How does a NAIL join everything from Genesis to Revelation, and what is the connection between the Alphabet and Messiah Jesus/Yeshua?
First last? … Alef Tav?
Nothing Jesus said was without deeper meaning … so to what was He referring? and why did He say that?
It was a direct confirmation of the prophetic statement in Isaiah 44:6
In the book of Genesis and in the very 1st verse,
the plan of God, (YHVH) was clearly revealed;
sadly, we miss it’s impact because we read our english translations and not the original language in which it was written. 

Everything is connected and that is why we cannot neglect what we call the old Covenant/Testament and especially the fact it was written in the Hebrew language. God chose and created it specifically. When some of the secrets and mysteries, hidden within the texts, are revealed and become clear, in the light of our current position in His timeline; it gives us the unique ability to look back and see the fulfillment of His plans so far.
First, we need to reference the alphabet, without which we would have no text and no written scriptures! The decree by the King of the Universe to not add, or take away from His Word; and the precise copying of the original scrolls, ensures the accuracy of His original meaning to be maintained for millennia.
The Hebrew language is the Alef Bet.
If unfamiliar with the alef bet, it’s the root source of our alphabet, comprising the 22 consonants, letters of the Hebrew language. (No vowels like our a,e,i,o,u, but speech marks to indicate where to pronounce them, so the word makes sense.)
Alef is the first letter and tav is the last letter.
In the Greek language: Alpha/Alfa is the first letter and Omega is the last letter, (as referenced in many translations.)
For more details of the Hebrew language click links:
Over time the shapes of the letters have changed, just as they have in other languages, and that’s why we miss so much of their definitions.
Each letter has meanings and is a picture describing those meanings.
Pictured here is the first and last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet known as the “Alef & Taw/Tav.”
These two letters represent eternity or (the beginning and the end).
ancient above, modern below
They were created from the beginning by YHWH at creation. (Phonetic pronunciation adding in missing vowels, YaHuWaH).
Here, Alef is the first letter, Tav is the last and the letter Mem is in the middle. Together they spell Emet, the Hebrew word for TRUTH.
Jesus said of Himself, I AM the TRUTH …
In the original Hebrew Scriptures we can actually see these letters in the text but the English translators left them out:
Bereshiyth (Genesis) 1:1 In the beginning Elohiym created את ALEF & TAW the heaven and ואת WAW, ALEF & TAW the earth.
The Alef Tav appears in the first verse of the Bible:
Genesis 1:1 King James Version (H853) “In the beginning God created H1254 the heaven and the earth.”
H853 Genesis 1:1 Hebrew Old Testament ברא ית H7225; ברא H1254; אלהים H430; את ה מים H8064; ואת H853 האר׃ H776
Here is how it reads in the original Hebrew Old Testament:
Bereshiyth (Genesis) 1:1 In the beginning Elohiym created את ALEF & TAW the heaven (shamayim) and ואת WAW, ALEF & TAW/TAV the earth (erets).
The first and last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is called the “Alef” (A) and the “Taw”/Tav” (T).
These letters are seen in Ancient Paleo Hebrew Pictographs as “the ת and the two sticks, the cross א red heifer”, or the ox head.
The letter Vav or Waw is a picture of the nail or the tent peg.
The ‘Vav‘ pictures a tent peg or nail.
It means to secure, connect, or establish.
Hence, the message in these three letters is: “the red heifer sacrifice, the nail, and the cross!” 
Here also the TOKEN or SIGN or COVENANT

Since there are 22 Letters in the Hebrew alphabet, and YaHuWaH created us in His image and by the ‘spoken word‘, (made up of letters,) these letters contain ‘frequencies’, by which everything in the material world exists! There is an interesting ‘coincidence’ that there are 22 strands in the human DNA. (Wow!)
In our English Bibles, Genesis 1:1 reads like this, “In the beginning H7225 God H430 created H1254 (H853) the heaven H8064 and the earth.” H776
Remember Hebrew reads from right to left.
