SONset – sunrise – sunset– SONrise – Apocalypse of the Tamid.

The Hebrew word for sunrise is זְרִיחָה, (zuree-chah), which comes from the simple verb לִזְרוֹחַ meaning:

to shine or to rise, when referring to the sun.

The Hebrew word for sunset is הַשְּׁקִיעָה(shash-kee yah), literally, the setting.

Sunset is termed שְׁקִיעַת הַחַמַּה – the setting of the sun.

  שקיעה is the noun form of the verb לִשְׁקוֹעַ, meaning to sink, or to settle in a low place.

Strong’s Hebrew: 1121. בֵּן (ben) — son

Strong’s Hebrew: 1247. בַּר (bar) — son – 

Strong’s Hebrew: 8121. שָׁ֫מֶשׁ (shemesh) — sun

Strong’s Hebrew: 2224. זָרַח (zarach) — to rise, come forth

Strong’s Hebrew: 6942. קָדַשׁ (qadash) — to be set apart or consecrated

Nisan or Nissan, נִיסָן – ni’-san, (nican), in Hebrew has a meaning of renewal – a beginning. Today, new year begins in January but in the Bible, in Torah, it was not that way.

Nisan is the 7th month in the Hebrew Civil calendar and the 1st month in the Torah – spiritual Calendar.

The sign of Nissan is a Lamb.

Strong’s #07716 – Lamb – Seh –  שֶׂה – SHIN – HEY – BEHOLD GOD.

In the shamayim/heavens, the sign of the Lamb of God is the heavenly constellation of stars called Aries. Passover was the sign of the Lamb of God in Egypt.

The ram provided to Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah in Israel was the prophetic sign of God providing the future sacrifice for sin and for reconciliation of relationship through Jesus’s/Yeshua’s death on the cross as Redeemer.

Lambs graze in a flock, faithfully following the shepherd.

Being a follower is sometimes a mature choice, not a passive failure. The Israelites made the choice to follow God.

When God created the world, His plan was that we choose to know Him.

The month of Nisan is the 1st month of the spiritual year and in Hebrew, Spring called AVIV.

אביב AVIV, derived from the word abīb, actually translates as the season of SPRING. From the Hebrew word ābhībh literally, ear of grain also meaning an ear, or a time of year where grains come into ear, commonly known as Aviv, (or Nisan, the 1st month of the Hebrew calendar). (Notably seen in Place Names in Israel e.g. Tel Aviv).

After the Babylonian exile, the new name for Abib/Aviv, was Nisan/Nissan. Although this name is technically of Babylonian origin, the Aramaic word Nissan is related to the Hebrew word, nitzan, (נִצָּן) meaning bud. In Song of Songs, King Solomon’s epic poem in which he depicts the love that bonds us to God, redemption is symbolically referred to as “the time that the buds were seen in our land,” which means that the earth gave birth to a people who would soon blossom or flower.

Another derivation is from the word nissim (נִסִּים) meaning miracles, and by definition is the month of miracles. Both of these suggest freshness and renewal physical and spiritual resurrection in our lives.

In Aviv, אביב the first month is NISAN and the 1st Feast/Appointed Time of the Lord is…

Pesach – Passover – פֶּסַח – Pesah, Pesakh.

It is a paradox because although it’s the genesis of the year and the Appointed time of New Beginnings; it is also the time of the end of Messiah’s life, (earthly); and it is also the beginning – genesis – beresheet – בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית – of life (eternal).

The beginningberesheet – genesis

of the end, ends with the beginning with no end.

It all began – genesis – beresheet – in a garden..גַּן, we know as Eden..עֵדֶן

גַּן עֵדֶן, Gan ʿEḏen 

 Here in Gan Eden, God formed ha’adam the first אדם adam.

The Hebrew word for earth is adama.

The Hebrew word for man derived from Hebrew אדם  adam meaning “to be red“, referring to the ruddy color of human skin, or from Akkadian adamu meaning “to make”

The Garden of Eden was the 1st of 3 specific and important Gardens, the beginning of the end was in a garden

..and the end of the beginning also began in a garden.

in the 3rd and last garden (tomb), was Messiah, the last adam. 

The first man, Adam, became a living person, and the last Adam (Christ in the flesh) became a spirit that gives life.1 Cor. 15:45

Our Father planted the very first garden. He is THE Gardener/Vinedresser/Husbandman. John 15:1; I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.

Strong’s Hebrew. 3755. karam

עברית  vinedresser  וינדרסר

Vinedresser is just one way to translate the Greek word used by Jesus (Yeshua). It can also mean Gardener, Farmer, and Husbandman (KJV). It is a generic word for someone who tends plants.

Jer.33:15;  And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
Is 53:2; He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and He is called “the Branch of the Lord“. Is.11:1; Heb.12:24; Zech. 3:8, “I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH, and 6:12; Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH.
A Branch, or the Branches of a tree, are the glory of a tree. Messiah, the Son of man, being the real offspring and son of David according to the flesh, is the glory of all David’s race, and of the whole church of God in general. Matthew 22:45.

My Father is the Husbandman, not simply the ἀμπελουργός, or vinedresser, but also γεωργός, the owner of the land as well.

Jesus is the Word /Yeshua is Torah. He is the Tree of Life/Etz Chaim to all who take hold of Him and eat of Him. The tree of Life in gan Eden whose fruit would give eternal life.

but there is one Biblical place in particular which takes its name from another garden. that of GAT SHMANIM

This was the garden of Gethsemane – Gatshmanim

Gethsemane, Greek: Γεθσημανή, Gethsemane; Hebrew: Gat Shmanim;


ים= IM = Yod and (final) Mem. 

Strong’s Hebrew: 2132. זַ֫יִת (zayith) — olive tree, olive

Below looking up the Kidron Valley towards Gethsemane, Jerusalem is to the left.

Gethsemane is changed into English from two Hebrew words: GAT and SHMANIM. It means ‘the place where olive oil is pressed‘.

A further insight into the Hebrew words GAT and SHMANIM, reveals GAT, as a Hebrew word by itself (Hebrew: גת – gimel, tav), which means a winepress.

SHMANIMשמנים –  means oils, and is the plural IM – ים, of the singular Hebrew word שֶׁמֶן SHEMEN, for oil.

A literal translation of GAT SHMANIM would be winepress of oils.

 However, it refers to a pressing-method far more violent than the crushing of grapes underfoot.

This is one Biblical place in particular that takes its name from GAT SHMANIM

olive – zayit – זית – zah’yeet

Also the symbol of peace, light and longevity together with the dove (יוֹנָה – yona) which brought Noah an olive leaf after the flood, (Genesis 8:11). 
Some olive trees have been known to live for more than 2,000 years, maybe even there when Jesus/ Yeshua walked among them.

Pictured below is a replica of a first-century olive press (בֵּית בַּד beit bahd) in modern day Israel.

The stone weights suspended from the beam likely exert more than 1 ton (2,204 lbs/907 Kilos) of pressure on the olives.

Each one requires multiple people to move.

The shemen gat – meaning: the winepress (gat), of oil (shemen.)

Where His suffering began.

It is located on a slope of the Mount of Olives just across the Kidron Valley from Jerusalem.

photo above 1890-1900

Here He surrendered His will. In the face of the approaching will of the Father.

Isaiah 53:10-12

The Lord was pleased to bruise him; he has put him to grief [or: caused his pain]; when he makes himself an offering for sin, he shall see his offspring, he shall prolong his days; the pleasure [picking up on the first line] of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.

Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he has put him to grief: when you shall make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

The Father was pleased to bruise the Son for our iniquities, and the Son was pleased to be bruised by the Father’s will. As we heard on Monday, Jesus had a choice. He chose to have the iniquity of us all laid on Him.

The arrest was the beginning –

the genesis – beresheet – בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית

– of the end…of the beginning.

Leviticus 8:10–12; Luke 22:39–44.

The garden was not a garden in our western understanding. It was an olive grove, a place where the olives from the trees that grew there, were made into oil.

Jews would extract this oil by placing sacks of freshly-picked olives underneath a massive, wooden beam which they would pull down using heavy stone weights to crush both olives and their pits with tremendous force.

It was the place of the oil press. The word for oil in Hebrew is Shemen.

The word for Press in Hebrew is GAT. Oil press is a gat shemen, or a gatshmanim.

The olives would be placed on top of the Big Stone and a large ‘wheel like’ stone would roll over them, crushing them.

The crushing of the olives would cause them to release their oil.

So the meaning of Gethsemane is the oil press.

There is a secret in the meaning connected to Yeshua, as the word Messiah is linked to oil, gat;

to Olive oil, to shemen, and it’s no coincidence it is the place where the suffering began – because it was the place of crushing. The olive press, is the place where His crushing began.

First the crushing of His will and then the crushing of His life.

