Are we living life to the full?
A moedim-chaim?
There are several scriptures where the length of our life appears to be given a specific number of years. One is in Psalms 90:10. The days of our years are three score years and ten, which equals 70 and we often this use as an indicator of human lifespan. The other sometimes referred to is in Genesis 6:3.
Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” (Berean Study Bible) So the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days shall be 120 years.”
Notice this verse does not explicitly teach that mankind’s lifespan was limited to 120 years, however what are we to do with what we are allotted?
Interestingly the 120 year timeline was given 120 years prior to the flood, so maybe it was referring to the fact that humanity as a whole only had another 120 years to live before the flood came and not to the length of years that an individual could live?
Whether this is correct or not, our lives do have structure when we are His own, as believers in Messiah.
Is there is a pattern for His Ecclesia in His Moedim? (Annual appointed times for every year?)
In the cycle of life, they are not only for seasons and times of harvest in the agricultural year but they are also for remembrance and rehearsal…
They are also for indicating the promise of future prophetic fulfillment. Do the Moedim/ 7 feasts/appointed times; also have a practical application to our individual lives?
Pronounced moe-eh-DEEM – מועדים
Strong’s Hebrew: 4150. מוֹעֵד moed or Mow’ed: Appointed time, place.
There are many 7’s in the Scriptures.The KJV mentions the word 391 times.
The Gospel of Luke lists 77 generations from Adam to Jesus/Yeshua.
Important Note: the reference to words and their equivalent numbers in posts, is due to every letter in the Hebrew alphabet having a numerical value assigned to it, similar to Greek etc. (See charts below.)
(The first mobile cell phones used this same principle for texting).
MMM is NOT recommending occult based numerology and/or the use of numbers as in Horoscopes/dark arts, or connected to the magic and mysticism of Jewish Kabbalah.)
The definition of Gematria / ɡ ə ˈ m eɪ t r i ə / (Hebrew: גמטריא or גימטריה , plural גמטראות or גמטריאות , gematriot) is one of several methods of assigning a numerical value to a Hebrew name, word or phrase based on its letters.
Gematria is a type of numerological study that may be defined as one of more systems for calculating the numerical equivalence of letters, words, and phrases in a particular Hebrew text and to finding hidden meanings in the numerical values of words.
Gematria works on the premise that the letters of the alphabet can also be used as numbers, and therefore words and phrases acquire distinctive numerical values.
A well known example is that of Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of that beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six [666].
Proverbs has seven pillars of wisdom that are in the building of the house of the Lord which can now be applied to our physical bodies, as we are containers of His spirit – ruach, instead of the temple sanctuary of a literal stone building.
Torah – is the wisdom of God – understanding our life with wisdom – we are to get understanding – wisdom is for spiritual life.

The Ark of the Covenant
It was the heart of Gods’ shekinah presence.
(Hebrew: אָרוֹן הַבְּרִית, Modern: Arōn Ha’brēt, Tiberian: ʾĀrôn Habbərîṯ),
also known as the Ark of the Testimony, is a gold-covered wooden chest with lid cover described in the Book of Exodus as containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. The covenant on stone as Daniel saw in 2:34.
The Stone cut without human hands, is the child born without human hands.
A virgin conception!
The stone that was cut without human hands represents God’s kingdom.
This stone will replace all the earthly kingdoms (Revelation 21:1).
The renewed covenant written on hearts of flesh as prophesied by Jeremiah 31:33
Therefore entrance into the blessings of the Covenant, must come through Messiah Jesus/Yeshua/Yahshua alone, for He is the HEART of Torah.
The first letter of the Torah is b (and a v), a Bet (בּ) (bereishit –בְּרֵאשִׁית) Genesis; and the last letter of the Torah is l, a Lamed (ל) in the word יִשְׂרָאֵל – Israel . These 2 letters together spell the Hebrew word for heart which is l-v and lev with the vowel added.
The circumcision of the flesh regulation stated previously was a sign of the Abrahamic Covenant, but Christ circumcises those who have faith in Him, and this circumcision is of the heart [Rom 2:28-29] [Luke 22:20].
