Apocalypse Of The Teruah’s Cry

Rosh Hashanah is the start of a New Year in Israel,

It actually means “Head of the Year.”

And it will be the Hebrew Year

since creation, which really gives a clearer understanding of where we actually are in Father’s timeline.

Rosh Hashanah is celebrated for two days. It is the start of the 3 Fall/ Autumn, Appointed Times of The Lord/Feasts /Festivals.

A look at some fascinating facts, mysteries and scriptures connected with Israel’s Fall/Autumn Appointed Times.

The day on which Rosh HaShanah is celebrated is Biblically known as Yom
Teruah (Day of the Trumpet Blasts)

The traditional Rosh Hashanah greeting is

‘shanah tovah’

which means,

good year!

The word U’Metuka

(and sweet) is sometimes added.

When is Rosh HaShanah?  

The Hebrew date is always the same — the 1st of the month of Tishrei.

The dates of Jewish holidays don’t change from year to year; however, a Jewish year can change in length from 353 to 354 or 355 days long.  A Jewish leap year can be 383, 384 or 385 days long and because the Jewish year is not the same length as the year on the civil calendar, the dates of holidays seem to shift quite a bit; consequently that results in the Israels High Holidays falling anywhere from early September all the way into October.

So what date is the holiday on the Gregorian calendar? This year, Rosh HaShanah begins at sunset on Sunday, September 9. 

September, 2018 calendar with Jewish High Holy Days circled

Brief history explaining the reason for the two calendars and why are they different in length?

The civil Gregorian calendar is based on the solar cycle of 365 days, five hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds — the amount of time it takes the earth to make one complete rotation around the sun.

To correct the problem of those extra hours, an extra day is added to February every four years.  This keeps the equinox (when the sun shines directly on the equator) occurring on generally the same date every year: March 19 or 20 and September 22 or 23.

The Jewish calendar is a luni-solar calendar.  It considers three things: the yearly rotation of the earth around the sun, the daily rotation of the earth on its own axis, and the monthly cycle of the moon around the earth.

Each new moon cycle begins a new month or Rosh Chodesh.  

However, there are approximately 12.4 lunar months in every solar year.  In other words, a lunar year is about 11 days shorter than a solar year.

If the Jewish calendar were a strict lunar calendar that had 29.5 days in a month, every 16 years or so the Fall Feasts would be held in Spring, and Passover would be held in autumn.   

To keep the Jewish holidays and appointed times in their correct seasons, every two or three years the month of Nissan begins earlier and an extra month is added.  This 13-month year is called Shanah Me’uberet, literally, a pregnant year.

The additional month of Adar 1 (also called Adar Aleph) is added before Adar, which is designated Adar 2.  

The addition of the extra month guarantees that Passover (Pesach) and the wheat harvest feast (Pentecost / Shavuot) occurs in the spring.   

Between AD 320 and 385, Hillel II, the Nasi (Prince) of the ancient Jewish Sanhedrin, established the calendar that is used today which follows a 19-year cycle, realigning the lunar and solar calendars.

In this system the extra month is added on the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th years of the cycle.  The current cycle began at the start of the Jewish year 5758, which occurred on October 2, 1997.

The Gregorian calendar, however, was created in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII and proclaimed the official civil calendar of Britain and the British colonies of America in 1752.

Below is a chart correlating the 7 Appointed Times with Prophetic Fulfillment in Messiah.

The Feast of Trumpets is also the anniversary of the creation of man. Adam, the first human being, opened his eyes to a world that appeared to have always existed.

More Interesting information of HebraicThought and Concepts.

The ancient Hebrew text ‘Book of Formation’, teaches that there is more to the universe than time and space. There is a soul.

Whatever is found in the universe’s soul is found somewhere in its space. And whatever is found in space, is found in time.

In the soul of the universe there is a consciousness from which all consciousness extends.

In space, there is the Land of Israel, a space from where all space is nurtured.

In time, there is Rosh Hashanah, a time from which all time is renewed.

Rosh Hashanah means Head of the Year.

Not just a starting point, but a head, a new beginning of time in which a new consciousness enters our universe. It is said, that whatever transpires in the coming year is first conceived in these two days.

That is why Rosh Hashanah is called the first day of creation, for only then did the world know it had meaning.

For Israel, on each Rosh Hashanah that scene is replayed, and new meaning is discovered in our world, and the world is born again. (Interesting concept!)

All the cosmos came to be because Hashem, (The Name), chose to invest His very essence into a great drama: the drama of a lowly world becoming the home of an infinite God. A marriage of opposites, the fusion of finite and infinite, light and darkness, heaven and earth.

We would seem to be the players in that drama, the cosmic matchmakers. With our every action, we have the power to marry our mundane world to the infinite and unknowable.

Apocalypse of the Teruah’s cry? A horn that cries?

How can an animals horn cry out?

It’s the cry IN the sound of the shofar!

It is part of hebrew thought that the first time a shofar was heard in creation was when God created Adam. God blew Adam’s soul into him, and the sound it made was the sound of the shofar. Just like God created mankind on Rosh Hashanah, on the anniversary of that day, God is recreating us.

Could it be said that we are God’s shofar?..

The sound of the shofar being blown is the sound of creation.

The breath represents the soul, and the instrument represents our bodies.

The shofar reminds us that when our bodies do the will of our soul, there is song and harmony.

Spirituality is represented by music because music sounds even more beautiful the more notes that are being played, unlike too much speech.

Do each of our souls have a mission to add to the harmony of the world?

The shofar is supposed to change us. It’s sounds are intended to invoke that nagging feeling inside of us that asks us to live a deeper, fuller life in the year to come.

There is a difference between simply hearing it and then going about our lives, and really listening to it and having its wailing sound transform us.

Even though it is not the anniversary of the creation of the entire universe, but that of the human being, it’s the true beginning, as all of time, as we know it, begins on this day.

Why? Because on this day, more than any other, the Hebrew thought is we are empowered to change lanes, to switch direction, to alter and transform our destiny and thereby the destiny of all of creation if as we believe everything is connected!

Through us, truth and goodness can become a flaming torch of light, which was once obscured in darkness and ignorance.

All is defined by destiny. Even the past is redefined by the arrow of its future. The very existence of that time that held that past is re-created once it achieves its hidden destiny. A destiny that only each of us can reveal.

For those whose focus is on Rosh Hashanah, the here and now that is all that matters; for it represents the first day of all of time, future and past.

In biblical times, the shofar was used to tell the people that the King was coming.

What is the correct etiquette when a King comes?

Most likely, we want to impress the King so we make an effort to perfect ourselves and our surroundings.

It was also used as a signal that war was coming. What is the strategy we adopt when war comes? Probably we prepare our weapons, form an army and we prepare to fight.

The shofar was also a tool to help break down barriers. When the shofar was blown at Jericho, the walls came crumbling down. This is why it is also known as the 

Even though sometimes we change from the inside out, it is more often influences from the outside that really have an impact on us. Is it possible that the shofar is necessary because it is a powerful tool outside ourselves and helps us to improve ourselves on the inside?

Our actual bones are supposed to resonate with the sound of the shofar. Do we have the ability to not only hear what the sound is reflecting but to absorb its frequency and let it stir deep within our souls, so much so, that there is an effect on our physical bodies??

Throughout life, our soul is constantly being affected by outside influences: fashion dictates how we dress, advertisements tell us what we like, the media affects how we think, and the people that surround us dictate our reality. Yet, how often do we stop and really listen to the sounds that surround us? How often do we connect to what is inside of us and who is above us? How in tune are we with nature and the spiritual aspects of our lives? How much do the sounds of the outside world drown out the sounds of our soul?

With a new year comes a clean slate, the ability to correct our mistakes, with the power to transform into a newer and better self.

The shofar is our call to action – an alarm!

The power is within us. Once we hear the call, it is our job to make it real.

And so too, every morning, we are all reborn from a night-time taste of death.

