21 12 21 12 12 12 12 12 12? Conclusion

21 11 21 12 12 12 12 ?

12 Gates, 12 Tribes.

The Name of each tribe is written over a gate.

Luke 6:13-16

Does this mean it is only for the members of that tribe?

Where are those lost tribes today? Many are still scattered throughout the earth. We may not be born an Israelite, or a descendant of one of the original 12 tribes but thanks to our Heavenly Father for His grace, mercy and provision because of Jesus/Yeshua, all gentile believers are spiritually grafted-in to the olive tree of Israel and thereby connected to the 12 tribes through accepting what Messiah’s has done for us and by being born again in the power of His Ruach HaKodesh. Making one new man. It will be interesting to find out which of the 12 gates through which we will enter. According to Rev. 21:27, if our names are in the Lamb’s book of life, we may enter in.

12 Tribes, and their identification.

There is sometimes confusion about the 12 tribes. which originate from the 12 sons of Jacob, plus, from the tribe of Joseph came the tribes of Menasseh and Ephraiym, his 2 sons. Jacob/Israel, also gave birth to a daughter Dina(h), who was not named as a separate tribe. Levi was not counted as a tribe because the Levites were the priests and they had no land of their own.

The names included in the lists of the sons vary for different reasons; and according to the scriptures Reuben lost his first born rights and Dan was left out of some lists of names. Sometimes Josephs’ 2 sons replaced him in the list and although there were really 13, only 12 are listed in the various accounts.

The original 12 sons

1 ASHER; 2 BENJAMIN; DAN (excluded); 3 GAD;  4 JOSEPH; 5 JUDAH; 6 ISSACHAR;  7 NAPHTALI;   8 REUBEN;    9 SIMEON;     10 ZEBULUN; 11 EPHRAIM AND 12 MANASSEH (from Joseph).

LEVI (as the tribe of the priesthood were not given land).

List in Paleo Hebrew.

 The 12 tribes as they were situated in the wilderness camp:


Asher- Tree

Dan- Scorpion or Snake or Scales

Naphtali- Goat or Deer


Issachar- Donkey 

Judah- Lion of Judah (it’s the origin of the Jerusalem city flag emblem.)

Zebulun- Ship


Gad –Tent

REUBEN –The Man Water



Benjamin – Wolf

Ephraim And Manasseh – (Joseph) Sheaf Of Wheat – The Two Horns Of The Bull

LEVI was In The Center where the Mishkan was situated containing the ark of His presence within a cube square space of the Kodesh HaKodashim – Holy of Holies (10 cubits x 10 cubits (15′ x 15′) Exodus 25.

The Banners; The breastplate stones for each Tribe; Their Wilderness Camp Position, which was given in a clockwise direction. Num.2.

Be’Otot – b’ō·w·ṯōṯ 

according to the standards,

(The expression translated as “each in their respective regiments” in Hebrew is “al digloy” i.e. according to his flag (or standard. The words “under ensigns” in Hebrew is “be-Otot” i.e. by symbols. literally, in the signs, for there were symbols for each leader.)

The Israelites are to camp around the tent of meeting some distance from it, each of them under their standard and holding the banners of their family. Numbers 2:2

There was a symbol for each leader [of each tribe], with a flag and a color, and the color of each flag was like the color of the precious stones that was over the heart of Aaron [the High Priest, i.e. on the hoshen/breastplate].

From this the kingdoms learned to make flags and a color for each flag. Each tribe had its own leader, and the color of the flag was similar to the color of its stone.

With reference to thoughts in previous posts concerning colors their frequencies and the properties of light; it bears mentioning that each, of the12 jewels in the breastplate were, according to the Biblical description, to be made from very specific minerals.

None of them the same as another, and each of them representative of a specific tribe, whose name was to be inscribed on the stone. or is there some greater significance to these12 stones? And if so, is it the chemical makeup of the stone that is important, or is it the color, or both?

Did the combination of the stones emit certain frequencies? There are references recorded in some of the ancient writings that the individual letters within the engraved stones were miraculously illuminated by Gods Holy Spirit/ Ruach HaKodesh, which spelled out answers to the High Priests questions in regards to God’s direction or will in a situation.

Aside from the 12 stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel on the high priests’ breastplate, the high priest also wore 2 sardonyx stones,

which were fixed in gold on both shoulders. The names of the 12 tribes of Israel were engraved on these two stones, according to their birth (Ex. 28).

Click link below for more on 12 tribes connection to 12 months.

The 12 stones in the breastplate correspond to the original twelve sons of Jacob, not to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, which were later adopted as sons, effectively doubling the inheritance for their father Joseph. That seems to be implied in the text. This is significant because the 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem are garnished with the same 12 precious stones, as named by John the Revelator in the Apocalypse – the Revealing (Rev. 21:19-20).

While not listed or individually specified with each of the foundation stones Rev. 21:14 shows they are also associated with the 12 apostles, ‘and the wall of the city had 12 foundations and in them the names of the 12 apostles of the lamb.’

These are the 12 apostles from Domus Galilaeae, Israel, listed in 4 places; (Mark 3:13–19 , Matthew 10:1–4 , Luke 6:12–16 , and 11 listed in Acts 1:13. Peter, James (the son of Zeb’edee), John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James (the son of Alphaeus), Simon Zelotes and Judas, brother of James.

The Gospel of Matthew lists the 12 apostles in the following order: Simon (whom Jesus later renamed “Peter”),


James (the son of Zeb’edee) 






James (the son of Alphaeus)


Simon Zelotes and

Judas brother of James

(Judas Iscariot was replaced by Matthias.)

Their names in the foundations of the New Jerusalem no doubt represent the Ecclesia/called out ones, as being ‘the pillar and ground of the truth,’ 1Tim.3:15. Through the ‘doctrine of the apostles’, Acts 2:42, that is the message of Messiahs gospel.

Possible stones associated with the apostles: who are also in close proximity to the 12 gates,

which are named for the 12 tribes of Israel and the stones on the breastplate of the High Priest.

The Lord instructed Moses to have the names of the 12 sons of Israel engraved on 12 stones in the breastplate of the high priest. The exact order, arrangement, and type of each stone were explicitly stated (Ex. 28:17-21), but the name to be written on each stone was not given, perhaps because it was obvious to Moses.

After the destruction of the temple, the knowledge of which tribe was associated with which stone was lost, and even the identity of some of the stones has been uncertain.

Because John is writing in Greek some 1500 years after Moses this is perhaps the most important reference. He is referring to precious and semi-precious stones, which he recognized and understood. Due to the fact that Greek is a more common language, and those words can be found in so many other documents, the names of the stones he gives helps greatly in their identification.

Imagine if we would have to describe the foundation stones seen only in a vision.

God’s house is a house of order, so the final order discovered should make specific sense and it will most certainly not be random. However the curious thing is that almost every time the 12 tribes are listed, they’re given in a different order (Gen 27, 49; Num 2; Deut 33; Rev.7).

While most of us are familiar with rubies being red and emeralds being green, sapphires blue and diamonds clear, but perhaps not too many more. John it seems, knew his gem stones very well, right down to recognizing sardonyx as a specific form of onyx. The lack of such knowledge could well explain why there are various representations of the stones in both name and color.

It seems clear that the 12 colors of the stones are very important, and were specifically chosen for those colors as representative of particular attributes. The stones had to be large enough to have the names of the tribes engraved on them, whereas in other contexts, such as a gem inlaid in a ring, a smaller, more precious stone could be used to represent the tribe equally well.

These same12 stones are where we our birth-month stones come from, as each of the tribes are also associated with a month.

Breastplate order of stones and tribes.

As the order and designation of which stone is seems somewhat dependent on the translation, this can also be very confusing as we have different names for precious stones in modern language.

Also sometimes the order seems to be reversed as left to right and right to left. Here Levi is top left. 

