Does He See Me And Know My Ways?

As we continue our studies of Hebrew words in scripture that are familiar to us, we begin to see that an understanding of the culture and era in which they were written; really helps our comprehension and an appreciation of what the author was trying to convey to the reader.

In almost every modern English translation of

Psalms 139:3 You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways,

there is a different rendering for the word search.

Comprehend (Hebrew)

Sees me (Living Bible),

Know my ways (Aramaic Bible),

Observes me (Holman),

Scrutinize my life (NAS, ISV),

Compassest me (KJV),

Search me (ESV),

Understood me (Douay),

Carefully observes me (NET),

Discerns me (NIV)

and Girded me (Jubilee).  

It is amazing there are so many English words for one Hebrew word. They can be studied at

If one Hebrew word, zarah, means so many different things, how do we know which translation is correct and gives the most accurate rendering? 

Is there only one and the others are not correct?

Maybe the question we should ask is, what David is trying to tell us in this verse?

What if our Heavenly Father allowed all these different words to be used in the many translations as a means to show us the depth of meaning in His Word. Could it be that by allowing such a broad choice of meanings in the various translations we achieve a better comprehension of what He wants us to know? If this is true then we could say that all of them are right and we have a fuller picture of the word within its context.

There are some 500,000 words in the English language, in comparison classical Hebrew has only about 7,500 word; with this in mind one Hebrew word can say a lot. 

Psalm 139:3 
HEB: אָרְחִ֣י וְרִבְעִ֣י זֵרִ֑יתָ וְֽכָל־ דְּרָכַ֥י
NAS: You scrutinize my path
KJV: Thou compassest my path
INT: my path down scrutinize all my ways


2219 [e]
You comprehend


Pi`el Perfect suffix וְזֵרָם 1 Kings 14:15; זִרֵ֑יתָ Psalm 139:3, suffix זֵירִיתָ֫נוּPsalm 44:12; וְזֵרִיתִ֫י Ezekiel 5:10 etc.; Infinitive זָרוֺת Ezekiel 20:23 etc.; — 

1 (intensive of Qal) scatter, disperse, especially of peoples, with accusative (Israel and Judah)

2 winnow, sift (compare Qal 2) only figurative אָרְחִי וְרִבְעִי זֵרִ֑יתָ Psalm 139:3 my path and my couch thou siftest (Che; BaZMG 1887, 607 measurest, determinest, whence  זֶרֶת q. v.) cast away, compass, disperse, fan, scatter away, spread, strew, winnow

A primitive root (compare zuwr); to toss about; by implication, to diffuse, winnow — cast away, compass, disperse, fan, scatter (away), spread, strew, winnow.

In Hebrew a word for search is zarah.

2219 zarah:

To scatter, to winnow, to disperse

Original Word: זָרָה
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: zarah
Pronunciation: zah-RAH
Phonetic Spelling: zaw-raw’
Definition: To scatter, to winnow, to disperse
Meaning: to toss about, to diffuse, winnow

Greek – G1287 (διασκορπίζω, diaskorpizō): To scatter, disperse

– G4610 (σκορπίζω, skorpizō): To scatter, disperse

The Hebrew verb zarah primarily means:

to scatter or disperse.

It is often used in the context of winnowing grain, where the chaff is separated from the wheat by throwing it into the air so that the wind carries away the lighter chaff. This action symbolizes:

separation, purification, and judgment.

In a broader sense, zarah can also refer to the scattering of people, often as a form of divine judgment or consequence of disobedience.

In ancient societies who farmed the land, winnowing was a crucial step in the process of preparing grain for consumption. The act of winnowing was not only practical but also carried symbolic meaning, representing the separation of what had worth from that which had little to no value. In the biblical context, scattering often served as a metaphor for divine judgment, where Adonai would disperse nations or peoples; sending them into captivity as a consequence of their actions. This would have been a powerful and relatable image to the original audience, who were familiar with agricultural practices.

There are many references to the winnowing process mentioned in the scriptures. Winnowing was the agricultural process that separated the mixed up pile of grain, stalk, and husk so that the edible grain could be sifted and eaten. It involves the separation of grain from chaff using wind. Our Heavenly Fathers Holy Spirit is often described as wind. Acts 2.