This Hebrew word (H853) is a word that appears hundreds of times in our Bibles.
Two examples of this are: One in Ruth where the Name of God is not found in that book, except as Alef Tav.
and second in Numbers
in connection to the prayer shawl/tallit and recalling His commandments by looking at the zitzit.

BUT, (H853 את ‘eth) is not translated.
This is the Hebrew word th which is comprised of the two Hebrew letters EP. The Hebrew literally reads, “In the beginning God created (ALEPH/TAV) the heavens and the earth.” iIn “Or orah”, Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch, explained first words of Torah:
Bereshit Bara Elohim Et – “In the beginning God created et” (Gen 1:1). Note that et is an untranslatable word used to indicate that “a definite direct object is next”; (thus there needs to be an et before the heavens and the earth). However, Dov Ber points out that et is spelled – Aleph-Tav, an abbreviation for the Aleph-Bet. Aleph is the first letter letter of the Hebrew alphabet and Tav the last, so, he reasoned, in the beginning God created the Aleph-Bet.
Since God did this before creating the heavens and the earth, the letters are considered to be the primordial “building blocks” of all of creation.
The “otiyot yesod” (foundational letters – the Hebrew alphabet).
In other words the Hebrew Alphabet was given prior to the creation of heaven and earth and subsequently used to create all things.
At creation, Elohiym first created the Hebrew Alphabet and then He used those letters in His alphabet to “speak the word” whereby everything was created: Ibriym (Hebrews) 11:3. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of Elohiym, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
As there are 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet, and our Mashiyach (Messiah) is the WORD who became flesh in John 1:1, it means that the Hebrew Alphabet is a schematic of him.
Every single letter in the Ancient Paleo Alphabet is also a pictograph/picture of our Messiah/Mashiyach, and we are created ‘in HIS image’ with 22 strands in our human DNA! These letters contain ‘frequencies’ or sound waves by which everything in the material world came into being and is held together.
In other words, life itself and all matter.
However this word et, is not a translatable word and therefore goes unnoticed.
YHWH (YaHuWaH) used the Alef Tav in the Hebrew alphabet to illustrate a prophetic picture of our Mashiyach (Messiah), as the sacrificial animal (the red heifer) being nailed to a cross!
After the Exodus when the children of Yisra’el were in the wilderness, they began to murmur and complain against YaHuWaH, and so He sent fiery serpents to bite them and many of them died (Numbers 21:6). But many of them began to repent and when they did, YaHuWaH instructed Mosheh (Moses) to make a pole and put a fiery serpent on the pole for them to look upon and then they would not die from being bitten by the serpent.
This was a prophetic shadow picture, of the future Mashiyach (Messiah), who would become a curse for us (John 3:14). But later on this image of the serpent on a pole became an idol that was used for worship and YaHuWaH was against this.
Being far from an expert on Hebrew studies, however, up till now the subject is fascinating, as the Hebrew alphabet is very unique and quite amazing. It consists of twenty-two letters that are all consonants. A combination of dots and dashes placed either above or beneath the individual letters give further indication of how the words sound.
The Hebrew alphabet comes to us from its earliest form, pictographs/pictures/glyphs.
Words were constructed by putting pictures together illustrating a characteristic of a word. An example is the word “father”.
The Hebrew word for father is spelled “ab” in English. (Now familiar as ABBA and also as AV, as in AVINU.) In Hebrew it consists of the letters aleph and bet.
The aleph represents an ox for strength or leadership and the bet represents a family or house.
From this we get the beautiful picture the Father Who is the strength and leader of His house and family.
Explanation: The ‘Ox Head’ is the pictograph for the ancient letter ‘Aleph’; the first letter of the Hebrew language/alphabet.
The ‘Crossing of the two sticks’ is the pictograph for the ancient Hebrew letter ‘Tau’ that is the last letter of the Hebrew language/alphabet.
However it is not the end, signifying the initiation of a covenant ‘without end’.
