Seeing Stars Or…

just simply over the moon?

Animation above shows moons shadow cast on earths spinning surface.

The previous post focused on the smallest components and patterns in the most intricate of God’s creations.

Time to look up once more.

Our worldview is rooted in our limited comprehension of the earth around us and depends very much from what vantage point we are viewing everything. Many things affect our outlook, such as the position of our dwelling place, the location and calibre of our lifestyle, as well as how we observe and process information, and interact with the world around us.

For one moment instead of thinking of ourselves standing on the earth looking up at the stars in the sky; embrace the reality that from any point on the surface, we are in fact actually staring down into the infinite abyss of the universe, with only gravity holding us to the surface of the earth.

(That’s where we instinctively reach for a seatbelt!) Every day we see the sun and almost every day we see the moon;this is because God said in Genesis 1:14 that He created the sun, (greater light) for day and the moon, (the lesser light) for night, for the seasons and for a way to measure and count the days, months and years.

After the Exodus God set the Israelites back on a lunar calendar to help them leave behind the Egyptian sun worship and solar based calendar.The size of our Earth and Moon in comparison to our Star, the Sun.

Today our calendar is again solar-based. It is named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in October 1582, (which is not all that long ago). The Gregorian calendar is internationally the most widely used civil calendar. It was adopted from the Julian calendar involving a correction to the length of a year. The reform was adopted initially by the Catholic countries of Europe. The last European country to adopt the reform was Greece, in 1923.

The Gregorian reform contained two parts: a reform of the Julian calendar as used prior to Pope Gregory XIII’s time and a reform of the lunar cycle used by the Church, with the Julian calendar, to calculate the date of Passover, (Easter).

From the lunar month cycle he extended the days of each of the 12 months and it is there that we lost the Lord’s original set days which were based on the lunar moon cycle.

The orbits of the Earth and Moon around our star can be accurately forecast and thus depended upon to give those observing it a specific time each year.

Until the printing press and almanacs became available, the phases of the moon were the only worldwide source of seasonal information for agricultural/farming and planning ahead. Nowadays we hardly notice the phases of the moon as we rely so much on modern technology.ECLIPSE FEVER IS TAKING AMERICA BY STORM AND EVERYONE IS, ‘SEEING STARS’ AND IN THIS CASE our moon is PASSING IN FRONT OF OUR VERY OWN STAR, the sun.In less than a month, on 21st August, the orbital paths of the earth and moon will converge during the daytime. As the moons orbit takes it between the earth and the sun, its relative distance will block out the sun for a short period of time as its shadow transverses the surface of the earth. It will only be seen along the mapped path above.
There is much excitement about the upcoming heavenly spectacle. For the first time in 100 years (99 to be exact) that an eclipse can be seen over a 70 mile wide track by people living in the continental United States.Eclipses occur more frequently than every 100 years and are seen more commonly from other locations due to the orbital path of the moon.Having experienced several, it is indeed a unique experience and very strange, as the moons mass passes between earth and the sun and blocks the suns brilliant light from reaching our planet.

Then daylight turns to dusk and the birds stop singing.

All of nature thinks that it’s night-time and there is an eerie silence.

But it doesn’t last long!

The brevity is rooted in the movement of the dark shadow of the moon known as the umbra. When you are inside the umbra, the entire solar disk of the sun appears to be covered by the dark disk of the moon.

In short the moons umbral shadow will take a leisurely trek across the USA covering 2,496 miles (4,017KM)

It will take just 90.7 minutes for the moon to pass fully across the sun, whizzing by at an average speed of 1,651 mph (2657km)/h.

During its path across the sun, the moon allows the corona of the sun to glint briefly looking like a gigantic diamond ring in the sky. 
A corona is an aura of plasma that surrounds the sun and other stars.

The Sun’s corona extends MILLIONS of miles/kilometres into space and is most easily seen during a total solar eclipse, but it is also observable with a coronagraph.

The word “corona” is a Latin word meaning “crown”, from the Ancient Greek κορώνη.

