Faith vs. Commonsense

Faith has been the subject of countless teachings

yet how is it understood compared to what we term commonsense??


Commonsense in Hebrew is

Shchl yshr  – שכל ישר;

commonsense reasoning – הגיון בריא;

Faith in Hebrew is

אמונה  emunah

Strong’s #530

Transliteration: amanah

Phonetic Spelling: am-aw-naw’

The Hebrew word 

emunah  אמונה,

pronounced: eh-moo-nah

is understood in English to mean: faith or belief.

But it is often also translated as: faithfulness.

Faith/Emoonah in Hebrew is a word of action.

It’s not just an abstract belief that something is true.

It is how we live our lives because of that truth.

Emoonah, is the expression of our faith/trust.

Strong’s Hebrew: 548. אֲמָנָה (amanah) — faith, support

Faith needs to be tempered with patience and wisdom.

Both are acquired through knowing the Father and His Word, and by learning to listen to His spirit leading and guiding us to the correct action; and along the path inline with His will, plan, and purpose for us.

Sometimes our enthusiasm can misdirect His leading when we do not wait for Him, our knee jerk reactions reflect our ‘I can fix it..’ mentality, as we try to control a situation according to how we think it should be resolved.

We simply get in Gods’ way, thinking we know best and our flesh rises up fueled by emotions; and we try to force a solution minus our Fathers input tempered by wisdom. This commonsense kicks in, in opposition to the patient faith, whose hope is entirely in our Fathers’ ability to bring about the best outcome according to His thoughts and ways.

Our heart is right… motivated out of love and concern, yet it’s still rooted in carnal thinking and demonstrates a mistaken reliance on reason as the basis for truth.

The mind reasons and thinks, and if not renewed by the washing of the water of His word; it still reasons according to the unregenerate mind. The spirit does not reason, it simply submits, hears and obeys. Commonsense and faith are as different from one another as the natural life is from the spiritual; and as impulsiveness is from obedient inspiration.

The renewed mind connects to the Father and His realm based on faith/trust and spiritual discerning by His spiritual gifts within. Nothing Messiah ever said or did was commonsense

but it was revelation sense and complete ..

whereas, commonsense falls short because it is fleshly and relies almost always on human standards without His Spirit …

Faith however, must be tested and tried before it becomes real in our lives.

So that no matter what happens, the transforming power of Gods’ providence, transforms and blends perfect faith with reality. Faith always works in a personal way because our Fathers’ purpose is to see that His perfect faith is made real in His children. For every detail of commonsense in life, there is a truth God has revealed; by which we can prove in our practical experience what we believe God to be. Faith is a tremendously active principle that always puts Messiah first. We must come to the place where we are truly tired of trying to fix our own problems and those of others, in our own way and timeline…. it’s called impatience! and it will hinder our faith and Him moving on our behalf.

The life of faith says… Lord you have said it, your word declares it, and your spirit in me confirms it, to me it seems irrational but I’m going to step out boldly trusting your Word.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

It’s always a fight to turn intellectual faith into our own personal possession. Our Heavenly Father both allows and brings us into circumstances in order to give us experience and to stretch our faith; because the very nature of faith is to make the object of our faith very real to us. We will always be qualified on our position and declaration, and on what we say and teach. Talking the talk means we must walk the walk, we are called to come up higher and be constantly seeing our life from His perspective because His ways are not ours.

Until we truly know Messiah Jesus/Yeshua, our Heavenly Father is merely a concept and we can’t have unshakable faith in Him. But once we hear Jesus/Yeshua in John 14:9 say: He who has seen me has seen the father; we immediately have something that is real and our faith in His ability to do… is limitless. Faith is the entire person in the right relationship with God, through the power of the Spirit of Messiah.

The one thing we must not only remember, but be totally in agreement with is 1 Corinthians 6:19..

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

This is not just a faith-filled scripture to quote now and again when we think it fits… It is a serious statement of the reality of a true believers position both spiritually and physically. We cannot say we are His and belong to Him and then live like it’s not true. There is no compromise when we are truly His very own. We cannot be divided, for then we are split in our faithfulness and our walk. If our walk and life are casual, then we will eventually become a casualty. He looks for whole-heartedness not followers by convenience, when it suits us or when we have a crisis.

For a person who is intimately aware of and shares in the fellowship of His sufferings, we should wake up to the fact that there is no such thing as a private life, nor is there a place in this world where we can run and hide. Even when many times that seems like a good idea!

Our so called, private life, is separated because our Father gives us freewill choices daily, making it a highway for the world on the one hand and for Himself on the other.

Choose this day and choose life.

We are exposed to the same elements of life as non believers; and we come to realize that no one can stand/survive that onslaught of ungodliness, unless we are identified with Messiah. The sanctification He offers us is not for ourselves alone. Things happen to us that seem to have nothing to do with us even when we are called into an intimate relationship with Himself. We must allow Him have His way with us, being willing and ready to stand still and see His deliverance, His salvation in our lives and situations.

All of us will stand before a Red/reed sea at some point in our journey, with seemingly no possible way forward.


will open a way where there seems to be no way in the natural. Our moment of faith and trust in His ability to perform a miracle, is when we stop and take our hands off the situation. If we refuse and still try to fix it in our own strength and way, we will be of no value to Him in His redemptive work; but instead be a hindrance and a stumbling block and rob Him of the glory, as people see human solutions and not divine intervention. People then look to people and not to God. He wants first to get us grounded on strong reality and truth, and He will continue to work until our selfish motives and our caring for ourselves as individuals, has been brought into submission; to His way of being and doing for the purpose of His redemption.

This can and so often does mean having our hearts broken and we ask why is this necessary?

Brokenhearted Definition & Meaning:

overcome by grief or despair. 

Luke 4:18-21 (KJV) The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the 

Messiah said about His Father,

“He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted” Luke 4:18 NKJV.

Jesus/Yeshua said that He came to “heal” the brokenhearted!

The word “heal” is the Greek word aphiesi, which means:

to set free


to loosen from the detrimental effects of a shattered life.

There are so many broken things that ONLY Messiah can heal!

The answer is another question,

why shouldn’t we experience a broken heart?

Could it be that it’s through these human experiences that our Father can open up the door to His Son, and the one relationship that will never lead to heartbreak?

In our humanity we falter and often wince and then collapse at the first stab of pain, and sitting down at the entrance of our Fathers’ purposed door, we slide into a slow demise dying through self pity and depression. Sadly all the sympathy heaped on us from so called Christians who are living carnal lives, just accelerates our downward spiraling journey to that deathbed.

But God will not be a part of that sympathy, He comes and takes hold of us with the nail pierced hands of His Messiah and lifts us up, calling us higher to rise and shine, to look up and not down for He has made us the head and not the tail.. Deut. 28:13

We are above and not beneath, our victory in Him is certain and we must know He always has the best for us and the hope for a glorious future. If our Father who loves us with an everlasting love, can accomplish His purposes in this life through circumstances that cause a broken heart/heartbreak then… why not … shouldn’t we be thanking Him for breaking ours?

Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[ a] have been called according to his purpose. 

Not our purpose …His. We are Not our own we are bought with a price .. a price beyond our ability ever to repay… Family, friends, whatever the circumstances you find yourself in at this moment… stand still

and see Him

make the Way for you!

 Exodus 14:13-14 And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. 

The Lord said

“stand still.”

We must repeat in faith what God has spoken in His word.

That is

stand still,

Stand Still,


and see the salvation of the Lord.


Be still and wait patiently for Him. Ps. 37:7.

This is what the Lord says—he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters. Isa. 43:16.

16 Thus saith the Lord, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters; KJV.

I am the LORD, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea. I am the one who cut a path through the mighty ocean.

People sometimes think their situations and circumstances determine the quality of their lives; and because of this mindset, they pour all their energy in an effort to try and control them. Many feel happy only when things are going well and according to their plans; and feel sad and frustrated when things don not turn out as they wanted them to. Very rarely is this connection between feelings and circumstances ever questioned.

However it is possible to be content in any situation..all we have to do is put more energy and effort into trusting our Heavenly Father and have faith in His ability to bring all things in alignment to His plans and purposes.

We must try not to allow our physical circumstances be the dictator of our feelings and ultimate sense of well being. Instead, let His great and exceeding precious promises be the connection to His joy and in turn His strength within. Nothing can separate us from His love… Romans 8:38,39.

Shalom aleikhem/Peace be with you

friends/chaverim and family/mishpachah!

