and all the various scenarios that go along with this particular subject.
As usual the post is offering some points of view which we may not have seen or thought about before. It is also providing food for thought and as always encouragement for everyone to research and check things out for ourselves.
Many events are being called apocalyptic or biblical in proportion, as it relates to floods, other unusual phenomena and extremes in nature. These could be either the result of human meddling, demonic interference, the hand of the Father and of course ‘natural earth events’, or a combination of all 4.
When something is removed, then something else that has been hidden, is revealed.
It is a revelation of mysteries, things which lie beyond the ordinary range of human knowledge.
We use both the terms, Apocalypse and Apocalyptic.
An Apocalypse, in the terminology of early Jewish and Christian literature, is a revelation of hidden things given by God, to one of His chosen saints, or more often, the written account of such a revelation. The word is derived from the Greek ἀπōκάλυψις, “uncovering,” “disclosure“…
And therefore in simple terms it is a Revealing.
לְגַלוֹת revealגְּלָא verb, to reveal, gelah or gela.
Cognate: 602 apokálypsis – properly, uncovering (unveiling).See 601 (apokalyptō).. 602 /apokálypsis (“revelation, unveiling”) is principally used of the revelation of Jesus Christ (the Word), especially a particular (spiritual) manifestation of Christ (His will) previously unknown to the extent (because “veiled, covered”).
Disclosure:–appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation.
The Greek verb ἀπōκαλύπτειν is occasionally employed in the Septuagint to translate the Hebrew גְּלָא (reveal); thus, of a secret,
אוזן גְּלָא
uncover the ear, Ozen
עֵינַיִם גְּלָא
uncover the eyes, Ayin
meaning reveal,
Hidden from sight with the promise of showing itself in the not too distant future…
We are curious as to what is behind the curtain?
What’s in the box?
What is in the package that is so enticingly gift-wrapped ?…
We want to know – to see and to understand…
The things shown to Daniel
and John
were sealed until the time of the end.
The time of the end of the age.
Is this the time to which it was referring?
Jesus/Yeshua alluded to this in Luke 8:16-18 v.17
It does of course refer to disobedient and sinful behavior that will be exposed on judgment day and also that the times of the end of the age were hidden from view; the emphasis is on, what has not been KNOWN, possibly meaning that all spiritual mysteries will be revealed?
These are the things pertaining to the second coming and end times with many variations and explanations floating around.
We could call ourselves apocalyptic believers, as we are having truth revealed to us.
However we should remember that with great knowledge comes great responsibility.
To whom much is given, much is required.
That means we must walk in the light of the fulness of that which we have had revealed to us.
In the scripture the final book of the Re-New-ed Covenant and of the whole Bible is
This is the revealing, and the revelation of revelation, is the opening of the vision concerning the end of this age.
Chizayon/Revelation, or the revealing, was Messiah Yeshua/Jesus, revealing to John things which are to come,
and back then on the island of Patmos of course it was thousands of years in the future.
Definitions: Revelation is the revealing or disclosing of some form of truth or knowledge through communication with a deity or other supernatural entity.
A surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way. The divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world. Disclosure, announcement.
חָזוֹן Chazown is the Hebrew word for vision from chazah; 2372; a sight (mentally), i.e. a dream, revelation, or oracle:–vision
According to scripture, this is not the end of the world; in terms of everything being completely destroyed, where 1 Peter describes the earth’s final cleansing and apparently is not the same event.
Revelation tells us that a new heaven and a new earth will be created subsequently.
It is however, the ‘end of the age’. Some call it the ‘church age’ or ‘the age of grace’ or the ‘6 thousandth year.” Ushering in a 1000 year period/age/reign of Messiah Yeshua. Which according to scripture, we will be together with Him; however will that be on the earth, or in heaven?
The Hebrew Talmud divides 6000 years of human history/olam hazeh into 3×2000 year epochs.
The first 2000 is from the time of the impartation of the neshamah /soul into Adam until Abrahams Calling.
The second epoch of 2000 years is from Abraham to the destruction of the 2nd Temple.
