Who or What is the Mystery of the Choter? or is it Both?

Why is any of this important?

Why do we need to focus on these things?

Simply because we have grown up with a western based Christianity with a primarily Greek mindset. We focus more on the Renewed Covenant /New Testament and neglect the Old where our true roots are to be found, beyond the Greco/roman church doctrines and dogmas. These, at best, have forgotten, or at worst ignore and even deny the essential roots of the faith in a Messianic Savior. This Messianic Savior who was from the tribe of Israel and whose ancestors trace back to Adam through Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Moses, et al.

We are reminded to include the whole of God’s Word, not just the bits we like or make us feel good.

The particulars of God’s Word are of utmost importance, even the very words (2 Timothy 2:15), but we must study to understand the words in their context and in light of the whole counsel of God: “For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God” (Acts 20:27).

Everything ultimately points to Jesus/Yeshua and to see Him in all the details of all the scriptures is the wonder of His Living Word. And it should bring us not only delight and great joy; but serve to support the faith and trust in the God whose design is perfect in every aspect of His creation.

The One who took the time to put it in a form that we can read, see and comprehend the miracle that we are and to choose the unsurpassed and incomparable offer of forgiveness/redemption/salvation; which He has made to those called according to His purpose.

The reason we are to study to show ourselves approved, is that by so doing, we come to know Him and the power of His resurrection; as Paul said in Phil.3:10.

These posts, hopefully, are an aid for those with limited time and resources, to be able to enjoy the revealing that Daniel spoke of in the future days. These are those in which we are privileged to be alive! That the prophets desired to see. 1Peter 1:12

We know the familiar stories and yet we still see through a glass darkly, however as we dig together, He continually reveals more of Himself by Ruach HaKodesh to those whose desires are truly toward Him.



Phonetic Spelling: (kho’-ter)
Definition: branch or twig, a rod

Choter is a Hebrew word for branch, rod, offshoot or twig and here in 11:1 Isaiah uses it prophetically.

Any interpretation of prophecy by its very nature is both mysterious and miraculous, because the very boundaries of time and eternity were crossed in that moment when our Heavenly Father told us the future before it was ever lived; and realizing this can leave us with the feeling of having touched eternity.

Choter or sometimes spelled Hoter; it is pronounced Koter and the letters CH sound hard like a K, and it’s only found 2 x in this form in scripture. The word choter/hoter,  meaning branch or twig. We can see that the literal meaning leads to a more metaphorical one.

Confusion and misunderstanding come in translations from the original language because more than twenty different Hebrew and Greek words are used to connote this growth; they have been translated variously as a branch, shoot, sprout, tendril, or twig; and include Natser, Netzer, semah, sheresh, Anaph branch, to name a few.

Strongs# H6057

ענף aneph

ענף anaph

נצר H5342 Netser 

There are 11 verses with the branch as a type and 118 occurrences in 14 translations.

Also the Hebrew word for Staff is matteh (masculine), and can be pronounced either mat-teh or mat-tah. It is defined as a branch, tribe, rod, staff, or standard (4294); as in Aarons staff which budded!

For this post we will look specifically at Hoter/Choter and two other Hebrew words which are also translated branch. Netser refers to young branches or sprouts.

The imagery of stumps, roots, shoots, and branches is Messianic and reappears throughout the prophets, especially in Isaiah and Jeremiah.

Tsemakh is a noun that comes from the Hebrew verb for sprouting or shooting.


The verb is often used in connection with these messianic names and links with other names for example in Jer. 23:5-6; 33:15-16; Zech. 3:8.

Netser Phonetic Spelling: nay’-tser


Strongs #: 5342

Bible reference: Isa. 11:1

A shoot [khoter] will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.


Strong’s Concordance number: 6780

Bible references: Zech. 3:8; 6:12

Listen, High Priest Joshua, you and your associates seated before you, who are men symbolic of things to come: I am going to bring my servant, the Branch.

Two similar prophetic names of Jesus/Yeshua, are the Branch of the Lord and the Righteous Branch -Tsemakh tsedaqah. Zechariah connected the messianic term with the role of the servant of the Lord.