Oil is also linked to healing and joy.

The SON of Righteousness

(and here is BEN the ‘other SUN’..)

1 Yeshua Ben Joseph and

2 Yeshua Ben David

Risen with healing in His wings.

Links below for more on wings.

And to anointing oil which is the most sacred holy (set apart) use. Oil was poured over those set apart ones who were to be prophets priests and kings. This oil in its highest form of symbolism signifies the Holy Spirit being poured out.

The hidden mystery of the gospel was and is now revealed, the crushing of Messiah in the oil press of Gethsemane would be and is linked to joy and healing in the anointing and outpouring of the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh.

In His deathS (Maveth מָוֶת), is Life/liveS (CHAIM)

It began with the oil of the olives crushed in the press, so every desire and ambition not of God, must be surrendered and crushed.

And in the crushing, the set apart, (Holy/ Kodesh), ones will be filled, anointed with oil and released by the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh to fulfil His Will, Plans and Purposes.

Strong’s Hebrew: 6944. קֹ֫דֶשׁ (qodesh) — apartness, sacredness

Kodashim (Hebrew: קדשים ‎, “Holy Things)

As the disciples slept in the garden,

Jesus/Yeshua poured out His soul to His Father, in agony. Luke writes, 

Hematidrosis is the incredibly rare medical phenomenon, where extreme stress causes a person’s skin to release blood in sweat; few humans have ever experienced the levels of stress needed to cause it.

Yet as Jesus/Yeshua prayed,

“My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may Your will be done,” 

the unthinkable pressure of the weight of all our sins crushed Messiah,

pressing out His life and blood like olive oil flowing from a press.

GAT SHMANIM could not have been more aptly named!

As the heavy weights hung from the wooden beam of an ancient olive press crushed olives underneath,

the weight of our sins crushed Jesus/Yeshua as He hung upon the wooden beams of the cross.

Jesus/Yeshua’s Blood was poured out for us like olive oil, as

 He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. – Isaiah 53:5-6

Yet His blood is worth far more than oil; it is our Salvation,

our hope,

and our light!

Messiah,  מָשִׁיחַ = Christ = anointed one = Mashiach, Mah-she-AKH = anointed one.

So the Messiah = the anointed one, just as Christ does. Greek = christos.

Jesus comes from Yeshua. Jesus Christ is Yeshua ha Mashiach or Jesus the Messiah = Jesus the anointed. Anointed = oil. With olive oil.

The apocalypse (revealing) of the mystery of the TAMID – תָּמִיד – taw-meed’

Messiah is the lamb but not only that for He is also our TAMID.

The eastern side of the temple faced the Garden of Gethsemane

it was also the side closest to the location of the altar of sacrifice.

It is sobering to note that every time Yeshua/Jesus was upon the Mt. of Olives in the Garden at Gethsemane He was looking directly at the altar of sacrifice.

Ex. 29:38–39; Mark 15:25–37; Rev. 7:9–17;

the Torah called for two lambs…

Offer one in the morning and the other twilight.

This is called the law of the TAMID. 

The Tamid was the name for the morning and evening sacrifice,

the first (Alef) and last (Tav)

that began and ended a series of daily sacrifices for the various sins and offerings of the people.

The Chamber of Lambs Once it has been established that the proper time has come for offering the tamid daily sacrifice, and the gates of the Sanctuary are open, the overseer instructs the priests who will be attending to the service: “Bring a lamb from the Chamber of Lambs!”

The halves of the Tamid were two lambs.

The 1st was offered in the morning at the third hour of the day.

With its death, the temple trumpets would sound and the temple gates were opened.

This was at 9am (the exact time Yeshua/Jesus was crucified and the cross lifted up)

and the 2nd at 3pm (the time Yeshua/Jesus died).

The beginning and end of every day in the Israelite community was marked by the reference to the tamid offering. In other words, at the outset of both the day at sunrise and sunset at night, their thoughts were directed upon God, which in fact was focused on the coming Messiah.

The daytime was divided into 12 seasonal hours, but the day division of hours was focused on the schedule of the Tamid sacrifice.

In the first century AD the night was divided into 4 night watches of 3 hours each:

(1) from sundown to 9PM;

(2) from 9PM to 12 midnight;

(3) from 12 midnight to 3AM; and

(4) from 3AM to dawn.

Tamid תָּמִיד (taw-meed’) Strongs 8548 means: continuity, continual, daily, perpetual, always, all times, forever.

He is our answer every day and forever. Our covering always and for eternity.

Just as the unblemished Tamid lamb was the standing sacrifice presented continually on the altar of sacrifice in the Jerusalem Temple, Messiah Yeshua/Jesus is the unblemished Lamb standing before the throne of God in the Temple of the heavens/shamayim.

Just as a lamb’s blood flows at the base of the altar, so too did Messiahs blood flow to the base of the cross.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul (Leviticus 17:11).

Hebrews 10:4 teaches that the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins.

The very fact that the Bible says the blood of bulls and goats cannot save is solid evidence that Messiah’s blood is 100% required, important and essential for our redemption.

His death alone is insufficient to save anyone. The blood had to be shed and applied to the mercy seat/ kapporet in the Heavens, just as it was required by the High Priest/Kohen HaGadol, in the Old Testament tabernacle/mishkan.

 After He died and a Roman soldier thrust a spear through Yeshua/Jesus’ side, piercing both the lungs and the heart, blood and water came from His side just as John recorded in his Gospel (John 19:34).

The spear that was thrust into His side, likely under His ribs,

could have ruptured the pericardial sack,

resulting in a flow of both blood and water.

This to fulfill scripture that of His identification with and healing for the brokenhearted. Also: Sin is passed on through the blood, that is why we say Adam passed the sin on to all.

1Jn 5:6 This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. Joh 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot….

He reveals to Nicodemus about a spiritual birth and gives an explanation for being born of water, referring to his need for spiritual cleansing. From then on it is possible to be born again in order to enter the kingdom of God. (John 19)

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. v. 7-8 KJV

The TAMID Sacrifice

From the Genesis in Gan Eden, later confirmed with the covenant at Sinai; Elohim set apart (made holy), a people who would be a picture for the world, and He taught them that sin could only be redeemed with the shedding of innocent blood.

The WAY to cleanse the wrong choices of those created in His image and likeness yet, a little lower than the angels.
This began the (prophetic) ritual of the Tamid,
a lamb for the first and last sacrifice of each day.

The Priests drew lots (PURIM), for various official duties, such as slaying the Tamid, sprinkling its blood, and cleansing the altar and the candlestick; the announcement of the time of slaying the morning sacrifice; the bringing of the sacrificial lamb,

(which was given to drink from a golden cup before it was killed;) and taking it to the place of sacrifice. 

This together with the statement, in conformity with

Ezek. 34:2, that no man ever passed through the postern on the southern side of the large door; how the opening of this great portal was heard as far as Jericho, as was the sound of the trumpets and other music of the Temple.

Then at the ninth hour, the evening sacrifice would be offered on the altar; at which time all the sacrifices would finish, the day complete.

At that point there were NO more sacrifices.

Morning lamb -9 AM, the third hour.

The same time Messiah was crucified.

So as the morning lamb was slain on the altar in the temple Messiah the lamb of God was lifted on the altar of the cross.

The trumpets sounded to announce the sacrifice and the temple gates were opened.

The evening lamb was killed at 9, our 3 PM, this is when He died.

His sacrifice began with the a.m. offering of the morning lamb. And ended with the p.m. offering of the evening lamb.

This was the point at which the WAY was RE-opened to God. And all took place during six hours of the temple sacrifices. RE-storation and RE-demption completed.

“But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.”  Hebrews 10:12

The Son of the Father, Creator of the morning sunrise and evening sunset
began a six-hour journey
In between the two lambs, in between the 2 suns for the 2 Sons, from the first to the last; the lamb of God was the ultimate sacrifice. And because His sacrifice was perfect, it was all in all, every sin and every offering was covered by His Blood.

He’s the one who died for many – the sacrifice for all. Nothing more is needed.

He is the TAMID the Son/sun,(shemesh), of Righteousness that Malachi 4:2 prophesied of the coming Messiah. 

He is connected to the sunset and sunrise of that Passover day in the order of evening and morning, of sunset,

when He was to sheqi’ah, sink, or to settle in a low place (the grave).

Then to the sunrise, when on the first day of the week, that resurrection dawning of the Sun,

He rose from the dead and (zarach/ come forth), as the morning came and the sunrise (to shine or to rise). The Son of God arose and shone.

Even from before the genesis in gan eden, the Tamid had a name. He was there at creation, for nothing was made without Him and when the plan was set in motion, He knew what His part would be…. Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus the Messiah, the anointed one,

is our Tamid

Mount of Olives at sunset.

Mount of Olives at sunrise.

