e•le•cha va•tir•pa•eni.


He Knows!

A  vast receptacle, brimming over with our weeping.


One day our need for tears will come to an end –

A new day is dawning.

A new beginning is coming.

A new joy is arising in our hearts, because His Word declares that although

One day God will wipe away every one of those tears and there will be no more crying.   Revelation 21:4

He will replace all our tears of sorrow with pure joy because ALL the OUTWARD causes of TEARS will be absent.Never again will we shed a tear over losing a loved one or a beloved family pet;

or weep by the casket or graveside of a departed family member;

 or shed a tear for a departed loved one or friend, for these are the former things of this life that will pass away.(Tragedy: tears of awe and sorrow)

Never again will we hear tragic news(Above: tears for what could not be fixed.)or see a flag-draped casket of a soldier who lost his life in a war.(Above: tears of Grief.)

Never again will we experience any physical pain, for God is going to ‘wipe away all of our tears’, that were caused by the outward things in this life.
God will wipe away all the INWARD causes of tears.


No more tears of Remorse(Above: tears of Remorse.)

or DISAPPOINTMENT.(Above: tears of those who yearn for liberation)

(Above: Tears of timeless reunion.)

All there will be in the Presence of the King of Kings, the Creator of the universe isJoy unspeakable and full of glory as the everlasting arms are wrapped around us..

Rejoice, mending broken hearts is His forte.Jesus quoted and said that He came to bind up the broken hearted and only God is able to do such a thing.

And sadness and sighing will flee away leaving only happy smiles!Joy WorshipReliefLoveHappinessAcceptanceSecurity

On a lighter note as the scriptures say, a merry heart doeth good like a medicine; so here is a small dose…

Sometimes holding back the laughter is too muchand the tears fill our eyes

…sometimesor in Lucy’s case both together!

Whatever our situation in life’s journey lets never forget…

God keeps it all bottled up so we don’t have to!When life gives you a 100 reasons to life that you have 1000 reasons to smile  because SHALOM!

Keeping It All Bottled up-Part 1

We are familiar with the Book Of Life where the name of every redeemed soul is recorded.     However the scripture records that God also has a book/scroll of remembrance

Malachi speaks of a book or scroll of remembrance written in the presence of God, a record of the words spoken by those who feared the Lord.

Malachi 3:16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard [it], and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon and esteemed his name.

Az nid•be•roo yir•ey Adonai eesh el-re•e•hoo va•yak•shev Adonai va•yish•ma va•yi•ka•tev se•fer zi•ka•ron le•fa•nav le•yir•ey Adonai ool•chosh•vei sh`mo.

David cries out to God in the Psalm 56:8,

“put my tears in your bottle” and then declares “are they not in your book?”

He asked that his tears be kept in Heaven’s permanent record.

Psalms 56:8 Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: [are they] not in thy book? “Record my lament; list my tears on your scroll—are they not in your record?”

No•di sa•far•ta ata si•ma dim•ati v`no•de•cha ha•lo be•sif•ra•te•cha.

God has a book of remembrance that tells of our wanderings, our tears and sufferings. Is this book the same one from Malachi, or yet a different book kept by Adonai?

Everything that people are doing in speaking, communing together in their love for God is chronicled. Everything about us is recorded. (Psalms 139:14-16)Either way, God keeps books full of our life’s stories…the costly victories won in the secret place, the sorrows and pains endured in silence, the joys celebrated in God’s presence, all are witnessed and forever recorded.

Your eyes saw my unformed body;
 all the days ordained for me were written in your book
 before one of them came to be. (psalm 139:16)

Rom 12:15. Sim•choo eem-has•me•chim oov•choo eem-ha•bo•chim.

Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.

דמעות Tears Dim-ati   D-M-A/B-KH-HTears of joy are the sunbeams piercing the soft and gentle rain drops of refreshing summer showers.

Bottle – בקבוק (pronounced bahk-book) 

My tears in Your bottle.There are several Hebrew words related to the act of weeping. These range from (bekhi), crying, to (dema’ot), tears, with several interposed onomatopoetic words that imitate the sound of crying: for example, (yevava), (yelala), and, accompanied by a sigh, (nehi).Tears cleanse the eye and also the soul.

For his anger lasts but a moment; in his favor is life; weeping..

Tears may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning Ps 30:5

Ki re•ga be•a•po cha•yim bir•tzo•no ba•erev ya•lin be•chi ve•la•bo•ker ri•na.

Even those who maintain their life is without many problems, have experienced times of great sadness, loss of a loved family member or friend, to all four legged ones with whom we share our lives. Death is a great physical separator, but in Him it is only the doorway to eternity into His presence, to be with Him and the scriptures say we shall be like Him. 

