People are often curious as to where our term ‘alphabetical order’, comes from.
Logically this has it’s root in the sequence of the Hebrew letters that form the alef beis (alphabet) or Alef-Tav/Tau.

Due to the *occult/hidden connotations connected with the Mazzaroth /zodiac; our initial reaction to anything to do with it is a negative one.
The word occult comes from the adj. 1530s, “secret, not divulged,” from Middle French occulte and directly from Latin occultus “hidden, concealed, secret,” past participle of occulere “cover over, conceal,” + a verb related to celare “to hide.” Today’s meaning in general is supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena:“a secret society to study alchemy and the occult hidden- forbidden knowledge. To say something is occulted is to say it is hidden. Connecte to sight as it is similar to oculus – a round or eye-like opening or design.
However the scriptures say that God created the heavens and set them for signs and seasons.

ElohIM: God transcends all life and all we think He is.
He is the creator and the adversary (ha satan) is the one who takes what was good and perverts it and because of that we miss the good things in their origins. There seems to be some truth in the saying, ‘it’s written in the stars’?
From this is a possible explanation why Hebrew language is read from right to left because this is the same order in which they become visible in the heavens during the course of an annual cycle? In the picture below is our Earth, located in the center and the heavens where the stars, (in their constellations) are around us. 
Where the arrows point to Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Dalet; that is A, B, G, D in our alphabet.

We are made in His IMAGE..

Five times we are told we are made in His image/essence.
“Elohim” אֱלהִים is an important word with several meanings. Although this word is not the main focus of this post it bears adding more than a brief mention, as some scholars have questioned its plural inference used as a name for God – citing El as from EmmanuEL, MichaEL, ELyon, etc.

angels divine (1), divine being (1), exceedingly (1), God (2326), god (45), God’s (14), goddess (2), godly (1), gods (204), great (2), judges (3), mighty (2), rulers (1), (Brown Driver Briggs #2570 for many other scripture references at https://www.biblehub.com/hebrew/430.htm)

The word Elohim is the plural of El (or possibly of Eloah as the singular form of the word Elohim is Eloah (אלה), and that form is used frequently in the Bible.) It is the first name for God given in the Tanakh: “In the beginning, God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1): The name Elohim is unique to Hebraic thinking: it occurs only in Hebrew and in no other ancient Semitic language.
The Meaning Of Elohim In Hebrew.

Translated into English, the word is “god” (capital or lowercase “g”), and oddly enough can refer to either Yahweh God, or to humans.
‘Elohim’ is a plural word, which is peculiar because God is one (Deuteronomy 6:4). Still, the singular form of the word Elohim is Eloah (אלה), and that form is used frequently in the Bible as well.

The modern western perspective of God ignores the Hebraic concept of “balance,” which is an integral part of the Ancient Hebrews perspective of who God is. Elohim is a grammatically plural noun for “gods” or “deities” in Biblical Hebrew. In Hebrew, the ending -im normally indicates a masculine plural. However, when referring to the Hebrew God, Elohim is usually understood to be grammatically singular (i.e. it governs a singular verb or adjective).

It can either mean “gods” plural (i.e. heathen gods), or it can mean God Himself, singular. The idea of calling God “Elohim” is that God is so infinitely powerful, a plural of the word “God” demonstrates His all-encompassing nature. Rather than Yahoveh, which signifies His existence, or Adonai, which signifies His lordship, “Elohim” simply emphasizes that He is a divine being, or a God, one worthy of worship. Since it is plural with the same type of suffix that can be translated “ites” in English, “Elohim can also refer to the “Sons of God,” meaning Angelic beings.
Elohim is one of three Divine Names by which the Creator is known as He creates. The creation account is probably the most difficult and most enigmatic passages in the Bible. It starts at the beginning and it doesn’t really end. ‘Elohim’ is a plural word, which is peculiar because God is one. Echad. (Deuteronomy 6:4).