The third is the time of the Messiah, and refers to when the Messiah ‘could appear’, (we believe that was 2000+ years ago); before establishing Zions kingdom.
Immediately before His appearance is a time of testing in which the world will undergo various forms of tribulation called
There are elements to both the time of Jacob’s/Israel’s trouble
and footsteps of Messiah
that are somewhat confusing, often due to mistranslations, which then obviously result in mis-interpretation. Romans 11:26 agrees with the verse in Jeremiah that ‘yet out of it he is saved’. When Messiah Yeshua returns to Jerusalem/Zion all Israel will be saved.
Some say the
will last for 70 years, with the last 7 being the time of Jacob’s Trouble.
Sometimes referred to as
because it will be the worst part of the whole time, when catastrophes occur worldwide.
The very end of the 7 years being the Day of the Lord. Yom YHVH.
Which will be the judgment of the rebellious world system and the outpouring of God’s wrath. Is 2:19. The Lord will shake the earth. Rev. 6:17; Mal. 4:1. After which, the Messianic kingdom will be established.
Interesting to note that a 70 year period has just been completed in 2018, which began in 1948, when Israel became a nation.
The yissurim shel ahavah,
the troubles of love,
referring to the birthing of a child;
is equivalent to the transition time and struggle a new-born experiences when exiting the womb into the harsh light of day. It will be similar to the transition between this world and the Messianic world to come, that is imminent!
The time immediately prior to Messiahs arrival is sometimes called IKVOT MESHICHA,
the time when footsteps of the Messiah can be heard.
This is God’s appointed time
for the final Messianic redemption and the closing of the
Many believe the order of events will be connected to the annual Feasts/Appointed Times. That as Jesus/Yeshua has fulfilled the Spring Feasts at His first Coming, He will in turn, fulfill the Fall/Autumn Feasts in His Second Coming. (Fall/Autumn = September/October)
Believers in Yeshua/Jesus refer to the time just prior to His Second Coming, in which He will judge the nations and we believe He will establish His kingdom in Jerusalem?
No one knows the exact time when the Messiah will appear. However according to traditional Jewish sources in the Midrash Tehilim 9:2 Pesachim 54b; there are some hints. An example is that 1000 years = 1 day as in the 6 days of creation. 2Pet. 3:8.
God rested on the seventh day and it’s representative of the genesis of the great Messianic Sabbath Rest. This would indicate this age could not go further than 6000 years. So as the Hebrew calendar indicates, we are at the end of the 6th day, the 6th millennium, and close to the ‘Erev Shabbat’ of the world. And to expect the soon arrival of Messiah Yeshua.
For many years, the pre-tribulation rapture of the believers has been taught; and all the different scenarios have been presented by successive preachers and teachers from pre, to mid, to post tribulation rapture etc.
So which is it???
Here presented are the scriptures and Jesus/Yeshua’s own words and a plea for each hungry soul to read the Word and study the scriptures for ourselves. It is not the aim of mmm to mislead, or argue, only to present the Word in truth as it written. We are limited in the New Testament, with the Hebrew text as most of the references are written in Greek, however there are scriptures in Daniel and other prophets that we can look at.
End of days – acharit hayamim
2 Pet. 3:3; 2Thes. 2:2-4; 2Tim. 3:1-5.
Some say the birth-pangs are to last 70 years with Edom/Rome/Europe being the 1st wave of trouble including the holocaust and 2nd in the form of Arab/Israeli conflict. As per Jesus/Yeshua’s words in Matt. 24:25.
The climax of
is called the great Day of the Lord
which represents God’s wrath, poured out upon a rebellious world system.
The Messianic Kingdom
will be ushered in.
However there is another connection at the end, in the last pages of the New Testament, where the Apocalypse reveals a wedding.
A bride and a groom.
Look back at the ancient Hebrew wedding format procedure mentioned in previous posts.
After the wedding, which takes place after a long separation, and follows the betrothal agreement, it can be a time period of up to two years. (Note here that we are all familiar with the thousand years equaling a day).
The couple finally stand face to face – panim el panim,
And the veil is lifted from the bride to reveal her face to her groom.
Here is the apokalupsis.