The diamond-ring effect occurs both at the beginning and end of totality.Second diamond-ring effect at end of totality August 11, 1999 during a total solar eclipse.

Where the last rays of sunlight pass through the valleys on the moon’s limb, and the faint corona around the sun is just becoming visible, this is when it resembles a ring with glittering diamonds.It’s a most spectacular sight, which lasts only seconds.The highly transient diamond ring effect really shows that the universe is not as static as it appears to be.

There are other stunningly visual moments during transition called Bailys Beads.In itself the eclipse is nothing more than the heavens that God created doing exactly what He set them in place to do.

They have followed His directive for millennia and have been viewed by multiplied millions of human eyes over the centuries. The Scriptures speak of them and astronomers have mapped their orbits. All the visible constellations have names and tell the greatest story of all time. His-story.

The Scriptures tell us that God put the heavens that we see in place for signs and for seasons and Jesus reminded us of that in the book of Matthew.

In 1 Chron. 12:32 The tribe of Issachar and his children were noted for their knowledge and observations of the heavenly bodies and the times and seasons that their movements indicated. Maps were made of the heavens millennia ago, for they were a living calendar for agriculture and especially for God’s people Israel to follow His Appointed Times.

The birth of Jesus was written in the starry sky and led the Magi from the East to Him as they saw ‘His star’ in the constellations and understood it’s significance. They paid attention, should we be any less interested?

Jesus Himself told us of the signs to look for prior to His return in Matthew 24.

The Revelation of Jesus to John also speaks of many signs in the skies above.

In recent years there have been many unusual sights in the heavens. During the years 2014/5 there were four ‘blood moons’ and eclipses occurring ‘coincidentally’ on exact days of the Appointed Times of the Lord celebrated during the calendar year.

There is no specific Hebrew word meaning coincidence, as all things in the Hebraic mindset and Hebrew thought are designed and orchestrated by God/Hashem. In Hebrew nothing ‘just happens’ there is no luck, no chance, it is all by His co-ordinated design and planned from before the foundation of the world.

That being so, it may behoove us to pay attention to the skies above, look to the heavens for our redemption draws nigh. We are not told to look down and at our circumstances but encouraged to look up to where our Father exists in the heavens.

Shamayim in Hebrew (שָׁמַיִם).

In the Greek ouranos οὐρανός, οῦ, ὁ.

The Hebrew word shamayim a plural form meaning ‘heights’, ‘elevations’. It is constructed of two parts: sham (שָׁמַ) derived from Akkadian samu meaning “sky” or “lofty”, and Hebrew mayim (מַיִם) meaning “water”.

In Genesis 1:6 Elohim separated the “water from the water”. The area above the earth was filled by sky-water (sham-mayim) and the earth below was covered by sea-water (yam-mayim).

The Hebrew word for the sun is shemesh. It follows the same construction, where “shem” or “sham” (Akkadian: samu) means “sky” and esh (Akkadian: ish) means “fire”, i.e. “sky-fire”.

יָרֵחַ ‘yareach’ meaning ‘moon’  Phonetic Spelling:  (yaw-ray’-akh)

אָ֫רֶץ  ‘eretz’ meaning ‘earth’  Phonetic Spelling: (eh’-rets)

By some scholars calculations we are in the year 5778 and other scholars say that there are some 200+ years missing from the calendar having been miscalculated by some rabbis and scribes.

If that is correct we could be nearer the year 6000-16!

It is good to remember that it’s not just 2017 years that have passed in total, that it simply the number of years since Jesus came the first time and was on the earth physically. There is some 4000 years prior to that as the story contained in scripture from Genesis began approximately 6 thousand years ago. If this is correct and we look at the reference to a day as a 1000 years; we are right in the cusp of entering the 7000th year which is symbolic of His Rest, (Shalom) indicating the start of the prophesied 1000 year reign of Messiah as He returns.

The only question is, are we ready, are we prepared for His return? Where are our hearts Focused?

It may not be in our lifetime that He returns, but what If it is?

