Days of our future,
our past and
our present –
is this another case of the end from the beginning?
Grace – Chen
– extends from the Genesis/Beresit/beresheet/ בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית
Apocalypse (Greek).
Ephesians 2:7… in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his Grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
Greek: ἐν τοῖς αἰῶσι τοῖς ἐπερχομένοις, in the ages to come:
Properly, the ages which are coming on – the ages both of time and of eternity, looked upon in one great continuity.
Here, again, the manifestation of the riches of God’s Grace is looked upon as His special delight, and as His chosen way of manifesting His own self to His creatures. It also carries the meaning that in the ages to come this is the end of God’s permitting sin, in which men are morally dead; and of his suffering them to go on in sin, in a state of unregeneracy; and of his quickening them with Christ, and raising them up, and causing them to sit together with him:
Are we going back – yet at the same time, returning to somewhere in our future? Is there a connection between the place of our genesis and
‘Ha Makem’- ‘The Place’- המקום
the place of our future destination of
apocalypse (revealing)?
Remembering the cyclical nature of Hebraic thought and how God’s plan and annual events are cyclical, not linear, in this post we will be taking the ‘scenic route’,
with a paleo pictograph/pictogram tour of 2 gardens!
Is Eden equal to Rest –
equal to a place of Grace –
equal to a place of Shalom?
So get some coffee, (or equivalent) and get comfortable!…
If this is your first time on mmm this post will not make as much sense as it will to those who have been following for some time…Ruach HaKodesh is leading us on a journey step by step – line upon line and is adding to the clarity of His precepts by opening up His Word as deep calls unto deep. Reading previous posts will help each reader to both follow and to absorb the information more easily.
The content of these posts are not refuting or replacing anything we already know, rather enhancing our understanding of what has always been there; things we did not see before because they were hidden until Father chose to reveal them to us. These are the days of the Revealing. They are not designed for fascination but for education to enhance and improve the quality of our personal relationship with Jesus our Messiah/Yeshua HaMashiach.
No one knows it all or always gets it right – so every reader is encouraged to research and check out the things covered to get answers for themselves.
It is obvious from reading the scriptures that we were not created to live in the daily conflicts of strife and struggles of this world and its systems. Our Heavenly Father created us to live in His presence, to be, to exist, to abide, to grow, to rest, in a garden called Eden.
Gan Eden עֵדֶן
The proper name, of a territory.
The garden home of Adam and Eve.
עֵדֶן – ay’-den
Ayin – Dalet – Noon/Nun
Paleo meaning:
To see the judge of life.
Ayin – eye – עֵ – sees
Noon – seed/life – ן
Dalet – door /judge –
den/dan – ןדֶ
The Hebrew word for Judge is dan ןדֶ or seed and door.
The word picture tells us that:
a judge is the door to life.
(The judge offers justice and redemption).
Genesis 30:6..
then Rachel said God has vindicated, (judged) me and has indeed heard my voice and has given me a son.
Therefore she named him
Dan–judge/or eternal life
Dalet – door – eternal,
Noon – life.
Eden: (strongs #5729) literally means: delight, enjoyment, garden of eden, paradise. Semitic root: dn ‘lush’
To see (acknowledge) the judge.
The Garden of Eden was a place of delight and enjoyment….. as long as they recognized and followed God as their judge.
(There are always conditions with the promises and blessings of God.)
(Door eye) Eternal perpetual (seed) life
The Garden of Eden was meant to be a place of continual life.
Adam and Eve had to leave so they would not eat of the tree of life and live forever in a fallen state,
that is fallen from a state/place of grace.
Recap. of what grace is in pictographs:
Some claim that the name “Eden” derives from the Akkadian term edinu, which means ‘plain’; and if viewed on a map is clearly a possibility.
Strong’s Hebrew: 5731. עֵ֫דֶן (Eden) — the garden home of Adam and Eve.
It was also the Garden of God according to
Ezek 28:13; You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The ruby, the topaz, and the diamond; The beryl, the onyx, and the jasper; The lapis lazuli, the turquoise, and the emerald; And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, was in you.
There are also deeper Hebrew meanings of the ‘Garden of Eden’.
The Hebrew word for ‘delicate’ is ‘Me’udan’ {מעודן} – which comes from the same root and the initial Latin meaning of ‘delicate’ (‘delicatus’ in Latin) is ‘something that gives pleasure’ (compare with ‘delicious’ – food that is so tasty it gives one pleasure).
