
There is an old saying:

Theres’s None So Blind As Those Who Cannot See!


is Hebrew for:

you must right now be opened.

Consider this:

aren’t we all born blind, naked and dead in prison!

Spiritually that is..

If that is not the case,

why did Messiah come and say in Luke 4

that this day the scripture was fulfilled

as He quoted from Isaiah 58:6; 61:1,2?

Releasing the captives,

recovery of sight to the blind,

clothing us with the garment of salvation/

robe of righteousness

and stating He is the resurrection and the Life

and those that believe and follow Him will never die!

So, if we need these provisions…

then that is exactly how we were!

Truly we don’t need to be living our lives while running around blind; how will we see where we are going?

and Yeshua/Jesus said

don’t follow people..

because it’s the blind leading the blind

and both will fall into a pit.

Those being casual, will become casualties.

Are we going to become victims or victors!

Matthew 20:29-34


Mark 7:34;10:46-52

& Luke 18:35-43

There were 2 blind men who cried out

as Yeshua/Jesus was passing by.

He asked them.

What do you want Me to do for you?

Their reply was:

Lord that our eyes would open.

What are we asking the Lord for?

Paul prays for the Ephesians in chapter 3: that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.

And when they were/regained their sight,

what did they do?

They followed Him.

The meaning of

followed Him,

is not just a mental assent,

agreeing or confessing belief

in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

and His Son Jesus/Messiah Yeshua.

It is so much more than that it means that

their lives


they followed His example.


Matthew 24:34 and in Mark 8:23

The word for eyes in Greek is OMMA,

And means the eyes of the soul

as well as the natural eyes.

This word is only used here otherwise it is ophthalamous.

We often think only in terms of the physical realm however the spiritual realm is the one that is eternal this physical realm will not last forever. According to scripture the worlds systems and the earth itself have expiry dates.

In Mark 7:31-37 is the account of the deaf and mute man.

In this account, Yeshua/Jesus looks up to heaven and

said to him in Hebrew/Aramaic


hippatach – you must right now be opened.

The ref. here is to Isaiah 61:1 where the word means:

to open the prison

and refers specifically to:

opening eyes and ears

both physical and spiritual.

In the following chapter of Matthew 8:22

there was a blind man healed in Bethsaida.




Parts of Speech. peh’-thakh.

Definition. opening, doorway, entrance.


 Recall Dalet – the Door

Yeshua/Jesus said, I am the Door.


“aphtach” (English) in Hebrew is


pᵉthach, peth-akh’; 

(Aramaic) corresponding to H6605;

to open, open oneself.

(Hithpael) to loose oneself.

pathach: appear.

Original Word: פָתַח.

Part of Speech: Verb. 

Transliteration: pathach. 

Phonetic Spelling: (paw-thakh’)

Definition: to open

Strong’s Hebrew: 6605. פָּתַח (pathach) — appear

Strong’s Hebrew: 6491. פָּקַח (paqach) — open



Transliteration: paqach
Phonetic Spelling: paw-kakh’

Strongs #6605

(sometimes spelled with letters e

in place of a and a k in place of the c).

Definition to open; (Qal to open )

(Niphal: to be opened, be let loose,be thrown open.

pethach: to open


r to l


pey tav chet


mouth cross fence

Original Word: פְתַח
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: pethach
Phonetic Spelling: (peth-akh’)
Definition: to open

Sometimes written with the H hey added.

The two words together




Here it was for the man who was deaf and mute.

You must right now be opened

Mark 7:34 and Is. 61:1 having same meaning.

Mark 7:34 

And looking up to heaven, He sighed deeply and said to him,


or aphtach, (which means, “Be opened!”)

which [in Aramaic] means,

“Be opened and released!”

Ephphatha or Ethphatha

This word is Syriac/Aramaic/Hebrew, the language which Yeshua/Jesus used in addressing the man, and means

Be opened.

that is, being interpreted, be opened, both ears and mouth.

This Aramaic word, is found in the Greek text of Mark 7:34.

We there read that Yeshua/Jesus said to a man who was ‘deaf and had an impediment in his speech,

Ephphatha ’ ( ἐφφαθά ).

The writer appends a Greek translation of the word:

ὅ ἐστιν διανοίχθητι, ‘that is, Be opened.’.

Ἐφφαθά {ephphtha} (Aramaic) This could be from the Aramaic ethpthah, the passive imperative of the verb pthah, ‘to open.’ Διανοίχθητι : [unique] ( verb 2nd sg aor imperat pass ) “Be opened” is dianoigo , which means “to lay open”, “to open so as to connect”, “to reveal,” and “to explain.”

Why is this important?

Because this way of speaking is used by the Jews,

of a deaf man being restored to hearing, as of a blind man’s being restored to sight;

These actions of looking up to heaven and sighing, as they may be understood in a spiritual sense, or with relation to the spiritual healing of a sinner, may show that such a blessing comes from above: it is received from heaven; it is our Heavenly Father Who gives the

hearing ear,

as well as

the seeing eye;

and that is in a spiritual, as well as in a natural sense:

and therefore this directs us to apply to Him for it, whether asking for a ourselves, or for others;

Opening of the prison – In Hebrew is,

the most complete opening,


of the eyes to them that are bound,

that is,

deliverance from prison,

for captives are as it were


in the darkness of prison

(Isa 14:17; 35:5; 42:7)

So Luke 4:18 and the Septuagint interpret it; Luke 4:18, under inspiration, adds to this, for the fuller explanation of the single clause in the Hebrew, “to set at liberty them that are bruised”; thus expressing the double “opening” implied; namely, that of the eyes (John 9:39), and that of the prison (Rom. 6:18; 7:24, 25; Heb. 2:15).

