The Answer Is In The Yoke part 3

Yoke – Yeshua quotes Jeremiah 6:16

Jeremiah 6:16 
HEB: בָ֔הּ וּמִצְא֥וּ מַרְגּ֖וֹעַ לְנַפְשְׁכֶ֑ם וַיֹּאמְר֖וּ
NAS: in it; And you will find rest for your souls.
KJV: therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.
INT: is and walk will find rest your souls said

in this famous passage.

In Matt 11:29 Jesus bids his hearers to take his yoke upon them: “and you will find rest [anapausin] for your souls.”

and ye shall find rest unto your souls;
referring to (Jeremiah 6:16 ) and which shows the rest he speaks of in the preceding verse, to be not a physical, but a spiritual one; and which is to be enjoyed in, though not for the observance of Messiah’s commands; whose ways are ways of pleasantness, and all whose paths are peace.

The saying refers to the Hebrew, where the Lord speaks through his prophet: walk in (the good way), and find rest (nirgw`) for your souls; and not to the Septuagint, which renders the passage: and you will find purification [hagnismon] for your souls.

 mar·gō·w·a‘ — 1 Occurrence מַרְגּ֖וֹעַ

This context should help us understand the key words rest and yoke, in the passage in Jeremiah, there is no mention of a yoke.  So why look for a Tanakh context to Yeshua’s choice of the word ol  /yoke? 

The beliefs and cultural philosophy of the listeners will supply the answer

When we think of the yoke of Jesus/Yeshua, Most of us probably think about the law of love first, but what is that? Are we of the opinion that this yoke is how to live a morally upright life, with acts of grace and good behavior.  Due to cultural differences, it is probably not likely that those listening at that time would have had any of these thoughts; simply because to them the connection between Jeremiah and a yoke only meant one thing, Torah.

In Jeremiah, it is God/YHVH who speaks first.  He says,

Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths; where the good way is, and walk in it. 

What are the ancient paths? 

What is the good way? 

God/YHVH can only mean His instructions found in His Torah. 

After we have found the ancient paths and walked in them, then

you will find rest for your souls.

Although the Lord warned Jeremiah that the people would not listen to his words; neither remember their covenant with God nor return to the old ways of righteousness, this weeping prophet was faithful to his calling..

“Thus says the LORD”, he declared, “Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths… where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls”. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’

The covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was for the benefit of the nation. The Law of Moses and God’s promises to David were given to direct the nation towards the road of righteousness and the path to peace, where they would find rest for their soul. However, they preferred the pagan practices of the surrounding nations and refused to return to the Mosaic Law, which was fundamental to right living.

God’s word is sovereign and the ancient paths, were tried and tested. They secured God’s blessings for His people and promised rest for their soul – while disobedience dictated devastation, destruction and deportation from their promised land. But the people would not walk in God’s ways and their deliberate disobedience caused Him to marvel at His rebellious people.

Although it is easy to find fault with Judah’s rebellious ways and be critical of their attitude, we should be prepared to learn from their failure and consider our ways to see if we obeying the instructions that we have received and are waking in spirit and truth.. we also need to examine if we have chosen to walk in His righteous way and fulfill His instructions to the Ecclesia.

Have we walked in the ‘old ways’, that stand on the word of truth and lead us in the way of righteousness, or have we bought into a watered-down doctrine and a compromised faith through adopting worldly philosophies or engaging in fleshly behavior. Have we dishonored our Lord through unbelief or disobedience?

We are not called to walk the same ancient path to which Israel was called, because we have a renewed covenant built on better fulfilled, promises. However, we are required to be faithful to our calling; to walk in spirit and truth as outlined in the word of God – to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to mature in the faith that we have been taught.

May we take our responsibility as blood-bought children of God seriously and die to self; live for Jesus/Yeshua and be prepared to say:

Thy will be done in my life – not mine.

But what of the yoke?

For interest purposes:

The Mishnah and the Midrashim call it the

Shema kabbalath ‘ol malkhuth shamayim,

taking on oneself the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The above quote is included because in those days, every Jew who said the Shema 3x daily would have known what yoke Yeshua/Jesus spoke about.  It was the same yoke God/YHVH gave His people, the same yoke God/YHVH encouraged His people to renew in the prophecy of Jeremiah, the same yoke that governed the life of Yeshua/Jesus. 

The difference, and it is a very big one, is that Jesus/Yeshua calls this

HIS yoke. 

No one except God/YHVH ever made that claim but this man is claiming that God/YHVH’s yoke is the same as His yoke.  Even Messiah agreed there never has been nor ever will be any greater instruction for life than Torah; so what did He mean?

The listeners understood and we must too that this was not a new commandment.; it was a prophetic call that echoed Jeremiah whose message was the same for the same nation at a different time of rebellion.

Come back to the ancient paths. 

Walk in the ancient ways. 

Take the yoke of the Kingdom of the Heavens upon yourself. 

When we follow Jesus/Yeshua in learned obedience and all who do will discover that His burden brings rest/ true shalom…

My peace I give to you…

When Jesus/Yeshua invites us to take His yoke, He is not offering unrestrained liberty.  He is offering spiritual constraint; constraint that instructs us in a way of life delivered from the opposite of shalom/peace which is rooted in RA/dis-ease and everything contrary such as fear, anxiety and confusion. The Greek word zygos has another meaning that heightens His invitation.  Zygos also means scales.  (Balance and judgment again and links to previous posts.)

The word is found in Revelation 6:5 and Leviticus 26:26. The horseman of judgment comes with scales in his hand.  He will weigh the deeds of men. 

What standard are they weighed by?  The rabbis and Jesus/Yeshua tell us that the standard for these scales is the yoke of the law (Torah), a wordplay in Greek!

Is it possible that the translator of Jesus/Yeshua’s words in Matthew’s Greek translation had this wordplay in mind? 

When we read,

Take my yoke upon you,

do we also see,

Take my scales upon you? 

Do we make the connection between yoke and law? 

It would be hard to read the Greek translation of Yeshua’s Hebrew without doing so.

We read the verse with the same Greek mindset/eyes of Plato and Aristotle and miss the meaning and connection to Jeremiah.  We suppose Jesus/ Yeshua is offering assistance, forgiveness and restoration, without obligation, at least to others, and we want rest, not duty. 

Because of this mindset we convert zygos into something akin to removing all my burdens because we want our kind of peace, which is often freedom from everyone else. 

Zygos as scales is not able to provide such false freedom because all of Torah is about obligation, both to God and to others, because The Law is a way of living in the world system, among those who inhabit the same time and place. 

For us to take on Jesus/Yeshua’s zygos, we take on the standard which the third horseman brings.  

There can be no rest without scales just as without chains there is no peace.

It seems that the Hebrew concept of a yoke is almost always negative and on the surface, and it is because the Hebrews had a long history of yoked captivity and tyranny, so they viewed yokes as a symbol of that, plus oppression. Because of this experience it would be inconceivable, to suggest that people would willingly take a yoke upon themselves, that is, except in one instance.  This instance was due to the fact that the rabbis taught that voluntarily accepting the yoke of Torah was an experience of freedom, not of slavery and servitude. 

Adding this background to the Matthew scripture; we read Jesus/ Yeshua declares instructions for living with regard to His divinely given authority saying He is the only mediator of truth. Telling us to willingly accept His yoke, the yoke of His halacha. 

So what is that yoke of His halacha? 


The term used to refer to Jewish law, 

halacha, Halakhah (also spelled halachah

means  go or walk

The root of the Hebrew word halakhah is usually translated as Jewish Law, although a more literal (and more appropriate) translation might be

the path that one walks.

Halacha, then, is the way a Jew is directed to behave in every aspect of life, encompassing civil, criminal and religious law.

The word is derived from the Hebrew root 


meaning to go, to walk or to travel.

The only positive reference found in His own cultural setting claims that the yoke is Torah, so Jesus/Yeshua takes the teaching of the rabbis and takes it one step further yet building on the popular and familiar. 

He calls His followers once again to return to Torah, as did Jeremiah, this is the only teaching that releases us from the slavery of this worlds system.

It becomes clear just how powerful this verse is, but why did Jesus/ Yeshua use the yoke as a picture?

What He is saying repeatedly is

Return unto Me. 

Come back to My direction and be freed from the cares of the world and this life.

Lose your life in this world and gain My Chaim.

From Messiahs teaching we understand that the entire goal of spiritual life is to express His compassion.  The good news of the kingdom of the heavens is not merely the gospel in me but it also requires the gospel from me.

It combines a taking in and giving out and in learning from Jesus/Yeshua it will always mean that as His disciple our behavior will change. Believe and do – believe always means action in Hebrew thought.