Eden N E H (pleasure).
The first residence of man, called in the Septuagint Paradise, which is a word of Persian origin, and describes an extensive tract of pleasure land, similar to an English park; and the use of it suggests a wider view of man’s first abode than it being just a small garden!
The Garden was planted by God and then He put the already formed man into the garden.
The Lord God created the Garden specifically for Adam, the first man, whom God had formed.
In Genesis 2:8-9, we read: The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.
The Letters – Otiot
Ayin, Dalet and Noon
Ayin – eye to see to know to experience to understand
Dalet – door that opens up to a pathway
Nun – seed fish life and activity
Eden is a place where you…
open the door and enter the pathway that leads to life!!!!
When man chose sin, (the pathway to confusion chaos and death – RA);
the doorway in Eden that led to glorified eternal life was removed from the earth.
They had been tested (just as we all are) and found unworthy to enter into eternal life because of sin.
Did the promise of a glorified body leave his mind when he looked at the tree of knowledge of good and evil? What was he thinking?
God has given us another opportunity with another tree… but this was not pleasant to the eye..
(Isaiah 53:2 and when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.)
nor desirable for food yet …. and He told us to eat of Him… this tree was dead and cut into a cross, instead of sweet fruit, there was only the stench of sin and death..
Eve looked up to leaves and desirable fruit.
Yeshua/Jesus looks down, from a lifeless dead tree, onto lost sinners and desires them.
He took upon Himself Adam’s sin and the sins of all the offspring until this day and going forward. 1 Cor. 1:18.
In a WAY, He is Eden/Eden’s door/Dalet, the door to eternal life/Nun(or Noon).
In Eden, the tree of life grew in the midst of the garden, however in the new Eden/new Jerusalem, (which comes down from heaven), the tree of life grows on either side of the river.
According to Revelation, it seems to have multiplied and expanded, implying that everyone will have access to it; all will be welcome to eat their fill.
The Garden of Eden
(Hebrew: גַּן־עֵדֶן – gan-ʿḖḏen),
also called Paradise, is the biblical garden of God described in Genesis and Ezekiel. Gen.13:10 refers to the garden of God, and the trees of the garden are mentioned in Ezekiel 31.
We are to understand the Grace of God in truth. Col. 1:16
We are joint heirs of the Grace. 1Peter 3:7; 4:10,16.
For the law was given through Moses, but Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17)
But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved. Eph. 2:4-5
and the end from the beginning.
Rev. 22:21
The first garden was an enclosed place surrounded and protected but from what?
From everything outside (chet)
it’s perimeter fence.
We know because outside was not so favorable to humans. Adam found that out when expelled from its location.
Outside was not preferable or even equal; it was hostile and God’s presence and provision was not there in abundance where he had never had to ask for anything.
Now he has needs, need of everything…
Eden was a place, of complete Shalom.
(Shin alef lamed mem)
Like a womb:
beten – bet, tet, noon (or nun).
The house that surrounds life!
This is the common word for belly but scripture also uses it for the womb.
(waters of life within it)
Womb – rechem/racham
(looked at in previous post as connected to mercy/compassion);
reysh tet mem
and in the pictographs is reysh= head person; tet = fence, inner chamber; mem = water.
Waters of life (Mem) or chaos are also in the word for peace-shalom.
In the paleo it is
Sheen: teeth, destroy
Lamed: staff, authority
Vav: hook, nail, establish
Mem: water, chaos
This indicates that Shalom – peace, only comes…
when the authority connected with chaos and confusion is destroyed!
Every time we say Shalom/peace, we are uttering a prophetic declaration that..
someone will come and destroy the one who is causing all the chaos and confusion…
and in reality that is the Sar Shalom the Prince of Peace.
He knew what He had come to do so when Yeshua/Jesus said:
“Peace/Shalom I leave with you I you My
I give to you not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” John 14:27.
He was, (and still is) the authority who came to destroy the one connected with chaos and confusion!
The definition of Shalom cannot be translated into English by one word, but its’ essence is contained in the following phrases:
It means to set, to establish you in shalom. The law of our covenant with Him does not give it and leave it at that, but he sees to it that you are firmly established in shalom.
Shalom, the word normally translated peace, means wholeness, completeness, nothing missing, nothing left out, health, welfare, security, justice, and tranquility, also freedom from all disaster. Having a settled quietness and composure of mind, the fullness of the word for peace which is ‘Shalom’ which could also read ‘full, total and complete wholeness for the human spirit, soul, and body.’