Winnowing serves as a powerful symbol of separating the righteous from the wicked. It underscores the themes of divine justice, the refining of believers, and the wisdom required to distinguish between righteousness and wickedness. The imagery of winnowing invites believers to reflect on their spiritual state and the ultimate judgment that separates the faithful from the unfaithful.

The act of winnowing is also associated with discernment and wisdom. In the book of Proverbs, wisdom is likened to a winnowing process: “A wise king winnows out the wicked and drives the threshing wheel over them” Proverbs 20:26. This verse highlights the role of wisdom in discerning and separating good from evil, much like the winnowing process separates grain from chaff.

The Psalms also employ winnowing imagery to convey the fate of the wicked. Psalm 1 verse 4 contrasts the righteous with the wicked, stating, “Not so the wicked! For they are like chaff driven off by the wind”. Here, the wicked are likened to chaff, easily blown away and lacking the substance and permanence of the righteous, who are compared to a tree planted by streams of water.

The Lord God also spoke through His prophets warning His people He would winnow them as grain.

Jeremiah 4:11 In that time it will be said to this people and to Jerusalem, “A scorching wind from the bare heights in the wilderness in the direction of the daughter of My people—not to winnow and not to cleanse. 

Similarly, the prophet Jeremiah uses winnowing to describe God’s judgment upon the nations:

Jeremiah 51:2 I will dispatch foreigners to Babylon that they may winnow her And may devastate her land; For on every side they will be opposed to her in the day of her calamity.

Jeremiah 15:7

I will winnow them with a winnowing fork

At the gates of the land;

I will bereave them of children, I will destroy My people;

They did not repent of their ways.

You will winnow them, and the wind will carry them away,

And the storm will scatter them;

But you will rejoice in the Lord,

You will glory in the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 41:16

His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Matthew 3:12. 

His winnowing fork is in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Luke 3:17.

Here, the winnowing fork represents the tool of judgment, and the process signifies the ultimate separation of those who are faithful to Adonai from those who are not.

Strongs# 4214 mizreh:

Winnowing fork, winnowing shovel

Original Word:מִזְרֶה
Transliteration: mizreh
Pronunciation: miz-REH
Phonetic Spelling: miz-reh’
Definition: Winnowing fork, winnowing shovel, a pitchfork

Meaning: a winnowing shovel derived from the root זָרָה (zarah), meaning “to scatter” or “to winnow.”

While there is no direct Greek equivalent for “mizreh,” the concept of winnowing is present in the New Testament. For example, the Greek word “διασκορπίζω” (diaskorpizō, Strong’s G1287) means “to scatter” and is used in contexts that convey separation and judgment, similar to the Hebrew concept.

The term “mizreh” refers to an agricultural tool used in the process of winnowing, which involves separating grain from chaff. This tool is typically a fork or shovel used to toss harvested grain into the air, allowing the wind to blow away the lighter chaff while the heavier grain falls back to the ground. In a biblical context, “mizreh” is often used metaphorically to describe God’s judgment and purification process, where He separates the righteous from the wicked.

From these word meanings and definitions, it almost seems to infer a desire on Davids part for the Lord to disassemble him piece by piece and to examine him in detail. He seems to be asking Adonai to scrutinize every part and to sift him, to find anything that needs to be removed. David desires the winnowing of his heart motives and thoughts, he wants them cast away from his life, scattering them to the wind where they will be blown far away from him forever.

Psalm 51:8 He has a desire for a deep inner cleansing by the Lord God, which in turn is a reference to David having a heart after the Lord Himself. “This is a man after My own heart” (Acts 13:22; 1 Sam. 13:14).

David made a lot of mistakes, he sinned greatly and most of it was very public. Position and power resulted in pride, he gave in to his fleshly desires, he betrayed his friend, coveted his wife and had him murdered; and yet he had a heart that repented and sought the Lord.

The word zarah is spelled

Zayin ז  Resh ר  Hei ה

The Zayin

is the 7th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Zayin is pronounced ZAH-yeen 

and has the sound of

z as in zebra. 

It represents a sword, axe or hatchet

and its shape looks like one.

The top of the zayin is the handle, and the vertical leg is the blade that cuts something open to expose the inner layers. 

The Zayin means zun: to sustain


represents a joining with our Heavenly Father. It is the joining of ourselves with Adonai that produces the two edged sword. The Word of Adonai is sharper than a two edge sword, 

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 


The Resh  ר 


The 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called

Resh pronounced raysh

 and has the sound of r as in rain.