His miracles were acted parables.

and in the

opening of eyes for those who are bound.

The literal meaning of


is referring to specifically:

opening both spiritual and physical natural eyes and ears.

With the Hebrew verb here doubled for emphasis, this is really powerful,

promising total deliverance from

spiritual AND physical evils.

Which begs the question

why are we in the state we are in today??

Verse 3 says

the garment of praise

instead of

the spirit of infirmity

often translated


This word

KEHEH or cheHah


Phonetic Spelling: kay-heh’

Strong’s Hebrew: 3544.

כֵּהָה (keheh) — dim, dull, faint,

literally means:

to be pale or dim

and it is used as an expression for:

being weak, sickly.

And then they are called

oaks as the opposite of weak sickly.

While studying, the other point found here,

(as we are all learning together,)

is the


referred to is:

the prayer shawl /tallit

and all for His glory!!

Is 61 :2 adopted in Luke 4:18, gives

recovery of sight to the blind;

and as the verb is never used for

the opening of a room or door,

it is used in Isaiah 35:5Isaiah 42:7,

for the opening of the eyes,

that is probably it’s meaning here.

However, it is true that the word is generally used

of the opening of eyes (once of ears).

Added here for those who like further study:

[In the Heb. read pĕqaḥqôaḥ as a single word, = “opening.”]

Peqach-qōăch is written like two words (see at Isaiah 2:20).

The Targum translates it as if peqach were an imperative:

“Come to the light,” probably meaning

undo the bands.

But qōăch is not a Hebrew word;

for the qı̄chōth of the Mishna (the loops through which the strings of a purse are drawn, for the purpose of lacing it up) cannot be adduced as a comparison. Parchon, AE, and A, take peqachqōăch as one word (of the form פּתלתּל, שׁחרחר), in the sense of throwing open, viz., the prison.

But as pâqach is never used like pâthach (Isaiah 14:17Isaiah 51:14),

o signify the opening of a room,

but is always applied to the opening of the eyes

(Isaiah 35:5Isaiah 42:7, etc.),

except in Isaiah 42:20, where it is used for the opening of the ears,

we adhere to the strict usage of the language,

if we understand by peqachqōăch the opening up of the eyes

(as contrasted with the dense darkness of the prison);

and this is how it has been taken even by the lxx, who have rendered it καὶ τυφλοῖς ἀνάβλεψιν, as if the reading had been ולעורים (Psalm 146:8).

Matthew 5:3


this is the word meaning

in the translation of the Hebrew scripture of Is 61:1

to open the prison

it refers specifically to

opening both

spiritual and physical eyes and ears.

This is so important to understand

because it was the statement

Yeshua/Jesus made in His home town synagogue.

He was literally declaring that He was the Messiah

the one to fulfill this prophecy.

And immediately they rejected Him because


spiritual eyes and ears


blind and deaf.

We are born dead in our sins the scripture says,

and death stinks by its very nature of decay

and we are born into decay;

(which is where our word decadent comes from

so we should use it wisely!)

So what does all this mean for us as individuals?

(References can be found in Mark 8 and John 9.)

Many of Gods’ creatures are born blind and after a specific time their physical eyes open.

This makes them very vulnerable and their parents

watch over them VERY carefully.

Human babies are born with physical eyes open

but our spiritual eyes still closed.

Similar to those creatures whose eyes open after some time.

In this way we all born blind and why Messiah said to Nicodemus.

John 3

Similar to those creatures whose eyes open after some time.

When we are born again by His Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh

our spiritual eyes are opened.

This opening of our spiritual eyes is the throwing open of the door of the prison, where we are in darkness, bound in chains of sin and in a state of decay. This door is open and we are to come forth like Lazarus and like Peter from the prison. Messiah has opened the lock and the door is swung wide, what are we still doing inside?

The blind had their sight restored and many other miracles were to stimulate the faith of the people, we however are to believe by faith in the Son of God not by sight and not by proof of signs. Proof is the enemy of faith. We don’t need signs to see Him because we have His Ruach HaKodesh/Spirit of Holiness within by Whom are eyes are opened!

As we have noted:


the Hebrew meaning

is You must right now be opened

And our heavenly parent watches over us more intently

until we can see better.

And what Jesus/Yeshua said is what it means for us

Matthew 10:29
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.

You are worth much more than many sparrows

Matthew 6:26; Luke 12:6

Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

There were many physical miracles

and those born blind

eyes were open by Messiah.

Prophetically, the healing of blindness was

a sign

of the Messiah!

It was

a sign – a Signal

prophesied by Isaiah 61

that when Messiah would come

He would open the eyes of the blind.

The Hebrew meaning of

sign – signal


Strong’s Hebrew: 226. אוֹת (oth)

— a sign

Transliteration: oth
Phonetic Spelling: (oth)
Definition: a sign

omens (1), pledge (1), sign (43), signs (30),

standards (1), witness (1), wondrous (1).

אוֹת, ‘ot meaning ‘sign’

Strong’s 226

Sounds like our word Oath!


nes: a standard, ensign, signal, sign

Original Word: נֵס

Transliteration: nes
Phonetic Spelling: (nace)
Definition: a standard, ensign, signal, sign

 signal (4), standard (12), warning (1)


(compare Late Hebrew) =


Numbers 26:10

The word sign is ‘oth.

This is a military word which in its Semitic root, means:

to communicate by a signal.

Before the development of radio,

communication in the battle field was done by signals.

This type of communication was carried out by many cultures.