Shavua Tov – Have a blessed week,

you are greatly loved and prayed for daily.

Please don’t leave here without assurance of your salvation

Not sure can be…

Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer,

Savior, Lord, and soon returning King

and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are very precious in His sight.


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.

Christmas Bonus

I Will NEVER Leave You – Secrets Of The Seven Seasons.

At this time of year whether you are a believer or not most of the world focuses on Christmas/ New Year and everything that it encompasses.

This season can evoke a plethora of emotions, and for as many reasons, both good and bad.

This may be the first Christmas without a loved one.

It may be an annual reminder of a tragic event and of great or sudden loss.

Maybe there is no family to share the time with due to circumstances and events such as separation, divorce, abandonment, sickness and a host of other reasons.

Nothing highlights all these scenarios more than a traditional family time gathering.

It often amplifies the loneliness, depression and disappointment that can settle on individual lives at a time when everybody else seems to be enjoying themselves surrounded by family food festivities and gifts galore.

On the flip side – for some, the gathering together of family members is not a happy time at all. No one really wants to be there and the siblings and the in-laws don’t get on together.

The visits end in fights and feuds and everyone leaves wishing they’ve never gone. Many face the prospect of paying off credit cards that they have maxed out feeling they had to buy everybody something, it takes a whole year to pay it down and then they do it all over again!

The western tradition of Christmas has lost much of the real reason for the celebration. It has become simply a commercial time and is symbolic of excess and over doing in every area of the flesh life.

For those who believe in the reality of the son of God who was born in Bethlehem, and who are born-again by the spirit of the living God, believing that He gave His life so that we could be reconciled to the Father. We do not rely on one specific day to celebrate His presence in our lives, He is our life.

If you are physically alone this Christmas, be encouraged, there are thousands of people in the same situation. Many have lost their homes and everything in them this year, as well as family members. There are countless worse things that can happen to a person other than getting the gift they did not want.

The love of the father does not change because it’s a particular day of our Gregorian calendar year. His loving kindness never changes and is there for us every moment of every day.

No one is ever truly alone for His presence never leaves us nor forsakes us. Scripture says that He is close to those that are brokenhearted and He watches over His people. He sees what they are going through in these critical times, and He knows their innermost feelings.  2Timothy 3:1; Acts 17:27.

He is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. Ps.34:18. 

One of the things He came to do is recorded His own words in Luke 14:18 fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah:

He came to heal the broken hearted.

He is no respecter of persons and each reader can rely completely on this promise from His own lips.

If you are alone consider it a good thing. Many people are too afraid to be alone. They are afraid of silence and their own thoughts. They keep busy all the time with noise, noise and more noise. Whether it’s music, voices, TV, radio, social media what ever the source, it serves to block out what ever they are trying to forget.

It is hard for our Fathers’ Holy Spirit to get our attention when there is always so much activity going on. Busy, busy, busy, stress, stress, stress, getting nowhere fast. Some people always have to be doing something they cannot just be still and know that He is God. (A picture of Martha and Mary.)

They are missing the true end and scope of life, which is God. So embrace the silence and the quiet time, enjoy being alone with our Father, with no distractions or interruptions, nothing to do but sit and immerse yourself in His wonderful presence and let His healing power flood our entire being.

It’s not the date, the day, the company, or lack of it that is important but where our focus rests.

Secrets of the Seven Seasons

 Seven is a Number used many times in scripture as noted in previous posts. It is up to each individual concerning whether to celebrate Christmas or not. It is certainly never wrong to remember His first coming, if there wasn’t a first there couldn’t be a second!

It is worth mentioning here that God’s year is not based on our year and His Calendar structure came long before ours did. His birth is not an isolated historical fact and should not be seen as such, and here is why.

He set up the year, which we can see in this present age, according to the pattern set out in the Old Testament. (Lev. 23.) His year begins at Pesach/Passover, and the mystery it holds foreshadows the death of the lamb, beginning the age with salvation. It is symbolized by a cup and a piece of matzo bread. (emblems of His body and His Blood of the re-newed covenant)

Next is Yom Resheet, the date when the first fruits of the Spring harvest are lifted up to the Lord. The mystery within the second appointed date foreshadows the day of first fruits as Messiah is lifted up from the dead in the raising up of Him as the first fruits of new life, the resurrection. It is symbolized by a sheaf of barley.

Symbolized by sheaves of wheat and two loaves of bread is the third appointed event and it holds another mystery. The feast of Shavuot launches the summer harvest and foreshadows the feast of Pentecost, which was the giving of the Ruach, His Spirit and was the launching of the harvest of this age.

The fourth appointed time is the great harvest of the summer. Here the mystery foreshadows the harvest of the nations, it is the time of the gospel, of sowing and reaping and going to the ends of the World with the word of salvation. This is the time that we are in now. It is symbolized by grains, figs, grapes and olives.

Here there is a gap in the seasons as we come to the fifth mystery of the feast of trumpets. This has yet to come to pass prophetically and it foretells the sounding of the trumpets; which will happen at the end of the age, to declare the coming of the King. It is symbolized by a shofar or rams horn.

Symbolized by a cloth, a piece of a curtain, embroidered with cherubim is the sixth mystery of Yom Kippur. This is the day of atonement when man and God are face to face. The mystery within this appointed time foreshadows the day of judgment and salvation when man and God will stand face-to-face.

The final and seventh mystery symbolized by branches of the Lulav and citrus fruit. It is called the feast of tabernacles or booths/Sukkot. Hidden within it meaning is the mystery telling the age of the kingdom to come when God will live/ abide/tabernacle, among us and we will forever be with Him. Then the mystery of the age will all be fulfilled.

If Messiah was born in the Spring it would have coincided with Pesach,Passover, the lamb of God and sacrifice and if in the autumn it would be Sukkot and the tabernacling with mankind. Either is significant. There is a way to calculate from the date of Zechariahs visitation as mentioned in a previous post as well as more on each feast. However not the focus here.

These times of the year, plus Hanukkah are those planned by our heavenly Father and have wonderful meaning to us as believers in Messiah Jesus as we have the mysteries of the ages revealed to us by understanding their true origins. His birthday was just one day and He never told us to remember it but rather to remember what He was teaching.

People decided to focus on a date and it may have had the initial goal of evangelism and making sure His first coming was not forgotten. The world back then did not function in the same way ours does, they had no alarm reminders of any kind, just the annual cycle of God’s seasons. He said remember Me as often as you do this, by taking communion, and doing what He has asked us to and to, and being continually prepared, and ready for His return at His second coming.

In Christmas, as His birthday, we are looking 2000+ years in retrospect, we need to be looking forward and upward, for our redemption does indeed draw close. He rose and will return as surely as He came then.

Wherever you are, whatever predicament you find yourself in, be encouraged. Father knows where you are and sees you and understands your needs at this moment. Simply ask, cry out for what you need Him to be for and to you and He will answer.

His promises never fail.

Call to me and I will answer….

Prayers go out to to each and every one over these few days of Christmas/New Year and especially all who have been affected by the worldwide natural/weather disasters.

So although it’s not a biblical holyday and it was by man’s design which began in the middle of the 8th century. The disciples did not celebrate it nor did the early church. However as believers in Jesus the Messiah/ Yeshua HaMashiach, let’s open our hearts for His all encompassing presence and let Him fill us with His joy, which is not the shallow frivolity of the world but the source of all spiritual strength; which will sustain us, bringing healing in all its fullness.

With God we are never alone, we may physically be by ourselves but by abiding in Him we are never truly alone and are always a part of the ‘called apart ecclesia’, the true remnant and body of Messiah.

The shortest day of the year has already passed it gets brighter from here on; and as the path of the righteous is to the light of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until midday.

Receive the loving thoughts and prayers of the congregation of His family/Mishpachah in Jesus/Yeshua’s Name.

And remember

for He has said, “I will never[under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!” So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently say, “The Lord is my Helper [in time of need], I will not be afraid.
What will man do to me?” Hebrews 13:4-6 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Tears may endure for a night but Joy comes with

This time of year we think of random acts of kindness of unsung heroes, the ones that are not known by anyone but the Father. Many of these acts of kindness and courage have been revealed by those who were helped and…

Here is a link to 2 short videos that that really touches the heart and sums up a real hero with great courage.

If watched in order the 2nd will expound on the first. .

This precious hero has now gone home to receive his heavenly reward but lived to the grand old age of 106!

Father knows and He cares…deeply!

He is EMMANUEL- God with us!

Shalom, shalom!