The letter ר – resh represents wickedness, as the word for a wicked person רָשָׁע – rasha begins with a resh.

When a wicked person wants to correct their bad behavior and return to being a good person, he goes a step back, there he ‘meets’ the letter ק, which represents holiness. Here we see again, that even the order of the Hebrew letters is important and has significance.

The resh is bent over to the left; some of the ancient Jewish sages tell us that it is a sign of humility or shame. When Adonai cuts through us and reveals what is inside of us it brings us to shame and humility. 

Then the last letter is the Hei


which is the 5th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

represents the presence of God and spiritual life revelation, and light. It is the symbol of the repentant man, who beholds the revelation of GOD. Hei is spiritual life, the divine breath of GOD, that is the essence of divine grace, revelation, and transformation.

We need to realize and reconcile ourselves to the fact that our Heavenly Father is going to stay on our case, so to speak, until He can open us up. Then we can see ourselves as He reveals our condition to us and the hidden sins in our lives. After He cleanses us and restores us so we are worthy to be a carrier of His presence as He created us to be in the first place. 

The Hei 


revelation of self in the act of giving of oneself to another.

For those who want to study further, there is also a built-in commentary on each word for

zayin, resh and hei

which are the individual letters, that combined spell the word zarah.


He will zarah – search us in our lying down.

The word for lying down is rava’.  

raba: To lie down, to rest, to stretch out

Original Word: רָבַע
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: raba`
Pronunciation: rah-BAH
Phonetic Spelling: raw-bah’
Definition: To lie down, to rest, to stretch out
Meaning: to be quadrate

While there is no direct Greek equivalent for “raba,” the concept of rest and lying down can be related to Greek terms such as “καταπαύω” (katapauō – to rest) and “ἀναπαύω” (anapauō – to give rest).

The Hebrew verb raba primarily means:

to lie down or to rest.

It is often used in the context of animals lying down, but it can also refer to people resting or reclining. The term conveys a sense of relaxation and repose, often after labor or during times of peace. In ancient Near Eastern cultures, the act of lying down or resting was significant, symbolizing peace, security, and trust. For pastoral societies, such as those in ancient Israel, the image of sheep lying down in green pastures was a powerful metaphor for divine provision and protection. Such as we read in Psalm 23.  The concept of rest was also deeply embedded in the Hebrew understanding of the Sabbath, a day set apart for rest and worship.

In our modern terms Adonai is even watching us during our most private moments, He is right there, looking for anything that may hinder His presence in our lives, and when He finds it He chases after us until we confess anything less than pure motives and intent; which could block Him from being everything He longs to be in our lives.

He is acquainted with all our ways. 

his·kan·tāh — 1 Occurrence

Psalm 139:3 
HEB: וְֽכָל־ דְּרָכַ֥י הִסְכַּֽנְתָּה׃ 
NAS: and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all
KJV: and my lying down, and art acquainted [with] all my ways.

If He is observing our paths and our most intimate moments, He is obviously acquainted with all our ways. 

5532 cakan סָכַן:

To be of use, to benefit, to be profitable, to be familiar with

Original Word: סָכַן
Transliteration: cakan
Pronunciation: sah-KAN
Phonetic Spelling: saw-kan’
Definition: To be of use, to benefit, to be profitable, to be familiar with
Meaning: to be familiar with, to minister to, be serviceable to, be customary

הִתְוַדֵּעַ is the translation of

acquaint into Hebrew. 

However the word acquaint 

in Hebrew is katan 

which is used in a Hiphal form. 

Hiph`il Perfect 1singular הִסְכַּ֫נְתִּי Numbers 22:20; 2masculine singular הִסְבַּ֑נְתָּה Psalm 139:3;

acquaint self, be advantage, ever, be,

A primitive root; to be familiar with; by implication, to minister to, be serviceable to, be customary — acquaint (self), be advantage, X ever, (be, (un-))profit(-able), treasurer, be wont.

the Greek equivalent concepts can be found in words like “συμφέρω” (sumphero – to bring together, to be profitable)

and “γινώσκω” (ginosko – to know, to become acquainted with), which carry similar meanings of benefit and familiarity.