The native Americans are said to have communicated by smoke signals.

In Africa they communicated by drums.

Ships would communicate with each other with flags.

Even today a pitcher, in American baseball, communicates with the catcher through a hand signals.

Soldiers in a covert operation will use hand signals.

All this is


a communication that is not really verbal, but more of a sign that is very obscure and secret, that is understood by only those for whom the sign is given.

The thing about an ‘oth or sign is that it is limited and if we don’t pay close attention we might misinterpret the sign or if it’s a sign we don’t want, we might roll it around in our heads and make up our own interpretation, which would be less risky and then we plead a lack of understanding later if we got it wrong.

The signs/signals were there from Bresheet /Genesis

Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years

Let them be for signs לְאֹתֹת֙

Many signs and signals surrounded Messiah’s birth; as with the magi, the bethlehem star and the shepherds:

this shall be a sign/signal unto you!

This letter TAV is written as a cross

in the pictographic script and represents a sign or mark

The name of the letter is tav and is derived from the word תו tav [H:8420] meaning mark as well as a covenant.

Healing a person who was blind from birth…

It had never happened before prior to that time.

The religious leaders of the day, either ignored, denied or did not recognize the hand of God as the kingdom of the heavens came near to them.

Because they were spiritually blind  

Opening the eyes of the blind..

how was this done?

…by healing.

We looked at one case previously in


click link for more.

However on other occasions, like that of Bartimaeus?

He cried out and Yeshua/Jesus asked him what he wanted.

That I might regain my sight

Do we want our spiritual eyes opened?


are we still walking, living and seeing partially sighted?

Are we like the one who Yeshua/ Jesus laid his hands on

and said

I see men walking as trees?

(Mark 8:24).

What did this mean?

This is a Hebrew idiom, and we have missed that fact with our western mindset!

 Because in this instance it was not a strange thing for him to say, rather it was accurate in its meaning


because in the middle east it would be a strange sight to us to see men, women and animals walking along the road with such huge loads of brushwood, thorn bushes, or branches that you just couldn’t see what was carrying it.

If it was a donkey all you could see was the

lower part of four small legs.

The half-restored sight of the man who had been blind

prevented him from seeing clearly

between the branches and the animal that carried them,

but he remembered the days when he had his sight,

and he knew what these walking trees really were.

These were his physical eyes

his natural sight

which needed a second touch…

At the moment of new birth in the spirit our spiritual eyes are opened and we begin to see for the first time who Jesus/Yeshua is and who we are in relationship to Him and the Father.

We are probably aware of the popular hymn amazing grace and the line that says I was blind but now I see.

We sing it but do we fully comprehend its meaning?

We walk in the natural state of man with all our natural physical senses operating believing we have our lives under control and going along our own way.

Thinking everything is just fine.!

Spiritual new birth changes


and our spiritual eyes are opened.

However, sometimes we to need

a second touch

to clear

the fog of frustration

the cloudiness of confusion

the blurriness of bondage

the mists of self indulgence

the mud of misunderstanding

the blindfold of brokenness


the dinginess of disobedience.


For Paul it was something like scales

that fell from his eyes

when they were restored from the temporary blindness!

Scales make us think of reptiles or fish, a skin or membrane, a covering that prevents water from passing through.

When our eyes are open,

the waters of life are no longer prevented

from cleansing and washing us;

but spring up to eternal life and we are no longer thirsty.

Be opened He says to us

and Paul tells us to pray Ephesians 1

that the eyes of our understanding be opened for us to know the hope of His calling and the dimensions of His love.

Jesus/Yeshua said

Those born blind were for the glory of God

to be made manifest

not because they or their parents sinned.




so that His glory

may be seen in us too.

He came to open the eyes of the blind to see the truth;

the truth of the world systems and who’s they are, only for this season/age…

The truth of who is really in control

of ALL things in the heavens and the earth.

The more one reads in scripture, the more it becomes clear that this world is far more than we have been taught and it’s not we have been led to believe or, as science has informed us.

Science is not god, certainly not for believers.

Our trust must be in the creator, not the creation or the created.

Jesus/Yeshua said all will be revealed…

Luke 12:2 For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, neither anything secret that will not be known.

We are to make sure that we are

grounded only in Him

and in the truth of the Life/chaim

which we can obtain in Him

and the TRUTH of the WAY

in which we ought to walk.

Are we still blind?

Are we

Turning a blind eye

Are we still partially sighted


out of focus?

Do we need to second touch?


Matthew 10:49 He is calling you – the one who is born blind

Lets speak to our eyes in Yeshua/Jesus name

Hippatach be opened!

And let’s clearly see

the footsteps ahead of us in which we are to walk…

continually looking up, for our full redemption draws nigh.

Let’s make certain we are firmly rooted and grounded

and that our faith rests in Him alone.

That we are unshakable because everything is being shaken

Hebrews 12:27, 26–Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. 27–And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

There will be signs for us at the end of the age.

Read Matt.24, Mark 13 & Luke 21

Be genuine and be real, be authentic and, as a child does, trust in our Heavenly Father, the creator of the universe and lean not to our own understanding.


Let not your heart be troubled: ye in God believe also in Me.

John 14:1, 

and My word

Heaven and earth will pass away but my word will not pass away.

 Can we say with Isaiah My eyes have seen the Lord?

Audio Player

Open our eyes Lord that we may see…

Beloved Mishpocah,

have His word indelibly printed in your spirit

and let not your heart be troubled;

instead let it be fixed, focused, stayed on Him.

Days are approaching quickly when

the spiritual darkness will make it hard to see

and Messiah said, no man can work.

