Category: Appointed Times
Each of these meanings is related to the meanings of the pictograph
Quick Reminder…
Quick reminder for newer readers, there are a few other posts relating to Passover/Pesach and Spring Appointed Times…
An Extra Post on First fruits at
The resurrection at
and for those who may not have seen it already a post for the days of Omer.
We are already in the countdown to Shavuot!
A guide for each day through the rest of the days to Shavuot Pentecost
A parable to be read for each day until Pentecost/Shavuot.
(As time permits some more content will be added to each parable.)
Also for the special 40th day of Omer
Finally there is a new page just added…
for some Daily Devotionals to assist in preparing our hearts for The Feast Of Shavuot.
It’s a work in progress so thank you for your patience!
For anyone who has never had the opportunity to see
below is a link to watch the film
there is no charge..
Shalom shalom ‘Mishpachah’ ‘Family’.
What’s The Connection Between Almonds and Olive Oil with Messiah and Lamp stands? Part 2
We left Part 1 with the question:
Why were they told to make the Menorah with shape of almond blossom and not olives, vines or figs???
Scripture records that the pattern for the Menorah was given by God to Moses and almonds have specific meaning which was understood. We have seen the connection between the almond shaped receptacle for the olive oil at the top of each branch of the menorah. Only the Priest could tend the wicks and light them.
The next connection to Almonds was the Rod of Aaron:
Numbers 17:8 And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witness; and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds.
8 Now on the next day Moses went into the tent of the testimony; and behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi had sprouted and put forth buds and produced blossoms, and it bore ripe almonds. 9 Moses then brought out all the rods from the presence of the LORD to all the sons of Israel; and they looked, and each man took his rod.
Aaron’s Rod not only leafed out the next day, it also had flower buds, flowers, and even ripe almonds on the same stick! (Numbers 17:8).
Num. 17:1-5 God spoke to Moses: “Speak to the People of Israel. Get staffs from them—twelve staffs in all, one from the leader of each of their ancestral tribes. Write each man’s name on his staff. Start with Aaron; write Aaron’s name on the staff of Levi and then proceed with the rest, a staff for the leader of each ancestral tribe.”
The man’s name written on the sticks showed that it was the original one, but the growth in various stages of maturity also proves that no one had cut an almond branch and put it in its place.
Sometimes tribes are called Shevatim, which also means: supple BRANCH (still attached to the tree); sometimes they are called Matot, which means hard stick, cut off from the tree.
Although obvious that branches are alive and supple and growing when still attached to the tree and draw their strength from it and its roots; it must be noted that as we are grafted in, we too must stay connected to the tree of life. In our case this is Messiah Jesus/Yeshua HaMashiach, in order to stay alive and grow.
Aaron had his own staff. And it was Aaron’s staff which became a “serpent” before Pharaoh and which swallowed up the “serpents” of the magicians (Exodus 7:9-12).
Possible symbolic prophetic meaning that death would be swallowed up in life.
The spiritual shown subduing and overcoming the natural. The Creator shown superior over His creation – good triumphing over evil.
Aarons staff was from the almond tree and every tree bears the fruit God created it to produce.
In Ex. 25:31-36 The golden candlestick is recorded and in Isaiah 11:1 the prophetic word declared that…
A shoot, rod or branch (cutting) is how olive trees are reproduced. Just as we are grafted in to Him and He reproduces Himself in us.
1 A shoot (rod) will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a BRANCH will bear fruit.
2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord—
3 and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,
or decide by what he hears with his ears;4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy,
with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.
He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth;
with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.
5 Righteousness will be his belt
and faithfulness the sash around his waist.The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD
Here the 7 Spirits of God are listed right along side the BRANCH connecting them there are 7 lamps and there is a confirming reference by John in Rev 4:5 – 7 lamps – 7 spirits.
Num 17:8-10; Jer 1:11-12
Has similar language
The budding of the staff/literally the BRANCH of an almond tree, is symbolic of resurrection life and fullness of God
and is typified in three elements connected to the menorah.
The Bud
the Flower
the Fruit.
See chart below for other symbolism.
The Priest is a picture of Yeshua/Jesus and represents man to God.
The Budding is a picture that assures us that HE IS our High Priest.
Apocalypse of the menorah – (revealing the meaning) – and the significance of the almond tree.
The shape reminds the onlooker of a flowering tree of life.
The Menorah was made from 1 piece and resembling a tree with branches, tradition says it also represents the tree of life that was present in the beginning – Beresheet.
