Our Manna is the ‘Bread of His Life’.
The use and reference to both ‘Manna’ and ‘Bread of Life’ is spread throughout the Bible, (Tenach), and for good reason. In the old testament it is very much a representation of the Coming Messiah and in the ‘renewed covenant’, (Brit Chadasha), Jesus, Yeshua uses the term to refer to Himself on many occasions. John 6: 48 Jesus declares clearly, I am the bread of life.

In the Book of Revelation 2: 17, Messiah was talking to John about the spiritual conditions that were apparent in local congregations.
Addressing the situation in the congregation at Ephesus, urging them to return to their first love.
He also said
the one who has ears must now listen to what the spirit is saying to the congregations. To the one who conquers, I shall give the manna, which has been concealed. (Psalms 78:24)
The reference above to Psalm 78:22 -25 tells us He was angry because they did not believe in Him nor were trusting His salvation.
‘Though He had commanded the skies from above and open the doors of heaven and had rained down manna on them to eat and had given them the grain of heaven.’
He gave bread from heaven for them to eat.
John 6:31; ‘our fathers ate manna in the wilderness just as it has been written’ in Exodus 16:15.
Jesus (Yeshua) was quoting scripture from
Num 11: 7–9 then Jesus said to them, ‘most certainly I say to you Moses has not given new the bread from heaven that my father is giving you the true bread from heaven, for the bread of God is that which descends from heaven and gives life to the world’.
‘then they said, you must always give us this bread.’
John 6:34–66
Verse 30 –40 Jesus declares clearly, I am the bread of life.
Verse 44; no one is able to come to Me unless the Father, the one who sent Me would draw him then I will raise him on the last day and all will be taught by God. Isaiah 54:13
John 6:47 the one who believes (‘believe’ requires a change in behavior) has eternal life. 48. I am the bread of life 49. Your father’s ate manna in the wilderness and they died. This one is the bread that descended from heaven so that who ever would eat of it would not die. Verse 50:1 I am the living bread that descended out of heaven if anyone would eat this bread he will live forever and also the bread which I shall give on behalf of the life of the world is My flesh.
John 6:52–53 unless you would eat the flesh of the Son of Man and you would drink His blood you do not have a life in yourselves (Matthew 5:6)
verse 54 the one who chews my flesh.
Here, the words ‘chews my flesh’ means to break a word of scripture into small pieces, study, discuss and meditate on it.
Jeremiah 15:16
John 1:14
Verse 54 ‘the one who chews my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.’
Here ‘drinks my blood’ means to swallow, digest the word of God and translating it into changes in behavior in our everyday life, as in transforming the word into action and becoming a ‘DOER’ of His word and NOT a hearer only ….
This was a hard saying for many of His followers who left Him, after He told them that this was necessary for them to become and remain His disciples.
The Word of God tells us clearly that ‘The Life is in the blood’ Leviticus 17:11) and from ancient times the Jewish people used wine to express covenant with wine representing the blood.
Some Benefits Of Eating and Drinking…
We take Him Jesus (Yeshua), the Bread of Life and His blood of the renewed covenant into ourselves and allow His life to be absorb into ours to feed our spirits and souls in refreshing newness of life and to restore and heal our physical bodies and make us whole and complete in Him. The difference between the manna from Exodus and Him being the Bread of Life is that the first was temporary sustenance and they all died. With Jesus as the Bread/Manna we will live and remain in Him for ever.
Verse 54 and I shall raise him on the last day. verse 55 for My flesh is true food and My blood is true drink.
verse 56 the one who chews My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father then the one who chews Me even that one will live because of Me. Verse 58 this is the bread which has come down from heaven not just like the father’s ate and died, the one who chews this bread will live forever.
Verse 60–71 63 the spirit is that which gives life, the flesh does not profit anything. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.
Mini Manna Moments is an aid to help you break the word into small pieces, study, discuss and meditate on it. And as covenant believers to enable us to swallow, digest the word of God translating it into changes in behavior and the way we live our lives with Him at the center of all conscious activity. As days grown darker spiritually from the worlds influence, we must shine all the brighter as a beacon of hope to those without any and boldly reflect the light of eternity that is our salvation and His life through us, always reaching for the lost to show them the path, the way, the truth and the life.
Jeremiah 15:16 1 John 1:5–7
There are many voices out there but only those rooted and anchored firmly in the truth of God’s Word will benefit the listeners.
Mini Manna Moment’s intent, is to simply present some treasures discovered along ‘the way’, and offer some ‘light’, in the form of expounding on scriptures. Those that sometimes seem obscure and confusing or simply don’t seem to make a lot of sense to us today in our 21st century way of life.
John 1:4 In Him was life and the life was the light of men.
Mini Manna Moments appreciates that this is not for everyone and the content is not intended for argument, or to incite controversy, but for those who have had similar questions.
Hopefully it inspires some thoughts and offers possible answers, which will help to make sense of those hard to comprehend sayings, as we view them from a foundational Hebraic perspective. An Israelite mindset based solely on the Scriptures, primarily from the Torah, the writings and prophets, and also from the New Testament, with which we are more familiar. Sadly it becomes clear how much we have lost in translation.
These are simple truths for those in a hurry and some deeper dips for those still hungry and with more time to read and whose hunger is not so easily satisfied.
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