Since Father created earth by His spoken word and creation is still in motion and at every moment—in the smallest increment of time—every particle of the universe is still being projected into being out of absolute nothingness, as it was at the very genesis of all things.

The feast of trumpets is the season of Teshuvah – the season of repentance/return.

Teshuvah is the Hebrew word from the root word SHUV meaning to return.

Hosea 3:4 -5 Jeremiah 3:22; Isaiah 30:15.

The great mystery is that in ancient times God has set up this entire age as a Hebrew year. The Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot, starts the civil new year, however on the Sacred Calendar it represents the end of the year, not the beginning.

So the season of repentance comes at the end.

Teshuvah has a double meaning; as well as returning to God, it can also mean physical return. So the days of Teshuvah contain another secret, that of an apocalypse, a revealing, that Israel must return to the land of promise and to Jerusalem.

Teshuvah is not just for a week for a season, but a lifestyle.

We are to live our whole lives with Teshuvah hearts and the greater the Teshuvah, the greater will be our continual returning to Him.

Teshuvah signifies that the time of Israel’s repentance and their subsequent return to Messiah will happen at the end of the age. So in a way the Hebrew year waits for Israel to repent and turn, Teshuvah, in order for it to come to its conclusion. This is why we are to pray for Israel to return to Messiah and why the Appointed Time WILL surely come.

The Rabbis/Teachers compare the coming Messianic era to the full moon, the hope of redemption and His coming is compared to the new moon.

The Talmud, (compendium of rabbinical teachings and discussions), teaches that when the Messiah returns, the moon will cease to diminish and remain as large and bright as the sun.

So while the celebration of the new moon reminds us of His coming, it also reminds us to renew our awareness of His Presence in our lives, and to push forward into the growth and change that He has for us, becoming all He created us to be.

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”  (Psalm 8:3–4)

In truth, we need only awaken the spark of God within our own souls. That spark within us connects with the Infinite Light of God above. The circuit is complete and a new cycle begins. For this reason we are called His children, and we call Him our Father. We are created beings, yet there is something of us that lies beyond creation. It is the One who sustains the universe who breaths within us.

On Rosh Hashanah, God is addressed as both




Father, because there is something of Him within each of us.

King, because He dictates what will be and what will not.

Indeed, as we choose, so He will dictate.

Choose life.

Words to Avinou Malkaynou

Our Father Our King Hear our voice

Our Father Our King We have no King but You

Our Father Our King Renew For us a good year

Send us complete healing to the sick of your people

Our Father Our King

Inscribe us in the book of life

fill our hands with your blessing

Our Father Our King 

Fill our storehouses with plenty

Our Father Our King

Hear our voice have compassion upon us

Our Father Our King Hear our voice

Our Father Our King Hear our voice


Avinu malkeinu sh’ma kolenu

Avinu malkeinu chatanu l’faneycha

Avinu malkeinu alkenu chamol aleynu

V’al olaleynu v’tapenu

Avinu malkeinu

Kaleh dever v’cherev v’raav mealeynu

Avinu malkeinu kalehchol tsar

Umastin mealeynu

Avinu malkeinu 
Avinu malkeinu

Kotvenu b’sefer chayim tovim

Avinu malkeinu chadesh aleynu

Chadesh aleynu shanah tovah

Sh’ma kolenu
 Sh’ma kolenu Sh’ma kolenu

Avinu malkeinu Avinu malkeinu

Chadesh aleynu

Shanah tovah

Avinu malkeinu
 Sh’ma kolenu

Sh’ma kolenu
 Sh’ma kolenu
 Sh’ma kolenu

A King speaks and his word is fulfilled. God speaks and the world comes into being. 

When we speak the words of Torah/Scripture, they resonate in the heavens and beyond. Spoken words have sound and frequency which is part of creations makeup. Why? Because they are His words, and they are on the rebound to Him. He spoke, He said and He watches over His Word to perform it and it will not return to Him void. Is.55:11

The central observance and widespread custom of Rosh Hashanah is sounding and listening to the blowing of the shofar on both mornings of Rosh Hashanah. The shofar is made from a hollowed-out ram’s horn. It produces three ‘voices’

tekiah (a long blast), 

shevarim (a series of three short blasts) and 

teruah (a staccato burst of at least nine blasts).

Click http link below for more information and on the mp3 bar to hear the different shofar sounds.

(The sounds will begin after 15 seconds)


The shofar is blown at various intervals during the Rosh Hashanah morning service. When all added up there are 100 ‘voices‘ in total.

On Rosh Hashanah, we cry out from our very essence, from our spirit man, with the call of the shofar; Father replies, sending His very essence towards His creation.

The shofar cries out from the raw essence of the soul, to its Beloved, the One who is the raw essence of all being. It’s not a human voice but rather the howl of an animal horn and when its sound is heard it is so primal that the mind ceases to think and the heart skips a beat, the throb of life suspended for a moment in time.

That is the moment that heaven and earth connect. The base nature of our souls here on earth reach up to touch the divine essence above as He reaches down and the RE-union is made. Our souls press upwards bursting through the veil into the heavenly dimension, escaping the constraints enforced upon it by our earthly bodies.

For there are many things that are important even essential for us and often words flow out in a burst of emotion, rich words, expressive and vibrantly imbued with life.

And then, there are things that shake us to the very core – challenging all that we have known and believed.

Things that do not wait for the right words or the mind’s permission, in this case, the mind cannot fathom them, the most expressive words could not contain them. These are the things that can only break out in a cry, in a scream, and then fall into silence.

This is something of the sound of the shofar: From the very core of our souls our hearts crying, ‘Father! please don’t leave – let your presence remain always!’

Another significance of the shofar is to recall the Binding of Isaac which also occurred on Rosh Hashanah, in which a ram took Isaac’s place as an offering to God;

as we remember Abraham’s readiness to sacrifice his son, and pray that He should stand by us as we pray for a year of life, health and prosperity.

Rosh Hashanah is the start of the Yamim Nora’im (High Holidays).

At the time of writing, the Holy Day, (Yom Kadosh), of Yom Kippur, is just a week away and the people will gather in synagogues for 25 hours of fasting, prayer and inspiration.

The days in between are known as the 10 Days of Repentance,

or the Ten Days of Return/Days of Awe

and they are an especially propitious time for teshuvah, for returning to the Father.  Before the

Yom Kippur is followed by the joyous holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah.

Parallels of Khataah – The Day of Atonement – Yom Kippur

The sacrifice that took away guilt and which was also the guilt, called the Asham. On the day of atonement there was a sacrifice that took away the sins of all Israel. It was a sacrifice of a parallel nature and contains a parallel mystery. It was called the sin offering it was the offering that took away sin.

Messiah was the old covenant/testament mystery revealed in the renewed covenant/testament, it was a shadow of Him as He was and is THE sacrifice that takes away the sin of the world.

In Hebrew the sin offering is called the Khataah. It has a double meaning. One is, sin offering, and it also means the sin itself.

As Messiah is the mystery, He is the Khataah and the same as in the mystery of the Asham.

(Asham = the sacrifice becomes the very thing it removes, in this case sin, more explanation to follow).

Messiah had to become sin itself in order to fulfill scripture. 2Corinthians 5:21 He made Himself who knew no sin to be sin. Matthew 1:21.

Both the sacrifice and the sin are called Khataah meaning that, not only does the sacrifice have the name as the sin but the sin has the name of the sacrifice that removes the sin.

Every sin has or carries the name of the sin offering and if Messiah is the sin offering, the Khataah, then every sin has His name, for every sin has the name of the sacrifice.

So in the Hebrew language every sin we’ve committed, repented of, been forgiven for and is now under His Blood, bears His name, the name of the sacrifice. So therefore He owns our sin. They are no longer ours, they belong to Him now, so we cannot keep them for He is the owner of them His name is on our sin.

Isaiah 53:7 – 11; two Corinthians 5:21

One of the sacrifices offered in the temple was called the Asham.

It was for a specific purpose it removed the guilt of the one who offered it up.

Asham means guilt offering.