The Tree of Life is in the Beginning – Genesis and at the end – Revelation.
On each of the six side arms were 3 golden almond blossoms and together with the 4 on the center shaft, there were exactly 22 almond blossoms. Between the 22 flowers, there are 21 connections. From the lowest flower to the top flower on the shaft to the 6 lamps, there are 3×8+3=27 connections, and together with the highest connection from the top flower on the shaft to the middle lamp, there are a total of 28 (4×7) connections. Together they are 50 parts + 7 lamps.
In Israel, toward the end of January, while the rest of the trees continue their winter slumber, the Almond Tree is the first to awaken to life and blooms.
Therefore, the white almond blossom is a symbol of life and purity.
God paid attention to the details from the very beginning; for He commanded that every single almond blossom on the Menorah should consist of three parts, namely, the cups, buds and blossoms (petals). Together they are 3 x 22=66 single flower parts.
The Menorah stood in the Tabernacle and in Solomon’s Temple. The Menorah also stood in the Temple of Herod in Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified.
The BIBLE: 7 parts, 49 scrolls with 66/70 books = the word of God = the light in this dark world.
Three of the many 7’s in Scripture:
7 Appointed Times
7 Spirits of God
7 Days of the week, etc.
Some symbolism meanings:
The pattern of the menorah was for 3 decorative cups to be on each of the 6 branches only on the main center branch was there to be 4 cups.
4 cups of the Passover meal! For the servant/shamash, was at the center of the Menorah.
The cups of the menorah remind the bride of the cups she drank during the marriage vows with her bridegroom at His Appointed Feasts, vowing to be His faithful bride.
The cups on the menorah and the branches were designed in the shape of open almond blossoms because as already noted, the almond tree represents first fruits and in Israel is the first tree to bloom after the winter. Just as we saw in song of Solomon.. the winter is past the spring has come she was watching for her beloved.
Jesus/Yeshua is the First Fruits from the dead and we are His first fruits. We like the rod of Aaron were dead outside of Jesus/Yeshua. When He redeemed us and was resurrected, then He raised us from death to life and we became His First Fruits. Ezek. 37:1-4
Was it also a reference to the burning bush or the almond tree or the type of sage that grows in Israel? Unless it is very clear, we don’t need to caught up too much in symbolism! However, there are some very clear ones with the blossoms and almond shapes.
How does an almond tree grow?
And what we can learn?
Today the temple of God is where He lives now, within the heart of the believer.
If believers do not know how to maintain the light of the menorah or preserve the bread of His presence, how will the bride know the timing of her wedding or be prepared to join her bridegroom?
The menorah is the only light in the Holy place.
Oil has been provided for the brides journey to light her way but, the oil can only be useful if the menorah has been maintained and the wicks are trimmed. Tended to daily by the priest.
Without the light the bride is unable to see the word, which is the bread of His presence and her path WAY Will be darkened. Maintaining the menorah will allow her to see clearly and find her way to her wedding.
The Lamp stand, the Menorah, represents the Messiah of Israel in John 8:12 Jesus said, I am the light of the world.
As the Bridegroom of Israel, He will light the path/WAY, to reveal the WAY of the bride.
The menorah is also a symbol of the brides mission.
As the Mishkan is to be made in the pattern given, when the bride walks in Jesus/Yeshua’s right ways, she will reflect His light to the nations. Isaiah 42:7
It is said that pure gold is one of the easiest metals to work with. It can be beaten into a transparent gold foil over 500 times thinner than the human hair. God required that the menorah was to be made using one piece of pure gold.
The cups of the menorah:
The pattern of the menorah required three decorative cups to be on each of the six branches extending from the lampstand.
The 3 cups of the six branches of the menorah are symbols which represent the commandment for the Israelites to come before the Lord at His Moedim/Appointed Times/ feasts, three times a year to worship Him. Deut. 16:16 – Devarim.
Only on the main shaft itself were there to be 4 cups. The cups on the menorah remind the bride of the cups she drank during the marriage vows with her bridegroom at His appointed feasts, vowing to be His faithful bride.
The first cup represents the cup of acceptance that the bride will drink at the first feast in the spring at the Passover and the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread.
The second cup represents the cup of betrothal the bride drinks at the second feast in late spring or early summer called the feast of Shavuot /Pentecost.