A Hebrew scholar gave the best English translation of shalom: no good thing is withheld.
Shalom comes from shalem meaning to be complete, so when there is shalom there is tranquility just as there is sufficient food clothing and housing. There is divine health, with no sickness.
Shalom means an absence of: disorder, injustice, bribery, corruption, conflict, flat, hatred, abuse, violence, pain, suffering, immorality and all the other negative forces.
When shalom reigns with our Sar Shalom, in complete control, there will be no immorality, no injustice and the principles in the scriptures will be followed by all; and then the command to love your neighbor will be made complete.
The outside of eden was a place without Shalom, which eventually brought death to Adam and Eve.
It was the opposite of Shalom – it is called Ra (resh-ayin)/Rasha (evil,wicked).
While Ra is commonly translated evil or wicked, evil, literally meaning out of harmony with God, the real meaning in English is not expressed in the dictionary.
The meaning of the Hebrew word Rasha:
reysh (resh)
sheen (shin) ayin
= wicked, guilty
Head = person
teeth = devouring
eye = sees
meaning:person of the devouring eye
(gives a new perspective on why we are to refrain from coveting and evil eye!)
Ra:Reysh Ayin – bad, evil.
Head = person
eye = sees
person of the eye:
a person who watches can be good or evil,
Ra is the total opposite of shalom, so it means that nothing makes sense or is right. Chaos or anarchy are often used in translation because they may best expressed the meaning of Ra. Anarchy or chaos reigned when the children of Israel strayed after false gods, when the seasons of the Lord and the appointed times were ignored.
When there is chaos in society the bullies take over, corruption and bribery are common, freedoms are restricted; immorality is the norm and there is no order and no justice in society.
The mild side of Ra could be described as the occasions in our lives when we feel that even though we can’t put our finger on it, there is just a feeling of things not being right.
The far end of Ra is when everything is wrong, as with an absolutely hopeless situation. In that case only a personal relationship with the living God can give us shalom/peace in our spirits.
It was a place where food and water were abundant, the environment was perfect, not too hot or too cold; you could say it was climate controlled. No striving was necessary. There were no enemies or threats or danger.
Eden – and – a place of rest..
a place of Grace/Chen
we enter in by
Chet Nun/Noon
Could a definition of Grace be EDEN? The original state of Grace from which we all are fallen?
The term falling from Grace is often used to describe what happened to Adam and Eve but it also includes everyone of us.
Eden/Grace was the calibre of the existence of true life as it was originally designed/ created to be.
Therefore the position is only re-attainable by Grace….which we know to be truth. Eph 2:8
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
Amazing Grace – more amazing than we knew.
A literal state/place of being.
The Chen of God.
EDEN the place of grace/favor.
strongs # 2580
חֵן (chen) — favor, grace
We saw in a previous post that we enter in by or through Grace.
Do we literally enter into a spiritual environment of grace that surrounds us like a womb?
Jesus/Yeshua, tells us we enter in through the narrow gate/door.
This is entering into spiritual Eden.
We are in a way, going back
to also
get to the future,
back to Eden;
however it is the Eden of the future, yet the original Eden was not destroyed so maybe it still exists ….. We sometimes call it heaven? Eden was heaven on earth just has Jesus/Yeshua stated in the disciples prayer – on earth as it is in heaven, as above, so below…….
So the place,
‘Ha Makem’-המקום
where we fell from the state of grace, was an enclosure, a GAN, a garden, with protective walls made for a specific purpose.
Could it be said that the state of Grace therefore is Edenic in nature?
Because the state of Grace lacks nothing – therefore it would appear to be equal to shalom, (as we understand it by its definition). With nothing missing nothing broken,etc.
This is the place/state of being, of peace that passes understanding of the mind, that the world cannot know or experience or dwell in or have within; because as seen, everything outside of Eden is RA; which is resh ayin and is the complete opposite of shalom.
God planted a garden Genesis 2:8
GAN = enclosure..
Referring to the walls or fences that surround a grove of trees in ancient lands built to keep unwanted animals out.
The definitions of the letters in CHEN in Paleo Hebrew pictographs for an enclosure, a place of safety protection, includes the Paleo Hebrew picture of a fence and a seed.
Chet noon/nun
So have we by grace/chen entered spiritually into grace, the future eden? In Messiah we have returned to the pre-fall state, (back to Eden), so we might also call it the new Jerusalem or heaven.