However it also means the guilt, which seems to be a paradox, yet they do in fact go together.

How can the guilt and the guilt offering connect in this way?

Because the criteria of the Asham, the guilt offering, was that it could only take away the guilt of the one offering it by first becoming the guilt. A full representation and identification of it. The priests action of laying hands on the Head of the sacrifice was a physical indication of this.

As in Isaiah, he prophesied that Messiah would be crushed, pierced and wounded for our transgressions and sins. However in the Hebrew original text it says more and declares that His life would become an Asham.

 The same word Asham, used also in Leviticus. Here it is referring to the animal sacrifices offered up by the priests to redeem the guilty.

In Isaiah it is not referring to animal sacrifice but of a human life, that of the coming Messiah.

Here he tells us Messiah is the Asham and the Asham is the Messiah. This indicates that not only does He die to remove our guilt but He becomes the guilt itself. Looking at His death, we see both the sacrificial act and the guilt itself. The guilt of our guilt literally nailed to the cross\tree

The conclusion is therefore, if Messiah is the Asham and the Asham is the guilt, when the Asham dies so does all the guilt and shame.

All have died and been removed, gone forever and why He could say these words from the cross,

And very timely the old year is finished too and now on Rosh Hashanah, the traditional start to the holiday feasts, begins with two loaves of round challah, (bread). The round shape symbolizes the cycle of life and the crown with which God is coronated every year as King of the Universe.

To add sweetness to demonstrate the wish for a sweet new year, the challah is dipped in honey before taking the first bite. 

Many people eat pomegranates on Rosh Hashanah, demonstrating their wish for as many merits as the pomegranate has seeds. It is commonly said that the pomegranate has 613 seeds, corresponding to the 613 mitzvahs in the Torah. However, this has yet to be empirically demonstrated by seed counters worldwide!

Rosh Hashanah emphasizes the special relationship between God and us: our dependence upon God as our creator and sustainer, and God’s dependance upon us as the ones who make His presence known and felt in His world.

 Let’s Bless one another with the words

 ‘Leshanah tovah tikateiv veteichateim,’ 

‘May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.’

You are loved! Abundant shalom and New Year blessings to every reader from your family and friends at MMM.

PLEASE Don’t leave this page without making that life-saving decision – time is running out. Don’t miss the day of your visitation!

The Shofars Voice is Calling for you today!

This life is NOT all there is!

You are not here by chance!

SAY THE FOLLOWING FROM YOUR HEART RIGHT NOW…Don’t put it off one more moment…

Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.

You are now Born Again by the Holy Spirit of the Living God and you are part of the ever growing family of believers. You will never be the same again!

The Hidden Mystery of the Kallah

The Hidden Mystery of the Kallah כַּלָּה ; phonetically pronounced (kal-law’).

These days there is much chatter about the signs of the times, end of days and Jesus soon return. The catching away from 1 Thessalonians is often termed the rapture.

Also called the Parousia and the blessed hope of Titus 2:13

 The rapture is an eschatological term used by certain Christians, particularly within branches of American evangelicalism, referring to a end time event when all Christian believers will be “caught up”, translated into the clouds, in a moment in time, to join the Lord in the air. 

In fact the specific word ‘rapture’ itself does not appear anywhere in the scripture text however It has become a much used by word and originated right out of the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible.

…deinde nos qui vivimus qui relinquimur simul rapiemur cum illis in nubibus obviam Domino in aera et sic semper cum Domino erimus.. –1 Thessalonians 4:17 (Latin Vulgate)

In the New American Standard Version, the English phrase, “caught up,” is used. The same phrase is used in the King James and New International Versions. .” In the Latin Vulgate, one of the oldest Bibles in existence, the appropriate tense of rapio appears in verse 17. (Raptus is the past participle of rapio, and our English words “rapt” and “rapture” stem from this past participle.)

So this term “Rapture” comes from a Latin word, “rapio,” that means “to catch up, to snatch away, or to take out.” It is, in turn, a translation of the Greek word, “harpazo. the Harpz, the “snatching up” of the Church.

The Latin equivalent of the Greek Harpazo is the Latin verb rapio, “to take away by force.

The very definition of the word “harpazo” that we get the word “rapture” from, is: to openly and forcibly snatch something from someone.

Strong’s Greek Concordance #726 harpázō – properly, seize by force; snatch up, suddenly and decisively – like someone seizing bounty (spoil, a prize); to take by an open display of force (i.e. not covertly or secretly).

Notice in the preceding definition, “harpazo” means to “openly seize” – not covertly or secretly.

 Used in the late 16th century (in the sense ‘seizing and carrying off’): from obsolete French, or from medieval Latin raptura ‘seizing,’ partly influenced by rapt. This post is not attempting to focus on or to prove/disprove any of the options proffered by believers. Intended only to show Messiah’s use of and reference to ancient Israel and the Jewish/Hebrew wedding and how it relates to forthcoming events; and to those that have already occurred, including the fulfillment of the promise which our Lord confirmed at the Last Supper: John 14:1-3

This is a wide subject however this focus is on the wedding part.

The elements of a Jewish wedding normally include the following: one chosson (the groom), one kallah (the bride), and a ceremony sometimes referred to as kiddushin. Separate steps usually accompany a traditional wedding: Shidduch – it’s a match! Vort – formal engagement; Ketubah – or Betrothal marriage contract.

We the believers in Jesus the Messiah/Yeshua Ha Mashiach are His kallah /Calah. kallah /Calah is Hebrew for bride. (Seems both spellings are used.)

It may be easier for ladies than for men, in identifying with being a bride. The likeness is simply for God’s purposes, and to reveal His covenant and the deep close relationship that the children of Israel have with Him; which would be a reminder for them beginning with Moses at Sinai.

This mystery is hidden in the Hebrew covenant of a marriage and the wedding ceremonies in which the focus was originally more on the groom than the bride!

Looking at Isaiah 62:5: “For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee. And as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.”

In the first part of this verse in Isaiah it appears that Israel is playing the role of a bridegroom rather than a bride if we consider the word sons as male. Then in the second part he is addressing Israel as if they were to be a husband to God, as this second part of the verse declares that the ones he is addressing are now the bride to God who is in the role of the bridegroom.

The word bridegroom here is katan, which is another word for marriage. This word for marriage has the idea of joining together in complete truth and honesty.  When God as the bridegroom is married to us He is joined to us in complete truth.  Remembering here Jesus words, “They that worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.”  John 4:24.

So that is God’s side of the deal, He is the bridegroom, but what are we as the bride or Kallah? In it’s primitive form the word Kallah has a double lamed which represents prayer with uplifted hands.

Hebrew letter Lamed

This word is a picture of reaching up to your lover with an open empty heart asking him to fill your heart with his presence.   The root word is a little strange because it means both a filling or completion and a wasting away.  However, the sages chose this word to represent a bride because a bride is to fill her heart with the desires of her bridegroom while her own desires waste away. Hard for us to understand, as this flies in the face of our modern thinking.

 God gave us a marriage relationship to help us understand our relationship with Him.  It cannot be just one sided, looking to God as a bride to a bridegroom, there is the other side of the coin to consider, our beloved God has a heart similar to the heart He breathed into us.

Just as our hearts can be broken, so too can we break His heart. He has chosen to make Himself vulnerable to those He loves and love Him in return.

We must make sure we do not break His heart.

כַּלָה is the Hebrew word for bride is Kallah, (Calah) which comes from the root word Kalah meaning; to finish, complete, prepare, to make perfect (in the sense of totality rather than of being unblemished) and to consume. (Strong’s #3618 and 3634).

There is also the meaning in this word of something fulfilling its purpose. Also means daughter in law.

From the Cross Jesus said, “It is finished” or in keeping with our Hebrew word for completed/fulfilled.

Jesus returns to initiate the catching away of believers.

Lekhah Dodi means “come my beloved,” and is a request of a mysterious “beloved” that could mean either God or one’s friend(s) to join together in welcoming Shabbat that is referred to as the “bride“: likrat kallah (“to greet the [Shabbat] bride“).