From the Genesis/beginning, He revealed/apocalypse, the end/Revelation. For He is the Alef and the Tav – From Gan Eden to Gatshmanim/Gethsemane and to His rising from the GARDEN tomb with the sunrise – זְרִיחָה to shine or to rise,

זָרַח (zarach) — to rise, come forth

From long ago He told us things that had not yet happened, saying in essence, “My plan will stand, and I’ll do everything I intended to do.” And history will come full circle at the end of time to reveal Him and His Glory in the universe.

He has released upon us the Ruach Ha Kodesh for setting us apart and anointing us with His oil of gladness.

for HE did provide a Lamb

Hebrew phrase is literally translated as:

“lamb of THE God”.

שה האלוהים

The message for us is this, the only WAY to get into the garden is by going to the garden tomb first. We cannot get to the tomb until you have first gone to the cross by Way of gethsemane’s garden where we willingly give up/surrender our life/chaim. By dying to the old life, and crucifying the flesh life, by losing it and counting our old life as dead and gone.

This is the WAY to the garden of God and all it’s blessings. It’s the WAY/derek of the cross and always leads to life. (Chaim – lives, plural). The paradox and contradiction that death leads to life/chaim is summed up once again, in the fact that life, death and then life, were in the gardens and all had special trees, the end is the beginning, the Genesis, the garden, gan Eden; And here the mystery of the 3 gardens is revealed in Yeshua our Tanim, for He is the WAY of the Lamb, the truth and the CHAIM/ lifes.

Now we have a deeper understanding, this year let’s remember our Tamid at the coming Pesach and allow the fullness of the Son/sunshine to dawn and shine His resurrection glory,

on us,

in us

and through us,

as we celebrate..

Messiah our Tamid is RISEN indeed.

Shalom shalom!

To all mmm Mishpachah – משפחה – Mish-pa-KHa – Family

Have a zisn (Zeesen) Pesach = (Have) a sweet Pesach

a koshern Pesach = (Have) a kosher Pesach

a freylakhn Pesach = (Have) a happy Pesach

To say Happy Passover in Hebrew you literally say holiday passover happy

chag pesach sameach    חג פסח שמח 

(pronounced) KHAG PAY-sock sah-MEY-akh

Chag = festival (holidays) and is pronounced KHAHG. It’s similar to the English word cog, with the same breathy, raspy sound described below as used for the ch.
Happy = sah-MEY-akh.” Use a hard “k” sound with a raspy quality from the back of the throat. Don’t use an English “ch” sound use raspy kh sound also for PAY-sock in Pesach/Passover.

Please Do Not leave this page without the surety in your heart that you have Messiah our Tamid in your life and heart as the days draw ever closer to the end of the age..



Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

Its all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.

He longs to give you the Shalom He paid the ultimate price for..


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Shalom Ha Makem – The Place For Our Life To Mature

Etz Chayim – Tree of Life.

Followers of Yeshua/Jesus understand that He (alone) is the Tree of Life, the Center of the true Paradise of God in Rev. 22:2. Yeshua/Jesus is the Seed, Root, Trunk, Branches, and Fruit that comes from heaven. 

Speaking words of life from the source of the tree of life, to give the Word a platform; with shalom, a place for our life, (lives/chaim), to mature; and connecting some more pieces together.

Faith comes (X) BY hearing and hearing (X) BY the word. (X = Sign for multiply in math.)

 see last post.

When you hear yourself say the words, it reinforces your faith and God watches over His Word to perform it to cause it to come to pass.

Jeremiah 1:12 then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well; for I watch over my word to perform it.”

Is. 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

When we speak words of truth from scripture, faith is stimulated and rises up in our hearts. When we give His words a voice, He hears and can energize them on our behalf, causing them to be filled with His life/lives (Chaim) and manifest His power in the natural, physical realm, where the answers are needed. We create a platform for His miracles to occur and (X) By His Word (X) By His Blood (X) By His Spirit (X)

By His death(s) we are raised in His life/lives/chaim. All the X multiples = 1 – the Echad of Elohim.

In Hebrew the word for “life” is chayim ( חַיִּים ), which is plural to show us that we cannot live life alone… within the word itself are embedded two Yods ( יי ), representing unity in plurality
(Yod-Yod is also a Name of God).
The LORD is called Elohim Chayim
( אֱלהִים חַיִּים),…
the living God and we only come to life BY our unity with Him in the truth.

In the Ephesians armor of The Lord the sword (of the spirit) which represents the (S)Words of God coming out of our mouths with His authority which empowers them. The sword is the only offensive part of the armor, the rest are defensive, for protection. The Word only needs an S in the front of it to make it effective as an optimum offensive weapon.

The Sword contains the Word and is integral to its’ pronunciation, therefore you cannot have the sword of the Lord without the word in it, making up the majority of its letters. If this is the only weapon then it must be all we need, or God would have supplied more.

This is focusing on the Ephesians 6 armor and of course…

we overcome by the Word of our testimony and the Blood of the Lamb.

This is the testimony of what the Blood has done for us as regards salvation, deliverance, protection, etc. (see confession statement below.)

I testify to Satan personally as to what the Word of God says the Jesus/Yeshua’s Blood does for me. Through the Blood of Yeshua/Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Through the Blood of Yeshua/Jesus, all my sins are forgiven. The Blood of Yeshua /Jesus Christ, Yeshua my God’s Son, continually cleanses me from all sin.

Through the blood of Yeshua /Jesus, I am justified, made righteous, just-as-if-I’d never sinned. Through the blood of Yeshua /Jesus I am sanctified, Made holy, set apart to Hashem my God. My body is a temple of the Ruach Ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed by the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Satan has no place in me, no power over me, through the Blood of Yeshua /Jesus.

It is not referring to our life’s story. (Unless we are thinking we can bore the enemy into submission! He already is well aware of what we’ve done. We instead need to declare the victory in our lives and what God has done for us.)

Angels also hearken to the Word of God: Bless the Lord, you His angels, Who excel in strength, who do His word, Heeding the voice of His word. Psalm 103:20

This suggests we can expect angelic aid when necessary and when we speak out words of scripture.

A quick reference to one of the images on homepage – when we dig we will find our treasure here – this image highlights the letter TAV which is represented by an X

This in reference to the last post concerning Echad and a way to try and understand the concept of the oneness of God!

Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

In the picture above represented by an X as the Middle Age way of depicting the letter as shown in image below.

The image of the Early Paleo Hebrew script is in the shape of a cross!

Thousands of years before it was used by the Romans as a means of execution or became the well known ‘Christian’ symbol. As it evolved into today’s modern script, it was also represented in the shape of the X, the same symbol used today in mathematics as a sign of multiplication.

(See post for further explanation.)

As the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet Tav denotes the end, the finish, the Completion. These were among Jesus/Yeshua’s last words on the TAV/cross (It is finished). He said about Himself, He is the Alef and Tav. (In Greek, the alpha and the omega); the beginning and the end; the first and the last.

Col.1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

And he is before all things, and BY him all things consist. Col.1:17

BY (X) Him All things consist … It’s in the DNA.

For more on this interesting and amazing connection of the miracle about Laminin click link.

Rev 4:11. “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

When we choose to look at the Word as if we are seeing/reading it for the first time, it will allow Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh, to quicken it’s meaning to us.

We have such a deep rooted western, greek influenced mind set on things; because it’s what we were told and how we raised. The roots of our faith are Jewish, Hebraic, Israelite in their origins, whether we like it, embrace it, or believe it or not, it’s still the truth.

During the last 2000 years, leaders of Christendom have sought to separate Christianity from those roots. (In the fourth century, during the Councils of Elvira and Nicaea, church elders established many rules and regulations to separate the Church from the Jewish roots of Her faith.)

Today Bible prophecy is being fulfilled as the reconciliation of both Messianic Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites and Gentile/Goyim/Heathen/Nations come together to become the one new man. With this restoration comes greater understanding of scriptures as the truths lost in translation are restored to His challah/bride, His ecclesia/called out ones.

The two are made “one new man;” the Gentile is not turned into a Jew, nor the Jew into a Gentile, but both into one new man, thus removing all grounds of jealousy. This transformation is “in himself;” in vital union to Messiah they are formed into one body.


Many Jews in Israel today are traditional and Orthodox Jews and do not recognize that Yeshua/Jesus was the Messiah and for whom they are still waiting. Those who have accepted Jesus/Yeshua as Messiah are known as Messianic Jews. They are not to be confused with the orthodox Jews who are the ones wanting the 3rd Temple to be built as they are the same that Jesus/Yeshua had issue with in His day. We are to continue to pray for their eyes to see their true Messiah.

“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. 11 How is it you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.’ 12 Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” ” (Matthew 16:6,11,12, NKJV also in Mark 8:15 and Luke 12:1)

Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees “Leaven was a common Jewish metaphor for an invisible, pervasive influence.”

Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees and be a wise Christian. When Messiah did the work of redemption, the Israelites blindly follow the Pharisees’ words to nail Jesus/Yeshua to the cross so that they were self condemned to destruction.

The Jews quickly assumed full responsibility for His death: We accept the punishment for such a crime; let it be upon us and upon our children. They were visited with the same kind of punishment and worse, for the Romans crucified them in such numbers that there were no more crosses or place for them (Luke 21:20-24).

As many as 500 a day were scourged and crucified. Their children for ages have gone through untold sufferings in all lands. They are yet to suffer the greatest time of tribulation that has ever been on earth or ever will be. Besides, if the Jews were the only ones who killed him, then he didn’t die for anyone else. But he died for all, not just for Jews: the righteous Messiah died for everyone who is unrighteous, which is to say, for everyone. Everyone, Jew and Gentile alike, is a sinner.

 If one does a study of who the Pharisees were and what they believed and practiced they would be shocked to find they are still among us today. Not just in the Judaism as in the Ultra Orthodox, but in some areas of under the guise of “Christianity”. This is why we are given the gift of discerning of spirits, so we‘ll not be deceived.

Since it only takes a small amount of yeast or other leavening agent to transform an entire lump of dough, Messiah must mean that it takes only a little bit of what the Pharisees and Herod have to offer to ruin a person.

The Pharisees used a form of dis-fellowshipping to keep the Jews inline. Being thrown out of the synagogue would mean complete ostracism from Jewish society. The Pharisees used that as a form of coercion to prevent the Jews from confessing their belief that Jesus/Yeshua was the Messiah.

If and when they do build the temple, the false anti, (against), messiah, the man of sin spoken of in Revelation will quickly arrive on the scene. Israel is an indicator of where we are in God’s timeline, we should keep an eye on Jerusalem as prophecy unfolds before our eyes. The scripture says if a peace treaty is signed it will trigger specific ‘end of this age’ events. (Not the ‘end of the world’, so don’t be scared, be prepared spiritually. Men and the devil think they are in control of things but they are not God is.)

1Cor.2:8 says None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Berean Study Bible.

The same could be said today, the (spiritual) rulers still don’t understand, they think they are going to win.

Coming back to the One New Man – Here in Ephesians 2:15 it says: having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace.

This can also mean the new man made out of each individual that He molds and makes us into.

And also the Lords ‘body of believers’ the ecclesia, the called out ones, who are to be His Challah/kallah, His bride.

(Jeremiah 3:14 says the I AM (ANOCHI) married Israel. You will call Me ishi My husband and will no longer call Me Baali, My Husband.

חָתָן bridegroom 2860 chathan khaw-thawn’

כַּלָה bride Kallah 3618 kallah   kal-law’

Jeremiah 3:14 , saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: declares the LORD, “for I am your husband.

Husband in Greek

Isaiah 54:4 is One of the most significant names is husband\ bridegroom.

For your Maker is your husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

My husband – ISHI in Hebrew.

Hosea 2:16 speaking of Israel and remembering we are grafted in to the Olive tree and are ‘spiritually Israel’.

Hosea 2:18/ and it will be in that day, says the Lord, you will call me Ishi, my husband, and will no longer call me baali, my husband.

Here Ishi and baali, both mean my husband, in Hebrew however baali, also means my master. Ishi is the equal status in which Adam and Eve were created. So His desire is for us, His ‘bride’, to no longer call Him Baali, Master, (meaning we are in a relationship as a servant); but to call Him, Ishi, the intimate, close relationship of a husband, kinsman redeemer.

It is not important how old we are or how bold we think we are, we are His children.

He is our loving Father and if we are really honest with ourselves, there is a childlike quality in each of us still …

that softens at the thought of curling up and nestling warm and safe under the feathers of His wings.

Even the furry members of our extended families seem to know this is true of blankets!

Just like we do under a blanket in our favorite chair, sofa or bed… but we have to let Him hold us.

He cannot, if we are always wriggling and restless, squirming around with life’s worries and problems. He said shalom alecheim. My peace I give it to you. We have be still.. and know that He is God.


It means to set, to establish you in shalom. the word normally translated peace, means health, welfare, security, justice, and tranquility, also freedom from all disaster. A Hebrew scholar gave the best English translation of shalom: no good thing is withheld. Jesus/Yeshua gave us in this peace in John 14:27 saying, ‘shalom aleikhem’.

Shalom it cannot be translated into English with a single word.

Shalom comes from shalem meaning to be complete, shalam = restore.

When there is shalom there is tranquility just as sufficient food clothing Housing. There is divine health, with no sickness. Shalom means an absence of: disorder, injustice, bribery, corruption, conflict, flat, hatred, abuse, violence, pain, suffering, immorality and all the other negative forces.

Therefore, when we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we are praying for the shalom of Jerusalem. We are praying that there will not be any injustice, disorder, strife, violence, poverty, sickness, abuse, accidents, homelessness, pain, anger, and more. When shalom rains there will be no where morality, no injustice and the principles advocated in the scriptures will be followed by all. Then the command to love your neighbor will be to made complete.

And it appears that one aspect of the secret place is right in the center of those soft feathers. We need to learn the definition of that which Jesus/Yeshua gives us because as often as we need it…. it is always there for us.

In Ps 91, this feathery nest is a place of safety it is another place of our hiding protected against all snares, and destruction.

The wings, of Boaz’ blanket in Ruth, showed us it is a place of intimacy.

Boaz (who was a type and shadow of Jesus as the kinsman redeemer) his blanket was his prayer shawl and the skirt of it in the literal Hebrew is wing.

It was a Jewish practice for a groom to cover his bride with a garment, the wings of the tallit, his prayer shawl. It was a precursor of the chuppah in today’s Jewish weddings. Ruth was saying let’s get married you are my kinsman redeemer.

Under the Lord’s wings is a statement of intimacy with Him indicating conversion to worship of the Lord.

When we abide under his wings we are his betrothed, the bride saying let’s be married, let’s be echad one. 1X1=1

It is the agreement and acceptance of the covenant. Prophetic of Messiah, and as Ruth was a Moabitess, also refers to the Gentile nations becoming a part of the covenant forming the One New Man.

This is where we can enter in to a deep relationship akin to that of a marriage.

This is the secret place,

Strong’s Hebrew: 4565. מִסְתָּר (mistar) — a secret place

mistar: a secret place, hiding place, concealment


Transliteration: mistar g

Phonetic Spelling: (mis-tawr’)

The place – ha makem

‘Ha Makem’- ‘The Place’-המקום

The place of closeness, of relationship, of communion, Holy – set-apartness. This is the holy of holy’s הַקֳּדָשִׁים קֹדֶשׁ Kodesh HaKadashim. 

Termed also the “miḳdash ha-ḳodesh” (Lev. xvi. 33 The Inner Sanctuary. The Holy of Holies (Kodesh HaKadashim in Hebrew Qṓḏeš HaQŏḏāšîm), as its name implies, was the most sacred part of the entire Temple.

Today our bodies are His Sanctuary/Temple, His spirit dwells in us. Could it be said our spirit is the ark the container the Kodesh HaKadashim, The Inner Sanctuary – miḳdash ha-ḳodesh?

And when we make Him our refuge, when we abide in this place of habitation, we will look out from there and see He has taken care of all that would trouble us.

There are angels watching over us and all the power of the enemy is under his feet. Psalm 91:11

Verse 4, His protection extends around us, we are enveloped by His buckler; which means that which goes around – (see post)

A buckler*. (*Heb. ‘Buckler’ means, ’that which goes around’, a very large shield to protect the whole body on 3 sides. The Lord gives full protection).   His Glory is also our protection/ rereward behind us.

Most likely it is referring to the large shield that protected on three sides and because we all have a north, south, east, and west direction to our person. He is also our re-reward, which is the protection for the fourth side, behind us, where unforeseen sudden attacks sometimes come.

Isaiah 52:12 the God of Israel shall be your Rear guard


Isaiah 58:8 the glory of the Lord shall be your Rear guard.

Just as the protection came after the ark of his presence –we are the ark of his presence today. Just as His presence protected them in the wilderness and at the Reed sea.

Isaiah 58:12 the Lord will go before you and the God of Israel will be your rearguard.

So who is the Lord in this verse?

There are 2 here The Lord and The God of Israel.

Is that the pre-incarnate Messiah? Is it Holy spirit? Is this an example of Echad as 1X1?

Is it likely referring to Messiah, who is the subject of the following verses from 13 in chapter 52 to the end of Chapter 53?

Image from Christian Inspirational Designs

In verse 15 when we call upon Him with our whole heart requiring Him [as a vital necessity] He promises to answer and declares I AM – anochi – who is with us in trouble.

Delivering us from trouble and in verse 16 with long life that is everlasting, eternal, lives, chaim in both realms.