Are these heavenly signs pointing to His soon return? Will He fulfill ‘the appointed times’ this coming September?

Even if it’s not this year, being ready and prepared spiritually is up to each individual and to make certain we have shared the good news of salvation and forgiveness through Jesus blood with everyone we can.

We looked at Israel, 70 years the nation. 50 years with Jerusalem as its capital and the significant date recently, when Jews were once again able to pray freely on the Temple Mount. We are now counting down to the first of the 3 fall Appointed Times dates and the 40 days of Teshuvah. Teshuvah is a time of repentance and soul-searching in preparation for the time of repentance that immediately precedes Rosh Hashanah.

It is always good to remember that numbers are important to the Lord and that every Hebrew letter has a numerical value. Nothing is insignificant or coincidental in God’s plan of the ages. Let as keep our eyes on the Lord and on the heavens where He is and on the apple of His eye, His beloved Israel.

Perhaps it is significant that 21st day August, day of the eclipse, is exactly one month to 21st September, which this year is Rosh Hashanah.

Jesus said no man knows the day nor the hour of his return but the Father only. Does this indicate it’s possible to know the season or the year?

All we can know for certain is what the scripture says

One thing is sure, it’s time for us to look up and away from the things that so easily draw us away from the Lord and from His presence. It’s time to focus on Him and not ourselves. We need to be as Jesus said, ‘about our father’s business’, pleasing Him by our lifestyles and our obedience to His commandments.

There’s only one sunset and its been going around the earth since God created the sun. (Gen.1:14-19)

and as you are watching that sun set…someone on the other side of the earth is watching the exact same sun rise!It takes the whole ocean and the moon to erase one footprint in the sand

 and everything we eat is processed sunshine…

Your shadow is a confirmation that light has travelled nearly 93 million miles without interruption…

only to be prevented from reaching the ground in the last few feet by your presence! Consider that we have never actually been in the same place twice, as the earth and the solar system we are part of and even the entire known galaxy, are all in constant motion through space.  

Not all starlight that we see is the same age, some of it possibly millions of years apart even though it reaches our eyes at the same moment.

Many of the stars we see in fact no longer exist, so we are literally looking back through time.

This being true, the night sky isn’t simply a single moment in the universe but rather a patchwork, a compendium, a compilation of countless years in the breadth of eternity. The Song of Solomon speaks of the bride as the moon but finishes by speaking of her as the sun. The final picture and mystery of the bride goes from moonlight to sunshine.The moon and the sun are two different kinds of light.

The moon is a light that shines conditionally. There has to be nothing blocking its face, nothing hiding it from the sun.

The sun shines regardless of where it’s facing, or anything blocking it, because its nature is to shine.We are the ‘bride’ and we are still in the moon phase, reflecting our Saviour’s glorious light.We’re rejoicing, but oftentimes our joy is conditional. The real victory comes when you move from the moon stage to the sun stage. Then the light of the glory of God is coming from within our being and we have completed the transition from glory to glory.

It’s when your joy moves from being conditional to becoming unconditional, then you truly praise Him, not just when things are good, but when things look terrible – at all times.You shine not just because things are shining around you, you shine because you are a light to the world.That’s what a light does – it shines.

You’re the bride, and the bride begins as fair as the moon, but ends as bright as the sun.Commit to being the light of Messiah today and shine like the sun!(The above image of a partial eclipse in 2012 was taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite.)

Final caveat.. although it’s tempting to stare at the sun during a solar eclipse, if you try to do so without protection, you could damage your eyes.

Shalom family and friends, be safe as you continue to enjoy the wonders of our Fathers Creation.


Poetry in motion       בתנועה שירה

shiyrah, poez’yah,

piyut piyutiyut,  shiyr, poetiykah God’s poem/God’s song   האלים שיר

  שיר  האלים

שיר   song – sheer, zemer

The dictionary definition of Poetry describes it as a form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language—such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre—to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning.