The third cup represents the cup the bride will drink at the 3rd Feast in the Autumn /Fall at the feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot. This will be the wedding (Yom Kippur/ atonement) and celebration cup at the wedding supper of the lamb. Sukkot/ tabernacles).
Only on the main shaft of the menorah, which is also called the branch, is there a 4th cup.
This BRANCH represents Messiah Jesus/Yeshua and the 4th cup represents the cup He drank on our behalf at His death – the cup of bitterness.
He took our cup in fulfillment of the law of jealousy, regarding a wife suspected of being unfaithful to her husband. Ex. 5:11-18; 25-28.
Believers are the ‘unfaithful bride’. In Jesus’s faithfulness to His bride and in fulfillment to the covenant He made with her, He took our cup and drank our judgment and our death upon Himself. This is the cup of judgment that sets us free and brought about our salvation and deliverance. Numbers 5:5 – 31; Luke 22:42.
The cups on the Menorah and the BRANCHES, were designed in the shape of open almond blossoms. The almond tree represents first fruits and as already noted, is the earliest tree to bloom after the winter in Israel. Jesus/Yeshua is the first fruits from the dead and we are His first fruits. We were dead (in our sins) outside of Jesus/Yeshua, when He redeemed us and raised us from death to life we became His first fruits. Ezek. 37:1–4.
The buds and blossoms of the menorah:
Gods’ pattern for the Menorah was to have buds and blossoms on the main branch as well as on the six branches. They were to be placed directly below the cups. These buds and blossoms represent how believers will start to bear seed and glorify Yeshua/Jesus bearing much fruit when they abide in His word. A solid piece of gold in the shape of a Menorah cannot stand on its own without some internal strength to support it.
Jesus/Yeshua has been tried and He is the living testimony, the true Menorah, the Light of the world. Only He can keep the covenant perfectly. His testimony is revealed in His Feasts/Appointed times/Moedim. He will be faithful to fulfill all that He has promised and appointed concerning His heirs.
The almond Blossom turns into fruit that contains an edible seed called a nut.
Almond in Hebrew is Shaqad (Strongs#H 8246 from the root verb Strongs# 8245) meaning to diligently watch.
Jeremiah 1:11 – 12
What do you see Jeremiah?
You have seen correctly for I am watching to see that My Word is fulfilled.
The bride is to diligently watch her ways, by rightly walking in His instructions and being obedient to His commandments as she eagerly waits for the return of her bridegroom, Jesus the Messiah/ Yeshua HaMashiach.
(Heres a reference back to the Song of Solomon 2:10–12.)
Notice the description begins at the base of the menorah and rises up through the description from the ground up from the earth to the heaven.
Base – shaft – knops and cups/blossoms in order.
When it begins before spring, the tree has only small buds on the branch, life is trying to push through.
It bends towards the light, receiving its’ nourishment from the stem to which it is attached; then the bud bursts into blossoms/flower and it gets its’ nutrients from the sun.
Then the blossom fades and falls away leaving a tiny green knop.
Even as a bud, technically it has within it the almond but that is not what we see. With continual feeding of the flower, it matures into the green shape of an almond, with a velvet like covering, which finally matures into a nut.
The outer shell is hard, pitted and tan in color. When fully ripe, inside this shell is the kernel or nut or fruit, which is protected from the elements.
It is always moving upwards to the light. Aarons rod showed all the stages of growth and had come to life.
When a branch is cut from a tree it loses its source of life and becomes a dead stick, a dead piece of almond wood that Aaron used as a staff to walk with; until it was submitted under the authority of God when it was imbued with new life and purpose.
This is just like our lives, death to life, everything with God is from death to life. This is symbolic of resurrection of coming back to life from death.
However, while the sacrifice of Jesus/Yeshua gives us atonement (כַּפָּרָה) with God, the resurrection of the Messiah (i.e., techiyat ha-Mashiach: תְּחִיַּת הַמָּשִׁיחַ) justifies His work of salvation on behalf of the sinner and forever vindicates the righteousness of God.
Techiyat HaMaitim – המתים תחיית –
The Resurrection Of The Dead
Interesting note: We have seen that the Almond tree blossoms first, before all other trees in the spring and yet, it will be the last to drop its leaves in the fall; while the Olive tree is the last fruit to be harvested in the fall.
The husbandman of the orchard watches carefully for the Almond trees to bloom and burst forth in color; it is the signal to begin pruning his Olive trees! Those pruned are interior branches hidden from the light that would produce no fruit. Soon these broken off branches, littering the ground will be gathered, bundled and burned! The pruned tree can then reach for the sun, breathe and will spend the growing season developing good fruit.
