This video was sent in and is posted here for you to watch and be encouraged by and also to please pass on to as many as you can.
Shelia writes: This video was made at the request of many people to whom I sent the written message over the past several months.
This is the only video I have ever made and it is of my testimony of Jesus and of a wide awake, open vision that he gave me of the end time and His return…that was in 1976 when I was 13 years old. In January, the Holy Spirit brought to mind that this July was 40 years since He gave me that vision…I don’t know the significance of that other than the fact that a 40 year period is important in prophecy…anyhow, I’ve been on point like a bird dog ever since…
I try to send this message to 50-100 people a week randomly. I have prayed that God will lead me to send this to those who need it most and that they would be able to discern the truth in it. I don’t believe in accidents, if you received it, it was intended so. People wonder what reason I have for sending it to them in particular.
Many are going through things in their lives now that make them question, make them hungry for something tangible in this crazy time we live. People need something real to believe in now, when everything is totally not what it seems. Jesus is that Reality. I would like to clarify that what I had was not a dream. I was tired, but I never went to sleep. What I had was a wide awake, full-on, full color, dimensional vision of the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise His Name.
I have been sharing the video since 2010 and I will be sharing it when He splits that northeastern sky…but recently, there is a fire in my belly and I’ve been sharing this like a crazy person…Jesus is coming, I feel it…can you? Here is the video…and may the Lord bless and keep you until that Glorious Day…
Below is the link to the video of Sheila’s vision of the Return of Jesus
Please click link or paste to your browser.
I hope you will be blessed by this message and that you will share it with everyone you know. God Bless and Keep each of you.
Lion photo shared by CB Stevens. Thank you!
It has come to our attention that people with a phone have difficulty reading the video, so here below is the text…
My Vision of the Return of Jesus Christ.
The Word of God says that young men have visions and old men have dreams. I was a young girl when I had a vision from God. I was 13 years old when it happened and it hasn’t happened again since that hot July day in 1976. I’m getting old, but not one detail of that vision has ever left me. It was profound and life altering, yet as a young girl I didn’t know what it meant or recognize what a significance it would prove to be in my life and others. I pondered it for a while and eventually I just got on with life, and though I put it aside, it never went away.
For the past five years, this vision has been in my thoughts constantly, pressing me to write it down and share it with the world. The Holy Spirit won’t leave me alone about it; I have to do it. I can’t sleep at night for thinking about it; I feel like a grape in a wine press. The need to do this is pressing and oppressive and urgent. I find it ironic that I grew up in the middle of the Bible belt, yet I had not been to church more than two or three times in my life and that was limited to Sunday school when I was a much younger girl. I had no idea of the symbolism or what these strange things that I would see would mean to me or anyone else. Church, God and the Bible were not a part of my family or our lives.
My Mom was taken to church as a child and baptized as were all good Southern Baptist in her day. I don’t recall that she ever went to church as an adult, nor do I ever recall seeing a Bible in our home. I do remember the plaque with praying hands in the den that hung there for many years as it did in many southern homes. We were never taught how to pray or worship or praise God and as an adult, this is something that I am just now learning. I do have to add that when my sisters and I were very young, I remember Mamma teaching us how to say our prayers at night. You know, “Now I lay me down to sleep…”
Oh, yes, then there was the print over my bed, the one with the little boy and girl crossing a broken and crumbling bridge, and a beautiful guardian angel in a pink dress was helping them safely across.
That was the extent of my Biblical teaching.
Nothing that I learned in our home prepared me for what God would show me. I remember that right before I had this vision, I was fond of telling everyone that I was an atheist. Never mind that I really didn’t know what that meant, let alone the ramifications of what I was saying. I think I was doing it for the shock value, like all teenagers in the 70’s. But God heard me loud and clear and saw past my smart mouth. He knew the disobedient path that my life would take and he knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. I guess he figured I needed a visual aid to bring me back to him. It only took me 30 years or so, but I am home now.
My family had finished Sunday dinner, which is lunch to those who aren’t from the south. Everyone decided to go down to the river for a swim and fishing, but, for some reason, I did not want to go. I felt tired and I just wanted to lay down for a nap, so my Mamma allowed me to stay home alone for the first time ever. It was like any other dry, sultry, boring day in mid-July in South Georgia. We lived out in the country in the middle of dusty plowed fields, dirt roads and woods. Everything looked kind of brown and crispy, like it needed rain bad. The corn field across the road in front of the house was starting to turn brown and die.
As soon as everyone left, I went to my bedroom, which faced out the front side of the house and looked out onto our front yard, which had a semi-circular dirt driveway and beside the left entrance was an old dogwood tree which had to be at least a hundred years old. Highway 341 ran from east to west in front of our house, which faced north, and the cornfield I spoke of earlier was on the other side of the highway. There was a slight rise in the middle of this field and you could not see the trees on the other side, so it looked like an ocean of corn that went off into the horizon.
As I lay across my bed looking out the window, contemplating what I saw before me, I began to hear music in the distance. I specifically heard it in my right ear and the direction from which it came made me think of the high school band which practiced several miles southeast from where I lived. When conditions were right we could hear the band playing, but usually only heard the faint beat of drums. This sounded like trumpets and as I was thinking this to myself, I began to notice the music getting louder and louder, coming closer and closer, very quickly.