The purpose of learning becomes clear as the Hebrew context is applied because

to this end, the purpose of learning is alignment with the heart of God which

means practicing/doing compassion.  

Whoever seeks his own welfare ahead of others is considered uneducated and scripture warns that destruction is the end of that pathway. 

Jesus/Yeshua is the example, He was the completely free man,

the paradox being that He was also bound!

This is because He was bound entirely to the will of the Father, and compassionately gave Himself up for others. 

“Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29

Yeshua/Jesus establishes in this verse, that learning from Him is the most important activity anyone can do. Everything necessary to live as God intended can be found in His words and deeds/actions. So to know what life is about, go to Jesus/Yeshua.

Matthew 28:18

All power (ἐξιυσία) is given (ἐδόθη, was given) unto me in heaven and in earth.

Jesus/Yeshua here asserts that He, as Son of man, has received from the Father supreme authority in heaven and earth, over the whole kingdom of God in its fullest extent.

in Hebrew, the conceptual thought behind learning is very practical.  It’s simply obedience to God with the deliberate and purposeful submission of ones will.  It’s an attitude that desires to please the Lord in every action and in all we do. 

In the Tanakh, this attitude is described in the most practical of terms: walking. 

It’s a Walk – the WAY



From the L of OL the lamed

More than anything else, lamad has the meaning of  knowing what is right and doing it. 

For the Hebrew, there is only simple obedience.  Being as the simplicity of a child without any secret information or sophisticated knowledge.

While we are here on earth we must understand that the purpose of all learning is so we can become perfectly in sync. with the Fathers will.

To hear Him say, Well done, good and faithful servant, means we have graduated from God’s training school.

We need to understand that in Hebraic culture, all Jewish authority is based on past inheritance and birthright. Any educated man came with an ancestry of past masters. Jesus/Yeshua’s teaching caused shock, suspicion and skepticism..

When He invited others to follow Him, meaning to be taught by Him, they were infuriated.

The religious leaders were enraged and it appeared to them that He was an implausible boaster, because only a fool would expect others to follow a man without a pedigree that they recognized.

Matthew’s words, 

mathete ap’ emou, learn from me,

make it clear that Jesus/Yeshua claimed primary authority, an authority that did not depend on a prior history of teachers, an authority that came straight from God.

No wonder some Jews were beside themselves.

To learn from Jesus/Yeshua is simply to see what He does and do likewise.  It’s observing the Ways of Jesus/Yeshua both in His actions and words, not just focusing on His inner motivation or intention and it makes sense. 

We can’t see someone’s intentions or motivations, however we can certainly see behavior.  So Jesus/Yeshua says,

Watch Me, and do as I do.

In other words, we don’t have to have Jesus/ Yeshua’s scriptual excellence or intelligent insight…. 

we simply have to copy Him.

This is the reference to being as a little child! Children emulate their parents and caregivers and learn to do by watching and copying what they see and hear. It would be too difficult if the only way that I could enter into rest was to have all the same mental, emotional and intentional capacity of Jesus/Yeshua.  It would be hopeless for us to even try, as we can never become exactly like Him.  However, if entering into His rest, simply means copying what He does, then we all have a chance. 

We can do what Jesus/Yeshua does because He was/is fully human, just like we are.  Because of this we can pray to the Father, minister to the sick, worship on the Sabbath, spend time mentoring and comforting, ask the Father for guidance, listen to instructions and carry out commands. We can do all these things, especially since Jesus/Yeshua promises to help pull the load as we are yoked with Him.

He is our living model for the lifestyle and behavior that will produce rest…His rest.

If we really believe that the only way to find this refreshing work is to emulate Jesus/ Yeshua, then the most important thing is for us to see His actions clearly and we have to sift through what we think we know in order to see how He really behaved. 

Just like the circumstances that we face we have to understand how He responded to a wide variety of situations, for example, we have to know what He did when faced with accusation, betrayal, rejection, demands, loss, fear and temptation as well as the positive times of victory, validation, joy, comfort and friendship.  If we don’t know what Jesus/Yeshua did, then we can’t know what is the rest He offers.

Most of us think we can find our own way to the Promised Land, but we end up slaves in Egypt. 

If we want the rest He offers, we will have to do what He does.

It’s not impossible but it certainly demands change.

Nonetheless, yokes are used throughout the world for different things.  Some for plowing fields, some for pulling carts, and

from looking at pictures, it is clear that when two animals are unequally yoked it creates a big problem.

The animals that are yoked together should be about the same size, shape, etc. to get the ultimate pulling effect because if one is smaller than the other, it defeats the whole purpose of yoking them together equally.

However, Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus Christ promises us that His yoke is easy in Matthew 11:28-30.  Surely it is preferable to be yoked to Him and have Him help us pull lifes’ daily burdens than do it on our own. 

It is not easy doing it on our own.  Yet sometimes His followers think that Jesus/Yeshua’s promise to, give rest to the weary, is like some quick fix that will remove hardship from life without any effort on the part of the individual.

The promise of rest or contentment that comes from Yeshua/Jesus brings a reminder with it, and that is, there’s work involved in finding the peace of mind which He promises.

To reach the place of rest, we’ve got to walk with Jesus/Yeshua at our side and let Him share the load, but at the same time, not expecting to be relieved of the necessity of work or of the sacrifice of the cross which we are to take up daily.

Remember, Jesus/Yeshua couples His promise of relief with the command, Take up my yoke and follow me. The promise of rest is coupled with the instruction to carry a yoke and be humble in accepting God’s way, not our way.

His yoke, the cross of this life’s suffering, the cross of sacrificing ourselves for the sake of those in need isn’t too heavy to carry because Jesus/Yeshua, already carried it for us. Jesus/Yeshua promises those who voluntarily yoke themselves to Him that, His strength will be there to get us through anything that comes our way. This is the rest, the peace of mind and heart He promises.

Fulfilling the Torah was the task of a first century rabbi.

The technical term for interpreting the Scripture so it would be obeyed correctly was, fulfill.

To interpret Scripture incorrectly so it would not be obeyed as God intended was to destroy the Torah.

Yeshua/Jesus uses these terms to describe His task as well (Matt. 5:17-19).

To recap: the original pictograph for this letter is a picture of an ox head – representing strength and power from the work performed by the animal. This pictograph also represents a chief or other leader. When two oxen are yoked together for pulling a wagon or plow, one is the older and more experienced one who leads the other. Within the clan, tribe or family the chief or father is seen as the elder who is yoked to the others as the leader and teacher.

The Way of the cross is the WAY of His blood

and the WAY of mercies.


Because the blood of Messiah cries mercy for us from the Mercy seat of the ark in heaven, where His blood is alive and will be for eternity. It is not human blood but God’s blood so it has supernatural eternal properties.

Let us make sure we never have to see the writing on the wall that when weighed in the balance we are not found empty.

If the day of reckoning has come to us today let’s be sure that we are filled with His spirit and unable to withhold the Shavuot/ Pentecostal fire in our bones.

That is the fire of God coursing through our veins and just as potent today as when they were emboldened with that fire they were baptized and immersed in. They could not contain themselves and could not keep the fire within.

Our God is a consuming fire, cleaning up and burning away all that impeded them from fulfilling His will and call on their lives.

The life is in the blood, when we have His fire in our bones, think on where blood is made… in the marrow of our bones.

The fire of God was shut up in Jeremiah’s bones, possibly a reference to the place and origin of new blood being formed?

The life in the blood, the fire and life of God imbued in Jeremiah is now available to everyone. We are without excuse, our bones can be filled with His fire and life too.

Holy fire, holy life in our bones will ensure we never see the writing on the wall.

For by being fire filled we will not be found empty/ wanting.

This is truly being on fire for God and the scales of balance can also refer to the yoke.

The yoke with which we are yoked to Him. His yoke is easy and light because He carries the burden of the weight of our sin.

Be yoked to His mercies, where the blood is eternally crying for us. The seat of mercy the kapporet on top of the ark of His covenant/presence in heaven.

And how are we to be filled with Him?

The answer is simply total surrender. That is accepting Jesus/Yeshua’s yoke.

He said it was easy because… let’s remind ourselves again just how a yoke works:

There has to be two of the same animal to be together in one yoke.

One is older, and more mature with a lot of experience and a natural leader.

The second simply follows the first and the yoke does not press or chaff because as they flow together the folder taking the strain and bearing the greater burden, leaving the second one with an easier workload. This is the relationship He desires to have with us.

the Book of Amos is also a picture of Messiah as the burden bearer. The Wilderness Mishkan began the plan from the Betrothal Covenant given through Moses and at the cross it was…

Jeremiah was not able to withhold the word of the Lord because

the fire of God externally consumes the flesh in judgment and internally cleanses within.