This list from scripture would be the most logical one in assuming the order for the 12 twelve stones on the breastplate, and that’s usually the case in most studies.

the Twelve Tribes of Israel, or Shivtei Yisrael, as they are known in Hebrew:

In “Modern” Hebrew, the stones are translated as follows:
– Odem: Ruby
– Pitedah: Topaz
– Bareket: Emerald
– Nofekh: Not in use as stone name today
– Sapir: Sapphire
– Yahalom: Diamond
– Leshem: Opal
– Shevo: Not in use as stone name today
– Achlamah: Amethyst
– Tarshish: Not in use as stone name today
– Shoham: Onyx
– Yashpeh: Jasper

Reuben’s stone was Odem- אדֶם

clearly a red stone. Scholars suggest either red jasper, or carnelian sard a type of quartz. The color of his flag was red, and mandrakes were drawn on it [Genesis 30:14]. The mandrakes in Reuben’s coat-of-arms are based on the episode related in Gen. 30, where young Reuben brought his mother Leah mandrakes from the field. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Deut. 33:6, “Let Reuben live.”

Simeon’s stone was Piteda-(פִּטְדָה)

some sort of yellowish-green stone, probably topaz. Others suggest peridot, chrysolite or perhaps green-yellow chalcedony and the color of his flag was green, and the city of Shechem was drawn on it [Genesis 34]. Simon was one of the strongest tribes during the wandering in the desert but later became one of the weakest in consequence of losses suffered during the battles for the Promised Land. It was eventually absorbed by mighty Judah. Formerly the city of Shechem was situated within the boundaries of Simon and the gate of the city therefore appears on the tribe’s. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Deut. 33:5, “…and the tribes of Israel were gathered together.”

Levi’s stone was Bareqet- בָּרֶקֶת

translated in the Aramaic Targumim as azmaragd, a loanword from the Greek smaragdos for “emerald”. Some suggest beryl of which emerald is a type. Others suggest Carbunkle or the green malachite, and the color of his flag was one third white, one third black, and one third red, and the Urim and Tummim were drawn on it. The Levites “kept the charge of the tabernacles of testimony” (Num. 1:53); they had no territory of their own and were dispersed among the other tribes. Their emblem was the ephod of the High Priest on which were engraved, upon precious stones, the names of all tribes. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Deut. 33:10, “They shall teach Jacob thy judgments, and Israel thy law.”

Judah’s stone was was Nophekh- נׁפֶךְ

– its color is unclear. Is it sky blue? Some suggest turquoise, or red, which is perhaps more likely as suggested by the etymology of nophekh. If so, it may be garnet and the color of his flag was like the color of the sky, and a lion was drawn on it Genesis 49:9. The most famous heraldic symbol belongs to the tribe of Judah, which displayed a lion on its shield. This tribe became the most powerful and constituted the Kingdom of Judah. The lion is the symbol of strength and is featured as such in innumerable works throughout the ages. This animal is one those most frequently mentioned in the Bible, appearing about 130 times under 6 different names. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Gen. 49:9, “Judah is a lion’s whelp.”

Issachar’s stone was Sappir-(סַפִּיר)

– a blue gem, but unlikely to be sapphire, even though the words are etymologically related. Most likely lapis lazuli and the color of his flag was dark blue literally black like coal/ kohl, and a sun and a moon were drawn on it, as it is written I Chronicles 12:33: “And from the sons of Issachar were those who knew the wisdom of the times i.e. astronomy and calendars.” Issachar’s territory was the plane of Esdraelon, from the sea to the banks of the Jordan. This tribe is frequently mentioned together with Zebulun indicative of their being neighbors and maintaining close relations. The tribe’s emblem of sun and stars is derived from the biblical phrase, “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times” (1 Chron. 12:32), which appears on the tab. Other representations of Issachar reflect the dependence of this tribe on the Phoenicians, in whose products the tribe dealt — as a carrier of loads as a donkey or as a laden camel (in the synagogue of Aix-la-Chapelle Germany).

Zebulon’s stone was Yahalom (שְׁבוֹ)

– even though in modern Hebrew it means diamond, almost no scholars think this is correct. It appears to be a white/moon-like stone. Chalcedony is likely, and others suggest moonstone, amethyst or even jade and the color of his flag was like the moon, and a ship was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:13: “Zebulon shall dwell by the seashore.” Zevulun settled on the country’s seaboard and as symbolized by its emblem was engaged in navigation. This idea is conveyed in the biblical phrase, “Zebulun shall be for a haven of ships” Gen. 49:13.

Dan’s stone was Leshem – apparently similar to sappir. Aventurine? Hyacinth? Turquoise?, and the color of his flag was similar to sappir, and a snake was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:17: “Dan shall be a snake.” Also often seen is a pair of scales as a symbol of Dan,

The original area of the tribe of Dan extended from Jaffa southward. Samson was a son of this tribe. As it could not conquer its entire territory, Dan looked to settle elsewhere and the tribe moved north to the source of the Jordan River, captured the city Laish, and settled there. In Jacob’s Blessing Dan was promised that he “shall judge his people” Gen. 49:16.

Gad’s stone was Shevo (שְׁבוֹ)

– almost everyone agrees that this is agate, perhaps striped or spotted and the color of his flag was not white and not black but a mixture of black and white, and a military camp was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:19: “Gad shall camp in troops [Heb: Gad gedud yegudenu].” The tribe of Gad settled in the land of Gilead, east of the Jordan. It did battle against Amon and Moab coming from the south, wandering tribes from the east, and Aram from the north. The emblem resembles a camp in reminiscence of the biblical phrase -on the tab- “Gad, a troop shall overcome him” Gen. 49:19.

Naftali’s stone was Ahlama-– ʾaḤlamah (אַחְלָמָה)

– this is also fairly unanimous that this is amethyst, and the wine connection makes that even clearer (amethyst was associated in the ancient world with wine, and was reputed to prevent drunkenness, and the color of his flag was like diluted wine whose red [color] was no longer strong, and a deer was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:21: “Naftali is a swift deer.” After the conquest of the country, the tribe of Naftali settled in the north where played a central role among the tribes located there. Naftali is represented by a gazelle or running stag. The biblical phrase on the tab is “Naftali is a hind let loose” Gen. 49:21.

Asher’s stone was Tarshish- (תַּרְשִׁישׁ)

– very unclear, especially since we don’t have a color to associate it with. We don’t even know if it is the name of a stone or simply a precious gem that comes from the city of Tarshish. Scholars have suggested aquamarine, or some kind of beryl. The Targum suggests a stone associated with the color of the ocean and the color of his flag was like a precious stone that women decorate themselves with, and an olive tree was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:20: “From Asher will be his rich bread.” The coastal strip from the foot of Mount Carmel up to Sidon was inhabited by Asher, the fertility of whose land was indicated by an olive tree or —as represented on stamps of the Jewish National Fund or in the synagogue of Aix-la-Chapelle Germany— by ears of corn or fruit. The biblical phrase on the tab is “Out of Asher his bread shall be fat” (Gen. 49:20).

Joseph’s stone was Shoham- (שֹׁהַם)

– Most likely onyx, although the Targumim give burla or birlewa, which means beryl and the color of his flag was very black, and the picture drawn on it for the two leaders, Ephraim and Menasseh, was Egypt, because they were born in Egypt. Joseph was the principal tribe in central Eretz Israel, which split into Manasseh and Ephraim. The fertility of Joseph’s country is symbolized by the sheaf on the stamp. The biblical phrase on the tab reads, “…blessed of the Lord be his land” Deut. 33:13.

The flag of Ephraim was drawn an ox, as it is written Deuteronomy 33:17: “His first born is his ox;” this is a reference to Joshua, who was from the tribe of Ephraim. And on the flag of Menasseh was drawn a re’em /oryx, as it is written in Deut. 33:17: “and his horn will be like the horns of the re’em;” this is a reference to Gideon, son of Joash, who was from the tribe of Menasseh.

Benjamin’s stone was Yashfe-(יָשְׁפֶה)

– again, one of the clearer identifications. Almost all scholars are in agreement that this is jasper. The Targum’s association with panthers suggests that it was spotted or veined jasper., and the color of his flag was like all the colors of the twelve colors, and a wolf was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:17: “Benjamin is like a scavenging wolf.” The favorite son of Jacob, Benjamin has remained the symbol of the tender youngest child. The tribe of Benjamin, however, was considered particularly warlike and courageous. To this tribe belonged Saul, the first king, and Jonathan, his son. The symbol of the tribe was the wolf, a predatory animal. The biblical phrase on the tab reads, “…in the morning he shall devour the prey” Gen. 49:27.