And He will reveal to us and show us His full salvation. Salvation, meaning, rescue, deliver, bring us out deliver from bondage. Restore the broken fellowship, redeeming us by His life’s, (lives chaim), blood as His family His kin, and taking us to Himself as His challah.

It does not matter how ‘macho’ we are, or how independent we are, we are all His children and are required to be as little ones, it’s not a sign of weakness but of great, strong and enduring faith and trust.

For it is BY(X) and in Him, not of ourselves that none should boast. Will He find faith, (that faithfulness), on the earth when He returns?

Could this be what He will be looking for, the humility of the childlike faith?

Humility is akin to meekness, which has been inverted by modern definition to be associated with weakness, insipidity and ineffectiveness. When He said the meek shall inherit the earth, it is indicating to us that the contrary is Truth, as we misunderstood the concept of meekness, because it means exercising God’s strength, demonstrating power without undo harshness. He was the humble servant and did not use His power to rule over others but rather to serve, instead being the servant leader, yet not a ‘pushover.’

So let’s continue speaking, to give the Word a platform; with shalom, a place for our life to mature; and in meekness exercise God’s strength, demonstrating His power without undo harshness.

How to do the word – simply take scriptures that answer your need and read them out loud. Make it personal by reading it in the first person, with your name, or ‘I’ in the verse.

It’s up to us to make the Words of scripture personal, making it our own. We have to ‘own the Word’, by praying the words, for confession is made into salvation, deliverance, healing etc.

Some more examples will be posted on a separate page link below and have been a daily source of strength since compiling them many years ago.

This is only an aid and starting place for personal secret places!

There are other examples of scripture based prayers for specific needs at..

Image above from MMM family at Christian Inspirational Designs,

thank you

and welcome to all new subscribers/followers here and on fb, and thank you again to all the faithful, you are prayed for as family. Apologies for not replying to your messages in a prompt manner, it is nothing personal, simply not enough hours in the day! Please continue to ‘like’ the pages, as it helps the search engines to link to words others look for online. Also please share the site with others that they may be blessed and encouraged too.. Special thanks to those who have left encouraging comments and recommendations, it is greatly appreciated!

Shalom aleikhem

chaverim and mishpachah!

Shavua Tov, Have a blessed week, you are greatly loved and don’t leave here without assurance of your salvation or without the joy of the Lord ENVELOPING you and the assurance that you are sealed to the day of redemption by the Blood of Messiah Jesus/Yeshua.

Not sure can be…

Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are very precious in His sight.


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. 

Secrets Of A Life Filled With Feasts

Are we living life to the full?

A moedim-chaim?

There are several scriptures where the length of our life appears to be given a specific number of years. One is in Psalms 90:10. The days of our years are three score years and ten, which equals 70 and we often this use as an indicator of human lifespan. The other sometimes referred to is in Genesis 6:3.

Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” (Berean Study Bible) So the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days shall be 120 years.”

Notice this verse does not explicitly teach that mankind’s lifespan was limited to 120 years, however what are we to do with what we are allotted?

Interestingly the 120 year timeline was given 120 years prior to the flood, so maybe it was referring to the fact that humanity as a whole only had another 120 years to live before the flood came and not to the length of years that an individual could live?

Whether this is correct or not, our lives do have structure when we are His own, as believers in Messiah.

Is there is a pattern for His Ecclesia in His Moedim? (Annual appointed times for every year?)

In the cycle of life, they are not only for seasons and times of harvest in the agricultural year but they are also for remembrance and rehearsal…

They are also for indicating the promise of future prophetic fulfillment. Do the Moedim/ 7 feasts/appointed times; also have a practical application to our individual lives?

Pronounced moe-eh-DEEM – מועדים

Strong’s Hebrew: 4150. מוֹעֵד moed or Mow’ed: Appointed time, place.

There are many 7’s in the Scriptures.The KJV mentions the word 391 times.

The Gospel of Luke lists 77 generations from Adam to Jesus/Yeshua.

Important Note: the reference to words and their equivalent numbers in posts, is due to every letter in the Hebrew alphabet having a numerical value assigned to it, similar to Greek etc. (See charts below.)

(The first mobile cell phones used this same principle for texting).
MMM is NOT recommending occult based numerology and/or the use of numbers as in Horoscopes/dark arts, or connected to the magic and mysticism of Jewish Kabbalah.)
The definition of Gematria / ɡ ə ˈ m eɪ t r i ə / (Hebrew: גמטריא or גימטריה , plural גמטראות or גמטריאות , gematriot) is one of several methods of assigning a numerical value to a Hebrew name, word or phrase based on its letters.
Gematria is a type of numerological study that may be defined as one of more systems for calculating the numerical equivalence of letters, words, and phrases in a particular Hebrew text and to finding hidden meanings in the numerical values of words.

Gematria works on the premise that the letters of the alphabet can also be used as numbers, and therefore words and phrases acquire distinctive numerical values.
A well known example is that of Revelation 13:18  Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of that beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six [666].

Proverbs has seven pillars of wisdom that are in the building of the house of the Lord which can now be applied to our physical bodies, as we are containers of His spirit – ruach, instead of the temple sanctuary of a literal stone building.

Torah – is the wisdom of God – understanding our life with wisdom – we are to get understanding – wisdom is for spiritual life.

The Ark of the Covenant

It was the heart of Gods’ shekinah presence.

 (Hebrew: אָרוֹן הַבְּרִית, Modern: Arōn Ha’brēt, Tiberian: ʾĀrôn Habbərîṯ),
also known as the Ark of the Testimony, is a gold-covered wooden chest with lid cover described in the Book of Exodus as containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. The covenant on stone as Daniel saw in 2:34.

The Stone cut without human hands, is the child born without human hands. 

A virgin conception! 

The stone that was cut without human hands represents God’s kingdom.

This stone will replace all the earthly kingdoms (Revelation 21:1).

The renewed covenant written on hearts of flesh as prophesied by Jeremiah 31:33

Therefore entrance into the blessings of the Covenant, must come through Messiah Jesus/Yeshua/Yahshua alone, for He is the HEART of Torah.

The first letter of the Torah is b (and a v), a Bet (בּ) (bereishit –בְּרֵאשִׁית) Genesis; and the last letter of the Torah is l, a Lamed (ל) in the word יִשְׂרָאֵל – Israel . These 2 letters together spell the Hebrew word for heart which is l-v and lev with the vowel added.

The circumcision of the flesh regulation stated previously was a sign of the Abrahamic Covenant, but Christ circumcises those who have faith in Him, and this circumcision is of the heart [Rom 2:28-29] [Luke 22:20].

The seven pillars of His wisdom are continually maturing within our hearts and minds and as we become conformed to His image; this foundation gives place for the pillars of His life within us.

The pillars are integral to support the life of the spirit within. Cycling us continually towards His heart at the center of our beings. Returning to Him whenever we stumble or stray from His path.

Do the 7 pillars of wisdom perhaps also refer to the 7 Moedim?

Turn and keep on coming. Joel 2:12 AMPC. Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and keep on coming to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning [until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored].

Jerusalem is built on seven hills just as Rome is, one reflecting the natural world, the flesh and the devil principles.

The other Jerusalem is the spiritual type and also reflects the shadow of that which is to come.

Even the new Jerusalem is the final dwelling place of all that is complete in shalom.

Ezekiel prophesied of the Rebirth of Israel. He gives a chronological order of events from the rebirth of Israel to the construction of the third temple (which is the end of Ezekiel prophecies).
Israel’s restoration prophesied by Ezekiel was to be physical then followed by spiritual. Ezekiel 36:36-7 Prophecy to the Mountains of Israel. 36 “And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord.
He prophesied of the hills!
and the people shall fill the waste cities as the flocks at the time of the great feasts covered the hills …

The 7 Moedim are an annual guide to the believer, both of that which has been fulfilled by Messiah; and also for the preparation and ongoing prophetic timeline on future events.

Taking another perspective, reveals that they also possibly hold the mystery of spiritual development, growth and maturity in each of our individual lives. Could this be one of the secrets to living a life fulfilled in the will of God?

Has God hidden the mystery of our life within the Hebrew year and His Moedim?

The annual cycle of the year begins with Passover – Pesach.

This is the beginning of our life in Him. It starts with salvation and as we receive the Lamb of God the pesach offering, our sins are taken away and we start a new life, sinless. The Power of the Passover/ pesach changes us and changes our future, our life will never be the same again. If it is, then consider if we are really walking in His provision, for out of true repentance comes the 180° turn around to go the other way the opposite direction.

The disciples, apostles, left the old way of life –leaving their nets behind them – have we left the things that held us? or have we compromised a little by simply adding Him into what we are content to remain with and want to keep and all we are familiar with? Can our families and friends see a change?? Are our lives really truly centered, focused and fulfilling the gospel word of Jesus/Yeshua? Or is our time with Him carefully slotted in and scheduled at our convenience?