 Adonai/God/Hashem/Our Heavenly Father’s poem/song is His living breathing creation in perpetual motion which declares the very rhythm of Him who is life itself, in all its exquisite aesthetic qualities of patterns, colours, shapes and sounds.(guazu-falls)

שירה poetry, singing – shira

Psalm 145:10 the Scriptures declare that all creation is God’s work.

shir hashalom shel Elohim

Gods song of peace 

  שיר השלום של אלוהי

His handiwork 

In motion בתנועה

תנועה – motion

noun: t’nuah, niyah, t’zuzah; vkshh mshftyt

verb: imen, hech’evah, otet  

ידות מעשה   

Mitzpe Yadot      

Measurements are made

(as in creating, building and forming of matter.)

 The Extraordinary Iridescent Details of Peacock Feathers 

In Greek the word is ‘poema’, this is where we get our word poem. Poetry (from the Greek, ‘poiesis’, a ‘making’ or ‘creating’)

 and in the Hebrew

song, poem – shir

פּוֹאֶמָה   שיר

poemah   shiyr

So in one sense He is the poet of the universe.

         The poem of our existence was written by Him in the very fabric of our environment which is His creation. Our lives are the stanzas. His love for us and ours for Him are the elements of each rhyming iambic pentameter that echoes grace, mercy and loving kindness with every heart beat. The Hebrew for work is:  מְלָאכָה

‘melachah’ meaning ‘work’ Strong’s 4399  

 m’lekhet yad   יָד מְלֶאכֶת (they come in pink and green)

  The universe IS the poem, the song of God, created with every intention for our lives to be a work of beauty.

A beauty which can be found only by ‘knowing Him’, not in our own efforts. The poet of existence and of life itself. In whose love, your life can become not a dream but a poem of the living God, that will reflect the Life of Jesus/Yeshua in and through us. So we don’t need to strive to produce dead works, rather focus on living and as we are changed, we are ‘becoming His work’, His poem, His song, His Shir /Shiyr/שיר  A butterfly wing in macro detail.

 Pious, piety: Elohay Chasdi = God of my kindness to men or piety. (Ps 59:11) Resignation to the will of God is the whole of piety. We have twisted the meaning to being religious, starchy, narrow and unyielding it is applied to monasteries of reclusive monks and nuns. It is not an adjective we readily apply to ourselves but the real meaning is that it includes in it all that is good and is a source of the most settled quiet and composure of mind. Our resignation to the will of God may be said to be mature and perfect/complete when our will is resolved up into His and when we are resting in His will as our ultimate end and destiny in Him as being most just and right and good. It leads to the fullness of the kingdom of God within us as righteousness peace and joy in the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Piety – אדיקות  

ש”ע)   דתיות ; תאדיקו )

דָּתִיּוּת   דְּבֵקוּת,   אֲדִיקוּת,

diykut, d’vekut, datiyut

In spiritual terminology, piety   אדיקות is a virtue. While people may understand its meaning differently, it is generally used to refer either to religious devotion or to spirituality, or often, a combination of both. A common element in most conceptions of piety is humility. An attitude of a repentant heart.(patterns are everywhere)

We are all called to put the ‘extra’ into ‘ordinary’.

For Jesus Himself said ‘greater works these will you do’.

Glass wing butterfly

Wings and tiny details, diverse and unique. The tensile capacity of a single strand of a spiders web, is greater in proportion than the strongest steel mankind can create from Earth’s rocks and elements. We need to see things from God’s perspective for He exists outside of our space-time continuum. He is not bound by our physical laws of light and gravity. He doesn’t need air to breathe or light to see. He is spirit and He is life itself in a capacity that we are yet to comprehend. His scripture tells us, when we see Him we shall be like Him. And the things of this life on Earth will grow very dim in the light of His glory and grace.

(Tiger eye or butterfly?)

The infinite diversity on this planet is incalculable. New species are still being identified every year. Macro feather detail of a House finch

With an untold billions of stars like our Sun with planets orbiting them we are but a speck in the cosmos and yet every hair of our head is numbered. Each soul is precious to the Lord. He came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

For the sole purpose of spending eternity together with us.

