[And Ezra said], You are the Lord, You alone; You have made heaven,(The pillars of creation)
the heaven of heavens,with all their host,the earth, and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them;
and You preserve them all, and the hosts of heaven worship You.
And because you are the Lord every knee shall bow in the heavens and the earth and under the earth all creation shall proclaim You are Lord of all Creation You are King of the Universe…..We see all that your Hand has fashioned. Carina Nebula
Living in a rural area at least allows us to see the heavens after dark even without a telescope.The Milky Way
In the busy cities, that boast they never sleep, the lights are so bright that the stars are hard to identify above the cityscape of neon glare.
If you haven’t recently, then step outside after the sun has set and allow your eyes to become accustomed to the night and look into the heavens that He has created.
You may not be able to identify or name the constellations; (I believe there’s an app for that!)
however, simply enjoy the true magnificence of His creation and the unending vastness of the heavens that stretch beyond what we can even think or imagine!
The God that sits on the throne in the eternity of eternities is concerned about us.
Wow that is something to give thanks for.
Included below are some shots of the known universe taken from the telescopes NASA, Chandra, Hubble and others.There is nothing other than picture and scripture, for words are not able to do ample justice to the visuals in so many of them resemble images and shapes with which we are familiar.The light from the stars we see has taken millions of years to reach us so we are in reality looking into the distant past.
So do a spot of time traveling as you feast your eyes on the glory of the Lord who sent His Son to die in our place who loves us enough to redeem us and call us His own.
Hubble: Cross in M51 Whirlpool Galaxy
Chandra. Nebula
Cone nebula
Constellation Cepheus
Gods Heart is big and its beat is Peo-ple-peo-ple-peo-ple…Cone nebula
Horsehead nebula
Nebula ve Galaksiler]” üzerine 65 …
The heart of worship is loving Him. Nebula IC 1805
The Eagle Nebula NGC 2174
These are the heavens that will one day roll up like a scroll and we will see Him coming in all his glory and He will bring with Him worlds without end.