Jeremiah declares the fire was in his bones; at the point of life, the life is in the blood and the blood is made in the marrow of the bones.

Just as the fire of the burning bush and the fire that led them in the wilderness, and the fire that was present on the Mercy seat, did not consume or destroy that which is around it. But it cleanses that which it touches, making it holy, this is holy fire.

The finger that wrote on the wall was an agent of judgment. He was empty, devoid of any holiness, he was without the lifes/chaim of God. He showed no respect and on that day all he thought he was and had, was taken away in a moment of time.

How can we find the peace of mind and heart, His true shalom, that we seek in the here and now?…

by cooperating with the work Jesus/Yeshua has already done, allow Him to help us by carry our burdens and trusting in His ability to both challenge and change us as we walk in the path of self-sacrifice; yoked together with Jesus/Yeshua and finding that God’s mercies have truly made us a new creature, one that will last for eternity!

The season of Passover and Spring Appointed Times is the season of true freedom where Jesus/Yeshua broke the yoke once and for all.

Shalom, shalom, mishpachah!

You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

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You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Bones of Fire and Graffiti?

The (hand)writing on the wall is an idiom meaning there are very apparent and obvious signs that something bad will happen in the future. The phrase comes from the Book of Daniel chapter 5, in which the prophet interprets some mysterious writing that a disembodied hand has inscribed on the palace wall.

The expression ‘the writing is on the wall’ is used whenever an inevitable result or imminent danger has become apparent; it came to refer to any prediction or omen that a venture was doomed to failure.

In our Modern understanding we think graffiti is writing or drawings, humorous, rude, or political, scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place usually as a form of artistic expression, without permission and within public view.

Although the common image of graffiti is a stylistic symbol or phrase spray-painted on a wall by a member of a street gang, some graffiti is not gang-related.

One dictionary definition is: Drawings or inscriptions made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and so as to be seen by the public.

God certainly did not need permission to write but it was an inscription made on a wall so as to be seen by the public!

This was no trendy slogan or tag! For Belshazzar it was a day of reckoning

Day of reckoning meaning:  God’s judgment of wickedness – the time when one is called to account for one’s actions.

Brief explanation of who was the king in this verse and why the Temple Menorah was in his possession.

Timeline of Jeremiah / Daniel (3304-3399 / 457-362 BCE)

Date Ref 553 BC Dan 7 30 has dream of the 4 beasts

551 BC Dan 8 31 in 3rd yr of Belshazzar, vision of Ram & Goat

539 BC Dan 5 32 Daniel brought to Belshazzar to read writing on the wall by a hand.

I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the LORD through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem” (Daniel 9:1-2)

Daniel is from David’s royal family For hundreds of years, a descendant of David had been on the throne in Jerusalem. In 605 B.C., the dynasty was in its twilight years.

Nebuchadnezzar successfully besieges Jerusalem and carries off some of the treasure from the temple of God to Babylon.

Judah’s exile from Jerusalem. Jeremiah’s prophecy of a 70-year exile was fulfilled

Daniel 5 tells the story of the 539 BC Babylonian ruler Belshazzar, a rich and debauched king/ co-regent of Babylon and a descendant of the great Nebuchadnezzar.

He is referred to as the son of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 5:18, 22), although he was not Nebuchadnezzar’s immediate successor (Jeremiah 52:31).

Belshazzar gave a banquet to his court. During the drunken party, the sacred vessels from the Jewish temple, stolen by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC, were used in a blasphemous manner including using them to ‘toast’ and honor their gods and giving praise to idols.

Note Over by the candlestick was a reference to the temple Menorah

The lampstand in front of the wall where Nebuchanezzer saw the finger of God write was the Temple menorah. He was abusing and disrespecting the Holy/set apart things of the Lord and the words written were a warning and a judgment

At the height of the festivities, a man’s hand was seen writing on the palace wall the mysterious words (verse 25).

The biblical account of the mysterious and shocking/frightening appearance of the phrase was no doubt the origin to the modern expression “the handwriting on the wall,” meaning “a portent or warning of inevitable misfortune.”

The biblical record in Daniel 5 has Belshazzar’s knees knocking in fear.

Daniel 5:5-6 In the same hour the fingers of a man’s hand appeared and wrote opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace; and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. Then the king’s countenance changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosened, and his knees knocked against each other.

The king was terrified. But no one could understand what the words meant.

All attempts at interpretation by Belshazzar’s wise men failed. Interestingly it was a woman who told him who to ask. Reminds us of Pilates wife giving wise counsel and advice at critical times. She recognized the True God as she said in 5:10-12 and Daniel was given the name Belteshazzar by the king. (Verse 12)

Daniel was one of the captives from Judah brought to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, so taking the advice given, Daniel is called out of retirement to interpret the writing for Belshazzar, he references Nebuchadnezzar’s eventual obedience to God,

Nebuchadnezzar’ was cut down like tree to a stump until he acknowledged there was a God in heaven who controls everything

He was to be humbled and cut down as the great tree was cut down. As the stump of the tree remained with a protective band of iron and bronze, so Nebuchadnezzar and his kingdom would eventually be restored.

Daniel 4:15 But leave the stump and the roots in the ground, bound with a band of iron and bronze and surrounded by tender grass. Now let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the wild animals among the plants of the field.

The Tree would sprout again from the stump so his kingdom would be restored.


(reminds us of another branch that sprouted from a root!) see

Daniel advised the king to humble himself, turn away from his sins, and show mercy to the poor.

Daniel 4:24-27. God sent a clear warning to Nebuchadnezzar. Through Daniel, the Lord encouraged Nebuchadnezzar to repent of his sin before it was too late.

However, the King did not take this warning to heart.

Now the same warning had come to Belshazzar,

and then Daniel says this:

“But you, Belshazzar, his son, have not humbled yourself, though you knew all this.23 Instead, you have set yourself up against the Lord of heaven. You had the goblets from his temple brought to you, and you and your nobles, your wives and your concubines drank wine from them. You praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or understand. But you did not honor the God who holds in his hand your life and all your ways.”

He was cut down like a tree to a stump, until he acknowledged there was a God in heaven who controls everything.

Daniel was given wisdom from God to read and translate the words, which meant:

“numbered, numbered, weighed, divided.”

Daniel told the king, “Here is what these words mean:

Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.

Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians” (Daniel 5:26–28).

Peres is the singular form of upharsin.

The Bible never identifies what language the words were in.
Some translations spell upharsin as parsin.

Parsin – ‘to divide (into many pieces)’

Peres – ‘to divide (once)’

mene mene tekel upharsin

you are weighed in the balance and found wanting

here wanting means empty.

As a menorah lamp is empty of oil and is no longer capable of supporting a flame and thus gives forth no light, If we are empty as the lamps in the parable of the 10 virgins awaiting their bridegroom; we too will be found wanting and will not be inside after the door closes.

Daniel read it Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin and explained it to mean that God had numbered the kingdom of Belshazzar and brought it to an end; that the king had been weighed and found wanting; and that his kingdom was divided and given to the Medes and Persians (Dan. v. 1-28).

MENE – ‘numbered’ or ‘mina’.

Mina is a measure of weight and money weight

TEKEL – ‘weighed’ or ‘shekel’ Shekel is a unit of weight and money

UPHARSIN – ie ‘Parsin’ (singular Peres (verse 28)),

Parsin – ‘to divide (into many pieces)’

Peres – ‘to divide (once)’

As can be seen the words ‘mene’ and ‘tekel’ carry meanings which indicate weight and monetary value. (As a result of this observation many have felt the word ‘upharsin’ should likewise be understood as ‘half mene’ or ‘half shekel’.)

Belshazzar, co-regent of the Babylonian Empire, watched as these words were supernaturally written on the palace wall the very night his kingdom fell (539 BC).

Each of the words the hand wrote on the wall is a measure of weight (like our ounce, pound, and ton, or milligram, gram, and kilogram).

The basic unit of the Babylonian/Chaldaic monetary system was the Gerah.

The unit of weight/table of measures, was the gold Shekel (Tekel in this verse).

The Mena equalled 50 shekels;

the Upharsin (half a mena), equalled 25 shekels.

The four words stood for:

Mena 1000 Gerahs or 50 shekels/tekels;

Mena 1000 Gerahs or 50 shekels/tekels;

Tekel, 20 Gerahs or 1 shekel;

Upharsin, 500 Gerahs or 25 shekels.

The total equalled 2520 Gerahs or 126 shekels.