The two Hebrew words for Branch are obviously interchanged. One is tsemach (transliterated zemach), and used in all the verses for branch except the major messianic link in Isaiah 11:1 and 2 others, 1 in Isaiah and 1 in Daniel; where natser, (transliterated Nazer) is found. Jesus/Yeshua is called this latter word literally. The hometown of Jesus/Yeshua is Nazareth (Fem. plural of Nazer is Nazeroth).

We can understand further meaning in prophesy from the literal meaning of the actual text in the Hebrew language, that which defies the rules of normal translation. These instances are usually associated with an ironic play on words.

This is the use of double meaning/double entendre; or a similarity in sound and meaning, that continues the idea in the context of a passage as the form of the word may continue to be used in the passage to carry along what is being spoken about.

Even though the subtlety of the use of play on words is lost in translation it should not be thought of as useless decoration. It is a part of the inspired thought processes and in at least one case, it is a vehicle of miraculous revelation.

Branch of the Lord.

Note For New Readers:

The point of this post is not to focus on which word, or the variations of how its spelled, and which is correct; but is rather for the meaning and application to our lives as we follow Jesus our Messiah in the WAY; which is the real aim and goal of mmm.

Just reading about a subject will not do much good if we don’t think on its application to us personally and then prayerfully apply that revealed knowledge to our life and ministry.

The Words of scripture are living and alive and need to be living and alive in us if we are to grow and mature and flower and bear fruit.

All these metaphors, allegories and parables are more than stories and information, they are the meat of the Word that feeds us.

Milk and Meat.

A perfect metaphor for the degrees of maturity required to partake of spiritual food analogous to that required for physical food. It is important that we know where to begin with the milk of God’s word, and that we recognized the necessity for growth in understanding the milk so that we can go on to understand the meat.

1Cor. 3:2

As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ.

Eph 4:13-15

In Isaiah 11:1 both the words

Choter חטֶר  


Natser נצר

are together in the same verse.

Natser/Netzer is another Hebrew word for branch.

There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

Significantly it is in context with a prophetic declaration of One Who will come in the future that will be known as a Branch and will also ‘function’ as a Branch.

From Isaiah 11:1 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his Roots.


One definition of this word is: of any division extending like a branch; any arm or part connected with the main body of thing; 

Isaiah’s use of the Hebrew word nazer or branch and of nazeroth which is obviously identical with Nazareth in form;(simply remove the vowels). Isaiah uses other related forms of the same word which have meaning when seeing them in their connection to Nazarene fulfillment of that which was spoken by the prophets.

It was not uncommon for the prophets to depict the Messiah as a new shoot or branch growing from David’s stock, even though that tree would be cutoff. Isaiah proclaims that a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse.

Messiah came into the world as a child, a baby, it could be said from the genealogy recorded in Matthew, He was a tiny shoot from an old sawed-off stump. God brings amazing new things out of old stumps!!!

Jesus/Yeshua fulfilled the prophecies about the branch by springing up from David and the tribe of Judah to become the Priest-king of the Kingdom of God.

Real Facts that help us understand/digest the Scriptures: Indigenous to Israel, there is a tree that is practically indestructible even when chopped and cut down, new trees grow from the shoots that sprout from the stump, the base and root system. Even when it is burned, regrowth quickly starts from the roots and brings forth new branches.

This is the olive tree and it has a complex root system that is particularly strong and symbolizes a strong grip on the ground. These roots can find their way through cracks in rocks as they search for deep sources of water.

In Israel, olive trees flower in the spring when temps reach 70 degrees F. and will not flower before 5 years of age.

In all these descriptions note the details that bear reflection upon the characteristics that should be in the life of a disciple!

The olive tree is another one most frequently mentioned in the Bible. Scripture writers used olive tree imagery to describe Jesus/Yeshuas’ roots in the tribe of Judah and the relationship of Jews and Gentiles. Jesus/Yeshua also uses the analogy of the relationship of the Grapevine to the branches, to describe His relationship with His disciples:

“I am the vine; you are the branches” John 5:15.

The branches derive their very existence and ability to produce fruit from the vine. Detached, the branches cease to live or produce. Likewise, apart from Jesus/Yeshua, an individual does not have either spiritual life or fruit.

When an olive tree is very old;

(often reaching ages of hundreds and some even 1,000’s of years growth;) and having reached its maximum yield, It is common for farmers to cut it down to improve its future growth.

Before long, new shoots emerge from the old stump, and the tree begins once again to produce olives.

