A Light-Hearted Way To
Think On These Things.
Click For A Perfect Audio Accompaniment: Think On These Things by Janny Grein
For the rest, brothers and sisters,
whatever is true,
whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely and lovable,
whatever is kind and winsome
and gracious,
if there is any virtue and excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise,
think on and weigh and take account of these things
[fix your minds on them]. Amp Philippians 4:8.
In a world where are all the news seems to be mostly negative in nature,
here are some mini manna AHH-musing moments
to relieve the monotony of that negativity.
Sometimes you come across a miracle of nature!
A dog feeds two Siberian tiger cubs and her puppy at a zoo in Hefei, Anhui Province June 26, 2008. The mother of the cubs was not able to feed them after giving birth, China Daily reported. Picture taken June 26, 2008.
A salve to the senses,
soothing the soul,
a moment of relief,
to lift the spirit.
and support one another.
whatever is lovely and lovable..
A simple aid to counteract the onslaught that slams against the eye gates and ear gates of our very being, amid the avalanche of visual and auditory stimuli that relentlessly assails our sensitivities.
This may not appeal to the movers and shakers or to the religious and intellectual ideologies of academia; and its genre may even revolt and invoke a smirk upon the faces of the astute philosophical thinkers.
However, if we lose the child-like, (not childish), qualities that embody the innocence and wonder we are supposed to employ in our worship and adoration of the God who created everything for our pleasure; then we have lost the essence of life itself.
whatever is pure..
Whatever is of good report..
The Photographer wrote: A special place in the Faroe Islands where I can get in touch with nature and enjoy the silence broken just by birds crying and the ocean sounds. A touching experience for me that I live in a big crowded city. Coming in this place in winter time was pretty dangerous because of snow and steep cliffs but I didn’t care about that. My desire to come here was too strong. Kalsoy island, Faroe Islands
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Rev 4:11
He’s not heavy, he’s family.
Galatians 6:2
To breathe out with a reflex reaction, ‘ahhhh’, automatically stimulated through the eye to the brain’s visual cortex, indicates there is some part of us that instinctively responds to God’s beautiful and creative heart.
Think on these things
Simply because it’s
a tonic,
a good and positive action,
a stress reliever.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
Prov 17 :22
So feed your eyes on the ‘ahh’ factor for,
A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance.
Prov 15:13
And there should always be time to smile a while.
Could the same sound ‘ahh’, possibly be akin to and at the centre of the word ‘Yah’. The breath of God the Creator as it entered first into Adam and later into Abram, calling him AbrAHam and changing Sara into SarAH? The YAH in YAHweh and YeshuAH?
The very breath of life as in Genesis 17.
Could it be similar to the sound we make, as we breath out hard into cold air and actually see your breath as a vapour? The ‘Hahh’ of breath?
Aerial view of Fall colors at peak in Adirondack Mountains.
if there is any virtue and excellence..
We say so very often ‘it’s like a breath of fresh air’,
and really is this what we are perceiving and meaning,
it’s a breath of God’s beauty, His creation.
Thus saith God the Lord, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein: Is 42:5

There are so many beautiful places,
creation and creatures still untouched,
despite human interference,
This Photographer wrote: When I was on a field trip in the Canadian Rockies in winter, we encountered big wind gust, and five of my teammates were blown away about 100 meters. The snow got thrown high up to the sky, and it traveled across the lake with obvious trails. I held my tripod tightly and captured this scene, with my eyes full of tears and my mouth filled with snow.
the root of which most usually is based in commerce and greed.
For the many among those of us who love God’s creatures, those that are not represented here, yet, is no indication of them being ignored or less loved and appreciated.
Fum the house cat is hugging his best friend Gebra the barn owl. Tarragona, Spain (Photo Credit: Jordi Amenós Basora)
Proverbs 12:10 says that:
A [consistently] righteous man regards the life of his beast
whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. KJV
This section is not meant to be glib, irreverent, flippant or disrespectful. It’s simply expressing hope in observing the obvious affection in many of these pictures it gives us faith for reconciliation.
if there is anything worthy of praise
In looking forward to messiahs millennial kingdom when not only will the lion lie with the lamb but all God’s creatures and most especially including us humans will be at war no more.
Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him. Is 43:7
Trusting that we will stop quarreling and fighting, lay down our differences and enjoy unity and true shalom in its fullest sense.
If animals can do it, how much more can we.
Somewhere along the road, we have become so sophisticated that we have lost something that is not only basic to humanity but intrinsic to walking in the love walk that Messiah showed us was the Way, His Way.
The Derek of Chaim – The Way of Life
whatever is worthy of reverence…
To All Mishpachah – family
Disclaimer (with tongue in cheek): Not being glaring proponents of the cutsie factor but maybe we all need to soften up a tad! More later…. and meanwhile see some more amazing pictures at:
A subscriber sent me this precious video showing insight into animals interactions, simply HAD to include it. Well worth the watch!
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