Continuing from part 1 … now a look at the original definition of the English word
Elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion or action.
Mercy; clemency; pardon
While these definitions do apply to the Hebrew word חן chen, (hhen), they do not completely convey the full emotion and spectrum of the Hebrew word. This is the problem with translating Hebrew into English. The English vocabulary is limited in how it can express the full meaning of a given Hebrew word.
Grace as unmerited favor.
This was also manifest in Eden.
What does the English word grace means outside of theological reference?
The dictionary provides two basic definitions for grace, first:
Elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion or action.
Secondly: Mercy, clemency; pardon.
Because the Hebrew language is vastly different from English, we need to examine the Hebrew meaning of this word to see if one or both English definitions are appropriate definitions for the Hebrew word translated as grace.
Remembering they lived/existed in a state of continual grace before they fell from grace.
And that carries the meaning:
God produces life in us and then puts a fence or wall of protection around that life so that it may not be destroyed or removed.
This is in fact what He did at creation.
The Hebrew word has to do with freely giving without condition or obligation.
The act of giving grace reveals 2 things, first: a need (like Adam suddenly found he had!). Those in receipt of grace are usually unable to provide the need themselves; so it’s received from another freely, one who can provide and meet the need.
Secondly, it reveals generosity on the part of the one giving, whether out of the individuals abundance or out of what little they have. The supreme act of grace and giving that God extended to humanity can be seen in the acrostics:
which helps us to remember what the definition is, no doubt there are many more than 3.
Now let’s look at Grace with the pictographs again to refresh our memory.
Remember the shape of the letter for Noon or Nun/Nuun, changes over time that is why sometimes it looks different in the illustrations and Hebrew letter ן
is the Noon sofeet/sofit which is how you write the letter for N, Noon at the end of a word; as shown here in Grace/Chen; and why so many pictures are included so we don’t get too confused.
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew Aleph-bet. 5 have a sofeet/sofit form (used when the letter appears at the end of a word).
Noon – a seed of life and later a fish = activity and life, continue or air.
Chet – private place of refuge, fenced and protected sanctuary. To separate from outside or protect life – beauty or loveliness. (again sounds like Eden – paradise.)
Eden had to be chet because outside of the garden God planted was not a place of chet/chen or where chen was available. (Not yet anyway!)
Chet as connected to the Mishkan – His Kingdom, qodesh/holy/set apart, according to His Pattern, and His instruction.
The Pattern of the Mishkan is our straight path our narrow WAY/Derek. Our refuge is in Him, walking through the Dalet/Door of Blue Purple and Red.
Chet = 8 carries the meaning eternity, new creation, new birth, new beginning.
Nun/noon = 50 signifies Holy Spirit Pentecost Deliverance followed by rest and Jubilee. (again this sounds a lot like our future as well as the believers life right now.)
The revelation embedded in the value of these numbers is:
8 = the new birth that God graciously initiates in every believer.
50 = delivers us from the bondage of sin and by God’s Holy Spirit produces eternal life.
Again a verse so over read that we miss its deep significance.
Eph 2:8-9 for by CHEN are we saved … is the gift of God.
Grace given freely without conditions or obligation by the giver. Gods grace is extended freely to fallen sinful man. Giving back what he lost in Eden.
Grace/Chen is
first seen in Genesis 6:8
(Have to add in the pictographs for Genesis here as they are too good to leave out!)
Bet /Beyt: house tent family son of God – tent house
Reysh/Resh: a person the prince the head the highest – Head
Aleph: strong leader, first, God the Father –Ox
Sheen/Shin: to consume, to destroy, to press against – Teeth
Yood/Yud: work, a deed, to make – Hand
Tav: to seal, to covenant, a sign, crossed sticks –Cross.
The meaning of the very first word,
In The Beginning,
also the title of the first Book,
contains within it the whole of Hisstory and prophetically declares the plan of redemption!
The Son of God destroys (the works of the devil) by (His) hand (nailed to) a cross (by) covenant.
Or the son of God pressed by his own hand to a cross! Wow!