Hippatach let’s keep our

spiritual eyes open

and upon our Heavenly Father and Yeshua,

and immovable

as our eyes of faith look up

waiting to see the salvation of the Lord.


and remember that He who has an ear let him hear means:

that the one who has heard is to accomplish the task that was given/spoken.

Similar to the meaning of shema, which is

to hear and obey/hear and do what you heard.

Let this song be our prayer today..

Purify me…

Audio Player

May His true Shalom rest upon each one in Yeshuas’ Name.

You are greatly loved and prayed for daily..

and make sure you are secure in the knowledge you are saved



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Who Was Jerubbaal and What Was He Wearing? Part 2

We left the last post at the point where

we could see by the scripture

that through the angel,

YeHoVeH had prophetically called Gideon

mighty man

and then like a garment

He put on Gideon!

Also translated as a

Man of valor.

So we could conclude that if He is in us…

He is wearing us too!

Jesus/Yeshua ‘put on’ the Spirit of His Father

at the time of His immersion and maybe

even more at His transfiguration?

And according to

Romans 13:14

we are to do the same 

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ,

and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

As Yeshua Messiah in us the hope of Glory

He is wearing us too.

Our outer garments are not to be those of the beast systems fashions and trends…

really why do we even care?

Why do we want to look like the world?

why do we want to be mistaken for a worldly person?

Provers 31 warns us that

Favour is deceitful, and beauty vain!

so this is vanity and worthless

we are too much caught up in what the world

and its ungodly systems dictate by

social and main stream media…

Family, don’t let’s be caught in the enemies snares and traps;

those hunters are out there and very seductive and cunning.

We are too easily swayed into a sense of false security

and instead we are to be as wise as serpents,

who are always aware if their surroundings;

and gentle as doves and to

and dress in a manner

worthy of our election and

calling in holiness, clothed with humility.

Also we are to wear our spiritual clothes in

humility and obedience.

He has bought and paid for our clothing for us,

but these clothes are even more beautiful

than the lilies of the field

and they will never wear out.

When we put Messiah on,

He is our garment of salvation.

He is our robe of righteousness

He is our garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

We are clothed in glory, honor and light apart from the armor provided in

Eph 6:11-18 that should remain on place at all times.

The only offensive weapon is

the sword of the spirit which is

His words coming out of our mouths.

Described as the armor of light.

So let us put aside the deeds of darkness

and put on

the armor of light. Rom. 13:11

Galatians 3:27, Eph. 4:24, Col. 3:10-12; Romans 8:29.

In Matt. 3:16 clearly recorded the spirit of His Father/ Yehoveh, coming upon Him so it would seem He put on Yeshua/Jesus.

In Ps. 22

There was a prophetic description of the moments on the cross which were fulfilled according to Matt 27:46 when Yeshua/Jesus quotes the Psalm

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

There was a brief time when

Our Heavenly Father left Him on the cross.

Literally His Father was not wearing Him for those moments

– no wonder He felt it.

The robe of righteousness is our wedding garment

and He clothes us with it.

He was filled with YeHoVeH

His Father wore Him!

I and the Father are one

if you have seen me you have seen the Father

I in you and you in Me

It makes one wonder whether in Revelation

if John knew who He was talking to?

I and the Father are one

We are to seek Him early before the day begins.

In Hebrew terms it is as the dusk falls in the evening!

Genesis 1:3-5

and this is where we are to be sure that we have

put on the Lord

Ps 27:8

and will wear Him throughout the night and the day.

The same way we put on clothes suitable to the task ahead, so the sooner we affirm that we have put the Lord on by communicating with Him, the better prepared we are for whatever the day brings.

Like the Eph. 6 armor –

don’t ever take it off –

and we should never remove our robe of righteousness

we must wear it at all times

together with our garment of salvation.

Without the helmet in place, to garrison guard and keep our minds on Messiah, we are not in the best position to co ordinate and direct the rest of the armor.

Our brain and mind must be in the helmet and protected by it.

This is the most likely location of our spirit and of His Ruach dwelling in us.

Which enables us to walk in the spirit and

not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

In a practical way, it’s eventually to have His mind,

the mind of Jesus/Yeshua;

to think His thoughts

by asking His spirit of Holiness

to control our thinking and

thereby renewing our minds

as our thoughts are transformed to His.

Whose mind is stayed on Him

and here is true shalom/peace

Is 26:3

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, 

whose mind is stayed on thee:

because he trusteth in thee. 

So what are we wearing today?

Clothed in humility, harmony and wholeness.

1 Peter 5:5-6 

Being a disciple means being clothed in Messiah/Christ as Paul says in Galatians 3:26 and Romans 13:14:

Every one of you that has been baptized

has been clothed in Christ and

Let your armor be the Lord Jesus Christ.

This being clothed in Christ is much more than wearing a cloak that covers our wretchedness.

It is referring to a complete transformation

that allows us to say Gal. 2:20 with Paul:

I have been crucified with Messiah/Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me.

To be clothed with humility means you have put on

Messiah/Christ and leave Him on:

Are we a worldly fashion statement based on and reflecting satans’ kingdom; or are we the image and likeness of our Heavenly Father? And if we are like Gideon – as the Lord put him on – we too will be the mighty people of valor.

If He is in us, it is His light that shines out through us,

to a world in darkness and

we indeed will be the vessels of honor.

“chayil” (English) pronounced khah’-yil

 in Hebrew is

Strong’s Hebrew: 2428. חָ֫יִל (chayil) — strength …

chayil: strength, efficiency, wealth, army.

Original Word: חַיִל.

Transliteration: chayil.