Jesus said if you have seen Me then you have seen the Father, I and the Father are one. We can see Him also in His creation everywhere around us if we will take the time to look.We all see God every day… sometimes, we just don’t recognize Him…We have heard it said that the devil is in the details. However it was the Lord who created the details in the first place. The devil has never been the original creator of anything, he just steals what was Gods and perverts it to aid his own evil schemes to deceive and destroy.Beauty in the eye of the beholder Hashem our creator GodIn Hebrew, every Hebrew prayer begins with this statement

Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha Olam

Blessed are you O Lord my God King of the Universe.

It helps to remind us that He is the Creator of all things .

 Bereshit b’reshiyt – רֵאשִׁיתב – In the Beginning

Bet  ב . the pictogram indicates the house of the sign, the mark of creation. Creation itself is a house built by the Creator. The house itself is a sign

House as in ‘dwelling place’.

  Within the earliest Jewish traditions groups of scholars counted the number of times each letter appeared in the scriptures, (as well as the number of words verses paragraphs etc). These textual specialists were called Soferim (counters). The soferim ensured that Torah scrolls and the other books of the Tenakh (Old Testament), were identical, noting any unusual words or spellings and replicating them exactly through their scribal arts. Many Jews believe that Ezra the scribe instituted many of the practices of the Soferim. In this verse we are told that the heavens are ‘recounting’ the glory of God

The word mesaperim (are recounting), comes from the same Hebrew root as does soferim.

Every detail of the universe from great cosmic events to the bloom of a lily in the field recounts the glory of God

and is carefully written in His book, m’aseh vereshit – the works of creation.

Parallel to this idea the heavenly expanse raki’a is ‘telling’ of the work of God’s hands.The Hebrew word maggid means to explain or declare something in a conspicuous or obvious way, such as plainly telling the solution of a riddle. In Jewish tradition, the part of the Passover seder where the story of the Exodus from Egypt is clearly explained to the children at the table is called the maggid. Just as the order, precision, and enormous complexity of the physical universe reveals the glory and excellencies of the creator, so the vast heavenly expanse conspicuously displays the work of God’s hands. And though mankind may suppress this constant narrative through willful ignorance, they are forever without excuse, “for what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For the invisible attributes of God, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, are clearly perceived in the things that have been made”. Rom 1:18-20Included are just a very small selection of creatures that we never normally see…(Giraffe Necked Weevil)

because its too small for our eyes to focus on, or too deep in the ocean,or too high in the sky.What’s out of reach to us is all part of His creation whether we know its there or not . Why make creatures of such great beautyand intricacies that no human has ever seen?Some only visible just recently with the help of science and technology.

Because His nature is LIFE and to create it.

Some macro photos of wings, feathers and sea life have no names, titles or description. Just simply focus on the images and their immeasurable and amazing display of colour and intelligent design, that in most cases will never be seen by human eyes and if so, only by way of photographs and still… He made them all. We have a truly omniscient Father who made all things for the praise of His glory just because He could. He formed everything to interact with a symbiotic harmony; played out in a rich and all encompassing symphony. Our world is a cacophony of sounds and a plethora of colors; mixed with love on a never ending palette that stretches beyond visible horizons. Everything continually expressing His creative nature both in the heavens above and upon this beautiful earth, our truly spectacular and infinitely diverse planet on which we live and call home. Hummingbirds are the smallest birds on the planet. A penny weighs 2.5 grams, and a hummingbird can weigh anywhere between 2 and 20 grams.

Psalm 19:1-4 The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their utterances to the end of the world.

 As you look at the images and think about God’s creation:
(Pillars of the Carina Nebula.)

the heavens, the earth, the processes of life and nature, and every living thing, let Him fill you with such an overwhelming love for all that He is and all that He has done and is yet to do.So we can share more enthusiastically and effectively with those who have not heard, for He is love,as these pictures surely show!