Numbers BaMidbar Rabbah 2:7 has a list of each tribe and its flag, with the color, stone, and symbol associated with it, which is probably the original source or one of the earliest that we’ll find for this.

The New Jerusalem with all its glory incorporates the Names, the banners and colors of the 12 tribes of Israel, the names of the 12 Apostles of Brit Chadashah the 12 stones of the High Priest Breastplate

Yeshua the lion of the tribe of Judah

Yeshua the High Priest after the order of Melki Zedek;

Yeshua the Apostle, The Sent one by the Father who in turn sent 12 out into the world with the gospel of the Kingdom, the very foundation of our faith. 1Pet 2:4. To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,

Yeshua the corner stone which is the first stone to be laid, the foundation stone.

built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. Ephesians 2:20

The New Jerusalem is a picture of Father’s plan and His glory with all the spiritual elements built into its structure. For we are the living stones..

21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: 22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

And we look for For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Heb 11:10

Next time we see pearls,

think 12 gates

or any precious gem, think 12 foundations, apostles and tribes for as we continue to find…everything is connected.

In Hebrew thought, 12 = symbol of governance

12 Tribes

12 Gates

12 foundations and the Rainbow Color Spectrum

The golden ratio,

or golden spiral is our heavenly Father the Creators’ divine signature which can be

Seen everywhere in Creation

known and named by man as the Fibonacci sequence and it is part of the mathematics and measurements of natures construct designed by its Creator.

A honeycomb is built by Bees into Hexagonal cells which science has proved is the strongest shape for use in any building and construction of materials.

There’s a hexagon in the center of the overlapping triangles that form Israels star of David (The hexagon is possibly a reference to the human blueprint code -DNA) This reveals a 3D cube within the star of David

and also a star within the cube.

the cube of space transforming a flat 2d square into a 3D image and

by adding a central point revealing that the box really has many layers and dimensions.

which is no doubt why Our Father employs its qualities in so many places in scripture.

It helps to visualize the concept of other dimensions and realms of the spiritual world where our warfare is the ongoing battle Eph. 6 and how Jesus was able to pass through solid walls.

12 Angels/Chuerubim

/guardians of the gates

12,000 furlong walls 12,000×12=144,000 sealed.

The Tree of Life at its center yields 12 manners of fruits through a 12 month cycle that governs a year

12 Apostles

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 

But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, Heb. 12:22

A final image from NASA and an interesting article ….. A picture paints 1000 words ….

These fascinating pictures taken by the Hubble telescope show something out in the heavens????


In 1994, a researcher smuggled one top-secret photo the Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven. Weekly World News was the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson’s findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the existence of the photo.

Just days after space shuttle astronauts repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in mid December, the giant lens focused on a star cluster at the edge of the universe – and photographed heaven!

That’s the word from author and researcher Marcia Masson, who quoted highly placed NASA insiders as having said that the telescope beamed hundreds of photos back to the command center at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., on December 26. The pictures clearly show a vast white city floating eerily in the blackness of space. “

enlargement of insets below..

After checking and rechecking the data, they concluded that the images were authentic. They also theorized that the city couldn’t possibly be inhabited by life as we know it.

For more and the article..link below

Posted by Meindert Arends on August 18, 2013

The Kingdom of the heavens

is our home so

then we will see

and the New Jerusalem 12 21 12 12 12 12 12

Shalom Mishpachah…

Don’t be found knocking on Heavens door…when you can enter in …NOW the gates are open and today is the day of salvation, the kingdom of the heavens has come close to you and is even in your mouth.. just simply say the words below, decide in your heart and the kingdom of the heavens will in turn enter in to your heart…Please don’t leave here until you

Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.


A Missing Piece?

Is there a missing peace in our Christmas festivities?

Amid the annual fuss and flurry, shopping and stress…

Pause a mini manna moment…

and assess the real reason for the season.

Yes, the impact of that phrase has been diminished by it’s overuse.

However its’ TRUTH remains forever pertinent. He is the bridge the WAY of reconciliation.

During this season our focus often strays from our savior, to that which has become so commercialized and gift oriented, that we forget the greatest gift that ever was given should be the primary focus and IS The MISSING PEACE/PIECE in too many ‘Christmas’ events and gatherings.


It’s all about the presence

not the presents,

because He is the star

of the house of bread.


בֵּית לֶחֶם

Bethlehem Is the Greek spelling of the Hebrew name BEIT LECHEM meaning house of bread, in what more appropriate place could he have been born, the one who said, for the bread of God is that which descends from heaven and gives life to the world. John 6:33

Bethlehem (/ˈbɛθlɪhɛm/; Arabic: بيت لحم‎ Bayt Lahm Arabic pronunciation: [beːt.laħm], “House of Meat”;

Hebrew: בֵּית לֶחֶם‬ Bet Lehem, Hebrew pronunciation: [bet ˈleχem], “House of Bread”;

Ancient Greek: Βηθλεέμ Greek pronunciation: [bɛːtʰle.ém]; 

More Insights at related posts – links below:

https://www.minimannamoments.com/may-this-be-a-shannah-of-shalom-a-year-of-peace/ .





How do we see things?

We miss so much, its all about perception and what we focus on…

our eyes are a gift; so what do we see?

There are so many sights happening around us.

Hebrew letter Tav at the end of a lightening bolt!

So many amazingsigns in the heavens,in the sky,the moon and stars

Nov. 19th, Northern Lights Tromsø, Norway,Phoenix appears in aurora over Senja, Norway Nov. 11thSky over Portugal abovebelow in Swedens’ skies.

There’s a comet passing by and has been dubbed the Christmas comet.

Its’ closest approach was 16th December.

The comet 46P Wirtanen near the Pleiades on Dec.16th 2018 Visible to the naked eye, a reminder of the star that the wise men followed and amazingly in the same location as the one they saw which they interpreted as meaning that a king had been born in Beit Lechem of Judea .and where the Lamb of God was born and wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Which star are we following which star is leading us? And where is it headed?

Make sure it’s the bright shining of Messiah and not an angel of light!

Instead of looking down to our digital devices let’s look up to where our help comes from.

Look up, at the amazing phenomena happening all around this beautiful earth which He spoke into existence.

There is nothing wrong with remembering Him as a baby as long as it does not detract from His purpose in coming  – we celebrate His miraculous birth and yet it was just the beginning. As believers, we know He is Risen and that our soon returning King is no longer a helpless infant.

His life, death, resurrection and soon return, should be our prime motivation in any purpose of gathering together. Not the food, or the gifts, or the traps and trappings, all designed by purveyors of commercial things, who all vie for our hard earned money.

They ply their never ending temptations directly to our wants, lusts, traditions and culture and promote everything except what we should be thinking of.

A little research will confirm the somewhat non Christian roots of many traditions we entertain; like santa clause, etc. The exact time of year when Messiah Jesus was born, is possibly correlating more accurately to the Hebrew season of either Passover in the spring, which some scholars say and others point to the season of Succoth, which is our Sept/Oct and not Dec 25th. However the exact date is not the critical issue. The focus of our love intention and heart motivation is.

Our attention is linked to our intention.

What we give our time to and in what order and capacity.

It’s all about our souls’ desire and our spirits’ well-being.

The missing piece should not be peace missing in your spirit, soul and heart; we should be filled with the peace He came to bring us. Just as the Angels declared it to those shepherds in the fields.

True biblical shalom refers to an inward sense of completeness or wholeness. Although it can describe the absence of war, a majority of biblical references refer to an inner completeness and tranquility. today, when we greet someone or say goodbye, in Israel you say, Shalom.

We are literally saying, “may you be full of well-being” or, “may health and prosperity be upon you.”
Hebrew words go beyond their spoken pronunciation. Each Hebrew word conveys feeling, intent and emotion. Shalom is more then just simply peace; it is a complete peace. It is a feeling of contentment, completeness, wholeness, well being and harmony.

According to Strong’s Concordance 7965 Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord.

Shalom comes from the root verb shalam meaning to be safe in mind, body, or estate. to be complete, perfect and full. In modern Hebrew the obviously related word Shelem means to pay for, and Shulam means to be fully paid.

