There are many things

that Messiah commands us to

GO and DO.


in Hebrew is

halak: to go, come, walk

Strongs #1980

Original Word: הָלַךְ
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: halak
Phonetic Spelling: (haw-lak’)
Definition: to go, come, walk

Genesis 12:1 
HEB: אֶל־ אַבְרָ֔ם לֶךְ־ לְךָ֛ מֵאַרְצְךָ֥
NAS: to Abram, Go forth from your country,
INT: to Abram Go your country your relatives


הָלַךְ1545  verb go, come, walk (MI ואהלך, לך; SI וילכו; Late Hebrew הִלֵּךְ (rare), Aramaic הֲלַךְ, הַךְ (also Biblical Aramaic), 

Strong’s Hebrew: 4109. מַהֲלָך

(mahalak) — a walk, journey …

From halak; a walk,

i.e. A passage or a distance — journey, walk

  verb: go, 



Similar to

shema  שָׁמַע  šāmaʿ

which means:

hear and obey, listen and do.

8085 Strong’s Hebrew: 8085.

שָׁמַע (shema/shama) — to hear

In ancient Hebrew,

there is no separate word for 


which has the meaning of:

to carry out the wishes of

someone who knows better than you

or is an authority over you;

the word shema describes hearing and also its effects – taking heed, being obedient, doing what is asked.

These are all action words.

The same word for Go is the same word used as for

walk as in:

the walk, the journey through life of faith and obedience as a follower/disciple of our Heavenly Father and His Messiah; walking through life with a divinely inspired purpose.

Close in meaning to the word halakah, also spelled halakhah.

Isaiah 30:21: “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left.”

It comes from the root word halak and has a feminine ending, with the idea of nurturing, loving and caring.

It literally means:

the way to walk or the way to behave.

Many rabbis often referred to it as the law/instruction. This is because it is believed to be derived from an old Akkadian word

iku, which means; a property tax

and the Aramaic halak, where it means: an obligation.

We are to understand that this is more than taking a casual stroll, it’s speaking of the way in which we are obligated to live our lives. This is a reason the Jews have adopted this word halak and now associate it with the Torah and the 613 commandments; because it’s in the Torah/instruction, that we are taught the godly way to live.

One example is in Matthew 5:41 

and another is

Matthew 28:10

But possibly the one we are most familiar with is the

GO and make disciples of all nations…

Matthew 28:19

however there are other times Messiah said GO.

These were all spoken to His disciples and if we are also His disciples/talmidim then these GO’s are also for us.

There is the GO of Reconciliation. If you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you…It’s not saying if we are to search and find something because of our unbalanced sensitivity, but rather if you remember …in other words if something is brought to our conscious mind by the Spirit of our Heavenly Father in us. First GO, be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift.

Matthew 5:23,24

 We are not ever to raise an objection to the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father in us when He is instructing us concerning a situation because He will point out that which needs our attention, right down to the smallest detail.

First be reconciled to your brother/sister. Our Lords directive is simple First be reconciled… He says in effect GO back the way you came- the way indicated to us by the conviction given to us at the altar. We are to have an attitude in our mind and soul toward the person who has something against us, that makes reconciliation as natural as breathing. Jesus/Yeshua does not mention the other person. He says for us to GO. It’s not a matter of our rights. The true mark of His children is that they can waive their own rights and obey the Lord.

And then come and offer your gift. The process of reconciliation is clearly marked. First we have the reaction of self sacrifice followed by a sudden restraint as we are stopped at the point of our conviction by the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit.

Then this is followed by obedience to the Word of God which builds an attitude, or state of mind, that places no blame on the one with whom we have been in the wrong; and finally there is the simple unhindered offering of our gift to the Father. We are to be reconciled to our brothers and sister in Messiah as well as to our Heavenly Father which is an essential part of the Gospel we are to share with the world.

Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.[ a]The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling[ b] the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 2 Cor.  5:11-20

The GO of Renunciation:

Someone said to him lord I will follow you wherever you go.

Our Lords’ attitude toward this man was one of severe discouragement, for He knew what was in man. John 2:25

We would have possibly thought or even said, I can’t understand why you missed the opportunity of winning that man by being so cold to him and turning him away so discouraged.

We must never apologize for the Lord, or question why He deals with individuals the way He does. The words of our Lord sometimes hurt and offend, until there is nothing left to be hurt or offended. Doesn’t this fly in the face of popular images of ‘gentle Jesus meek and mlld’, Who is all loving and forgiving?

We need to understand this ‘God kind of love’; Messiah had no tenderness whatsoever toward anything that was ultimately going to ruin a person in his service to God, or cause them to ultimately lose their souls. Messiah’s answers were not based on some whim or impulsive thought, but on the knowledge of what was in man. Words are cheap, people can say all manner of offers, promises and even quote copious amounts of scripture, sounding very spiritual, however the Lord looks at the heart, the inward person. He knows each one of us, intimately. No one fools Him.

If the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father brings to our minds a word of the Lord that hurts us, we can be sure that there is something in us that He wants to hurt to the point of its’ death! It’s part of the process of crucifying that ugly flesh, our carnal old man.

Luke 9:57,58 These words destroy the argument of serving Messiah Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach because it is a pleasant, lovely and easy thing to do! It is not and we need to stop telling new converts that all their problems will now vanish because it is not the truth. The strictness of the rejection that He demands of us, allows for nothing to remain in our lives but Him, our Savior and Lord, ourselves, and a sense of the desperate need for forgiveness, reconciliation and eternal unity with Him.