This aspect of the olive tree provides an image of Isaiah’s prophecy,

‘A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from His roots a Branch will bear fruit’ (Isa. 11:1).

As a descendant of David, Jesus//Yeshua was the shoot from the stump of Jesse (David’s father).

The word has a great variety of possible translations and it is linked to Nazarene, Nazarenes, or Nazareth and is translated: keep, keeping, kept, watchman, watchers, besieged, preserve, preserver, subtle, hidden things, monuments, and BRANCH.

In most scriptures it’s translated as: keep, in the sense of guarding and keeping something safe.

It is translated three times as branch in Isaiah and one time in Daniel.

When Isaiah uses the word it must at least raise a curious interest for the believer. Due to the possibility of play on words or double meaning in contexts that are obviously messianic: it is an amazing reference to Jesus/Yeshua.

It is certain that they point to Jesus/Yeshua as the Messiah because of His connection with Nazareth and because Here also was a virgin named Miriam/Mary.

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin‘s name was Mary. (Lk. 1:26-27)

He is called the Nazarene in Matthew 2:23. And He came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.

Orthodox Jews will not mention Jesus/Yeshuas name and they certainly will not call Him Christ /Messiah since calling Him Christ/Messiah, would be a confession of what they do not yet believe.

He is most often referred to by Orthodox Jewish scholars as The Nazarene. In Hebrew. Notsri;


There is apparently no word in the modern Hebrew language corresponding to the word Christian; so Christians are referred to as: the Nazarenes or Notsriym,

The Nazarene literally means:

the one who is the branch!

Consequently His name is The Branch, literally fulfilling this prophecy and amazingly so called, even by those who believe in Him the least.

Israel tour guides have been known to lead tourists to stand next to an ancient Olive Tree.

Then they point to the bottom of the tree, where new shoots come up from the ground, and say for example:

This town is called Nazareth and the root of that word is netzer. These shoots coming up out of the ground are called netzers.

Obviously Jewish tour guides don’t recognize the significance of this word however, However, it’s clear to those who know Jesus/Yeshua as Messiah.

Nazareth today, above and an old picture below.

Here in the town where some of the people from the line of David had resettled after exile, is also where Jesus/Yeshua grew up, the prophesied (Is. 11:1) shoot

The English word for netzer emerged from the root of Jesse (David’s father).

Here the Root of Jesse is written in Hebrew, Shoresh Yishai.

Jesus/Yeshuas own words in His prayer in John 17:

“That all of them may be ONE, Father…” 

is foundational to understanding the purpose of Netzer.

The warning words of the Prophets had been realized, the tree had been felled and all hope had been dashed, and the kingdom that once was had been broken in two. God’s promise to David (son of Jesse), of an heir who would reign forever, had apparently failed.

Or had it?

What do we SEE?

Connection Link to previous post below:


Then a shoot will grow from the stump of Jesse, 
and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.

The tree was the kingdom of Israel, which had been divided into two, Israel and Judah, after Solomon departed the scene. Israel, the northern kingdom, was about to be carried off into captivity by Assyria. That was the prophecy of earlier chapters. However, a remnant of Israel would return from exile, but only a remnant, and would turn to the LORD in faith.

Then Isaiah spoke of an “anointing” that would lift the burden of the oppressor off their shoulders and would completely destroy the yoke from off their neck; Isaiah 10:27. The power of the enemy would be broken. And then, a shoot would grow from the stump of Jesse.

A remnant and a shoot, it seems so little, so small and yet, that is so often how God does His work. Indeed, in Zechariah 4:10, He says, Do not despise these small beginnings.

As the Old Testament frequently notes; e.g. in Jer. 11:16, Hosea 14:6, the olive tree is beautiful.

The faithful followers of God/Jesus/Yeshua, are compared to vigorous olive trees, and their children are said to be like the shoots that appear at the tree’s roots, guaranteeing its survival and future generations.

In Rom. 11:11-24, the New Testament uses olive trees to help illustrate the plan of salvation and Paul describes ‘Christians’ as either natural olive branches, those of Hebrew/Israeli background, or olive branches that have been grafted onto Jesus/Yeshua, those who are heathen/Goyim/Gentiles.

As branches grafted into Jesus/Yeshua, ‘Christians’ will only bear fruit if we are attached to and have a personal relationship with Him and are walking in His WAY.