Twenty of these Gerahs formed one Shekel, or Tekel.

One thousand Gerahs made a Minah or Mena.

Peres or Upharsin (the plural of Peres) means division and was used as we use the word half, for e.g. a half dollar. It referred to a half Minah which was equal to 500 Gerahs

The people of Babylon use shekels and mina for their currency. One shekel weighed one fourth of an ounce. One mina was worth 50 shekels. Sometimes if a Babylonian had to pay a large amount they would sometimes use clay tablets. The people of Babylon could also trade money. E.G one mina for 50 shekels etc.

In addition, each shekel can be divided into even smaller units (as a pound can be divided into ounces, for example). The shekel was equal to 20 gerahs (Ezekiel 45:12). The 126 shekels of Daniel 5:25 is equivalent to 2,520 gerahs.

mene: maneh, mina (a measure of weight) 4484

Original Word: מְנֵא
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: mene
Phonetic Spelling: (men-ay’)
Definition: maneh, mina (a measure of weight)

te’-kel (teqel)

tqal: Tekel 8625

Original Word: תְּקַל
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: tqal
Phonetic Spelling: (tek-al’)
Definition: to weigh

Tekel, be weighed

means ‘weighed’—you have been weighed on the scales/balances and have not measured up.

shaqal: to weigh 8254

Original Word: שָׁקַל
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: shaqal
Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-kal’)
Definition: to weigh

UPHARSIN is plural: divisions;

PERES is singular: divided.

Babylon is being divided once into two branches

(Media and Persia will take their respective portions).

There is no contradiction here, just a linguistic variation to highlight two different aspects of this prophecy, (one separation into two pieces).

Upharsin and they divide, or, And they are dividing. 

A Chaldee word, an active plural form with the conjunction prefixed; while PERES or PHARES, from the same root, is a passive participle, and means divided,  It is a pure Chaldean word. Peres is only a simple form of the same word.

The u in Upharsin is the conjunction and, while pharsin, or, rather, parsin, is the plural of peres, a noun which implies divisions and also Persians. It appears from Daniel 5:28 that the empires of Babylon and the Medo-Persian empire are those signified as being divided.

The Difference between Upharsin and Peres.

Specifically, the fact that one verse reads upharsin while another has the word peres. Apparently both share the meaning of being divided. The difference is that upharsin is the singular form while peres is the plural.

Most prophetic scriptures clearly portray a time dimension.

The words of the handwriting on the wall symbolize that God had weighed Belshazzar’s kingdom and found it wanting (Daniel 5:26-27). Empty of anything to do with the true living God.

The empire would be given to the Medes and the Persians, who entered and captured the city of Babylon that same night.

Belshazzar is slain by Darius that night and Darius becomes king that night, (he is a Mede, son of Xerxes.

God was about to punish Belshazzar’s realm for 2,520 years.

This is confirmed by another prophecy found in Daniel 4.

Through Daniel, God told King Nebuchadnezzar that a total of seven times of punishment would befall Babylon (verses 16, 25). In prophecy, a time equals a year of 360 days.

This can be seen by noting that 3 1/2 times equals 42 months or 1,260 days (Revelation 12:6, 14; 13:5).

Seven times, therefore, equals 2,520 days, and Nebuchadnezzar himself spent seven years without his human reason, living like a beast (Daniel 4:31-37).

In certain prophecies, however, such as in Daniel 5, each day represents a year in fulfillment (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6). These back-to-back prophecies in Daniel 4-5 show the type (Nebuchadnezzar) and anti-type (Babylon) fulfillment of many biblical prophecies. This is the prophetic principle of duality.

So, then, from the experiences of both Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, it is evident Babylon would be punished for a period of 2,520 years.

Interesting notes: After that time, it will rise again, as symbolized by the tree that sprouted and grew after the iron band was removed (Daniel 4:10-16, 19-26).

Since this period of 2,520 years expired in 1982, we can expect to see the rise of modern Babylon in this present generation (also foretold in Revelation 18); it may even now be well advance in its  formation.

Also Daniel is a Hebrew name meaning “God is my judge”!

Daniel Interprets the Handwriting … 26 And this is the interpretation of the message: MENE means that God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. 27 TEKEL means that you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient. 28 PERES means that your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians.”…

The Aramaic tekel, similar to the Hebrew shekel, used in the writing on the wall during the feast of Belshazzar according to the Book of Daniel and defined as weighed, shares a common root with the word shekel and may even additionally attest to its original usage as a weight. Second Temple period half-Shekel Temple tax

Hebrew: מָנֶה, māne (H4488)

Strong’s Number: H4488

Hebrew Base Word: מָנֶה

Part of speech: Noun Masculine

Usage: Maneh, pound

Definition: Properly, a fixed weight or measured amount, i.e., (technically) a maneh or mina.


As for the bones of fire………

the prophet Jeremiah had been the one to warn Belshazzar’s predecessor Nebuchanezzer and we usually associate Jeremiah with his sadness and distress over Gods rebellious People when he had repeatedly called for them to repent in the generations before Daniels time.

in Jeremiah 46 13 25 because of 44:20-23 he was warning that God would come and strike the land of Egypt.

This description of Jeremiah is not the usual one we see of him weeping over the nation for he was Gods chosen mouthpiece. He was laughed at and even told from the beginning that he would declare God’s word and that no one would listen.

What a calling!

And if he decides to keep his mouth closed and not speak any more in Gods Name, speaking forth His Word, he says; describing it as a burning fire shut up in his bones; he says he is weary of holding it in, indeed he is unable to refrain from speaking.

Is this the case with us or is it that we simply fear the ridicule and rejection of peoples reactions and if we do is it because we are unsure of what we believe what is true reality to us.

Jeremiah was overwhelmed by the power of the word of God not just dwelling but burning within him and he had no choice but to voice Gods words of warning.

Are we like Jeremiah or do we say I am not able. We should be saying I am not able to stop.

The love of God compels us to share, to speak,

to be the voice of hope,

to be the voice of warning,

the voice of comfort,

the voice of faith,

loving kindness compassion, truth and love.

The Voice of declaring the Way to salvation.

Let us no longer be weary of well doing. 

Let us desire of the Lord that He ignite a fire in us that cannot be contained.

Let us burn with the Holy Fire of Pentecost/shavuot…

That same fire that filled the room….

The same fire that flowed out to 3000 souls in a day.

Let the fire burn up all flesh that limits those life-giving words…

The Ruach of Shavuot did not come to make us feel comfortable but to burn up everything that is not of Himself.

Let us be the fire brand in the hand of God setting ablaze all that is in our path,

אֵשׁ ʼêsh, aysh;

 fire (literally or figuratively):—

burning, fiery, fire, flaming, hot.


Jeremiah 20:9: “Then I said, I will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name.  But his word was in my heart as a burning fire and shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forebearing and I could not stay.”

The metaphor that God is a Consuming Fire suggests that He is both indescribable and passionately concerned with our devotion to Him.

“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire” ( Heb. 12:28-29).

Consuming Fire in Hebrew: ’Esh ’okhlah. Strong’s Concordance numbers: 784, 398.

Esh Oklah is literally translated from the Hebrew to eat by fire. Interesting to think that for a moment there are people who claim to commit crimes in the heat of passion.

Burning fire in the Hebrew text is kaesh which is a destructive or all consuming fire as used in this context.   In Semitic literature a kaesh or consuming fire is a metaphor for passion.

As Jeremiah was voicing his complaint to God, God allowed Him to enter His heart and feel His passion. When he felt it he just couldn’t contain it.

As Moses recounts for the people the events of Sinai and commands them to keep the covenant, Moses declared,

“For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God” (Deuteronomy 4:24).

He would not tolerate worship of others; He was a consuming fire in the sense that He desired all of the worship of the Israelites. Deuteronomy 9:3 also refers to the Lord as a consuming fire. In this context, God would serve as a consuming fire to destroy Israel’s enemies.

Then I said, I will not make mention of Him, nor speak any more in His name. But His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not hold back.

aish – esh – fire –

alef, sheen/shin,


Eshshah – strongs# 800

eshshah: a fire

Original Word: אֶשָּׁה
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: eshshah
Phonetic Spelling: (esh-shaw’)
Definition: a fire

Esh – strongs#784

Feminine of ‘esh; fire — fire.

esh: a fire

Original Word: אֵשׂ
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: esh
Phonetic Spelling: (aysh)
Definition: a fire

the God who holds in his hand your life and all your ways.