Now to Genesis 6:8
But Noah found grace.
Noach/Nuach pronounced No’ahch found Chen
(noo’-akh) nuach or noach means: rested
Or nowach {no’-akh}; from נוּחַ nuwach (noo’-akh);
quiet — rest(-ed, -ing place)
Here also have to include the progression and possible meanings in the names of the following men in the Genesis 5 genealogy, as their meanings appear to declare the Truth.
(May aid in reading long lists of names elsewhere that apparently seemed to serve little purpose…not so!)
(Noah seems to be spelled both ways but for this post we’ll look at the נחַ Chet and noon/nun spelling.)
Chet is pictured as an inner room to separate a fence a sanctuary like a garden that is protected and away from any harm; (like EDEN!)
Nun/Noon is pictured as a fish which means life and activity.
Again the Meaning:
God produces life in us and then puts a fence or wall of protection around that life so that it may not be destroyed or removed.
Same 2 letters make up his name which means RESTING,
or, in the paleo,
the heir separated from the outside..
as he was in the ark/box, he was given the ability to fence/save/enclose in his seed!
equal to
equal to a
place of Grace.
Shin/sheen – quph/qof – tet
Sheen = teeth, destroy
quph qof = sun on horizon, back of head.
tet = fence, inner Eden = a place of shalom.**
(**for full definition see previous post)
Rest in the Lord. Psalm 37:7
Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: KJV
(dō·wm) דּ֤וֹם
Strong’s Hebrew 1826: 1)
to be silent, be still, wait,
Ex 31:15 Strongs 7677 of rest
Strongs 7965; Shalom: completeness, soundness, welfare, peace
Original Word: שָׁלוֹם
5118 nuach or noach: rested,
Or nowach {no’-akh}; from nuwach; quiet — rest(-ed, -ing place).
5117 nuach: to rest
Original Word: נוּחַ
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: nuach
Phonetic Spelling: (noo’-akh)
Definition: to rest
Pre Hebrew, (ivri-crossing over), Israelites and was in action form with Noah; so with the later definition of a camp it’s not just any camp; it is talking about Gods’ camp. The tents themselves formed a protective wall for those within. (The image comes to mind of circling the wagons, or soldiers standing with backs to each other, gives the same image of protecting that which is within.)
Beauty in the camp = a place of refuge was also for those not of the seed = leviticus 19:33,34, grace. If a stranger came to the camp, they saw its beauty and came to be saved. It was a place of refuge for them. When they did come in, they kept the rules of the house (of God) exactly the same as a seed had to. Egypt was a place of refuge for the Hebrews initially (Goshen).
Deut. 26:13
So a working definition of grace could be said to be brought into a protected place.
Unmerited favor is more of a Greek conceptual image, meaning something we don’t necessarily deserve.
Channah used in relation to those who would camp near the Tabernacle/Gods presence Num. 1:52; the ones seeking refuge.
Camping near to those we find beautiful.
This is not a new thing
God provides instruction for those He favors and we are protected through Yeshua/Jesus, so if we want to camp near God for His protection, and have Him consider us beautiful enough to protect; then we must receive His Grace, and that through Messiah.
Grace also has a space/time element to it, where we are to enter in to the place of protection however, it has an expiration date!
Just as in the days of Noah, there was a time for them to enter the ark of grace all but Noah and his family chose not to. And once the door closed their space time opportunity also closed, and there was not way back from their decision. The time to enter in is when the beauty of grace is still in operation making the narrow WAY available for whosoever will.
Chet, vav, nun = a pardon – when one enters a place of grace, it’s because we are being pardoned of an offense against the Lord or His children. If you don’t conform you will not be able to stay just as in Eden.
(they were put outside the camp).
It also has to do with the remnant of 8 with Noah in the ark/box, they received grace.
The door or the physical representation.
Open the door for the family to come in – draw all men unto me –
into grace;
into the camp. Matt 24:37.