At end of January /February, trees are clothed in spectacular white for only 2 weeks. It comes for a season and then its gone. Jesus’ resurrection is always likened to the blossoms of the almond tree and in 1Cor. 15:20-23 but now Christ is risen the first fruits!
Is the almond saying: this is how I am performing my word, He will die and will resurrect as the first fruits?
This interesting relationship between the Almond tree and the Olive tree illustrates our own relationship with the God of Israel – if we make the connections that exist between the Menorah of the Tabernacle….(described as an Almond Tree Ex 25:31-40) and the Oil for the Menorah which comes from the Olive Tree. This oil is to be brought to the Priest by the Children of Israel continually….(Ex 27:20). In the natural earthly realm, the almond and olive trees represent the First and the Last to produce fruit.
In the spiritual realm, the inner intimate Holy Place of the Tabernacle – the almond tree and the oil come together and become one to produce and contain the light.
Helped by linen wicks, the olive oil in the almond-shaped cups bring forth the light that shines toward the bread, wine and incense on the table in the same room.
John 17:21.. that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.
According to John 6:29 … the ‘work’ of God is this: that you believe in Him whom He sent.
Oil represents both Word of Truth and Holy Spirit and it could be said that it is the work of the children of Israel to bring pure oil to keep the lamp of the tabernacle burning. (Ex 27:20)
They were to bring the pure olive oil representing Truth and Instruction of His Word (Torah) and the Holy Spirit (Ruach). Jesus/Yeshua/The Word, said that we would… worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. (John 4:24)
When we think this through, we see that the gold Menorah shaped like an almond tree, together with the pure oil from the olives representing the Torah and Spirit; becomes symbolic of the burning bush/tree that would not consume itself.
Our God is a consuming fire to those who are not one with Him, and if we are one with Him will not be consumed. We can draw near and become one with Him because of the finished work of Messiah….if we believe that He is the One sent forth from the Father.
No one comes to the Father except through Messiah. Even as Jesus/Yeshua told the Samaritan woman: the Father is seeking those who will one day worship Him in Spirit and in Truth; represented spiritually by the pure Olive Oil brought continually by the Children of Israel to the Priest tending the Menorah.
Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Are our lives like the Menorah giving His Light and Life to a dying world?
Conclusion in Part 3 – including what did Jeremiah see?
Shalom Shalom ‘Mishpachah’ ‘Family’!
Please Don’t leave this page until you are certain He is the Light of your life.
It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.
You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.
How is Yovel Connected To The Fingerprint of God, Keys of Light, The Shofar and Jubilee? Part 2
The fingerprint of God is the confirming visual aspect of the God of Creation.
Fingerprints of Gods’ original authorship, can be seen in everything around us which has the breath and energy of life within it.
After we have placed our lives into His Hands, that is when we will begin to see His fingerprints on and in them.
Even the rams’ horn, from which the Shofar is made, shows the fingerprint of God, as does DNA.
1 John 1:5 – This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is LIGHT, and in him is no darkness at all.
The Keys of Light seem to be, the
revealed knowledge
imparted to those with
eyes to see and ears to hear
as opened by
Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh. Eph. 1:8
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. 17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. KJV. Matt.13:15-17
This is understanding the spiritual and comprehending the dimension Jesus/Yeshua came to demonstrate.
Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, Acts 16:14
When God opens the spiritual eyes inside of us, it may be opposite to what we have always thought; and may change both how we see a situation, and what we believe about it.
Our world view takes on a new look as the veils are removed. Just as the moment that the fog lifts and reveals what was there all the time, we simply could not see through the fog/veil.
While we cannot help but be affected by circumstances surrounding us, our spiritual senses can be sharpened to such a degree that, we can actually benefit from them.
This only comes from spending time in the presence of the Lord, for it is only then that we can see our circumstances through His eyes: that is when the eyes of our understanding are being enlightened.
When Jesus/Yeshua said in Matthew 13:13 Seeing they do not see.
He was no doubt referring to more than the use of the natural eyes and ears.
Paul makes a strange statement saying, that you must have “the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know” (Ephesians 1:18). Indicating that the heart has eyes!
The heart of the spirit apparently also has a door, upon which He knocks; and the lock is on the inside. Only we can open it to let in the Lord and His enlightening Spirit. The lock needs a KEY of LIGHT that illuminates, and as God is Light, so it is as Messiah said, He gives the Keys.
Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Ps 119:105
Locks are usually the recipients of keys and locks are mostly integral to, or somehow connected to, doors. They are also called portals, and as we have seen in paleo pictographs of the Hebrew letter dalet, this letter comes from the word meaning Door.
Paleo-Pictograph meaning of Dalet is:
Door, passageway, the process of entering in.
Also means threshold, starting point, point of entry, gate, must begin here.
These are His instructions; when He said I Am the Door of the sheep, we are to follow.
He gave us the example, manifested in the door. He is the One who opened the passage for us to enter in. He is also our guard, defender, shield and Shepherd.
We are to…Seek the kingdom… and we are given the keys. It’s up to us to find the doors and locate the locks, for He told us if we seek we shall find, knock and it shall be opened.
Every door leads somewhere. Every portal opens into something, mostly houses/ buildings of one type or another. The question is, who does the building belong to?
If we have a key and permission to use it, then we are also permitted entrance and obviously welcome; as we must know the owner who gave us the key. We would not give a stranger the key to our house.
Likewise Messiah gives us His KEYS to His house, which is the inner spiritual house of our physical being of which He is now the owner because we now belong to Him and are no longer strangers. We have His Keys of Light.
There is one nation which has never been eradicated throughout all of history. One group of people has survived where others have not.
They are His miraculous witness, they exist for the plan and purpose of God – chosen and separated; set-apart for the specific purpose to declare His existence and fulfill His purpose in restoring us to Himself. In the wilderness, the nation was reborn from bondage and became the herald of future events declaring the end before it began.
In Deut. 30:1-4, Moses declared the journey which Israel would take through all its times of tragedy and captivity. However, He also said they would return to the land. In fact, Moses says that when these events occur, God will do an amazing thing. He says that the Lord himself “will return and gather” His people from their captivity, it was a reference to the Jubilee ordinance.
Ex 19:19 As the sound of the ram’s horn grew louder and louder, Moses would speak and God would answer with a voice/shofar/thunder.
They were to sound the rams horn/shofar.
Leviticus 25:10 (KJV).
And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.
There’s only one place in the writings where the rams horn shofar is connected to the words you shall return, and it’s in Lev. 25:10 and is called the law of Jubilees.
The Jubilee is God’s origination and ordained by Him that at the Jubilee, all that has been lost is restored. In Jubilee year we come home and separation from family and land is ended and everything is returned and restored back to the original owner.
Here is another key of light/revealed knowledge.
The connection between the rams horn/shofar and jubilee is that,
the rams horn/the shofar
of the Jubilee.
It was the rams’ horn/shofar,
that both
ushered in
proclaimed its’ coming,
all through the land,
every 50 years.
This was given to Israel and the children of Israel, which includes every grafted in born again believer.
It is a returning to our ancestral possession/land. Deut. 30:3. The sign of the end times would be the return of Israel to her land of the promise!
There have been many Jubilees.
Yovel/Jubilee and Shofar are synonymous; and this is why the Shofar is called the Yovel. And it is why we have missed the deeper significance, when we only read the English words that have been translated from the Hebrew and Aramaic languages.
(Remember Bet/beit and vet, Bb and Vv are the same in the Hebrew alef-bet so the letters are interchangeable).
It is so much clearer when we read the Hebrew word as there is no letter J in the Alef bet, instead it is the letter Y.
Jubilee reads Y B L – even pronouncing the letters without vowels, it immediately sounds and reads like the Hebrew word; and adding vowel sounds makes it complete.
Now it is easier to see that Jesus/Yeshua is not only the Dalet /the Door; but also our Jubilee/Yubel. He is the physical manifestation of heralding the return and restoration of all things; the shofar declaring its imminent arrival and His impending return. 
The fact is, that all language needs a Voice, a Kol, and that voice also needs a frequency in the form of sounds to express itself.
To the foreigner another language sounds like nonsense; just a jumble of noise. But to the one who knows that language it makes perfect sense. This is true of all animals, birds, and sea life which communicate in their own way with sound; e.g the whales are even said to have a song.
So why would we not think the sound of a shofar would not communicate something to the listener as expelled by the blower?
The main KEY to this is Yom Kippur. The rams horn/SHOFAR is what ushers in and brings the Jubilee/Yovel.
Yom Kippur is the Key to Yovel.
Here is another key of light/revealed knowledge.