Sometimes we forget this…. We forget that we only live because He deems that we can still be here. We breathe and live at the hand of God and for no other reason. As the Presidents people serve at the Presidents pleasure, it is the same in Gods kingdom. Everything we do is known to the king: not just people like Daniel, who acknowledge Him, but those like Belshazzar who turn and spit in His face and choose to worship other gods.

And there will be a day of reckoning for all.

In case we might choose to relegate this standard to the old testament time and therefore has no relevance to us; consider…. Jesus/Yeshua, said He had the keys of hell and death; and this means no one dies but it is in His hand. He has the keys of death so He approves the timing. We belong to Him not to ourselves. The spirit returns to God who gave it! If we are not His at death then hell follows immediately after… as Rev. 6:8 tells us it will be for those who have not repented and turned to Him.

Yes we are in the age of grace, but grace is not a license to sin and live how we please, we are still required to obey His written Word  and Jesus/Yeshua’s teaching as He is the Living Word.

Just as on the road to Emmaus our hearts will burn within us as we allow Him to open the scriptures to us.

The consuming fire is the Akal Esh

pronounced: okhlah aish

Akal is translated consuming and is spelled

Aleph Kaf Lamed.



 is the picture of the  ox 

and means the strong leader, the first, or God the Father.


 is the picture of the  palm 

 of the hand and means to cover or uncover, to open, or to allow.


is the picture of the shepherd staff

and means to control, to have authority, or can mean the tongue.

Ancient Paleo Hebrew

Modern Hebrew

 Esh – Fire – Alef Shin/Sheen, we find a clear picture of God the Father consuming or destroying.

What He is going to allow or not allow has something to do with the Esh / the fire.

Our Heavenly Father is also a consuming fire, it is an indication that our heavenly Father is going to exercise His control over us by applying Esh to either consume and destroy us or not.

Look at the pictographs of Esh combined with those of Akal.

Esh or fire is spelled Aleph Sheen and is translated fire, flames, or burning.

The fire of God will consume those who refuse to follow and obey His commands, but His fire will also be allowed to lead His faithful followers through any darkness, as well as burn away the dross in the process of purifying their lives.

This process is tied in to the Kapporet/Mercy Seat and the High Priest/Kohen haKadol. Both are connected to Jesus/Yeshua in Lev. 16. The cloud in which God would appear above the mercy seat was the cloud of fire or Esh. Heb. 10 reassures us how each of us can enter the Holy place without fear of destruction. ( Being consumed by fire)

Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus. 

Only by the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, that we can enter the Holy place and we are allowed there because we are under the authority and control of the Heavenly Father who has intended all along that we should be guided and purified by the fire we will experience there and not consumed by it.

The handwriting on the wall proved true.

In fact, it proved fatal for the rebellious Belshazzar.

Just as Daniel had said, the kingdom of Babylon was divided between the Meded and Persians (Modern day Iraq), and it happened

that very night.5:30

When Belshazzar was killed, and his kingdom passed to Darius the Mede (Daniel 5:30–31).

It was his day of reckoning

The scriptures say there are days of reckoning ahead for everyone so we need to be like Jeremiah…on fire for Messiah!

The appearance of mene mene tekel upharsin on the king’s wall is a reminder that whatever we sow, that we will also reap (Galatians 6:7–8).

God is the Judge; He justly weighs all matters and metes out retribution in His time (Psalm 94:2).

Sometimes God speaks very clearly into our lives, convicting us of sin and warning us of pending judgment (see John 16:8).

It does not pay to ignore the “handwriting on the wall.”

The graffiti is for our benefit!

We are to seek to acknowledge a King who holds us, all we do. All our ways, where we live, move and have our being: all of this too is in the hand of God and is of importance to Him.

He love is unconditional and unchanging,

He is always there for us in time of need.

Is our passion for the living God of Yisrael/Israel, a burning raging fire on the inside of us, or has our affection for Him waned and been reduced to a glow?

Has the fire gone out?

Sometimes circumstances overwhelm us and that is when we need encouragement to keep the fire going!

Songs by Janny Grein


It is time to let his Ruach/spirit blow on these embers stirring up the fire, and fanning them until they burst into flame.

Have we given ourselves so completely to the word of Adonai/God that we have to be restrained from bringing Him anymore?

As disciples of Messiah may our hearts be set ablaze and no longer cold or lukewarm towards him. (See Revelation 3:16 for the end of those who are lukewarm).

We are to give Him all that He is due, with everything we have and all that we are. Let us give of ourselves continually, abundantly and passionately, to the one who died for us. Let’s forget our religious traditions and doctrines of men making us rigid and conformed to accepted images of what a Christian should be; and exchange it from a shriveled dried up bunch of leaves, for the childlike innocence of a new flower opening its petals and releasing the zeal of youth. He will renew our spirit like the eagle, that is His promise.

Father/Avinu in the name of Jesus/Yeshua, restore to us the joy of our salvation which will by its very essence strengthen us and then let us rise up and declare You are My Lord and we will not simply shine but be ablaze with Your Holy Fire and raise our voices like a Yubel!

Let us not grow weary of well doing of boldly presenting the truth and love of Messiah; instead may our zeal be so hot shut up in our bones, that we instead become weary of holding it in.

The answer to not being found wanting is in the yoke!

Shalom, shalom, mishpachah! You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the posts, please share with others, like and subscribe, it all helps to freely spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth and reaches others with the blessing of His Truths that point us to  Our Heavenly Father Through Jesus/Yeshua by the power of His Holy Spirit.

A very warm welcome to each and every subscriber/follower/visitor, old and new; and remember that the post is best viewed on the Homepage site in full color!

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

What Is The Connection Between Almonds and Olive Oil With Messiah and Lampstands? Part 3

Continuing from the question in part 2

What did Jeremiah see?

“Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Jeremiah, what do you see?’ And I said, ‘I see a BRANCH (rod) of an almond tree.’ Then said the Lord to me, ‘You have seen well; for I will hasten my word to perform it’

Jeremiah 1:11-12

In response to the Lords initial question Jeremiah says he sees an almond tree. God then responds that He is watching.

What is the point here? Remembering we are examining the connection between Almonds and olive oil with Messiah and lampstands/menorahs.

In all languages other than Hebrew it makes absolutely no sense.

There is no way to understand this verse in its full meaning as shown here without knowing some Hebrew. It is just another indication that Hebrew is essential to fully understand the Word.

However the answer is in the almond….

The Hebrew word for almond, shakeid, (sha’qed, shaked.) is the same root word for awaken and watch and also means watchful, to be diligent, to strive, be steadfast.

This word is sho’ked.

Remember in the Hebrew Alefbeit/Alphabet, there are no letter vowels so it would read the same – shqd and sometimes written shkd as the Hebrew letter for k and q are the same for its pronunciation.

The word of the LORD came to me, What do you see, Jeremiah? I see the branch of a shaqed, (almond tree), I replied. The LORD said to me, you have seen correctly, for I am shoqed (watching) to see that My Word is fulfilled. Jeremiah 1:11-12

shaqed, (almond tree),

shoqed (watching)

The word play indicates that there is an interrelation between the almond (tree) and divine watching.

So symbolically the almond represents God’s watchfulness over His people.

The almond tree is mentioned a number of times in the Old Testament.

In the Scriptures this play on words regarding the use of almond and God’s watchfulness (i.e., faithfulness) is very specific: The purpose is to give greater insight and intention behind the writers’ words. (Remember pardes).

This is Gods’ way of confirming. 1:7-14…    for I am ready to perform my word.

What does this mean?

As the word in Hebrew for almond is shaqed, meaning to keep my word and the word also spelled SHAKEIDShaqad H8245 is a root meaning to be alert, that is: sleepless, to be on the lookout, (whether for good or ill); hasten, remain, wake, watch for.….

He is saying, ‘THIS’ is how I am going to keep My Word. ‘THIS’, being the manner or way He is going to do it, and as confirming, I am the same yesterday, today and forever; we can understand this meaning when He says it. 

As we look at the almond in the physical, we can see and understand that spiritually it means: He is going to keep His Word and to perform/do, His Word.

I am ready to perform to do. It is Time!

It is interesting that the very same root, sha•kad, that God was using to stress His diligence in keeping His word, appears 26 times in the New Testament with the same exact meaning. (The English translation may vary from verse to verse, but the Hebrew root is always shaked, which makes it so much easier to understand).

For example: “They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and prayer”. Acts 2:42

“to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory, honor, and incorruptibility, eternal life”. Romans 2:7

Here is another example of using passive language to convey sha•ked as the active verb,

Watch! Stand firm in the faith! Be courageous! Be strong!” 1 Corinthians 16:13

Here, too, the call is to work hard on the ways of faith and not only just to watch.