Chatan: Hebrew word for groom.

Strongs 2860 Chathan חָתָן

phonetic pronounced (khaw-thawn’) חָתָן

The biblical word chatan means both son-in-law and bridegroom, (most scholars believe that the initial meaning was only son-in-law, and that bridegroom was a later development) and ‘ka•la’ also means daughter-in-law.

In the Hebrew wedding song: “The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom [hatan] and the voice of the bride [kalah].” the voice of those who shall say, Praise the Lord of Hosts; for the Lord is good; for his mercy endures for ever; and of those who shall bring the sacrifice of praise to the house of the Lord. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, says the Lord’.

Jeremiah 33:11

The wedding in Jesus day began with an agreement between the bride and groom, like engagement today. The bridegroom Journeys to the bride’s house for the covenant is made at her house.

Applying the process to believers, the Bridegroom has already made his visit! We are engaged, we are betrothed to Him.

At the time of this agreement a formal document called the Ketubah , was signed.

The Ketubah Agreement or covenant of marriage/ betrothal, included a price to be paid for the bride. In Hebrew the Mohar/Mohair.

We sometimes know it as a Dowry.

It was considered that the husband and his family were gaining an asset and the bride’s family were losing one.  And the price was according to the wealth of the Groom’s Father. The choice of whom the Bride would be and the Bride price or Mohar as it was called, was to reflect the Father of the Groom’s honor, integrity and stature; His future generations were at stake. Even if the Bride’s family was not wealthy, if the Groom’s Father was, the price was to reflect his wealth.

At that time the couple was considered to be married, even though the marriage was not consummated. She belongs to him now, for she has been “bought with a price’, and this purchase has been witnessed and confirmed.

Matthew 26: 27-28
“Then having taken a cup, after He gave thanks He gave the cup to them saying, “You must all drink from this, for this is My blood of the covenant, which is being poured out on behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.”

Luke 22:20
“This is the cup of the New Covenant in My blood which is being poured out on your behalf.”

Considering the stature and wealth of the heavenly Father, what would be a better fitting price for the Bride of Christ, the Church other than the life of His Son.

Jesus already paid the ultimate price for us His bride. By giving up his life for us at Calvary’s cross. The father of the bride may accept the bridal price.  If he does, then it is up to the bride to accept the offer of marriage.  She (the bride to be) accepts his offer when she drinks from the cup filled with wine or grape juice.

In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the renewed covenant in My blood. As often as you drink it, do this in remembrance of Me.”  For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Master until He comes.  1 Corinthians 11: 25-26

After the wine is drunk, the young man says the words in John 14:2-3:  “In My Father’s house are many rooms.   I go to prepare a place for you.  And, if I go to prepare and place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also”.

This is not so we can have a mansion of our own and do nothing but sit around. It is so we can be with Him and to share eternity with Him and be a part of the future He has planned for us.

The groom then went back to where he came from, his father’s house. He prepared a place, usually on family property, for the couple .

This Ketubah has 2 parts involving a shared cup of wine, with one at the initiation of the agreement and the other at the consummation.

The first part happens at the initial acceptance of the agreement with the sharing of the first cup of wine.The second part happens when the wedding actually happens with the sharing of the second cup of wine. 

The groom steps on the glass breaking it to indicate that this is a serious commitment and just as serious as the shattered glass is not repairable. 

Notice how Jesus says to do the New Covenant, Communion, in remembrance of Him. He is the Groom going away. But He will return for His Bride and bring her unto Himself.

I Corinthians 11:25-26
“Likewise also the cup after supper saying, “This cup is the New Covenant by means of My blood: you must regularly do this, as often as you would drink it, in remembrance of Me.”  For as often as you would eat this bread and you would drink the cup, you are proclaiming publicly the death of the Lord until He would come.”

Mark 14:24-25
“And He said to them “This is My blood of the covenant which is being poured out on behalf of many. Truly I say to you that never again am I drinking from the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the Kingdom of God.”

When we take the Cup, Communion, we are remembering Him, the price He paid with His Body and His Blood; this is symbolic of the first cup of the Ketubah.

We should also stop, pause and rejoice in that: The next time the Lord takes the cup of wine again, it will be with us, His Bride. This will be symbolic of the second cup of the Ketubah. We should take Communion in honor of Him as He has asked, but also with the comfort and intent of someday, being with and sharing the Wedding Cup with Him at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. 
The entire New Testament (New Marriage Covenant) is a reflection of the Ancient Jewish Wedding, whereby Yeshua, the Bridegroom, will one day come back for His Bride (all 12 tribes and those grafted into the olive tree, One New Man).

Right now He is preparing many dwelling places in his Father’s house (John 14:2) for his Bride.

When we choose to accept the offer of the Lord, as Lord and Savior, we enter into a covenant relationship.  We are betrothed to the Lord spiritually and we reject all other gods and idols and stay faithful to Him. We are like the Bride of those days, in that we have all the legal rights of being betrothed, even though the marriage is not complete until the final ceremony. 
Having been bought with a price, the Bride now keeps herself for him.

During this time, the Bride is to be eagerly awaiting his return.

Then the Father of the Groom will tell his Son to go snatch up his bride.

1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17

It is important to realize that in the Ancient Jewish Wedding, there is no date set for the wedding unlike in our western world.  The custom back then was that the date was to remain a mystery and only the father of the groom had an idea of when the wedding would take place.

Only when everything was completed to the fathers satisfaction would he tell his son to go and get his bride.

This is where at the reference (Matt 24:36).  that no one knows the day nor the hour when he will become for his bride, but the father only.

Because neither the bride nor groom knew when the father would say it was good enough, it was critical that they both needed to be ready as the finishing touches were about to be completed.

This prophecy is a reflection of the Fall Appointed Feast Days of Yom Teruah (The Feast of Trumpets) as it is accustomed for the High Priest to say, “No man knows the day or the hour.”  The reason for this saying is that no one would know on which day the sighting of the crescent moon would appear that would be necessary in order to initiate the feast day celebrations starting with Yom Teruah.  Here we see the connection with the wedding as well as with Yom Teruah.

Scriptures attributed to Yom Teruah are (1Thess 4:16-17)(Rev 19:7-9).

The couple do not see each other again until the day of the wedding but spend their time in preparation for it.

As was the custom, the bride was to prepare herself for the wedding ceremony that would take place from one to two years from the acceptance of the proposal.

(For us it has been 2000+ years (1000 years as a day?) and we are still waiting for Him to come and get us, His Bride). There is much anticipation of this event and it is meant to be a surprise for the Bride as the Bridegroom comes as a thief in the night at the Appointed Time/Feast (Mow’ed).

For the bride, life seems the same, she lives with her family doing daily activities, she is married but What has changed? Everything! For she is now CALAH.

God came to our house as Jesus 2000+ years ago and made a covenant with us if we said yes to Him. Then the bridegroom according to the Hebrew custom leaves to return to His home, His Father’s house. Jesus returned to heaven and where we are now, these are the days of separation. The bride in her house, Earth. The groom in His House, heaven.

John 14:2-3:  “In My Father’s house are many rooms.   I go to prepare a place for you.  And, if I go to prepare and place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also”.

We are still in this in the present world, still in the same House, everything seems the same it looks unchanged. But, something unseen has changed, not the exterior House or the world around us. However, we have changed inside, and we are no longer OF this world even though we are still IN it.

The time of preparation:

Again, it’s important to realize that the custom was, the wedding date was to remain a mystery and only the father of the groom had an idea of when.

The wedding was a prophetic type of the coming Messiah set in for the children of Israel as a symbolic preparation of the spiritual life enacted as the marriage process. The wedding, the covenant, the betrothal, the holy convocation, the rehearsal. This was on purpose so every time two individuals became a couple they enacted God’s eternal plan out in their own lives.