‘For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works’. This verse is not recommending that we project good works as an image by self elevation, created out of pride and ambition.Not boasting of personal achievements and physical prowess and ‘movie star’ qualities out of our own talents, abilities and looks without God.

We congratulate ourselves on graduation from schools colleges and universities, many having yoked ourselves to a financial burden for the privilege, when we can study His word for free and yet we hardly give that subject of learning a second thought.
(Petrified dunes)

Get wisdom and get understanding, everything we need to live a successful life for the Lord is contained within the pages of One book.At times it appears our society is upside down for we are not taught to put God and His Word first place and are left wondering why we have problems. He needs to be the center of all we do, the pivot point for our life and nothing less. Our beauty comes from within, from His indwelling presence. The more we spend time in His presence the more we will radiate His glory outwards into the world.Ephesians 2:10 … we are not to be ‘strutting our stuff’ like peacocks, but to work, as the days grow darker we need to ‘bee’about our Father’s business. 

Psalm 145:9 because the Lord is good to all and His compassion is over all His works, all your works will praise you Lord and your pious ones will bless you.

The words of the well known hymn, ‘How great thou art’, bids us to consider all the works His hands have made.

After looking at the images above, the hymn written by Cecil Frances Alexander for children rings just as true today:  All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
 All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all.   Each little flow’r that opens,

Each little bird that sings,
 He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.The purple-headed mountains,
 The river running by,
 The sunset and the morning
That brightens up the sky. The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
 The ripe fruits in the garden,
 He made them every one. The tall trees in the greenwood,
 The meadows where we play,
 The rushes by the water,
 To gather every day. He gave us eyes to see them,
 And lips that we might tell
 How great is God Almighty,
 Who has made all things well.

(Matthew 18:3 – Let’s never lose that childlike wonder.)

Israel, God’s Time Clock and the Temple Mount in the News.

ישראל ISRAEL (Yisrael, Yisra’el) יִשְׂרָאֵל

According to the Biblical explanation, the first part of the name ‘Israel’ is derived of the verb לִשְׂרות (lisrot, ‘wrestle’);

the second half of the name is אֵל (El, ‘God’). Or ‘He has wrestled (striven) with God’.

Other possible translations are:

  • “Ruler (or prince) over God”, or alternatively

  • “God prevails” 

  • “Champion or prince [sar] of God” which is a possible references to the same episode, but could imply praise.

  • “God rules” [the converse of “Ruler or prince over God”]

  • “God will rule” or “God who will rule”. 

  •  Some say, ‘Prince with God’.

  • Or is it that the mystery verb שרה doesn’t mean struggle at all, but rather reflects a worthiness to govern a nation?At the Jabbok, Jacob became the world’s first godly king and his nation was Israel; God’s (Vicarious) Governor.

Jacob – ‘God wrestler’.History: ‘Israel’ is the name given to Jacob after his encounter at the river Jabbok  when he wrestled with God’s angel;

“And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel, for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.” Genesis 32: 28 (Hebrew version: Genesis 32, 29);

it is also the name of the Biblical kingdom of Israel, the land of Israel, the people of Israel (Israelites/Israeli) and the modern state of Israel.

Jacob (Israel), had 12 sons and 1 daughter. The tribes were named after his sons and given portions of the land.

Israel is God’s Time Clock and when specific events unfold in that nation it is always significant, although the media does not always give it the attention it deserves.

Just over a week ago the terrorist attack on the Temple Mount on July 14, 2017 came at an important intersection of time.

Israel quickly installed metal detectors and assumed more control of the Temple Mount which led to open Jewish Prayers on the mount for the first time in 50 years!!

From and including that day it is 70 days to Rosh HaShana(h) 2017.

Israeli police check the scene where assailants fired shots toward Israeli forces on the Al Aqsa mosque compound in the Jerusalem’s Old City on July 14, 2017.
Three assailants opened fire on Israeli police in Jerusalem’s Old City on July 14 before fleeing to a nearby highly sensitive holy site and being killed by security forces, police said. / AFP PHOTO / THOMAS COEX

Rosh HaShana(h) also called Yom Teruah and sometimes called The Feast of Trumpets it is the first of the 3 Fall (Sept/Oct), Appointed Times of the Lord, which follow in quick succession at the end of the Hebrew Calendar Year.