Shaked: the root means to be watchful, to awaken and be vigilant.

The Almond Tree being the 1st to blossom, watchful for the CHANGE of the seasons. We are at one of those seasons right now. Change is a word for this season.

 A rod of an almond tree — as we have noted the word שׁקד, almond, means primarily wakeful, vigilant, and is applied to this tree because it wakes up to life, and blossoms in January, while the other trees are still in their winter’s sleep. Because of this attribute, it is a natural symbol of vigilance, and so God uses it in suggesting His own ever-wakeful activity.

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Psalm 121:5

There is an urgent need to be watchful, for the enemy will attack when we least expect. While righteous men sleep, the enemy does not. This battle is spiritual and spirits do not need to sleep!

1Peter 5:8 tells us, “Be sober, be vigilant for the devil, your adversary walketh about seeking whom he may devour.” When the righteous people are weary evil lurks in every corner.

The adjective vigilant means watchful, or alert and attentive to danger or trouble. It appears that the LORD has shown Jeremiah that his rod has bloomed like Aaron’s did; and what Jeremiah puts his hand to do will be blessed of God – because here, the rod of the almond tree means to awaken and be ready to do whatever God has for him to do.

It could also mean that God is ready to release His judgment, as a rod, is also an instrument of punishment, the rod of the almond may be intended here as the symbol of that punishment which the prophet was about to announce.

What was about to be fulfilled at that moment, was the 2nd thing Jeremiah saw which was a boiling pot facing away from the North.

Judgment was about to be poured out on Israel and as we are spiritual Israel judgment begins at the house of God……1 Peter 4:17


SHAQED means: the almond tree or nut; as being the earliest in bloom.

SHAQAD is a primitive root that also means: to be alert, sleepless; to be on the lookout, remain, wake, awake, watch for, be alert, wait.

The Greek words: GREGOREUO [gray-gor-yoo-o], means: keep awake, watch, be vigilant.

שקד shaked, from שקד shakad, to be ready, to hasten, to watch for an opportunity to do a thing, to awake; because the almond tree is the first to flower and bring forth fruit.

(Repetition in this post is on purpose we need to pay attention and remember its’ meaning as it is so pertinent to our current season).

It blossoms in January, when other trees are locked up in their winter’s repose; and it bears fruit in March, just at the commencement of spring, when other trees only begin to bud.

It was here the symbol was given with which God was about to fulfill His promises.

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, unless he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7. As He also did with Abraham Gen.18:17.

(The word מקל, (makkel,) though ordinarily meaning rod, is here used in the sense of shoot or twig.)

Almond Trees in bloom meant to look forward with certainty to happiness in the married state. Spiritually the meaning for us is:

Winter is going to end..

Suddenly and

maybe out of season


The King will say:

“Arise, my darling,
    my beautiful one, come with me.
See! The winter is past;
    the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
    the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
    is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit;
    the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling;
    my beautiful one, come with me.”  Song of Songs 2:10-13.

Are we diligently looking for our spiritual Bridegroom?


The Bridegroom IS returning for His Bride.

Here it seems, is the most significant part of this post.

The message was not just for Jeremiah it was prophetic …..then, and it’s as true and as sobering today.

It is extremely important and could be said to have an urgency to it.

If that is correct, then it needs to be understood by all at this hour in which we are serving our Messiah Jesus/Yeshua. Perceiving the seriousness of our times is our responsibility and it behooves us to pay attention, according to His words, which were repeated many times, both in the Gospels and in those of the other New Testament writers. Mark 13:33 Matt 24:36 Luke 21:36 etc.

 Watch means to stay wide awake. When the New Testament commands us to watch, it is usually the translation of one of two Greek words (gregoreuo and agrupneo), which have similar meanings—to stay awake and to be sleepless. They are usually meant in the metaphorical and spiritual sense – to be vigilant and on guard, fully awake, aware, alert and intently focused – with several applications and implications.

An intense watching over.

Eph 5:14.  Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

1Peter 5:8. Be sober, be vigilant

Be watchful – Stay alert.

The adversary is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch us napping.

Keep your guard up.

We are not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians/Believers all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith, the suffering won’t last forever and not beyond what we are able to endure. 1Cor.10:13

Blessed are those slaves whom the master will find on the ALERT when He comes; is also referring to the 10 virgins parable.

The meaning of the almond tree, therefore, is that God in heaven watches a sinful nation walking away from Him and declares it will have consequences. His message to humanity today is still the same: God is watching!

He will watch over His word either for curse or for blessing.

When sin and immorality engulf nations and even penetrate the Ecclesia/Church, we should remember: God is watching!

When nations assail Israel and seek to divide her land, we can be sure: God is watching!

Still, the message of the almond does carry a strong encouragement. Jeremiah also foresees a miraculous restoration for Israel.

“And it shall come to pass, that as I have watched over them, to destroy, and to afflict… so will I watch over them, to build, and to plant, says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 31:28)

If we decide to consecrate our lives to God, then He promises to watch over us for good. Even with our weaknesses and frailties, His eyes are always upon us!

Jeremiah saw a BRANCH

Yeshua Jesus Messiah

is the Branch

and we are grafted in.

Recall the shapes in the design of the Menorahs branches,

which reminds the onlooker of a flowering tree of life.

The same Tree of Life in Beresheet/Genesis, Eden and in Revelation/New Jerusalem/Shamayim.

The bowls



[shall be] made like almond [blossoms]



blossom bloom pricha פְּרִיחָה

blossoms blooms prichot פְּרִיחוֹת

on branch


[with] an [ornamental] knob




and a flower

On each of the six side arms were 3 golden almond blossoms and together with the 4 on the center shaft, there were exactly 22 almond blossoms. Between the 22 flowers, there are 21 connections. From the lowest flower to the top flower on the shaft to the 6 lamps, there are 3×8+3=27 connections, and together with the highest connection from the top flower on the shaft to the middle lamp, there are a total of 28 (4×7) connections. Together they are 50 parts + 7 lamps.

God paid attention to the details from the very beginning; for He commanded that every single almond blossom on the Menorah should consist of 3 parts, namely, the cups, buds and blossoms (petals).

(3 parts yet still one! each coming forth from the other in progression and connected – needing each other in order to do what they were created to do!)

Together they are 3 x 22=66 single flower parts.

Seven branches and 7 lamps


nerlamp: pronounced neer.

Kanim: plural from qaneh. Strongs: 7070 prononced: kaw-neh


The Menorah had 7 lamps 1 lamp on top of the middle stem and 1 on top of each of the other 6 branches. Each lamp was made of the same gold used to form the rest of the menorah. The lamps were boat shaped with pointed ends that faced the center lamp.

(The picture below is the correct orientation of the wicks.)

The center of the lamps resembles a basin. Each lamp had a cover on it with a hole in the middle for the oil. (see picture in part 2)

The wicks were positioned by either bending them towards the center or by clamping them down between the bowl and the cover.

They were lit daily from right to left. (Same direction as the Hebrew language is read and Messiah sits on the right.)

פְּרָחִים flowers perachim

פֶּרַח flower perach

Nine flower blooms these were ornamental parts to beautify the menorah. According to historical documents the flowers was similar to roses.

Not as the western roses rather more like the Dog rose. 

They were fashioned at the top of each branch just before the lamps. The other two flowers were on the main stem and included one at the base of the menorah. The sages connect the flowers with the book of Leviticus because which begins with 9 words.

כַּפְתֹּרִֽים plural


literal meaning: descendants

11 fruits

These were the decorations that extended from the shaft and the branches at the top just before the lamps. The branches extended outward from the top of the three fruits on the main stem, and also appeared at the top of each branch, shaped like apples. They are sometimes likened to the buds/flowers, that develop into fruit.

All of the fruits had almond decorations engraved on them.

The sages connect the buds with the book of Exodus where the first verse begins with 11 words.

22 cups


a cup – gabia  

Phonetic Spelling: gheb-ee’-ah

The flower cups or goblets that resembled almond buds were really chalice like containers used to hold large quantities of liquid. They are likened to stems that supply the liquid for the blossoms and fruit of a tree. 3 cups were located at the top of each branch and an extra cup located lower on the main stem.

Note: There are so many variations of the design! However the illustrations included are to help our understanding of the spiritual meaning God was conveying to us through the Menorah.

There are 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which are considered the building blocks used in divine revelation; and have been assigned to the design elements of the Menorah.

The sages connect the flower cups with the book of Deuteronomy where the first verse begins with 22 words.

טֹ֖פַח Handbreadth

to’-fakh – tophach

(add im, for plural.)

This refers to the height of the Menorah. The first 3 tefachim were the base itself.