Elohay ha Elohim – God of gods.
There are three stages upon which the creation unfolds. The 1st stretches from Genesis 1:1 to 2:4. In this period God is known as Elohim.
Second, He is known as YHVH Elohim from Genesis 2:4.
The 3rd stage begins around the Noah cycle and flows over into the Abraham cycle and beyond, across the remainder of the Scriptures. Abraham was the first to believe and became not only a ‘new creation’; (Possibly after his face to face, panim el panim?), but he was also the first of a new family of new creations, the set apart – Holy – Kadosh Nation of Israel – His KedoshIM). During this stage God is known as Dabar YHVH, or Word Of God.
The Word of the Lord YHWH, or דבר־אדני יהוה (Dabar Adonai YHWH)
Where some names of God come uniquely from rare roots, the names Elyon and Dabar come from roots that have truly vast domains of application. The word Dabar, however, outdoes even Elyon and is a universe of meaning in itself:
This beautiful name is introduced in Genesis 15:1 where the Word of God is in a vision to Abraham and speaks to him (compare: Elohim where it occurs in Genesis 1:1, YHWH Elohim in 2:4, and Elyon in 14:18).

A brief look at some of many other EEMS..
KedoshIM, K’doshim, or Qedoshim (קְדֹשִׁים — Hebrew for “holy ones,” is a word in plural form found in the Bible several times with respect to persons, their way of life and their interaction with the world around them.

Joshua 24:19b He is a set-apart (Holy) separate from everything and everyone, unique and pure.
There is no measure of uncleanness in Him, and nothing can make Him greater than He is. It is for this reasons the Holy angels sing before the Lord day and night, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty” (Revelation 4.8).
MoedIM – appointed times (or feasts) of the Lord.

IM’s – EEM’s
of The Hebrew Scriptures.

The Writings (Kethuvim) The Law (Torah)
The Prophets (Nevi’im) Poetical Books. Psalms. Job. Proverbs.
Five Rolls (Megilloth) Ruth. Song of Songs. Ecclesiastes. Lamentations. Esther.
Historical Books. Daniel. Ezra-Nehemiah. Chronicles.
Former Prophets. Joshua. Judges. Samuel. Kings. Latter Prophets. Isaiah. Jeremiah. Ezekiel. The Twelve.
Genesis. Exodus. Leviticus. Numbers. Deuteronomy.

The Hebrew Scriptures also called the TANAK/TANAKH, an acronym for:

– TORAH (Law or Instruction); – NEVI’IM (The Prophets); and. – KETHUVIM (The Writings) ketuvim writings

Nevi im prophets

מִּשְׁפָּטִים Mishpatim
The word mishpatim means “rules” or “ordinances or laws” and is derived from the Hebrew word shaphat (“to judge”). Parashat פָּרָשָׁה Mishpatim is sometimes called Sefer HaBrit (“the Book of the Covenant”), since it contains over 11.5% of all of the mitzvot (commandments) found in the entire Torah (53 of 613).

Another example of a word with both an open and closed MEM is Mitzrayim – Egypt.
Mizraim/Mitzrayim is the Hebrew and Aramaic name for the land of Egypt, with the dual suffix -āyim, perhaps referring to the “two Egypts”: Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt?
According to Genesis 10, Mizrayim (a son of Ham) was the younger brother of Cush and elder brother of Phut and Canaan, whose families together made up the Hamite branch of Noah’s descendants. Mizraim’s sons were Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim, Casluhim (out of whom came Philistim), and Caphtorim.
The Symbolism of the Word “Mitzrayim” (Egypt) found in the root word of Mitzrayim, according to Brown, Driver and Briggs, is mem/tzadi/resh, metzeir, meaning to border, to shut or to limit.
Mitzrayim, also means straits, narrow place, or blockages which translates as tight spot. (Idiom -The blessing of a skinned knee.)
It’s significance to the believer is in Liberating Ourselves from Narrowness … When God took us out of Mitzrayim, He extricated us from the place of constricted opportunities, tight control.

The root word of Mitzrayim, according to Brown, Driver and Briggs, is mem/tzadi/resh, metzeir, meaning to border, to shut or to limit. Other sources claim the etymology of the word Mitzrayim lies in tzar, either/or; the verb: means to bind, tie up, be restricted, narrow, scant, or cramped, while, a noun: means straits, or distress, and as an adjective means narrow, or tight.