The place of grace is available for all today, just as prior to the flood; we enter the place of grace, (which at this time is with the family of believers who are the faithful remnant,) through the Word of God, the narrow gate or door. (Dalet, 4th Hebrew letter, that also represents the tribe of Judah and Messiah.) He said I am the …. Door and also He is the Word made flesh.
Those who don’t come in through the Gate/Door is a thief and a robber.
No one can come to the Father without coming into the camp into grace into Jesus/Yeshua and grace comes through and by Jesus/Yeshua.
So far we have seen that Eden was a protected place,
a camp of safety within the chen/grace
of God’s presence where
were in a
noon with no ra!
So Who Was Eating Bread On Day Six and WHY? What’s the connection?
The Hebrew word for man is Adam
And he was created on the sixth day so the day of man was day six.
1 Corinthians 15:21,22
Luke 22:19, 39 – 46
Genesis 3:19
Jesus/Yeshua was also called the Son of Man.
Luke tells us the grace of God was on Jesus/Yeshua as a child, now we see that was not simple unmerited favor but this
Grace-chen also means
to fence, or protect life.
noon-life action.
Here an interesting correlation is that
Garden – gan – גָּן
Strong’s Hebrew: 1588. גָּן (gan)
an enclosure, garden
gimmel – camel, lift up
nun/noon – life, seed
To lift up life,
let it grow and flourish!!
And are there any other links to this connection?
If we examine the last days of Jesus/Yeshua, we can see that day six was the day that the crucifixion took place.
We need to remember the Hebrew Day begins at dusk on what is the evening of the same day to everyone else.
It was not a Jewish invention but God’s design from the beginning. Genesis the evening and the morning was the first day. The evening and the morning, evening always comes first, for God, darkness always gives way to the light.
The sixth day began at sundown, Sunset on our Thursday night before the crucifixion.
On the day Adam fell from grace, chen, he was basically told, you shall eat bread until you return to the ground. (Have to grow it provide for yourself.)
Adam was destined to work for his food/ bread in order to live and would do so until he died.
This was part of the curse from their disobedient behavior and resulting sin. It brought forth death, so in the curse, bread is linked to death!
All the more reason for Jesus/Yeshua to say.. I am the bread of life.
The sixth day began at sundown with the start of the Last Supper which was not a coincidence, it was an Appointed Time of the Lord – since Moses day.
This (Passover/Pesach – Last Supper)
had to take place on the day of Adam,
in fulfillment of God’s prophetic Plan which centers around His Annual cyclical Appointed Times.
It was the feast of bread, and more particularly the feast of unleavened bread. Leaven represented sin in the Bible.
This bread had no sin in it.
Remembering the first Adam was told you shall eat bread – his bread was a result of sin.
Jesus/Yeshua was without sin.
And again said
I am the bread of life.
Sin has death.
Without sin there is only LIFE.
Jesus/Yeshua was also called the Last Adam. So as this sixth night began,
the start of the Hebrew day,
Messiah ate bread right in the face of death. Knowing He was about to die, due to sins out-working and its requirement.
The wages of sin is death.
When He lifted up the bread at the Last Supper Meal, He was doing it to join it to His death as in the curse of Adam when the bread was joined to death.
Jesus/Yeshua died on the day of creation because it was necessary in order to become a new creation and become the first born from the dead.
Furthermore He said
I am the bread of life
not the bread of death!
This is My body, broken for you take eat and remember.
He had said: I am the bread of heaven who ever eats of Me will not die. This is the curse destroyed… He broke the curse with His broken body… He said it is broken for you.
The passover zeroah
זְרוֹעַ (zeroah)
the pesach sacrifice.
The mystery emblem was always present until He was revealed.
גָּלָה gâlâh, gaw-law’
We examined this in a previous post.
In the original language there was a secret hidden in the translation; within the question, to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
It is in the word revealed.
In Hebrews this word is NIGLATAH.
It means to be taken captive, what it is saying is,
the Arm of the Lord will be taken captive.
The zeroah will be niglatah!
However here is a deeper connection.
It also means to be put to shame, disGRACEd – grace removed (the safety fence, the womb of protection within the place of His presence.)