One reference says that the word katan has its origins in an ancient Phoenician word which developed from examining a wound for a decision on how to care for it.  It is a diagnostic search or making one familiar with the condition.  When it is used in a Hiphal form it gives the impression of God determining and understanding the best way to correct and heal whatever wounds remained when He fills you with His presence; rather than Him watching all our ways and giving us a final mark like in an exam.


Like David, there are many things in our lives that we are ashamed of and although our merciful Heavenly Father has forgiven us, sometimes we still have wounds that are not totally healed and they remind us of our past sins.  These are areas that the adversary will use to torment us emotionally. In this passage, David is saying that as a loving compassionate father, He is searching us out even in our most intimate moments to clean us up and forgive every single sin, no matter how secret it is. Then He can enter our lives and fill us with His presence by closely examining all our wounds to determine the best treatment to administer healing, so we can rest totally in His presence without any torment of guilty thoughts and feelings.

In the previous verse 2, to the one we have just examined, David tells the Lord that: You know when I sit down and when I rise up [my entire life, everything I do]; You understand my thoughts from afar.

Why do we keep fleeing from the presence of the Lord when we know He knows everything about us anyway?

Is it because sometimes we really do not want to be cleaned up, and we are comfortable with our lifestyle and sinful ways; we don’t want our wounds cleansed and healed?  However in His great love, and grace He is mercifully chasing after us until we allow Him to catch up with us, clean us up, and heal those wounds; and then we discover something so much better than our sins. We discover the joy of His unhindered presence and an intimacy (katan) with Him.

He is zarith carefully observing us

so yes our Heavenly Father sees us and knows us.

He observes, carefully observes us,

searches us, discerns us,

scrutinizes our lives; understands us,

compasses us and girds our lives.

He is intimately acquainted with all our ways,

whether we are sitting, standing up or lying down.

This should bring great comfort to us

every time we read this popular Psalm


He is El Roi.

Shalom, shalom mishpachah/family

and cheverim/friends!

It’s all about Life and Relationship,

NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Who Is Searching For Who?

Doing a search is a popular statement these days.

We are able to search the internet using digital ‘search engines’ to find out details on whatever subject we want..

Many times all we ever hear is

“I looked it up using a search engine on our web browser..”

…and there are several well known names we use.

These AI (artificial intelligences) answers to our search, are so immediate that we have come to prefer this instant answer, instead of asking the Lord and waiting patiently for His Holy Spirit to tell us; or by taking the time to research for ourselves in the Bible and Dictionaries or Thesaurus. We need to be aware of not allowing a popular search engine and the internet to be our source of supply instead of or in preference to our Heavenly Father.

We are to Search/Zarah

or Seek

the Lord with all our hearts

….and He will direct our paths.

Prov.3:5,6 & Deut.4:29

We are to Seek for Him while He may be found.

6 Seek the LORD while He may be found;

call on Him while He is near Is 55:6

However there is a Psalm where David states that

the Lord


out our path.

Psalm 139:3 You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.

Below are various translations where some say search, others say discern, comprehend, know and compassest.

ESV: You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Psalm 139:3,

Psalm 139 :3, NIV: You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Psalm 139:3,

KJV: Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

Berean Standard Bible You search out my path and my lying down; You are aware of all my ways.

American Standard Version Thou searchest out my path and my lying down, And art acquainted with all my ways.
Aramaic Bible in Plain English You know my way and my steps and you have investigated all my ways.

English Revised Version Thou searchest out my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

King James Bible Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

A Hebrew word for SEARCH is ZARAH 2219




scrutinize, spread, scatter, winnow

Almost every modern English translation of the Bible will have a different rendering for the word search – zarah.

Some others are:

Living Bible: sees me

Aramaic Bible: know my ways

Holman Bible: observes me

International standard version: scrutinize my life.

King James version: compassest me

ESV: search me

Douay Reams Bible: understood me

New English translation: observes me

And NIV: discerns me

In all these different renderings, not one is wrong or better than another, and it could be that our Heavenly Father is showing us the rich meaning and depth of His Word. Through these words His Spirit reveals to us a greater understanding of the message He wants to impart to us. So in this case there is not a translation that is incorrect.

The Hebrew word comes from a primitive root:  zuwr; to toss about; by implication, to diffuse, winnow — cast away, compass, disperse, fan, scatter (away), spread, strew, winnow.