Just as many modern Western ceremonies today, have a rehearsal dinner or Church rehearsal meetings to go through the order of ceremony to be performed at the appointed time. So the cycle of 7 appointed times of the Lord throughout the year are also a rehearsal and a preparation for the fulfillment of God’s plan of the ages through Jesus and His coming as Messiah in fulfillment of those prophetic events.

So is the wedding a type and shadow of His relationship with us and why He referred so much to it. The people of His day who were around Him listening to Him were familiar with such events and understood the process. It made sense to them and it’s why He used it to explain His mission, Ministry and ultimate future in relationship to us, His Calah.

After the building of the wedding chamber/room is complete, and after the father has determined that his son is ready, then the father would send His son back to where the bride would be eagerly awaiting his return from her hometown (Earth) to retrieve her for the Wedding.

“Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Master is coming. Matt 24:42

Then the groom would go for the bride, often at night and she would have to be ready.

The guests too would be notified at the last minute.

At that time, there would be a procession led by the bridegroom back to where the bride is from (Earth).  The processional wedding party would stop outside the town, and there would be a cry made for the bride with the sounding of the shofar to go out to meet the Bridegroom.

14 For if we believe that יהושע died and rose again, so also Elohim shall bring with Him those who sleep in יהושע.

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Master, that we, the living who are left over at the coming of the Master shall in no way go before those who are asleep.

16 Because the Master Himself shall come down from heaven with a shout, with the voice of a chief messenger, (archangel) and with the trumpet (Yom Teruah) of Elohim, and the dead in Messiah shall rise first. 

17 Then we, the living who are left over, shall be caught away together with them in the clouds to meet the Master in the air – and so we shall always be with the Master. 1 Thess 4:14-17

50. And this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood is unable to inherit the reign of Elohim, neither does corruption inherit incorruption.

51. See, I speak a secret to you: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52. in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound,

and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.1 Corinthians 15: 50-52


The following is a parable by Yeshua describing how there will be those who would not be made aware of the times of His second coming and will miss this moment.

“Then the reign of the heavens shall be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.” (Matt 25:1-13)


“Now while the bridegroom took time, they all slumbered and slept.

6. “And at midnight a cry was heard, ‘See, the bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him!’  (Matt 25:5-6)

At the voice of the Bridegroom calling them up, Messiah Yeshua comes out of heaven with a trumpet blast, to gather His whole Bride for the wedding, and the 7 days in the chuppah. The “bride has made herself ready”.  He collects His Bride who is alive and waiting for Him on the earth. As betrothed brides, they were supposed to be preparing for their wedding, sewing the various garments, purifying, learning, etc. in anticipation of the Big Day… but 5 grew drowsy and were sleeping.

They were to keep a light in the window during the nighttime and have more oil on hand, ready to make the journey to meet the Groom.

Without a light in the night, how would they find their way to meet the Groom? They would stumble and fall, stray off the path being unable to navigate in the dark.

They were to “meet up” with the Groom and head for the Wedding Ceremony, Honeymoon and Marriage Supper.
Five of the betrothed made it, Five did not…. All ten had the opportunity. 

Five had their heart in it were focused and kept to their purpose. These 5 stayed on course with well supplied lamps, trimmed wicks and fresh oil on hand. This is how we must be as the betrothed Church waiting for our Groom, Messiah Jesus/Yeshua.

Only the “prepared ones” will make it. There will not be any second chances.

Those arriving late will be locked outside the door. We must remain passionate for our Lord and be able to stay on course through the darkness, and many times that darkness can seem very heavy.

We must set our hearts and live our lives as the prepared Bride of the Lord.

The parable of the wise virgins, of Matthew 25:1-11, shows us that only the prepared Bride gets to go into the chuppah with Him.  The guests are shut out.

“And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut.  (Matt 25:10)

The bride, and her family would go out to meet the bridegroom.  The bridal company (bridesmaids) would join the procession back to the bridegroom’s hometown (Heaven). It is clear in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5 that Paul was speaking to a Jewish audience who understood the cultural idoms of the day.

The true meaning is to “take by surprise.” And the Lord makes it clear to His church through His Word, that He does not want us to be taken by surprise but on the contrary for us to be faithful, alert and watching.

The phrase is not about the Lord being like “the kind” of a “thief” that would come in the night by sneaking in and sneaking out. In the day and age of Jesus and the apostles, most people lived in one or two room houses. Anyone would know when someone came in or out, including in the night. Jesus will be coming “like” a “thief in the night” in that “He will take the world by surprise” when He comes to get His church.

When he spoke of, “as a thief in the night,” those listening would realize that he was possibly speaking about the Captain of the Temple that may have been the high priest.  The Captain’s job was to make sure that the watchman or guards were not sleeping but rather doing their job. If the Captain of the Temple found any guards asleep, then he would set their garments on fire with his torch. ‘Not found naked’, as he would have ripped off his clothes to save from being burned.

Thus, the Captain of the Temple was known as a Thief in the Night.  The term/idiom, A Thief in the Night, was used by Jesus/Yeshua Himself and is used to identify a sleeping or dead church.

1 Now, brothers, as to the times and the seasons (mow’ed), you do not need to be written to. 2 For you yourselves know very well that the day of יהוה comes as a thief in the night. 3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then suddenly destruction comes upon them, as labour pains upon a pregnant woman, and they shall not escape. 4 But you, brothers, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 5For you are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. (1 Thess 5:1-5)

Returning to the wedding reference:

and when his father approved of the apartment or house, the son would come for his bride and the wedding ceremony would take place. Today the ceremony takes place under a chuppah, a prayer shawl over 4 supports representing the room that was prepared.

Once the ceremony is over, the two would go into the bridal chamber (chuppah) for 7 days (now known as a honeymoon). The tradition of a husband staying home with his new wife for the first year of marriage symbolizes the millennial reign the 1000 years, (1day=1000 years), when we rule and reign with Him

Revelation 14:1-3; 20:1-4; Romans 8:17

Picture this: It was in the early morning while it was still dark, the Morning Star Shone upon his opening tomb.

Everyone was sleeping as it was still during the hours of darkness and rest for the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Jesus arose, His rising did not disturb the slumbering citizens. The watchmen of the night saw and heard nothing to alert them that in the spiritual realm everything has changed. For them it was just another early morning and that they would begin in the natural realm just like any other.

It may well be that it is very early in the morning while it is still dark, when 1 Thess 4:16 occurs; when only the morning star is shining that the believers who make up Messiahs body on earth shall be called up to Him joining the dead in Christ who have been raised exactly a twinkling of an eye before them.

Like Him, somewhere in the earth His saints will awake, while the children of the night and darkness are still sleeping. Not one will be disturbed and as on that morning in Jerusalem, the rest of the world will not hear the voice of the archangel, nor the trumpet that calls them to His side.

He will awaken each one when the hour arrives. The words of Isaiah 26:19 Will accompany the quickening. ‘awake and sing you that dwell in dust.’

 What does the phrase “in the twinkling of an eye” mean? Many say it is “faster than a blink.” Whatever it means, it’s very very fast! The next question is, “what happens in the twinkling of an eye?” This verse in 1 Corinthians 15, may be one of the most misquoted verses of all time.

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed– in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:51-52

It says “we shall be “changed” in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. It does not say that the Rapture happens in the twinkling of an eye.
In the previous verses..

“As was the man of dust, so also are those who are made of dust; and as is the heavenly Man, so also are those who are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed– in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.

 For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changedFor this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.”

This whole section of scripture seems to be about “how we shall become like the Lord.” How “corruption” is not fit for heaven. The flesh and blood bodies that we now have are mortal and of corruption.

Both the bodies of the saints in heaven and those who are still alive, must be made “fit for heaven.” It is about the speed of the changing of the bodies and remains, not about the speed of the Rapture.

Our very DNA miraculously revived and made alive supernaturally as the power of the risen Savior re-creates all bodies new and in His image.

The first rays of the sun penetrate the darkness of each saints grave, one massive unprecedented miracle around the globe simultaneously re-creating each and every child of God who died in faith believing in His return.