Which allowed Jesus/Yeshua to become niglatah – taken prisoner, put to shame, disGRACEd
Only by being DISgraceD could the process be completed!
Later after the meal, He went in Gan Shemanim
Gethsemane (Matt. 26:36–46).
Gethsemane is derived from two Hebrew words:
גת – gat/gath, which means “a place for pressing oil (or wine)” and שָׁמְנָא- shemen/shemanim, from the root שמן (smn) which means “oils.”
Strong’s Hebrew: 1588. גָּן (gan) — an enclosure, garden
Here in another Gan/Garden
the Garden of Gethsemane,
the Son of Man
the Last Adam,
Toiled – in Prayer
Sweated – drops of blood.
Ground – where they fell
By the sweat of your face will you eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19
“Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life.Genesis 3:17
Weep = da-ma
– דָּמַע – (daw-mah’)
water coming out of the door of the eye
blood of the eye….
Strong’s Hebrew: 1830. דָּמַע (dama) — to weep
Sweated – drops of blood.
Dalet, mem = blood
Ayin = eye
Blood – dam – the door of water
Dalet – door (path )
Mem – water (liquid)
In Adam the dam is the path/door of water; here as a life giver – the first blood
and Jesus/Yeshua as the Last Adam
gave the dam-blood
as a
path–door of life (eternal)
restoring the
First Adams – loss of life
incurred by the
fall from grace
and ending up in ra.
Jesus/Yeshua pathWAY takes us
away from ra and to
the place of peace
the Sar Shalom,
He is the prophetic fulfillment that:
someone will come and destroy the one who is causing all the chaos and confusion!
Because Shalom – peace, only comes:
when the authority connected with chaos and confusion is destroyed.
Gives another insight to the water and blood from His side
and the fact that Eve
came out of
the First Adam’s
whom God
Eve was created by God by taking her from the rib of Adam, to be Adam’s companion. Genesis 2:18–24
Young’s Literal Translation Genesis 2:22
And Jehovah Godbuildeth
up the rib which He hath taken out of the man into a woman, and bringeth her in unto the man;
וַיִּבֶן֩ way·yi·ḇen
Strong’s Hebrew 1129
וַיִּבֶן֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהִ֧ים
from man, built/fashioned/made he a woman,
to be His Bride.
His SIDE was pierced and out of HIS SIDE flowed Water and Blood!
No coincidence!
Was this revelation some of what He was trying to communicate to Nicodemus???
The Last Adam shed His blood
for the bride
kalah כַּלָה (kal-law’)
also spelled challa/challah
Strong’s Hebrew: 3618. כַּלָּה (kallah)
From kalal; a bride (as if perfect); hence, a son’s wife — bride, daughter-in-law, spouse.
kaf/kaph, lamed, hey.
kaf/kaph = open palm, wing, cover
lamed = to protect, yoke
hey, H or Ah= look behold
meaning: all complete, covered, projected, joined/yoked, as if perfect; (which is what Messiah wants for us, His bride kalah כַּלָה.)
The Last Adam shed His blood
for the BRIDE
to be cleansed
to enter in
through the door (dalet I am the door)
of water
the pathWAY back to Eden
to the Garden of Grace and Shalom.
Adam or A-dam means first blood
(he was the first of mankind)
Alef: ox strong first
Blood: dalet mem
Man – mankind – being human: this word literally means red man from the concept of blood/dam; therefore red/adam.
Adam is also related to earth or ground
a da mah
out of which he was taken.
The ancient form of this word is:
yud/yod – alef, dalet, mem
arm, ox, door, water.
(Right to left in Hebrew)
To help avoid confusion:
All three were part of Adam’s curse which started in a garden.
Eden, where it all began and at the conclusion of the earthly life of the Son of Man,
He was also in a garden on the night of (Adams day) day six.
What happened to Adam on day six?
Because of the fall from Grace, he was removed from that place, the garden of God to a place outside that garden.
Outside of the place of grace,
he was no longer within and under grace… he was outside of the protected enclosure and instead was in the place of the curse which eventually resulted in his death.