In the same chapter Paul draws attention to grafting a branch into a stock. It was usual for a farmer to take a wild root or stock and graft into it a cultivated scion.

That was not the case with Israel, the cultivated olive tree; the branches broken off were replaced by wild olive shoots, in other words, Gentile believers. When the Deliverer from Zion comes, however, it will be easy for Hm to restore Israel to its rightful position (vs. 25-27).

The olive tree provides an excellent lesson for non Jewish disciples.

Because Jesus/Yeshua was rejected as Messiah, God cut many Jewish branches down, however,

He did not uproot the tree.

The shoot of Jesus/Yeshua and the branches of His Gentile followers grew from a Jewish stump. As His followers/disciples, we are branches growing from Jewish roots.

The picture of the olive tree is a constant reminder that Jesus/Yeshua is our source of life; our branch springs from Jewish roots. The beautiful olive tree reminds us of God’s eternal plan of salvation and His expectation that all His branches will bear abundant fruit.

Branch is capitalized six times in the Old Testament inferring the understanding of a title name. The Hebrew word used in five of them, semah, simply means sprout, growth, or branch.

The remaining occurrence has the word hoter, meaning: branch or twig…..

As usual the post ‘grew’ in length while assembling!

Both the conclusion and paleo pictograph meaning coming in part 2.

Shalom shalom mishpachah! You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the posts. If they have been a blessing if you haven’t already, please like, share and subscribe, it all helps to freely spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth and reaches others with His Truths.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

More Than One Palm

As this iswhich of course it is referring to the day also called into Jerusalem and the branches of the palm trees. This is the day that palm fronds were waved by the crowds and together with Tallits, (prayer shawls/garments), were laid along the road for Messiah Jesus/Yeshua to ride over.What do Palm branches remind us of …? A tropical beach, southern climates, an oasis in the burning desert, children part of a procession dancing and singing Hosanna to the Son of David?

12 The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. 13 So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” 14 And Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, just as it is written, 15 “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming,
 sitting on a donkey’s colt!” (John 12:12-15 ESV)

The custom of palms traditionally at the end of ‘Lent’ in the Christian Church Calendar, can serve to remind us of a certain day in the month of Nisan, over 2000 years ago; because it has its roots in the Judeo/Christian and Hebrew Appointed Times/ Feasts of the children of Israel.In Jewish culture, palms were used for such an event because they are symbols of victory. As Jesus rides into Jerusalem amid shouts of praise and symbols of victory we clearly see the connection.

In the reference to the branch in Isaiah 11:1 Messiah Jesus IS the branch from the stem of Jesse growing out of his roots/stump.

Little did the people know that the victory Jesus would win was neither political nor military in nature but salvation victory.On His way to the cross, Jesus is riding into Jerusalem amid the shouts and palm branches where He won the victory for us over sin, death, and the power of the devil at the cross. The palms also representing the victory that Messiah Jesus/Yeshua won over our sinful, corrupt nature.

Click Link for https://www.minimannamoments.com/palm-sunday-nisan-the-appointed-time-of-the-lamb/

However as our English language often has the same word for two different meanings there is another connection here. Palm doesn’t just mean a certain type of tree, or the branch of that tree; It also refers to the part of our hands from the wrist to the base of the fingers.Our English word palm came from the Latin word for the tree or branch. One source says the word travelled to Northern Europe (where the English language developed) via the Christians bringing the word for the tree they used on Palm Sunday in celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.The English word palm, meaning the part of the hand, is used in an Old Testament Bible passage.

Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. 

Isaiah 49:16

In Isaiah 49:16 this is a reference declaring that we are written, inscribed, or engraved in the palms of His hands. God says this to us to remind us that He has not – and never will – forget us. Sometimes in stressful situations, it may ‘feel’ that He has; but God says this to us to remind us that He has not – and never will – forget us.And in Ps 31:15Our times are in His HandsWE are in HIS HAND –

Written on His hand.

Isaiah 49:16.See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me. The word “engraved”, it is an eternal reminder, not just written, but ENGRAVED.

Behold I have graven

I have inscribed chaqaq חַקֹּתִ֑יךְ

(khaw-kak’) chak·ko·tich; to cut in, inscribe, decree; to hack, i.e. engrave (Judges 5:14, to be a scribe simply); by implication, to enact (laws being cut in stone or metal tablets in primitive times) or (gen.) prescribe.