The removing of the veil – the Apocalypse.
There is now symbolically, or otherwise, nothing separating them; and it is as the Scripture says, face to unveiled face.
1Cor. 13:12; Eph. 5:27; Rev. 13:1, 19:7–9.
One day, all veils will be removed, and we will see Him as He is, face to face unveiled.
Every person will face an Apocalypse of one sort or another. Whether salvation in the wedding marriage of the lamb, or the Apocalypse of judgment.
It is our place to remove any veils, so there is no more separation between Him and us. Nothing we are withholding from Him. And face to face to allow His touch to change us from glory to glory.
Jesus has won the victory in the spiritual realm over sin and death or sin-death. He has fulfilled His Torah promise, at Sinai, of (spiritually and physically) returning to Earth, reaching out to all His saints, Israelite and Goyim alike, restoring them to fellowship with the Father in a face-to-face meeting in His Shekinah, the glory-cloud of presence, which corresponds perfectly with Lk. 21 & Rev. 21.
There may be some repetition from previous posts in references to these important scriptures, however, the signs of the times all around us, should give us pause to reflect that we may indeed be the generation that sees the return of the King of Kings.
It is true to say that human nature is eager and wants to know the answers, reveal the secrets and unravel the mysteries and then when it is a little too close for comfort, we act like ostriches and brush off the possibility in cognitive dissonance and we really would rather not know. Because
and If we don’t know, then we don’t have to deal with it. Ignorance is bliss?? Sadly not so! Ignorance is no excuse, and not mentioning these issues will not make them go away!
The human tendency is to believe anything that comforts and deny what discomforts, so that unpleasant truths are simply ignored.
Forewarned is forearmed and being prepared with trimmed oil-lamps filled with Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh, is the preferred posture for a believer, in a season of the Messianic Messiahs soon return.
The signs are those of Matt. 24 25 and Israel becoming a nation Deut. 4:27 and Jer. 30:1-3; then a coming messiah of evil, (one out of harmony with God), will appear and offer a peace treaty for the middle east; but when they say peace and safety, (confirmed covenant), then sudden destruction will come upon them as labour pains on a pregnant woman, (time of Jacobs trouble) and they will not escape, 1Thes. 5:3.
This is the significance of the extraordinary, unprescedented, and cataclysmic world events, which we are seeing almost every day.
Some scriptural traits of this generation are, Chutzpah/ audacity and a lack of gratitude/hakarat ha-tov. The rest of humanity’s traits in the last days are listed in2 Tim 3:1-5.
So let’s pull our heads out of the proverbial sand and in faith, see what the Scriptures are actually telling us.
One thing we know is that it is NOT to make us fearful, for there is no fear in the perfect love of God and Jesus/Yeshua said in Mat. 24:25,25. See, I have told you ahead of time. And for good reason. Love is truth.
For also in John 17:15a, Jesus/Yeshua even prayed for the opposite of what many say today: I do not pray that You should take them out of [or rapture/remove them from] the world.
One thing we need to realize is that, before the events described in revelation are manifested in our midst, we need to reread the words of Jesus Himself and see what He said, which are recorded in
Mat. 24:23–28, 37–41; 17:26–37. Mat:24:39: And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
So here, Many people were taken by surprise was it because they didn’t/wouldn’t listen laughed at him and thought he was crazy?
Mat:24:38: For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Mat:24:39: And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
M‘t:24:40: Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. M’t:24:41: Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
The days of Noe/Noah were a time of judgment so this will be similar.
If we as believers have judged ourselves, (as we should before each time we take the bread and wine of covenant); we have nothing to be concerned about, and should be looking up. For when we see all of these things coming to pass, it is in fact encouragement, for those looking for His coming.
A point that should be made here, is that, although Noah/Noe and family entered the ark and were saved from the judgment of the flood waters; (this is a picture of believer being in Jesus/Yeshua, and being saved from judgment); they were not taken out of the world but were equipped to go through it !
The wicked were the ones removed off the earth!
Similar with Lot, he was escorted out of the city by angels and by that, he and his daughters were saved, they were not taken out of the earth. However the wicked were removed of the face of it by fire.