The rays of His glory will penetrate each one, pouring into the depths and as the shadows of the morning and the eastern clouds slide away hope is rewarded and mortality is flung aside and all at once the uprising glorified bodies changed at the speed of light, faster than an eye blink we meet Him in the air, the Lord of glory, Creator of the heavens and the earth, the King of the universe.

(From quantum physics considerations, this transformation, “in the twinkling of an eye,” will possibly occur digitally in 10-43 of a second.) 

His Glory like the Star of Bethlehem which heralded His first coming and shone beams of light guiding those seeking Him into His presence;the star of the morning will again shine beams of light to direct us Heavenward. A new path for us but also the last leg of the journey along life’s Way, in the Truth and to the everlasting Life He promised.

The sleeping church, or believers who do not understand the Appointed Feasts, may miss the wedding!

1“And to the messenger of the assembly in Sardis write, ‘He who has the seven Spirits of Elohim and the seven stars, says this, “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.

2“Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete before Elohim.

3“Remember, then, how you have received, and heard. And watch and repent. If, then, you do not wake up, I shall come upon you as a thief, and you shall not know at all what hour I come upon you.  (Revelation 3:1-3)

The wedding takes place and the bride and the bridegroom are married in the bridegroom’s hometown (Heaven).

(Maybe under the grooms prayer shawl/ chuppah)

The bride and the bridegroom would consummate the marriage in the bridal chamber built by the bridegroom at their new home, while the entire wedding party would wait outside the bridal chamber. 

Once the consummation had taken place, there would be a great celebration as the wedding party would last for 7 days or less. (Marriage supper of the Lamb 7 years)

And he said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who have been called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” Revelation 19:9

“Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him praise, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife prepared herself.”

8And to her it was given to be dressed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of the set-apart ones.

9And he said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who have been called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he said to me, “These are the true words of Elohim.”  Revelation 19: 7-9

After 7 days or less of celebration, a processional of the entire wedding party would return back to the Bride’s hometown (Earth) to continue with the celebrations. (Messiahs second Coming.)

They really DO live happily ever after!

 The Archangel whether it be Michael, Gabriel, Rafael or another, whose voice we shall hear is like a morning call for all of us. It’s time to wake up to arise, weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning of our resurrection.

Encourage one another with these words.

He will receive us and so shall we ever be with Our Messiah.

“He came among His own people, but His own did not take* Him. And so many as did receive Him, He gave them authority to become children of God, to those who believed in His name, they are not from blood and not from the desire of flesh and not from the will of man but were begotten from God. ” John 1:11-13

*take: This word means to take as your betrothedspeaking of the intimate relationship Y’shua came to seal.

Jesus did not come just to be lightly received. He came from the Father to bring us back to Him. To “take Jesus, to receive Him,” meant to “believe in His Name in a life changing manner.” It was (and is) entering into a Covenant relationship with our Holy God. Because He called us out, chose us. Note it says, He gave them authority to become children of God, not just became children of God.

 “The coming of the Lord” will be “unexpected” by those who “are not watching and waiting” for Him.

This great day will surprise the lost “as” a “thief in the night.” But God’s people – who are not of the night nor of darkness – will be looking for Him. God’s people know the signs and nearness of His coming and are watching for Him.

The Amplified Bible has verse 4 as this: “But you are not in [given up to the power of] darkness, brethren, for that day to overtake you by surprise like a thief.”
There may not be much more time to trim the lamps or seek more oil… We should decide which of the groups we are a part.

For the bridegroom cometh and when ever He comes, let‘s make sure that we are awake, prepared and ready to go with Him.

The wedding process is already in motion and we are His Calah/Kallah, כַּלָּה,  pronounced (kal-law’).

Even so, maranatha, come Messiah!

Extra Point of interest to explain what were Jewish Night Watches:

The Jewish people in the Old Testament divided the 12 hour night into three military watches instead of hours. Each watch was 4 hours long.

The first or “beginning of the night watches” was from sunset (or for practical purposes, 6pm) until 10pm and was mentioned in Lamentations 2:19.

The “middle watch” is from 10pm until 2am and was mentioned in Judges 7:19.

The “morning watch” was from 2am until 6am and was mentioned in Exodus 14:24 and 1 Samuel 11:11.

“Night watches” are also mentioned in Psalm 63:6 and Psalm 119:148.

Each new 24 Jewish day began at sundown (or 6pm.) That is why the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown.

In contrast our Roman days begin at midnight.

Jewish Daytime began at 6am; and ends at 6pm for counting hours. The first hour is therefore 7am; the second hour is 8am; the third hour is 9am, the sixth hour is noon or 12pm; and so forth.

Examples of some time references

Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44 – “from the sixth hour” refers to noon and “until the ninth hour” refers to 3pm

Matthew 20 – In verse 3 “third hour” refers to 9am/ “Sixth and ninth” hours in verse 5 refers to noon and 3 pm/  “eleventh hour” in verse 6 refers to 5pm

Acts 2:15 – “third hour of the day” is 9am

Acts 3:1 – “ninth hour” is 3pm

Acts 10:3 – “ninth hour” is 3pm

Acts 10:9 – “sixth hour” is noon

Acts 10:30 – “during the ninth hour” is 3-4 pm

Acts 23:23 – “third hour of the night” is 9pm

 Roman Night Watches: Rome takes over in the time period between the Testaments and rules the Jewish people. The Romans broke their number of military watches into four 3-hour watches. These were called:

First Watch, also called Evening Watch  – sundown, 6pm to 9pm

Second Watch, also called Midnight Watch – 9pm to midnight

Third Watch, also called Cock-crow or Cock-crowing Watch – midnight to 3am

Fourth Watch, also called Morning Watch – 3 am to sunrise, 6am

Some Roman watches are mentioned in the New Testament:

Matthew 14:25 – “fourth watch of the night” refers to 3-6am

Mark 13:35 – “evening”“midnight”“when the rooster crows”“morning”

Luke 12:38 – “second watch” refers to 9pm to midnight and “third” refers to midnight to 3am

Note this was the reference to Peters 3 denials by Jesus!

 Older versions of the Bible say the Gospel of John used Roman time. (Again, Roman time is how we keep time.) Newer versions of the Bible say the hours mentioned in John are Jewish time. Looking at the context of the verses, I would agree with Jewish time.

John 1:39 – “the tenth hour” could refer to the Roman time of 10am or the Jewish time of 4pm.  (4pm makes more sense.)

John 4:6 – “the sixth hour” is perhaps Roman time of 6am or Jewish time of noon  (The heat of the day at noon makes more sense.)

John 4:52 – “the seventh hour” is either 7am Roman time or 1pm Jewish time.  (Again, Jewish time makes more sense.)

It’s not clear why scholars of the newer versions have decided it is Jewish time in the Gospel of John. Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written between AD 58-67. John was written about AD 80-90 when the Roman Empire ruled and the Jewish people had been scattered after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in AD 70. Perhaps when John wrote the gospel most people kept time by Roman standards and that is why older versions say it was written with Roman time. But John being Jewish, the advancement in scholarship of ancient texts and the context of the verses makes the thought feasible that he wrote using Jewish hours.

When reading the Bible is it critical to know the Jewish hours and the Roman watches? Not really, but it helps with context of the passage. For instance in Matthew 14:25 when Jesus comes walking to the disciples on water it was the “fourth watch” or 3:00 to 6:00am. Matthew 14:22 tells us Jesus had the disciples get into the boat and go before Him. Verse 23 tells us Jesus went to pray and then evening came. This means the disciples had been in the boat over nine hours and may have been battling the storm a long time before Jesus came to them. That would be enough time to become really terrified! Is that crucial to the text to know that? No, not really – you get the point of the passage without that knowledge, however knowing the context makes your understanding richer. 

Please don’t leave this page before making certain Jesus is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Are We Blowing Our Own Trumpets?

In the above verses, we see that The Lord is commanding us to have a memorial of blowing trumpets every year on the first day of the seventh month of Tishri,(September), and He calls it a “holy convocation.” 

