Mystery of a Pur, a Secret Name and a Miracle.

If I Perish, I Perish

Remembering Purim 

 On the fourteenth day of the month of Adar in the late winter, (early springtime), the Feast of Esther is celebrated as her amazing life is remembered. From evening of Feb 28th to evening of March 2nd on Western calendar, and  13th 14th 15th of Adar on the Hebrew calendar.

The story of Purim is recorded in the Book of Esther (Megillat Esther).  There are three main characters: the heroes of the story Esther and her cousin Mordecai, and Haman, the villain who wickedly plots to destroy the Jewish People. This is an account of the Queen of Persia, (a Jewess) who was victorious over the evil intentions of Haman. It was Haman’s intentions to initiate a nation wide program of genocide against all the Jews in the Medo-Persian empire.  Haman was the chief Minister of the Persian emperor, Ahasuerus (Xerses), King (486-465 BC.)  There’s much that people didn’t know about Queen Esther. For one, her name wasn’t Esther. It was Hadassah, but she took the more Persian-sounding name for her public face. 

For more on this click on link is the story of how God used the courage of Esther, a young girl, who was known for her engaging personality and surpassing beauty; to save “God’s chosen people”, at the time they were threatened by extermination.“Who know whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” 

When Mordecai challenged her with the urgent truth, she demonstrates loyalty, to Mordecai her foster father who had raised her from a small child. (He was also her genetic cousin and some scholars maintain she was married to Mordecai).With faith filled prayer to God, together with fasting by her 7 handmaidens (2:10; 4:15) and all the Jews in Sushan fasting for 3 days, Esther risked her life. In order to save her people, scattered all over the empire, from death; she courageously sought the direct audience of the King without his invitation.Esther, an orphan who had been raised in Persia by her cousin Mordecai, is a beautiful, young Jewish woman. 

When Vashti, the Queen of Persia, falls out of favor with Ahasuerus, (King of Persia), Esther becomes part of his harem. The hidden hand of God is at work in her life in the king’s harem, and he falls head over heels in love with her. He loves her so much, in fact, that he singles her out to be his queen.

The king does not know, however, that Esther is a Jew, since Mordecai had advised her not to reveal her identity. The Story of Esther gives us an insight into the Jewish cultural identity at the time, and how it can sometimes be important to hide that identity to preserve social harmony, which can be engineered using official ignorance. It was a need to know basis! Her secret name was a Hebrew one.

There is a difference between hiding one’s identity and losing that identity altogether and the danger is in compromise.

Compromise is what happened when Babylon took the Jewish people into captivity, their Jewish identity disappeared going underground; they reappear in the Persian Empire not as people of a Jewish nation, but as a race.  This makes the Book of Esther distinctive.   Within the story, Esther, is fully a Persian (todays Iran), her life is surrounded by the culture of Persian life; and she lives a life without publically showing any cultural identity, either to the people, or to the God, in whom she believed.  The story concerns wicked Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, who was promoted to the role of viceroy or prime minister. The age old tension between the descendants of Esau is still going on, as the arch rivals of the Hebrews, through the Amalekites, from whom Agag was descended, (1 Samuel 15:8) in the 16th generation. (Targum Sheni, Josephus Antiquities xi.6.5) Agag was the king that King Saul had refused to kill in 1Samuel 15:9. Although Samuel finally killed Agag, members of his family escaped and had children; so Haman was born due to Saul’s disobedience.

Disobedience always has consequences; for it is an outward show of pride, in that an individual thinks they know better than God and declares it by their following actions/decisions just as Saul did.

King Saul believed he was showing mercy to King Agag but it was based on human feelings. Gods Mercy is not based on feelings, He was seeing ahead to save His people from future destruction. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts not as ours. 

The Scriptures tell us clearly that, pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

James gives an explanation of human wisdom that can often be touted as common sense. This is why we need the Holy Spirit to teach us and to be led by Ruach HaKodesh; not simply by a need or by our feelings, emotions and five physical senses; but by His leading alone. None of us wants, or needs to miss Gods leading.

Sometimes there is a delay before consequences take effect and in such cases, people do not always make the connection. Esther 9:28.1Samuel 15:33, records the prophet Samuel being obedient when God told him to complete what Saul had not done.Haman, as a type of anti-Messiah, not only hates the Jewish people with a venomous passion, but all those who refuse to bow their knee to the kingdom of darkness.Because of petty pride, Haman is seeking revenge when he does not receive the respect he felt he deserved from Mordecai, who worked at the gate of the citadel. This escalates out of proportion when Haman decides that revenge is not just personal but is on a greater level, and involves a whole nation.  This ‘type’ was repeated in our modern generation in the WW2 Holocaust. 

 In a world where human life has little value, personal and petty whims can cause the massive annihilation of people.

To sacrifice an entire race in genocide on the whims of one individual in not uncommon in ancient history. It is one of the most nefarious in the devils arsenal of tactics to eliminate God’s chosen.Darius I

A few years prior to this, the father of Ahasuerus (Xerxes), Darius I, massacred the entire class of Magi.  Fifty years before that, there was a general massacre of the Scythians in the North Lands. 


In a world where there is plurality and tolerance, acceptance is assured unless one chooses to be different.  That difference may be either too good or too bad.  Even if we are too good, being different will eventually trigger animosity and hatred, this has been the reason for anti-Semitism throughout the ages.  

For Esther to remain silent, during the first five years of her being queen is commendable.  However there comes a time when we are called to testify and become transparent before the world and Esther’s time had come. 

And it was a time of miracles…

God always puts people in places to be agents of His deliverance, yet sometimes He has to act beyond the assistance of willing human agents.

This was the idea that triggered Mordecai to say, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from anther place, but you and your father’s house will perish.  Yet who know whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (4:14)Esther appealing to the King.

For those with eyes to see, and ears to hear, the hand of God was unmistakably working with His people, the providence of God stands supreme everywhere in this book. 

“Esther ‘happens’ to be chosen queen;

Mordecai ‘happens’ to be in a position to thwart a palace coup and to get his name recorded in the king’s chronicles;

the king  ‘happens’ to be unable to sleep, so as to call for the chronicles to be read to him;

it ‘happens’ that the account of Mordecai’s actions should be read at that time.

The book seems to say that none of this is happenstance.  Esther denouncing Haman.

Many times when God appears to be silent, He is at work to keep His covenant promises with Abraham’s seed.Of all the books of the Old Testament The Book of Esther is unique.  The New Testament does not contain quotes from it and among the Dead Sea Scrolls no fragments of it were found.  Scholars have noted the lack of religious overtones, as there is no mention of the Torah or the covenant. 

However as the Bibles central theme is about the revelation of God,

He is revealed here as being hidden in the heart. 

Both the people and the days of Esther could be considered a reflection of Gods people in the End Times who, though sealed (6th Seal), by Him, they still remain hidden and dispersed throughout the whole world.  The remnant church, which will only be known to God, will no longer exist as an institutional hierarchy.

Remnant, meaning faithful believers.

 Many question are posed by the events recorded in Esther.

What if Esther did not exist, or she did not respond to the calling of God and be willing to give up her life for her people? 