The seven pillars of His wisdom are continually maturing within our hearts and minds and as we become conformed to His image; this foundation gives place for the pillars of His life within us.
The pillars are integral to support the life of the spirit within. Cycling us continually towards His heart at the center of our beings. Returning to Him whenever we stumble or stray from His path.
Do the 7 pillars of wisdom perhaps also refer to the 7 Moedim?
Turn and keep on coming. Joel 2:12 AMPC. Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and keep on coming to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning [until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored].
Jerusalem is built on seven hills just as Rome is, one reflecting the natural world, the flesh and the devil principles.
The other Jerusalem is the spiritual type and also reflects the shadow of that which is to come.
Even the new Jerusalem is the final dwelling place of all that is complete in shalom.
Ezekiel prophesied of the Rebirth of Israel. He gives a chronological order of events from the rebirth of Israel to the construction of the third temple (which is the end of Ezekiel prophecies).
Israel’s restoration prophesied by Ezekiel was to be physical then followed by spiritual. Ezekiel 36:36-7 Prophecy to the Mountains of Israel. 36 “And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord.
He prophesied of the hills!
and the people shall fill the waste cities as the flocks at the time of the great feasts covered the hills …
The 7 Moedim are an annual guide to the believer, both of that which has been fulfilled by Messiah; and also for the preparation and ongoing prophetic timeline on future events.
Taking another perspective, reveals that they also possibly hold the mystery of spiritual development, growth and maturity in each of our individual lives. Could this be one of the secrets to living a life fulfilled in the will of God?
Has God hidden the mystery of our life within the Hebrew year and His Moedim?
The annual cycle of the year begins with Passover – Pesach.
This is the beginning of our life in Him. It starts with salvation and as we receive the Lamb of God the pesach offering, our sins are taken away and we start a new life, sinless. The Power of the Passover/ pesach changes us and changes our future, our life will never be the same again. If it is, then consider if we are really walking in His provision, for out of true repentance comes the 180° turn around to go the other way the opposite direction.
The disciples, apostles, left the old way of life –leaving their nets behind them – have we left the things that held us? or have we compromised a little by simply adding Him into what we are content to remain with and want to keep and all we are familiar with? Can our families and friends see a change?? Are our lives really truly centered, focused and fulfilling the gospel word of Jesus/Yeshua? Or is our time with Him carefully slotted in and scheduled at our convenience?
The Moedim cycle of each and every year we live, presents an opportunity for reflection and change!
The power of Pesach truly releases us from bondage just as it did for the children of Israel coming out of Egypt. It ends the old life of slavery to sin and marks the beginning of a journey of life in and with God.
Pesach = Deliverance.
Set free to serve Him – willingly.
The second feast/ appointed time and level of our lives /walk/ journey with Him is our First fruits. Yom Resheet the day of first fruits the first day of the week of eating Unleavened Bread.
As we begin to walk in the power of His resurrection we begin to bear fruit in our lives.
The First Fruit of our salvation is the First Fruits of repentance and change.
First fruits of the unconditional love of the father flowing through us which pertains to life and all godliness in the image of Jesus. First fruits of the newness of life abundant, the joy of salvation and the glory of the father as we walk with Him. This is the first harvest.
Omer count = Separation to Revelation.
Father will often separate us from old things in order to reveal to us new things and we become part of the ecclesia- the called out ones.
3rd Feast – next is our life experiences – Pentecost/Shavuot – the fire of the father in the form of the Ruach haKodesh.
Giving of the Spirit.
The promise from the Sinai covenant when Torah was first given.
He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Deep cleansing and preparation waiting on Him and learning among other things, patience!
Tarry here – we wait along the way for the infilling of the exousia, the raw power to make us ready, anointed and willing to do the works of God and to fulfill all that we have being called to be and do for His kingdom.
To go and make disciples, having first become one ourselves.
The fire burns away all the chaff from our hearts and enables the gold within to shine forth and empower us to reach forward for the next greater summer harvest in the life cycle.
The 4th harvest feast could be speaking of the harvest of our salvation as we GO forth for the fields white unto harvest but the workers are few.
Leviticus 23; Psalm 139:16
As we reap the rewards of blessing by giving life to others in sharing the true bounty of life abundant.