Both water and fire are cleansing agents.
Matthew 24:21-31 (NIV) 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.
The times are shortened because of the elect which means the elect are still on earth? Hmmmm!
We are equipped by Jesus through His indwelling Ruach haKodesh/Holy Spirit to be able to endure to the end and if it is in His plan, to be able to go through the times of tribulation. He said, ‘In this world you will have tribulation’.
23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
He warned us not to be deceived by any means.
The modern computer technology will very possibly be a vehicle used as a means of delivering false signs and wonders.
To quote a well known authors statement that:
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Maybe it has some pertinent meaning here. The antichrist, false prophet and beast may well use forbidden witchcraft/sorcery/magic, together with the aid of demonic spiritual power, used in connection with technologies such as laser imaging. These would provide abilities to project what looks like real manifestations into the skies, simulating visions of the return of Messiah Jesus or other spiritual phenomena.
What is the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?
We ask the very same questions that the disciples asked Him back then, 2000+ years ago, and His answers are the same to us as they were to those disciples…
Conclusion.. like Yeshua/Jesus, IS coming soon…!
Please, don’t leave this page until..
you are safe in the ark Messiah provided..
Make certain Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.
You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.
Its all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.
Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there are different times and seasons. This is a time to be serious and to put away, to cast down and throw from us all that would distract and keep us from the One to whom we owe EVERYTHING.
We will sing of your love for ever, we will declare your faithfulness and mercy to the generations.
This is the pen-ultimate appointed time of the Hebrew calendar year. The 6th of 7 specific dates the Lord set into the annual cycle of life, incorporating the harvest seasons of the grains and fruits. Times chosen when The Lord God wanted to spend time with His people.They were all a prophetic type and shadow, a fore-telling of the coming Savior. A rehearsal for the future Messiah, JESUS who came a little over 2000 years ago and literally fulfilled the words of the prophets concerning God’s plan of the ages.
In Hebrew,Jesus was the burden removing, yoke destroying answer, redeeming mankind and all who will believe and trust in His atoning sacrifice of substitution at Calvary.
There His Blood has paid the price for ALL our transgressions. The wages of sin is death, meaning eternal separation from God’s presence. Because of Jesus, we will never have to experience that or have to personally pay the price for our errant ways. Ezekiel 18:20 ‘the soul who sins he shall die..’
Yom Kippur is all about the sacrificial offering of a pure unblemished innocent life, freely and willingly given to cover for sin, through the shedding of its blood. (For the life of the flesh is in the blood. Lev. 17:11) Yom haKipuriym/day of the Atonements, falls on the 10th day of the 7th month. It is not a feast day but rather a Holy convocation, an opportunity to deny ourselves, a time for self examination. A perfect opportunity for a heart (spiritual) check-up.As the High Priest performs the atonements for himself, the altar, the Tabernacle, and the whole community in Israel, we are encouraged to stop and think. To turn those thoughts to our own lives and allow an inner conviction to lead us to true repentance and then to the acceptance of the blood sacrifice of Jesus as a means of cleansing and forgiveness.Jesus our Messiah has clearly fulfilled both the position of our High Priest and that of our personal sacrifice, He atoned for us once and for all and is continually making intercession for us before the Father.He does not need to make sacrifices for Himself and for us year after year in order to atone for our sins–it has already been accomplished for ever. Hebrews 9:6–12
The weight and penalty of the sins, was symbolically transferred to the animal sacrifices for that year, so that forgiveness could be attained.
Our willingness to deny self on this day does not cause, aid or enhance our atonement, however it allows us to become acutely aware of our own mortality, our sin, our continuing need for atonement, and our desire for life. At the same time it causes us to appreciate on some minute level, the sacrifice the Master made as He denied His own life on our behalf and to re-evaluate our own commitment to walk in the way, the truth and the life, by obeying and keeping His commandments.
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
The sanctity and holiness of this day cannot be understated.
Though we may find great joy in our eternal atonement in Jesus the Messiah, this is a day for remembering the atonement in such a way that it should be very hard to forget in the busyness of daily life.