So when Jesus/Yeshua said, My Peace I give to you, My Peace I leave with you, the meaning of fully paid, takes on a deeper concept, that of Gal. 3:13 and Col.1:14

Paid The Price. (Shulam)

… He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.  

What do we see?

And Messiah Himself said He was both giving and leaving His Shalom with us. Not like the world can understand but His peace – the missing peace – If it wasn’t missing He would have had no need or reason to say what He did.

Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is called Sar shalom, Prince of Peace, which perfectly describes the ministry and personality of our Messiah (Isaiah 9:6).

Shalom is taken from the root word shalam, which means, to be safe in mind, body, or estate.

It speaks of completeness, fullness, or a type of wholeness that encourages you to give back — to generously re-pay something in some way.

If this is the way we understand biblical peace, then suddenly many verses take on a whole new meaning.

Because each Hebrew word conveys feeling, intent and emotion, Shalom is more then just simply peace; it is a complete peace. It is a feeling of contentment, completeness, wholeness, well being and harmony. Nothing is missing or broken and no good thing is withheld.

Each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet has a special meaning and a story to tell. The Hebrew letters spelling the word “shalom” are Shin Lamed Vav Mem sofit. Taken together, and reading from right to left, they spell SHALOM.

SHIN is the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet and it has a numerical value of 300. SHIN means TOOTH, YEAR, REPEAT, TEACH. SHIN makes the sound SHHHH when the DOT is on the right, and SSSS when the DOT is on he left. Shin is one of 7 letters which may be adorned with Tagin, or little crowns, in the Torah, Tefillin or Mezzuzah scroll.

LAMED is the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and has a numerical value of 30. Lamed makes a sound like the L in Like. Lamed means both TO LEARN and TO TEACH. The Lamed is the tallest and most majestic of all the letters. Since LAMED means LEARNING, it would seem that this would constitute a direct connection between LAMED, LEARNING and YHWH.

VAV is the 6th letter, has a numerical value of 6, and is constructed of a single vertical line. Vav means HOOK and makes a sound like the V in Victory. When used as a vowel, Vav can sound like a long o or a long u. Translated it means AND. It is the GREAT CONNECTOR. Vav appears in the Four Letter name of YHWH our Elohim – Yud Hey Vav Hey.

MEM is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and has a numerical value of 40. Mem makes a sound like the M in Middle. But according to an ancient text the MEM hummms! Mem is usually associated with the word mayim – WATER or Eemah – MOTHER. Mem is composed of a Caf (20) and a Vav (6) = 26, which have the same GEMATRIA as the Yud (10) Hey (5) Vav (6) Hey (5) = 26, name of God – the holiest of Name of God. The first word in Torah is Bereshit, meaning: A BEGINNING. If you divide Bereshit into bara and sheet, it means HE CREATED SIX (sheet is 6 in Aramaic) meaning The 6 days in which creation was completed.

Matt. 1:21. She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God].

This is why He came and the world is in danger of leaving Him out of the annual celebration of His birth.This year let us be the ones to refocus the attention of those we are with, to the Sar Shalom/Prince of Peace; whose gift of forgiveness, salvation and eternal life will not break, or have to be returned because it’s the wrong size! Let us guide our family, friends, coworkers and neighbors to the present giver.

(It is rather disturbing that santa and satan is just one letter different by removing n from the center to the end of the word!?)

There is nothing wrong with giving, on the contrary it is the central message of the gospel – He GAVE His only Son.

And it truly is, more blessed to give than to receive. This is a principle based on Hebrew thought that the person in need is actually the reason we are able to be blessed; because they have a need, we have the opportunity to be blessed to give and should be grateful for that chance.

We can give in many ways our time, our talents, our money, our resources, our love, our attention, our prayers, etc. It’s as always, the motivation of the heart and why we do what we do that determines the quality of our gift; and it truly is the thought that counts. What one may see as a useless gift, was on the givers end their way of showing their love and fond thoughts. The old adage of don’t look a gift horse in the mouth reveals an ungrateful attitude.  While we celebrate the true meaning behind the worlds façade, when we look at the twinkling lights… let’s remember, as we did at Hanukkah, He is the light of the world, of our lives and the hope of tomorrow.

This new year, as the Gregorian calendar changes to 2019, we remember the Fathers’ calendar and what time it really is.   It’s 5779 and time is running out.

So instead of scheduling the attendance to an annual Christmas service, crammed in between everything else, let’s make Him the central focus of all we do this Christmas time. After all, the reference to Him as Messiah/Christ is why it’s called Christmas.

The date is not as important as how we spend our time and what we focus on. For believers every day is just as special, its not just for one or two times a year.So indeed it truly is, Joy to the world for the Lord is come – and He is Coming again …soon!

Is there a missing piece in your plans?

Maybe what’s missing is the Peace of the Son of Man, Jesus the Messiah!

He’s the one who completes the picture.He is the last piece in the puzzle and the glue that holds everything together by the Word of His power.

Let us look for a star of guidance and wisely seek Him in our own lives and be willing to follow wherever He leads.He is the light from on high that dawns upon us to guide our feet into the WAY of Shalom.

We may never intellectually comprehend the miracle of His incarnation and all its’ majestic mystery with our natural finite minds.Let’s rather follow the example of the wise men, who, after following the star, they then fell down in humble worship on finding Him.Make sure the true Shalom is the present that we give to others and that you receive His gift to you.

Much love and abundant blessings to every subscriber, follower, FB friends and of course much Shalom from your MMM Mishpachah.

MMM just passed 2 years of internet presence and will continue to post with the Fathers’/Avinu’s guidance. for subscribing and your faithful support in prayer.  

More Insights at related posts – links below:

https://www.minimannamoments.com/may-this-be-a-shannah-of-shalom-a-year-of-peace/ .





Please Do Not leave this page without the surety in your heart that you have His peace in your life and heart..



Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

Its all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.

He longs to give you the Shalom He paid the ultimate price for..


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.











A Mysterious Broken Vav, A Spear And A Bone?…

The genealogy of the High Priests was focused on in previous posts…

High Priest in Hebrew: כהן גדול – kohen gadol;

With definite article:  ha’kohen ha’gadol,

                              the high priest;

In Aramaic: kahana rabba.

Recall that the High Priests belonged to the Jewish priestly families and traced their paternal line back to Aaron.  He was the elder brother of Moses, through Zadok, a leading priest at the time of David and Solomon.This tradition came to an end in the 2nd century BC during the rule of the Hasmoneans, when the position was occupied by other priestly families unrelated to Zadok.

Even though Aaron was the first High Priest mentioned in the Book of Exodus, the legendary passage revealed the first man who assumed the title of High Priest of God was Enoch. He was succeeded by Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem, (or Melchi zedek), Abraham, Isaac and Levi.

These priests are referred to as ‘descendants of Aaron,’ in the biblical traditions drawn upon by the writer of Chronicles. Aaron had 4 sons:  Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.However, Nadab and Abihu died before Aaron (incident of offering strange fire); so only Eleazar and Ithamar had sons. Chronicles records, one priest, Zadok, from Eleazar’s descendants and another priest, Ahimelech, from Ithamar’s descendants, were designated by King David to help create the various priestly work groups.

Aaron received from the Lord the promise of priesthood, it meant his children and their descendants would be part of the Levite priestly class called the Kohanim.

At the time his grandson Phineas had already been born, which meant he did not automatically receive the honor of Kohanim; and possibly also due to the fact that Phineas’s father, Eleazar, had a wife who was a Gentile. Exodus 6:25. She was a daughter of Jethro, a former Midianite priest called Putiel.

With these facts in mind, this post is connected to Aaron’s grandson, Phineas.

Phineas performed a very serious act during the rebellion at Baal Peor recorded in Numbers 25:10 – 30:1.

He killed a Prince of the tribe of Simeon, Zimri, (son of Zurishaddai, called Shelumiel;) because Zimri was engaged in rampant immorality with Cozbi a princess of Midian.

Those that were following Zimri’s leadership, as head of the tribe of Simeon, were the ones that partook the most in the sin of their leader.