Please Do Not leave this page without the surety that you have the mender of broken hearts in your life..



Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

Its all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.

He longs to give you the healing He paid the ultimate price for..


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

The Nerd In The Ark?

The Hebrew word for ARK is also the same word for BOX.

There are 2 words for ark in Hebrew:

For more on Arks: Click li

One is ARON meaning chest, as in treasure chest/container.

Strong’s Hebrew: 727. אָרוֹן (aron) — a chest, ark

 Chest, Box, Ark In the Scriptures, the ark was originally a golden chest designed to reside in the innermost chamber of the mishkan (tabernacle) and then later in the bet hamikdash (temple).

Another word for ark is tebah/tevah תֵּבָה pronounced (tey-vaht); a noun, feminine word and is the “her” of this word. מִבַּיִת ( mee-bah-yit )

The base word is בית (bah-yit) meaning a house but in the context of this verse about Noah it means ‘inside’.

Strong’s Hebrew: 8392. תֵּבָה (tebah) — a box, chest

The literal meaning of the Hebrew word teivah is container or box and it is used for two objects Tevat Noa’h – Noah’s Ark.. (Noah’s Ark is tevat gofer; literally a box of gopher wood) ..and Moses Papyrus basket.

The meaning – literally – the container/the box of life!

Teivah also means word. Words are containers: they package ideas, feelings, sentiments and convictions.

Thus a student of the Torah is prompted to’ go into the word,’ the sacred task of discovering hidden meanings enfolded into each tevah!

This is about 2 boxes – 2 arks – one arc was in Bethany,  

(Greek name Βηθανια, Bethania, which in turn comes from the Hebrew name Beth-aniah;)

the town near Jerusalem at the foot of the Mount of Olives where Yeshua/Jesus stayed.

Derived from the Hebrew Bet t’eina (possibly meaning: house of affliction/misery, or house of figs/dates) 

but what is the nerd in it?

Was it Martha’s sister Mary/Miriam/Miryam in Hebrew


Mary Magdalene/Miriam/Miryam of Magdala –

(מרים המגדלית) 

who washed Yeshua/Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair?

What about the Anointing of Yeshua/Jesus by Miriam and an unnamed woman?

מָשַׁח – anoint 

The episode is particularly confusing because there are four different accounts with varied details in each of the four gospels. So It takes some detective work to analyze the information about the various Miriams/Marys mentioned in the gospels.

In the events of what we call ‘Holy Week’, there are two different recorded occasions when a woman anoints either the feet or the head of Yeshua/Jesus.

Many scholars combine both events because of their similarities; however, by studying them as two separate events, we can learn of some notable symbolism.

The amazing thing about this account presented during Yeshua/Jesus’ final week, was that Mary was symbolically doing the same thing that Yeshua/Jesus would later do for all of mankind on the cross.

Mark and

And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head. There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that? For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they scolded her. But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. … Mark 14:3-9

Matthew both mention an unnamed woman who anoints Yeshua/Jesus’ head with either nard or ointment.

Matt 26:6-13

Now when Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table. And when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste? For this could have been sold for a large sum and given to the poor.” But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me. …

Luke tells us of an unnamed woman

“who was a sinner”

who bathed Yeshua/Jesus’ feet with her tears,

anointed them with ointment,

and dried them with her hair.

One of the Pharisees asked him to eat with him, and he went into the Pharisee’s house and took his place at the table. And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment, and standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment. Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner.” And Jesus answering said to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he answered, “Say it, Teacher.” …

Luke 7:36-50

Then, to add even more confusion,

John describes Mary of Bethany,

aka Martha’s sister, anointing his feet with nard and wiping them with her hair. Only in John’s gospel is the woman named as Mary of Bethany.

Chart comparing both anointings.

To understand the significance of these anointings, we first must understand that the word

Messiah in Hebrew, and

Christ in Greek both mean

‘the anointed one.’

In other words, Jesus Christ would actually mean Jesus the anointed. Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

In the Old Testament, there were three groups of people referred to as being anointed, that of prophets, priests, and kings.

The first anointing, as recorded by John…

Six days before the Passover, Jesus therefore came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. So they gave a dinner for him there. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those reclining with him at table. Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?”

John 12:1-8

…took place on Saturday, six days before the Passover, in an unnamed home in Bethany by Mary, the sister to Martha and Lazarus wherein she anointed only the feet of Jesus.

Following the chronology of John and placing the anointing on Saturday, it may be that John was trying to foreshadow how Yeshua/Jesus, being anointed the day before the triumphal entry, was symbolically being anointed as the king of Israel. We should remember that one of the reasons it was so significant that Yeshua/Jesus rode in to Jerusalem on a donkey was because when Solomon was recognized as the king of Israel, he likewise rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (see 1 Kings 1:32-34.)

The second anointing, as recorded by Matthew 26:6-13

6 Now when Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper,7 a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table. 8 And when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste? 9 For this could have been sold for a large sum and given to the poor.” 10 But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me. 11 For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me. 12 In pouring this ointment on my body, she has done it to prepare me for burial. 13 Truly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.”

and also by Mark 14:3-9

And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head.

There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that? For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they scolded her. But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. …

This instance apparently took place on Wednesday of that Week, two days before Passover,

in the home of Simon the leper in Bethany, (2 miles east of Jerusalem),

by an unnamed woman who anointed only the head of Yeshua/Jesus.

Simon the Leper in Bethany: We know almost nothing about this man, but evidently he had suffered from leprosy, and Yeshua/Jesus had healed him or no one -would have been permitted in his house.  Some scholars  say the word meant pot-maker rather than leprosy.


Mark doesn’t mention the name of the woman, but John identifies her as Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. John says that Martha was serving at this gathering and that Lazarus was sitting with Yeshua/Jesus.

If we follow the chronology of Mark and Matthew and place the anointing by the unnamed woman on Wednesday, the day before his Last Supper, it may be that Mark and Matthew were trying to show that Yeshua/Jesus was being anointed as the great High Priest, who would intercede on our behalf as He entered the garden of Gethsemane?

The high priest wore a breastplate with 12 stones, and two shoulder stones engraved with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel representing that Israel was always to be near his heart, and that he was to carry the burdens of Israel upon his shoulders at all times (see Ex.28:29 & 28:12).

What a perfect description of Messiah because in Gethsemane He took our sins and sorrows upon Himself.

Some believe in this one of the 2 incidents, that this perfume which Mary of Bethany, brought in her alabaster box may have been her dowry.

If that is true, it was probably all that she really possessed.

אָלָבַּסְטֶר, בַּהַט   alabaster noun

דומה או עשוי מאלבסטר, מבהט alabaster adj.

The Greek word translated “alabaster box” in the KJV, as well as “flask,” “jar” and “vial” in other translations, is alabastron,

which can also mean “perfume vase.”

Strong’s Hebrew: 7893. שַׁ֫יִשׁ shayish alabaster

Phonetic Spelling:  (shah’-yish)

Strong’s Hebrew: 3537. כַּד    kad – a jar

Strong’s Hebrew: 7184. קְשָׂוֹת (qasah or qasvah)

jug, jar

alabaster box   תיבת בהט  

Similar to Tear Bottles click link below for more

What is an alabaster box?

The Bible speaks of an alabaster box in the two incidents involving women, one of whom was Mary of Bethany, who brought ointment in the box to anoint Jesus. The Greek word translated “alabaster box” in the KJV, as well as “flask,” “jar” and “vial” in other translations, is alabastron, which can also mean “perfume vase.”

Alabaster historically was a symbol of

purity and great honor.

It is also thought to have been associated with the Egyptian Goddess Bast (hence alaBASTer).

Alabaster boxes were originally Egyptian vessels made of a peculiar stone, a kind of soft white marble, it is a translucent carbonate of lime formed on the floors of limestone caves by the percolation of water. It is of the same material as our marbles, but differently formed.

It is usually clouded or banded like agate, hence sometimes called onyx marble which was supposed to be specially adapted to preserve the odor of perfumed ointments. The Greeks named the vessels from the town of Alabastron the place in Egypt where it is found. It occurs only in (Matt. 26:7; Mark 14:3; Luke 7:37).

The ancients considered alabaster to be the best material in which to preserve their ointments.

This white mineral was easy to carve and polish, so Israelites used it to make beautiful jars, vases and very easily wrought into boxes.

The alabastra were of various shapes and sizes bored with a drill by the Egyptians and hollowed out with a chisel by the Palestinians. Ancient traders often sealed costly perfume in an alabaster jar, allowing the scent to escape only gradually through the jar’s porous shell over many years.