Although we are saved by grace and live by faith, we are still accountable for our individual lives and for changing our ways in compliance of being a ‘doer’ of the things Jesus taught and not a ‘hearer only’.
We are to be contemplative, repentant, humble and dead to ourselves because the self sacrifice necessary to atone for our sins is far beyond what any of us are able or willing to do. It would take every drop, every ounce of blood in our bodies to cover even our own sins, much less the sins of another.
However we can rejoice for the Messiah has come! Atonement has been made and He has obtained age enduring redemption, which is available for us! Justice is satisfied and Mercy fulfilled, once and for all!On Yom haKipuriym, day of the Atonements, we are also to remember that we live and breathe only because the Father so chooses, and that by His choice, He has the right and the power to take it away as well. A sobering reality.
Lk. 12:20; Mk. 13:44.
Hard though that is for some of us to admit, once born again and redeemed, it means that God through Jesus bought and paid for us and we belong to Him. Our life is no longer our own to live as we please and our destiny is His hands. At this time the story of Jonah is appropriate, teaching that sincere repentance can reverse even the harshest heavenly decreeand the prevention of Jonah’s flight shows that no one can escape from God.There is such an abundance of revelatory instruction around the 7th appointed time, it is prohibitive to attempt to include everything in one post, so some aspects are not mentioned below due to space and in an attempt to curtail longevity, however it is not out of ignorance or neglect.
(Further details regarding insights on the sacrifices and Temple proceedings followed at Yom Kippur will be posted on more mini manna moments/ deeper dig.)
Now for the Main Meal of the day! Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement (Lev. 25:9)
The Biblical name for the day of Atonement is Yom HaKippurim, meaning ‘the day of covering, canceling, pardon, reconciling.’ Occasionally, it was called ‘the Day of the Fast’ or ‘the Great Fast’ (Lev. 23:27-31; 16:29-34).It is a unique ceremony which took place on the ancient Hebrew calendar for the children of Israel, it was the holiest day of the year and still is for believers and the Jewish community today. ‘Kadosh’, often translated as ‘Holy’, it also has a deeper meaning and conveys an understanding of being separate and set aside for Adonai /The Lord and not as the world and the things of the world are.Deut. 7:6, We are to be His own unique treasure.
This day marks the end of the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe) and falls on the 9th/10th day of Tishrei (Tishri), the seventh month in the Jewish calendar.It’s not a feast like the others that we have looked at. It is a day of repentance and it’s still of great significance for Christian believers, because not one of us is perfect. It’s a time for us to make a decision to be better in the coming year than we were in the past year.Paul makes mention of Yom Kippur when he refers to it in Acts 27:9 saying that the fast had already gone by, as the main focus of this day is to fast before the Lord.Names used are:
Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement)
Face to Face
The Day (or the Great Day)
The Fast
The Great Shofar (Shofar HaGadol)
Neilah (the closing of the gates of heaven as the festival concludes and the judgment was set for another year.)
UNDERSTANDING THE PRIESTLY SERVICE FOR YOM KIPPURLev. 16, specifies the 10th of Tishrei as the date on which the high priest (Cohen HaGadol) shall conduct a special ceremony to purge defilement from the sanctuary and from the people. The heart of it is that the high priest (Cohen HaGadol) shall bring a bull and two goats as a special offering. First, the bull is sacrificed to purge the sanctuary from any defilements caused by misdeeds of the priest himself and of his household (Lev. 16:6). Secondly, one of the goats is chosen by lot to be sacrificed, to purge the sanctuary of any similar defilement stimulated by misdeeds of the whole Israelite people (Lev. 16:7-8). Finally, the second goat is sent away, not sacrificed, to cleanse the people themselves. The goat is marked for Azazel and is sent away to wander in the wilderness (Lev. 16:10).Before the goat is sent out, the high priest lays both his hands upon its head and confesses over it all the iniquities and transgressions of the Israelites, whatever their misdeeds, and so putting them on the head of the goat. Thus, the Torah adds, ‘The goat shall carry on it all their iniquities to an inaccessible region…’ (Lev. 16:20- 22).