Phonetic Spelling: (khah’-yil)

Definition: strength, efficiency, wealth, army. 




Hebrew Word for Valor

ha-ḥa-yil, of valor

a mighty man of valor”? 



What does it mean? 

 this phrase appears for the first time in Joshua 1:14 

Your wives, your little ones, and your cattle, shall remain in the land which Moses gave you on this side of the Jordan; but ye shall pass before your brethren armed, all the mighty men of valour, and help them. 

Our dictionary today states that

valor is

great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. 

The conventional Hebrew means more of a force,

especially of an army,

but can also mean a force of might, power, riches, or virtue. 

Here the mighty men of valor are the armed men of the army of Israel. 

Is there anything about these men in the picture letters in Chayil?

Chayil is spelled

Chet, Yood, Lamed.


Reading from right to left above: 


is the

picture of the fence

and indicates a place of protection,

a sanctuary, or a place of security. 


is the picture of the hand or arm

and points to a mighty deed. 


is the picture of the shepherd’s staff

and demonstrates the voice of authority or control.

It could be said that in the paleo pictograph letters of


these warriors in Israels army were…

Lamed, under strong leadership

Yood, performing a mighty work,


Chet, providing a place of protection, a sanctuary for their people, especially for their wives and little ones. 

Does our Heavenly Father view us like the warriors of Chayil/valor?

Gideon in Judges 6:11

Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites, and the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour. 

We already read that Gideon was hidden from his enemies in a winepress threshing wheat when YeHoVeH’s angel appears to him and calls him

a mighty man of valor. 

Gideon didn’t see himself that way and in verse 15 he replies:

And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel?  Behold, my family is poor in Manasseh,

and I am the least in my father’s house.

the reply in verse 16 is an indication of how our Heavenly Father sees us even when we are hiding from our enemies, feeling totally unworthy because we are afraid and anxious:  

And the LORD said unto him, Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man. 

In the fifth book of the Torah,

Deuteronomy 8:18,

Moses used this word differently




Moses writes:

But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God:

for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth,

that he may establish his covenant

which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. 

The word translated

wealth here,



Here again it is to show that, the Chayil –

the force of might, power, or riches

comes from Our Heavenly Father YaHoVeH

and is provided to us for serving His purposes.

It is important we remember that.

These references all point to mighty men of valor.

We know we are neither male nor female in the spirit.


There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

But is there such a thing as

a woman of valor,

a woman of Chayil?

In Proverbs 31:10,  Solomon writes

Who can find a virtuous woman?

For her price is far above rubies.

Here the word in

the virtuous woman

in Hebrew is


pronounced kyell


the woman of valor,

the force for virtue. 

Solomon says about her that she is invaluable.


Solomon gives a long list of her accomplishments and her character, and in verse 29 and 30: 

Many daughters have done virtuously,

but thou excellest them all. 

Favour is deceitful, and beauty vain!

but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.  

The word

well/ virtuously is Chayil/hayil

so we find the

outstanding woman of valor

begins with the fear of the LORD.

This kind of fear is reverence,

not terror as in being afraid.

She follows His voice of authority

and does a mighty work

to provide a sanctuary for her family!

The numbers represented by the letters in chayil

seem to show a connection to Jesus/Yeshua. 

The letter Chet is also the number 8

which is a new beginning


The letter Yood is the number 10

and stands for something ordained in Heaven. 


The letter Lamed is also the number 30

and points to the blood of Messiah and His sacrifice.

So the numbers could be telling us that

Our Heavenly Father will give us a new beginning

that was ordained in Heaven

and that was made possible

through the blood sacrifice of Yeshua Ha-Mashiach.

The result being that We have

freedom from sin through His blood sacrifice

and the promise of a new beginning with Him.

There is one more place where the scripture uses the word Chayil. In Habakkuk 3:19 His Word speaks this truth: 

The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.  

The word strength is again Chayil or valor;

so the meaning of the pictographs could apply once again as

Our Heavenly Father/ The LORD God, or Yahweh/YeHoVeH Adonai,

is our ultimate man of valor.

He is the voice of authority who by the

mighty work of

His blood sacrifice

provided an eternal place of sanctuary for us

with Him in Heaven. 

When we place our trust in Him, He sees us as He saw Gideon hiding in the winepress;

the Creator of the universe the source of Faith

calling those things that were not as though they were

and describing the woman in Proverbs 31:

Chayil, mighty men and women – people of valor.


Can we be clothed with humility and strong at the same time?

Yes because

we are told in

Eph. 6:10.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the the wiles of the devil.

It’s the power of

His might

not our own.

Is God wearing us?

If not why not?

And if He is…

then as David said,

of whom shall we be afraid?

Ps. 27:1 Jehovah is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? Jehovah is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

Ps. 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart: all ye that hope in the Lord. 

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer;

I have overcome the world.

Reading the accounts of Gideon shows us he was an excellent example of modesty in action.

When the Angel of the Lord first came to him he readily acknowledged his background and abilities in a modest manner. Then after he accepted the will and plan of the Lord, Gideon made certain he understood thoroughly what he had to do and constantly looked to the Lord for guidance for each step of the way.

Gideon became

bold and courageous

acting with shrewdness and caution


the Lord put him on.

Furthermore, Gideon didn’t use this opportunity to self promote or gain any personal advantage and as soon as he was able, he happily resumed his former place in life.

These are great lessons for us and when we walk with God we should always be ready to

Now we know who Jerubbaal was and

Who He Was Wearing!

When the Father is wearing us-

anyone become a mighty person of valor.

It’s time to

May His true Shalom/Peace

rest upon each one in Jesus/Yeshuas’ Name.