These two words placed together called Aleph-Tau/Tav constitute a sacred Paleo Hebrew word, which cannot be translated into any earthly language, other than the ancient Hebrew text, i.e.: Gen 29:35. Psalm 34:1;117:1; 2Chron 31:2; Jer 33:11; Zeph 3:20 and others. Written in its original form the Alef Tav. Source: Strong’s Hebrew Paleo Hebrew Dictionary No.853
In this illustration of the “Alef & Taw,” in it’s earliest ancient form it shows us a picture of the red heifer
(the ox head) being nailed to the “two sticks” of Eze- kiel 37:16 (the stick of Ephrayim & Judah).
Mashiyach is the “Alef & Taw” which means “the first and the last” or “the beginning and the ending” (Revelation 1:8; 1:11; 21:6; 22:13).
The last Hebrew letter, the “Taw” is shaped like a cross because it means that we must come to the “end” of the old sinful nature. In Tehilliym (Psalms) 51:5 Dawiyd (David) declared: “Behold I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”
Our Mashiyach came to put an end to this sinful nature—not the Mosaic Law! This is precisely why Jesus/Yeshua commanded us to deny ourselves, take up our cross (stauros) daily and to follow Him (Matthew 16:24).
Exodus 12:13 Now the blood shall be a SIGN (Hebrew word – OHT) for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.
As we have just seen, the word for “sign” in ancient Hebrew is “oht”. It was also used in Genesis to designate God’s covenant sign with Noah, (the rainbow). And we see now the same word again, in Exodus, identified with the deliverance of the Jewish people from the tenth plague, when the angel of death passed through all Egypt to strike the firstborn.
Anyone under the “sign” of the blood was spared.This “sign” of deliverance for the ancient Israelites, spelled “aleph”-“vav”-“tav” in ancient Hebrew letters, explicitly, the sign of blood on doorposts and lintel, also clearly spells out, “leader”, “nail”, and “cross”.
Just as blood on the doorposts was the only sign of deliverance for Israel, the cross of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus, the Christ), is the only sign of deliverance from eternal death for all mankind. [Acts 4:12]
The mystery of salvation was originally revealed in the very letters God used to unfold its story.
In the ancient Hebrew He speaks to us from the beginning of time, that the sign of the covenant would be “the leader who was nailed to the cross”.
We should have no doubt of the Father’s love for us!
What is even more interesting is that the word “Taw” is the Hebrew word for “mark” as seen in Ezekiel 9 and it is a mark that Elohiym puts on the foreheads of his elect who are sealed. The letters in the word “Taw” even tell a further message:
Taw, Waw, Alef
This means: “the cross, the sacrificial animal, and the nail.”
The Apostle Sha’uwl (Paul) spoke of this “mark” as being a “mark” that he bore in his own body:
Galatiym (Galatians) 6:17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of יהוה YaHuWaH יהו ו Yahuwshuwa.
Below is an illustration of how the progression of the letter “Taw” (Tav) has undergone changes over the centuries, as seen by the illustration above. The “cross” or the “Taw” was never meant to be an idol or an object of worship to be used as some sort of “talisman.” The “cross” or the “Taw” is a symbol of self-denial.

Hebrew for Jesus
I, I am the LORD, and besides me there is no savior. (Isaiah 43:11)
Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach is YHVH in the flesh.
Jesus’ statement in Revelation 22:13 now has even greater meaning:
Jesus said “I am the Alpha and the Omega”. In Hebrew He would have said “I am the Alef and the Tav”.
Isn’t this just like our God, “declaring the end from the beginning”? Isaiah 46:10
Chazown (Revelation) 1:8 I am the Alef and the Taw, the Beginning and Ending, says יהוה YaHuWaH which is, and which was, and is and who was and which is to come, the Almighty. Mashiyach was revealing himself as YaHuWaH in His resurrected state!
Chazown (Revelation) 1:11 “….I am the Alef and the Taw, the First and the Last.”