Because of this blatant rebellion against Torah, a plague broke out amongst the people and 24,000 people died from this terrible disobedience.

If it was not for the zealous and righteous anger of Phineas, perhaps the entire tribe of Simeon would have been destroyed.

 The plague affecting Israel was stopped by God due to Phineas’ zeal.


25:11  פִּֽינְחָס בֶּן־אֶלְעָזָר בֶּן־אַהֲרֹן הַכֹּהֵן הֵשִׁיב אֶת־חֲמָתִי מֵעַל בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּקַנְאֹו אֶת־קִנְאָתִי בְּתֹוכָם וְלֹא־כִלִּיתִי אֶת־בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּקִנְאָתִֽי׃

קִנְאָה –  qin’ah – in my jealousy.

It took something to kill a family member, from one of the 12 tribes, and he would have had to count the cost. Here is another example of the sacrifice of the lives of the few for the many.

Phineas took a spear (the instrument by which sin was judged/death) and went into the tent and killed both the Zimri, his Israelite relative and his mistress.

Following this righteous act showing zeal for his God, the Lord rewarded him by making him a Kohen, Priest and promised him a covenant of peace.

He blessed him for his action because his heart motive was truly out of concern to stop any further deaths of the children of Israel that had been caused by these two individuals.

There is a spiritual principle here with this action, showing how to stop the plague of death, which is the consequences of sin.

This story tells us that the plague was not going to stop until someone paid with their life for Israel’s sins. In this case, we discover that it was the leaders of the rebellion that had to die to save the sins of their brothers.

Jesus/Yeshua did the same for us. Did He not take upon Himself the sin of all the people, shouldering all of it Himself?Was He not also thrust with a spear causing the life-giving water and blood to flow for all mankind?

(Spear, the instrument by which sin was judged and His death confirmed!)

Was not the plague of the law of sin and death destroyed the second He breathed His last?  

It is Finished!

Behold I am giving to him my covenant of peace.Hineni noten lo et-beriti shalom.

Hebrew word for covenant is Berit

(which is also a popular Norwegian/Scandanavian name)

The Hebrew word berit, is most often used to express the idea of covenant, and originally meant a shackle or chain.Later it came to mean any form of binding agreement. The covenant in the Biblical contexts combines God’s free offer of a special relationship and the people’s willing response in faith by agreeing to take the obligation to worship and obey only this God, Yahweh.

This was a further promised for his descendants, as a covenant of a perpetual priesthood, brit kehunat olam;(because he had been zealous for his God and made kafar/ atonement for all of Israel.)

Here it would appear, is a clear type of Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah and His Greater Priesthood; those of whom He is First-Fruit.

The copying of scrolls was the only way to reproduce the Torah and it was critical the scribes made certain to keep the Scriptures unaltered over the generations since Moses. 

Because of this there are strict guidelines concerning the writing of the Scriptures.

It is called, ‘Soferut Laws for Sefrei Torah’.

Writing Torah requires that each letter to be well-formed in the Hebrew script. No letters must touch other letters.

None can be badly formed, illegible or broken!

Here is the mystery of the broken VAV

In the ancient scrolls, Numbers 25:12, there is an exception to this rule.

It concerns only the Hebrew letter VAV.

This letter is part of the word Shalom

as it is normally written but here it is like this.. (m o l sha – in the Hebrew letters reading from r to l.)

Recall the Pardes of the last post and the levels of understanding in the Scriptures; like the layers of an onion.

Peshat- literal- the plain meaning – Pinchas righteous indignation the census and the holy days.

Remez – just beyond the literal = God’s character = a God of Salvation Redemption = Hidden glimpses of promised Messiahbroken VAV and in the 7 Appointed times of the year – moedim = application for us in our lives today – to be on fire for Him zealous in our love.

DRASH –to seek deeper by comparison- anomalies such as Enlarged letters e.g. broken vav small yod and enlarged nun– symbolism.

SOD further research e.g.– Dead sea scrolls and Gematria numbers equaling the value of each letter and torah code.

And look at this broken VAV on a SOD (Mystery) level. 

This broken VAV is a picture of the broken-ness of the Messiah for our ultimate deliverance, our salvation.

How is this possible as Jesus/Yeshua never had a broken bone in His body?

How was He broken for us?

Here the letter vav represents the number of man, six, and the broken vav represents a man that is broken.

In this verse, (pasuk), the man has been broken for the sake of a covenant of peace that brought atonement to Israel, a clear picture of Messiah Yeshua and His ultimate deliverance and restoration for us.

The ‘broken word’ shalom, can also be read as  שָׁלֵם – shalem.

(Phonetic spelling – shaw-lame)

Meaning COMPLETE, which indicates that the covenant is one of finality, perfection and completion.Repairer of the breach.

Restorer – bringing complete reconciliation to the broken relationship between God and man,

the broken covenant renewed,

He came to heal the broken hearted.He came to heal the broken in spirit those who have been crushed by the serpent, whose head He came to crush.When we think of His brokenness as He told us to do in remembrance of Him, at the breaking of bread.He says it in His own words this is My Body, BROKEN for you. He is the Bread of Heaven and of Life.

Manna = the pieces that are made at the breaking, it’s the spiritual connecting of each of us into one body of believers. One New Man.

We, as Messianic believers, understand that the promise to Phineas. It was a clear fore-telling of the Glory of the Greater Priesthood of Yeshua/Jesus, after the Order of Melchi-zedek, indestructible and everlasting.

The glory which is REVEALED to those who the Father has called. The same resurrection glory that raised Yeshua/Jesus from the dead WILL quicken our mortal bodies and make us alive in Him.

The broken vav promises us that His is restored.

Remembering from a previous Post that the vav, (in the paleo hebrew alef bet), is the…

The nail, peg, hook, symbolizing joining together; making sure; becoming bound; nailed to.

The nail that secures!

It is written in the Hebrew Scriptures of Deut. 5:15 that the Lord made the heavens and the earth by the Zeroah.

So it was by the Zeroah that everything we see, the universe itself, came into existence.

Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. Jer. 32:17

When He brought the Hebrews out of Egypt on Passover, with miracles and wonders it is written that He did so by the Zeroah; and concerning salvation, it is written that the Lord will make known His Zeroah and all the earth will see the salvation of God.

Isaiah 53 contains the prophecy of one who will be wounded and crushed/BROKEN for our sins who will die for our judgment and who by His death will bring us healing life and redemption.

The ancient rabbis identified this one as the Messiah.

The opening verse of the chapter Isaiah 53, ‘who has believed our report and to whom has the Zeroah of the Lord been REVEALED?

The Zeroah is the one who dies for our sins and it is also the BONE of a LAMB which is the most mysterious object on the Passover table.

click link  below for more on Seder Plate

The death of the Lamb would be the death of Messiah and connects back to Isaiah 53. Zeroah however, was also there at creation because the Zeroah is the power of God, that which accomplishes the will of God is the arm/Zeroah of the Almighty.The first letter of Zeroah is Z – In Hebrew, Zayin.

Zayin and the Crownlets: Zayin is the 7th letter. The pictograph for Zayin looks like a sword. In the classical script the Vav on its head there is a large crown! There are 3 marks on the top of the letter Zayin. 8 hebrew letters are given this special mark by attaching to them 3 crownlets or ‘tagin’.The mystery of the ZAYIN is that its considered a crowned VAV. In the same way the VAV represents ‘Yashar’ – a straight line from God to man- so ZAYIN represents ‘or chozer’ or ‘returning light’. It is in itself a paradox meaning both ‘weapon/sword’ yet derives its root from a word meaning ‘nourishment/sustenance’. The word for war milchamah contains the word lechem/bread. Sometimes war = fighting for survival and therefore able to find food and be nourished.

They are collectively called ‘sha’atnezgets’ letters. Some sages comment that they are small zaynin (swords) and function as spiritual weapons e.g.in Ps.91

Zayin is the Crowned Man (Yeshua/Jesus) equipped with the Sword of Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh. It is not hard to see that, since VAV represents MAN and ZAYIN is the crowned VAV (that is the Crowned Man), it is clear that ZAYIN represents Messiah Yeshua, the true King of the Jews while Zayin also represents a sword = the Word of God and Holy Spirit.