The Moedim cycle of each and every year we live, presents an opportunity for reflection and change!

The power of Pesach truly releases us from bondage just as it did for the children of Israel coming out of Egypt. It ends the old life of slavery to sin and marks the beginning of a journey of life in and with God.

Pesach = Deliverance.

Set free to serve Him – willingly.

The second feast/ appointed time and level of our lives /walk/ journey with Him is our First fruits. Yom Resheet the day of first fruits the first day of the week of eating Unleavened Bread.

As we begin to walk in the power of His resurrection we begin to bear fruit in our lives.

The First Fruit of our salvation is the First Fruits of repentance and change.

First fruits of the unconditional love of the father flowing through us which pertains to life and all godliness in the image of Jesus. First fruits of the newness of life abundant, the joy of salvation and the glory of the father as we walk with Him. This is the first harvest. 

Omer count = Separation to Revelation.

Father will often separate us from old things in order to reveal to us new things and we become part of the ecclesia- the called out ones.

3rd Feast – next is our life experiences – Pentecost/Shavuot – the fire of the father in the form of the Ruach haKodesh.

Giving of the Spirit.

The promise from the Sinai covenant when Torah was first given.

He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Deep cleansing and preparation waiting on Him and learning among other things, patience!

Tarry here – we wait along the way for the infilling of the exousia, the raw power to make us ready, anointed and willing to do the works of God and to fulfill all that we have being called to be and do for His kingdom.

To go and make disciples, having first become one ourselves.

The fire burns away all the chaff from our hearts and enables the gold within to shine forth and empower us to reach forward for the next greater summer harvest in the life cycle.

The 4th harvest feast could be speaking of the harvest of our salvation as we GO forth for the fields white unto harvest but the workers are few.

Leviticus 23; Psalm 139:16

As we reap the rewards of blessing by giving life to others in sharing the true bounty of life abundant.

Fulfilling our calling in ministering both to the lost and to the Saints. 2 Cor.9:1; Heb.6:10.

This could represent the main period of our life as it continues and makes up the major content of our years.

Until we come into the fifth appointed time of our lives. Yom teruah the blowing of the shofar/ trumpet;

And then will come the time of trumpets, ‘the autumn’, ‘the fall’, of our salvation.

The golden years.

The finishing up of our reaping His harvest, the completing of its gathering in; and our time of preparation to meet our Heavenly Father.

Tying up the loose ends putting everything in order. Anything as yet left undone is quickly put in place, decently and in order. 

True shalom.

Nothing missing nothing broken, mislaid, misplaced or left undone. All is as it should be, no omissions or regrets, for soon will be upon us the remaining feasts in quick succession.

Yom kippur the day of atonement, the sixth appointed time of our life as we will stand alone before our heavenly father.

Panim al panim – face to face.

מָּנִים אֶלמָּֿנִים

Strong’s Hebrew: 6440. פָּנִים (panim or paneh) — face, faces

The Mercy Seat where the blood was sprinkled

Hebrew רחמים (pronounced rakhamim) is usually translated as “mercy.” Notice the IM! It’s actually plural in form, multiple mercies on the Ark of His Presence.

His MERCIES are new every morning!

In an earlier post we looked at Hebrew words including “face” (פנים, panim), “water” (מים, mayim), and even God (אלהים, elohim).

Then we shall behold Him, face to face. And see Him as He is. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 John 3:2; Rom. 14:10

It’s not in judgment for sin for we are already acquitted. (The great white throne judgment for those who are not His own, but the Bema seat of Christ, the judgment seat of Messiah, is for the works we have done in obedience to His call.)

The Holy fire of His presence will consume all that was not of His command and reveal only the gold of that which was His will. 1 Cor. 3:12-15

This leads us to Sukkot, 

the 7th and final appointed time in

 the lifecycle of a true believer will be to live, abide and stay with Him forever.

To Tabernacle in His presence, the booths containing His presence, His joy, His love, His blessings and its ultimate conclusion,

Shemini atseret – the eighth day of Sukkoth – the completion of reading Torah and Simchat Torah – the joy of the Torah.

The Eighth Day

8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man’s true ‘born again’ event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.  Eight is the personal number of Jesus. When we add together the letter values of the name Jesus in the Greek we get 888.

8th day– the great last day – eternity – the prophetic Torah complete – the day that celebrates the torah called, the joy of the torah, or rejoicing of/[with the]Torah

Hebrew: שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה שִׂמְחַת

and the new beginning* – enter the JOY of your Lord

as He says well done you good and faithful servant – no more tears only JOY.

*Simchat Torah or Simḥath Torah (also Simkhes Toreh, Hebrew: שִׂמְחַת תורָה, lit., “Rejoicing with/of the Torah,”) is a celebration marking the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. Simchat Torah is a component of the Biblical Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret (“Eighth Day of Assembly”), which follows immediately after the festival of Sukkot in the month of Tishrei (mid-September to early October on the Gregorian calendar).

J udge

O ur

Y ears

Judge ourselves with JOY that we be not judged…

The Moedim and what they represent seem to be a cycle that should be an integral part of every believing ecclesia?

Although we are not to come under bondage again to the law as such; according to 2 Timothy 3:16. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

So the Moedim have value for our training.

His Word both the written word and the living Word are mirrors for us and we should hold them up in front of our lives to see if the reflection is that of Jesus/Yeshua in us, the hope of glory. He is in the Moedim, the very essence and fulfillment of them both in our lives and literally. He is the only Feast that truly satisfies.

He is the Word –

He is the Heart of the Word/Torah –

His life is The Word –

Written not on stone in an ark but on our hearts; and we are now the ark of His renewed covenant

The container of His Ruach/Spirit –

The 7 pillars of His wisdom supporting His life within –

The corner stone of our faith – not cut with hands –

We see Him as we walk through every one of His Moedim and finally to join us to Himself in the marriage of the Lamb on that last great day! Hallelujah!

Shalom shalom!

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Shavua Tov Mishpachah & Chaverim!

Have a good week Family & Friends. 

Please Do Not leave this page without the surety in your heart that you have Messiah in your life and heart as the days draw ever closer to the end of the age..



Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him. He is the fulfillment of the Moedim and truly is the Feast that will satisfy.

Its all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.

He longs to give you the Shalom He paid the ultimate price for..


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

21 12 21 12 12 12 12 12 12? Conclusion

21 11 21 12 12 12 12 ?

12 Gates, 12 Tribes.

The Name of each tribe is written over a gate.

Luke 6:13-16

Does this mean it is only for the members of that tribe?

Where are those lost tribes today? Many are still scattered throughout the earth. We may not be born an Israelite, or a descendant of one of the original 12 tribes but thanks to our Heavenly Father for His grace, mercy and provision because of Jesus/Yeshua, all gentile believers are spiritually grafted-in to the olive tree of Israel and thereby connected to the 12 tribes through accepting what Messiah’s has done for us and by being born again in the power of His Ruach HaKodesh. Making one new man. It will be interesting to find out which of the 12 gates through which we will enter. According to Rev. 21:27, if our names are in the Lamb’s book of life, we may enter in.

12 Tribes, and their identification.

There is sometimes confusion about the 12 tribes. which originate from the 12 sons of Jacob, plus, from the tribe of Joseph came the tribes of Menasseh and Ephraiym, his 2 sons. Jacob/Israel, also gave birth to a daughter Dina(h), who was not named as a separate tribe. Levi was not counted as a tribe because the Levites were the priests and they had no land of their own.

The names included in the lists of the sons vary for different reasons; and according to the scriptures Reuben lost his first born rights and Dan was left out of some lists of names. Sometimes Josephs’ 2 sons replaced him in the list and although there were really 13, only 12 are listed in the various accounts.

The original 12 sons

1 ASHER; 2 BENJAMIN; DAN (excluded); 3 GAD;  4 JOSEPH; 5 JUDAH; 6 ISSACHAR;  7 NAPHTALI;   8 REUBEN;    9 SIMEON;     10 ZEBULUN; 11 EPHRAIM AND 12 MANASSEH (from Joseph).

LEVI (as the tribe of the priesthood were not given land).

List in Paleo Hebrew.

 The 12 tribes as they were situated in the wilderness camp:


Asher- Tree

Dan- Scorpion or Snake or Scales

Naphtali- Goat or Deer


Issachar- Donkey 

Judah- Lion of Judah (it’s the origin of the Jerusalem city flag emblem.)

Zebulun- Ship


Gad –Tent

REUBEN –The Man Water



Benjamin – Wolf

Ephraim And Manasseh – (Joseph) Sheaf Of Wheat – The Two Horns Of The Bull

LEVI was In The Center where the Mishkan was situated containing the ark of His presence within a cube square space of the Kodesh HaKodashim – Holy of Holies (10 cubits x 10 cubits (15′ x 15′) Exodus 25.