We all cry tears, they are an integral attribute of being human. After nine months it’s our first response to leaving the womb. Tears bring forth life, crying doesn’t indicate that you are weak because since birth it has always been a sign that you are alive.A first dramatic and traumatic transition from darkness into light and it kick starts our bodies to begin doing things on our own, like breathing. The act of crying fills our lungs with air and our life in this realm begins.the first of many tears we would shed over the course of our lifetime.Scripture has plenty to say about tearsThe Lord SEES Our Every Tear All of the passages in scripture teach us this one very important truth and that is, we have never shed a tear that GOD didn’t see.

God has seen every tear we shed…on our pillow at night and every tear we have cried behind closed doors…when hurtful or hateful words were spoken to us and crushed our spirit…when someone has betrayed us or trampled all over our heart…

when our loved one died, and every tear we have shed since then when we think of them…when we have miserably failed and lost all hope in ourselves…every tear we have shed over a wayward son or daughter who has gone astray…

God has put our tears in His bottle and recorded them in His book.

Ruth Bell Graham, the late wife of Billy Graham, once said…… “In every pew sits a broken heart.” It would seem that there’s a lot of truth in that statement. 

To every bruised and broken heart reading this today, realize God has put your tears in His bottle and recorded them in His book. 

He knows each and every one…

and His promise to each of us is that “weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.”Why would He keep our tears in a bottle and record them in His book if they were not precious to Him?

In recent years, science has proved that each tear contains our unique DNA, they represent the sum total of our lives. They are in a sense, a liquid record of our existence and emotional experiences.In the bottle, is all our pain and joy etc. combined, it is each one of us and our whole lives.

That’s why He keeps them.

He promises that one day, there will be no more tears or crying. Then we will be complete in Him and the human emotions will be matured into those of who He IS, and those emotions will no longer be required for a life in eternity with Him.The most painful tears are not the ones that fall from your eyes and cover your face, they are the ones that come from your heart and overwhelmingly envelope your soul. They are the components of the ‘bricks’ with which we build the protective wall around our hearts and the fabric of the shell into which we crawl in order to prevent any further hurt.Many times, crying is the only way that we can speak, when our mouths can’t explain how things broke our heart; when our eyes release tears, they are the words the heart is unable to form or utter.Sometimes we feel like crying for no apparent reason and it’s often to make up for the days we suppressed our tears of sorrow and hurt.Rain falls because the clouds can no longer handle the weight. There comes a tipping point of overflow when their contents can no longer be contained in the same way, our tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain.Anyone can make you smile, many people can make you cry,
 but it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes.Tears are good! What flows is alive. Crying is like a thunderstorm for the soul, the air feels so wonderful after the rain. Your tears herald a change in your life like the summer rain and they wash away the pain

Tears are like prayers too, they travel to God when we have no words to communicate. Psalm 56:8
A forensics expert explained that when they chemically tested the tears from people who lost loved ones from natural causes, accidents and suicide; those tears showed to contain poison when analyzed in a chemical reaction.

As believers, when we hear that, we think about Jesus crying and realize the enormity of what was contained in His tears in the Garden of Gethsemane. The mental anguish of the extreme stress of the combined sins of the whole world were upon Him. Esau sought with Bitter tears …the poison is in the bitterness. Hebrews 12:15-17 and there are warnings about the root of bitterness in Deut. 29:18 and Lamemtations 3:15,19

Surely at one time, we have all probably had some tears ‘burn’ our eyes.

 Luke 22:62 says, “So Peter went out and wept bitterly.”On hearing this explanation, it becomes clear how important our healing is from others actions, as they can become a poison in our bodies. There are records showing how many survivors who aren’t believers in the Lord, became sick with cancer and other life threatening diseases.

So crying does bring healing and tears bring life. Our tears have an important purpose.
The Bible teaches us there are three things that cause us to shed tears:it’s because of PHYSICAL pain EMOTIONAL painSPIRITUAL painContrary to what many people believe, tears aren’t a sign of weakness, tears are a sign of strength. Its the ability to humble ourselves and allow the reality of our situation to be seen by others.

Crying brings the release of emotion, allowing God to replace all the inner pain with JOY, HOPE and LOVE and to fill our hearts and minds with His Shalom/ the PEACE that passes ALL understanding. 

It has been said that … an interesting observation.

Remember we are greatly loved and cherished and  Coming in Part 2: 

A look at some amazing images showing the intricacies in the designs of tear drops from different emotions.