‘Mishpachah’ ‘Family’



you are greatly loved and prayed for daily..

NOT SURE if you are part of His Family?


Say the following and mean it from your heart…

Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He came in the flesh and He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life.

Because your word is truth, I say that I am now forgiven and born again in my spirit and by faith I am washed clean with the Blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Who Was Jerubbaal and What Was He Wearing?

In Judges 6:11 a man called Joash the Abiezrite

calls his son Jerubbaal, meaning:

Let Baal Contend Against Him,

or, let Baal show increase;

The Lord Contends; Baal Contends.

JERUBBAAL jĕr’ ə bāl יְרֻבַּ֣עַל,

jer-u-ba’-al, je-rub’-a-al  yerubba`al,


Why did he do that?

The son of Joash the Abiezrite was Gideon, the fifth judge of Israel

And the name Jerubaal was given to Gideon when he destroyed his father’s Baal altar at Ophrah. 

The name


is a combination of two Hebrew words:

the first is

riyb or rub,

which means literally

to grapple

and holds the figurative meaning

to wrangle


to hold a controversy.

From (1) the verb ריב (rib), to contend,


This very common verb ריב (rib) means

to strive or contend

and ranges from

a mere bickering to full scale combat.

Noun ריב (rib) means

strife, dispute or plea.

Noun יריב (yarib) denotes

an opponent or adversary.

Noun מריבה (meriba) refers to

a place or agent of strife or contention.


The second is the proper noun

Baal, the name of the Phoenician god

that Gideon contended against.

the verb בעל – ba’al, to be lord. 

The verb ba’al


means to exercise dominion over;

to own, control or be lord over.

The noun ba’al means

lord, master and even husband,

and its feminine counterpart


means mistress or landlady.

Jerubbaal/Gideon, had seventy sons by several wives, and he had one son, named Abimelech, by his servant girl, or his concubine. Gideon, as one of the judges in Israel, was a true servant leader, as were all of the judges of Israel, in those days.


Gidon: a judge of Israel.

Original Word: גִּדְעוֹן.

Part of Speech:

Proper Name Masculine.

Transliteration: Gidon.

Phonetic Spelling: (ghid-ohn’) 

The name Gideon comes from the Hebrew verb




to hew down or cut off

mostly of religious regalia and holy trees. 

There are no nouns formed from this verb,

suggesting that whatever was cut off,

was no longer discussed and

even cut off from speech itself.

The waw/vav-nun/noon extension

of the name Gideon

denotes a personification of the verb:

he who does what the verb means.

His name is connected with his occupation, that is,

he wasHacker 


One Who Hewed Down the enemy.

Now we know why computer hackers are so named!



Gimmel Daleth Ayin Vav Nun

Strong’s Hebrew: 1439. גִּדְעוֹן (Gidon) — a judge of Isr.

Strong’s Greek: 1066. Γεδεών (Gedeón) — Gideon, an Israelite

Transliteration: Gedeón. Phonetic Spelling: (ghed-eh-own’) Definition: Gideon, an Israelite. Usage:Gideon, one of the Judges of Israel. 

The account in Judges tells us that when Israel was experiencing invasive attacks for 7 years by the Midianites, an angel of YeHoVeH  appeared to Gideon.


When the angel of the Lord first met Gideon he was hiding out in a winepress threshing wheat – Judges 6:11.

You don’t thresh wheat in a winepress.

The threshing floor stood in the open,

the winepress was usually below ground or in a low area,

a place where someone could easily hide

which Scripture tells us Gideon was actually doing, hiding or fleeing.

The word in Hebrew is

lenis or lehanis

from the root

word nos or nus 


which means

to flee or disappear. נוּס

Strong’s Hebrew: 5127. נוּס (nus) — to flee, escape

At that time, the Midianites were in control in Israel who had no standing army, There was no one to lead an army against the Midianites who were a well armed band of mercenaries who would suddenly appear and raid the Israelites homes killing everyone in that town or city and take what they wanted and destroying the crops on the land, It was a horrible time for the children of Israel and they lived in perpetual fear of an enemy attack that would come without warning. This scenario could be likened to the nations in the world today Many are living in constant fear of attack from both a seen and an unseen enemy such as a virus.

As is the case in most places where people have faith in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob/Israel, some were on their knees, some interceding by weeping and petitioning in prayer. However, Gideon was not praying, his attitude needed an adjustment because, when the Angel of the Lord appeared to him and announced he was a great and mighty warrior (verse 12) his response was to ask why has God forsaken us, why are we being tormented by these Midianites, where are all the miracles, the promises of God? Many are asking that question today and God is answering, we just need to listen and pay more attention to what He is saying. First, the angel of the Lord said that God had called him to deliver Israel and that He would be with Gideon and would empower him (verse 14). Gideon’s response was not exactly full of faith! (verse 15). The second time the Angel of the Lord reassures him in verse 16.

This was still not enough for Gideon and he asks for a sign in verse 17. Gideon prepared an offering and the Angel of the Lord touched it with his staff and immediately it burst into flames.

Gideon was so impressed that he became fearful that he had just seen God Himself and might die. Due to the belief that if anyone saw God they would die or you were dead. However Gideon now had enough confidence to confront the Midianites pagan god and tear down the idol of the and offer a sacrifice to God on the same place.

Judges 6:11-24

The angel of the LORD came and sat down – under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite,

where his son Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites

and instructed him to cut down the altar of Baal that same night

and to destroy the nearby

image of Asherah, אשרה אשירה

plural, אשרים or Asherim

 a primary Canaanite goddess namely אשרות or Asheroth.