The fragrance of some ointments is said to have remained in the alabastra for hundreds of years.

At the time Yeshua/Jesus was on earth there was a custom among the Israelite women.

When a woman reached the age of availability for marriage the family would purchase an alabaster box for her and fill it with precious ointment. The size of the box and the value of the ointment would parallel her families wealth.

This alabaster box would be part of her dowry.

When a suitor came to ask for her in marriage she would respond by taking the alabaster box and break it at his feet.

This gesture of anointing his feet showed him honor.

We must take our alabaster box to Jesus/Yeshuas feet


break it in His presence

for He is worthy of such honor

and as our bridegroom

we show Him we are indeed the bride

for whom He paid the ultimate price.

The woman had an alabaster jar filled with very expensive perfume, made of pure nard.

Mark 14:5 says that this box of ointment contained a pound/ = approx. 0.45 Kg. /or 12 ounces of pure nard, was worth more than 300 denarii, equal to a year’s salary (300 pence, in Mark 14:5). A pence is considered to have been a day’s wages. It would be around 40.000 U.S.Dollars/30,500 GBP of today’s money. No wonder the disciples (Mt. 26:8), Judas in particular was the most vocal, responded with dismay at what they deemed such a waste.

They claim that Mary has wasted this precious perfume, and that she should have sold it and given the money to the poor instead.

Imagine how Mary must have felt, after pouring out everything she had as an act of worship, she gets criticized and ridiculed by the disciples of Yeshua/Jesus. Surely her heart must have been broken just like the alabaster box that had contained her perfume.

Nard (Spikenard) was most likely the content of the jar because alabaster itself was such a pricey item, not like a clay jar that stored more common items like olive oil.

Ointment, oils and perfumes used to be put in vessels made of alabaster, which kept them pure and unspoiled. Alabaster was a strong enough substance to keep the oil or perfume completely contained until the time of its use. allowing the scent to escape only gradually through the jar’s porous shell over many years.

The boxes were often sealed or made fast with wax, to prevent the perfume from escaping.

The woman “broke” the vessel; i.e.,

she broke off, as was usually done,

the long and narrow neck so as to reach the contents.

When Mary broke open her alabaster box,

“the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume” John 12:3

Quite suddenly, Mary moved towards the Lord. She was holding in her hands a beautiful alabaster box which contained very precious delicately perfumed ointment, and to the surprise of everyone there, she broke the box and poured its contents over the head (Mark 14:3) and the feet (John 12:3) of our Lord and anointed Him.

When Mary of Bethany broke her alabaster box/jar of spikenard John 12:3 and bathed the feet of Jesus with the oil, she, too, wanted only the best to define her love for Him.

It has been speculated that this jar may have been Mary’s dowry or her inheritance. In other words, this jar of spikenard ointment may have been all she had of value, and she poured it out on Him.

Her extravagant gift is a picture of the kind of offering expected of each of us. Only the best was worthy of her Lord, and she was willing to give everything as an act of worship.

The same should be true of us (Num.18:29).

The fact that both women carried an alabaster box of ointment with which to anoint Jesus as He was eating a meal has given rise to a certain amount of confusion about these two separate incidents involving two different women. Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9, and John 12:1-8 all speak of the same event involving Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus, at the home of Simon the leper, probably a leper who had been healed by Jesus and had become one of His followers.

This event occurred in Bethany just days before the crucifixion, which is why Mary came to anoint Jesus for the event to come. “She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial” Mark 14:8. Mary is never referred to as a sinner in any of the accounts of her. Nor does it say she was weeping.

On the other hand, Luke 7:36-50 speaks of the house of Simon the Pharisee rather than the house of Simon the leper. This event occurred about a year before the crucifixion in the area around Galilee Luke 7:1,11.

Is this a third event?

Luke 7:37 When a sinful woman from that town learned that Jesus was dining there, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume.

Luke 7:39 When the Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, He would know who this is and what kind of woman is touching Him–for she is a sinner!”

Luke 7:38 And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.

The woman here was forgiven of many sins, but her name is not given.

While Mary of Bethany may have possessed insight as to the upcoming death of Christ, the woman of Luke had no such insight; she exhibited just loving worship of the One who forgave her of her sins and her many tears were witness to her repentant heart knowing from what she had been forgiven and redeemed.

Standing behind at His feet weeping.

She came to our Lord, as He reclined at table; standing by Him, leaning over His feet, her tears of penitence began to flow, and thus she began to wet His feet with her tears.

And stood at His feet behind Him

…Messiah lay upon a bed, or couch, as was the custom of the ancients, both Jews and others, at meals, with His feet extended out behind; and between the couches and the walls of the room, there was a space for servants to wait and serve, and such are therefore said to

“stand at the feet”;

and the phrase is used, as descriptive of servants in waiting;

in such a situation this woman put herself, as being also ashamed and afraid to come before Him, and look Him in the face; and here she stood weeping for her sins, and melted down with the love of Yeshua/Jesus to her soul, and at His discourse:

and began to wash his feet with tearswhich fell from her eyes in such abundance upon his feet, as she stood by Him that they were like a shower of rain, as the word signifies, with which His feet were as it were bathed and washed; His shoes or sandals being off, as was the custom at eating so to do, lest they should daub the couch or bed, on which they lay.  

Her tears she used instead of water; for it was the custom first to wash the feet before they were anointed with oil, which she intended to do; and for which purpose she had brought with her an alabaster box of ointment:

it is said of one, and did wipe them with the hairs of her headwhich were long, and hung loose about her shoulders, (here it says), it being usual and comely for women to wear long hair? (1Cor. 11:15). That which was her adornment and beauty, and which she took great care of to nourish and put in proper form, to, render her desirable, she uses instead of a towel to wipe her tears off her Lord’s feet.

 “and kissed his feet”, ywlgr qvnw.

This was not an unusual practice with the Jews; 

and anointed them with the ointment;
which she brought with her.

This same custom was also used by the Greeks and Romans among their civilities, and in their salutations.


The ointment mentioned in the text by Mark is called 

ointment of spikenard,

probably because that costly aromatic plant was one of the principal ingredients.

Spikenard is one of the most precious spices of the Bible.

The Hebrew for it is NERD;

the Greeks called it nardos.

Spikenard in the Bible (3 verses). Hebrew: נֵרְדְּ, nērĕd, H5373

Strong’s Hebrew: 5373. נֵרְדְּ (nerd) — nard nard plants perfume

Transliteration: NERD

Phonetic Spelling: (nayrd)

It grew extensively in northern India, and has been found high in the Himalaya Mountains.

It grows small with many, spikes on one root, bearing pink blossoms; thus it is sometimes called the Indian spike. Perfumed oil is extracted from these spikes..

Taken from the root of the Species Nardostachys jatamansi From the botanical family Valerianaceae. The plant grows to about 1 meter (3 ft) in height and has pink, bell-shaped flowers.

The word spikenard is found in the King James Version; other translations simply say “pure nard.”

Spikenard had a strong, distinctive aroma, similar to an essential oil, that clings to skin and hair and continues to give off its heady perfume.

It was also thought to have medicinal properties.

Spikenard had a unique fragrance, and

the presence of its aroma was an indication that

the very best had been offered.

One of the early aromatics mentioned in the bible In the Song of Solomon 1:12, 4:13-14, spikenard is mentioned in reference to the love between bride and groom. In song of sol 1:12 the bride says, “While the king was at his table, my perfume spread its fragrance.”

Those words imply that, despite all other fragrances in the room, only his bride’s would matter to the groom.

The presence of spikenard represented their passion for each other and their desire to have only the best define their love.



and it was very precious!

The receptacles for this expensive perfume have been found by archaeologists under the debris of walls, among the ruins of patrician houses, and in royal palaces.

Both women used ointments valuing 300 or more pence, both took place during a dinner; and both women were criticized by a disciple for their acts of service towards Yeshua/Jesus.

If a person bought an alabaster box, it was only used for very important purposes. So the Pharisees considered it a waste when a woman poured perfume from an alabaster box on Messiah’s head in Matthew 26:7-9.

Now when Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table. And when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste? For this could have been sold for a large sum and given to the poor.” But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me. …

Just imagine the look on the disciples’ faces? Their mouths open in shock as they watched a crazy scene unfold. A woman, unreservedly, empty over a years wages, (tens of thousands of dollars today,) all over Him for apparently no reason.

In their minds she should have given that to the poor and they complained that she was wasting a precious scent which could have been enjoyed for years.