In Revelation 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, 22:13, the Messiah is called “the Alef & Taw” (Alpha & Omega) in Greek. The entire Hebrew Alphabet is a schematic of him! Could this be that the “restoration of all things” (Acts 3:21), includes being restored to the Edenic Language from creation? 
A clear picture of God’s plan! The ALEPH (God robed in the flesh) dying on a CROSS (the TAV).
Psalm 119, the longest Psalm in the scripture, is divided into 22 sections.
It titles each section by a letter of the Hebrew Alphabet from Alef to Tav.
Psalm 119 is all about the Word of God.
Jesus is the Living Torah!
We see a perfect picture in Zechariah of Messiah, the Aleph Tav, being pierced and mourned. The King James Version inserts ‘Him’ however it’s not there in the Hebrew.
And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon
whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. (Zechariah 12:10)
The numeric value of ALEPH is ONE! The ALEPH therefore represents first and foremost the oneness of God.
In some Hebrew translations of the New Testament we find the Aleph and the Tav inserted:
John 1:1 King James Version
(1) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1 Hebrew New Testament
Jesus is the Aleph Tav!
Interestingly the ALEPH and the TAV reveal the Plan of Redemption right from the beginning!
The Ancient picture
is a type of “mark”, probably of two sticks crossed to mark a place similar to the Egyptian hieroglyph of
, a picture of two crossed sticks. This letter has the meanings of mark, sign or signature. The Modern Hebrew, Arabic and Greek names for this letter is tav (or taw), a Hebrew word meaning, mark. Hebrew, Greek and Arabic agree that the sound for this letter is “t”.
The King James Bible wanted to give the phonetic sound to the name of Jesus, so in the story of Luke’s Gospel they transliterated the name that the angel is heard to say to Mary…
Luke 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. (transliterated Joshua) and He shall save His people from their sins, that is prevent them from missing the mark.
Matt 1:21 She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins, [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God].
The apostle John writes, “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness” (I John 3:4). The Greek word for “sin” is hamartia, an archery term for “missing the mark.” We could say that sin is not just making an error in judgment in a particular case, but missing the whole point of human life; not just the violation of a law, but an insult to a relationship with the One to whom we owe everything; not just a servant’s failure to carry out a master’s orders, but the ingratitude of a child to its parent.
The apostle John declares that sin is the transgression of God’s commandments (I John 3:4, KJV), including the two great commandments Jesus spoke in Mark 12:28-31. The word translated as “sin” literally means “to miss the mark.” Combining these principles gives us a very broad definition of sin: Sin is imperfectly loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength; and imperfectly loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Sin is missing the mark of what God wants us to do. James 4:7
The word “sins” found here in Matthew 1:21 is the Greek Bible word “hamartia.” It is the most common New Testament word for “sin”, and the basic meaning of it is “to miss the mark.” But it does NOT mean “miss the mark” in the way many of us would think of it: like an archer, who was trying to hit the right target, but just couldn’t do it. No, this word means “to miss the mark” of the standards that God set for us regarding the way that we should live:
I Peter 2:24 says “He Himself bore our sins (our “hamartia”, that same word used in Matthew 1:21 for missing the mark) in His body on the cross” so that we could be reconciled to God. Our Judge loved us, and paid the penalty for our sins.
Mary was told to name her son “Salvation” for He would save His people. Simeon, the old man in the temple waiting for the Messiah, held up Yeshua and said, “Mine eyes have seen the Salvation of Israel.”
And now we can see why Yahuwshuwa called himself “the first and the last” in Revelation 1:8, for he came to represent the “the firstborn” symbolized by the first letter in the Hebrew Alphabet, the א “Aleph” and he also came to represent the last-born symbolic of the last letter in the Hebrew Alphabet, called the ת “Taw!”