Judges 3:7, & Judges 6:25.  

In the Bible, Asherah is mostly associated with

sacred trees or poles Exodus 34:13, Judges 6:25.

When the people who lived there found their shrines destroyed the next day, it didn’t take them long to find out who had done it.

They went to Joash and demanded that he surrender his son Gideon, because they wanted to execute him.

Joash responded by saying that if Baal wants his revenge, they would be foolish to ruin his pleasure by killing Gideon before their god could get him. He cleverly challenged them by saying that if Baal was truly a god, Baal would contend with Gideon, and if he were not, then Gideon would contend with Baal!

This is why Joash named his son Jerubbaal.

The people were not worshipping the one true God and their false gods and idols had to be removed before they could have victory over their enemies.

This is true for believers in Yeshua today we are to tear down any altars we have made to anything or anyone else in our lives. Putting our Heavenly father first place in everything we do is essential in walking a victorious life by His spirit.

After that Gideon goes after the Midianites and the other members of the Eastern Coalition. 32,000 men from Israel joined up for the battle, after God instructs Gideon to separate out the chosen ones only 300 remain.

He gives the 300 each a trumpet, a pitcher and a torch and at midnight they attack because of their unusual approach it caused the Midianites to stampede. As they fled, Gideon summoned the entire Israeli army and they pursued them, killing their leaders and 120,000 swordsmen.

Judges 7:15, 20: The three companies blew the trumpets and smashed the jars. Grasping the torches in their left hands and holding in their right hands the trumpets they were to blow, they shouted, “A sword of the LORD and of Gideon!”

After Gideon’s victory over Midian, Israel remains undisturbed for 40 years. When Gideon dies, his son Abimelech  takes the office of Judge of Israel.

Gideon had 72 sons, namely Abimelech, the seventy brothers he killed, and Jotham who got away.

Paul mentions Gideon in his letter to the Hebrews 11:32

calling him a hero of the faith spelled Γεδεων, Gedeon

There is much more to the story of Gideon but for the purpose of this post there are 2 points one is in 6:34 where

Judges 6:34 So the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon, who

Came upon

Strong’s 3847: Wrap around,

to put on a, garment,

clothe Gideon, גִּדְע֑וֹן (giḏ·‘ō·wn)

Noun – proper – masculine singular

Strong’s 1439: Gideon — 

a judge of Israel and he blew וַיִּתְקַע֙ (way·yiṯ·qa‘) 

God Put On Gideon!

Strong’s Hebrew: 3847. לָבַשׁ (labash or labesh) — to put on

law-bash’, law-bashe’

 to dress, wear, clothe, put on clothing, be clothed

1a) (Qal)

1a1) to put on clothes, be clothed, wear

1a2) to put on, be clothed with (figuratively)

1b) (Pual) to be fully clothed

1c) (Hiphil) to clothe, array with, dress

2304sbl (לבסה LBSh) AC: Clothe CO: Clothing AB: ?

  1. V)sbl(לבסה LBSh) – Clothe: To put on clothing. [Hebrew and Aramaic] KJV (115): (vf: Paal, Hiphil, Pual) clothe, put, array, wear, arm, came, apparel, upon – Strongs: H3847 (לָבֵשׁ), H3848 (לְבַשׁ) 

  2. dm)sfbl(לבוסה LBWSh) – Clothing: [Hebrew and Aramaic] KJV (34): clothing, garment, apparel, vesture, clothed, put, raiment, vestment – Strongs: H3830 (לְבֻשׁ), H3831 (לְבוּשׁ) 

admsfblm (מלבוסה MLBWSh) – Clothing: KJV (8): apparel, raiment, vestment – Strongs: H4403 (מַלְבֻּשׁ) 

icf2tsfblt (תלבוסהת TLBWShT) – Clothing: KJV (1): clothing – Strongs: H8516 (תִּלְבֹּשֶׁת)

It has to be noted that in the Hebrew it is written

which is very interesting!

And second,

the angel called him a mighty man of valor

or a valiant warrior

we saw him hiding in fear in the threshing floor

yet the angel spoke of him as a man of valor

what is this word

in Hebrew?

Mighty man or masterful man



gibbowr or gib·bōr

Strongs 1368


of Valor


he·ḥā·yil. Or chayil

Strongs 2428

He ha yil gib bo w rim me ka Yahweh

יְהוָ֥ה עִמְּךָ֖ גִּבּ֥וֹר הֶחָֽיִל

Gideon was filled with fear and even after five miracles he still needed help to overcome his fears. But there is a reason that He delivered a nation, that God gave him a wonderful victory and restored his land:


He was obedient.

He prayed,

he called out to God

and ultimately let God take charge

so that the world could see this deliverance

was from God and God alone.

echil gbur

masterful man of the valor

translated as

mighty man of valor

If as the scripture says


meaning God

put on Gideon

then it would seem clear that His Ruach haKodesh

filled Gideons spirit;

both his inner man as well as his physical body.

Reading it one more time

God PUT ON and wrapped Himself in Gideon!

And as the meanings above say,

like He was putting on a garment of clothing

which really seems like

God was wearing Gideon!

Hebrew for PUT ON…

Our bodies cannot function without us inside them so as we are born again by His spirit the scripture tells us Yeshua said,

I and My Father will come to live abide IN you!

If He is inside us then He is wearing us too!

With this thought a inexplicable spiritual reality and His ways not being our ways shouldn’t we then be walking in all manner of holiness.

Christ in us the hope of glory! So when we think are we wearing God as His representative

or is it that like Gideon,

He is wearing us.