The Banners; The breastplate stones for each Tribe; Their Wilderness Camp Position, which was given in a clockwise direction. Num.2.

Be’Otot – b’ō·w·ṯōṯ 

according to the standards,

(The expression translated as “each in their respective regiments” in Hebrew is “al digloy” i.e. according to his flag (or standard. The words “under ensigns” in Hebrew is “be-Otot” i.e. by symbols. literally, in the signs, for there were symbols for each leader.)

The Israelites are to camp around the tent of meeting some distance from it, each of them under their standard and holding the banners of their family. Numbers 2:2

There was a symbol for each leader [of each tribe], with a flag and a color, and the color of each flag was like the color of the precious stones that was over the heart of Aaron [the High Priest, i.e. on the hoshen/breastplate].

From this the kingdoms learned to make flags and a color for each flag. Each tribe had its own leader, and the color of the flag was similar to the color of its stone.

With reference to thoughts in previous posts concerning colors their frequencies and the properties of light; it bears mentioning that each, of the12 jewels in the breastplate were, according to the Biblical description, to be made from very specific minerals.

None of them the same as another, and each of them representative of a specific tribe, whose name was to be inscribed on the stone. or is there some greater significance to these12 stones? And if so, is it the chemical makeup of the stone that is important, or is it the color, or both?

Did the combination of the stones emit certain frequencies? There are references recorded in some of the ancient writings that the individual letters within the engraved stones were miraculously illuminated by Gods Holy Spirit/ Ruach HaKodesh, which spelled out answers to the High Priests questions in regards to God’s direction or will in a situation.

Aside from the 12 stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel on the high priests’ breastplate, the high priest also wore 2 sardonyx stones,

which were fixed in gold on both shoulders. The names of the 12 tribes of Israel were engraved on these two stones, according to their birth (Ex. 28).

Click link below for more on 12 tribes connection to 12 months.

The 12 stones in the breastplate correspond to the original twelve sons of Jacob, not to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, which were later adopted as sons, effectively doubling the inheritance for their father Joseph. That seems to be implied in the text. This is significant because the 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem are garnished with the same 12 precious stones, as named by John the Revelator in the Apocalypse – the Revealing (Rev. 21:19-20).

While not listed or individually specified with each of the foundation stones Rev. 21:14 shows they are also associated with the 12 apostles, ‘and the wall of the city had 12 foundations and in them the names of the 12 apostles of the lamb.’

These are the 12 apostles from Domus Galilaeae, Israel, listed in 4 places; (Mark 3:13–19 , Matthew 10:1–4 , Luke 6:12–16 , and 11 listed in Acts 1:13. Peter, James (the son of Zeb’edee), John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James (the son of Alphaeus), Simon Zelotes and Judas, brother of James.

The Gospel of Matthew lists the 12 apostles in the following order: Simon (whom Jesus later renamed “Peter”),


James (the son of Zeb’edee) 






James (the son of Alphaeus)


Simon Zelotes and

Judas brother of James

(Judas Iscariot was replaced by Matthias.)

Their names in the foundations of the New Jerusalem no doubt represent the Ecclesia/called out ones, as being ‘the pillar and ground of the truth,’ 1Tim.3:15. Through the ‘doctrine of the apostles’, Acts 2:42, that is the message of Messiahs gospel.

Possible stones associated with the apostles: who are also in close proximity to the 12 gates,

which are named for the 12 tribes of Israel and the stones on the breastplate of the High Priest.

The Lord instructed Moses to have the names of the 12 sons of Israel engraved on 12 stones in the breastplate of the high priest. The exact order, arrangement, and type of each stone were explicitly stated (Ex. 28:17-21), but the name to be written on each stone was not given, perhaps because it was obvious to Moses.

After the destruction of the temple, the knowledge of which tribe was associated with which stone was lost, and even the identity of some of the stones has been uncertain.

Because John is writing in Greek some 1500 years after Moses this is perhaps the most important reference. He is referring to precious and semi-precious stones, which he recognized and understood. Due to the fact that Greek is a more common language, and those words can be found in so many other documents, the names of the stones he gives helps greatly in their identification.

Imagine if we would have to describe the foundation stones seen only in a vision.

God’s house is a house of order, so the final order discovered should make specific sense and it will most certainly not be random. However the curious thing is that almost every time the 12 tribes are listed, they’re given in a different order (Gen 27, 49; Num 2; Deut 33; Rev.7).

While most of us are familiar with rubies being red and emeralds being green, sapphires blue and diamonds clear, but perhaps not too many more. John it seems, knew his gem stones very well, right down to recognizing sardonyx as a specific form of onyx. The lack of such knowledge could well explain why there are various representations of the stones in both name and color.

It seems clear that the 12 colors of the stones are very important, and were specifically chosen for those colors as representative of particular attributes. The stones had to be large enough to have the names of the tribes engraved on them, whereas in other contexts, such as a gem inlaid in a ring, a smaller, more precious stone could be used to represent the tribe equally well.

These same12 stones are where we our birth-month stones come from, as each of the tribes are also associated with a month.

Breastplate order of stones and tribes.

As the order and designation of which stone is seems somewhat dependent on the translation, this can also be very confusing as we have different names for precious stones in modern language.

Also sometimes the order seems to be reversed as left to right and right to left. Here Levi is top left. 

This list from scripture would be the most logical one in assuming the order for the 12 twelve stones on the breastplate, and that’s usually the case in most studies.

the Twelve Tribes of Israel, or Shivtei Yisrael, as they are known in Hebrew:

In “Modern” Hebrew, the stones are translated as follows:
– Odem: Ruby
– Pitedah: Topaz
– Bareket: Emerald
– Nofekh: Not in use as stone name today
– Sapir: Sapphire
– Yahalom: Diamond
– Leshem: Opal
– Shevo: Not in use as stone name today
– Achlamah: Amethyst
– Tarshish: Not in use as stone name today
– Shoham: Onyx
– Yashpeh: Jasper

Reuben’s stone was Odem- אדֶם

clearly a red stone. Scholars suggest either red jasper, or carnelian sard a type of quartz. The color of his flag was red, and mandrakes were drawn on it [Genesis 30:14]. The mandrakes in Reuben’s coat-of-arms are based on the episode related in Gen. 30, where young Reuben brought his mother Leah mandrakes from the field. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Deut. 33:6, “Let Reuben live.”

Simeon’s stone was Piteda-(פִּטְדָה)

some sort of yellowish-green stone, probably topaz. Others suggest peridot, chrysolite or perhaps green-yellow chalcedony and the color of his flag was green, and the city of Shechem was drawn on it [Genesis 34]. Simon was one of the strongest tribes during the wandering in the desert but later became one of the weakest in consequence of losses suffered during the battles for the Promised Land. It was eventually absorbed by mighty Judah. Formerly the city of Shechem was situated within the boundaries of Simon and the gate of the city therefore appears on the tribe’s. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Deut. 33:5, “…and the tribes of Israel were gathered together.”

Levi’s stone was Bareqet- בָּרֶקֶת

translated in the Aramaic Targumim as azmaragd, a loanword from the Greek smaragdos for “emerald”. Some suggest beryl of which emerald is a type. Others suggest Carbunkle or the green malachite, and the color of his flag was one third white, one third black, and one third red, and the Urim and Tummim were drawn on it. The Levites “kept the charge of the tabernacles of testimony” (Num. 1:53); they had no territory of their own and were dispersed among the other tribes. Their emblem was the ephod of the High Priest on which were engraved, upon precious stones, the names of all tribes. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Deut. 33:10, “They shall teach Jacob thy judgments, and Israel thy law.”

Judah’s stone was was Nophekh- נׁפֶךְ

– its color is unclear. Is it sky blue? Some suggest turquoise, or red, which is perhaps more likely as suggested by the etymology of nophekh. If so, it may be garnet and the color of his flag was like the color of the sky, and a lion was drawn on it Genesis 49:9. The most famous heraldic symbol belongs to the tribe of Judah, which displayed a lion on its shield. This tribe became the most powerful and constituted the Kingdom of Judah. The lion is the symbol of strength and is featured as such in innumerable works throughout the ages. This animal is one those most frequently mentioned in the Bible, appearing about 130 times under 6 different names. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Gen. 49:9, “Judah is a lion’s whelp.”