And here is another paradox, the arm of the Almighty, who was witnessed as weak, BROKEN and dying on a cross – was the manifested love of God and there is no greater power than that – dying to self that we might find life.

If we have ever dropped anything on the floor and seen it shattered into a million pieces, we know that there is no hope of ever putting it back together. Even if we glue every bit, it would never be the same as it was before. Jesus/Yeshua is the great renewer. The first mention of the re-new-ed covenant was to Jeremiah in the Hebrew Scriptures, Jeremiah 31:31 – 34. Telling of the covenant that had been broken, so it would seem that the re-new-ed covenant is born of brokenness.

It exists because of brokenness and it was first spoken of in the days when the land of Israel lay in ruins in the wake of judgment.

It’s the covenant God made for those who had fallen from grace, a covenant for the broken.

The covenant is not just for Israel but is given to everyone and its nature is the same for all.All have sinned – all have BROKEN His precepts – we have all failed – all fallen and become BROKEN in someway.

So the re-new-ed covenant, is the covenant God gives to all who have sinned, all who have failed and fallen; and all who should have no hope of any covenant with God, those who don’t deserve it. It’s the covenant He makes with them regardless of what ever they have done and it has a very special power.

It is the power to put together that which is BROKEN.

The power of restoration and healing.

The power to pick up and bring together all the broken pieces of our lives.The covenant of the BROKEN –  the VAV – symbolizing joining together, making sure, becoming bound, nailed to. The nail that secures. Hosea 14:4 – 7; John 8:9 – 11

There is another mystery, a secret hidden in the translation and it can only be seen in the original language.

 John 19:23–24; 1John 3:16.

It’s in the question that says, ‘to whom has the ARM of the lord been REVEALED?’


Who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of Hashem revealed?

Isaiah/YESHAYAH 53:1

53:1  מִי הֶאֱמִין לִשְׁמֻעָתֵנוּ וּזְרֹועַ יְהוָה עַל־מִי נִגְלָֽתָה׃

זְר֫וֹעַ  Strong’s Hebrew: 2220 zeroa arm shoulder     זְרוֹעַ     zerowa

Messiah Yeshua/Jesus is the ‘arm of the Lord’

These words open the 4th and last of Isaiah’s ‘Servant Songs’, 4 prophecies describing the “Eved Adonai”, the “Servant of Adonai”, Who suffers and dies.The Arm/Zeroah of The Lord is REVEALED to those open to seeing it, even right here.

The arm of The Lord is being revealed in this very question.

It’s in the word galah גָּלָה  

גָּלָה Strongs H1540 https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H1540&t=KJV

גָּלָה gâlâh, gaw-law’; a primitive root; to denude (especially in a disgraceful sense); by implication, to exile (captives being usually stripped); figuratively, to reveal:— advertise, appear, bewray, bring, (carry, lead, go) captive (into captivity), depart, disclose, discover, exile, be gone, open, plainly, publish, remove, reveal, shamelessly, shew, surely, tell, uncover.

Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon.

Revealed is a translation of the Hebrew word niglatah but niglatah means much more than revealed. Niglatah means to be taken captive.

The KJV translates Strong’s H1540 in the following manner:

 uncover (34x), discover (29x),

 captive (28x), carry away (22x),

 reveal (16x), open (12x),

 captivity (11x), shew (9x),

 remove (6x), appear (3x),

So the arm/zeroah of the Lord, the power of God will be taken captive. The Messiah was taken into captivity, arrested he became a prisoner.Niglatah also means to put to shame/disgraced.

So the arm of the Lord will be put to shame and disgraced.

Messiah was put to shame mocked degraded and condemned as a blasphemer.And niglatah also means stripped, naked, exposed and laid back. So the arm of the Lord will be stripped, naked and exposed. So Messiah was stripped of His garments and exposed ‘naked’* on the cross.

(*The Hebrew understanding of naked means, to remove all clothing except a loin cloth.)

It is the most famous image in this world, that of one who has been taken captive, stripped, naked and exposed.

It’s the arm of the Lord revealed the power of the almighty. But how could the strongest power in existence be revealed in the death of a naked man on the cross?

That is the revelation of the arm of God the strongest force in the universe the power of the almighty the power of love.

Most religions teach that salvation comes from the one who needs to be saved, an arm reaching up to heaven.

Only one message is different – the Gospel.Salvation is just the opposite:

It’s an arm, the zeroah of the Lamb of God reaching down from heaven.

We need to stop struggling and striving to be good enough.

Stop seeking to save ourselves. We can’t, and we don’t have to.

Messiah is Heaven’s ARM reaching down to us.

In biblical prophecy, its the Zeroah, the Arm of God. Wherever we are, wherever we’re not, just grasp on to heaven’s arm and He will do the rest.Not only does this story tell us that in order to receive life more abundantly, you must first die to the flesh and take up our cross and follow Him, it also tells us how Father/Yahweh feels about people that are sold out and zealous for Him.

He loves people with zeal and passion, people that love what He loves and hate what He hates.

In the story of Phineas IS The REVEALING.  The Niglatah, the baring of God’s Holy Arm was personified as a type of Messiah in Phineas (priest) with His spear the instrument of his zeal to save his family the children (sheep) of Israel.The broken covenant symbolized by the broken VAV in shalom/peace was restored by His zeal as fulfilled in Yeshua as the sacrificial lamb on Passover, the Zeroah/arm of Pesach.

In the brokenness, due to the severing of the connection with His Father, when He said, ‘why have you forsaken Me’? Sin causes separation from God.

His substitutionary sacrifice was the restorer of the breach, (of the relationship that was breached/broken); and we are now reconciled to the Father and this IS the gospel message.

We are ministers of reconciliation telling of the promise of the Berit Shalom – His covenant of peace – which was there in the VAV, the nail, that secures and joins together that which was broken.He was broken that we may be made whole.

The Hebrew word ‘kanaw’ qana’ קָנָא means: zealous, jealous, competitive.

It carries with it the idea that no one can come between you and the one you love – jealous for God.Love is stronger than death – it’s the glue that holds everything together and is revealed… with

a broken vav,

a shank bone of a sacrificial lamb,

the zeroah arm of the Lord given in love,

for a covenant of peace,

with our High Priest after the order of Melchi-zedek,

Who is alone the One who can put everything back together.

His brokenness was not in His BONEs but

in a better WAY of TRUTH that leads to LIFE.

Derek – Emet – Chaim = Yeshua/Jesus

Shalom Aleichem – שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם

Peace be upon you!

Are you saved? Are you broken?

PLEASE Don’t leave this page without making that life-saving decision – time is running out. Don’t miss the day of your visitation!

This life is NOT all there is!

You are not here by chance!

SAY THE FOLLOWING FROM YOUR HEART RIGHT NOW…Don’t put it off one more moment…

Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.

You are now Born Again by the Holy Spirit of the Living God and you are part of the ever growing family of believers. You will never be the same again!

WHAT LIES BENEATH … Ancient Urusalima?

Ever wondered what exactly is under that golden Dome on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel?

MMM takes A DEEPER DIG Under The Dome of the Rock; (“Kippat ha-Sela” in Hebrew; (“Qubbat al-Sakhrah” in Arabic).It is front and center almost every time we look at a panoramic view of Jerusalem. Often dismissed as something, not of much importance to believers in Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach, yet there remains a measure of curiosity and there is great significance to the location we may have overlooked or forgotten…..

…And what is the mysterious “Well of Souls”?

The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic shrine and the Temple Mount is referred to as Haram al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary).

Situated in the Old City of Jerusalem, it was built by the Umayyad caliph ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Marwān.

The construction was initially completed in the late 7th-century, approx. 691 CE; (only 1300 years ago). According to the Islamic tradition, here Prophet Muhammad flew with the archangel Jabrail and met prophets Ibrahim, Musa and Isa (Abraham, Moses and Jesus respectively).

A rock rises towards the roof of the Dome. From this rock, according to legend, Muhammad ascended to Allah. Today, the Temple Mount is a home for the Al-Aqsa Mosque with the Dome of the Rock architectural complex. The mountain is open to tourists at certain times which are not related to the time of Muslim worship.