The other elements the cups, buds and flowers were then placed up the tree.

The sages connect the height of the Menorah with the book of Numbers where the first verse begins with 17 words.

One base (i.e., yarech: יָרֵךְ) with three legs.

(see picture further down)

Strongs #3409



The base was either square or rectangular in shape and was made of pure hammered gold.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs’ Definition of this word gives some further insight that out of the side of Messiah came the church
1) thigh, side, loin, base

1a) thigh

1a1) outside of thigh (where sword was worn)

1a2) loins (as the seat of procreative power)

1b) side (flank) (of object)

1c) base

Just as God exclusively chose Aaron to minister before Him, Jesus/Yeshua, was the One exclusively chosen to be the great High Priest of the re-newed covenant. Heb 5:4

And just as Aaron’s lifeless rod miraculously brought forth life, Jesus/Yeshua’s cross which was also made of wood resulted in buds and blossoms of new life following His resurrection. He went into the sanctuary made without hands and there offered His blood for the everlasting atonement.

אַהֲרוֹן   Aaron Aharon (a-har-one’) 4294

מַטֶּה matteh or mattah  (mat-teh’)

a staff, rod, shaft, branch, a tribe.

Aaron’s rod, was a picture of God’s authority of judgment, just as the Messiah cross and resurrection justifies Gods exclusive choice of Jesus/Yeshua, who is the Lord our Righteousness.

The light from the Menorah was a spiritual light. It was not seen from the outside of the Mishkan in the wilderness, but only while inside the holy chamber. It enabled service to God to be performed and was not light used for profane purposes.

The six lamps faced the Central lamp which is a picture of Jesus/Yeshua; the light of the world, whose arms and legs were beaten /hammered for our sins.

The Shamash.

He is the light of the world – the servant lamp, the suffering servant who brings light to everyone in the world. The central shaft held the light of the servant lamp and served as a base for the other branches.

The Menorahs radiance symbolized divine light and this light is the radiance of Jesus/Yeshua. 1John 1:5; John 8:12.

Messiah is pictured in the Menorah as the tree of light/life and the servant of the Lord, the light of life and the One who is likened to pure beaten/ hammered gold. He provides us with support, sustenance and light from the oil of the Holy Spirit, therefore our lives grow out of our connection and relationship with Him.

He is the light of the Lord. Psalm 27:1. He is the Shamash who comes down to ignite the light of life within all who will believe. For the one who has the Son has life.

One Menorah. Exodus 25:36, 26:6. The Torah is made up of five separate books but it is one. Similarly, the children of Israel were divided into priests, Kohanim, Levites and Israelites; put together they form one nation.

The Menorah was to be made by hammering the single piece of solid gold into one shape.

The word translated hammered or beaten comes from the Hebrew word meaning difficult.

Strong’s Hebrew: 4749. מִקְשָׁה (miqshah מִקְשָׁה

Strong’s Hebrew: 7186 קָשֶׁה qasheh (kaw-sheh’)

One commentary says that the pattern and method for making the menorah was difficult for Moses to understand.

Strongs #8403

תַּבְנִית tabnith  (tab-neeth’)
Definition: construction, pattern, figure

Because of this, he was to give the task of constructing it to Betzalel – (the carpenter from the tribe of Judah!)

Another image of hammered or beaten gold suggests that it is shaped and refined through testing and pressure.

The Menorah symbolizes light, growth, unity, the tree of life and the unity of Torah. All its parts were formed from a single piece of pure gold that was beaten and hammered into shape. Exodus 25:36

This is a symbol of the divine substance as Gold has a hint of the color of blood combined with the pure white.

The Menorah sat on a three legged base which was an allusion to the hashilush ha kodesh – His triune nature, which is the root of all reality. Just as the many parts of the Mishkan were put together to form one tabernacle so the many parts of the Menorah would likewise fashion to form one lampstand. Jesus/Yeshua taught that there would be one flock from both Jews and Gentiles – one new man having one shepherd. John 10:16

Messiah Jesus/Yeshua did not command us to become Jewish or to observe Talmudic Laws. The word law being: instruction, direction, describing our boundaries and guide to life which is contained in the 10 commandments. Jesus/Yeshua reiterated these in Mark 12:31 and includes loving your neighbor as yourself; which is from Leviticus 19:18 – ‘You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD.

It would seem that the only newly stated law we are connected to is the law of the spirit of life in Jesus/Yeshua.

Romans 8:2

2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.


H r n m



The Hebrew word Menorah has a simple meaning of lamp.

The pictographs could read: Behold the Headperson  nailed/pegged, brings life from chaos/water.

מְנוֹרָה seven-lamp (six branches)

The lamp stand in today’s synagogues, called the ner tamid (lit. the continual lamp; usually translated as the eternal flame), symbolized by the Menorah.

Verse 37: 7 places for the oil. The receptors for the wicks were 7, in center the servant branch. The wicks placed a certain way on each side so that the 3 wicks pointed to the center, to the servant candle in the middle. This one in the center the servant candle was always lit and always burned.

The hatavah – the cleaning and replenishing of the oil lamps and the replacing of the wicks – There were 3 steps for the priests to stand on to maintain the wicks; and oil every day new oil fresh oil, as yesterdays oil was not appropriate for today, it was replaced daily.

Pattern, a word used often in the scriptures and Jesus/Yeshua is our pattern; and we can see that pattern in the Menorah also.

Pure beaten oil for the lamp. Not candle wax or other oil to burn with. Olive oil burns with a bright light and little smoke, so it had to be clear and pure. In everyday families homes, the best oil was used daily for eating and lesser oil for burning for light, but only the best was used in the tabernacle. The small Ceramic lamps were for home use.

Focus was on the main servant light, at no time there was no light on the menorah.

From evening until morning, sundown to sunup.

The Holy Place was always illuminated by the light of the Menorah; from within.

So too, the Holy Place, the abode of Gods’ Holy Spirit is within – our life, and we should always be illuminated with His glorious light as He indwells us by His spirit. The only source of light and nourishment (table of shewbread) was in the Holy Place: our nourishment comes from within. He is the Bread of Life.

The darkest hours were given light from all the combined lamps. The darker it is, the brighter the light appears.

Wick פְּתִילָה ptila

When wicks were needed they came from the priests white linen garments, which were recycled when too old or torn to be worn. Cut into strips and woven together, these fed the oil to the flame.

The old garments were also used as swaddling clothes for the newborn!

Above picture: The illustration shows the western lamp as the source of the flame of all six of the other lamps. Far right: The kohen is holding the lit wick of the western lamp on the right, and directing it toward the unlit wick of the lamp that is positioned adjacent to it on the Menorah. The same procedure was then repeated, extending the flame of the 2nd lamp to the wick of the 3rd lamp and in this way all 7 lamps were kindled.

A recent 2018 reassessment of artifacts in hitherto unpublished report of 1930s excavations, relating to a discovery in the Negev desert town of Shivta in the 1930s; yielded a very rare 1500-year-old flax lamp wick. Above: the Byzantine-period flax wick and its copper casing.

Without the priestly connection there would be no flame for the temple lamps.

Yeshua/Jesus is our High Priest. Walking in His Ways produces light in our lives.

The extra oil will be needed for the bride to enter the bridal chamber when her bridegroom returns.

The real question is not

where is the Menorah


WHO is the representation?  

The source of fire for all seven of the Menorah lamps is the – נר המערבי – western lamp. Jesus/Yeshua is the light of the world and this light will never go out nor can it be extinguished.

The Menorah – Why do we have it?

Heb. 9:24 tells us the earthly sanctuary is a type of the heavenly sanctuary –

the earthly are copies of the true,

the real.

For Christ has entered, not into holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true things, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf. Berean Study Bible 

Hebrews 9:23 So it was necessary for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. Hebrews 10:1 For the law is only a shadow of the good things to come, not the realities themselves.

God gave us a hint, a shadow of what He was about to do and when

Jesus/Yeshua was about to come.

The Menorah not only speaks of the light of the world but about also the resurrection of Jesus/Yeshua and the first fruit; as in the almond blossom on the Menorah, the first to bloom.

Where is the real Menorah? According to historians, many treasures were stored in the Vatican basement.

St. Peter Basilica Vatican

The important thing is…

not where is it but,

Who is the menorah?

The Menorah symbolizes Jesus/Yeshua: He is the light of the world, because He is the love of the Father in person, the Word and the Savior.

The Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh, without the oil, there is no light and no illumination.

The Bible/Word: 7 parts, 49 scrolls with 66/70 books = the Word of God = the light in this dark world.