The Hebrew word for scapegoat is ‘Azazel’. Azazel was seen as a type of satan (Ha satan). The sins of the people and thus the punishment of the people were laid upon Azazel the scapegoat. Azazel being sent into the wilderness is understood to be a picture of satan (Ha satan) being cast into the lake of fire (Rev.19:20).The sins of the people were laid upon the scapegoat (Lev.16:21-22).
In order to enter the Holy of Holies, the high priest (Cohen HaGadol) was first to bathe his entire body, going beyond the mere washing of hands and feet as required by other occasions. The washing symbolized his desire for purification (Num. 19). The washing was of his clothes and his flesh (Num. 8:5-7;19:7-9).
This was done in conjunction with taking the blood of an animal with the finger and sprinkling the blood upon the altar (Num. 19:1-4; Lev. 8:13-15 and in Num. 31:21-24.)
‘And the priest shall take of the blood thereof with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering.’
The priest dipping his finger in the blood and placing it on the horns of the altar represents that the sin is recorded. The mark of a finger print in blood is evidence a death had taken place to pay the price for the sin.By this action, the altar had in a sense, become defiled until on the Day of Atonement when the pure blood of the Lord’s goat was placed on the altar to purify it.
The blood is shed for the sinner’s life and to satisfy the demand of the law, on the Day of Atonement the redemption is finalized. So too, is the process in the heavenly sanctuary on the day when our sins are blotted out.
The spiritual understanding of this is given in Heb. 9 -10:19-22. The sprinkling of blood upon the altar is also mentioned in Ex. 29:1-4,10-12, 16,20-21; and Lev. 1:3-5,11; 3:1-2,8; 4:1-6; 5:4-6,9. The spiritual understanding is found in Heb. 9:11-14,23-25, and 1Pet. 1:2.
The high priest (Cohen HaGadol) could only go into the Holy of Holies once a year (Lev.16:2; Heb. 9:6-7).(God issued a warning that no man could see His face and live (Ex.33:20). But because on the Day of Atonement the priest could be in God’s presence (Lev.16:2), another term for the Day of Atonement is ‘face to face.’ At that point, the high priest was ‘face to face with the mercy seat of God.’
Face in Hebrew: panim or paneh פָּנִים (paw-neem’)When the high priest (Cohen HaGadol) entered the Holy of Holies, he saw the Lord’s presence as a brilliant cloud hovering above the mercy seat (Lev.16:2).The word for mercy seat in Hebrew is kapporet. It comes from the root word kaphar, which is the same word used for atonement. The mercy seat can also be translated as the seat of atonement. The mercy seat is described in detail in Ex. 25:17-22 and 37:6-9. This is the place where Moses (Moshe) met and spoke with God face to face (Ex. 25:22; 30:6; Num. 7:89).The themes are:
Yom Kippur is a day of fasting and affliction of the soul.
The incense of the golden censer represents the prayers of Bible believers.Repentance Repent (Teshuvah) return to the Lord.
Hear (Shema) the calling (Shofar) for our lives.
Yielding ourselves to God so we may live every day (face to face – al paneh – פָּנִים) in His Presence.Furniture of the Tabernacle
At the moment the atonement was made on the Day of Atonement, those being atoned for were sinless and blameless before God.
The congregation of believers (kehilat) in the Messiah is being presented before God without spot or blemish (Eph. 5:27) because of the blood of Jesus/Yeshua (1 Pet. 1:19).Messianic Fulfillment; Jesus/Yeshua is the sacrifice of God for us who believe on Him (Heb. 9:26-28; 10:1-10).
Messianic Fulfillment: Aaron the high priest typifies the ministry of mediator and intercessor. Jesus/Yeshua is our High Priest (Heb. 3:1) and Mediator (1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 12:24). He lives to make intercession for us (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:22-27).Spiritual Application (Halacha): By the death of Jesus/Yeshua, we are free to enter into the veil every day not just once a year. (Matt. 27:50-51; 2 Cor. 3:14; Heb. 4:16; 6:13-19; 10:19-22).
