So, while we HOLD ON JUST A LITTLE LONGER let’s take a lighthearted look at where we are,
because the seasons affect us all.
Because He promised that we will know cold and heat, summer and winter and the seasons will follow one another,
we can be sure that the seasons will change because
He makes all things beautiful in their time. Ecc 3:1, 11
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. AMP.
Spring in Hebrew is
aviv אביב
Transliteration ʼbyb
Pronunciation aviv, /aˈviv/,
(remembering there is no specific letter equivalent to our letter ‘v’ in the Hebrew Alef Bet)
click below for more details
So whether you
love it
or not,
winter has its time and place
and to some its normal
to others its not.
Some enjoy it
others just put up with it.
Whether you
in it
or play
in it
or just like to watch.
Whether you have
to be outside
just need a friend to
get the mail.
There are some who just try to sleep
through it
and some just wonder when
it will ALL
come to an end..
So try to
encourage family, friends
and neighbors, it wont be too much longer,
and put on
BECAUSE Its almost spring
AND because the scriptures tell us
everything will come to pass.
The winter IS (almost) past
the snow is (almost) over and gone
rise up my fair one and come away.
Song of Solomon 2:10-11 
the flowers appear
on the earth
the time of the singing of birds is come.
While the earth remaineth,
seedtime and harvest,
and cold and heat, and summer and winter,and day and night shall not cease.
Genesis 1:14 KJV
Genesis In Hebrew is
pronounced B’resheet
Genesis means ‘In the beginning’, but more than that it means, ‘At the head of’, in the sense that it is the beginning but also that the Head Creator planned each step which began as a thought.
Genesis 1:21; 2:19 is the reason all the pictures in this post are of the natural world… ‘and out of the GROUND the Lord formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air.’ Just as Genesis 2:7 tells us that the Lord God formed man from the DUST of the GROUND.
Along with all of His Creation we are the result of divinely combined elements and minerals found in the same DUST and GROUND.. so its no wonder that we feel such an affinity with everything in nature that is alive in the world around us.
To appreciate His handiwork in all of His creation is to appreciate ourselves and our place in it, we are not to abuse it but to love it and to understand His reasoning for the signs and seasons He has put in place in Natures cycles.
Revelation 4:11 says He created all things for His pleasure so we need to love His creation too. It’s a way we bless our Heavenly Father when we pay attention and give Him glory and honor and praise and thank Him for the magnificent beauty displayed everywhere around us.