The scripture often associated with this appointed time is 1 Thess. 4:15-18 in verse 16, the trumpet of God is translated from the greek word, ‘salpiggi’, meaning trumpet. However shofar, is the appropriate translation in this context because resurrection is for judgment, where the shofar was used as a call to repentance. (Lev. 23:24) (Interestingly the hebrew scriptures has neither the word feast nor the word trumpet.)The shofar was a rams horn which vary in length,and it’s not the silver trumpet described in Numbers 10.


The Headline On The Report From ‘Breaking Israel News’, declared:

World Looks Breathlessly to Temple Mount as Portal for Messianic Change Swings Open July 21 2017

The article follows below:

This week, for the first time since the Second Temple stood in all its glory,Jews were able to walk the Temple Mount freely as Muslim authority fell away from the site, allowing both Jews and Christians to heed the call to prayer on the Mountain of God and opening up the gates of redemption.Jews inadvertently became the main presence on the Mount, something that has not happened since the destruction of the Second Temple 2,000 years ago, as a result of the misguided actions of Arab leadership following a horrifying terror attack at the Temple Mount last Friday.The global prophetic implications of the major shift on this holiest of sites, emphasized MK Yehudah Glick, an advocate of universal prayer on the Temple Mount, cannot be denied.

“This was an enormous gamechanger,” he told Breaking Israel News. “Everything is part of the geula (redemption) process, but the things that happen on the Temple Mount are especially so.“If we want to bring world peace, we have to start there.”

The unprecedented situation on the Temple Mount came about in the wake of an attack that bloodied the holy stones of the Mount. Three Palestinian terrorists killed two Israeli Druze policemen near the Temple Mount before being chased into the compound itself and neutralized.Police close Temple Mount to non-Muslims over Jewish prayer Israeli border police officers stand guard at the entrance to the Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem’s Old City, Friday, July 14, 2017. (AP/Mahmoud Illean) The picture below taken on July 14, 2017 shows the Temple Mount compound in the Old City of Jerusalem, after it was locked down earlier in the day following a terror attack.Two days later, the Temple Mount reopened with increased security measures in place for Muslims, including metal detectors of the type that have always been used to check Jewish visitors to the site. Until this recent attack, Muslims accessed the Temple Mount without undergoing any security checks.The Islamic Waqf, a Jordanian trust which controls the Temple Mount, immediately and furiously rejected the use of the detectors, calling the security measure “Israeli aggression”. Jerusalem Mufti Amin al-Husseini called for a Muslim boycott of the site and inter-Arab scuffles broke out as Waqf strongmen prevented Muslims from ascending.

The sudden lack of Waqf guards and large crowds of Muslim visitors on the Temple Mount led to an unusual situation. Muslim worshipers (above), gather for Friday prayer outside Jerusalem’s Old City, Friday, July 14, 2017. Temple Mount was temporarily closed off after two officers were killed in an attack by three Arab-Israeli gunmen there. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)Temple mount taking advantage of absence of Waqf officials

For the first time in decades, Jews were unencumbered by Waqf guards preventing them from praying. Though the Israeli police were still ordered to stop non-Muslim prayer, many Jews were inspired to seize the rare opportunity to speak a holy word on the holy mountain. The experiences, they shared, were breathtaking.

Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, co-founder of the Land of Israel Network, was driven by the call to prayer. Early Wednesday morning, he began his preparations by bathing in a mikveh (ritual bath), noting that the day was especially significant because Jews are now in the three weeks of austerity leading up to Tisha B’Av (the Ninth of Av/August ), a fast day commemorating the destruction of the Temples.