No doubt they were waiting to take delight in Him rebuking the woman, which did not happen. 

Yeshua/Jesus puts a stop to their criticism. He tells the disciples to leave her alone, because she has done a good work for Him. He says that they can help the poor anytime they want, but that they will not have very many more opportunities to show their love for Him in person.

He had told His disciples on several occasions that He was going to Jerusalem to be put to death, and now He claims that Mary’s act of devotion will serve as the anointing for His death. Although Mary probably didn’t intend for her actions to be interpreted this way, the custom was to first bathe and then anoint the body of a dead person.

After the body was anointed, the flask that contained the ointment was to be broken and laid with the body in the tomb.

Yeshua/Jesus knew that He would be put to death as a criminal, and that He would be buried without the proper anointing.

When Judas rebuked Mary for wasting such a precious ointment John 12:4-5, Jesus silenced him: “Leave her alone. . . . It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial”John 12:7.

Only He truly understood what He was saying; knowing that in a few days He would be arrested, tried, and crucified.

Could it have been that, as He felt the whip lacerate His flesh, as He felt the nails pierce His hands and feet, He could also inhale the fragrance of that gift of spikenard and remember why He was doing this?

Mary’s gift may have strengthened and encouraged Him, even throughout His horrific ordeal, as its strong scent still clung to His skin.

Mary had not known it at the time she offered her valuable gift, but she was the first to anoint the Son of God as He became no longer simply their teacher but the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world. (John 1:29; 2 Cor. 5:12).

Yeshua/Jesus rebuked the disciples, praised the woman, and the house where they were was filled with the fragrance of the precious ointment (John 12.3)

We are the vessels now sealed by Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh. and in our brokenness we release a sweet smelling fragrance to those being saved and the fragrance is also filling our house, our bodies/being. 

Each of us is specially made to be a vessel of honor. We are all different shapes and sizes, all precious in His sight, we are to give forth the fragrance of Messiah from our lives.

Sometimes that fragrance just escapes gradually; other times, it comes gushing forth!

The woman who brought her alabaster jar of perfume had to crack it as an act of worship in order to spill out its contents.

The only way the perfume can been released to anoint Messiah is if the jar is broken.


The perfume is a symbol of the spirit or the inner man.

The alabaster jar is a symbol of the outer man or the soul.

As David The Psalmist says, The Lord is near unto them that are of a broken heart; and saves those of a contrite spirit (Psa. 34:18).

How vitally necessary it is that we are truly sorry for our sin, a sorrow that works repentance and turns us totally around.

It causes us to stop doing the things that grieve Jesus and begin to live in a way that pleases Him.

Such was the contrite spirit of the woman–

John calls her Mary–

who broke the alabaster box of precious ointment on Yeshua/Jesus.

When she was broken because of her sin;

Yeshua/ Jesus forgave her,

and she experienced a gratitude

deeper than words could express.

Being a young woman in the presence of so many men, she was not allowed to vocally express herself. Such a privilege was not permitted women of that day, so she did all that she could.

She acted by arising and going after the most precious gift she could think of–a very costly bottle of perfume.

She wanted to show Him her love, but how?

By giving.

She gave it to Him in a way that He would know that at least one person truly loved Him and believed Him to be the Messiah.

When Mary (Magdalene)? washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and dried them with her hair, she also anointed them with expensive ointment. For this token of devotion, Christ forgave her sins then proceeded to remind his host that he had not been extended the same courtesy as would be appropriate to a welcome guest.

 Foot bathing signified the status of an honored guest and put them at ease and comfort.

Foot washing, when undertaken by anyone other than the lowest servant in the household, took on significant symbolic importance.

Most authorities recognize this humble action as deliberate act of humility, a mark of respect or deliberate self-humiliation.


Mary worshipped the one who had set her free by giving herself and all that she had. The Apostle Paul wrote: I beg you … by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God …(Rom.12:1).

A sacrifice is a gift of something precious, meaningful, and the best. In the Old Testament, God’s people gave the first and the best from among their flock as an offering to God. When the Lord smelled Noah’s offerings, they were a scent of satisfaction to His heart, and caused Him to have mercy on His people (Gen. 8:21).

The same thing happened when Yeshua/Jesus smelled the sacrifice that Mary gave Him that memorable day.

His heart was turned toward her.

He not only accepted her sacrifice, but her act of giving became a learning point to all those who looked on.

After Mary broke the box of precious ointment, she poured the perfume over Jesus’ head (say Matthew, Mark, and Luke) and feet (says John), and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment.

“The anointing which you have received of Him abides (lives) in you” (I John 2:17). Therefore, “out of your innermost being springs and rivers of living water shall flow continuously”(John 7:38).

We are His vessels and contain His fragrance which will bubble up like fresh spring water and overflow into the lives of others.

This pouring forth brings the anointed message of Yeshua/Jesus to all those it touches. It is His fragrance, His anointing, His oil, His precious ointment that will fill the place. He said,

The spirit of the Lord is now upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4:18-19).

Now if the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, what do you do? Jesus answers this question:

“Verily, I say unto you … the works that I do shall you do also, and greater works than these shall you do…” (John 14:12).

Of Mary who poured the precious ointment on Him, He said,

“Wherever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman has done, be told for a memorial of her” (Matt.26.13).


Mary knew that the anointing came from being

at His’ feet–in His Presence.

She wasn’t moved by the critics around her but continued to pour the precious ointment on Him. Yeshua/Jesus rebuked her critics and made her famous throughout the centuries right into our lives today.

Our love for Messiah, like Mary’s, is a commitment that is not swayed by what other people say or think.

It is the deep expression of gratitude that comes from a heart that has experienced His forgiveness. The fragrance of such gratitude is a sweet smelling savor in the nostrils of our Lord.

Imagine the scene:

The words from the song by CeCe Winans helps to paint the picture…

The room grew still
 As she made her way to Jesus
 She stumbled through the tears
That make her blind
 She felt such pain 
Some spoke in anger
 Heard folks whisper
There’s no place here for her kind
Still on she came
 Through the shame that flushed her face
 Until at last she knelt before his feet 
And though she spoke no words 
Everything she said was heard
 As she poured her love for the master
 From her box of Alabaster
And I’ve come to pour
 My praise on Him like oil
 From Mary’s Alabaster Box 
Don’t be angry if I wash His feet with my tears
 And I dry them with my hair
 You weren’t there the night He found me 
You did not feel what I felt
 When He wrapped His loving arms around me
 And you don’t know the cost 
Of the oil in my Alabaster box
I can’t forget the way life used to be
 I was a prisoner to the sin that had me bound
 And I spent my days
 Poured my life without measure
 Into a little treasure box 
I thought I found 
Until the day when Jesus came to me
 And healed my soul with the wonder of His touch
So now I’m giving back to Him
 All the praise He’s worthy of
 I’ve been forgiven and that’s why I love Him so much


Everyone gives off some kind of smell through our actions, our attitudes, and our words. Like it or not, we smell like the people in whose company we are. If they are smokers, then we and our clothes will smell like smoke. If we hug those who wear strong perfume or aftershave, the fragrance stays with us.

Whether we like it or not, we smell like the foods we eat.  Eating garlic, we will smell like garlic, likewise peanuts, we’ll smell like them. Attempting to cover up the odors usually makes it worse.

Whether we believe it or not, we will begin to speak like the people with whom we spend our time. Should they use slang words, we soon hear ourselves repeating them yet in a positive way, if they use praise words and scripture, we respond and echo them. It is important to know just what do others smell when they are near us?

We are not to hide behind a false aroma or use something to mask who we really are

we must be genuine,

be real with the Lord, with others and with ourselves. Nothing is hidden from Him anyway!


14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us triumphantly as captives in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. 15 For we are to God the sweet aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one, we are an odor of death and demise; to the other, a fragrance that brings life. And who is qualified for such a task?…2Cor.2:14-16

We are a sweet smelling fragrance – when we are broken alabaster boxes.

Mary set aside pride and embarrassment in order to demonstrate her love and faith in Messiah. How far are we willing to go in order to show our love for Him?

When we fellowship with Yeshua/Jesus in worship, in prayer, and by reading His Word. Then in our brokenness, in our sacrifices, in our pouring out into the lives of others, and in our expression of love for Him, we’ll smell like Him, talk like Him, and spread His fragrance wherever we go.

There certainly are many similarities in these incidents that have caused some confusion, one of which is the presence of the nerd in an ark, an alabaster box, in both accounts.