Jubilee represents the setting in motion of God’s purposes. It sets the stage, initiates and inaugurates the course; sets in motion a sequence of events, moving forward until the next Jubilee.
A sequence of prophetic purposes, that with the passage of time, will become increasingly manifest in the natural realm.
It’s the fruition of the seeds planted,
it sets in motion a new cycle,
it ends one and immediately begins another,
it opens up a new era,
it unleashes His appointed purposes.
It is a name based on the SHOFAR that was sounded to proclaim it’s coming. The year of YOVEL, when slaves and prisoners were set free; it is year of restoration.
The Jubilee/Yovel, can only begin
on one specific day.
Yom Kippur.
The Day of Atonement.
Because blessings can only come after being reconciled to God; and the only way that was possible was through the atonement.
So apart from Yom Kippur there can be no Jubilee. No atonement = no release, no freedom, and no restoration.
The atonement is the sacrifice of Messiah.
What is the Yovel key?
The key is Yom Kippur
because it brings the yovel,
the atonement, the at-one-ment.
Therefore if Messiah is the atonement and we are IN HIM, it could be said we also bring the Jubilee and the more we dwell in the atonement, the more we will live in the Jubilee.
To have the power of Jubilee means:
having the power to walk in freedom,
and the power of returning home,
the power of reconciliation,
the power of liberty and
the power to be restored to God-given inheritance.
To do this we must go deeper into Messiah, and into His atonement and this is achieved by way of relationship.
Deep calls to deep, and from Messiah comes our Jubilee because from Yom Kippur comes the Yovel.
Yud, Vav, Bet, Lamed.
As Yom Kippur is always preceded by trumpets which focuses on the end, it announces the closing of the annual sacred cycle.
The Shofar/trumpet will one day announce the coming of Kings and kingdoms. It is prophesied that when the Shofar trumpet sounds, the kingdom of God will come.
Shofar/trumpets call the people to gather before God. So it’s prophesied that at the sound of the Shofar/trumpet Gods’ people will be gathered up into His presence.
It’s a wake up call, and it will be enough to wake the dead!
And it will announce the start of a king’s reign.
Meaning: when it sounds, the reign of THE King will begin. The kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of the Lord.
These appointed times, are just as much a part of the new renewed covenant, as are the appointed days of spring. They are telling us, that faith is not only in what was, as in their fulfillment, but also of what is yet to come.
We live our lives FROM salvation and yet TO redemption. Our HOPE/TIKVAH is in the Lord.
Lev. 23:24; Matt. 24:31; 1Cor. 15:52; 1Thess. 4:16.
Lev. 25:10.
Jubilee is all about separation,
it’s Hallow, Holy, as in set apart. The command is to separate out and to treat it differently than the 49 yrs that preceded it.
First it’s a kadosh/holy year unto the Lord like no other year.
This is true both for corporate and personal observation.
2nd it’s a proclamation of liberty, freedom.
3rd it’s all about the inhabitants and citizens (which we are spiritually grafted into) of Israel.
4th its about the multiplication of time. This time period is 7yrs and 7 is the number of completion. This Year is 5780. Meanings: grace, completion, new beginnings.
Lev. 25 :8-10, the Shofar is to be sounded and is based on mathematics: 7×7+1=50
5th thing is restoration
yod means to work pictured as a hand to do a deed to make something to accomplish a purpose.
VAV pictured as an iron nail; means to add, to secure, to join together, to bind together, to make a connection between 2 things which are separated from each other. It’s a wooden peg and a wooden hook and it means: to hold up.
BET has the idea of a child or family and it pictured as a tent or house; a picture of a dwelling place. It means inside and is the 1st letter in the Torah – Bereshit that identifies the Son of God.
LAMED pictured as the staff of a shepherd; means control, to have authority, to urge forward, it’s the voice of authority.
Putting these together is clearly supportive of the common meaning of
Jubilee: A divine/holy deed is being done that restores families to their homes where they are once again joined together and revived and renewed and regain the authority and control over the land and possessions that were once lost.
There’s a further apocalypse though, which does not focus on Israel and the land, or its restoration. Nor is it restricted to Israel or the Jewish people; this is because it is about the Messianic Jubilee.
The deeper significance is in the spiritual sense as a prophetic forecast. And its implications are more far reaching because it’s for all people, everywhere on the face of the earth. It is declaring that God has a divine plan that will be revealed and unfold at the appointed time/MOED; in order to deliver mankind from the wrath of God, the bondage of sin and eternal separation from His presence/throne in Shamayim/heavens.