Within eight years, Ahasuerus was assassinated by a courtier, Artabanus.  Esther before King Ahasueras.

No doubt, Ezra, the lawyer and scribe, was alive at the time of Esther.  Fifteen years later, under the rule of Artaxerxes I, Ezra leads the second group of Jews back to the Holy Land in 458 BC. 

Was Artaxerxes I, the son of Esther and Ahasueras (Xerxes I)? 

Without Esther, would Ezra have been killed in the genocide?

Without Ezra, would the compilation of the Tanach, the Old Testament, been completed? 

Without Esther, would Nehemiah, the governor, have been killed?

Would the third migration back to Israel have never occurred? 

Maybe there would not have been enough Jews to migrate back to the Land of Israel. Esther was important to the redemption of God’s chosen people and without Esther, we would not have a clear picture of how the hand of God works in a pluralistic, segregated and subjugated society as will exist in the End Times. 

It shows that for those who humble themselves in fasting and in prayer God lifts them over the demonic forces, which oppress them. 

Could the book of Esther be a prophetic book? 

These End Days may still have further revelations from God as type meets anti-type.The sages say that the very SECRETS OF REDEMPTION are found in the Megillah of Esther. It is an extremely deep book:

E.g. “What happened to Mordecai?” Why is he not mentioned elsewhere? Well in fact he is!! In the Mishna Sh’kalim 5 (Historical commentary), it records that he became an officer in the Beit HaMikdash (Temple) when it was rebuilt and he was in charge of overseeing the “bird” offerings. His name was changed to P’sakia, because he P’SAK could “open up” the understanding of WORDS.** The P’siska Niddah says the bird offerings are the most difficult job in the Temple.


One of the sages pointed out that Mordecai is also mystically hidden in the Torah in the reference to one of the types of incense!!! “Pure myrh” is literally in ARAMAIC  “MOR DACHAI”.What we are left with in remembering Esther is …Gods timing is perfect.

God humbles the proud and exalts the lowly who trust in Him. He knows everything that is happening and we are to trust Him completely with our lives and everything and everybody in them.

One person can change everything.

One person’s actions or non-actions can influence the outcome of critical decision-making.

Here in this instance, one woman’s obedience and courage led to a whole nation of people being saved from extinction.

And more importantly by their continued presence on this earth, they gave birth to descendants who in turn produced the line from which Messiah Yeshua was born.

No Esther, would have meant no Israel….

and therefore no Savior

with no redemption for anyone!

We owe so much to certain individuals whose faith and commitment has been pivotal in forming the future in which we now live.

Lets remember those whose lives really mattered and learn from their sacrifices and emulate their faith and courage as if the lives of our nation depended on it.

For in truth – they do!

It is often a date on the calendar that slips by unnoticed, however, when we see a reference to Purim or Esther, there’s a whole lot more going on.

And who knows that whoever is reading this today…“Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” 

As Mordechai implored Queen Esther to plead for the Jewish People before King Ahasuerus, the Ruach HaKodesh is calling to those who follow Yeshua (Jesus) to plead with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to save Israel from those with murderous agendas against her. We must remember, however, that the battle is ultimately not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness—spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.  (Ephesians 5:12)

Yeshua called us to pray for our enemies and, therefore, even as we seek God’s deliverance of Israel, we also pray for the salvation of those who are now enemies of the Jewish People, of Israel, and even of God Himself.

 This is not a time for true Believers, the Bride of Messiah, to remain silent. 

Time is quickly running out…

We cannot be complacent and think that we are safe simply because we are in the King’s house.

The same forces that seek to destroy Israel, also have in their evil plans to annihilate all of God’s people, including Christian believers.

Mordechai: A Picture of the Holy Spirit

Mordecai Writing The First Purim Letter

Many other parallels can be drawn in the Book of Esther between the Ruach HaKodesh and Mordechai.

For instance, Mordechai seems to have one real task and that is to raise Esther to maturity.

 He instructs, teaches, leads, and guides her, directing her when to speak and when to remain silent (Esther 2:10; 4:14).

Similarly, it is Holy Spirit/ Ruach HaKodesh, that faithfully continues the work that has begun in us, leading and guiding us, bringing us to maturity and preparing us to be a beautiful Bride without spot or blemish, whom Messiah will soon be returning for.

 Mordechai faithfully watches over Esther,


He stands outside the gate; hovering over her to make sure she is kept safe. (Esther 2:11)

Likewise, the Ruach (Spirit) of God hovered over the waters at creation, and He hovers over each of us keeping a protective watch.

Mordechai is privy to secret information, such as the plot against the king, just as the Ruach knows all deep and secret things of the hearts of men. 

Mordechai intercedes for God’s people with cries and groaning (Esther 4:1) The Ruach also intercedes for us, even when we don’t know what to pray.

“We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.  And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”  (Romans 8:26–27)

Like the partnership between the Holy Spirit and the Body of Messiah, Mordechai partners with Esther to carry out the authority of the King in saving the Jewish people from destruction.

As Purim is kept with great joy, remember Esther’s bravery in rising up and speaking out on behalf of the Jewish People.It takes courage to resist the “Hamans” of this world and stand firm against popular opinion in our culture, which is most often opposed to God and righteousness.

Purim is Hebrew for, ‘the lots that were cast.’

Pur means Lot.

The lots that were cast, Esther 3:7, determined the fate of the Jewish people so the story appears to be about the law of lots and chance.

Mathematicians and scientists call it the ‘P’ factor and they insert it into all equations and formulas. It is the ‘P’ of Probability.

In the story, everything seems to be out-of-control, the wicked and ungodly prosper and the righteous who love God are cast down.

As the book comes towards his conclusion those seemingly circumstances of chance start coming together and everything begins to turn around for good. The hand of God is evident and He turns the outcome to His Plans and Purposes.

The same can be said of our lives, which often emulate the book of Esther, with events seemingly happening by chance or for no reason. (Many name it luck.)

It is the Purim of life.

However as we follow Him in obedience and not going our own ways and decisions, then He will work for good, all the things we don’t understand, that don’t make sense.

Even though sometimes it is hard to see when they are happening right in front of us. As we stay close to Him, nothing in our lives will ever happen for no reason, when we love God and are called according to His Purpose.

It is conditional of course to that fact as all His Promises are.

So when we don’t understand, just trust on Press on, for in the end we will always have more than enough reason to celebrate his love.

In these end times, it will take great courage, infused by Holy Spirit, to count the cost and say with Esther, “If I Perish, I Perish.”

Shalom and Happy Purim!


Its very reminiscent of the ‘hide and seek’ game we played as children.. and the cry, ‘I’m coming ready or not’! .. and He is..

Please don’t leave this site without knowing you are saved and assured that you belong to Him; with a deep conviction that you know where you will go, when your body can no longer sustain you in this realm. 

Make certain Jesus is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him. 

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.





Here are some extremely interesting aspects of a well known incident in John 2:6.

Some we may not have fully understood or appreciated.It is without doubt a fact that God’s ways are not our ways, or His thoughts ours. So it would follow that His actions may also hold mysteries that we do not see clearly at first glance.