So why is it of any importance to us?

This mystery connects to events that have taken place over the last 5,000 years, thousands of years prior to the construction of the ‘Dome’.Then it was called Mount Moriah, on which was also located the mysterious city Urusalima, the forerunner of Jerusalem, (Salem).

For more on the picture above click links https://www.minimannamoments.com/more-than-one-palm/


Salim/Salem/Jerusalem is inscribed in the Tell el-Amarna Letters, an archaeological find dated to the 1400s BC.

The original name of Jerusalem was Babylonian, Uru-Salim, “the city of Salim,”or the city of Salem.

” Jebus” makes its appearance for the first time in the Old Testament (Judges 19: 10,11).In Hebrew, Yerushalayim

Mount Moriah is the name of the elongated north-south ridge of rock that rises from the junction point of the Hinnom (Hagai) and Kidron valleys between Mount Zion to the west and the Mount of Olives to the east.It rises through the City of Davidand reaches its highest elevation just northeast of the Damascus Gatein the Old City.

The Temple Mount today covers about 45 acres and is built around the outcropping of the bedrock under the Dome of the Rock.

It is about 118 feet lower than the highest point of Mount Moriah.

Hinnom valleyKidron Valley

Jewish tradition holds that it is the very same site where God gathered the dust to create Adam before placing him in the garden.and in Genesis 22. where the Binding of Isaac for sacrifice by Abraham took place believed by many biblical scholars to be the same mountain in the region of Moriah mentioned in the Book of Genesis.There is a grotto inside the Dome of the Rock where limestone forms into a cave.In 1 Chronicles 21 it is identified as The Jebusite “Zion” was situated on the southern slope of Mount Moriah, above the Gihon Spring.

After King David captured the city he made it his capital and named it for himself: the ‘City of David’. The northern area of the mountain’s summit lay desolate for long after Zion’s capture by David. It was in fact still the private property of Araunah, the city’s former Jebusite king.For various reasons David did not confiscate the site of the Jebusite threshing floor but preferred to buy it from Auranah for full value: “So David paid Ornan ) the Jebusite [Auranah] for the site 600 shekels’ worth of gold.And David built there an altar to the Lord and sacrificed burn offerings and offerings of well-being” 1 Chron. 21:25, and a slightly different version at 2 Sam. 24:18-25.

The very same threshing floor where Ruth and Boaz were.

This purchase is an important fact since it demonstrates that the Jews received this area through a legal transaction. They have never sold the rights to Mount Moriah.King David said to Ornan, “No, but I will buy them for the full price. I will not take for the Lord what is yours, nor offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” So David paid Ornan 600 shekels of gold by weight for the site; and David built there an altar to the Lord and presented burnt offerings. – 1 Chronicles 21:24, 25 

The Old Testament describes how an army led by David, the second king of ancient Israel, breached the walls of Jebus around 1000 B.C. David then built a palace nearby and created his capital, Jerusalem. At the site of a threshing floor atop the mountain, where farmers had separated grains from chaff, David constructed a sacrificial altar unto the Lord, and offered burnt and peace offerings.It was here that King David brought the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the tablets with the Ten Commandments.

In the course of time the mountain had acquired an aura of sanctity and was the subject of many traditions. Indeed, its sacred status may date back to the early Canaanite period, when it perhaps was the cultic center of “El Elyon,” god of Melchizedek, king of Salem:‘And Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine; he was a priest of God Most High [=El Elyon].’ Hebrew 7:1-3(Salem ancient name of Jerusalem). Gen.14:18.He blessed him, saying, Blessed be Abram of God Most High, creator of heaven and earth” Gen 14:18.

The Bible calls Yeshua, Jesus, the Great High Priest.

Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

 Hebrews 7:17

For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

Isaiah 9:6

The tradition of “Jacob’s Dream” is also identified with Mount Moriah: “He came upon a certain place and stopped there for the night, for the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of that place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place. He had a dream; a stairway was set on the ground and its top reached to the sky, and angels of God were going up and down on it. And the Lord was standing beside him… Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, … “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the abode of God and that is the gateway to heaven” Gen 28:10-18.

This is perhaps the most colorful representation of the essential nature of the site which some would later claim was the “navel of the world”.At the summit of Mount Moriah, traditionally, is the “Foundation Stone,” the symbolic fundament of the world’s creation, and reputedly the site of the Temple’s Holy of Holies, the supreme embodiment of the relationship between God and the people of Israel.According to the Second Book of Kings and the First Book of Chronicles, David’s son, Solomon, built the First Temple (later known as the Beit Hamikdash) on that site.Then Solomon began to build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the Lord had appeared to David his father, at the place that David had appointed on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. – 2 Chronicles 3:1Solomon dedicates the Temple.

Upon the completion of King Solomon’s Temple, famed for its sumptuous splendor, the Ark of the Covenant was placed within its confines.

The sanctity of the site is reflected in the graphic description provided by the Book of Kings: “the priests came out of the sanctuary for the cloud had filled the House of the Lord and the priests were not able to remain and perform the service because of the cloud, for the Presence of the Lord filled the House of the Lord…” 1 Kings 8:11.Solomon built his palace in the “miloh” (infill), area which separated the summit of the mountain and the Temple from the city below. This was also a concrete expression of the divine inspiration that was attributed to his kingship. Other palaces were also built nearby, such as the “House of the Forest of Lebanon” and the House of Pharaoh’s Daughter. 

Solomon used dirt to fill in this east-west lateral rift, hence the area’s name: “miloh” (infill), or Ophel , from a Hebrew word referring to the road that ascended to the Temple from the city which at that time was topographically lower and seen as a name on some maps.

King Solomon, according to the Bible, built the First Temple of the Jews on this mountaintop circa 1000 B.C., only to have it torn down 400 years later by troops commanded by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, who sent many Jews into exile. In the first century B.C., the Babylonian Army destroyed the First Temple in 586 B.C. The ark of the covenant disappeared, possibly hidden from the conquerors. Following the conquest of Jerusalem by the Persians in 539 B.C., the Jews returned from exile and, according to the Book of Ezra, constructed a Second Temple on the site.

At the summit of Mount Moriah, the supreme embodiment of the relationship between God and the people of Israel was realized. Upon the completion of King Solomons Temple, the Ark of the Covenant was placed inside, it contained the tablets with the Ten Commandments, the Jar of Manna and Aarons Rod that budded.

In the first century B.C., King Herod undertook a massive reshaping of the Temple Mount. Herod expanded and refurbished a Second Temple built by Jews who had returned after their banishment. He filled up the slopes surrounding the mount’s summit and expanded it to its present size. He enclosed the holy site within a 100-foot-high retaining wall constructed of limestone blocks quarried from the Jerusalem Hills and constructed a far more expansive version of the Second Temple.

It is here that, according to the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ lashed out against the money changers (and was later crucified a few hundred yards away). The Roman general Titus exacted revenge against Jewish rebels, sacking and burning the Temple in A.D. 70.

We are familiar with the much photographed Western Wall, it’s one that’s easily recognizable together with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.The Western Wall is the holiest site for Jews. Thousands of people — Jews and non-Jews alike — come to this wall every day to pray.

But the commonly known religious site and tourist destination represents only the tip of the Western Wall complex. Its main treasures are found inside a tunnel excavated by Charles Warren from 1864 to 1870.

The tunnel follows the street level of the first century, which lies about 30 feet (9 meters) below the current level of the Western Wall plaza where the tourists and worshipers usually gather. It exposes magnificent stones measuring 45 by 9.8 by 11 feet (13.7 by 3 by 3.3 meters) and weighing 520 metric tons. The stones comprised the foundation of a retaining wall that King Herod ordered so he could create a level platform for the temple complex. 

A significant site is found 150 feet (46 meters) inside the tunnel. Above picture is the sealed-off gate, close to the place where the temple’s most Holy place, KOTEL – the Holy of Holies, is believed to have been located. The site of the Western Wall and its tunnel are managed by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation.

The upper part of the Temple Mount where both temples once stood is controlled by the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf foundation, financed by the Kingdom of Jordan. Arabs refer to the place as Haram al-Sharif, or the Noble Sanctuary. The complex includes the golden Dome of the Rock, which stands on the supposed spot on Mount Moriah where Abraham prepared to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice.

