We know that..
but before He was, here are some more pictures concluding the events surrounding that week…
John 18:10 Peter’s sword severed Malchus’ right ear, he was servant of a high priest.
Jesus heals his ear. vs. 56 The disciples all fled
vs.57 Then arrested and bound Jesus was taken to Annas, the father in law of Caiaphas, who was high priest that year. He was the one who said, it was profitable for one to die. 
John 11:49–51 All the high priests, scribes and elders were assembled and ready. This was all done at night.
59-68 They accused Him of blasphemy, spit in His face and hit Him.
69-75 Peter denies Him three times
chp. 27:1 Jesus was kept overnight in an underground dungeon
vs.2 They bound Him lead Him away to the Govenor Pontius Pilate .
vs.3 Judas repented and took 30 pieces of silver back to the chief priests and the elders
5 then he hanged himself.
6-10 They used the 30 pieces of silver to buy the Potters Field in which to bury strangers. Fulfilling Zechariah vs.11:13
v11. Jesus before the governor- v18 who tells them to choose between Jesus and Barabbas
19 – Pilate’s wife has a dream and tells her husband to have nothing to do with condemning Jesus.
The realm of darkness was watching while Pilate sent him to Herod and Herod sent Him back to Pilate.
John 18:28 From Caiaphas to the Praetorium, the governor’s headquarters.v. 29 back again to Pilate who would not condemn him and offers v.30 customary release of one prisoner on Passover and gives them the choice. V.40 they choose Barabbas.
19:1 Pilate instructs the scourging to take place. This was a Roman scourging of many strokes not limited to the Jewish restriction of 39 strokes. Which is why Isaiah prophesied that He was marred and disfigured, He was unrecognizable.
‘Behold the man’
19:7 The reasoning for crucifixion according to the Jews was that in the Torah, Leviticus 24:16 says the person who blasphemed the name of the Lord is to be put to death.
Pilate wanted to release Him. Vs. 13
Pilate moved Jesus outside and sat upon a judicial bench in a place called Lithostrato and in Hebrew is called Gab’ta and it was the sixth hour.
He was given over to the Roman soldiers to be crucified 19:16 and taken to Golgotha the place of the skull called in Hebrew ‘gulgolet’ 19:17
20-23 They choose Barabbas Angkor and to have Jesus crucified.
Vs. 24 Pilate washes his hands before the people saying that he is innocent of the blood of this just person..
Vs. 25 The people curse themselves by saying His blood be on us and on our children.
Matthew 27:28 the scarlet cloak was from the Roman soldiers, this was not His prayer shawl. They had removed that to scourge him.
Mark 15:17 says it was a purple cloak signifying royalty. They also placed a crown of thorns that they had purposely woven and a reed in his right hand.
26 Jesus was scourged and delivered to be crucified
27-31 With the crown of thorns on His head and a reed in His hand and mocked him spit on Him and hit Him on the head.
verse 30 They spit on Him (which even in today’s society spitting is considered an act of mocking and disrespect towards the person or thing) as a sign of underlying rebellion, prideful and haughty, it showed a disdainful attitude and reflected poorly on those who did it.
In verse 31 and in Mark 15:20 the red cloak was removed and they dressed Him with His own garments giving Him back His prayer shawl.
The other gospels give further details on events.
Luke 23:26 Simon of Cyrene was compelled to help carry His cross. Mark 15:21 tells us he was the father of Alexander and Rufus.
they went to Golgotha the place of the skull
34 and offered Him vinegar to drink to take away the pain but He would not drink it.
35 They cast lots for His garments fulfilling Psalm 22:18 This was not the Scarlet Robe of Matthew 27:28, this tunic that was seamless woven from top throughout vs23 the tunic was possibly His prayer shawl, which in those days was a large poncho like garment. With a hole for the head and fringes on the corners as prophesied in Psalm 22:19
37 A sign was placed over His head on the cross the inscription read: Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jewish people. It was written in Hebrew, Roman and Greek. Roman (the language later became known as Latin now we know it as Italian.) 19:19–22
Jesus gives His mother to John as his own vs 26
38-44 Two thieves with Him, tells one of them, ‘today you will be with Me in Paradise.’
