While studying the word ‘manna’, there was something interesting in the ancient pictographic alphabetic symbols called the Proto Hebrew.
Numbers describes it as having the appearance of bdellium, adding that the Israelites ground it and pounded it into cakes, which were then baked, resulting in something that tasted like cakes baked with oil.
Exodus states that raw manna tasted like wafers that had been made with honey.
Exo 16:14 And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.
Exo 16:15 And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they knew not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which YHWH hath given you to eat.
Man hu?/Mah Nah? is Hebrew for What is it?
They asked “What is it?” and Moses explained it was the bread sent from heaven that YHWH had promised.
Only heavenly Bread can fill us so that we are satisfied.
It did not fit into any of the preconceived ideas or images that they had about food or in this case bread.
The word of God is His Bread of life. If we are to receive His blessings we cannot receive them something we are familiar with, something that we are expecting, or something we already know.
We must receive them as mah hah, as a question, a, what is it?
We must receive it as one receiving for the first time, as a little child who is continually surprised by the wonders of His grace and provision.
We need to be overwhelmed by the depth of His love and compassion and of His attention to every tiny detail in His Creation.
If we choose to open our hearts to receive it as something completely new, it will manifest as fresh mahnah. Fresh bread from heaven.
This is the key to staying fresh in our relationship with Him.
No stale crumbs that are serving no purpose in our lives, neither feeding ourselves nor others.
No moldy slices of things we thought we knew, tucked away and disintegrating with time in some dusty corner of our perceived knowledge of who we think He is. No doubt we have surely developed some kind of image of Him by our own standards and experiences. Which will no doubt be 1,000,000 miles from the truth and very obvious when we stand face to face, (al pene).
For we think in finite terms and He is infinite. He sits on the eternity of eternities. He is light and spirit and not something we can put it into a box and label.
Jesus/Yeshua is also the promised bread that came down from heaven.
This is the Mah Nah that sustains us.
This manna was their daily bread which we are to also pray for (John 6:31-58).
In actual fact, the word Manna does not appear anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures.
This word is found in the Greek Septuagint which the translators relied heavily upon in their later translations. The words here in Hebrew are: “man hu” or “what is it” and in v.31, it is simply “man”.
The (Jewish Publication Soc.) JPS version of the bible also translates the word as “manna” which shows that even the Jewish translation was influenced by the Septuagint.
Manna is not a Hebrew word, but is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew words “man hu”.
Looking at the word “man” or manna in the Pictographic Hebrew, we see a word picture.
Remember, Hebrew thought is concrete and based upon things that can be perceived by the senses and is circular in nature.
Greco/Roman thought is abstract rather than concrete and is linear in nature.
This is why YHWH declared the end from the beginning* and why most prophecy has a dual fulfillment.
(* see post on Yeshua – I am the Alef and Tav)
The pictograph of “manna” is (Nm)
We have a picture of water
and a seed 
What was it that the Hebrews saw?
It was described as like a coriander seed and
like hoar frost upon the ground.
When the dew had gone up from the ground, the
“man” was seen upon the face of the wilderness.
Here is one idea as to why they depicted it as Nm.
The ‘man’ was the ‘seed’ left by the dew?
Its possible the pictograph is indicating “dew seed or seed left by the dew“.
This demonstrates that words that have vague or questionable meanings, can often be determined by looking at their ancient Pictographic Hebrew roots.
Seek the fresh bread of the new morning like the dew it will be there waiting to be collected and consumed but it’s only for today and by tomorrow that will be different new Mahnáh with another flavor on the hunger will once again be satiated. Make sure we taste of it each and every day as it is dropped down to us, imparted from heaven hand of provision.
Hopefully this whets your appetite for more ancient Hebrew roots. This is only a small sampling of the ancient pictographic Hebrew roots and their possible interpretations.
There is still much to be learned in this area of study.
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