When the Pharisee expresses disgust that such a woman, who, it is inferred, is a prostitute, or certainly a sinner, should be allowed to do such a thing, Messiah rebukes him and points out that since the woman has entered, he has done nothing but minister to him while the Pharisee, whose name is Simon, has done nothing.

“foot” (Hebrew רֶגֶל regel)

Since the Israelites, like all other Oriental peoples, wore sandals instead of shoes, and as they usually went barefoot in the house, frequent washing of the feet was a necessity. Hence among the Israelites it was the first duty of the host to give his guest water for the washing of his feet (Gen. 18:4, 24:32; Judges 19:21);

to omit this was a sign of marked unfriendliness. It was also customary to wash the feet before meals and before going to bed; to abstain for a long time from washing them was a sign of deep mourning (2 Sam. 19:24). 

The other part of her action that may have raised eyebrows, was the wiping of his feet with her hair. Apparently, Jewish women did not let down their hair in public. This expression of devotion may have come across as quite improper and even too intimate an act in public, just as it would in most other cultures. 

He then turns to the woman and pardons her of all her sins for her great devotion.

A final thought…

Many think Mary Magdalene was a prostitute who came to the Lord.

Mary means ‘wise woman/lady’. It is a Greek form of the Hebrew Miriam or Mariamme, and was the most popular woman’s name at the time

Mary Magdalene (/ˈmæɡdələn/ Hebrew: ‫מרים המגדלית‎‎original Biblical Greek: Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνή),

Literally translated as Mary the Magdalene or Mary of Magdala. 
Mary came from a now-vanished town called Magdala, on the western side of the Sea of Galilee.

Pope Gregory the Great was the first to link her to the prostitute who wept at his feet. All we really know is that the scripture records that Mary Magdalene had demons and was delivered by Messiah. We don’t know whether she was a prostitute or sexually immoral.

But no one questions it. She’s become the world’s most famous prostitute.

Imagine that you come to the Lord and for generations you’re known as the world’s most famous prostitute which may not even be true!

However it doesn’t matter what people think of you. (Most of the time they’re wrong anyway.) It only matters what Messiah thinks of you and that you’re with Him now.

Since Pope Gregory the Great, this woman has been identified with Mary Magdelene and so she is often portrayed as carrying an alabaster jar. In fact she is referred to as Mary of Bethany in another Gospel. But then Gregory also identified Mary of Bethany with Mary Magdelene! More confusion!

Throughout the centuries, Mary Magdalene has been erroneously portrayed as a reformed prostitute: was she confused with the woman with the alabaster jar who was nameless described in Luke 7:36-50?

The woman with the alabaster jar is called a ‘sinner’, but she was not called a prostitute either; Luke uses a different word when he describes an actual prostitute in 15:30 .

Mary Magdalene had a serious illness, but the nature of the illness is unspecified; later celibate male writers linked Mary’s illness, her ‘demons’, with her sexuality. The seven demons were more likely to have been connected to her physical ailments.

What we are seeing is how, in fact, the Woman with the Jar is much closer in her spiritual attitude to Jesus… Further, the Alabaster Jar is linked to the image of the Ark.

It is the receiving vessel, into which the Holy Spirit pours and the individual can be transformed.

Here it is filled with ointment. The woman is not just washing Messiah but ANOINTING Him. And remember that the word Christ means ‘Anointed One’. So the Jar and the woman who carries it are VERY significant in terms of understanding the inner meaning of Messiah.

Mary Magdelene was a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth, and probably one who shared her substance financially! It is  unlikely, that she was a reformed prostitute, but medieval painters seemed to like to to show her as such.

She was the first witness to the Resurrection, and is called ‘Apostle to the Apostles’, since the risen Messiah told her to ‘go and tell’, apostellein in Greek.

The idea of women as primary witnesses does not seem unusual to people in the 21st century, but it was a revolutionary concept at the time. The testimony of women was not given the same weight as men’s, either personally or in a court of law. Mary’s witness to the Resurrection reversed this idea. When the Christian stories described Mary Magdalene and the other women as the first witnesses of the Resurrection, they were saying something important about the nature of women: that they were capable of being as fully Christian as men.

That said, none of the accounts suggest specifically by name any involvement by Mary Magdalene.

So, was there only one woman that anointed Jesus during Holy Week?

The gospels record there was an event of a woman anointing Messiah in a particularly extravagant way, it seems we will simply never know for sure who it was that enacted such a loving gesture for Jesus. Perhaps it was Mary, Martha’s sister, or perhaps it was done by another woman whose name has been lost to us forever.

What we do know is that Mary, and perhaps this unnamed woman, will always be remembered for the incredible service they gave to their Lord and Master. A service, that perhaps, pointed to the Savior’s most often used title, that of Christ/Messiah, the anointed one.

“I tell the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she had done will also be told, in memory of her.” Matt. 26:8-13.

We are part of fulfilling that prophecy as we read these scriptures.

The scripture doesn’t tell us how long she had been holding on to her jar. We are not told what she was saving it for.

She could have hoarded it or saved it for a rainy day. She could have been selfish and kept it to herself.

None of her family objected when she gave everything she had quietly away to the one that she adored.

Mary loved Jesus so much that she wanted to give all that she had to Him.

Forgetting what people thought, how she would look or the practical needs she would forgo. Her sole desire was to give everything she had to Him and she did it cheerfully not knowing what her future would be. Her love and dedication to Messiah made her life truly fragrant.  

How do we become “fragrant for the Lord?”

When we do all that we do with the idea of presenting our very best to the Lord, we become fragrant.

What is Yeshua/Jesus worth to us? For Mary, He was worth everything that she possessed. For Judas He was worth 30 pieces of silver.

Mark includes this story here to contrast it with the story of Judas. Judas was so incensed after witnessing this act of incredible waste was it then that he conspired to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver? The tipping point?

Verses 1 and 2 tell us that the religious leaders were plotting to execute Jesus and were looking for a way to do it that wouldn’t cause the crowds to riot. Some believe that Mary’s act of devotion was the thing that caused Judas to decide to switch teams. John says that Judas was the most vocal of the disciples in criticizing Mary for what she had done, but it wasn’t because he was concerned for the poor, it was because he was the treasurer of the group and had taken some of their money for himself. Judas wanted to get his hands on that money. So when Jesus condemns the disciples for criticizing Mary, Judas decides to get his money another way…by betraying him. Verse 10 says that Judas went to the religious leaders and promised to hand over Jesus for a price.

As we read we can learn several things.

First of all, the alabaster box of ointment contained something that was very precious, it represented the life of the owner, TEVAH it was like a small house with the sum total of her future hopes inside it;

but as long as it stayed in the container, it didn’t benefit anyone.

When she released it did all the unspoken Teivah, words, ideas, feelings, sentiments and convictions, pour out also?

Yeshua/Jesus called the act a good work, and the original Greek actually means “a beautiful thing.”

God has given each one of us a spiritual gift. It may be great faith, acts of service, hospitality, teaching, or some other gift.

But if we keep that gift to ourself, it benefits no one.

It is our responsibility as a Christian to identify what our gift is, and then to use it for the glory of God and the benefit of those around us.

When Mary wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair, she walked away smelling like Jesus did!! When we have been close to Him we will smell like Him too!

When we use what we have for Jesus, others can sense that we have been with Him. If your gift is compassion or mercy, you display the same that Jesus showed to us when He died in our place. If our gift is evangelism, then we display the love that Jesus has for sinners.

The use of our spiritual gifts causes others to sense Yeshua/Jesus’ presence in our lives.

Mary couldn’t keep the Jewish leaders from falsely accusing Him. She couldn’t keep the soldiers from crucifying Him, or the crowds from mocking Him.

But she could show her love and devotion by sacrificing the most precious thing that she possessed.

When Messiah is the object of our affections, those who have received His pardoning love

will not stop to calculate the value

of the alabaster box of precious ointment.

and the remaining ?’s are…

what’s in your alabaster box?


What’s the cost of the nerd in your ark?

It can only be used once!

We only have one life, so lets make them ones that are poured out for His glory; we are broken only to be made whole again, just as Messiah Yeshua was broken for us.

Restored – a new creation – far better and stronger than before!


Don’t leave this page before breaking your ark and releasing the nerd within


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

A Mysterious Broken Vav, A Spear And A Bone?…

The genealogy of the High Priests was focused on in previous posts…

High Priest in Hebrew: כהן גדול – kohen gadol;

With definite article:  ha’kohen ha’gadol,

                              the high priest;

In Aramaic: kahana rabba.

