If we are to live like Royalty… first the
God of compassion – El Rachum – (Deut. 4:31)
Tells us we must be born-again. John 3: 3– 8
This is probably one of the most familiar verses along with John 3:16.
Messiah was talking with Nicodemus who was a leader of the Jewish people and would have known Torah/Tenach, the Old Testament.
(obviously, there was no new testament written at the time.)
Everything Messiah Jesus/Yeshua referred to was in Torah, the Hebrew Scriptures, which is what we call the Old Testament.

He told Nicodemus that to enter heaven, (the kingdom of the heavens)
malkut shamayim” שָׁמַיִם (shamayim)
mal•choot ha•sha•má•yim
One must be born again.
His response was probably what anyone would say, how is that possible??
Can a man enter his mother’s womb to be born when he is old? Obviously not!
However in Hebrew, the word for ‘womb’ gives us a fresh and beautifully significant picture that we may have missed.
(An earlier post referenced the Hebrew Letter Mem.)
The word for WOMB, is Rechem, and it comes from the word Racham.
Racham speaks of mercy, tender love and compassion.
So, Racham also means womb as well as mercy and is used in the Word of God to speak of His mercy and love as in EL Rachum.

Here is a mystery revealed:

The love/ahav and mercy/racham of God/Adonai, is like a womb/rechem –
and this is the connection.
When a new life is being formed, the only real protection is in the womb.
Each one of us have been here for around 9 months. It’s a place of nurturing, tenderness and development of the physical body, in preparation to exist and live within the Earth’s environment.
Every individual needs that or we would never have been born the first time. However Jesus/Yeshua told us…
Similarly, the womb of the morning, can also represent a new day/a new beginning; the day has a new birth wherein His Mercies are new every morning.
It’s the Racham of Adonai. EL Rachum.
The deep compassion and tender love of EL Rachum.
This is the ‘secret womb’ that we can enter,
the hidden place, the Mem,
abiding in the womb/Rechem of His tender MERCY/RACHAM.
This is one of the secret places of the Most High.

It is this mercy, this rechem, the womb of His love that also tenderly keeps us all through our lives.
Nurtures us, holds us and protects us from harm.
It’s an intriguing observation that during times of great stress, we instinctively curl up into the same fetal posture that we were, when in the womb!
It is by living/Abiding within that place/womb of mercy and love, that we grow; and are formed first into the child and then into the mature believer we were called to become.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
Strongs’s #7358: rechem – Greek/Hebrew Definitions – Bible Tools . https://www.bibletools.org
Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon:
rechem. 1) womb. 1a) womb … Numbers 18:15: “Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh, which they bring … Jeremiah 1:5: “I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified …
From the Latin word for womb (in turn from mater or mother), a matrix is either the intercellular substance of a tissue, the material in which a fossil is embedded, or a mold from which a relief surface is made in printing or phonograph manufacturing. It’s mostly translated as “womb.”
The Latin word for mother is “mater” (or matr). A woman who was having a baby, became “matrix”. The word was then was used for “womb”. So Moses is telling the people to dedicate their firstborn to God.
The womb. To “open the matrix,” Exodus 13:12,15, means, to be the firstborn.
Jeremiah 1:5: “I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet”
Exodus 13:12: “unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast”
Exodus 13:15: “I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all”
Exodus 34:19: “All that openeth the matrix is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep,”
Numbers 3:12: “instead of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the children of Israel:”
Numbers 18:15: “Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh, which they bring unto the LORD,”
Here, He not only formed us, but within are also the plans He has for us to fulfill during our sojourn, passing through this life, in our temporary home, en route to the true life with Him.
Every birth requires a womb; that womb/our new birth. In His love/Ahava for the Racham of El Rachum, is the Rechem of our new birth.
One of the 13 attributes of God’s is His Mercy, which was revealed after the sin of the Golden calf.
Shelosh esret middot .
Click link for full list of 13
Desiring the sincere milk of the word.