God drove out the man
he was forcibly removed.
So too, Messiah, the Son of Man/ Last Adam was forcibly removed from the garden and taken to a place where the curse of Adam –death – would fall on him.
Gal.3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.
And He was taken to Golgotha the place of the skull and taken to His death.
All this began on the night of Adam, the six day, the day of man; so that the children of Adam could be redeemed from the curse and saved from toil of their lives by the Last Adam.
He became the
into the presence of God (Eden)
back into the blessing
leaving the curse behind.
Back into the place of his presence
under His grace chen,
place of presence
Mercy seat
where the blood of His sacrifice
has paid the price for sin.
The law of sin and death is conquered and we are again under Grace as it was in the Beginning Genesis/Eden.
This extends our understanding of no longer being under the penalty of the law..
it is referring to the law of sin and death
(for the soul that sins it shall die)
the penalty has been paid.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death.
And we are under GRACE;
this is the age/time of grace,
and we have been restored to that
place of grace
from which mankind fell.
The sixth day violation,
which began in a garden called Eden and ended in a curse;
has been reversed on the sixth day
in a garden called Gethsemane and ended in a blessing!
Mankind, (Adamkind), is now restored to that state of grace
in which we began.
Chen/Grace is the spiritual enclosure
He has provided for us
where we will remain until
the day He returns
and eventually creates a new heaven and a new.
This is redemption in action.
Come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:28
Rest – navah – comes from the life that is secure
Noon: life
Vav: hook nail secure
Hey: what comes from
What comes from secure life!
The Rest of God – the shevat/shabath to Cease, desist, rest
(Recall Hebrew letters v and b are interchangeable.)
The 7th day recorded in Genesis was the day God rested from all the work He had done.
(The word rest, means something different to us, it’s like taking a break and putting our feet up before continuing activities.)
The word in Hebrew translated as rested is SHEVAT or shabath and it is a primary root meaning to cease.
7673a Strongs
Original Word: שָׁבַת
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: shabath
Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-bath’)Brought to an end (1), cease (21), ceased (7), ceases (3), did away (2), disappear (1), do away (1), eliminate (3), gone (1), hear…more (1), lacking (1), left you without (1), made an end (1), make an end (1), no* (1), observe (1), observe the rest (1), put a stop (3), put an end (3), puts an end (1), remove (2), removed (1), rest (3), rested (3), silence (1), stop (2), stopped (1).
Shin/sheen, bet/vet, tav.
To cease, stop completely.
He had finished His work it was complete.
So on the seventh day He ceased, SHEVAT because of this event this rest, this SHEVAT, comes the word Shabbat and from this we get our word Sabbath.
So the Sabbath is the Sabbath because God ceased/ SHEVAT. He rested and all its’ blessings come from the act of the SHEVAT of God. However because of the fall from grace, the peace, the shalom of the Sabbath rest and all the blessings connected with that rest/ SHEVAT were gone from the creation and from our lives.
So a new Sabbath was needed. However only God can bring the Sabbath and a Sabbath can only come when God ceases/ SHEVAT.(When He rests)
So for Him to bring a new Sabbath He would have to cease, and the timing of it would have to be linked to the 7th day…….
On a Friday afternoon 1,000’s of years later, on the end of the 6th day, the Day of Man,
this time it was not the week of creation but the week of redemption
and as it was in Genesis/beresheet the 6th day was the day of completion of all God’s creative work.
So also the work of the cross was completed and on the cross came SHEVAT of God –He ceased and He said
it is finished.
It is complete, He ceased from His work and from His life. As it was in Genesis, God ceased/SHEVAT and then came the Sabbath –
now there is a new Sabbath and a new Shalom,
not of this world but greater than this world and there for all who will enter in..
How do we enter in?
By ceasing, by SHEVAT,
by ceasing to strive and struggle, by ceasing from laboring, ceasing from our self, our own works… we are to enter His rest, His Shabbat and by doing so, we will experience His Shalom in the place of His Grace.
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