All commentators agree that the word Mitzrayim, represents hardship, distress, oppression, a narrow place or straits.

The sum of all the words in Hebrew which have the plurality’s are indicative of that which is beyond –
the word Hebrew, in Hebrew is the word ivri, the singular of ivriIM, the Hebrews. Ivri comes from the root word avar, which means cross over. The ivrIM, the Hebrews are those who cross over.

The Hebrew word ivri may come from the Hebrew word ever which means beyond.

pronounced as iy-VRiy
means Israeli man

The inner meaning of being an Ivri is transcendence, the ultimate other side spirituality whicht we can achieve. That means that as descendants of Abraham we have the ability through Jesus/Yeshua, to leave/be free from, the system of natural cause and effect that governs the world. The world system typified in MitzrayIM.
Elohei ha’Ivriyim, translated, God of the Hebrews, in Exodus. 3:18

He who is more than-exceedingly abundantly above all-Beyond being contained, without limits and in this,

the exodus from Mitzraim which meant to limit – This is what we come out of, from bondage into freedom –

Beyond the end of ChaIM, the natural life…

Beyond the end of this age, Beyond the end of all thought or imaginations, beyond all that we can offer to Him in our loves, praise and worship, For He has no limits, He is the One who sits on the Eternity of Eternity’s. With God there is always more. All these things… Matthew 6:33
There are many other words with the suffix IM some are:
Talmidim תלמידם

A plural Hebrew noun meaning “disciples” in its’ truest sense: those who leave family to study and follow the ways of their teacher [rabbi].

They study not only to learn what their teacher knows but to become the type of person their teacher is. From the Hebrew root word “limmud” meaning “instructed”.

Strong”s #8527. Pronounced tal mee DEEM. Singular: talmid.

Cherubim cher’-u-bim, cher’-oo-bim (kerubhim, plural of cherub, kerubh):
k’-ru-VEEM כְּרוּבִים
The word Cherub may come from a term ‘to guard’ which would fit well with their role over the ark of the covenant and the throne in heaven
The plural of cherub in English is cherubs, however there is no s on the end of cherubim as translated in KJV

Seraphim. mentioned in Isaiah 6:2 Isaiah 6:3 Isaiah 6:6 Isaiah 6:7.This word means fiery ones, in allusion, as is supposed, to their burning love. They are represented as “standing” above the King as he sat upon his throne, ready at once to minister unto him. The seraphim (fiery, burning ones) Strong’s Hebrew: 8314. שָׂרָף (saraph)
plural שְׂרָפִים seraphim …
Strong’s Hebrew 8314

See post for more details:
Angels – Malakim

מלאכים – mal’akhim – messengers

Angel of the lord –


One of the 12 tribes of Israel..

in biblical times comprised the people of Israel.
The tribe was named after one of the younger sons of Joseph, himself a son of Jacob (Israel).

Ephraim, son of Joseph, who was the son of Jacob and Asenath, daughter of Potiphera (priest of the sun god Re of Heliopolis). A position apparently of some importance, since the position of Baal-hazor (probably = Tell `Asur) where Abraham’s sheep- farm was located, is determined by relation to it (2 Samuel 13:23).

Name written in the land: see post

There are many other IM words including:
Y’hudirim – (yeh-hoo-deem’) – Jews יְּהוּדִ֧ים
T’hiliym – Psalms

Sh’l’ychiym – Emissaries – Apostles שָׁלִיחַ רבים
and Dagim – fish.

He will make us fishers of men
Goy – גּוֹי – Goyim – Heathens –Gentiles – People – Nations גוֹיֵהֶֽם (go’-eem)
Q’doshiym – Saints םקַדִּישֵׁ֣י
Chaverim (Hebrew: חברים , literally, “friends”), also spelled Chaveirim (plural). Its origin is from the Hebrew חבר.

Yeshua said to lose our lives that we may find them – in HIM! – eem – ים
and solve the mystery of HIM! – eem – ים

You are greatly loved so please don’t leave this page before you experience the mystery of new life that will be revealed as you take the next step right now..
He longs to give you the Shalom He paid the ultimate price for.. and to call you chaverim…
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.
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