23:32-43 Two evildoers verse 33 one on the right hand is a symbol of God’s salvation from Psalm 20:6 the left hand is a symbol of calamity and judgement … one for each. 
vs. 45 from the 6-9th hour there was darkness all over the land.
Mark 15:34 tells us that after three hours of darkness He cried out in Hebrew, azavtani is the correct spelling of the Hebrew word used in Psalm 22. The Greek text uses the Greek spelling of the Hebrew word which in English is s’bakhthani
Matthew 27:46 eli eli l’mah azavtani eli eli l’mah sh’vaktani
My God my God why have you utterly forsaken me? He was quoting Psalm 27:2 and some thought He was calling for Elijah.
His side is pierced by a spear of a Roman soldier. 
50 Jesus yields up His spirit. He was suspended between Heaven and earth – symbolically the bridge – restoring the Way back to the Father. 
51 The veil in the middle of the Temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks split open.
The veil was torn which was impossible without some divine intervention. It could not have been done with human hands as it was so thick. It was significant because the Veil/curtain was placed between all the people and the presence of God. When Jesus died and became the high priest once for all, the relationship was restored between God and humanity the wall between us was broken down as symbolized by the curtain being torn. God’s presence was no longer contained and limited to the Ark of the covenant now once again His spirit and presence was able to go everywhere.
52 -53 and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose and then came out of the graves after His resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many. 
57 Joseph of Arimathea goes to Pilate and asks for Jesus body
59-60 and John 19:39, Nicodemus comes to help and they wrap Him in a clean linen cloth, he brings 100lbs weight of myrrh and aloes which was only usually reserved for royalty
and place Him in the new tomb. Then roll the great stone over the door and left.
62 – 66 Chief priests and Pharisees went to Pilate and asked them to put soldiers by the sepulcher to make sure the disciples didn’t steal away Jesus body and try to deceive the people that He was resurrected.
At some point before the women returned, the Power of the Father raised Him from the dead and quickened His mortal body.
28:1-8 when they return to the sepulcher and there was another great earthquake
the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it.
The angel tells them He is not there He is risen as He said He would.
Vs 9. As they were going to tell the disciples, they meet Jesus and He tells them to go to galilee where He will be waiting for them.
He appeared to Mary Magdalene, in His resurrected human form, just after His resurrection and shortly after the two Marys entered the sepulcher (John 20:14-17).
‘sir do you know where they have taken Him?’
At 9:00 a.m. At the exact time of the Morning Sacrifice in the Temple the Messiah “waved” the omer before His Father in the Jerusalem Temple for the acceptance of the FIRST FRUITS.
John 20:24–31 Thomas examines the nail prints in Jesus hands. 
Mark 16:12 Luke 24:13-35 He appeared to two of them as they walked to Emmaus.
Vs.14 & Luke 24:36 He appeared to the 11 as they sat eating.
Later that day (the First Day of the Week) He appeared to the eleven disciples while they were gathered together and “breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit'” (John 20:19, 22). (This was before Pentecost!)
15 says to Peter 3 times to ‘feed My sheep’.
He also told them to “go into ALL the world [of Israel] and preach the gospel to the whole creation” giving them the great commission (Mark 16:15). Going to the gentiles came later.
Jesus eats with them in John 21:1–13 and we are told of the miracle catch of 153 fish.
Jesus is on the seashore with a fire vs.9 cooking breakfast for them vs. 12 ‘come and dine’
Vs. 19 and Luke 24:50 He was received up into heaven.
Acts 1:2-11 He was seen by the apostles for over 40 days and told them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the father.
vs. 4 While waiting, they were counting the Omer until Pentecost/Shavuot 50 days after Passover/Pesach.
Next post will include some mysteries and miracles we don’t always hear about, which, without this post the next one would not make sense.
We are on a journey and everything is connected and has deeper meaning than just the surface events.
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