Recall that every letter of a Hebrew word has its’ own meaning and pictograph. Each letter is a word and here the word zarah is spelled:

zayin resh hei. 


The zayin   זָ   represents and looks like a sword which cut something open to expose the inner layers.

The resh  רָ  is bent over to the left some of the ancient Hebrew sages tell us that it is a sign of humility or shame. 

The letter hei/hey ה is the third letter which represents the presence of God.

When God cuts through us and reveals what is inside of us it brings us to shame and humility in His presence…..However He does not leave us there…it’s a process.

Here the meanings: scrutinize, spread, scatter, winnow, carefully investigate; remind us of Messiahs words that were describing the divide and sift that was to come for His disciples in order to test their faith.

Just as Messiah Jesus/Yeshua said to Simon in Luke.

Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers. Luke 22:31-32 (NASB)

The Greek word which is translated as

demanded actually has the idea of a request.

satan has desired to sift you ALL…

WHY is this necessary?…

it is for us to see what is in us.

Messiah/Jesus said

the devil comes and finds nothing in me.

The key word in the phrase he has nothing in Me is nothing.  The English word nothing is the correct translation of the Greek which is ou oudeis.

The word ou means not

and oudeis means no one, none or nothing.

When the Greek word ou is combined with oudeis, 

nothing becomes emphatic.

The Greek phrase is a Hebrew idiom which has the legal sense of no claim.

Therefore, Messiah was simply saying that Satan had 

no legal claim on Him.

 In what sense does Satan have no legal claim on Messiah?

The answer is that Satan has no authority, claim or control over Messiah Jesus/Yeshua in any way, but he does have control over the world systems, kingdoms and non-believers.

There are two important points to help us understand what Satan controls.

The first point is that during the temptation of Messiah by the devil, he reveals that he has authority over the kingdoms of the world Luke 4:5-6. Notice that the devil states all of the kingdoms of the world were handed over to me.

And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.” Luke 4:5-6 (NASB)

These verses help us understand that the devil not only owns the kingdoms of the world, but he controls them as well. Luke 4:5-6.

The second point is that in John 8:43-44 we read that non-Christians, (those who do not accept and believe that Jesus/Yeshua was and is the only begotten Son of the Living God and died in our place;) are under the control of the devil and have the same desires as the devil.

Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. John 8:43-44 (NASB)

The Greek word translated as of in the phrase

of your father the devil is the Greek word ekin.

It means out. 

This means the Pharisees were like the devil, out of, being of that seed.

1 John 3:10 also reveals that we belong to either Christ or the devil.

By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother. 1 John 3:10 (NASB)

The verse tells us every man and woman either belongs to God or belongs to the devil. Those who practice sin belong to the devil. The verses before and after verse 10 make this clear, non-Christians belong to Satan and he has control of them because they are not Christians. Scripture states that the devil is the god of this age, the ruler of this world, and the prince of the power of the air.

We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. 1 John 5:19 (NASB)

In contrast 1 John 5:18 tells us that Christians cannot be touched or controlled by Satan.

We know that no one who is born of God sins; but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him. 1 John 5:18 (NASB)

Therefore, since Messiah/Christ was God and sinless, Satan could not control Him. 

Satan had no legal claim on Him.

This is why Messiah said,  . . . he has nothing in Me… and when satan tempted Him in the wilderness, he was not successful: Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13. Messiah/Christ was without sin Hebrews 4:15.

Can we say the same…

What will be exposed

when we are sifted and scrutinized

by His Spirit of Holiness?

Who will withstand the time of shaking? 

What will the light expose in us?

Once our Heavenly Father has opened us up and revealed all the shameful things in our lives; He does not leave us in that state, He cleans up our lives so they are worthy to carry His indwelling presence. He is going to pursue us until we are willing to let Him open us and cleanse us, so that He can abide/live inside of us and we can become what He created us to be in the first place.

He will zarah/search us in our lying down.

The word for lying down is rava’ . רָבַע

raba: to lie stretched out, lie down

(recall the letters b and v are interchangeable.)