For a description of the levels of revealing in His Word click link

What was Jesus really trying to show us and tell us at the wedding at Cana? Cana today. Surely it was not the freedom to drink alcohol to a point of intoxication and giving His consent and agreement for drunken behavior.

Those who live in the modern western world do not catch the full significance of Jesus’ promise. This is due to the fact that in His promise Jesus was drawing an analogy from Jewish marriage customs in biblical times and those marriage customs help us to grasp the full significance of the promise.

Payment of the purchase price. –

Set apart (sanctified)

Bridegroom departs to Father’s House. –

Prepares room addition. –

Bride prepares for imminent return.

They were companions of the bridegroom, who went with him to bring the bride from her home to his home.

Marriage feasts lasted 7 days, but the woman was considered a bride for 30 days.

Unlike Western weddings, which are paid for by the bride’s family, in Eastern weddings, the groom was responsible for the expenses of the celebration.

In western weddings, the bridegroom comes in first, then the bride, the prominent one, enters. However in Eastern weddings it is the bridegroom who is the prominent one. We see no mention of the bride in John’s account of the wedding at Cana because the body of believers, the Ekklesia, the called out ones, also called the bride of Messiah, was not yet in the picture. In Jewish life, the wedding marked the culmination of the betrothal period. During that period, which often lasted for several months, up to one year. Again the western tradition of a 1- year engagement.

The bride never knew when the groom would come because after the marriage covenant had been established, called the ketubah (becoming betrothed, the equivalent of western engagement).

The groom would leave the home of the bride and return to his father’s house.

There he would remain separate for the whole year.

The young man goes to prepare a chador (chamber) in his father’s house, sometimes called a “chuppah” (place for the honeymoon).

Just as Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us in His Fathers House and then He will come and take His bride to Himself. (Eph. 5:22-23).

Some translations have talked about the many mansions in God’s house and our western culture has us all pictured on our own grassy hill in a Mansion. That would have been foreign to that society. The word actually just refers to a dwelling. Based on culture, if Jesus is giving us a literal picture of what eternity is like then we’re all living together in one attached house. It’s a picture of being brought into the family.

The couple was considered legally man and wife and only a divorce could terminate the betrothal. (This may shed some light on Mary and Josephs situation). They did not, however, live together or consummate the marriage during that period.

The father of the groom had to approve the prepared room and when he was satisfied then he would tell his son to go and get his bride. She had to be ready for he could come anytime even in the middle of the night and take her away to her new home. 1Thess.5:2Just as we are always to be ready for Jesus to come for us. Matthew 24:36 and only the Father knows that time.

As a result the groom’s arrival would be preceded by a shout. In the same way that the Jewish groom’s arrival was preceded by a shout and the blowing of a shofar, so Christ’s arrival to take the Church will be preceded by a shout (1 Thess. 4:16).

This shout and shofar sounding would forewarn the bride to be prepared for the coming of the groom. After the groom received his bride together with her female attendants, (parable of the 10 virgins).

The enlarged wedding party would return from the bride’s home to the groom’s father’s house. Which is the grooms hometown, (heaven).

Just as the taking of the Jewish bride was accomplished by a procession of the groom and male escorts from the groom’s father’s house to the home of the bride, so the taking of the Church will be accomplished by a procession of Christ and an angelic escort from Messiah’s Father’s house in heaven to the home of the Church (1 Thess. 4:16).

Upon arrival there the wedding party would find that the wedding guests had assembled already.  In the same manner as the Jewish wedding party found wedding guests assembled in the groom’s father’s house when they arrived, so Christ and the Church will find the souls of Old Testament saints assembled in heaven when they arrive. These souls will serve as the wedding guests.On the night of the ceremony, (usually the 4th day, Yom R’vi’i, a Wednesday);

the groom and his friends would go to the bride’s house. They would then escort the bride and her attendants to the groom’s house, where the ceremony and banquet would be held.The whole celebration, which could last up to a week followed the short marriage ceremony, and then the Bride and Groom retired to the place he had prepared (Huppa/Wedding Chamber), and the friend of the groom, the best man, stood by the door. Prior to entering the chamber the bride remained veiled so that no one could see her face. Reading the Ketuba.

When the marriage had been consummated, the Groom would shout in his joy and the friend of the groom would relay the good news to the guests.This was the beginning of a week-long celebration and the first week of the couple being alone together in the bridal chamber. This is where we get the western week long honeymoon. This also sheds light on another reference in John 3:29-30.“The one who has the bride is the bridegroom: and the friend of the bridegroom is the one who stands by, then when he hears his joy he rejoices because of the voice of the bridegroom. Therefore this joy has been fulfilled in me. It is necessary for that One to increase, and for me to decrease.”The wedding ceremony takes place under the chuppah (canopy), a symbol of the home that the new couple will build together. It is open on all sides, just as Abraham and Sarah had their tent open all sides to welcome people in unconditional hospitality.

The bride traditionally gifts the groom a new prayer shawl (tallit). In some communities he wears it under the chuppah, and sometimes it is draped over both him and the bride.

Western weddings exchange vows and the couple sign the registry.

It is easy to see where many of our western traditions have their origins!

And how everything is connected.

So Yeshua and the Church will experience spiritual union after their arrival at His Father’s house in heaven, thereby consummating their relationship that had been covenanted earlier.During the seven days of the wedding festivities, which were sometimes called “the seven days of the chuppah,” the bride remained hidden in the bridal chamber. Many scholars believe that this period of seven days corresponds to the Church remaining hidden for a period of seven years after arrival at the Father’s house in heaven. While the seven year Tribulation Period is taking place on the earth, the Church will be in heaven totally hidden from the sight of those living on the earth. At the conclusion of these seven days the groom would bring his bride out of the bridal chamber, now with her veil removed, so that all could see who his bride was. So Christ will bring His ‘church’, the ecclesia, the congregation of called out ones, out of heaven in His Second Coming at the conclusion of the seven year Tribulation Period in full view of all who are alive, so that all can see who the true church is (Col. 3:4). John 2:2-3 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. 3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.The mother of Jesus was at this particular wedding. That both she and Jesus attended suggests the wedding involved relatives or friends of the family (Jesus’ brother?). That would explain why Mary seems to have been more than just a guest, but apparently had some responsibility for helping with the celebration. For example, she was aware of the situation regarding the lack of wine, and took the initiative to solve the serious problem.

A major crisis loomed at the wedding celebration when the wine ran out because the supply was insufficient for whatever reason. Such an embarrassing faux pas could have stigmatized the couple and their families for the rest of their lives for failing to meet their responsibilities. Thus Jesus’ turning the water into wine was not just a sensational miracle.All of His miracles met specific needs, such as opening blind eyes or deaf ears, delivering those oppressed by demons, feeding hungry people, or calming a storm. This miracle also met the genuine need of the family and their guests, who otherwise faced a social catastrophe. This first miracle Jehovah-Jireh – the LORD will provide. The LORD sees what we need ahead of time and has the provision ready.

Mary informed Jesus of the situation and had high expectations for Him to help. Maybe she was remembering what Gabriel had told her before she conceived.