This Jubilee will heal and restore the breach between people and their Creator, through the atoning sacrifice of Messiah. Only through the blood of Jesus/Yeshua shed at Calvary, are our sins forgiven. Then we are invited to be reunited with our Heavenly Father and adopted into the family of God and one day we will be in His presence eternally.
This is the freedom that is being declared in the shadow type of Jubilee; this is Jesus/Yeshua’s Jubilee/Yubel/Yovel, and the one that Jesus/Yeshua declared in Galilee, recorded in Luke 4:18,19 when He read from the Isaiah scroll.
Rom 10: 9-10 says that it was being fulfilled by Him.
Jesus/Yeshua is our Jubilee.
Lev. 25:10.
Our conventional understanding of 50 is 7×7 + 1.
7 is divine completion, but of what?
What is the meaning behind the numbers of Jubilee/YOVEL – 10 6 2 30?
Yod with a numerical value 10: the perfection of a divine order, completeness of divinely ordered events, completing an order.
One of 4 sacred numbers and means ordinal perfection.
Vav with a numerical value of 6: means enmity with God, weakness of man, imperfection and the manifestation of sin and the evils of satan/adversary. It also means to fall short, to labor, to sorrow. It’s the number of man’s secular completeness and therefore the number of mans world.
Bet 2 is the first number in which there is a division; it can have a dual meaning and is made up of 2 other numbers 1+1. It can mean to indicate a difference of opinion, e.g. evil vs. good; and indicates that another 1 can come alongside us, the second one, or someone who comes alongside, either to hinder, or to help/assist.
It also refers to part of the creator God as the Son, the living Word. He was there at the beginning, He is the Alef and Tav. It is revealed to us as a beautiful picture as it is the first number/letter in Torah. At the creation account, it is the first letter of the first word, Bereshit; not genesis. It is a letter B/bet/beyt, and is the picture of a house or tent and the number value of 2.
Both the picture and numerical value point to the Son of God. The only Son, the uncreated Son, who was the divinely conceived, Son of the Father.
Lamed 30 means blood sacrifice.
It is 3 x 10 – 3 is divine perfection and x10 = ordinal perfection.
The result being, the divine order is at a magnified perfection – marking the right time.
The fact that 3 and 10 are 2 of the sacred numbers and are in the root of Jubilee/Yubel, indicates that whatever is hidden in this number is of extreme significance.
There are other numbers that are related to the sequencing of time, 40, 50, 300 and 400 and all are divisible by 10. However, 10 is the only one regularly used in the scriptures as the divine prophetic multiplier.
10 forecasts there is a divine plan in place unfolding in time and space. It can also be taken with other numbers in the same word, to forecast a particular and precise period of time. Wherever a number can be divided by 10, it indicates that there is a revelation in that number, that has something to do with the 5 W’s. Those 5 being, the Who, the What, Where, When and Why; as related to the divinely ordained plan of God.
6 is mans number, and as 7 is a sacred number that reveals divine completion, so 6 falls short of God’s perfection.
1 = God, Humans are short of perfection by 1 because they are without God.
6 magnifies man’s imperfection and is the manifestation of man’s secular completion; and always comes to an end with sin, sorrow and failure. More than any other number, 6 is the one that reminds us that we are at enmity with God and unable in our own strengths, to bridge the gap. It also reminds us that we are travelers passing through man’s fallen and corrupt world. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. We can’t serve God and mammon and invariably our lives are ruled by one or the other.
As we have seen, HaYovel, which in Hebrew means The Jubilee;
pronounced: HA-yo-VEL.
יוֹבֵל lamed, bet, vav, yod, also has the meaning ram’s horn, trumpet.
Yovel or yobel {yob-ale’}; apparently from yabal; the blast of a horn (from its continuous sound); specifically, the signal of the silver trumpets; hence, the instrument itself and the festival thus introduced — jubile, ram’s horn, trumpet.
According to Jewish tradition, the reestablishment of the Biblically-mandated Jubilee year, is part of the Messianic process. In Judaism, it is a positive religious commandment “to sanctify the 50th year” (Leviticus 25:8).
When all the twelve tribes lived in Israel, in their ancestral estates, the year following seven complete Shemittah cycles—the fiftieth year—was observed as Yovel, the Jubilee year. During Yovel, too, the land was not worked, as during Shemittah.