Hebrew word for engrave is haqaq, meaning to mark out, inscribe, portrayed.

Portrayed means a representation of something, or in other words a picture, a picture of us engraved on the hands of the LORD. We look at our hands multiple times a day. When we worship Him they are open before Him, usually with our palms facing upwards in an attitude of openness and humility; giving of our love and gratefulness and also a readiness to receive. 

Our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Is it possible that our names are written in His Book of Life not with ink, but with the Holy and Precious Blood of Messiah Jesus/Yeshua?

Is it possible that on that day of Triumphal entry, He knew the deeper significance of the word PALM? His Blood was shed on the cross when He died for our sins. Are our names written with the Blood of Jesus that flowed when nails where driven through the palms of His hands – thus marking Him for eternity??As scripture tells us, Jesus is ever interceding for us before the throne of God.. maybe with His hands open in prayer, pointing to them and saying, ‘Look at this one engraved on My palm, look at this picture of them portrayed on my palms. I love them, and I am praying to you Father for them, keep them safe for they are in covenant with Us.’For example a wedding ring on someone’s finger whenever they glance down at it, it is a constant reminder that they are married to someone, they will always think of the one they are married to when they see their wedding ring. However, it is only a temporary token, but to have someone engraved on the palm of the Lord’s hands it is eternal.

I have engraved thee upon the palms of my hands.

 We are on the palms כַּפַּ֖יִם

Hebrew: kaph כַּ (kaf)

The hollow hand or palm, so of the paw of an animal, of the sole, and even of the bowl of a dish or sling, the handle of a bolt, the leaves of a palm-tree); figuratively, power.

kap·pa·yim hollow or flat of the hand, palm, sole (of the foot), a pan from kaphaph Kaf כַּ, meaning Palm, Open hand cover, Allow.

Your walls are ever before me.Isaiah 49:16

Behold, I have graven (8804) thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me. [of My hands]; Your walls חֹומֹתַ֥יִךְ


חוֹמָה Entry for Strong’s #02346 – wall – chômâh   kho-maw’  

In the time in which this was written, walls were used as writing tablets to record the chronological detail of someone’s life, and to display a person’s life achievements, identifying who they were and what they did, including if they had a family, or what kind of possessions they owned.

This amazing verse highlights how interested the LORD is in every detail of our lives. Not only are we engraved upon the palms of His hands, but our lives, ‘the wall of our life’ is before Him.

Nothing is hidden from the Lord, yet he still loves us with an everlasting love.By engraving our names on the palms of His hands He reveals the depths of His love towards us. We need to better understand the meaning of that word ‘engrave’, Its like tatooing. You cannot take it out. Once it is engraved, it is the part of the skin..There is no way to separate both. So our lives with all its boundaries are constantly viewed by God; and because of this promise, we are to have childlike faith and be anxious for nothing.Everything we lack, everything we are, our limitations, our expectations, our hopes and dreams, our brokenness…everything is like an open book before Him. He knows what we are going through, He knows our limits too.

The LORD will never let go of us.Why He has engraved us on His palms?…it’s because He wants to see us everyday, every moment of our lives…because each one of us is precious in His sight. Imagine, the creator of this world, has us on His palms. What else do we need in life? This is to remind us that there is a greater love than all the other relationships that we have on this earth. It is the love of Jesus.

He is the only one who chose to die for us. He shed his blood for us.He suffered the shame and pain to make us His own and we are engraved on His palms. Nobody else or any kind of situation can remove us from there unless we choose to leave, we are constantly in His presence.

He loves us and is constantly praying for us and thinking of us. Listen to tender words of love from Psalm 139:17 (NIV), ‘How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!’

This Passover season and as we celebrate Palm Sunday remember you were in His thoughts as He prepared to go to the cross.

We were and are Engraved in the palms of His hands, the same hands that were pierced through for our sorrows.

There is another fascinating connection to God, Palms and Israel….

Below a flattened out map shows Israel in the center.The most amazing thing is that the area around Jerusalem, Israel as seen from above, resembles a hand. (Almost like a glove or mitten.)Here are some pictures which seem to reveal that He has His hand positioned on, in and over Israel.Topographic Map of Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5.6-10)

But I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there; and have chosen David to be over my people Israel. 2 Chronicles 6:6

Is the Name of God Hidden on The Mountains of Israel?