Recall that the High Priests belonged to the Jewish priestly families and traced their paternal line back to Aaron.  He was the elder brother of Moses, through Zadok, a leading priest at the time of David and Solomon.This tradition came to an end in the 2nd century BC during the rule of the Hasmoneans, when the position was occupied by other priestly families unrelated to Zadok.

Even though Aaron was the first High Priest mentioned in the Book of Exodus, the legendary passage revealed the first man who assumed the title of High Priest of God was Enoch. He was succeeded by Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem, (or Melchi zedek), Abraham, Isaac and Levi.

These priests are referred to as ‘descendants of Aaron,’ in the biblical traditions drawn upon by the writer of Chronicles. Aaron had 4 sons:  Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.However, Nadab and Abihu died before Aaron (incident of offering strange fire); so only Eleazar and Ithamar had sons. Chronicles records, one priest, Zadok, from Eleazar’s descendants and another priest, Ahimelech, from Ithamar’s descendants, were designated by King David to help create the various priestly work groups.

Aaron received from the Lord the promise of priesthood, it meant his children and their descendants would be part of the Levite priestly class called the Kohanim.

At the time his grandson Phineas had already been born, which meant he did not automatically receive the honor of Kohanim; and possibly also due to the fact that Phineas’s father, Eleazar, had a wife who was a Gentile. Exodus 6:25. She was a daughter of Jethro, a former Midianite priest called Putiel.

With these facts in mind, this post is connected to Aaron’s grandson, Phineas.

Phineas performed a very serious act during the rebellion at Baal Peor recorded in Numbers 25:10 – 30:1.

He killed a Prince of the tribe of Simeon, Zimri, (son of Zurishaddai, called Shelumiel;) because Zimri was engaged in rampant immorality with Cozbi a princess of Midian.

Those that were following Zimri’s leadership, as head of the tribe of Simeon, were the ones that partook the most in the sin of their leader.

Because of this blatant rebellion against Torah, a plague broke out amongst the people and 24,000 people died from this terrible disobedience.

If it was not for the zealous and righteous anger of Phineas, perhaps the entire tribe of Simeon would have been destroyed.

 The plague affecting Israel was stopped by God due to Phineas’ zeal.

25:11  פִּֽינְחָס בֶּן־אֶלְעָזָר בֶּן־אַהֲרֹן הַכֹּהֵן הֵשִׁיב אֶת־חֲמָתִי מֵעַל בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּקַנְאֹו אֶת־קִנְאָתִי בְּתֹוכָם וְלֹא־כִלִּיתִי אֶת־בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּקִנְאָתִֽי׃

קִנְאָה –  qin’ah – in my jealousy.

It took something to kill a family member, from one of the 12 tribes, and he would have had to count the cost. Here is another example of the sacrifice of the lives of the few for the many.

Phineas took a spear (the instrument by which sin was judged/death) and went into the tent and killed both the Zimri, his Israelite relative and his mistress.

Following this righteous act showing zeal for his God, the Lord rewarded him by making him a Kohen, Priest and promised him a covenant of peace.

He blessed him for his action because his heart motive was truly out of concern to stop any further deaths of the children of Israel that had been caused by these two individuals.

There is a spiritual principle here with this action, showing how to stop the plague of death, which is the consequences of sin.

This story tells us that the plague was not going to stop until someone paid with their life for Israel’s sins. In this case, we discover that it was the leaders of the rebellion that had to die to save the sins of their brothers.

Jesus/Yeshua did the same for us. Did He not take upon Himself the sin of all the people, shouldering all of it Himself?Was He not also thrust with a spear causing the life-giving water and blood to flow for all mankind?

(Spear, the instrument by which sin was judged and His death confirmed!)

Was not the plague of the law of sin and death destroyed the second He breathed His last?  

It is Finished!

Behold I am giving to him my covenant of peace.Hineni noten lo et-beriti shalom.

Hebrew word for covenant is Berit

(which is also a popular Norwegian/Scandanavian name)

The Hebrew word berit, is most often used to express the idea of covenant, and originally meant a shackle or chain.Later it came to mean any form of binding agreement. The covenant in the Biblical contexts combines God’s free offer of a special relationship and the people’s willing response in faith by agreeing to take the obligation to worship and obey only this God, Yahweh.

This was a further promised for his descendants, as a covenant of a perpetual priesthood, brit kehunat olam;(because he had been zealous for his God and made kafar/ atonement for all of Israel.)

Here it would appear, is a clear type of Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah and His Greater Priesthood; those of whom He is First-Fruit.

The copying of scrolls was the only way to reproduce the Torah and it was critical the scribes made certain to keep the Scriptures unaltered over the generations since Moses. 

Because of this there are strict guidelines concerning the writing of the Scriptures.

It is called, ‘Soferut Laws for Sefrei Torah’.

Writing Torah requires that each letter to be well-formed in the Hebrew script. No letters must touch other letters.

None can be badly formed, illegible or broken!

Here is the mystery of the broken VAV

In the ancient scrolls, Numbers 25:12, there is an exception to this rule.

It concerns only the Hebrew letter VAV.

This letter is part of the word Shalom

as it is normally written but here it is like this.. (m o l sha – in the Hebrew letters reading from r to l.)

Recall the Pardes of the last post and the levels of understanding in the Scriptures; like the layers of an onion.

Peshat- literal- the plain meaning – Pinchas righteous indignation the census and the holy days.

Remez – just beyond the literal = God’s character = a God of Salvation Redemption = Hidden glimpses of promised Messiahbroken VAV and in the 7 Appointed times of the year – moedim = application for us in our lives today – to be on fire for Him zealous in our love.

DRASH –to seek deeper by comparison- anomalies such as Enlarged letters e.g. broken vav small yod and enlarged nun– symbolism.

SOD further research e.g.– Dead sea scrolls and Gematria numbers equaling the value of each letter and torah code.

And look at this broken VAV on a SOD (Mystery) level. 

This broken VAV is a picture of the broken-ness of the Messiah for our ultimate deliverance, our salvation.

How is this possible as Jesus/Yeshua never had a broken bone in His body?

How was He broken for us?

Here the letter vav represents the number of man, six, and the broken vav represents a man that is broken.

In this verse, (pasuk), the man has been broken for the sake of a covenant of peace that brought atonement to Israel, a clear picture of Messiah Yeshua and His ultimate deliverance and restoration for us.

The ‘broken word’ shalom, can also be read as  שָׁלֵם – shalem.

(Phonetic spelling – shaw-lame)

Meaning COMPLETE, which indicates that the covenant is one of finality, perfection and completion.Repairer of the breach.

Restorer – bringing complete reconciliation to the broken relationship between God and man,

the broken covenant renewed,

He came to heal the broken hearted.He came to heal the broken in spirit those who have been crushed by the serpent, whose head He came to crush.When we think of His brokenness as He told us to do in remembrance of Him, at the breaking of bread.He says it in His own words this is My Body, BROKEN for you. He is the Bread of Heaven and of Life.

Manna = the pieces that are made at the breaking, it’s the spiritual connecting of each of us into one body of believers. One New Man.

We, as Messianic believers, understand that the promise to Phineas. It was a clear fore-telling of the Glory of the Greater Priesthood of Yeshua/Jesus, after the Order of Melchi-zedek, indestructible and everlasting.

The glory which is REVEALED to those who the Father has called. The same resurrection glory that raised Yeshua/Jesus from the dead WILL quicken our mortal bodies and make us alive in Him.

The broken vav promises us that His is restored.

Remembering from a previous Post that the vav, (in the paleo hebrew alef bet), is the…

The nail, peg, hook, symbolizing joining together; making sure; becoming bound; nailed to.

The nail that secures!

It is written in the Hebrew Scriptures of Deut. 5:15 that the Lord made the heavens and the earth by the Zeroah.

So it was by the Zeroah that everything we see, the universe itself, came into existence.

Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. Jer. 32:17

When He brought the Hebrews out of Egypt on Passover, with miracles and wonders it is written that He did so by the Zeroah; and concerning salvation, it is written that the Lord will make known His Zeroah and all the earth will see the salvation of God.

Isaiah 53 contains the prophecy of one who will be wounded and crushed/BROKEN for our sins who will die for our judgment and who by His death will bring us healing life and redemption.

The ancient rabbis identified this one as the Messiah.

The opening verse of the chapter Isaiah 53, ‘who has believed our report and to whom has the Zeroah of the Lord been REVEALED?