Jesus’ reply, ‘what have I to do with thee?’ (lit., What to Me and to you?) is an idiomatic expression which asks rhetorically what the two parties in question have in common, and has the effect of distancing them. It was the Hebrew way of saying, ‘You don’t understand’.The statement, coupled with Jesus’ addressing Mary as ‘Woman’ instead of ‘Mother,’ politely but firmly informed her that what they had in common in their relationship was no longer to be what it had been while He was growing up in Nazareth. His public ministry had begun, and earthly relationships would not determine His actions.

Mary was to relate to Him no longer as her son, but as her Messiah, the Son of God, and her Savior (Matt 12:47-50; Mark 3:31- 35; Luke 11:27-28).Jesus did not say,‘No’ to her. He was telling her that what she was asking would not accomplish what she was hoping for.

Mary was asking for literal wine for the people of the marriage supper, but Jesus was talking about the wine, which was His shed blood, for the marriage of the Lamb.Jesus made it clear that He would act according to God’s timetable, decreed before the foundation of the world, not hers or any mans. (John 7:2-8). It was not the appointed time for Jesus’ full messianic glory to be revealed; yet the miracle He would perform would make His divine power unmistakable, and preview His glory to come.

The dark hour of the cross would precede the full revelation in His glorious messianic kingdom where wine, emblematic of joy and gladness, will never run out. Undeterred by the mild rebuke (Matt 15:22-28), and aware that He was not saying no to the request, Mary said to the servants, ‘Whatever He says to you, do it.’The most significant point of this miracle is TIME and any vineyard owner will tell you that for grapes to be made into wine is a process that often takes years to produce a great vintage.

There are specific stages from planting the seed to bottling.The list sounds familiar to the scriptural descriptions of disciples and the kingdom of Heaven.

Wine cannot age without TIME.

So for the wine Jesus produced at Cana to be the best that was served, how could it age in an instant?TIME maybe an important point He was trying to make, as a precursor to what He was here to accomplish; what His life was meant to show; and what He was about to do in revealing who He really was.

Wine is only wine if it’s aged, but this wine had no time in which to age. It did not have any time in which to complete the long process.


it only had a future.

 So in this sense it had to be given a new past. Can this be possible?

For us on earth, time moves forward, not backwards and neither does it stand still. However the Lord who created the heavens and the earth brought time into existence for the purpose of our earthly experience. And probably also as a means to keep constraints around the devil and a boundary for his cohorts; as they are now contained within Earth time and subject to its limitations.

Rev.12:12 the devil knows he has but a little time. How so, if he is an eternal spirit?

God is Spirit and exists outside of our dimensions and is not bound by the time He created. He is the same yesterday today and forever. So for Him to change a past, or remove it and replace it, is indeed possible. Every miracle of Jesus is a short circuit of a natural process. When God’s power enters the picture, it is not just simply any king; it’s the Creator of the Universe entering, the King of nature and all its processes.

Jesus transformed a non- living, inorganic compound (water) into a living, organic compound (wine) and it is a picture of His resurrection and of ours to come.

This first miracle teaches us that salvation is through the Word of God.

It is the key to understanding all miracles. Matter is pliable and subject to change within His presence. For the power of His glory has the ability to alter change and transform matter at the molecular level, of which everything is constructed. If we could really grasp this reality, seeing people get healed would be more commonplace.

He is the Lord of creation, the king of the universe and the author of Time. He is the Alef and Tav; the Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and End; the Start and the Finish.

He is YHVH, God, Adonai of TIME.We cannot change the past nor give something a past that does not have one… but He can and the water to wine was a demonstration of such a plan.

He gave the wine a past, where there was no past.

This is the promise of a future for all mankind, for the one who can give a past where there was none, can also remove a past that is no longer wanted or relevant. This is His salvation. It is not simply that everything is the same and we’re forgiven in spite of our sin but it’s as if we never sinned in the first place.The scripture promises that one day God will wipe away sin and wash away guilt.

This cannot be achieved without changing the past and without undoing what was done. However it is not simply justified, (just as if we never sinned) because in His redemptive sacrificial death the impossible becomes the possible; and the reality is the guilty become innocent.

The rejected become accepted and the scarlet sin becomes white as snow. A person’s wedding day is comparable to his or her personal Yom Kippur, on which all sins are forgiven. For the chatan, (Hebrew for groom), and kallah, (bride), on this day all their past mistakes are forgiven, as their lives merge together, becoming one….under His wings.We cannot make scarlet sins turn white. Sin is already committed and they are part of the past and the past is gone. The only way to change that sin would be to change the past in which it occurred.

This is the true miracle of salvation, He has removed all past as far as the east is from the west. If God can give a past where there was no past, if He can do that for wine in Cana, then He can certainly remove a past where there was one.

Isaiah 1:18; Luke 7:37, 47; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 John 1:8–9.

He has taken the scarlet cord of your life’s sinful past and has made it white.Your life is like the stone jar of water, now changed, transformed. We are the new wine within and cannot be contained in the old wine skins of our past lives. We need to be changed from glory to glory to become a stable container (so we don’t burst or explode). Then out of us, His power can flow forth.The old is gone, the new is come. We are new creations, the old has passed away and we are to walk in newness of life.

The Cana miracle of transformation was a most prophetic picture, indicative of what was to come for those who would believe; both in this life and in the ultimate future of eternity in His presence.

With a new incorruptible body.

This is the first miracle that Jesus performed. Moses’ first miracle was turning water into blood. Moses was a type and shadow of Yeshua. Delivering Israel out of bondage.Compared with the ministry of Moses who turned water into blood as a sign of God’s judgment (Ex.7:14–24), Jesus is a bringer of joy and celebration by the Spirit because He delivers us from the moment.

He is the God of time by turning water into wine immediately, bypassing agricultural and fermentation processes.

Moreover, this was no ordinary wine, for as the host remarked, “You have saved the best till now” (v 10).But neither was it ordinary water.

Since its purpose was “for ceremonial washing” (v 6), the miraculous transmutation suggests the old order passing away, law metamorphosing to gospel. He is the new wine of the kingdom.The jars were for purification and He turned all 6 of them red like the blood that would purify all believers removing all our sins and sorrows foreverThe ceremony was held in a synagogue and they were there for a week.In Israel, the streets are stone,

the walls are stone, the houses are stone, In the first century even the furniture, the baths, and many cooking pots, jugs, bowls, and disheswere all made of stone. (obviously the modern drill image is for reference) Stoneware cores, cup bored plugs showing iron spinning hole saw rings lines drilled raw and unfinished. Ritual Purity First Century.

Equivalent of a large metal plastic or wooden barrels today compared to Stoneware Vessels used for Ritual-Purity in 1st-Century.  This was no small container they would each hold twenty to thirty gallons,such jars would need to be about three feet tall and be cut from a single block of stone weighing at least half a ton. Quite aside from the miracle itself, the sheer quantity of new wine created is astounding—equivalent to about a 1,000 bottles! We know this because so many ancient stone vessels have been found in Israel, many of them roughly fashioned, but the best ones turned on a lathe and smoothed, polished, and decorated.

The practical reason for all this stoneware stems from the Jewish laws of ritual purity. Stone vessels could easily be cleaned with water, whereas if an earthenware pot became ritually unclean it had to be broken. Hence the high incidence of stone vessels is peculiar to ancient Israelite culture, as non-Jews normally didn’t bother with this costly and cumbersome material when ceramics were much more convenient. The Jews used stone waterpots to hold the water used for ritual purification because they believed that, unlike earthenware pots (Lev 11:33), they did not become unclean.This seemingly insignificant detail, that the water was up to the very top, shows that nothing was added to the water, and that what followed was indeed a transformation miracle.

By ordering the jars to be completely filled before He transformed the water in them into wine, Jesus also displayed His generous grace. Six signifies work and wine signifies blood. The stone waterpots represent Christ’ body. Without the shedding of blood, there is no cleansing (purifying).Exodus 17:6 “Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the Rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the Rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink…”

In The Old Testament was is Concealed, is Revealed in the New Testament !

Proverbs 25:2 “It is the Glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of Kings is to search out a matter.” He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

1st Corinthians 10:4 “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.”Jesus the Messiah is the true Rock that the water of salvation comes from, and the Rock in Horeb merely was a shadow, casting a spiritual picture of it.

And that is why these waterpots in John chapter 2 from where wine would come, are purposely pointed out as being of stone.True purification is from Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah. Six Stone water pots signifying that it is by the work of Christ’s blood that the people will have this purification. The blood is the true wine of which Christ spoke, which was not yet ready for the Woman (the Church). It was not yet Christ’s hour to go to the cross. If the number six represents the days of creation, then Jesus’ miracle constituted a wonderful blessing of fertility on this marriage— not only on the couple but on their family for generations to come, a tribe of perhaps hundreds, thousands, even millions of people. More than a show of power, this was a blessing conferred upon a relationship—indeed upon the central relationship of all, the one that best represents the covenant between the Lord and His people.  Following the ceremonial proceedings of the Huppa, is the marriage banquet, also sometimes called the wedding feast or marriage festival.This was the joyful celebration of the union of the couple with all their family and friends. For us as believers, after the Catching away,the blessed hope,

we have one very important banquet to look forward to with our Lord and King. All the called out ones, the bride of Messiah, will join the Lord at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.The Lord will take the long awaited cup of wine and we will all share it together with Him and enjoy the heavenly festivities He has planned. Rev. 19:7-9

The mundane and the ordinary can become infused by the power and the glory of God –

if we are prepared to respond in faith to the same challenge of Mary to the servants and to


Messiah Yeshua began His ministry on this earth at a wedding.

The wedding was the first act and as He came to marry the believers to Himself in a covenant by His own body to fulfill the marriage covenant that was first entered into by Moses and Israel at Sinai. He ratified this renewed covenant in His own blood.

He will conclude it, as far as the body of believers are concerned, with a wedding also the consummation of a covenant between the Lamb and His bride, the elkklesia.

 The last chapters of John convey some of the final words of Jesus to His disciples. He is leaving them, but only for a season. He is reassuring them of His return – as a groom eagerly returns for his bride.

This first miracle was so prophetic and was indeed right on and in TIME.

We have that same reassurance. In giving a reNEWed covenant, Jesus used the most intimate language available. God loves us and is creating a place in the family for us to live forever.


Please don’t leave this site without knowing you are saved and assured that you belong to Him; with a deep conviction that you know where you will go, when your body can no longer sustain you in this realm. 

Make certain Jesus is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him. 

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen. You are now assured of heaven..rejoice and give Him glory for this is THE most important miracle.

more at


BECAUSEHeart StringsAre The Carriers OfThe Song Of Our Souls.

Zimmer is one of the biblical words for song. It is interesting that the well known singer-songwriter Bob Dylan’s given name is Robert Allen Zimmerman (Hebrew name אברהם בן זיסל שבתאי )

In Ephesians 5:19 we are to speak to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.There is an art to speaking in songs.

It’s not a musical or on opera; but speaking in such a beautiful way that it could be a song. There is a no musical accompaniment when we speak, no melody or musical instrument.

To ‘speak in song’, means, all the words make up for the fact that there is no music and in themselves become a song that is so beautiful and harmonious, that they need no accompaniment.Would our daily talk produce the transcript for a Godly song? Would it be a song of praise? Would it have words of love, peace and hope, thanksgiving, encouragement, mercy, courage and determination?

When we speak words like a song they make up for the fact there is no music.We are encouraged to sing and make melody in our hearts to the Lord. Psalm 40:3; Ps 98:5; Judges 5:3;

Psalm 33:3. We are to sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, on the harp and shout for joy.

I will sing a new song to You, O God; Upon a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You,Psalm 144:9

The word melody in Greek is psallo, which means, the pluck, as describes the way of playing a harp.

The word Psalm in Hebrew is,


and a mizmor, is a piece of music, a praise played with an instrument to God.Psallo, this word is specifically connected to making music on harp strings.The Hebrew word mizmor eventually became psalmos and when the ancient Jewish scholars translated the Scriptures into the Greek language, the word psallo is where we get our word Psalm.

This reference indicates that if you want to praise God, you must play a musical instrument.

God has designed us physically to be able to do that, without any external instrument.

The instrument that produces music to the Lord, is our heart.

Let us sing to Him with the innocence childlike faith.Our heart is like a harp, made to make holy music, if it is played right.It’s a musical instrument and it’s at the center of your being, in the deepest part of your existence. That’s what makes the content of the music of praise to God and it originates from the deepest part of your being.

Hence the term or idiom, pulling on the heart strings, is often quoted for our heart is like a harp.

We look at life and our heart and often see that things don’t look so beautiful. Ups, downs, highs and lows, hopes and disappointment, joy, tears, love, rejection all jumbled together. Our hearts were never made to produce bitterness, hatred, fear, or depression. They were made to be instruments that make melody to the One who created them. The melody of praise and thanksgiving, the music of love, worship, joy and shalom. Psalm 33:1–5; Ephesians 5:19, 20; A harp doesn’t just have one string but many. Some have 

22 or 26some 34and 37 and the concert grand harp has 47strings.Both high and low strings just like the ups and downs in our lives and hearts. The highs give it brightness and brilliance and the lows give it deeper fuller sounds.

We have a secret harp right in the midst of our being and we are to praise Him in all of it and with all of it.

There’s a great beauty waiting to emerge from the highs and equally from the lows.

The key is to allow God’s Spirit, the Ruach ha Kodesh to touch all of the strings in your heart and make it beautiful and harmonious.

Allow Him to touch the joys, the high strings and also the low strings of sadness and hardship. What ever it is, as we bring it to the Lord, He will change it.The touch of the Masters’ hand will cause that change. What ever we allow to be touched by the His hand, will be changed into heavenly MIZMOR.

Music carrying praises to Him.

The center of our being was created as an instrument to praise God, to be PSALLO, to be plucked, and when we do just that, our life will become a psalm, a song of praise, a MIZMOR to Him. 

Because He has put a new song in our hearts, we will pull it’s strings with deep joy. Composing a melody from within of worship, love and gratitude, in adoration for our Savior and the lover of our souls.

Allow Him to PLUCK the strings of our hearts; for the sound that comes forth will be straight from Heavens throne of glory.

Ephesians 5:19; Ecclesiastes 7:14.

On the Prayer Shawl or Tallit at each corner there are tzitzit and each of the 4 tzitzit have 8 strings, making a total of 32 strings.Thirty-two is the numeric value of the Hebrew word for “HEART”.



Phonetic Spelling: (lay-bawb) . inner man, mind, will, heart .

Mitral Heart Valves look like strings.

(Greek. kardia from where we get our word Cardiac.)

The tzitzit’s loose stringsrepresentGod’s ‘heart strings’ which are held on to tightly during prayer. 

Sound is all vibration, it is the impression produced on the ear by the vibrations of air.The pitch of the musical note is higher or lower according as these vibrations are faster or slower. When they are too slow, or not sufficiently regular and continuous to make a musical sound, we call it noise.

Resonance – when a FORCED vibration matches an object’s natural frequency thus producing vibration, sound, or even damage. One example of this involves shattering a wine glass by hitting a musical note that is on the same frequency as the natural frequency of the glass. (Natural frequency depends on the size, shape, and composition of the object in question.) Because the frequencies resonate, or are in sync with one another, maximum energy transfer is possible.


Experiments have long been completed which fix the number of vibrations for each musical note; by which, of course, we may easily calculate the difference between the number of vibrations between each note.

The number of vibrations in a second, for each note, is a multiple of eleven, and the difference in the number of vibrations between each note is also a multiple of eleven.


The ear can detect and convey these vibrations to the brain only within certain limits.

Each ear has within it a minute organ, like a little harp, with about ten thousand strings.

When a sound is made, the corresponding string of this little harp vibrates in sympathy, and conveys the impression to the brain.The immense number of these little strings provides for the conveyance of every conceivable sound within certain limits. In the scale there is a range of 264 vibrations.

There is a difference between each one, so that there are practically 264 notes in the scale, but the ear cannot detect them.

The ear of a skilled violinist can detect many more than an ordinary untrained ear.The mechanical action of a pianoforte can record only twelve of these notes.

The violin can be made to produce a much larger number, and is therefore more perfect as an instrument, but not equal in this respect to the human voice. The wonderful mechanism of the human voice, being created by God, far excels every instrument that man can make.

The same vocal chords that produce sounds that soothe, can also release a resonant frequency able to shatter glass.It is able to accomplish this, by matching the natural frequency of the crystal glass.Frequency is calculated by dividing the speed with the wavelength. Therefore,

Frequency = speed / wavelength
Frequency = 340.29 m/s / 0.320 m
Frequency = 1063.41 /s

There are vibrations which the ear cannot detect, so slow as to make no audible sound, but there are ways by which they can be made visible to the eye.

When sand is thrown upon a thin metal disc, to which a chord is attached and caused to vibrate, (like a violin bow), the sand will immediately arrange itself in a perfect geometrical pattern.

 The pattern will vary with the number of the vibrations. These are called “Chladni’s figures.” Moist plaster on glass or moist water-color on rigid surfaces will vibrate at the sound, say, of the human voice, or of a cornet, and will assume forms of various kinds—geometrical, vegetable and floral; some resembling ferns, others resembling leaves and shells, according to the pitch of the note.

 The middle canal contains the basilar membrane, which holds the organ of Corti. The structure located in the cochlea that is the chief part of the ear, (middle ear), through which sound is perceived.

Named after Italian anatomist, Alfonso Giacomo Gaspare Corti, (1822–1876), who understood how God had created it.Even the organs of Corti are limited in their perception, notwithstanding the many thousands of minute vibrating chords.

When these organs are perfect or well formed there is what is called “an ear for music.”

But in many cases there is “no ear for music.” This means that these organs are defective, not fully developed, or malformed, in the case of such persons; and that the sounds are not accurately conveyed to the brain.There is a solemn and important truth therefore in the words, “He that planted the ear”! (Psa 94:9). What a planting and what an amazing God who created all these things, most of which we will never see! Even when we don’t ‘see the sounds’, they are still creating patterns in the very air around us. Helps to better understand the saying, ‘Creating an atmosphere!’Not every one has this peculiar (musical) “ear.”

And no one has by nature, that ear which can distinguish the things of God.

The spiritual ear is the direct gift and planting of God. Hence it is written, “He that hath an ear,” i.e., only he that hath that divinely-planted, God-given ear can hear the things of the Spirit of God. “An ear to hear” those spiritual things is a far greater reality, and an infinitely greater gift, than an ear for music!

Oh wondrous ear! It is the Lord that gives “the hearing ear” (Prov 20:12). He wakeneth the ear to hear (Isa 50:4);

It is the Lord that openeth the ear (Isa 50:5). The natural ear does not hear spiritual sounds; it cannot discern them. (Isa 64:4 and 1 Cor 2:9). Thus nature and grace illustrate each other, and reveal the great fact that there is a secret ear, more delicate than any “organs of Corti,” that can detect sounds invisible as well as inaudible to the senses, and which enables those who possess it to say:—

“Sweeter sounds than music knows
Charm me in Emanuel’s name;
All her hopes my spirit owes
To His birth, and cross, and shame.”


The biblical history of the harp goes back to the antediluvian era when the House of Jubal was known as the maker and players of harps and the flutes. (Gen. 2:40)

A sheqel coin with a harp as part if the design. 

The first recorded harp in ancient historical records was in the Sumerian and the Ancient Egyptian societies.

The most famous harp in history is the Harp of David. This harp was a symmetrical harp known as the Kinnor Harp.

What we now know is this Mishnah is that David was not only an expert harpist and psalms composer, who used harp therapy in the royal court of King Saul, but was also a recognized musicologist and builder of classical harp designs.Beside the Kinnor / lyre

kinnor: a lyre כִּנּוֹר 

or the Harp of David,

The nevel or nebel

(Hebrew: נֵ֤בֶל‎ nêḇel) 

the Nevel/ Harp, most popular as a ten stringed lap harp.

Yet the most complex and mystical of the Nevel Harps was the twenty-two stringed Nevel Harp

which was recognized by some rabbinic sources to produce the most perfect of music.

According to the traditions of the Jews, the Lord of hosts used a twenty-two stringed heavenly harp called the Nevel in the creation of this earth.The transcendent energy of the twenty two frequencies became the Hebrew language with twenty-two letters from alef to tav and formed the energy matrix of this earth. For believers there are specific jobs of service, to be carried out with the greatest “Kavanah” (Divine Intention), and the purest vibrations of the heart.Let the melody in your heart become your zimmer talk.

There may be more than we realize to the turn of phrase, ‘singing your heart out’ because heart strings are the carriers of the song of our souls!




Mysterious Secret of the Hilazon

The Mysterious Secret of the Hilazon – Dyeing to be Holy.

This is part of the mystery of the Tzitzit (fringe), and not the Tallit (Prayer Shawl) itself. Scriputre shows that our Hebrew Savior, Lord Jesus/Yeshua did wear Tzitziot, (the plural of Tzitzit), on His Prayer Shawl. This was a matter of keeping Torah, the Law, the Instruction of God; and Messiah kept Torah perfectly!Numbers 15:37-41 verse 38, ‘And the Lord/YHVH/Adonai spake unto Moses, saying, “Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them throughout their generations fringes in the corners of their garments, and that they put with the fringe of each corner a thread of blue.”Each of the four corners of the garment, ‘Tallit’ (prayer shawl), had to have Tzitzit (fringe) on it. This was made very clear to the children of Israel. They were to look on fringes and ‘Remember (Zikkaron) the ‘Words’ of Torah.’ 

 For God to place this instruction in scripture, commanding His people to make the fringes with the blue thread, He was in effect saying: ‘You are a kingdom of priests to Me.’ This is echoed in Rev. 1:6: “He has made us kings and priests (lit. ‘a kingdom of priests’) unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever.” 

The scriptures also teach that it was a violation ordinarily for one to mix two fibers such as wool and linen.

The fringes were to be made of wool, but this blue thread was to be made of linen.

So only in this instance, did God allow this to be done. It goes without saying that wool comes from sheep and of course the significance that Jesus/Yeshua being not only the Shepherd but also the Lamb of God is not without deep meaning.

A talit gadol (or a talit katan) must be primarily white with black stripes and made from at least 51% natural fibers. ‘Who is this that comes from Edom, with DYED garments from Bozrah? This glorious in His apparel, traveling in the greatness of His strength? I that speak in righteousness mighty to save’. (Isaiah 63:1) The word tallit תַטִלּי is pronounced TAH-LISS by those who use the East European Hebrew dialect. The plural, “tallesim,” is pronounced as TAH-LAY-SIM.” The more modern Israeli pronounciation you will hear most often, is “TAH-LEET.” The plural is “tallitot.” Pronounced as TAHLEE-TOHT.” The fringes on the talit are “tzitzit.” Pronounced zeet zeet  “TSI-TSIT.”The term Tallit, or talith is two Hebrew words, “TAL, meaning “tent” and ITH, meaning “little.” The tallit, when wrapped around the shoulders and pulled over the head, forms for the owner a “little tent” or “prayer closet where he may meet privately with God. The Psalmist writes:

I will dwell in your tent for all ages; I will take refuge in the shelter of the corners of your Tallit.” Tassels added to the hem were not worn by commoners, but by the nobility or royalty. The second significance of the tzitzit, then, is that they showed the wearer to be more than a commoner. He was a noble, or a royal personage.Not just the presence of the tzitzit but their colors also carried meaning. The color was white, but among the white cords on each tassel there was to be one blue strand. This color combination was part of the trappings of royalty, as were the colors blue and purple:The third significance of the tzitzit, therefore, was in their colors. They spoke of royalty and kingship. Even today we talk of “royal blue” and “royal purple” from the custom of Roman emperors who wore purple mantles.

The Tzitzit had to have a cord of blue (techlet) in it, according to the command of God. Why Blue and where did the blue color come from?

Tekhelet or techlet is a blue dye mentioned 49 times in the Hebrew Bible/Tenakh.It was used in the clothing of the High Priest,the tapestriesof the Tabernacleand the Tassels.Blue stripes were to be used: as with techelet, the sages explain why tekhelet blue is so significant.

The symbolism of tekhelet is manifold;the rich blue colors recall the oceans and the sea. The sea is like the sky of the infinite Heavens, reminding us of God’s presence in the world and of the bond between the wearer and God;
 and the Heavens are like God’s Throne of Glory, (kisei ha’kavod), the foundations of which are said to be sapphire. It is also to remind us of God Himself and where the Divine Presence dwells.

In the old testament The tallith of a prophet or master teacher would have dark purple-blue threads in the corner tassel. People believed that the purple thread contained miracle power.This is why the woman with the issue of blood wanted to touch the hem of Jesus’ tallith or garment. When she was healed, Jesus said, “Who touched Me?…I felt virtue leave Me.” Then He told her, “Your faith has made you whole,” clarifying it was not a purple thread but her faith in Him as Messiah (see Matthew 9:20-22 and Luke 8:43-48). 

According to the Talmud, the color was obtained and dye produced from a marine creature. A species of snail called Murex trunculus,known as the Hilazon or Chilazon.

It took some 12,000 of these to fill a thimble with blue dye.

This small animal’s body contains a special gland.

The liquid from this gland was dried and became a powered dye.In Acts 16, Lydia, a resident of Thyatira;being a seller of purple, would have been a wealthy and influencial woman. The clients who purchased garments or fabric from her, were the very rich. (Acts 16:14-16:40)This color was so expensive, that all but royalty were to wear it. When Messiah Jesus/Yeshua haMashiach returns riding in the heavens on His majestic white war horse, He will be clothed in glorious royal, garments of a King.

The zitzit with one thread of blue.

Why Blue and where did the blue color come from?

Some three thousand five hundred years ago, Moses gave instructions for the making of “tekhelet” (blue dye) that was to be used in the veil that covered the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and in the ribbons along the edges of the tallit – the Jewish prayer shawl.

One of the contributions Adonai requested in the wilderness was blue which is tekhelet תכלת in Hebrew. Tekhelet blue, known as Divine Blue, identifying Israel and her God.Numbers 15:38, established the cord of blue as a necessity for all generations of Israel: “Speak to the sons of Israel, and tell them that they shall make for themselves tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they shall put on the tassel of each corner a cord of blue.”

 Much of the Wilderness Tabernacle utilized tekhelet blue:

Exodus 26:1 “ten curtains of fine twisted linen and tekhelet blueExodus 26:4 “loops of tekhelet blue on the edge of the outermost curtain … likewise on the edge of the curtain in the second set.”

  • Exodus 26:31 “You shall make a veil of tekhelet blue…”Exodus 26:36 “a screen for the doorway of the tent of tekhelet blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen…”

  • Exodus 27:16 “a screen of twenty cubits, of tekhelet blue…” 

This fact alone is very curious, as the Israelites must have had access to a significant amount of this dye and they were in the wilderness! The interesting question is, did they bring it with them from Egypt? Was it part of the wealth of Egypt that they left with?This is probably the case as the coast of Egypt which included Goshen where they were enslaved was part of the Mediterranean Sea; and also as expensive as this color was to own, no doubt the Egyptians had it and it was something to be desired.Location of wilderness tabernacle and where they were in the wilderness at Mount Sinai.Here they received Torah and instructions for building the Mishkan.The distance from Goshen to Mediterranean Sea was about 40 kilometers, approx. 25miles.

Lost and Found — The Tale of a Snail

Tekhelet blue, known as Divine Blue, has come to symbolize the hope of redemption; with its loss and amazing rediscovery after nearly 2,000 years.

 Extracting blue and purple dyes from a snail that grew in the Mediterranean became an important industry for centuries. However, with the Islamic invasion of the Holy Land in the seventh century, the industry disappeared. For the past 14 centuries the formula has evaded Jewish scholars.

Thus, until recently, Jewish prayer shawls have had only black ribbons.