A satellite picture made several years agoshows some Hebrew letters formed from the shadow of mountains on top of Israel.

This was looked at in depth in a previous post click link


Significance has been applied to the fact that there are three valleys that comprise the city of Jerusalem’s geography. This also has a connection to palm/hand.The Valley of Ben Hinnom, Tyropoeon Valley, and Kidron Valley, and that these valleys converge to also form the shape of the letter shin, the Temple in Jerusalem located approx. where the dagesh, the horizontal line is.This is seen as a fulfillment of passages such as Deuteronomy 16:2 that instructs the Israelites to celebrate the Pasach at ‘the place the LORD will choose as a dwelling for his Name’. (NIV).

The first letter of ‘Shaddai’ in Hebrew is the letter shin (pronounced ‘sheen’). It is the 21 st letter of the Alef Bet (alphabet). See earlier posts for more.

The pictograph behind it is fire and teeth.

The word shin is spelled, shin-nun, (S N) from 

the Hebrew word for tooth is, shen and has the exact same spelling. Deut 9:3 

It is very significant and because of its importance to Shaddai one of the Names of God, a kohen (priest)  forms the letter Shin with his hands as he recites the Priestly Blessing.

Shaddai, meaning ‘the keeper of the doors of Israel’ and is also inscribed on the mezuzot placed on all the doorways of Jewish homes.The letter Shin is often inscribed on the case containing a mezuzah, a scroll of parchment with Biblical text written on it.

The text contained in the mezuzah is the Shema prayer, which calls the Israelites to love their God with all their heart, soul and strength. The mezuzah is situated upon all the door frames in a home or establishment. Sometimes the whole word Shaddai will be written.

 is said over the people, found in Numbers 6:24-26.

It is fairly well-known. However, lesser known, is the deeper meaning found
in the pictorial language of the ancient Hebrew.
It is not necessary for salvation to know and to search for the deeper meaning
but when we dig a little deeper, we are able to see additional beautiful pieces of the picture our Heavenly Father has been wanting us all to understand that we have all missed out on for so many generations.  In the following the information is:

Hebrew word(s)
English word
Ancient pictorial Hebrew language symbols
Name of the above symbols
Meaning found in the above symbols
Pictorial meaning of the word.

May YHVH bless you..and keep you…YHVH make His face..shineto you (upon you)and be gracious to youYHVH lift upHis countenanceto youand give youpeace.

 It could also be read this way:

YHWH, the head of the house with His own work 
strengthens His own hand

by His work He binds and overpowers the destroyer 
using the authority in His hand

YHWH, the Chief Ruler, He secures life and order, 
His teaching strengthens,

His work secures the hedge of strengthening life-

YHWH’s strong pressing hand lifts up, His work adds living utterance,

He strengthens authority, His hand destroys chaos,

His authority covers destroying the authority attached to chaos.

And we have His Name written upon our hands too, represented as the letter shinis seen in the lines of our palms.

And finally His very Name,Yeshua is also written upon your right hand. (In Hebrew letters):

 the Yud ” י ” (thumb),

the Shin ” ש ” (index/middle/ring),

the Vav ” ו ” (baby)

and the Ayin ” ע ” (palm to wrist).

In Hebrew: Yeshua ישוע (Jesus) אֲדֹנָי .

So everytime we look at our hands during the day remember God specifically tells us that He will not forget us. In fact, He says He cannot forget us because every time He looks at His hands, He remembers us. He has engraved us on the palms of His hands as a reminder of us, as a reminder to us of how much He loves us, as a reminder of what He did because He loves us; and amazingly His Name is recorded on ours! Right palm out and centered over head is our affirmation of Yeshua/Jesus Name. Particularly this coming week, as it is the week leading up to Passover… let’s remember what He did for us recalling His Palms of promise.Of all weeks in the year this is a perfect time to share the gospel message and make certain your family and friends are saved.

 Please don’t leave this page without the certainty in your heart that you are ENGRAVED IN HIS PALM.NOT SURE?


See other posts for details on Passover and His Spring Appointed Times/Feasts.

Not Passing Over

A Final P.S. Hand Of God Spotted By NASAs NuSTAR Space Telescope!

Make certain Jesus is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.