The Shemitah, (sometimes spelled Shemittahor or Shmita), is the final year in a seven-year cycle of debt forgiveness and land use, prescribed for Israel in the Old Testament. Known also as the Sabbatical Year. The Sabbatical Year and The Jubilee Year (Yovel), provided for a period of both social equality and ecological recovery, a year of REST/SHALOM.
Most Hebrew scholars agree that the original meaning of the word ‘Yovel’ (Hebrew for ‘jubilee’) is ‘ram’ or ‘deer’, as can be found in the Book of Joshua: “Seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of RAM’S horns before the ark.
Strongs # 3104
Definition a ram, ram’s horn (a wind instrument) NASB Translation jubilee (21), ram’s (1), ram’s horn (1), rams’ horns (4)
yobel: a ram, ram’s horn (a wind instrument)
Original Word: יוֹבֵל
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: yobel
Phonetic Spelling: (yo-bale’)
Definition: a ram, ram’s horn (a wind instrument)Word Origin
from yabal
a ram, ram’s horn (a wind instrument)
NASB Translation
jubilee (21), ram’s (1), ram’s horn (1), rams’ horns (4).
Every 50th year is considered YOVEL, meaning, that all Jewish slaves are freed and that all land which has changed hands in the years since the last YOVEL now returns to the hands of its original owner.
Jubilee (biblical) The Jubilee ( Hebrew: יובל yōḇel; Yiddish: yoyvl) is the year at the end of seven cycles of shmita (Sabbatical years), and according to Biblical regulations had a special impact on the ownership and management of land in the Land of Israel;
Yovel’s origin and use are both in the Hebrew language. Yovel is a variant form of the English name Jubal. Modern Hebrew has adopted the European sense of the word, and a Yovel can mean the marking of any anniversary.
The name Jubilee is from the Hebrew word yovel, “ram’s horn,” the year being so called because a ram’s horn was sounded when it was proclaimed (Leviticus 25:9).
Hebrew: יובל yōḇel; Yiddish: yoyvl) is the year at the end of seven cycles of shmita (Sabbatical years).
When Yovel/Jubilee arrives, the Jewish slave becomes once again a free person, who is devoted only to the service of Adonai/the Lord, and not to a human master and so, liberty takes on a new meaning. However it does not mean ownerless, rather it means belonging to the rightful, natural Master.
At the end of days, when Messiah/Mashiach shall arrive, we will return to the Source, and our natural condition, an existence unencumbered by a Yetzer Hara, an existence in which our sole desire will be to derive pleasure from Our Heavenly Father’s infinite perfection.
Yetzer Hara in Hebrew: יֵצֶר הַרַע refers to the congenital inclination to do evil, by violating the will of God.
The term is drawn from the phrase: the imagination of the heart of man [is] evil. (Hebrew: יֵצֶר לֵב הָאָדָם רַע, yetzer lev-ha-adam ra).
The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
The yetzer hara represents the inner impulse or tendency within the human heart to gravitate toward selfish gratification (the word yetzer first appears in Genesis 6:5
The Yetzer HaTov, is the spirit, that tells us to do good and to be loyal to God; it’s the good inclination and inner impulse to do good.
Yetzer יֵצֶר
Strongs # 3336 pronounced yay’-tser meaning: a form, framing, purpose, intent, intentions, mind.
So now we can see how Yovel is connected to the Fingerprint of God, the Keys of Light, the Shofar and Jubilee.
We are Yuval – led by Messiah Jesus/Yeshua.
Jesus/Yeshua is Jubilee/Yubel/Yovel/the Atonement/rams horn/Shofar who gave us the keys of His Kingdom, the keys of light and God’s fingerprint is on all of it.
We are in Jubilee and a divine/holy, set-apart deed is being done, as we work out our salvation, we are being restored to the Father and joined together into the family of God where all that was lost is regained, revived and renewed.
May the song of our life be as the sound of music to our Heavenly Father.
Shalom, shalom
‘Mishpachah’ ‘Family’
Don’t leave this page before you choose Yetzer HaTov/ the inclination to do good and be loyal to God. The Yobel/Yovel, Jesus/Yeshua, calls to us by Way of the Yovel/Shofar/ the rams horn and all its’ wonderful significance in leading us to Messiah our Jubilee.
Please Do Not leave this page without the surety in your heart that you have Him in your life and heart as the days draw ever closer to the end of the age..
Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.
It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.
You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.
He longs to give you the Shalom He paid the ultimate price for..
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.
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