In other words, a wedding rehearsal!

The offering that we make to Him on this day is an offering by “fire.” 

In other words, our own lives are to be presented to Him as a living sacrifice. We allow the fire of the Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit) to purge and purify our lives so that we will be ready for the day when He returns to catch away His bride.

Jesus/Yeshua, is coming for a bride without spot or blemish. We must be purified by going through trials and tribulation in order to be ready for “The Day That No Man Knows!”At the conclusion of the 1,260-day ministry of the “Two Witnesses,” the “seventh angel” will sound (Revelation 11:15) and then the bride shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye at the “last trump.”

Revelation. (Chazown) 11:12-15 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them…And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Master, and of his Mashiyach (Messiah); and he shall reign for ever and ever.Some scholars say there are 3 and some say 4, different trumpet blasts sounded on the Feast of Trumpets. The number “4” represents “the four corners” of the earth (the harvest field) and the “four angels” of the “four winds of heaven.”Chazown (Revelation) 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. These 4 types of trumpet blasts are as follows:

 Trumpet #1.) is called the Tekyiah (T’kiyah) The Tekiah – A pure unbroken sound that calls man to search his heart, forsake his wrong ways, and seek forgiveness through repentance.

It can consist of one note (or blast) or it can be a low note near the fundamental tone of the horn that rises quickly about 3 notes higher. Finally, it can even be finished by a note that is a full octave higher.

Contrary to what is expected, it does not take a great deal of air to blow a shofar. The secret is the vibration of the lips (a minimum of 16 vibrations per second) that creates the vibration of air in the horn. The higher notes are obtained by tightening the lips.

Trumpet #2.)

The second sound is called the Shevarim (Sh’varim) Shebarim – A broken, staccato, trembling sound. It typifies the sorrow that comes to man when he realizes his misconduct and desires to change his ways. It sounds like a man moaning in repentance.

It consists of three blasts that are from the fundamental low to the next note up.Great playing shofars are ones that will produce three notes with relative ease. Some shofars (for various reasons) may produce only two notes and poor ones only one note. Each horn will have its own “voice” and sound in many keys. The texture of the finish, size, length and the diameter of the mouthpiece opening will vary the sound of the horn.

Trumpet #3.)

The Third sound is called the Teruah (T’ruah, teruwah) The Teruw’ah

It is Strong’s word #8643 8643 teruw` ah (ter-oo-aw’); from 7321 (ruah); clamor, i.e. acclamation of joy or a battle-cry; especially clangor of trumpets, as an alarum: KJV- alarm, blow (-ing) (of, the) (trumpets), joy, jubile, loud noise, rejoicing, shout (-ing), (high, joyful) sound (-ing).The same word is used for the “Shout” that is made with the voice! It was the “shout” of the shofars combined with the “shout” of the people that brought down the walls of Jericho. – A wave-like sound of alarm calling upon man to stand by the banner of Elohiym.

Teruah consists of 9 staccato notes in succession. It may be proceeded by a one-note tekyiah and may be finished by accenting the last note. Some will accent it and take it up a third. I believe that the Teruah is the “short blasts of alarm” as specified in Numbers 10:9.

Teruah means “an awakening blast”. A theme associated with Rosh HaShanah is the theme “to awake”. Teruah is also translated as “shout”.

In I Thessalonians 4:16-17 it is written:In I Corinthians 15:51-52 it is written:

“Behold, I show you a mystery, a sud,* we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at THE LAST TRUMP: for the TRUMPET (shofar) shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed”

(sud* = deeper spiritual meaning, explained in an earlier post)


Trumpet #4.)  

There is another blast called The Tekiah Gedolah (Great Tekyiah).  – The prolonged, unbroken sound typifying a final appeal to sincere repentance and atonement.

Some consider a fourth sound but it is simply a tekyiah held as long as breath lasts or is appropriate. Some shofar blowers can hold a note for over a minute!This 4th Trumpet is “the last trumpet” sound made on the Feast of Trumpets and this represents “the four angels from the four winds of heaven and the four corners of the earth” as they gather the elect (Matthew 24:29-31). Seven trumpets (shofars) are sounded when God judges the earth during the tribulation. Judaism concerns itself with three shofar calls of God. They are called the first trump, the last trump and the great trump.

The first trump was blown at Mount Sinai. The last trump is blown to signify the resurrection of the dead and may be blown on Rosh HaShanah. The great trump will signify the Second Coming of the Lord and is blown at Yom Kippur.According to other scholars, there are only two trumps, the first at Mount Sinai (Ex 19:19). and the last (great) that is blown by God (Yeshua) Himself at His return on Yom Kippur. (Isaiah 27:13, Zech. 9:14, Matt. 24:29-3I, 1st Thess. 4:16-17, 1st Cor. 15:52).

LISTEN HERE TO THE SOUNDS OF(Sounds take 10 seconds to begin.)

  Once the horn of a ram, the shofar has been cut off and taken through a cleansing process, making it an instrument separated from any purpose other than responding to breath, (ruach), passing through its chamber. We the servants of the King, are maturing in the same process in the school of the Holy Spirit. (Ruach HaKodesh)From where specifically does the phrase last trump come?

In Judaism there are three recognized shofarim or ram’s horn trumpets.

They are the first Trump, the last trump, and the great shofar.

These shofarim should not be confused with the two silver trumpets called chatzatzerah in Numbers chapter 10.

The first trump and the last trump relate to the two horns of a particular Ram.According to Jewish tradition the Ram was caught in the thicket on Mount Moriah when Abraham was ready to slay Isaac and offer him up as a burnt offering.

This ram became the substitute and was sacrificed in place of Isaac, even as Yeshua the Messiah became the substitute for us and provided Life for us through His death.

In Pirke deR’Eliezer, (a rabbinic work,) it was said the left Horn, (first- trump), was blown on Mount Sinai when the Torah was given and it’s right horn, (the last trump), will be blown to herald the coming Messiah/Moshiach.The Midrash, (Hebrew Commentary), claims that the two horns of the ram became the two trumpets, which in Hebrew is, the shofarot of God.

  The right horn was larger than the left, and thus concerning the days of Moshicah it is written,’on that day, a great shofar will be blown.’ (Tz’enah Urenah)Was not the ram burnt as a burnt offering together with its horns, skin and flesh? So how are there horns?

The answer is that undoubtedly God performed a miracle and created a new ram out of the ashes. The Ram was resurrected!Some believers have suggested that it is a reference to a prophetic vision. Perhaps what is being implied is that when Abraham looked up, he saw not only this ram caught in the thicket, but he saw a future sacrifice, one that would come long after his day.

“Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.” (John 8:5-6)

What did Abraham see? Perhaps he saw the Lamb provided by God.

Was this particular ram created for this purpose since the first days of creation? In other words, Isaac’s ram was prepared for sacrifice since the foundation of the world. In the same way, Peter described the Master as “a lamb without blemish or defect, chosen before the creation of the world.” (1st Peter 1:19-20)


The three great trumpets (shofarim) that mark MAJOR events in the redemptive plan of God are associated with days in the Biblical calendar. The FIRST TRUMP is associated with and was seen as being blown by God on the feast of Shavuot, (Pentecost), when God gave the Torah at Mount Sinai.

In Exodus (Shemot) 19:18-19 it is written:”And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. And when the voice of the TRUMPET sounded LONG and waxed LOUDER and LOUDER, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice” Patterns of sound, released from this instrument in faith and understanding and at the direction of the Holy Spirit, is one of the most powerful agents of change on the planet. Spiritual forces in the heavens understand fully and must respond to that sound. Portals/windows and doors in the heavens are opened and earthly atmosphere becomes charged with the power of the Most High.Spiritual forces and obstacles resisting His kingdom are removed, the heavens shift, walls fall down, and His people move forward to possess their inheritance and fulfill their destiny. All of creation longs for the mature ones of God to awaken and appropriate the sound of the victory won. נִצָּחוֹן (nee-tsah-KHOHN) is a victory.