Original Word: רָבַע
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: raba
Phonetic Spelling: raw-bah’
Definition: to lie stretched out, lie down

Strong’s Hebrew: 7250. רָבַע (raba) —

to lie stretched out, lie down

This word comes from old Akkadian word RV,

which has the idea of lying down to reproduce.

raba: to lie stretched out, lie down

In all modern ways of understanding today, our Heavenly Father is watching us even in our most private moments. He is there looking for anything that may hinder the fullness of His presence in our lives. When He finds it, He pursues us until we confess only pure motives and honest intentions of our hearts towards Him. He searches for anything that could prevent Him from being all He longs to be in our lives. He observes the fruit of our lives, our actions and what is reproduced, then He prunes us so that we will bear even more fruit.


Is He really that intrusive /interested in our lives, watching and observing our paths and  even our most Intimate moments?

He is obviously acquainted with all our ways.

Here that word acquaint in Hebrew is

katan which is used in a hiphal form.

spelled with a letter c or k. Strongs 5532

cakan — to be of use or service, benefit

cakan: benefit

Original Word: סָכַן
Part of SpeechVerb
Transliteration: cakan
Phonetic Spelling: saw-kan’
 acquaint self, be advantage, ever, be, unprofitable, treasurer.
A primitive root; to be familiar with; by implication, to minister to, be serviceable to, be customary — acquaint (self), be advantage, X ever, (be, (un-))profit(-able), treasurer, be wont.

Hiph`il Perfect1singular הִסְכַּ֫נְתִּי Numbers 22:20; 2masculine singular הִסְבַּ֑נְתָּה Psalm 139:3

Imperative הַסְכֶּןנָֿא Job 22:21

Infinitive abs. הַסְכֵּן Numbers 22:30; — be used, wont, strictly exhibit use, or habit,

הַהַסְכֵּן הִסְכַּנְתִּי לַעֲשת לְךָ כֹּה Numbers 22:30 (J) 

have I ever shewn the habit of doing thus to thee? hence shew harmony with (עִם) one Job 22:21, be familiar with, know intimately (subject ׳י) Psalm 139:3 (with accusative דְּרָכַי).

The word katan seems to have its origins in an ancient Phoenician word developed from: examining a wound to determine how to care for it.

It is a diagnostic search or a familiarizing. When used in a hiphal form it gives the picture of: God is not observing all our ways to make notes and assign grades for our performance; but to determine and understand the best way to correct and heal whatever wounds have been left as He fills us with His presence.

Like David there are no doubt many things in our lives we are ashamed of. Even though God has forgiven us we still have scars that remind us of our past sins and even some open wounds still remain that must be healed.

Maybe David is saying here that our Heavenly Father searches us out, even in our most intimate moments, to clean us up and forgive every single sin, no matter how secret and hidden we think it is. This is so He can enter our lives and fill us with His presence, His Spirit of Holiness.

There is another Hebrew word for

search – chaqar

resh quph chet

which also means:

to investigate,

examine thoroughly in order to expose a weakness.

Weaknesses can be in the form of old unhealed wounds and spiritual scars.

It is not only that He will search us, but He will also closely examine all of our wounds to determine the best treatment to heal them; so we can rest totally in His presence without the hindrance of guilt and shame. When we are running from God, resisting His searching gaze, it is often because we really don’t want to be cleaned up. We like our secret sins and we are comfortable with our wounds, preferring to live and walk as a casualty, with a victim mentality.

However, because our Father loves us and does not want to lose us, He will keep chasing after us until we allow Him to catch up with us and until we surrender; then He can clean us up and heal all our wounds. There are those rooms in our ‘house’ that need a deep, spiritual spring-cleaning. Attics, basements, cupboards and closets full of memories and hurts; those corners of our hearts and minds that we have closed off for too long.

It is only when we truly surrender and stop running, that we will discover the freedom giving joy of His presence. A relationship that is unhindered by sin, guilt and shame is one that allows true loving intimacy, the spiritual connection with our Creator Father, that of katan with Him.

Today…it’s time to stop running and hiding from Him, we often stay too busy to take the time we need to be in His presence.

We need Him, and we must seek His face/presence and only then we will find Him. If we truly want to walk with Him, it is critical to lay down self. Nothing less than total submission, a repentant heart and allowing Him to search us, will bring true humility and openness spiritually; which precedes the personal revival, restoration, maturity and Holiness of His called-apart-ecclesia.

Today it’s is time to answer the question for our own life….

Who is Searching For Who?

Shalom shalom mishpachah/family

and cheverim/friends!

You are loved, appreciated and prayed for

… and…

it’s all about Life and Relationship,

NOT Religion.

You are precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen