The Answer Is In The Yoke

The Answer is in the Yoke…but is a yoke one of bondage or freedom?

In the last post, the times of the Prophet Jeremiah were referenced and the weighing in the balance of Belshazzar, who was found WANTING or EMPTY.

The scales of balance can also refer to the yoke with which we are yoked to Messiah and serve to ensure we too are not disrespecting the Holy things of the Lord. The Temple Menorah which Balthazzar was using to light his festivities, was the very thing that illuminated the handwriting on the palace wall declaring Gods’ judgment of his sin! The line was drawn and his mockery was short-lived, sin only runs for a season then comes the inevitable consequences.

We are in a time now where the refiners fire is here and 1 Peter 4:17 indicates

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 

The history of God’s people indicates that judgment always begins within the covenant community. 

The dross is being skimmed off the top so we will come forth as gold Job 1:3

Change, was, and still is, the word for this season; we have a lull before the next wave of the storm breaks, just enough time to refill those lamps.

It is a cautionary example for all of us not to be found wanting/empty.

The solution to not having to see the writing on the wall, to not being found wanting/empty is being yoked to Our Heavenly Father with Messiah Jesus/Yeshua. In being yoked to Jesus/Yeshua it means that we are

in Complete Surrender

to His Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit.

However, if the answer is the yoke, is it a yoke of bondage or freedom?

How can it be both?

Why was Jeremiah wearing a Yoke?

What is its purpose and why did Jesus/Yeshua use the reference as a picture?

What can we learn from this image and the pictograph letters, that will enhance our walk along the WAY with Him?

We are familiar with such Scriptures as, the anointing breaks the yoke.

Isaiah 10:27

It will happen in that day, that his burden will depart from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck, and the yoke shall be DESTROYED because of the anointing oil.

Yokes are often like burdens we carry around.

Yokes are bondages that need to be broken off in order for us to be free.

Because of Jesus the Messiah, it is not simply broken but the yoke has been DESTROYED

This is what we are to remember every day and especially at this season of the Spring Appointed Times. This is what we are celebrating and remembering the scope of what He fulfilled perfectly.

Another reference to yoke is in

2Cor.6:14 be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, and Amos 3:3 can two walk together except they be agreed?

There is also the Jeremiah connection.

In Jeremiah 27 This chapter gives us another illustrated prophecy of Jeremiah’s to the rulers of his day, (and the Yoke of Christ/The Anointed). In this case, it involves not only the king of Judah, but the ambassadors of several small surrounding nations as well.

Jeremiah was known for his dramatic object lessons. For example, when emissaries from surrounding nations came to Judah asking the nation to join a rebellion against Babylon, Jeremiah put a yoke on his neck and went about urging the nations to submit to the yoke of Babylon and live (Jeremiah 27:2-11).

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me (Luke 9:23).

As we have already seen, God’s prophets preached not only through words but also through object lessons.

At times the prophets had to live out the messages; it was another way to get the point across. Thus, Jeremiah again was called to “live out” the words he was to deliver.

First, he had to wear a wooden yoke. “Thus saith the Lord to me; make thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon thy neck” (Jer. 27:2).

A hard job, and it became harder because a false prophet challenged what Jeremiah said.

Today the history of nations speaks to us because God has assigned a place in His plan for each nation and each individual. Both people and nations are being tested weighed in the balance and measured by the plum line in the hand of the One who makes no mistakes. All are deciding their destiny by their own choice, and above all God is sovereign overruling every decision for the accomplishment of His plans purposes and final outcome.

No one would break (iron yoke) Gods message about Babylon.

It seemed a strange directive, but it was for the peoples good in the end even though it did not seem to be at the time. Similar parallel to Messiahs day, they wanted a King to free them from the bondage to Rome…. But

Jesus/Yeshua came to serve. (Luke 22:27 but I am among you as he that serveth.)

and submitted Himself to the authorities at the time.

(Mark 12:17. When Yeshua/Jesus said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s,” He was drawing a sharp distinction between two kingdoms.

There is a kingdom of this world, and Caesar holds power over it. But there is another kingdom, not of this world, and Yeshua/Jesus is King of that one. (John 18:36).

Temporarily we are part of both kingdoms.

 Rendering to Caesar is limited and defined by rendering to God. What is Caesar’s is determined by the fact that everything is God’s first, and only becomes Caesar’s by God’s permission and design.

Then, finally bearing upon Himself the yoke of bondage that had imprisoned the people under the heavy burden of the law of sin and death and the overwhelming physical laws imposed by the Pharisees which were impossible to keep.

This is why

…because He came to break that YOKE of bondage to their religious doctrines and dogmas, not by doing away with Gods’ original covenant commandments but by fulfilling them and bringing deliverance and freedom to all who would accept His WAY, restoring things to how Our Heavenly Father intended it to be.

Maybe some of us older readers remember what a yoke is.

A yoke is a farming tool used to accomplish a task – it is a beam of wood placed on a couple of oxen, cows/bulls, horses or donkeys, which are then used to plow a field.

A yoke can be a shaped length of wood placed on human shoulders to help in carrying a heavy load; for example, two buckets of water so fewer trips to the well would be necessary. This only works efficiently if they are balanced!

The Yoke of Messiah was the cross beam used for His crucifixion, the tool that accomplished the work of our salvation. Symbolic of Him breaking the Yoke of bondage.

When Jesus/Yeshua says take My yoke upon you He is saying…

Take up the cross, the yoke and walk with Me, but because My yoke is for two not one, I’ll carry the most weight, the bulk of the burden.

The closer we get to Jesus/Yeshua, the nearer we stay as we walk along His Way, even as pressures increase, He carries the greater burden… always but, if we move away we begin to feel the weight. 

By the cross Jesus/Yeshua has accomplished the work of defeating all that burdens us in this life. Yet, we are invited to share in His sacrifice, with the knowledge that the hard work pays off in the end! Because our part of His sacrifice, in union with Jesus/Yeshua is a sharing in the salvation of the world that He accomplished through the yoke placed on His shoulders like a beast of burden.

His yoke, is also the cross of this life’s suffering, the cross of sacrificing ourselves for the sake of family and friends and those in need and it isn’t too heavy to carry because Jesus/Yeshua carried it for us, already. Jesus/Yeshua promises those who voluntarily yoke themselves to Him that, together, His strength will be there to get us through anything that comes our way.

This is the rest, the shalom, the peace of mind and heart He promises.

For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. Hebrews 3:14 

It is this rest into which the ancient Israelites failed to enter, for “My rest ” is God’s rest, God’s Sabbath rest. This is the rest some failed to enter, but which remains available to us today, a rest received by faith (4:3-6).

We who have believed enter that rest. There is one door/dalet to the safe, peaceful, happy rest of God and it’s the door of faith and Jesus is the door to enter in by. Anyone who puts faith in God’s promises bought for us by the blood of Jesus/Yeshua, and is diligent not to discard that faith, is a part of the ecclesia, His Bride.

His reference to, being as a child, is because the majority of children understand this concept naturally, in that, they trust that parents will love, provide for, and protect them. Most children don’t get too concerned with the details of how parents are going to provide meals or give them a place to live, they just simply trust that they will.

Our Heavenly Father is the divine parent who will do what it takes out of love. Because He knows what is best for us. Jesus/Yeshua called Him Father, giving us that concept in that we need to trust with the same instinctive love that a child has for parents.

In His taking up His yoke/the cross, Jesus/Yeshua trusted His Father; and it is the proof that God will do whatever it takes to get us to that place of peace/shalom and contentment and that we will not let anything defeat us.

Of those whom You have given Me I lost not one. John 18:9 & 17:12 Those whom thou hast given me I have guarded, and none of them is lost, 

Messiah didn’t demand of His Father, to achieve the goal some other way. Instead He said in all humility, not my will but your will be done. He knew that His Father would take Him through because the Father could be trusted even if in His humanness, He didn’t know how the Father would make things work for His good.

Even when He asked If it were possible let this cup pass, He still took up His cross believing that even the worst thing that could happen to a person would not defeat Him.

In ancient culture, the word yoke was a term that was used to describe submission. So when someone was described as being yoked to someone or something, it was communicating the idea that he or she was in submission to that person or thing.

So to be yoked to Jesus/Yeshua is to serve and obey Him.

The people in Jesus/Yeshua’s day were using the yoke of the law to pull their life and everything in it along. It left them tired, worn out, and burned out on religion. The yoke of grace Messiah offered was contrary to the yoke of the law. It was a move from depending on one’s own efforts and ability to depending on God’s grace and power.

Jesus/Yeshua encourages those who are “heavy laden” to take His yoke upon them, and in so doing they will find rest for their souls. The yoke of Jesus is light and easy to carry because it is the yoke of repentance and faith followed by a singular commitment to follow Him continually.

The yoke to which Messiah invited people to accept, when borne as a co-laborer with Him, is no burden at all. It is a source of rest, satisfaction, joy, and contentment, true shalom because He is our life and strength. When we are yoked to Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach, the joy of the true disciple is in whatever He requires of us to do.

Coming to Jesus/Yeshua, taking His yoke, and learning from Him can all be summed up in one word—trust. Just as we trust Him for our salvation, so we entrust Him with our burdens and rely on His teaching. Jesus/Yeshua assures us that we will find rest for our souls and in that shalom all uncertainty, fears, anxieties, and despair will be dispelled.

 Jesus/Yeshua called His WAY being yoked and once we become His followers, it’s up to us to choose whether we are yoked to slavery or freedom. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Apparently as rabbis began to interpret the Torah for their students they emphasized different things in the law: e.g. care for the poor, correct worship, personal piety. It did not mean that they abandoned parts of the given law by God but rather in similar fashion as the gospel writers did, in that they paid attention to the community and culture, etc. of those to whom they were speaking and taught what was most needed for the people and those who were their disciples.

Their interpretation came to be called their yoke.

It would seem logical that when Jesus/Yeshua spoke of His yoke being easy and His burden light, He was calling us to the Way of love and to what He came to reveal of the Kingdom of God.

It is clear that for whosoever truly embraces His teaching; it’s the inner motivation and intention that allow a vision and path of light rather than life’s outer experiences being the deciding factor which we consider as being either easy or difficult.

This doesn’t mean that we’ll never feel burdened, but that in the light of the WAY Jesus/Yeshua revealed to us, we will be able to withstand our tests and trials because of the ONE who came to share His light “yoke” with us.

A Double Yoke

As we read this description think in terms of our relationship to Jesus/Yeshua.

The Purpose: To harness a pair of animals so that together they can pull a load as efficiently as possible. It us used most often with oxen for plowing soil.

How a Yoke is made: A beam carved from a single piece of wood is fitted specifically to the shoulders of an ox, this maximizes both the animals pulling force and comfort. The strap or bow around the neck is attached to pegs to secure the yoke. The hitch point connects the yoke to what’s being pulled.

How a Yoke works: The beam rests in front of the shoulder hump (or withers), distributing weight and enabling natural and comfortable movement. Custom fitting each side allows oxen of unequal size or strength to pull together without one being dragged by the other.

A Yoke is :

Designed to carry burdens. We dont need to drag the heavy weight of sin around because when we repent and come to Messiah, He takes away that burden and gives us His shalom/peace and healing. (Isaiah 5:18).

A Yoke is intended to help get work done. With the Messiah’s yoke, we can do His work because He works with us. It may still be work, however in it we find rest for our souls.

A Yoke is Custom fitted. It’s His yoke we take upon us—the one best suited for us, because His ways help us live in harmony with Him and because He knows us individually. Every hair on our heads is counted and as we lose many of those every day, it indicates He is in constant touch with us always knowing every detail about our lives.

When we come to Messiah to be yoked with Him and His power, that is so we are not the one pulling life’s load by ourselves, but instead pulling it yoked with the Savior and Redeemer of the world, When we do, then our problems, no matter how serious they are, become lighter.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28–30.

The yoke of bondage to sin and death is typified in Egyptian slavery. Egypt being a type of the worlds system, and we all know who is the god of this world, which is why we should not be yoked together with the world or love the things of it or what it offers to us. It all belongs to the prince of this world and we should refuse it just as Messiah did in Matthew 4:1-11.

It’s not the broad and seemingly easy WAY we are to follow it’s the narrow WAY.

So why did Jesus/Yeshua say Matthew 11:29 Take My Yoke

What is the yoke of Jesus/Yeshua and why did He say is it easy?

This is an invitation to the marriage covenant with Jesus/Yeshua; to become yoked to Him in love, voluntarily through love, not compulsion or fear and enforced slavery. ( As in Song of Solomon 8:6) see

Here Jesus/Yeshua is inviting His followers to take on themselves the yoke of the marriage covenant which is the New, Renewed or Everlasting Covenant of Jer 31:31, 33 and Heb 8:8); that is, we are to accept Him as our heavenly and everlasting spiritual Bridegroom.

This is the yoke of the bondservant to which all the writers made reference in scripture, when they called themselves the bond servant of Jesus/Yeshua.

We only have two choices: Be a bond servant to Satan/Adversary or to Jesus/Yeshua.

The former leads to judgment against sin which is death, while the latter leads to mercies and forgiveness, deliverance from death and sin through Jesus/Yeshua resulting in eternal life/ never having to be separated from the Father.


The marriage covenant or New/Renewed/Everlasting covenant isn’t one of compulsion based on the fear of death, but rather based on voluntary servitude, a choice of our freewill. Love can’t exist under an atmosphere of compulsion, but only when there’s freewill choice.

It is a Yoke of Love.

This is what we are remembering this week!!! The Bridegroom gave Himself up for His Bride!

Acts 15 shows this freewill choice to take upon themselves the yoke of Torah. When the apostles made a decision in regards to the Gentiles being included into covenantal relationship with Jesus/Yeshua; that being the one that He had already established with the rest of the Jewish believers.

This was because the Pharisee believers were compelling the Gentiles to follow the Torah as a prerequisite for salvation and inclusion into the community of believers Acts 15:1

So, the apostles made it clear that as far as they were concerned, only certain minimum requirements be imposed on the Gentiles to be granted entrance into the community of believers. They believed the Gentiles needed to be drawn into the Torah covenants through invitation and freewill choice based on love, not by compulsion or fear.

In Acts 15:21 The apostles further state that based on this, the Gentiles will learn to take on the yoke of Torah a little at a time out of love not fear for Avinu/Father and Jesus/Yeshua their Bridegroom.

My Yoke is easy and a look at the pictographs are concluded in PART 2..coming soon!

This may not seem to be a timely message yet it is during times of testing that we should make certain that we are securely yoked to Messiah Jesus/Yeshua.

As this season is all about His Blood shed for us…

Oh the blood of Jesus Oh the blood of Jesus Oh the blood of Jesus It washes white as snow.

Ho damo shel Yeshua Ho damo shel Yeshua Ho damo shel Yeshua K’sheleg malbeen.

הו דמו של ישוע הו דמו של ישוע הו דמו של ישוע זה שוטף לבן כמו שלג

Because of His Blood

Because of The Sacrifice Lamb!

There are several previous posts relating to this week of Appointed Times…

Links below:

Chag Pesach sameach Mishpachah’

Happy Passover Family!



in Hebrew you literally say “holiday passover happy”

 chag Pesach kasher vesame’ach

pronounced: CHAG PEH-sach kah-SHER ve-sah-MAY-ach).

וְשָׂמֵחַ כָּשֵׁר חַג

 Moed tov Moadim l’simcha: מועד טובֿ

Shalom, shalom, mishpachah! You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the posts, please share with others, like and subscribe, it all helps to freely spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth and reaches others with the blessing of His Truths that point us to  Our Heavenly Father Through Jesus/Yeshua by the power of His Holy Spirit.

A very warm welcome to each and every subscriber/follower/visitor, old and new; and remember that the post is best viewed on the Homepage site in full color!

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

What Has a Flower Got To Do With a Servant Heart, Salvation and a Bridegroom?

The Spring season of Appointed Times of the Lord/Moedim were initiated this week with Purim.

The remembrance of Purim is a precursor to the 7 on the Hebrew Calendar; and it commemorates the selfless action of woman chosen for a specific time and purpose. Purim is always 30 days before Passover/Pesach. It’s almost like a heads-up, a marker, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, of what is about to begin!

Although previous posts have highlighted Esther /Hadassah/Myrtle, one aspect of this story was not included in:

Mystery of a Pur, a Secret Name and a Miracle.

This aspect concerns the fact that Gods name was hidden in this book. It did not mean He was not there or didn’t know what was going on.

Although the name of God is not written as a literal word in this book, it is however, conspicuous by its absence. In that absence, it is more of an indication that, although God is hidden and not obvious in the text; He is working behind the scenes.

From here He is causing His will to proceed and come to a victorious conclusion in bringing about the salvation of His chosen people, even though at the same time, the devil was trying to orchestrate their extinction.

When His Name is not obvious, on and in the events, as in the book of Esther, readers may think He has forgotten, deserted or has abandoned them.

NOT SO and nothing could be further from the truth.

He is working?

How do we know that?

Because His Word tells us He Never slumbers nor sleeps:

Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. … Psalm 121; Psalm120; Psalm 122.

Hinei lo yanum v’lo yishan shomer Israel

A further confirmation being one of the Covenant Names of God, that shows and qualifies His attributes is:

YHWH-Shammah —

“The Lord is present”

(Ezekiel 48:35)

God is ALWAYS present with us.

Phonetic Spelling:

(yeh-ho-vaw’ shawm’-maw)

read from right to left under each Hebrew letter

<maw shaw  h-va-ho-yeh <

Pronounced Ya-wa or

Yod–Ha-Vav-Ha Sham-ma

God is intimately and intricately involved in the lives of His people. He is constantly at work in every aspect of their lives. But everything He does is for a purpose.

Job 34:20

 In order for the scenes to change in the faith experience, the Lord, Who is “the Author and Finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2), must work behind the scenes.

Although people and circumstances are always associated with where we are in the spiritual drama, the Bible teaches that God is the major Force behind the ever changing scenes of life.

Just as we see in the life of Joseph

God had been working behind the scenes, in the lives of two men Joseph had never met. God worked in their life circumstances in what initially appeared to be negative events in order to bring these three men together in the same place for this very moment. Specifically so that Joseph could interpret their dreams.

Joseph said, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell it to me, please” (v. 8). 

The whole of Josephs early life and experiences were in preparation for the time He would save his family, his people and his whole nation which included the line from which Messiah would come to bring salvation.

Gideon also had an experience of God working In Judges 7:9-15 as the warrior was about to face the troops of Midian with a much smaller and less-equipped force.

Although Gideon was a willing servant of God, he needed assurance that it was, in fact, God calling him to this task (vs.17).

In accomplishing the mission set before him by God, Gideon proves himself to be faithful, as well as a mighty warrior, becoming a strong leader of men (Judges 7:17). 

9 And it came to pass the same night, that the Lord said unto him, Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I have delivered it into thine hand. 10 But if thou fear to go down, go thou with Phurah thy servant down to the host:

Judges 7:9-15 KJV.

The following night the Lord commanded Gideon to go down to the camp of the enemy, as He had given it into his hand. In the Hebrew language text, here the perfect is used to denote the purpose of God, which had already been formed.

In the same way as in Judges 4:14,

God had worked behind the scenes!

This working, is not confined to the Old Testament/TaNaKh, but is further confirmed for us in Yeshua/Jesus own words informing us that God is always working His purpose out. 

God is working right now!

John 5:17, NIV: In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day,

“My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.” John 5:17 NKJV 

He is watching ever mindful of us and all the events unfolding. At the appointed time, He intervenes. He reveals Himself in all His glory and ability to bring events to a perfect and timely conclusion.

To coin a couple of well known phrases:

The wedding will take place – the show must go on.

It also has a worldly meaning that people often push forward in their own strength, when they are not supposed to, regardless of how negatively pressing and unfavorable circumstances may be.

For us, knowing that He is WORKING, it brings COMFORT..

His nechamah.
(see mmm last post link above)

… and He is in control and nothing happens that He does not see.

Fear NOT!!

and do not look at the circumstances –

Proverbs 3:25 Be not afraid of sudden fear/disaster/danger, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.

26 For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

Look unto Jesus/Yeshua, His Righteous right arm!

and have faith in His and the Fathers ability to accomplish all that  has been planned from the foundation of the world;

because He Is:

Omnipotent (All-powerful)

Omniscient (All-knowing)

Omnipresent (Ever-present)

His word will come to pass.

All scripture will be fulfilled.

All prophecy will happen just as it has been written.

Esther came into the moment.

Into the time line.

Just as the events seemed set to wipe out Gods’ children for good.

The enemy’s plan was to destroy and totally annihilate the people of God, the tribe of Judah, the Jewish race and in turn to stop the future birth of Messiah.

Consider how many times that was attempted and every time it failed!



Esther’s Jewish name comes from the Hebrew word  הֲדַס  hădaç Hadas which means ‘myrtle’.

Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the thorn/brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. To set forth his glory. Of God’s deliverance, and that he will never forsake his Church. Isaiah 55:13 

Read that one more time………

To set forth His glory.

Of God’s deliverance, and that

He will




church = ecclesia = called out/apart ones/His BRIDE.

That’s all of us who meet His criteria!

Instead of the thorn, (from the crown of thorns of the suffering servant); shall come forth the myrtle

the flower

the servant

and the chosen one

the hidden bride.

Esther’s name has a meaning of hidden, this meaning is that the bride of Messiah is to this day hidden from the Jewish people. Esther disguised herself as a Gentile, but secretly she was a Hebrew (Ivri )/Yahuwdiy (Jew).

In the same way, those who are born-again by the blood of the lamb are not recognized by many who call themselves Jews because, as of today, many do not acknowledge Jesus/Yeshua as their true Messiah, but one day they will see Him who they pierced.

To be the true bride kallah/challah of the King.

We have seen that as believers symbolically God is our bridegroom and we are His challah/kallah, His bride.

Strong’s Hebrew: 3618. כַּלָּה kallah

כַּלָּה ;

phonetically pronounced (kal-law’).

Yeshua/Jesus our Heavenly Bridegroom was born – nothing could stop it. No devilish plans could prevent His coming then,

and it will not now either.

His second coming will occur at the appointed time.

Events will unfold on time – His time — just as they did in Esther’s day.

The devil still seeks to destroy God’s family, he wants to prevent the wedding taking place., but he does not succeed!


Where is God’s Name in the story today?

He is WORKING behind the scenes.

The salvation of His people is the focus through Ruach HaKodesh /Holy Spirit, whose mandate according to Scripture is:

as an expression of His love and mercy, the Holy Spirit seeks to convict or convince us that Jesus is the cure for sin.

8 And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 of sin, because they do not believe in Me; (John 16:8-9)

Jesus/Yeshua promised the apostles that the

Ruach HaKodesh /Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment

 The world is a sinful place, and one of Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit’s tasks, is to convict the world of its’ sin. No amount of preaching, pleading, or pointing of fingers will bring about the conviction of sin, unless Ruach HaKodesh /Holy Spirit is at work in the sinner’s heart.

It is the Ruach/Spirit’s job to bring conviction to a soul.

God’s desire is that they will be motivated to look for defense counsel: (Jesus/Yeshua) before they appear before the Judge (Father God) for sentencing.

To bring all to repentance and like Esther, beg petition from the king for clemency.

As Esther was prepared to do, we must lay down our lives for Him…

Esther laid her life on the line for her people..

Jesus/Yeshua laid His life on the line for His people.

Instead of the briar comes the myrtle..

Up came the Esther/the Hadassah/Myrtle, to speak for those about to perish.

She was the picture of servant hood and sacrifice, just as Yeshua/Jesus with the crown of thorns was the picture of servant hood and sacrifice…

Both willing to lay down their lives for others and in this case for a whole nation. Had she not done so, the line through which Messiah came, would have perished and He would not have been able to lay down His life for the whole world.


The epitome of a true and faithful servant – loving not her life even unto death!

Self sacrifice, laying down her life – chaim, for others.

As we remember Esther, it is also the initiator of the appointed times on the Hebraic calendar year cycle.

The Appointed Times/Moedim, always begin with sacrifice


laying one’s life down for another… for Her people, a nation..

and as we are about to begin the cycle of the Spiritual Calendar with Passover/Pesach the epitomy of self sacrifice –

laying one’s life down for another… for His people, a nation..

and in Messiahs case, for the whole world.

The trick the enemy was preparing ended up being the agent of his own demise. God was working and always is.

Even when we don’t see it plainly or see His Name on events, the myrtle will blossom in it’s time.

This is 2020 = we must have perfect vision…spiritually so we can SEE Him WORKING!

Esther/Hadassah/Myrtle, was the model of true servant hood in her timeline and Jesus/Yeshua was the model of true servant hood in His…

In part 2 we will look at what the pictographs of this Word servant show us.

Happy Purim

Shalom, shalom, mishpachah!

You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

Fear not, simply rest in Him and be comforted, God is WORKING!

Stay alert, prepared and be ready!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the posts and for all your kind and encouraging comments. Please continue to share with others, like and subscribe for notifications of new postings.  It all helps to freely spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth and reaches others with the blessing of His Truths that always point us to Our Heavenly Father, Through Jesus/Yeshua by the power of His Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh.

Share His comfort to those going through times of testing and trouble…be an encourager of hearts and tell them GOD IS WORKING behind the scenes! 

As always, a very warm welcome to each and every subscriber/follower/visitor, both old and new; and remember that the post is best viewed on the Homepage site in full color!

Please don’t leave this page without the knowing in your heart you are totally His.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Receive His Nechamah!

In order to gain the precious insight in His Nechama, we have to journey back to the beginning;

Beresheet, בְּרֵאשִׁית

where Genesis 5 will reveal some

pearls of great price

and connect us to today,

and to each one of His children.

(Nechama also spelled Nechamah).

Click link below for more on Eden

When Jesus/Yeshua referred to the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings; (Tanakh), 

it was to remind us of the prophetic declarations being fulfilled from the scriptures.

The reason we need to dig out the treasures of His Nechama is because of the days in which we are living.

Why specifically?

Because His Nechama is what we will need more and more as this age comes to its prophetic and timely conclusion.

So what is nechama/ nechamah

(sometimes written with a letter h at the end of the word).

Nechama is the Hebrew word for comfort,

but what does it have to do with the Genesis 5 and Noah?

The days that will signify Messiah’s imminent return are coined in the phrase: as in the days of Noah.

In Jesus/Yeshuas own words, He was answering questions that His disciples asked regarding the things that would happen in the future; and of what signs they should take notice.

 “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

The entire passage from Matthew 24:15-31 is the specific answer to the disciples of the sign of His coming and of the end of the age. Also found in Mark 13 and Luke 21.

There are many of those signs happening and as Jesus answered: 

“Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.

With the climactic sign being the second coming and the glory that attends it, and will fulfill the prophecy of Acts 1:11 that Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, will return as He went up into heaven.

We are 2000+ years on from His statement. Many subsequent generations have wondered if these words would be fulfilled in their lifetime with unsettling world events and world wars taking place etc etc.. However there are certain markers that are mentioned in scripture that have since happened, which had not occurred in previous millennia.

The most obvious and significant was for Israel in 1948 and again When Israel gained East Jerusalem in 1967.

Jesus indicated that this generation (the one that sees all these events occurring together/simultaneously,) will not pass until all these things are fulfilled.

Matt. 24:34; Luke 21:32

These are without doubt, uncertain times, in that suddenly there can be serious weather related events which take the form of catastrophic storms, of one type or another. Also nations rising against nation in conflict, pestilences, plagues of different things, insects and virus outbreaks…. However all these things must come to pass and by His words of caution and warning, we are to take COMFORT that He knows about all these events and is in ultimate control of all of the outcomes.

So many times He says to us




because He said for I have overcome the world and we can rely on His covenant promises of Genesis 9:15

Be not afraid when news breaks of things that may certainly have serious repercussions around the globe.

Because Matthew 24:25

Behold, I have told you beforehand – That is, I have forewarned you.

This is encouraging so we will know and,

He has told us before they happen.

Stand firm in faith and don’t be moved by what we hear or see but hold fast to the truth we know and trust.

Let faith rise in our hearts and keep scripture on our lips and know beyond any doubt that the loving arms are underneath us and we are safe in that secret place of the most high.

And remember He has our 6!

We have His promises which are always yes and amen and here are some of those promises for us to meditate upon …

Spiritual preparation is the most important preparation we can do

and have

and rely on.

Knowing the Father

through Jesus/Yeshua,

and being filled with His Holy Spirit;

and by keeping ourselves filled with His Word,

faith comes,

and His love is spread abroad in our hearts.

Romans 5:5. 5:5 Hope shameth us not – That is, gives us the highest glorying. We glory in this our hope, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts – The divine conviction of God’s love to us, and that love to God which is both the earnest and the beginning of heaven.


This is the love that casts out ALL fear. 1John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 

Hebrews 2:14-16 (NASB) 14 Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.

And as for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD: my spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.

Always remember [L Do not let depart from your mouth] what is written in the Book of the ·Teachings [Law]. ·Study [Meditate on] it day and night to be ·sure [careful; diligent] to obey everything that is written there. If you do this, you will be ·wise [prudent; successful] and ·successful [prosperous].

His promise to us is:

I will not leave you comfortless John 14:18

Just as He brought COMFORT to the repentant thief on the cross beside Him with the promise…. return to EDEN!


So He is the source of

nechamah – comfort.

He promised: I will send the comforter-

who is Gods’ Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh.

This is how Jesus/Yeshua can say that He is with us, even to the end of the age.

This confirms that COMFORT and us being comforted is very important to Him.

We live in days of uncertainty and there are those with needs that are both physical and spiritual in nature. Our Father knows what we need is to be comforted.

We know who has our back/6 and now we know from where our

nechamah – comfort comes.

Not from people, or food, or drink.

not from any other source, 

John 4:32

I have food and drink you know not of…

but we do know now because we have it too.


Comfort in Hebrew is



and it can also mean consolation.

Strong’s Hebrew: 5165. נֶחָמַת (nechamah) — comfort

The word ne•cha•mah is very unique.

Comprising the letters: Nun Chet Mem Hey.

If we break its letters down, there are two overlapping words: 

no•ach (comfortable and resting) and

cham or cha•ma (warm).

Ne•cha•mah is an offer of rest and easement to a troubled, suffering soul.

Comfort is gained through warmth and restful conditions.

Who comforts us in all our affliction, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, through the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

As a noun, ne•cha•mah appears only in the New Testament:

‘Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort;’

2 Corinthians 1:3

There are many other verb references of comfort and consolation in both the Old and New Testaments.

Two of the Books of the Old Testament are about ne•cha•ma – The Book of Nehemiah which means: ‘God is my comfort,’ and the Book of the prophet Nachum whose name means comfort and consolation.

Capernaum (or Kapernaum), an ancient settlement on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. The Hebrew name of the site: Kfar Nahum, which means the Village of Nahum.

Click link for more:

Ne•cha•ma/h is the focus of the prophets Nahum and Isaiah who wrote in chapter 40:1-2 ‘na•cha•moo, na•cha•mu ami.’ Which means: be comforted, be comforted, my people.

Comfort my people, comfort them, says your God. Speak comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry to her, that her fighting is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.’

Isaiah 40:1-2

עַמִּ֑י נַחֲמ֥וּ נַחֲמ֥וּ

Na•cha•mu na•cha•mu ami yo•mar Elo•hey•chem. Dab•ru al-lev Yeru•sha•láyim ve•kir•oo e•lé•ha ki mal•ah tze•va•áh ki nir•tza avo•na.

He is also our Shepherd..

A shepherd knows when His sheep need comfort, assurance and kind words.

The Bible is God’s written Word and offers us just what we need.

The items that make the news headlines are often less than comforting and we would do well to listen less to the talking heads and rather absorb encouragement from the source of all comfort. 2Cor. 1:3.

Here are some reminders that we have a savior who is cognizant of all our weaknesses and all the human emotions that accompany every aspect of our earthly existence.

Jesus/Yeshua, is our sympathetic High Priest/Kohen HaGadol, who had to be made like his brothers in every way(Hebrews 2:17) and who shared in [our] humanity” (Hebrews 2:14), He is intimately acquainted with the devastating effects of our human feelings/emotions. He is also able to come to our aid to help and give hope/tikvah that can lift us out of the deepest pit.

King James Bible
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

The God of All Comfort
2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed be the God andFather of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.…

Berean Study Bible
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.

The fact that He is the God of all comfort, teaches us that, all comfort ultimately comes from Him. He is our source of peace/shalom and happiness and blessing.

Let’s ask Him to bring His Nechamah to our lifes/chaim and situations.  

God is the source of all good comfort.

Let Him comfort you.

Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, 17 comfort your hearts and establish you in every good work and word. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 

Paul refers to Him as the God of all comfort.

To comfort means: to soothe someone who is in distress or who is sorrowing. This is done by easing their misery or grief and bringing them consolation and rest.

Ou Father certainly does this. 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.

The comfortnechamah, of the Lord is a combination of

Mercy and Grace…

and is also referred to in Ex.33:13-14

We have also seen in previous posts:

that Grace

is a place…

Chet/Chen is represented by the fence and describes a protected garden (Eden), private place, an inner room or a sanctuary…

This is a place/makem of comfort/nechamah!

It’s like a womb/racham – hidden away and safe where shalom/peace is complete in the Mem/waters of life/Chaim..  

and so is Racham! 

Remember everything is connected!

And what about the connection to Noah?…. And the times we are living in?

Noah was named by his father Lamech and his name comes from the Hebrew verb

nu’ach (נוּחַ), meaning to rest.

Lamech said, “This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD has cursed.”

(Gen. 5:29).


Comfort, נַחֲמ֥וּ (na·ḥă·mū) Verb –

Piel – Imperative – masculine plural

Strong’s Hebrew 5162: 1) to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret, comfort, be comforted. 

Strong’s Hebrew: 5162. נָחַם (nacham)  comfort

Another Hebrew word that seems to be connected to the name and gives the concepts of consolation and rest is: to rest – לָנוּחַ

(The first letter lamed here, means the word: TO.)

Strong’s Hebrew: 5117. נ֫וּחַ (nuach) — to rest

לָנוּחַ   lanuach

There are several kinds of rest referred to in the Book of Hebrews. The first rest mentioned is the rest the first generation of Israelites failed to enter, namely entrance into the Promised Land and rest from its enemies (Hebrews 3:11). Then there was the rest to which the psalmist referred in Psalm 95 that was available in his time (today).

  1. nuach

nuach: to rest

Original Word: נוּחַ
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: nuach
Phonetic Spelling: (noo’-akh)
Definition: to rest

  1. nuach or noach

nuach or noach: rested, 

Original Word: נוּחַ
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: nuach or noach
Phonetic Spelling: (noo’-akh)
Definition: rested,

  1. Noach

Noach: “rest,” patriarch who survived the flood

Original Word: נֹחַ
Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Transliteration: Noach
Phonetic Spelling: (no’-akh)
Definition: “rest”, patriarch who survived the flood

Noah. The same as nuwach; rest; Noach, the patriarch of the flood — Noah. nuach or noach ►. Strong’s Concordance. nuach or noach: rested,.
Original Word: נוּחַ Part of Speech: Noun Masculine


Noah prepared for 100 years (a generation?); then entered his ark/box of Grace, with his family, providing salvation for them from the judgment of God that came upon the earth.

They were kept safe in the place of grace/ark/covenant and then began a new life in an earth cleansed from sin. Fulfilling his fathers words This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD has cursed.

It is a picture of Jesus/Yeshua who is our ark of grace and when we enter into Him we receive salvation from the judgment of God that will come again on the earth according to the scriptures.


We enter in to the comfort and the place of rest and peace He is our Sar Shalom. The renewed covenant that He has made with those who receive Him fulfilling His fathers words through the angel in Matthew 1:21

She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from [a]failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God]. Amplified Bible.


John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

Isaiah also spoke of the rest as well as the comfort.

Isaiah 28:12 
HEB: אֲלֵיהֶ֗ם זֹ֤את הַמְּנוּחָה֙ הָנִ֣יחוּ לֶֽעָיֵ֔ף
NAS: to them, Here is rest, give rest
KJV: To whom he said, This [is] the rest [wherewith] ye may cause the weary to rest 


This comfort is not simply a feeling or an emotion of the soul and a means to feeling better….

It’s place of total covering/immersion/enveloped/hidden/nestled under wings in that secret place returning us to the genesis and its eden, the state and place of original grace in the beginning. And it is the promise contained in Noahs’ name, which precious promises we have obtained now, through and under Jesus/Yeshuas’ blood. Where His provision is completed and all our waste places are comforted in His presence/ throne of grace; and where His tender mercies are new every morning.

WOW! What a Father we have!

What an unequalled God we serve, worship and adore!  

We have a God of comfort/ and peace/shalom to help us in our time of need, Who is Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh, Who is also called the comforter and is living inside born-again believers.

..see previous posts and the connection to Eden.

Don’t hold back any longer, let’s simply give God all that is in our hearts, because nothing in this world can compare with that which He imparts reciprocally to us; so that in turn, we can comfort others.

When those whom God places in our lives are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has shown and imparted to us.

Jesus/Yeshua is our ark of salvation and as in the days of Noah/Comfort we must enter into Him into comfort, into salvation, into His place of nechamah. As righteousness judges sin, we must not procrastinate any longer, for just as in the days of Noah, the day came when God shut the door – the dalet – and there was no longer a WAY into the place of Grace the ark of covenant and its’ nechmahah. 

Jesus/Yeshua, is the door, the dalet, and one day the door will close and He will knock no longer.

Opportunity to enter into noah/rest – nahamah – comfort of salvation will not be available.

The times of the gentiles/heathens will be fulfilled, completed.

Share this understanding of comfort with all you can and let not that day come upon you as a thief/unawares.


In connection with the description of God as the God of all comfort, is the statement that He is the Father of Mercies.

Mercy is the outward manifestation of compassion for others in their affliction. Mercy had its origin with God, calling Him its’ Father. All acts of pity and compassion proceed from Him.

And mercy is Racham –

mercies/Rachamim is the plural.

click below for more revealed secrets of the scriptures:

Scriptures for The God of comfort. 

Isaiah 51:3The LORD will comfort Israel again and have pity on her ruins.Her desert will blossom like Eden, her barren wilderness like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found there. Songs of thanksgiving will fill the air.

Psalm 23:4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley,I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

2 Corinthians 1:5 For the more we suffer for Christ,the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ.

Isaiah 40:1Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.

Psalm 119:50 This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.

Romans 15:4-5 For everything that was written in former times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and through encouragement of the scriptures we may have hope. Now may the God of endurance and comfort give you unity with one another in accordance with Christ Jesus,

Isaiah 51:12 “I, yes I, am the one who comforts you. So why are you afraid of mere humans, who wither like the grass and disappear? Yet you have forgotten the LORD, your Creator, the one who stretched out the sky like a canopy and laid the foundations of the earth. Will you remain in constant dread of human oppressors? Will you continue to fear the anger of your enemies? Where is their fury and anger now? It is gone!

Yeshua/Jesus weeps over our sorrows.

John 11:33-36 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. “Where have you laid him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”

Psalm 56:8 You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

 click link below for more:

Praying for comfort.

Psalm 119:76-77 Now let your unfailing love comfort me, just as you promised me, your servant. Surround me with your tender mercies so I may live, for your instructions are my delight.

Psalm 119:81-82 My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word. My eyes fail, looking for your promise; I say, “When will you comfort me?”

Isaiah 58:9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. “If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk,

God comforts us in our trials so we can comfort others.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort.He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

2 Corinthians 1:6-7 Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation!For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. We are confident that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in the comfort God gives us.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

Listen to these songs and let the ruach of comfort-nechamah, minister to our hearts as we worship Him and long for His return to catch us, His Bride, away!


Can you hear His footsteps?…He’s Coming… Hallelujah!


Be comforted Mishpachah/Family!

Final thought on the concepts behind the pictographs for


Nun: sprout, new life, seed, fish, continue, increase.

Chet: His dwelling place – HaMishkan, Ark, He is the guardian of the passageway, the process of entry, wall, protect, fence, divide, separation.

Mem: water that washes clean and chaos as in storms.

Hey: look, behold or pay attention to reveal to make known. Breath or sigh as in awe!

Put together it could be said of Nechamah/Comfort:

A separation will be followed by entry through the guardian of the WAY into the protection from the chaos of the storm/deluge, look in awe to the process of entry into new life which will continue.

Noah comfort and rest.

The rest we enter into will be fulfilled in the Millenial reign of Yeshua Messiah as we enter His Rest – His Shalom – the Sabbath rest of the 7th day 1000 years. The time of shalom/peace and comfort.

So the best part of the days of Noah is his comfort/ nechamah and the forthcoming new beginning, new start,

Behold I make all thing new! Isaiah 43:18; Rev 21:5.

I saw a new heaven and a new earth. Rev. 21:1

As we are returning to Eden too –

that’s why Messiah said:

today you will be with me in paradise. Luke 23:43.

For today is the day of salvation!

Get into the ark/Jesus/Yeshua, because He is not only the Word, He IS our ARK, we must get into Him for our salvation.

Shalom, shalom, mishpachah!

You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

Fear not, simply rest in Him and be comforted!

Stay alert, prepared and be ready!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the posts and for all your kind and encouraging comments. Please continue to share with others, like and subscribe for notifications of new postings.  It all helps to freely spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth and reaches others with the blessing of His Truths that always point us to Our Heavenly Father, Through Jesus/Yeshua by the power of His Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh.

Share His comfort to those going through times of testing and trouble…be an encourager of hearts! 

As always, a very warm welcome to each and every subscriber/follower/visitor, both old and new; and remember that the post is best viewed on the Homepage site in full color!

Please don’t leave this page without the knowing in your heart you are totally His.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.





Who or What is the Mystery of the Choter, or is it Both? Conclusion.

In Hebrew, the word branch is netzer, and is actually only three consonantal letters: NZR.

Note that the town N a Z a R eth contains the same three primary letters plus an ending often attached to nouns. In the Aramaic form of Nazareth.       

So the traditional view is that this word is derived from the Hebrew word for Nazareth -Nazara, that was used in ancient times. Nazareth, in turn, may be derived from either na·tsar, נָצַר, meaning to watch, or from ne·tser, נֵ֫צֶר, meaning branch.


Strong’s Hebrew: 5342. נֵ֫צֶר (netser) — a sprout, shoot

Branch: From natsar; in the sense of greenness as a striking color; a shoot; figuratively, a descendant, branch

Righteous Branch is one of the names of Jesus/Yeshua. The Hebrew word: tsemakh (branch), and the expressions sprout and spring forth, were widely understood as Messianic terms.

A Branch, or the Branches of a tree, are the glory of that tree.

Messiah, the Son of man, being the real offspring and son of David according to the flesh, is the glory of all David’s line, and of the whole ekklesia. Matthew 22:45

The Hebrew equivalent of ekklesia is the word qahal (קהל). It is translated in most occurrences as an assembly. The first mention of qahal – ekklesia – ‘church’, is in Devariym, Deuteronomy.

This is where we get our word ecclesiastical in relation to what we term church. 

It does not mean a building but a separated, called out, called apart, body of people.

The Hebrew word used in five references, semah/Tsemakh, simply means sprout, growth or branch. The remaining occurrence has the word hoter, meaning branch or twig.

Israel is also often referred to as a vine. The Lord brought Israel, the vine, out of Egypt and planted it in the promised land. As the Lord blessed the vine, it prospered and “sent out its boughs to the Sea, its shoots as far as the River” ( Psalm 80:11 ). The fruit that the vine produced, however, was an embarrassment to the Lord and steps were taken against it (ref: Isa 5:1-7 ). More often, however, the prophets use the analogy of the vine and branches to describe Israel’s future restorationIsa 60:21 ;  Hosea 14:6 ).

This too is clear in the New Testament referring to the Vine and Branches Meaning.

There is ALWAYS Necessary Pruning

and fruit only comes by

ABIDING IN the the Vine.

The 3rd and most important truth of Jesus/Yeshuas’ words is that “… every branch that brings forth fruit He cleanses/prunes, so that it will bear more fruit.” In other words, if you are in the right condition and bear fruit for the kingdom of God, then necessary pruning is waiting for you.

Jeremiah mentions the Branch so does Zechariah and the one we are probably more familiar with is from Isaiah 11:1. There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

Here Isaiah traces the human descent of the Son of David. The descendants of Adam are pictured as a Tree and from this Tree the Messiah is traced to a branch (Rod) from the Branch or (Stem) of Jesse, who is the father of David.

(It is still a term used to trace our own family heritage – Family Tree.)

 In Isaiah 11:10, the Hebrew word used for root (sheresh); implies: a root that remains alive and sends up a shoot or branch; thus, the root of Jesse was a root from which more descendants could come.

In that day the branch of the LORD shall be for beauty and glory and the fruit of the earth for greatness and honor to those that are freed of Israel. In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and splendid for them that have escaped of Israel.

Jesus Himself said in John 15:5

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

And followed it by saying John 15:6

If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned.

Romans 11:16,17-24.

From the menorah design in Ex 25:32, And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side:

To Yeshua Himself

John 15:6


Zekaryahuw (Zechariah) 6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaks YHWH of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of YHWH:

13 Even he shall build the temple of YHWH; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.

*Note: this is a prophetic picture of the Messiah (the Son) whose name is The Branch and He is receiving many crowns (Revelation 19:12), and He is also a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek which means King of Righteousness (Malki-Tzadiq)

So What About CHOTER?

We may better understand the deeper meaning if we first seek out the original root of the rod and branch in Isaiah 1:11, by looking at the meaning from the paleo Hebrew pictographs:


The scripture says the root was Jesse; (remember no letter J in Hebrew). Matthew records the geneology of Messiah and it’s often a part we skip over, however there are numerous treasures hidden within these lists, we just have to look a little deeper. Here it records that Jesse was a direct descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he was in fact King Davids father.

God’s judgment was declared on a prideful people who had forgotten Him that will level them to nothing more than stumps:

See, the Lord, the Lord Almighty,
    will lop off the boughs with great power.
The lofty trees will be felled,
    the tall ones will be brought low.
34 He will cut down the forest thickets with an ax;
    Lebanon will fall before the Mighty One.

Is. 10 33 34

Just when the enemy is about to capture Jerusalem, God intervenes and destroys the hostile army.

Remember there were no chapter and verse divisions in the original scrolls. So it continues without a break, in the very next verse says

But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,
    and from his roots a bud shall blossom.
2 The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him:
    a spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
A spirit of counsel and of strength,
    a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord,
   and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.

Jesse was part of the faithful remnant. The next verses speak of the shoot that will come from this stump.

Who is the rod/choter and branch/natser?

Verse 4 says of the coming Messiah:

Not by appearance shall he judge,
    nor by hearsay shall he decide,
But he shall judge the poor with justice,
    and decide fairly for the land’s afflicted.
He shall strike the ruthless with the rod of his mouth,
    and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.

In the word CHOTER, the pictograph characters reveal more showing us the following:


Phonetic Spelling: (kho’-ter)

Branch, rod, twig –

choter: chet – tet – reysh,

Chet: Picture of the fence and means private to separate an inner sanctuary or room

Tet: Picture of a snake coiled up meaning to surround ensnare or encircle

Reysh: Picture of a head and means a person, highest or the prince.

So it could read as: a picture of a prince that is coming who will surround or encircle someone with a fence or hedge of protection.

Because it it written within this context in the Scroll of Isaiah, it is somewhat safe to say that it is indicative of the coming Messiah.

The number value of the letters also give an insight into who it is that will be protected.

Chet = 8 and signifies a new beginning

Tet = 9 means an evaluation of humanity ending in judgment and the conclusion or end of a matter.

Reysh= 200 this number shows the insufficiency of man compared to the all sufficiency of God.

By putting this information together, it could be interpreted as:

the Messiah or coming highest/prince is going to surround and protect insufficient fallen humanity who will be given a new beginning/ fresh start.

This means that anyone who chooses Messiah will be both surrounded and protected from judgment!

Is there any difference between Messiah as in this ROD/CHOTER

and the



Natser: #5342 a sprout a shoot.

Phonetic Spelling: nay’-tser

Shoot – Natser has the letters;

Nun/Noon – Zsadi – Reysh

Nun/Noon – picture of the fish and means life activity seed

Zsadi – picture of the fishhook and means to catch and a strong desire or need and can also mean just or righteous.

Reysh – picture of the head and means a person, highest or the prince.

So this could be said to mean that in the Natser: there is a future prince that has a strong desire to catch someone and give them life.

So if we believe Messiah is Yeshua/Jesus, then we must consider who it is He desiring to catch and how will He catch them? If we look at the numerical values of the letters in the alef bet, it may show us an answer and give further understanding.

Nun/Noon = a numerical value of 50. This signifies Ruach HaKodesh, Holy Spirit, (Pentecost/Shavuot, 59 days after Spring Appointed Times,) and also meaning deliverance, followed by rest.

Zsadi = a numerical value of 90 which has a combined meaning of the judgment of humanity and of God’s perfection.

Reysh  = a numerical value of 200. This number shows the insufficiency of man in comparison to the all sufficiency of God.

So from this we could understand that: it has been ordained in heaven that the power of Gods’ Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh, and the prince that will come, is enough to both catch and save humanity from judgment.

This concept is echoed by Paul in Gal. 4:3-5.

The pictographs also reveal that when Messiah comes the 1st time He will be separated, surrounded and cut off, to fulfill and complete judgment (on sin); just as Isaiah’s forest stumps were cut off.

There is also Good News in the word Natser because, in a final picture from the word sprout, (which comes from a root that means literally: greenness as a prominent color,)

The picture of noon/nun = new life, from the old stump. Just as in the resurrection of the future Messiah.

The one who was the sprout will grow to become the root and gives us the confirmation that this root is Yeshua/Jesus, The Messiah.


It’s because Isaiah could have used a more common word for natser in this scripture, but he didn’t and by doing so we look at the following, because its pointing us to something else as confirmation.

When the letter Tav, which is a pictograph of the crossed sticks, is added to the word natser it makes the word NatsareT which is known to us today as Nazareth. So the TAV the cross, 2 sticks, is the connection linking Messiah to come with Jesus/Yeshua the Nazarene; meaning coming from Nazareth. Matt 2:23. Npy only is it a picture of a cross it is also the final/last letter of the alef bet bringing it to a close, as in the first and the last – the alef tav.

The name of this tiny village of Nazareth tells us something about the people living there and offers a clue to the identity of the child Mary would bear. As we have noted, Nazareth may come from the Hebrew netzer, which means branch or shoot. Sometimes when a tree is chopped down, a shoot will grow from the stump, allowing a new tree to spring up where the old one has died. That shoot is called, in Hebrew, a netzer.

Why would the people who founded this village have called it the branch?
Much of the Old Testament was written predicting, or in response to, the destruction of Israel. The northern half of the country was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire in 722 B.C. The southern half of the country, known as Judah, was destroyed by the Babylonian Empire in 587 or 586 B.C.

The prophets, in speaking about the destruction and re-emergence of Israel, used the metaphor of Israel being like a tree that had been cut down, but which would sprout up once again. Israel would be led by a messianic figure called the branch, so again, Isaiah 11:1-4, 6 says:

A shoot will grow up from the stump of Jesse;
a branch will sprout from his roots.
The LORD ’s spirit will rest upon him, 
a spirit of wisdom and understanding,
a spirit of planning and strength,
a spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD.
He will delight in fearing the LORD.
He won’t judge by appearances,
nor decide by hearsay.
He will judge the needy with righteousness,
and decide with equity for those who suffer in the land. … 
[And in those days] the wolf will live with the lamb,
and the leopard will lie down with the young goat;
the calf and the young lion will feed together,
and a little child will lead them.


The netzer was a promise of Hope – Tikvah

The word as used in Isaiah 11 pointed to the promise that, though Israel had been cut down like a felled tree, she would rise up once again.

Fifty years after the destruction of Judah by the Babylonians, the Jewish people would return to the city of Jerusalem. Judah would rise up like a shoot. And the people hoped for the coming of the branch that the prophets foretold would lead the people—a Messiah.

Jeremiah and Zechariah also use this same imagery, though they use a different word for branch than netzer.
When the village founders named their village Nazareth they may have chosen this name as a way of expressing hope that God would once again restore Israel—that though Israel had been cut down by the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, and then the Romans, a branch would come up from the stump.

They may have chosen this name because, in the words of the prophet Isaiah, it was a sign that there are no hopeless causes with God. They may have chosen this name as a way of articulating their hope that one day the Messiah would come to Israel. It was as if they were saying:

We believe there is always hope.

We believe God will deliver us.

We believe the day will come when God will send a new king who will deliver us.

Little did they know that the branch

foretold in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Zechariah would be a

child who would grow up in their own village!

Hebrew – Naẕerat

Yeshua` of Natsaret

Hebrew Netzer.


One view holds that Nazareth is derived from one of the Hebrew words for branch, namely ne·ṣer, נֵ֫צֶר, and alludes to the prophetic, messianic words in

Isaiah 11:1, ‘from (Jesse’s) roots a Branch (netzer) will bear fruit’.

Nazareth may come from the Hebrew netzer, which means branch or shoot.

Sometimes when a tree is chopped down, a shoot will grow from the stump, allowing a new tree to spring up where the old one has died. That shoot is called, in Hebrew, a netzer .

Nazareth ( the guarded one ) 

Olive trees in Nazareth, Israel.

Strong’s #3478: 

Nazareth (pronounced nad-zar-eth’) or Nazaret nad-zar-et’;

The Aramaic word for Nazarite is spelled Nun, Tsade, and Resh, where the Hebrew word for Nazarite is spelled Nun, Zayin, and Resh.

There appears to be a Semitic play on words here as the Tsade and the Zayin both make a z sound.

We can distinguish between the two by showing the Tsade as a ts and the Zayin as a z.

So the Mystery of the Choter




It is BOTH a Who and a What!

Who is Messiah Himself; the shoot from the stump of Jesse from whose roots a Branch will bear fruit.

We are a part of that fruit and grafted in to the Nazarene from Nazareth our Natser Branch and the Righteous Branch of the Lord, prophesied by the prophets and also our soon returning Prince of Peace/Sar Shalom.

The very Branches of the Menorah and the Rod of Aaron were also indicators of Our Redeemer.

Please don’t leave this page until you are certain you are a netser of the choter, 

a grafted in

Nazarene or Notsriym,

of THE Nazarene/Notsri;


the ONE who is THE true BRANCH – THE real CHOTER!

Shalom, shalom, mishpachah! You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

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It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.