Psalm 119:103 then as we partake of salvation through the new birth, we need nourishment to grow.
And what matters now is not what we once were but who we have become in Messiah.
We’ve heard it said you are what you eat, and while a baby is within the womb, the food/nourishment is provided through the mother.
If we are to grow then we need to feed on him who birthed us the second time. And partake of Messiah as the heavenly bread of our new life as a baby newly born into His Kingdom.
We see a secret in the larvae of bees. What a larvae becomes depends on what it eats. If the larvae eats royal jelly, it becomes a Queen. This is the only way to become a Queen.
No royal jelly = no Queen!
Amazingly, queen bees are genetically exactly identical to worker bees. But they’re fed a different diet from worker bees their whole lives, from the time they are tiny larvae, until the day they die.
This different meal plan causes their physiology and behavior to develop completely differently from worker bees, despite the same genetic foundation. this transforming food with the aptly named substance, royal jelly.
Royal jelly is a protein-rich excretion from the glands of worker bees –think of it as a honey bee’s version of mother’s milk.
While all larvae are fed royal jelly for the first three days, of life, larvae chosen by the worker bees to become queens are bathed in royal jelly in special,
elongated ‘queen cells’ throughout their development.
(larvae drone worker bees)
After the larval stage is complete and the queen bee emerges,
she is fed royal jelly throughout her life.
Nurse bees feed larvae destined to be workers not only royal jelly, which queen-destined larvae are fed, but also beebread, or processed pollen (seen here).
Beebread contains p-coumaric acid, which alters gene expression and contributes to the honey bees’ developmental fate.
Beebread and honey contain p-coumaric acid, but royal jelly does not. Queens feed exclusively on royal jelly. Worker bees known as nurses feed the larvae according to the needs of the hive.
Worker bees tending to larvae
When female larvae are fed royal jelly, which is secreted by other bees, they develop into large-bodied, fertile queens. But most larvae eat beebread, a mixture of pollen and nectar. These larvae develop into smaller, sterile worker bees.
The shape of Bees bodies are not aerodynamically efficient – so every flight is a flight of faith! 
Strong’s Hebrew: 4438. מַלְכוּת (malkuth) — royalty, royal power…
מַלְכוּת noun feminine royalty, royal power, reign, kingdom
מַלְכוּת Phonetic Spelling: (mal-kooth’)
ROYAL. roi’-al: Either belonging to a king (kingdom) or having kingly power, dignity, authority,
Either belonging to a king (kingdom) or having kingly power, dignity, authority, etc. In Hebrew, the word is expressed by using different nouns in the gen. case (the “construct state”).
They are:
(1) melekh, “king”: “Asher …. shall yield royal dainties,” literally, choice morsels of the king, meaning fit for a king (Genesis 49:20); “besides that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty,” literally, which he gave her according to the hand (the wealth) of King Solomon (1 Kings 10:13; compare the Revised Version margin); “a royal statute,” literally, statute of a malka’, which is the emphatic Aramaic term for melekh, “king” (Daniel 6:7);
(2) mamlakhah, “the power and dignity of a king,” “Gibeon …. one of the royal cities,” i.e. a capital city with a king of her own (Joshua 10:2; compare 1 Samuel 27:5); “all the seed royal,” literally, the seed of the kingdom (2 Kings 11:1; compare 2 Chronicles 22:10);
(3) malkhuth, “kinghood,” “kingdom”:
“royal majesty,” literally, majesty of kinghood (1 Chronicles 29:25); quite frequently in the Book of Esther; royal wine (1:7); crown (1:11; compare 2:17; 6:8); commandment (1:19); “her royal estate,” literally, her kinghood (1:19); house royal (2:16; compare 5:1); royal apparel (5:1; compare 6:8,15); throne (5:1);
(4) melukhah, “kingdom,” “kingly power and dignity”:
“royal city,” literally, the city of the kingdom, meaning here that part of the city (Rabbah) in which the royal palace was situated (2 Samuel 12:26); “royal diadem,” literally, turban of kinghood (Isaiah 62:3);
(5) in Jeremiah 43:10 we find the word shaphrir; its meaning is uncertain:
“royal pavilion” (the Revised Version (British and American) and the King James Version), “glittering” (Revised Version, margin), “scepter,” “a carpet covering a throne.”
The New Testament uses the word for basilikos, “belonging to king”:
“royal apparel” (Acts 12:21); “the royal law,” something like “the golden rule,” being foremost because including all others (James 2:8), and for basileios (being vested with kingly power and honor), “royal priesthood,” the Hebrew rendering would be mamlekheth kohanim, “a kingdom of priests,” i.e. a kingdom whose citizens are priests, emphasizing the two facts that the true Christians have free access to the grace of God and that they enjoy the liberties and privileges of His kingdom (1 Peter 2:9).
Here’s the secret to a believer living a Royal lifestyle – it’s dependent upon what we feed ourselves.
If we partake of the Word of holiness and righteous, then we will become that. However if we partake of the world, we will in like manner, become worldly and so it goes for everything else.
Don’t be discouraged, He has overcome the world and we are not bound to be as we are right now. If there is depression, anxiety or sin dragging us down, simply stop eating the wrong food! Messiah, the bread of (new) life, the royal nutrition, that will give you a royal lifestyle, a new life in Him. Then we will become Messiah like and emulate His life. We will not be limited by who we have been but live by who He is in us. Bees and Bee-lievers.
If we consume Royal food, we will become the royal new creation in Him and fulfill and resemble His Word; according to 1Peter 2:9, we are a Royal Priesthood a Holy nation because we are grated in by His Grace and Mercy.
Joint Heirs with Him.
And I will give to him to sit on my throne Rev. 3:21
Truly living like royalty in the rechem of the racham of El rachum!
By Faith – BEELIEVE… and we can!
Please don’t leave this page before making certain Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.
You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.
It’s all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.
NOT SURE? YOU CAN BE.. You can have His love – His Forgiveness – His Grace and His Compassion and live like Royalty in the Womb of His Mercy..
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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