The area controlled by the foundation also includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest site for Muslims who believe it was here that the Prophet Muhammad ascended to the “Divine Presence” on the back of a winged horse—the Miraculous Night Journey, commemorated by one of Islam’s architectural triumphs, the Dome of the Rock shrine. A territorial prize occupied or conquered by a long succession of peoples—including Jebusites, Israelites, Babylonians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Byzantines, early Muslims, Crusaders, Mamluks, Ottomans and the British—the Temple Mount has seen more momentous historical events than perhaps any other 35 acres in the world.

The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls are classified as a World Heritage Site.

 During the time of Solomon and of Nehemiah, the walls also encompassed the City of David, an area south of theTemple Mount.

So what exactly is under the golden dome?

The bedrock, or the actual stone, of the top of Mount Moriah. known as the Foundation Stone where all the aforementioned events took place.

(According to a medieval Islamic tradition, the Stone tried to follow Muhammad as he ascended, leaving his footprint here while pulling up and hollowing out the cave below. The impression of the hand of the Archangel Gabriel made as he restrained the Stone from rising, is nearby.) The Stone — known as Even haShetiya in Hebrew and es-Sakhrah in Arabic — is considered the holiest site in Judaism and the third holiest in Islam.)It can be seen covered by the Muslim’s Dome of the Spirits.

This is about 285 feet north of where the Ark of the Covenant would have sat on similar bedrock in the Jewish Temple. Today the Muslim’s Dome of the Rock covers that location.

The Well of Souls, also known in Christianity and Judaism as the Holy of Holies, is a partly natural, partly man-made cave located inside the Foundation Stone under the Dome of the Rock.

Below The Sakhra (rock) in the Dome and shows the possible location of the ark lower left part of exposed rock surface.

This is a closer view of the actual bedrock, or the original rock, from the top of Mount Moriah. It is located under the Muslim’s Dome of the Spirits and is located just outside the Dome of the Rock. Abraham would have walked across parts of this rock when he came up here to sacrifice Isaac.

This would be close to where the Jebusite threshing floor would have actually been located when David purchased Mount Moriah.

Looking across the pavement that has been built over Mount Moriah to create a level surface. This is the site of the ancient Jewish Temple Mount. The golden Dome of the Rock stands where the Jewish Temple formerly stood.Notice the location of Mount Moriah on this map showing Jerusalem’ topography.

In a cave under the sacred rock, there supposedly is a mysterious Well of Souls from which the spirits of the dead can be heard.

Whether it is true or not, the Temple Mount is a place of veneration of believers of the three world religions and has a unique energy that can be really perceived.  The Well of Souls is a supernatural dimension that is guarded by the Archangel Azrael. It is said to hold power over life and death, and it acts as a receptacle for the souls of the departed. From a purely biblical standpoint, the Well of Souls is referenced as Sheol, the pit where un-regenerated souls are held until judgment.

The Foundation Stone in the floor of the 

Dome of the Rock shrine in Jerusalem. 

Photo above showing:

1 The cage-like structure just beyond the hole covers the stairway entrance to the cave beneath the rock

The round hole at upper left penetrates to a small cave, known as the ‘Well of Souls’, below.

3 Rock (Al Sakhra) where Muslims believe Muhammad ascended to the heavens.

The Well of Souls (Arabic: بئر الأرواح ‎ Bir al-Arwah; sometimes translated Pit of Souls, Cave of Spirits, or Well of Spirits in Islam), also known in Christianity and Judaism as the Holy of Holies, is a partly natural, partly man-made cave located inside the Foundation Stone under the Dome of the Rock shrine in Jerusalem.

The name Well of Souls derives from a medieval Islamic legend that at this place the spirits of the dead can be heard awaiting Judgment Day.  The name “Well of Souls” has also been applied more narrowly to a depression in the floor of this cave and to a hypothetical chamber that may exist beneath the floor. The famed 19th-century British explorer Sir Charles Warren could neither prove nor disprove the existence of a hollow chamber below the cave. They believed the sound reportedly heard by visitors was simply an echo in a small fissure beneath the floor.For Believers, the site is known as the Holy of Holies (alluding to the former inner sanctuary within the Temple in Jerusalem) .

Both Jewish and Muslim traditions relate to what may lie beneath the Foundation Stone, the earliest of them found in the Talmud in the former and understood to date to the 12th and 13th centuries in the latter.

The Talmud indicates that the Stone marks the center of the world and serves as a cover for the Abyss (Abzu) containing the raging waters of the Flood.Muslim tradition likewise places it at the center of the world and over a bottomless pit with the flowing waters of Paradise underneath. A palm tree is said to grow out of the River of Paradise here to support the Stone.Noah is said to have landed here after the Flood. The Mosaic floor covers the opening to the well of souls.

The souls of the dead are said to be audible here as they await the Last Judgment, although this is not a mainstream view in Sunni Islam.

The Foundation Stone and its cave entered fully into the European Christian tradition after the Crusaders recaptured Jerusalem in 1099 and converted the Dome of the Rock into a church, calling it the Templum Domini, (Latin for the Temple of the Lord).They made many radical physical changes to the site at this time, including cutting away much of the rock to make staircases with 16 marble steps and paving the Stone over with marble slabs.

They certainly enlarged the main entrance of the cave and probably are also responsible for creating the shaft ascending from the center of the chamber. The Crusaders called the cave the “Holy of Holies” and venerated it as the possible site of the announcement of John the Baptist’s birth, since Luke says it happened in the Temple.

  (Modern scholarship indicates that the Temple Holy of Holies was probably on top of the Foundation Stone, not inside it.)Here the original granary, (similar to picture above), where the corn was threshed or rather trodden out, upon the plain on either side, and winnowed from the Rock.The entrance to the cave is at the southeast angle of the Foundation Stone, beside the southeast pier of the Dome of the Rock (Sakhrah) shrine. On the way down, bedrock masses project in towards the stair; the one to the right is called “the tongue”. (because, according to legend, when Caliph Umar thought he had discovered the stone which was Jacob’s Pillar in his vision at Bethel, he exclaimed, “Es Salámo Alaykúm” (“Peace be unto thee”), and the stone answered Caliph Umar, “Alaykúm us Salám, wa Rahmat-Ullahi” (“Peace be to thee, and the mercy of God”).To the left (south) as one descends is a prayer niche where David prayed. 

To the right is a shallower, but ornately decorated, prayer niche dedicated to where Solomon traditionally prayed; and where Abraham and Elijah and Mohammed met on the occasion of his night flight upon El Borak.

This mihrab is certainly one of the oldest in the world, considered to date at least back to the late 9th century. (Some even suggest that it dates back to the 7th century and to the time of Abd al-Malik, builder of the Dome of the Rock — making it the oldest in the world — but this is disputed.

The cave chamber is roughly square, about 6 meters on a side, and ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 meters (about 4.9 to ~8.2 feet) high.

At the center of the ceiling is a shaft, 0.46 meter in diameter, which penetrates 1.7 meters up to the surface of the Stone above. It has been proposed that this is the 4,000-year-old remnant of a shaft tomb. Another theory is that it represents a Crusader “chimney” cut for ventilation to accommodate lighted shrine candles.Still others have tried to make a case that it was part of a drainage system for the Temple altar of Sacrifice; that the cave was the cistern for the blood, which ran off by the Bir el Arwáh, (Well of Souls) into the Valley of Hinnom.

There are no rope marks within the shaft, so it has been concluded that it was never used as a well, with the cave as cistern. The ceiling of the cave appears natural, while the floor has been long ago paved with marble and carpeted over.So now we know what is under that golden dome and next time we see a photograph it will serve as a reminder of its place in our history and that it reveals another of the reasons for its ownership and possession being such hotly disputed territory. 


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You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.


You can have His love – His Forgiveness – His Grace and His Compassion and live like Royalty in the Womb of His Mercy..

SAY THE FOLLOWING FROM YOUR HEART RIGHT NOW…Don’t put it off one more day…

Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.You are now Born Again by the Holy Spirit of the Living God and you are part of the ever growing family of believers. You will never be the same again!