Fulfilling our calling in ministering both to the lost and to the Saints. 2 Cor.9:1; Heb.6:10.
This could represent the main period of our life as it continues and makes up the major content of our years.
Until we come into the fifth appointed time of our lives. Yom teruah the blowing of the shofar/ trumpet;
And then will come the time of trumpets, ‘the autumn’, ‘the fall’, of our salvation.
The golden years.
The finishing up of our reaping His harvest, the completing of its gathering in; and our time of preparation to meet our Heavenly Father.
Tying up the loose ends putting everything in order. Anything as yet left undone is quickly put in place, decently and in order.
True shalom.
Nothing missing nothing broken, mislaid, misplaced or left undone. All is as it should be, no omissions or regrets, for soon will be upon us the remaining feasts in quick succession.
Yom kippur the day of atonement, the sixth appointed time of our life as we will stand alone before our heavenly father.
Panim al panim – face to face.
מָּנִים אֶלמָּֿנִים
Strong’s Hebrew: 6440. פָּנִים (panim or paneh) — face, faces
The Mercy Seat where the blood was sprinkled
Hebrew רחמים (pronounced rakhamim) is usually translated as “mercy.” Notice the IM! It’s actually plural in form, multiple mercies on the Ark of His Presence.
His MERCIES are new every morning!
In an earlier post we looked at Hebrew words including “face” (פנים, panim), “water” (מים, mayim), and even God (אלהים, elohim).
Then we shall behold Him, face to face. And see Him as He is. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 John 3:2; Rom. 14:10
It’s not in judgment for sin for we are already acquitted. (The great white throne judgment for those who are not His own, but the Bema seat of Christ, the judgment seat of Messiah, is for the works we have done in obedience to His call.)
The Holy fire of His presence will consume all that was not of His command and reveal only the gold of that which was His will. 1 Cor. 3:12-15
This leads us to Sukkot,
the 7th and final appointed time in
the lifecycle of a true believer will be to live, abide and stay with Him forever.
To Tabernacle in His presence, the booths containing His presence, His joy, His love, His blessings and its ultimate conclusion,
Shemini atseret – the eighth day of Sukkoth – the completion of reading Torah and Simchat Torah – the joy of the Torah.
The Eighth Day
8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man’s true ‘born again’ event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life. Eight is the personal number of Jesus. When we add together the letter values of the name Jesus in the Greek we get 888.
8th day– the great last day – eternity – the prophetic Torah complete – the day that celebrates the torah called, the joy of the torah, or rejoicing of/[with the]Torah
Hebrew: שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה שִׂמְחַת
and the new beginning* – enter the JOY of your Lord
as He says well done you good and faithful servant – no more tears only JOY.
*Simchat Torah or Simḥath Torah (also Simkhes Toreh, Hebrew: שִׂמְחַת תורָה, lit., “Rejoicing with/of the Torah,”) is a celebration marking the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. Simchat Torah is a component of the Biblical Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret (“Eighth Day of Assembly”), which follows immediately after the festival of Sukkot in the month of Tishrei (mid-September to early October on the Gregorian calendar).
J udge
O ur
Y ears
Judge ourselves with JOY that we be not judged…
The Moedim and what they represent seem to be a cycle that should be an integral part of every believing ecclesia?
Although we are not to come under bondage again to the law as such; according to 2 Timothy 3:16. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
So the Moedim have value for our training.
His Word both the written word and the living Word are mirrors for us and we should hold them up in front of our lives to see if the reflection is that of Jesus/Yeshua in us, the hope of glory. He is in the Moedim, the very essence and fulfillment of them both in our lives and literally. He is the only Feast that truly satisfies.
He is the Word –
He is the Heart of the Word/Torah –
His life is The Word –
Written not on stone in an ark but on our hearts; and we are now the ark of His renewed covenant –
The container of His Ruach/Spirit –
The 7 pillars of His wisdom supporting His life within –
The corner stone of our faith – not cut with hands –
We see Him as we walk through every one of His Moedim and finally to join us to Himself in the marriage of the Lamb on that last great day! Hallelujah!
Shalom shalom!
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