Within a few seconds the sound wasn’t just something that was exterior, but it was inside my head as well, reverberating throughout my entire body. It was so loud and it sounded like lightning crashed directly over my head and, in that split second, the trumpet sound thundered throughout my body and throughout the entire world…everything was dark and my bed and the earth shook so violently.
In a flash, I was no longer lying on my bed, but I was standing outside my bedroom window in the front yard and I beheld the scene in front of me with tremendous awe. It was still my front yard, only now everything was different. It seemed as if my entire range of vision was a huge 3D movie screen and I was in the middle of it.
The trumpets continued to sound and I saw that the blue, sunny sky had turned black and the clouds churned and the wind blew with a violence that I had never experienced.
The corn field was now a sea of wheat that was golden brown and ripe for harvest and I could see every stalk of wheat individually, billions of them. And I watched as the wind thrashed the wheat until it was beaten down by the storm. I now know that the Bible speaks several times about, in the end time, when the wheat is ripe for harvest, how the wheat will be separated from the tares. The tares are gathered and bundled together for burning and the wheat is gathered into the barn.
Then I noticed the dogwood tree. It was mid-July, so of course I know there should not have been any blossoms on it, they usually bloom around Easter…but the tree was in full bloom. I had never seen anything like this. You couldn’t see any leaves on the tree because of the thousands of dogwood blossoms. It looked as if it were lit from within, by a glowing whitest of white, neon light and it glowed gloriously against the darkened sky.
Now, I know the Bible says no man knows the day nor hour that Jesus will return, but if we watch for the signs, we can know the season. I have always felt that He might come back in the spring when the dogwood tree is in bloom. Of all the things that could have been highlighted in a vision; why the dogwood tree? I believe there is a specific message here.
(Update: recently, I prayed about this and I feel the Lord placed into my spirit that this represents the fullness of the gentiles coming in).
Just as I was taking all of this in, lightning filled the sky and the trumpets thundered over head again and in an instant there appeared two angels. They were dressed in white robes, facing each other up in the air and blowing golden trumpets.
They were huge and filled the sky in front of me and I knew that the entire world must be seeing this as well. When I say huge, I mean like the size of the highest mountains, literally.
I didn’t think the trumpets could get any louder, but they grew louder still, building to a great crescendo and I heard a great shout that was louder than anything that you could imagine. And with that shout, it’s as if the earth fell silent, the black, violent clouds began to roll back onto themselves from the center of the northeastern sky and I saw light in the distance. It was more a combination of light and clearing of the clouds in the distance that got my attention.
As I looked up at this shaft of light and clearing sky, I saw what seemed to be fluttering and movement in the distance. As it came into view, I saw Jesus on a white horse and behind him were millions of angels and saints on white horses.
It was at this moment, when I realized what I was seeing, that it disappeared and I was back in my room lying on my bed.
Everything was back to normal and I was again looking out at a bright, sunny day. As a 13 year old girl, I had no idea what I had just experienced. I had no frame of reference; I didn’t even know what a vision was. I’d never heard of such things. I certainly didn’t tell anyone about it. I didn’t know how, and I didn’t want my family to think I was crazy, but, to be honest, I was starting to think I was.
Time passed and I filed it away in the back of my mind where it gathered cob webs for many years. Every once in a while I would think about it but always re-filed it as an unsolved mystery. After all the years of pondering about it, I finally picked up a bible in 2009 that had a concordance and looked up the word trumpet.
The first scripture it sent me to was;
Mathew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
The next scripture I was lead to was
1Thesalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
I know that what I was shown was from God Himself and since that day, I have known that I would see Jesus come back for us in my lifetime.
The time is urgent and God has really pressed upon me to share this with you. Please let me know how you feel about this.
If you are a Christian, I hope this blesses you and gives you reassurance and that you will share this with others.
If you’re not a Christian, I beg you to repent now and ask Jesus to forgive you and be the Lord of your life because our time is very short.
The one question people always ask is why I feel this urgency now. The only way I know how to explain it is that I remember how I felt when I had the vision. I didn’t feel like I was seeing it through 13 year old eyes. I remember how I felt emotionally and physically and spiritually. I felt then like I feel now and that’s the only way I know how to articulate it.
Whether you believe this was a vision of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, or, if you believe this was a glimpse of the Rapture to come, even if you don’t believe at all, no matter your eschatology, just know that it was real and every word of this is truth…if you have even a measure of the Holy Spirit, you already know that.
For some reason, God chose me to deliver this message to you at this time. I’m not a preacher, nor a teacher. I’m just a mamma and a grandma and a sinner in need of a Savior…and I found Him…I am the least likely person to be chosen to deliver such an important message.
I have pondered and prayed about this and I feel God gave me the following analogy: You have two clay pots, one is perfect, the other full of holes and cracks. Which one lets the most light shine through?
God Bless Us All, In Jesus name, Shelia D. Hughey, 10/2010 Georgia, USA