Netzah is the Hebrew word for victory, or endurance; it represents God’s active grace in the world. The name YHVH Tza’va’ot is associated with Netzah.

The trumpets of Israel announced the coming of kings and kingdoms, the approaching of armies. So it is prophesied that when the trumpet sounds, the kingdom of God will come.

The trumpets called the people of Israel to gather before God. So it is prophesied that at the sound of the trumpet, God’s people will be gathered up to His presence.The sound of the trumpet was a wake-up call. So it is foretold that when the trumpets sound, the dead in Messiah will be awoken.

Lastly it was the sound of the trumpet that announced the beginning of the kings reign. So it is foretold that when the trumpet sounds, the reign of the King will begin, the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of the Lord.The Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah/Rosh HaShanah and the Holy days of autumn are just as much a part of the Re-New-ed Covenant, as are the Holy days of spring.

They tell us that our faith, is not only in what was, but is in what is yet to come, as in Messiah. We live FROM salvation and yet, TO redemption, and we are above all, a people of hope. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God and the perishable cannot inherit the imperishable but there is a mystery awaiting us all….. at the sound of the last shofar in the twinkling of an eye the dead will be raised and transformed into immortal bodies. Techiyat ha-metim. When this happens death itself will be swallowed up in victory. Since Jesus our Lord delivered us from the curse of the laws verdict against us, on account of God’s love and grace; then we can rejoice that love is stronger than death. The ultimate victory over the ravages of sin will forever be reversed on behalf of Jesus our Lord and Redeemer.Your kingdom must now come on earth as it is in heaven.

The very last time that the word “trumpet” is mentioned in scripture is in Revelation 9:14 and it is when the four angels from the four winds of heaven are about to be loosed to gather the bride (the elect).This trumpet is about redemption! The first time God who called Himself, I AM / YHWH / Yaweh (YaHuWaH) established covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15:9, a three-year old ram was killed (symbolic of the three year ministry of Messiah). When Abraham offered up his son Yitzchaq (Isaac) to I AM / Yaweh / YaHuWaH, a ram was seen with his horns “caught” in the thicket as a substitute offering. so the “trumpet” or the “ram’s horn” is prophetically connected to covenant, redemption, freedom and deliverance!The term, ‘blowing our own trumpet’, is used in modern vernacular, as telling everyone proudly about your own achievements in a boastful way.

This is the world’s way, not the Lord’s Way.However as believers in Jesus our Messiah, it is indeed time to ‘blow our own trumpets’ …and in this instance it’s OK!… for the King is Coming! 

If you’re not certain you are ready for His return, don’t leave this site without being sure. Go to the link below.. for you are precious to the Lord and greatly loved. Blessings and Shalom!

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The Legend Of Messiahs Missing Shofar

Who will sound the ‘last trump’, spoken of in 1Corinthians 15:52  Elijah? Jesus? Sounding the Horn of the Messiah from Jerusalem, Israel.

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great horn shall be blown; and they shall come that were lost in the land of Ashur, and they that were dispersed in the land of Mitzrayim; and they shall worship Hashem in the holy mountain at Yerushalayim.” Isaiah 27:13 (The Israel Bible™)One of the landmark holy sites in Jerusalem’s Old City, the Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai Synagogue was built at the beginning of the 17th century.The synagogue is believed to stand on the location of the original study hall of Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai.He was a major rabbinic and scholarly figure in the Second Temple era, quoted throughout the Talmud.Johanan ben Zakai on the Knesset Menorah

Though it is impossible to say with absolute certainty when the Messiah will come, in an ancient synagogue in Jerusalem’s Old City, a shofar and jug of oil are patiently waiting on a high shelf for His arrival!

They are replacements for the originals, supposedly rescued from the Second Temple amidst Roman destruction, which disappeared in the heat of the 1967 battle for Jerusalem.Legends and mysteries surround the simple items   The synagogue is known for many things, but its most remarkable element could easily go overlooked. On the southern wall, on a glass shelf far too high to be readily accessible, sit a jug of olive oil and shofar. Tradition has it that when the Messiah arrives, Elijah himself will appear to blow the shofar and anoint Him with the oil.The shofar, or ram’s horn, is usually identified with Rosh Hashana, or Yom Teruah,

the Jewish New Year, when 100 blasts are traditionally blown from the shofar.

https://www.minimannamoments.com/midweek-mannabite-the-sound-of-the-trumpet/Usually shofars belong to individuals, who practice year-round, not to the synagogues themselves, making the Ben Zakai shofar unusual. They are among the most significant ritual items in Judaism.The shofar was used regularly in the Temple service,

and Jewish tradition holds that the sounds of the shofar will announce the arrival of the Messiah, just as they greeted the ancient kings of Israel.Many of these inhabitants of Jerusalem would be working in the fields or grinding at the mill (Matthew 24:40-42), and when they heard the sound of the shorar/showphar (trumpet) they knew that their work was finished. Our Messiah was speaking in the language of, ‘Feast of Trumpets’ typology, when He said that we must “work while it is yet day, for the night comes when no man can work” (John 9:24). Those who were working in the fields had to run towards the temple before the doors were shut. The person who was alert and listening for the sound of the shofar was “taken” by the sound of the trumpet; this was his signal to run towards the temple. But the person who was not alert and not watching, would not hear the sound of the trumpet, and they would be “left” in the field or grinding at the mill, unaware that the day had come.To Shimon Gantz, the manager of the synagogue today, told Breaking Israel News that he recently spoke with one of the first IDF soldiers to enter the Old City in 1967 after the Israeli liberation.Chief Military Rabbi Shlomo Goren at the Western Wall in 1967 shortly after the liberation of Jerusalem. (Wiki Commons)

Jerusalem – The Zion Gate – Hebrew שער“He told me that he entered the Old City via the Zion Gate, and immediately sought out the synagogue. His platoon arrived here when the battle was still raging. They were horrified to see the way it had been treated. It was vandalized and full of the worst kind of garbage.

But he also said that he was sure he saw the original jug of oil and shofar on the high shelf, untouched.

“Unfortunately, by the time the battle for the city was over and Jews re-entered the synagogue, the shofar and oil were gone,” Gantz told Breaking Israel News.

The shelf stood empty until 1978, when Yitzchak Navon, then-President of Israel, visited the synagogue.Accompanying President Navon was an elderly Jew who had prayed at the synagogue before the Jordanian occupation in 1947. Navon noticed his companion looking up at the empty shelf and asked what he was looking for. The man told Navon about the oil and shofar, obviously pained and disappointed at their absence. Navon promised to replace them. Later that year, a shofar and jug of oil were placed there by the president of Israel, and they remain on the shelf until today.Anyone can buy or own a shofar, making the Navon shofar special only in its connection to Israel’s modern history.From simple ram’s horns to ornate, silver-plated instruments,and gold plated the horn of the Messiah is available to all,  “In the past three years, we have sold hundreds of shofars in the months leading up to Rosh Hashana to Jews and Christians around the world,” he said.“Many of our customers, especially of Christian faith, are awaiting the end times and are purchasing shofars in order to be able to herald the arrival of the Messiah themselves,” Kellman added.But that doesn’t mean the Messiah’s own shofar is not still out there, waiting…..

In fact, a curious anecdote from Dr. Yahav Shmaryahu, the synagogue’s long-time caretaker, adds a new twist to the story. Three years ago, a small group of men approached Dr. Shmaryahu, asking for special permission to pray in the synagogue at midnight. While they were praying, one of the men looked up and at the shelf and shook his head in disappointment, telling Dr. Shmaryahu that the shofar was not the original.

“I knew this was the case, so this didn’t surprise me,” Dr. Shmaryahu told Breaking Israel News, “But then he claimed the original shofar was in his possession, and when the time came, he would return to the synagogue to blow shofar!!”

All that remains is for each of us to be ready spiritually and on that day, whoever blows it, we WILL hear the shofar sound of the Last Trump.

If you are not certain that you will, go NOW to