When he arrived at the Temple Mount, he saw the site was teeming with Israeli police ready to cope with the threat of the hostile Muslim crowds surrounding it. Despite the tense situation, Rabbi Gimpel was moved by the clear atmosphere of holiness and felt compelled to prostrate himself on the stones as was required in the days of the Temple. The Israeli police followed orders and carried Rabbi Gimpel from the site.

Nevertheless, Rabbi Gimpel was inspired. “Something monumental is happening there right now,” Rabbi Gimpel told Breaking Israel News. “The Palestinians changed the status quo by killing Israeli policemen, but now, it is the time for us to do our part. Every Israeli is looking towards the Temple, waiting to see what happens.”He described the awe he felt at being able to fulfill the ancient commandment of prostrating oneself before the presence of God.

“Bowing down on the stones is a Torah commandment, precisely like in Temple times, and in a way we aren’t able to do when the Waqf guards are here,” Rabbi Gimpel said. “I couldn’t resist. I felt like every prayer, every mitzvah (Torah commandment) done at the Temple Mount opened the door to geula just a little more.”As Rabbi Gimpel pointed out, the potential of the situation to open up the Temple Mount to the Jews is enormous. This  became clear when Knesset Member Avi Dichter (Likud) on Tuesday declared Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount.

“Israel is the sovereign on the Temple Mount, period. The fact that the Waqf became a sovereign on the Temple Mount ended last Friday,” announced Dichter, chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and former head of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), on Israeli public radio.

Politically, the current situation is tenuous. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that while he does not intend to change the status quo, which forbids non-Muslims from praying, neither will he remove the metal detectors, creating an uncertain reality on the ground.Many worldwide are praying hard that as a result of this monumental shift, Jewish sovereignty will be established on the Mount once and for all. It is certain that if Israel retains control over the holy site, an indescribably enormous step will have been taken towards the fulfillment of the Temple’s prophesied role as a place a peace, which is unlikely to happen under Muslim rule.

“Without any compromise, the Temple Mount has to be a universal House of Prayer,” said Rabbi Yehudah Glick, “and cannot be a place of violence.”

A brief history and timeline showing events from 1967 to this Temple Mount incident in 2017, which shows some interesting numbers and offers an insight into why this event, (although sadly tragic), may be quite significant in the unfolding plan of the Ages.

A 50 year countdown to 2017 –

June 17 1967: Israel gives back the temple mount to the WAQF for peace.June 17 1967: Israel wins the temple mount in the Six Day War.June 17 1967: Israel lost control of the Temple Mount for 50 years until July 14, 2017June 7 1967: begins the countdown –

June 7 1967: 14,000 days to the Rosh HaShana(h) 2005

June 7 1967: 14,000 days + 40 weeks to the Lebanon-war of 2006

WESTERN NEGEV, ISRAEL – JULY 7 2006: Israeli soldiers.

June 7 1967: 14,400 days to 2006’s anniversary of the flood.


Palestinian ceasefire violations after Operation Cast Lead (Jan 2009)

June 7 1967: 14,700 days to Israel’s’ Cast Lead cease fire January 17, 2009


June 7 1967: 15,200 days to the Gaza Flotilla incident May 31, 2010


June 7 1967: 15,900 days to the Arab spring- December 17, 2000

June 7 1967 16,600 days to the operation Pillar of Cloud – November 17, 2012

June 7 1967: 17, 200 days to operation Protective Edge – July 8, 2014

June 7 1967: 18,200 days to Syria chemical weapons attack – April 4, 2017

June 7 1967 18,300 days to control of the Temple Mount – July 14, 2017 (As in featured article above.)

70 days to the 70th year since Israel was established.

Matthew 24:34

July 14, 2017: – 70 days to the Appointed Time of Rosh Hashana(h) – September 21, 2017 and from

July 14, 2017: – 70 days to the seventh month in the 70th year, could it be, this is moving towards the 70th week? One of these years it will be.

Time will show if there is more than just numerical significance in these occurrences… all that remains is for us to always be in a state of spiritual preparedness and ready for our Lords return.

Below a map of the land, showing the borders of Israel as originally promised by God,through all its transitionsto the present day