Or also known as the Alpha and omega
Alef is an ox strong or first as in AV or AB which is Father also written Avina= or Abba
ayin vav shin yod
The etymology of “Jesus” is simple. In the Greek Scriptures, Ὶησους, Iesous is a transliteration of the Hebrew יֵשׁוּעַ, Yeshua. Exchanging the “y” for an “i” at the beginning, and adding an “s” on the end is common in Greek, i.e. יְהוּדָה, Y’hudah (Judah) becomes Ὶούδας, Ioudas (Judas). From the Greek, Ὶησους, Iesous was transliterated into the latin Iesus, and finally came into English as Jesus. Yeshua (Hebrew) to Iesous (Greek) to Iesus (Latin) to Jesus (English).
The Meaning of Word “Mashiach”
The word “Messiah” (mashiach) comes from the verb mashach, which means to smear or anoint with oil, usually for the purpose of dedicating or consecrating something (such as a temple vessel) or someone (such as a prophet, priest or king) for the service of Adonai.
Also, for the title “Messiah” the Hebrew word Mashiyach from the Hebrew text; the letters appear as: Mem, Shin, Yod, Chets (MSYC)
The sacred names of deity as they have been removed 7,000 times from the original Hebrew Scriptures. Instead of “the LORD” four English letters to represent the four Hebrew letters in our Creator’s name: Yod, Hey, Waw (or Vav), Hey as YHWH (called the Tetragrammaton).
Hebrew Letter “vav” at one time was a letter “waw” pronounced as a long “u” sound when used as a vowel. But it also doubles as a consonant that has the “w” sound. Sometimes, this letter “waw” makes the same blowing sound as in the word “who” as if you are going to “whistle.” Below are a few resources that show the historic evidence for how the Hebrew letter “waw” became a “vav” in Modern Hebrew through the Germanic influence.
Pictured above are the four Modern Hebrew Letters that make up the name of our Heavenly Father, and then you will see the Ancient Paleo Pictograph Letters above them as they were written by Moses and the Yisra’elites about 3,000 years ago and earlier.
In Exodus 3:14-15, YaHuWaH told Mosheh what proper name He is to be called for all generations:
Yod, Hey, Waw, Hey: YHWH
In Ancient Paleo Pictographs, these letters are seen below from right to left as follows: Yod (hand or arm); Hey (breath or spirit); Waw (nail or tent peg); Hey (breath or spirit); 
These four letters are called “the tetragrammaton.”
The Father’s name has 4 Hebrew Letters (YHWH).
The latter 6 commandments in the Ten Commandments tell us how to love our fellow man, and Yahuwshuwa Messiah came as “the son of man” so it is fitting that there are 6 Hebrew Letters to his name (YHWSWA).
The Yod, Hey & Waw are unique to the Father’s name which is the name of salvation! If you remove the Hey (the breath or spirit of Yah) and you remove the Waw (the nail), you are removing the prophetic pictures of his name YaHuW. By calling our Messiah with these Hebrew letters we are making a prophetic declaration every time we use his name:
YaHuW means “hand, behold, nail” and then the other word for “salvation” (shuwa) is added to say “hand, behold, nail, is salvation.”
This end-time prophecy tells us that people will be calling upon the Father’s name for salvation:
Yowel (Joel) 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YHWH shall be delivered: for in mount Tziyown (Zion) and in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) shall be deliverance, as YHWH has said, and in the remnant whom YHWH shall call.
I just want to ask where I can get a restored version of the bible with the specially for gospel, just like how you qoute Galatians 6:17
In Romans 10:9-13 it says The messiah is “lord” in small letters
But I believe that it’s the name of the creator in that part which should be the Messiah is YHWH
Some restored names leave it as still “master” .
A link of the website is enough
Hi Jaime Not sure what you mean by restored version but the bible references used come from
https://blue letter bible
Shem tov Hebrew Matthew and the now translated other Brit Chadashah books.
Interlinear Hebrew
Jewish Study Bible
Strongs Hebrew and other reference translations. The Bibles are available through Amazon or
Hope this helps. Shalom