The Book of Life/Chaim: eternal life (Rev. 3:5, 20:12-15), and it is to be our way of life, as a light in this world (Mt. 5:13-16)

The Menorah is not a normal lampstand; it is a miracle, just as the Bible itself is also a miracle.

Let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of JESUS CHRIST… this man stands here before you whole… Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:10-12).

In the beginning was the WORD, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the LIGHT of all mankind. The LIGHT shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that LIGHT, so that through him all might believe.

He himself was not the LIGHT; He came only as a witness to the LIGHT. The true LIGHT that gives LIGHT to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The WORD became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:1-14).

I am the LIGHT of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the LIGHT of life (John 8:12).

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6).

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work (Rev 22:12).

 So why did God choose an almond tree to show how His Word will come to pass?

In Israel, because as we have found out, the Almond tree is one of the earliest to bloom and actually blossoms in late winter.

The process from the BRANCH growing and ready to yield fruit takes two years but from this point,

literally overnight,

a beautiful white flower appears.

In fact, it happens so quickly sometimes the blossoms will form even before its leaves grow.

After a long wait the tree SUDDENLY blossoms.

In Jeremiah 1:11-12, the prophet Jeremiah talks to God, who uses the symbol of the almond branch to suggest He is watching the Israelites to see that they follow His Word. 

It is a symbol of new beginnings and God’s watchfulness,

To the Hebrews the almond-tree was the symbol of a new life. It is at the foot of an almond-tree (luz) that access can be obtained to the mysterious city of Luz, It is also the name of the town close to which Jacob/Israel, had his vision and which he named Beith-el, or House of God.

The connection between the almond-tree and heaven, indicates that the idea of immortality may be explained yet again by the symbolism of the almond – also called luz. לוז

more at:

The almond tree symbolizes:

a quick budding out of season

and why The Lord uses almonds in scripture to relay the message that:

He is watching over His Word to HASTILY perform it.

We are in a season where God is watching faithfully over His word and bringing it to pass in an accelerated time!

Because the almond tree not only blossoms very quickly, but it also blossoms during the winter while all the other tree and herbs are waiting (sleeping), for the next season. His reference to it at this hour, indicates that we are in a season where God is not waiting for the perfect conditions to bring His word to pass, but He is making it come to pass during the off season!

The season when no one is looking for anything, the season where everything is supposed to be hibernating, and in slumber, when everything is not aware.

The season of awakening, of quickening is happening while everyone is asleep. He is waking up the ecclesia/’church’, during the season of slumber, and He is doing it quickly.

Summary for original question 2:

What is the connection between Almonds and olive oil with Messiah and lampstands?


The connection to the Menorah and Almonds: Almond tree first to bud, bloom and yield fruit. He is the first fruit resurrected. Death to life.

Aarons staff/rod: proclaimed him the one chosen to be high priest.

Jesus/Yeshua is the good Shepherd from Ps. 23 and John 10:11.

Jesus/Yeshua is the high priest. (See Psalm 2:7, Psalm 110:4 and Hebrews 5:5.)

Jesus/Yeshua is the light of the world, the light of the holy place.

He was there in Genesis 1:1 the Alef and Tav written in the middle of the first verse. (See chart depicting this in last post).

He is the light of the Holy of Holies where the ark of the covenant is and in which was placed the Staff/Almond Rod of Aaron.

He is the servant, the Shamash, the Center candle of the Menorah.

Jesus/Yeshua is the Branch; the tree of life; the Olive tree, the one to whom we are grafted in, and whose oil (spirit), filled the almond shaped lamps of the Menorah.

One final and very timely reference is that of Jeremiah who interestingly enough also found himself at the bottom of a well…looking UP for his redemption!

Shaqad – ready to perform my Word.

Everything is in Gods timing.

What do we see?

God is even now fulfilling His prophetic Word.

Next time we look at an almond, remember the Menorah, the Messiah and the Word/ Jesus/Yeshua Himself.

He is about to perform, to do.

The almond staff of the high priest who is also the good Shepherd, the symbol of new resurrection life were placed in the box/ark, under the kapporet – under the blood -in the holy of holies!

What do we see?

Now we are His ark in the earth.

The container of His Ruach/Spirit.

His life is in us.

His is light is in us, and the oil for the almond Menorah lamps is in us by His indwelling, the Ruach HaKodesh. It is up to us to allow Jesus/Yeshua, our High Priest, to daily trim our wicks and give us fresh olive oil every morning with His daily mercies.

And we have become the Shamash light, serving others and kindling light into the lives of those around us in the world who are still in a great darkness; and also to be encouraging to those who have seen the light but who need reminding who’s we are and whom we serve.

What do we see?

He is about to perform His Word. Fulfillment of our ultimate destiny is at hand. His plan will be performed in His time.

Be alert – Be watchful.

We live in unprecedented times and prophecy is unfolding even as we read this. Matt 24:33 Look up redemption draws near.

Remember the almond and be ready.


The King is coming and this time, not as a suffering servant but as judge and King, sovereign over all.

The sign of the almond tree and the Menorah is warning those watching to stay alert and Be Ready

Bride Be Ready!

1 Peter 4:7
But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

The almond tree represents the sure timing of the Lord, just as certain as spring will follow winter, Gods’ Word will come true. He watches diligently over it. His promises, purposes and judgments are all fulfilled, whether we believe it or not.


God is releasing the ability to see the things of the Spirit/Ruach with the eyes of our faith.

How many are waiting for their suddenly, and their breakthroughs? For everyone who is waiting for their fulfillment of a Word given by God. Know for certain that He is diligently watching over His word to you, making sure to fulfill it.

Take this Word to heart.

This Almond tree is a picture of strength and endurance. Why? Because although this flower looks fragile and delicate, it can withstand harsh winter winds and rain.

James 1:2-4 Consider it all a joy, my brethren when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance, and let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

The almond tree blossom heralds the soon arrival of spring. In the Spirit, many find ourselves toward the end of a very long winter. Well, hold on because (spiritual) spring is coming and your sudden breakthrough of God’s word is about to blossom and bear fruit.

Remember the Almond

For our part, we are to be alert …so…

what do YOU see?

Be watchful and know what is happening around you and don’t be casual with the things of God and we won’t become casualties, spiritual or otherwise.

For those with eyes to see whose spiritual heart is sensitive to the times in which we are living, it is clear that the days are moving us quickly to a time prophesied in the word by Jesus Himself. The signs of the end of this age are all around us and are rapidly increasing the birth pangs are getting closer together and we are instructed to be ready to be spiritually alert.

We must be prepared, we must have our lamps filled with oil, just as the high priest filled the oil of the temple menorah daily, so that when he lit the lampstand it gave light into the sanctuary and then shone forth from the kaporet /mercy seat, out through the windows to the world outside.

We are to daily invite the ruach of our high priest Jesus/Yeshua to fill our sanctuary, our spirit, soul and bodies, with the oil that will in turn give forth light when lit by the holy set apart fire of His spirit. Then we will be the light of the world as He was and that He said we would be.

We are crucified with Christ, the tree of resurrection life has made place for us to be grafted in branches as typified in the almond tree and the menorah.

So the connection is:

Almonds that were on the Menorah decoration had great meaning and a double inference to watching.

The tree was the source of the rod that budded and declared the confirming of the Aaronic priesthood and of death to life in resurrection.

The staff that budded was kept in the ark/box the dwelling place of God. His throne, the place of His presence; of heaven on the earth at that time.

Look up for our redemption draws nigh. Meaning, we are not yet fully completed and must endure to the end. Look up to Him. 

For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Revelation 19:10

When the angel tells John that:

 the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy;

he saying that the prophecy is giving glory to Jesus/Yeshua. 

The Spirit of Prophecy Points Back to God, the Spirit of prophecy has and always will point man to the goodness of God towards man and also the good news that Messiah paid the price for our sins on the Cross because the Spirit of Yeshua/Jesus has, and will always, bring reconciliation for man to the Father.

The Menorah/Lampstands of Revelation refer to the Ecclesia, the called out ones, the congregation of believers.

It’s time to stop playing, we need to focus on the gospel of the kingdom.

We’ll know we’re following the laws of the ReNewed Covenant when everything we do, say, or think,

(like the flames on the Menorah),

points to The Shamesh; in other words, TO Yeshua/ Jesus, giving Him all the honor, all the praise, and all the glory. When we are occupied only with how much we are loved by our wonderful Savior, and are enveloped by what He did for us, we will not even be conscious of the fact that we are following and obeying His commandments.

Shalom Shalom ‘Mishpachah’ ‘Family’!

Please don’t leave this page until you are certain He is the Light of your life.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.