Genesis 3:23. They were sent out of the garden because sin could not stay where the presence of God was manifested. So they had to leave. Eden was the garden of God then and it will be also in the future.
Grace had a meaning in that there was a boundary that encompassed it; this was true not only of Eden, but also the Israelites camp in the wilderness.
No sin could be within the camp where Gods’ presence was and which is why Messiah was was crucified outside the city walls/camp.
The Garden of gethsemane was also outside the city camp/walls. (for more on Gethsemane link below.)
And the outside of the camp designation, did this mean there was no grace there?
There is so much more to this concept e.g. when we say glibly… But we are no longer under the law we are under Grace.
And also consider the statement made by Paul that God told him that His grace was sufficient for him….
To learn the definition of God’s grace, it is wise to understand the Greek and Hebrew words behind this term. A prominent Old Testament word describing God’s grace is chesed.
This word speaks of deliverance from enemies, affliction, or adversity. It also denotes enablement, daily guidance, forgiveness, and preservation; and in the Hebrew mindset it meant being able to be part of the community enclosure.
As we have seen the Hebrew word for grace is chen, חן
which derives from a shoresh(root), meaning favor, mercy, kindness, graciousness. In Exodus 34:6-7, one of the great attributes revealed about the LORD is that He is gracious (chanun), and in Psalm 86:15, David is no doubt reminded of this fact.
El Channuwm אֵֽל־ חַנּ֣וּן
2 Chronicles 30:9 Jonah 4:2
Strong’s Hebrew: 2587. חַנּוּן (channun) gracious
Grace (χαρις) – We have to be on our guard against the supposition that grace is an abstract quality; it is an active personal principle, showing itself in our dealings with those by whom we are surrounded. … In the great proportion of passages in which the word grace is found in the New Testament, it signifies the unmerited operation of God in the heart of man, which is done through the agency of the Holy Spirit.
Greek for Grace (χαρις) CHARIS literally means ‘favour’, to bend or stoop in kindness to another as a superior to an inferior. It has the idea of graciousness in manner or action.
It almost always means the power of salvation which finds expression in specific gifts and acts.
Recall The Hebrew word translated as grace is חן (hhen, Strong’s #2580) and is a two-letter parent root. חן (hhen) comes the verbal root חנה spelled exactly the same except with the addition of the letter ה (h) at the end. The following verse provides a good e.g. of the meaning of this verb.
And Isaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there. (KJV, Genesis 26:17)
Recall this verb means “to pitch a tent” or “to camp.” The noun derived from this verb is מחנה (mahhaneh, Strong’s # 4264).
When we think of a camp we think of tents scattered about in a general area, but the camps of the Ancient Hebrews were a little different as the picture below shows.
The tents were set up in a sort of circle
(a womb-like shape)
and these tents serve as a wall/fence, separating and protecting the inside of the camp from the outside.
At this point it may help to look at the pictographic Hebrew script again which was used to originally write the word חן (hhen).
The first letter is the letter hhet/chet, which was written as
and is a picture of a wall,
having the meaning of separation
as the wall separates the inside from the outside.
The second letter is the letter nun, which was written as
and is a picture of a sprouting seed having the meaning of continue as the seed continues a lineage to the next generation; (as does the seed when planted in the womb).
When these two letters are combined they mean
the wall that continues.
The tents in the picture above are a wall that continues around the camp.
A second verbal root derived from the parent root חן (hhen) is חנן (Hh.N.N, Strong’s #2603), spelled exactly the same except with the addition of the letter ן (n) at the end and Channah H2580
This verb is often translated as to be gracious or have mercy, however these are abstract terms and do not help us understand the meaning of this verb from an Hebraic perspective, which always relates words to something concrete.
One of the best tools to use to find the more concrete meaning of a word is to look at how that word is paralleled with other words in poetical passages. In the following verses the translation of the verb חנן (Hh.N.N) are underlined and the word that it is paralleled with will be in black.
Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed. (KJV, Psalm 6:2)
Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon me: LORD, be thou my helper. (KJV, Psalm 30:10)
But thou, O LORD, be merciful unto me, and raise me up, that I may requite them. (KJV, Psalm 41:10)
Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. (KJV, Psalm 57:1)
O turn unto me, and have mercy upon me; give thy strength unto thy servant, and save the son of thine handmaid. (KJV, Psalm 86:16)