More about the Goats
Lev. 16:7–10. the high priest would stand before the people in Jerusalem with two identical goats.He would then put his hand into an urn where there were two lots, each one with a different Hebrew word carved into it. The High priest would then remove them both, one in each hand. He then placed the lot in his right hand on the head of the goat to his right the other to the goat on the left.One of the lots decreed that one of the goats would live and be set free, the other that it would die as the sacrifice for the sins of the people on Yom Kippur. This is where two goats (or lambs) were chosen annually to represent the sins of Israel, one was sacrificed as the usual sin offering and the other released into the wild, bearing the sins of the people on it.The fate of each goat was determined by the drawing of the lots.The black lot signifying the scapegoat and the white lot, the goat for sacrifice. When the lots were drawn, if the black stone was found in the priest’s left hand when the stones were revealed it was an indication that the offering was unacceptable to the Lord. White meant yes, black meant no.
The Mystery of the Semikhah
Within this ceremony is also the mystery of the Semikhah. This is the sacred act that had to take place before a sacrifice could be offered up for the sins of the one offering it, or before the scapegoat could take away the sins of the nation on Yom Kippur.
It is the mystery of physical contact.
The person offering the sacrifice had to make physical contact with the sacrifice itself.
The priest had to touch it and very specifically had to place the palms of both his hands on the sacrifice.Lev. 16:21, Only after the Semikhah was performed could the scapegoat take away the sins of the nation or the sacrifice be offered up as an atonement.
The mystery is the Messiah. He is the sacrifice.
As the Semikhah must be performed and it was the priests who offered Him up and then delivered Him to His death. In accordance with Scripture, the priest had to make physical contact with the sacrifice by placing his hands on it.Mk. 14:65 records that after condemning Him to death the priests struck Him repeatedly with their hands. The description shows that they specifically struck his face and head the palms of their hands and afterwards Messiah was led away to be killed.What we need to comprehend is that what took place on earth at that moment, was symbolic of what happened in heavenly realms. That is where the reality and sovereignty of God’s intervention took place concerning the fate of mankind. In truth, it was God who performed the Semikhah when He placed our sins on Jesus, ensuring that sins are gone, Semikhah was completed and those sins can never return!
God gave this ceremony of the casting of lots during Yom Kippur to teach us how He will judge the nations of the world prior to the Messianic age known as the Millennium. The nations of the world will be judged according to how they treated the Jewish people. Those nations who mistreated the Jews will be goat nations and they will go into the left hand. Those nations that stood beside the Jewish people will be sheep nations and will enter into the Messianic kingdom or the Millennium. Matt. 25:31-46. Jesus/Yeshua during His first coming was a type of the goat marked La Adonai. He was a sin offering to us as God laid upon Him the sins of the whole world (Is. 53:1-6; 1 Cor. 15:3; Gal. 1:3-4; Heb. 2:17; 1 Jn. 2:2; 4:10).
In the ceremony of the two goats, the two goats were considered as one offering. A crimson sash was tied around the horns of the goat marked Azazel.At the appropriate time, the goat was led to a steep cliff in the wilderness and pushed off the cliff. Before there could be any sacrifice, there had to be a public presentation of the two goats before the people and the decision of which destiny would be for each goat. In the life of Messiah before his sacrificial death at Passover He too was presented before the people by pilate. For them to choose which man would live and which would die. With the goats only one could become the sacrifice, so Messiah had to be one of two lives presented to the people in order to be chosen as the sacrifice. According to the Yom Kippur decree and the requirements of the ceremony, the other life had to be let go and his name was Barabbas. Matt. 27:15–24
They had to be identical but how could that have been true? Barabbas was a sinner, bandit and murderer Jesus was sinless.
It’s all in the name.