The Zeroah is the one who dies for our sins and it is also the BONE of a LAMB which is the most mysterious object on the Passover table.

click link  below for more on Seder Plate

The death of the Lamb would be the death of Messiah and connects back to Isaiah 53. Zeroah however, was also there at creation because the Zeroah is the power of God, that which accomplishes the will of God is the arm/Zeroah of the Almighty.The first letter of Zeroah is Z – In Hebrew, Zayin.

Zayin and the Crownlets: Zayin is the 7th letter. The pictograph for Zayin looks like a sword. In the classical script the Vav on its head there is a large crown! There are 3 marks on the top of the letter Zayin. 8 hebrew letters are given this special mark by attaching to them 3 crownlets or ‘tagin’.The mystery of the ZAYIN is that its considered a crowned VAV. In the same way the VAV represents ‘Yashar’ – a straight line from God to man- so ZAYIN represents ‘or chozer’ or ‘returning light’. It is in itself a paradox meaning both ‘weapon/sword’ yet derives its root from a word meaning ‘nourishment/sustenance’. The word for war milchamah contains the word lechem/bread. Sometimes war = fighting for survival and therefore able to find food and be nourished.

They are collectively called ‘sha’atnezgets’ letters. Some sages comment that they are small zaynin (swords) and function as spiritual weapons Ps.91

Zayin is the Crowned Man (Yeshua/Jesus) equipped with the Sword of Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh. It is not hard to see that, since VAV represents MAN and ZAYIN is the crowned VAV (that is the Crowned Man), it is clear that ZAYIN represents Messiah Yeshua, the true King of the Jews while Zayin also represents a sword = the Word of God and Holy Spirit.

And here is another paradox, the arm of the Almighty, who was witnessed as weak, BROKEN and dying on a cross – was the manifested love of God and there is no greater power than that – dying to self that we might find life.

If we have ever dropped anything on the floor and seen it shattered into a million pieces, we know that there is no hope of ever putting it back together. Even if we glue every bit, it would never be the same as it was before. Jesus/Yeshua is the great renewer. The first mention of the re-new-ed covenant was to Jeremiah in the Hebrew Scriptures, Jeremiah 31:31 – 34. Telling of the covenant that had been broken, so it would seem that the re-new-ed covenant is born of brokenness.

It exists because of brokenness and it was first spoken of in the days when the land of Israel lay in ruins in the wake of judgment.

It’s the covenant God made for those who had fallen from grace, a covenant for the broken.

The covenant is not just for Israel but is given to everyone and its nature is the same for all.All have sinned – all have BROKEN His precepts – we have all failed – all fallen and become BROKEN in someway.

So the re-new-ed covenant, is the covenant God gives to all who have sinned, all who have failed and fallen; and all who should have no hope of any covenant with God, those who don’t deserve it. It’s the covenant He makes with them regardless of what ever they have done and it has a very special power.

It is the power to put together that which is BROKEN.

The power of restoration and healing.

The power to pick up and bring together all the broken pieces of our lives.The covenant of the BROKEN –  the VAV – symbolizing joining together, making sure, becoming bound, nailed to. The nail that secures. Hosea 14:4 – 7; John 8:9 – 11

There is another mystery, a secret hidden in the translation and it can only be seen in the original language.

 John 19:23–24; 1John 3:16.

It’s in the question that says, ‘to whom has the ARM of the lord been REVEALED?’


Who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of Hashem revealed?

Isaiah/YESHAYAH 53:1

53:1  מִי הֶאֱמִין לִשְׁמֻעָתֵנוּ וּזְרֹועַ יְהוָה עַל־מִי נִגְלָֽתָה׃

זְר֫וֹעַ  Strong’s Hebrew: 2220 zeroa arm shoulder     זְרוֹעַ     zerowa

Messiah Yeshua/Jesus is the ‘arm of the Lord’

These words open the 4th and last of Isaiah’s ‘Servant Songs’, 4 prophecies describing the “Eved Adonai”, the “Servant of Adonai”, Who suffers and dies.The Arm/Zeroah of The Lord is REVEALED to those open to seeing it, even right here.

The arm of The Lord is being revealed in this very question.

It’s in the word galah גָּלָה  

גָּלָה Strongs H1540

גָּלָה gâlâh, gaw-law’; a primitive root; to denude (especially in a disgraceful sense); by implication, to exile (captives being usually stripped); figuratively, to reveal:— advertise, appear, bewray, bring, (carry, lead, go) captive (into captivity), depart, disclose, discover, exile, be gone, open, plainly, publish, remove, reveal, shamelessly, shew, surely, tell, uncover.

Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon.

Revealed is a translation of the Hebrew word niglatah but niglatah means much more than revealed. Niglatah means to be taken captive.

The KJV translates Strong’s H1540 in the following manner:

 uncover (34x), discover (29x),

 captive (28x), carry away (22x),

 reveal (16x), open (12x),

 captivity (11x), shew (9x),

 remove (6x), appear (3x),

So the arm/zeroah of the Lord, the power of God will be taken captive. The Messiah was taken into captivity, arrested he became a prisoner.Niglatah also means to put to shame/disgraced.

So the arm of the Lord will be put to shame and disgraced.

Messiah was put to shame mocked degraded and condemned as a blasphemer.And niglatah also means stripped, naked, exposed and laid back. So the arm of the Lord will be stripped, naked and exposed. So Messiah was stripped of His garments and exposed ‘naked’* on the cross.

(*The Hebrew understanding of naked means, to remove all clothing except a loin cloth.)

It is the most famous image in this world, that of one who has been taken captive, stripped, naked and exposed.

It’s the arm of the Lord revealed the power of the almighty. But how could the strongest power in existence be revealed in the death of a naked man on the cross?

That is the revelation of the arm of God the strongest force in the universe the power of the almighty the power of love.

Most religions teach that salvation comes from the one who needs to be saved, an arm reaching up to heaven.

Only one message is different – the Gospel.Salvation is just the opposite:

It’s an arm, the zeroah of the Lamb of God reaching down from heaven.

We need to stop struggling and striving to be good enough.

Stop seeking to save ourselves. We can’t, and we don’t have to.

Messiah is Heaven’s ARM reaching down to us.

In biblical prophecy, its the Zeroah, the Arm of God. Wherever we are, wherever we’re not, just grasp on to heaven’s arm and He will do the rest.Not only does this story tell us that in order to receive life more abundantly, you must first die to the flesh and take up our cross and follow Him, it also tells us how Father/Yahweh feels about people that are sold out and zealous for Him.

He loves people with zeal and passion, people that love what He loves and hate what He hates.

In the story of Phineas IS The REVEALING.  The Niglatah, the baring of God’s Holy Arm was personified as a type of Messiah in Phineas (priest) with His spear the instrument of his zeal to save his family the children (sheep) of Israel.The broken covenant symbolized by the broken VAV in shalom/peace was restored by His zeal as fulfilled in Yeshua as the sacrificial lamb on Passover, the Zeroah/arm of Pesach.

In the brokenness, due to the severing of the connection with His Father, when He said, ‘why have you forsaken Me’? Sin causes separation from God.

His substitutionary sacrifice was the restorer of the breach, (of the relationship that was breached/broken); and we are now reconciled to the Father and this IS the gospel message.

We are ministers of reconciliation telling of the promise of the Berit Shalom – His covenant of peace – which was there in the VAV, the nail, that secures and joins together that which was broken.He was broken that we may be made whole.

The Hebrew word ‘kanaw’ qana’ קָנָא means: zealous, jealous, competitive.

It carries with it the idea that no one can come between you and the one you love – jealous for God.Love is stronger than death – it’s the glue that holds everything together and is revealed… with

a broken vav,

a shank bone of a sacrificial lamb,

the zeroah arm of the Lord given in love,

for a covenant of peace,

with our High Priest after the order of Melchi-zedek,

Who is alone the One who can put everything back together.

His brokenness was not in His BONEs but

in a better WAY of TRUTH that leads to LIFE.

Derek – Emet – Chaim = Yeshua/Jesus

Shalom Aleichem – שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם

Peace be upon you!

Are you saved? Are you broken?

PLEASE Don’t leave this page without making that life-saving decision – time is running out. Don’t miss the day of your visitation!

This life is NOT all there is!

You are not here by chance!

SAY THE FOLLOWING FROM YOUR HEART RIGHT NOW…Don’t put it off one more moment…

Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.

You are now Born Again by the Holy Spirit of the Living God and you are part of the ever growing family of believers. You will never be the same again!