When the Romans conquered Israel in 63 BC they seized control of the production of tekhelet blue.  By the third century AD, under the Emperor Constantine, only Romans, and primarily royalty, were allowed to use and wear the tekhelet blue. Jews were prohibited from its use—especially after the Council of Nicaea which established harsh laws restricting Jews (and Christians) from observing biblical commandments from the Old Testament.

Jewish dyers went underground. By around 600 AD, as the Jews were scattered, persecuted, and confined to ghettos, the identity of the creature from which the dye was extracted and the process of producing tekhelet blue was lost all together.From that time until very recently, tallits, the traditional prayer shawl that held the tzitzit, or tassels, as commanded in Numbers 15:38, on its corners, could not contain the cord of blue

The sages believed the loss of the tekhelet blue was attributed to the disobedience of Israel, suggesting that its rediscovery would be a sign of restoration and signal the coming of Messiah in His glory to Israel.

The miraculous rebirth of Israel in 1948, and the reunification of Jerusalem following the Six Day War in 1967 inspired zeal and renewed hope among the Jewish People. They thought redemption may truly be at hand. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has painstakingly recreated the Holy Vessels and Garments in anticipation of the rebuilding of the Holy Temple according to biblical descriptions. Missing were the tekhelet blue and the ashes of the Red Heifer.

Tekhelet Restored! 

Tekhelet, (Strong’s 8504) the color (violet). Strong’s feels this sapphire blue comes from the Cerulean mussel in which the dye was obtained.  This was the color, blue, representing the firmament of the heavens that was used as fabric and curtains to drape the ceiling of the Wilderness Tabernacle.  It was the Zohar, when it refered to tekeleth, that stated, “This color had to appear in the Tabernacle for this reason:”Genesis 1:6 – “And God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.’” 

It was this dye, the color sapphire blue that became one of the rarest and most costly of dyes to be obtained in the ancient world.  It was always known to come from the gland of a snail in the Mediterranean, which disappeared soon after the destruction of the temple in 70 CE, and the process of how to extract it was lost. One source reports that in 1984, Irving Ziderman, a biochemist at the Israel Fiber Institute in Jerusalem, was able to identify the source of the ancient dye. After years of research, trial and error, he perfected the process, using the mucus of the “banded dye murex,” a spiny shellfish once thought to be extinct.Not until 1985, one Sabbatical week of years, was this snail rediscovered in the Mediterranean. Out of it came the royal purple and the royal blue.  It was also this blue dye that was used to dye the blue cord on each tzitzit, which was the hem or fringe of the prayer shawls of the Hebrews as commanded by HaShem.

Murex branfaris and Murex trunculus Snails 

 Numbers 15:37 – “HaShem said to Moses saying, Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Throughout the generations to come you are to make tzit-tzit on the corners of your garments, and with a blue cord on each tzit-tzit, You will have these tzit-tzit to look at and you will remember ALL the commands of the Lord, and you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by going after the lust of your own hearts and eyes.  Then you will remember to obey all my commands and will be consecrated to your God.’”

 The secret to reviving this ancient formula to fulfill the commandment in Exodus 25:4 and produce tekhelet blue was a riddle waiting until the 1980s to be solved. 

The Biblical True Blue from the Murex Trunculus The Murex Trunculus snail had been identified in the early 20th century by the first Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel. Ezekiel 27:7 speaks of Tekhelet blue from Tyre and the coastlands of Elishah. Archaeologists uncovered mounds of Murex shells in Tyre and the surrounding area that dated to the biblical period. Blue stains on large pots and vats from 1200 BC were tested, and found to be consistent with the modern day Murex trunculus. However, until the 1980’s all experiments on the Murex extract only yielded purple dye …

until one sunny day.

Otto Elsner, a professor at Shenker College of Engineering and Design near Tel Aviv, took the process outside in the sunlight, and found that the dye specimen turned a beautiful, perfect tekhelet blue.

As soon as the gland is exposed to oxygen, the liquid in that gland undergoes a fascinating chemical transformation from a clear liquid to a yellow, to a green, a greenish blue, aquamarine, then blue and ultimately ends up a dark purple the purple liquid is dried and then ground into a powder.  By exposing this new compound to sunlight, the blue described in the ancient Jewish sources is achieved.Dr. Baruch Sterman describes one of the most dramatic aspects of the tekhelet:

“The molecules of any specific color can be measured in exact wavelengths.  This measurement is read in increments called nanometers.  When the molecules of the blue color called Tekhelet, extracted from the murex trunculus snail are measured, the reading peaks at exactly 613 nanometers. What a marvelous coincidence that this number matches the total number of commandments in the Torah, written by the finger of God in sky-blue sapphire.”Because eventually the tekhelet was lost, until recently, an observant Jew could not fulfill the directive of gazing upon the blue cord or meditate on the “twist of blue” and recall the eternal Torah, hewn from sapphire under the Throne of Glory. However once again he can and very soon the non-Jew, who loves God, Torah and Israel, can look forward to the days when;

Zechariah 8:23 – “Ten men of all languages and nations will take hold of one Jew by the corner Tzit-tzit of his garment and say, ‘Let us go with you because we have heard that God is with you.’”


Once again—for the first time in almost 2,000 years, the Jewish People are able to fulfill this commandment in the Land of Israel. And once more, they wear a cord of blue in their tzitzit as commanded.

The Talmud (Menahot 44a) says that once every 70 years the shores of the land of Israel are visited by the segulit snail from which the tekhelet, used to mark certain religious items, was made.

On November 10, 1990, The Jerusalem Post reported that these snails had begun to surface by the thousands along the Mediterranean coast!!

Some Orthodox Jews believe the reappearance of the snails are a sign of the approaching of the Messianic Age. 

Today, in Israel those praying at the Western Wall are wearing prayer shawls with beautiful blue ribbons.

Below is a 2,000-year old textile that contains the mysterious blue dye described in the Bible.Isaiah writes: and come let us reason together that our sins though they be as scarlet, κόκκινον, can become as white as snow. 

This color of “sins like scarlet or κόκκινον, red as crimson” of Isaiah 1:18, is Tyrian or Phoenician purple, crimson of murex shellfish from φοινός phoinós “blood red” Mycenaean…

The miracle of this techlet is now being made once again in Israel. They have found the snail, (murex trunculus), that is needed to make the blue dye.

Today as we are literally seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled before our eyes; in so many ways and in such precise detail helps us to realize we are in close proximity to His appearance. Are we truly living by the fringe of a wing and a prayer?

Let’s continue praying with intent, ‘within tent’!

Remembering, taleh means lamb, and also comes from the word that means covering!

God provided Himself a lamb.

The Taleh Elohim the Lamb of God.

The Lamb is our covering –  The Taleh is our Taletha !


This small snail has returned to the waters of Israel, and is seen as a “Sign that Messiah is coming soon.”

Even so.. come Lord Jesus!Make sure we are ready when He does..


Please don’t leave this site without knowing you are saved and assured that you belong to Him; with a deep conviction that you know where you will go, when your body can no longer sustain you in this realm. 

Make certain Jesus is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him. 

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.