He says that we must let everyone else come and go, and that we must be guided solely by our relationship to Him and He says the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. He wanted and needed nothing that this world offers, He was not putting down roots or building a life here but simply passing through; and it would help us greatly to remember, that the same is true for us.

Luke 9:59. This man did not want to disappoint Jesus/Yeshua, nor did he want to show a lack of respect for his natural earthly father. Many times we put our sense of loyalty to our relatives ahead of our loyalty to Messiah Jesus Christ/Yeshua Ha Mashiach, forcing Him to take last place. When our loyalties conflict, we should always obey Jesus/Yeshua whatever the cost. This is not what people want to hear but anything else is self-centered and rooted in what we want and prefer for our lives. We compromise and choose which parts of His Gospel we like and leave what is not convenient. He sees and knows….

Luke 9:61. the person who says

Lord I will follow you but….

This individual Is the one who is intensely ready to GO, but never goes and this man in the story had reservations about going. The exacting call of Messiah has no room for goodbyes; goodbyes as we often use them are ‘pagan’ not ‘Christian,’ because they divert us from the call. Once the call of God to GO for Him comes to us, start GO-ing and never stop.

The GO of Unconditional Identification.

Mark 10:21 Jesus said to him one thing you lack go your way sell whatever you have and give to the poor and come, take up the cross and follow me.

The rich young ruler had the controlling passion to be perfect. When he saw Messiah he wanted to be like him. Messiah never places anyone’s personal holiness above everything else when He calls a disciple. Jesus/Yeshua’s primary consideration is our absolute annihilation of our right to ourselves; and our identification with Him. Which means having a relationship separate with Him in which there are no other relationships.

Luke 14:26 has little if anything to do with salvation or sanctification. But rather deals solely with unconditional identification with Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus Christ. Very few of us truly know what is meant by the absolute GO of unconditional identification with, complete abandonment and total surrender to Jesus/Yeshua.

Then Jesus looking at him loved him. Mark 10:21.

This look of Jesus/Yeshua will require breaking our hearts away forever from allegiance to any other person or thing.

Has Yeshua/Jesus ever looked this way at you?

This look of Messiah’s transforms, penetrates, and captivates. Where we are soft and pliable with Him is where He has looked at us. If we are hard and vindictive, insisting on having our own way always certain that the other person is more likely to be in the wrong than we are, then there are whole areas of our nature that have never been transformed by His gaze.

One thing you lack, from Messiah’s perspective oneness with Him with nothing in between is the only good thing.

Sell what ever you have.. We must humble ourselves until we are merely a living person. He is not saying we can’t have things, just that the things/possessions don’t have us! We must essentially renounce possessions of all kinds, that is, that our trust is not in them. This renunciation is not required for salvation, but it is to follow Jesus/Yeshua, because only one thing saves a person and that is absolute reliance in faith upon Messiah Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach and His shed blood. 

Come and follow me

and the narrow way is the way He went.

GO into all the world and preach the gospel. The gospel of His Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Heavens, not an earthly kingdom. It’s the gospel of Shalom/Peace, of reconciliation. It is good news to all who hear it because following repentance of our sins, it offers forgiveness of those sins and restoration into relationship with our Heavenly Father. It’s the offer of eternal life, of being born again from above by the Holy Spirit of the living Creator God of the universe. It is the fulfillment of prophecy that Messiah has come to be the perfect sacrifice. He is the propitiation for our sin. The One Who came to take our place and that His blood covered our sins once for all time. He has paid the price for our salvation, deliverance and new life in Him. The life we now live by faith in the Son of God.

Obedience is the twin of GO, it’s the spiritual rule to follow if we truly want to acquire spiritual understanding, and if we desire knowledge and insight into Messiahs teachings we can only obtain it through obedience. Intellectual curiosity is the guide for those who want scientific knowledge.

If spiritual things seem dark and hidden to us, then we can consider ourselves advised that there is a point of disobedience somewhere in our lives. Intellectual darkness is the result of ignorance, however spiritual darkness is the result of something that we don’t intend to obey; thinking in our hearts that He will understand, like we somehow get a special pass in that area.

No one ever receives a word from our Heavenly Father without immediately being put to the test concerning it. We disobey and then wonder why we’re not growing spiritually. As Yeshua/Jesus said and already noted previously in Matt. 5:23-24 if you bring your gift……First GO…

Isn’t He really telling us to not say another word to Him until we are first being obedient by making things right? Messiah’s teachings always hit us right where we are, straight to the point. We cannot stand in front of Him for even a second if we are in any way false. He always gives us instructions down to the very last detail. The Spirit of our Heavenly Father reveals our spirit of self-vindication, together with our defensive excuses and makes us sensitively aware of things that we have never even thought of previously.

When Messiah makes a very serious indication to us through His Word of something we need to address, we must not try to avoid it because if we do, we’ll become a religious phony.

We will know why we are not growing spiritually when we examine the things we tend to simply shrug our shoulders about, because it is usually where we have refused to be obedient; and obedience is the golden key to spiritual maturity.

Just as Messiah said, first Go, for each of us, even at the risk of being thought of as fanatical, we must obey what He tells us.

If we have ever heard Him say to us


Why are we hesitating?

Why are we ignoring His command?

Why are we making. excuses?

Let’s GO and DO

whatever it is that He is asking of us.

All He is looking for are those with

willing, obedient, servant hearts.

He is the power in us to fulfill what we need to


Shalom aleikhem

chaverim and mishpachah!

Peace to friends and family.

Shavua Tov, Have a blessed week.

Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord, Deliverer and soon returning King; and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are very precious in His sight.

Not sure ..you can be…



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past. I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.