Jesus our Messiah was also the Son of God, the Son of the Father and Barabbas name in Aramaic comes from two words. Bar which means Son and Abba which means father so therefore Barabbas means son of the father. The two men each bearing the same name son of the father. So the one who was the sacrifice and the one set free were identical in this way. Similarly, as we believe Jesus was the son of God, He was also equal to God; then it would follow that God in the flesh had to die in our place and have an equality in some way with us. (John14:9, If you have seen me you have seen the father.) He did become flesh in the form of a man, in the ‘likeness’ of sinful flesh and as such was ‘identical’ to fulfill the law.Bar Abba (Barabbas) was a symbol of the disobedient nation of Yisra’el, and he was released from prison even though he was guilty. But our Messiah, Jesus was killed in his place, because He became the scapegoat for Yisra’el!The definition for the word ‘scapegoat’ is ‘the innocent party who takes the blame for the guilty party.’ The nation of Israel/Yisra’el, (the firstborn son) was the guilty party, but the Father put on human flesh and became the Son (representing Israel/Yisra’el) by trading places with him!
(This is where we get our idiom for a scapegoat, for the one who takes the blame.)
Messiah fulfilled the pattern of the twin goats on Yom Kippur and then he also fulfilled the role of the Kohen Gadowl (High Priest) that year when He read Is.61:1-2 in the synagogue (Lk. 4:19) declaring“the acceptable year of The Lord.” We are not under the law of sin and death any more we are under the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Rom.8:2
Because of the sovereign purposes of the Lord, Israel has undergone a partial hardening until all of those whom God has called from among nations have been grafted in to the Olive tree of God. During this age of grace, those who were called not my people, are intended to provoke Israel to jealousy by means of the message. (Hos. 2:23) After the age of grace is complete all Israel will be saved (Rom. 11:26) and the original covenant will be fully restored and redeemed. Yom Kippur will be a fulfilled festival on that great day. Then the words of the prophets will be proven true and God will be vindicated. Israel will be adorned with honor and blessing above all the nations of the earth and they will finally be home from their long exile.
The aspect of ‘hidden, covered, veiled.’ We see ‘Yom Kippur’ typology here with the concept of being ‘covered’ or ‘veiled.’ To this day, the Jewish people have nick-named this day of ‘Yom Kippur’ as ‘face-to-face’ because it was this one time per year when the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies ‘behind the veil’ and come ‘face-to-face’ with The Lord!As the High Priest had to intercede on behalf of Israel/Yisra’el for her sins, if he had any sin for which he had not repented, he would die in the Holy of Holies! At the future Day of Atonement, the bride who sufficiently sanctifies herself or ‘afflicts’ and prepares herself will be able to come ‘face-to-face’ with the bridegroom.Likewise on that day when Jesus returns, the veil will be removed from her face and her heart (Israel) and she will ‘see’ her Messiah (2 Cor. 3:14-16). The scales will fall away from her eyes also as she will ‘look upon’ the one whom she pierced (Zech. 12:10).
In the future, during the ‘Ten Days of Awe’ between The Feast of Trumpets & the Day of Atonement, there will also be a ‘7-day’wedding for the bride of Messiah.
Through Yeshua the atonement has been made, not just for a year but forever; not just for Israel but for all who will believe. We have been and will always be forgiven by God’s grace through faith.Jesus is not still on the cross however because of Jesus who is the heart and prophetic fulfillment of every one of God’s holy days. These are His feasts, the feasts of the Lord. Because God chose Israel to be His witness to the rest of the world, the celebrations commemorate events in Israel’s history. Through them God revealed His character and His plan of redemption through Jesus.
So the Feasts are continual reminders of God’s faithfulness and goodness. They connect us together as a community and are anchors of our souls.
The ultimate fulfillment of the year of Jubilee will take place at the second coming of Messiah.The earth will be redeemed and come into full and complete rest from the curse brought upon it by Adam’s sin. Complete restoration of man’s lost inheritance will take place. God’s people will be totally set free — set at liberty, from all sin, sickness and disease, death, and the curse. Satan (Ha satan), the source of all these things, will be bound and true rest, true shalom will be realized. The tabernacle of God will be with men and He will dwell with them (Rev.21:1-4). So, the day of Atonement speaks of the fullness of the redemptive plan of God for man.We do well to remember, liberty and freedom are NEVER really free.
Somewhere – sometime – someone...
has ALWAYS paid the price for that freedom. It would behoove us to count the cost now, today – for there will be no avoiding the inevitable day of reckoning.
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