Issachar’s stone was Sappir-(סַפִּיר)

– a blue gem, but unlikely to be sapphire, even though the words are etymologically related. Most likely lapis lazuli and the color of his flag was dark blue literally black like coal/ kohl, and a sun and a moon were drawn on it, as it is written I Chronicles 12:33: “And from the sons of Issachar were those who knew the wisdom of the times i.e. astronomy and calendars.” Issachar’s territory was the plane of Esdraelon, from the sea to the banks of the Jordan. This tribe is frequently mentioned together with Zebulun indicative of their being neighbors and maintaining close relations. The tribe’s emblem of sun and stars is derived from the biblical phrase, “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times” (1 Chron. 12:32), which appears on the tab. Other representations of Issachar reflect the dependence of this tribe on the Phoenicians, in whose products the tribe dealt — as a carrier of loads as a donkey or as a laden camel (in the synagogue of Aix-la-Chapelle Germany).

Zebulon’s stone was Yahalom (שְׁבוֹ)

– even though in modern Hebrew it means diamond, almost no scholars think this is correct. It appears to be a white/moon-like stone. Chalcedony is likely, and others suggest moonstone, amethyst or even jade and the color of his flag was like the moon, and a ship was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:13: “Zebulon shall dwell by the seashore.” Zevulun settled on the country’s seaboard and as symbolized by its emblem was engaged in navigation. This idea is conveyed in the biblical phrase, “Zebulun shall be for a haven of ships” Gen. 49:13.

Dan’s stone was Leshem – apparently similar to sappir. Aventurine? Hyacinth? Turquoise?, and the color of his flag was similar to sappir, and a snake was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:17: “Dan shall be a snake.” Also often seen is a pair of scales as a symbol of Dan,

The original area of the tribe of Dan extended from Jaffa southward. Samson was a son of this tribe. As it could not conquer its entire territory, Dan looked to settle elsewhere and the tribe moved north to the source of the Jordan River, captured the city Laish, and settled there. In Jacob’s Blessing Dan was promised that he “shall judge his people” Gen. 49:16.

Gad’s stone was Shevo (שְׁבוֹ)

– almost everyone agrees that this is agate, perhaps striped or spotted and the color of his flag was not white and not black but a mixture of black and white, and a military camp was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:19: “Gad shall camp in troops [Heb: Gad gedud yegudenu].” The tribe of Gad settled in the land of Gilead, east of the Jordan. It did battle against Amon and Moab coming from the south, wandering tribes from the east, and Aram from the north. The emblem resembles a camp in reminiscence of the biblical phrase -on the tab- “Gad, a troop shall overcome him” Gen. 49:19.

Naftali’s stone was Ahlama-– ʾaḤlamah (אַחְלָמָה)

– this is also fairly unanimous that this is amethyst, and the wine connection makes that even clearer (amethyst was associated in the ancient world with wine, and was reputed to prevent drunkenness, and the color of his flag was like diluted wine whose red [color] was no longer strong, and a deer was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:21: “Naftali is a swift deer.” After the conquest of the country, the tribe of Naftali settled in the north where played a central role among the tribes located there. Naftali is represented by a gazelle or running stag. The biblical phrase on the tab is “Naftali is a hind let loose” Gen. 49:21.

Asher’s stone was Tarshish- (תַּרְשִׁישׁ)

– very unclear, especially since we don’t have a color to associate it with. We don’t even know if it is the name of a stone or simply a precious gem that comes from the city of Tarshish. Scholars have suggested aquamarine, or some kind of beryl. The Targum suggests a stone associated with the color of the ocean and the color of his flag was like a precious stone that women decorate themselves with, and an olive tree was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:20: “From Asher will be his rich bread.” The coastal strip from the foot of Mount Carmel up to Sidon was inhabited by Asher, the fertility of whose land was indicated by an olive tree or —as represented on stamps of the Jewish National Fund or in the synagogue of Aix-la-Chapelle Germany— by ears of corn or fruit. The biblical phrase on the tab is “Out of Asher his bread shall be fat” (Gen. 49:20).

Joseph’s stone was Shoham- (שֹׁהַם)

– Most likely onyx, although the Targumim give burla or birlewa, which means beryl and the color of his flag was very black, and the picture drawn on it for the two leaders, Ephraim and Menasseh, was Egypt, because they were born in Egypt. Joseph was the principal tribe in central Eretz Israel, which split into Manasseh and Ephraim. The fertility of Joseph’s country is symbolized by the sheaf on the stamp. The biblical phrase on the tab reads, “…blessed of the Lord be his land” Deut. 33:13.

The flag of Ephraim was drawn an ox, as it is written Deuteronomy 33:17: “His first born is his ox;” this is a reference to Joshua, who was from the tribe of Ephraim. And on the flag of Menasseh was drawn a re’em /oryx, as it is written in Deut. 33:17: “and his horn will be like the horns of the re’em;” this is a reference to Gideon, son of Joash, who was from the tribe of Menasseh.

Benjamin’s stone was Yashfe-(יָשְׁפֶה)

– again, one of the clearer identifications. Almost all scholars are in agreement that this is jasper. The Targum’s association with panthers suggests that it was spotted or veined jasper., and the color of his flag was like all the colors of the twelve colors, and a wolf was drawn on it, as it is written Genesis 49:17: “Benjamin is like a scavenging wolf.” The favorite son of Jacob, Benjamin has remained the symbol of the tender youngest child. The tribe of Benjamin, however, was considered particularly warlike and courageous. To this tribe belonged Saul, the first king, and Jonathan, his son. The symbol of the tribe was the wolf, a predatory animal. The biblical phrase on the tab reads, “…in the morning he shall devour the prey” Gen. 49:27.

Numbers BaMidbar Rabbah 2:7 has a list of each tribe and its flag, with the color, stone, and symbol associated with it, which is probably the original source or one of the earliest that we’ll find for this.

The New Jerusalem with all its glory incorporates the Names, the banners and colors of the 12 tribes of Israel, the names of the 12 Apostles of Brit Chadashah the 12 stones of the High Priest Breastplate

Yeshua the lion of the tribe of Judah

Yeshua the High Priest after the order of Melki Zedek;

Yeshua the Apostle, The Sent one by the Father who in turn sent 12 out into the world with the gospel of the Kingdom, the very foundation of our faith. 1Pet 2:4. To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,

Yeshua the corner stone which is the first stone to be laid, the foundation stone.

built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. Ephesians 2:20

The New Jerusalem is a picture of Father’s plan and His glory with all the spiritual elements built into its structure. For we are the living stones..

21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: 22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

And we look for For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Heb 11:10

Next time we see pearls,

think 12 gates

or any precious gem, think 12 foundations, apostles and tribes for as we continue to find…everything is connected.

In Hebrew thought, 12 = symbol of governance

12 Tribes

12 Gates

12 foundations and the Rainbow Color Spectrum

The golden ratio,

or golden spiral is our heavenly Father the Creators’ divine signature which can be

Seen everywhere in Creation

known and named by man as the Fibonacci sequence and it is part of the mathematics and measurements of natures construct designed by its Creator.

A honeycomb is built by Bees into Hexagonal cells which science has proved is the strongest shape for use in any building and construction of materials.

There’s a hexagon in the center of the overlapping triangles that form Israels star of David (The hexagon is possibly a reference to the human blueprint code -DNA) This reveals a 3D cube within the star of David

and also a star within the cube.

the cube of space transforming a flat 2d square into a 3D image and

by adding a central point revealing that the box really has many layers and dimensions.

which is no doubt why Our Father employs its qualities in so many places in scripture.

It helps to visualize the concept of other dimensions and realms of the spiritual world where our warfare is the ongoing battle Eph. 6 and how Jesus was able to pass through solid walls.

12 Angels/Chuerubim

/guardians of the gates

12,000 furlong walls 12,000×12=144,000 sealed.

The Tree of Life at its center yields 12 manners of fruits through a 12 month cycle that governs a year

12 Apostles

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 

But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, Heb. 12:22

A final image from NASA and an interesting article ….. A picture paints 1000 words ….

These fascinating pictures taken by the Hubble telescope show something out in the heavens????


In 1994, a researcher smuggled one top-secret photo the Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven. Weekly World News was the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson’s findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the existence of the photo.

Just days after space shuttle astronauts repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in mid December, the giant lens focused on a star cluster at the edge of the universe – and photographed heaven!

That’s the word from author and researcher Marcia Masson, who quoted highly placed NASA insiders as having said that the telescope beamed hundreds of photos back to the command center at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., on December 26. The pictures clearly show a vast white city floating eerily in the blackness of space. “

enlargement of insets below..

After checking and rechecking the data, they concluded that the images were authentic. They also theorized that the city couldn’t possibly be inhabited by life as we know it.

For more and the below
Posted by Meindert Arends on August 18, 2013

The Kingdom of the heavens

is our home so

then we will see

and the New Jerusalem 12 21 12 12 12 12 12

Shalom Mishpachah…

Don’t be found knocking on Heavens door…when you can enter in …NOW the gates are open and today is the day of salvation, the kingdom of the heavens has come close to you and is even in your mouth.. just simply say the words below, decide in your heart and the kingdom of the heavens will in turn enter in to your heart…Please don’t leave here until you

Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.