This gives another aspect of the things Yeshua said about not being concerned or anxious about what we shall wear, our physique, what we look like or following the fashion.

Fashion is nothing more than the worlds attempt at beautifying the flesh.

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. Romans 7:18

and this is a liberating message. Gender,skin tone, shape size weak strong, its all physical and temporary. We will not be taking these bodies with us.

The new ones we are promised may not be exactly as we are now for even Mary did not recognize Messiah in His glorified form outside the tomb until He called her by name (Jn 20:14-16).

This flesh will die, it’s not acceptable in any form to the Father; flesh is full of decay as a result of sin. We must look beyond what our senses say and walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. Yes be a good steward of your mode of transportation and means to fulfill the Lords will for our lives. Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness and we need to feed it healthy food just as we feed our spirits on His life giving word.

We are filled with His Ruach which is joined to our own.

YaHoVeH PUT ON Gideon.

He had prophetically called him mighty man

and then like a garment He put Gideon on!

Conclusion in Part 2

May His true Shalom/Peace

rest upon each one in Jesus/Yeshuas’ Name.

‘Mishpachah’ ‘Family’



you are greatly loved and prayed for daily..

NOT SURE if you are part of His Family?


Say the following and mean it from your heart…

Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He came in the flesh and He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life.

Because your word is truth, I say that I am now forgiven and born again in my spirit and by faith I am washed clean with the Blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Fishers and Hunters

Jeremiah 16:16-17

“Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.”

 I will send for many fishers . . .

The words refer to the threat, not to the promise.

The fishers,

as in Amos 4:2Habakkuk 1:15,

are the invading nations, surrounding Judah and Jerusalem

as with a drag-net, and allowing none to escape.


דַּיָּג, dayyāg 

a fisherman

Biblical Pronunciation: da-YAWɡ

Transliteration: dayyāg





A huntsman

Biblical Pronunciation: tsa-YAWD

Transliteration: ṣayyād

Hunters – sayyadim


is another aspect of the same thought so far as can be traced, it points to the distinction between them, “to the work of the irregular skirmisher as the former image did to that of the main body of the army: men might take refuge, as hunted beasts might do, in the caves of the rocks, but they should be driven forth even from these.”

It is common with the sacred writers to represent

enemies and oppressors

under the metaphors of 

fishers and hunters, 

because they use all the methods of

open force and

secret stratagem

to make men their prey.

The scattering of the people is to be like that of

hunted animals,

of which but few escape.

The ancient method of hunting being to enclose a large space with beaters and nets, and so drive everything within it to some place where it was destroyed.

The destruction of the whole male population was one of the horrible customs of ancient warfare, and

in Herodotus

the process is called 

sweeping the country with a


(and allowing none to escape)

The same authority tells us that this method could only be effectually carried out on an island.

Literally, understood, the fishers are the main armies who, in the towns and fortresses, capture the people in crowds as in a net, while the hunters are the light-armed troops, who pursue the fugitives over the whole country, and drive them out of their hiding places as hunters track out their game.

The application of the words either,

to the gathering of the people after their dispersion


to the later work of the preachers of the Gospel

has its source in Jesus/Yeshua’s words recorded in 

Matthew 4:19.

I will make you fishers of men.

It is possible that those words may have been suggested by those of Jeremiah, the same image being used, as in the parable of Matthew 13:47,

to describe the blessing

which had previously presented its darker aspect

of punishment.

Looking a little closer at verse 19.

I will make you fishers of men.

This statement of Jeremiah seems to be very prophetic as regards this new testament scripture.

The fishers/fishermen

catch the fish

in nets


with a baited hook.

but neither

the net

nor the hook

kill the fish.

They are caught alive.

This is certainly a picture of the Fathers

grace and mercy

…though we the fish

are dead spiritually in our sins…

we are caught alive

by a fisherman of the Lord.

Somebody told us about the saving power of God through Yeshua,

and that as Jesus/Yeshua said

you must be born again.

We were fished

by those who were made into

fishers of men themselves.

Then in turn, as like begets like,

we are the fishers, who in turn make fishers.

These fishers catch mens souls but unlike Nimrod

they point the WAY

to salvation

through the blood sacrifice of Yeshua/Jesus,

the Master fisher of men.

This is how we follow Him.

Preaching and teaching that the spiritual kingdom of God is here.


Because He brought it with Him.

He said

It is at hand,

meaning: it is here – now.

It is within us because He is within us

and so, we also carry the kingdom with us.

Next Jeremiah prophesies that:

later I shall send for many hunters.

Hunters are different from fishermen

in that whatever prey they pursue they kill.

Hunters lay in wait, they stalk,

they lay traps and set snares;

to disable, maim and kill the focus of their hunt.

Using camouflage to deceive and trick.

Sounds like the adversary, the tactics of the devil.

They have no intention to take them alive but God sends these.


Because His eyes are upon all our ways and they are not hidden from Him and He will pay back their iniquity and their sin Double because they defiled the land and made gods for themselves.

Chp 17:5 the warning which cannot be separated from the previous verses;

(The chapter distinction should not be a stopping place, it is not so in the original scrolls as there is no punctuation as we know it.)

Verse 5 this is part of why He sends the hunters, those who made flesh their arm and their trust is in man.

Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is the arm of the Lord,

we are to trust in God through Jesus/Yeshua His Messiah

17:7 The one who trusts in the Lord this one is blessed.

The first hunter was Nimrod.


Phonetic Spelling: nim-rode’

Strong’s Hebrew: 5248. נִמְרוֹד (Nimrod) 

He was a descendant of Cain who was inclined to depend on himself and his own efforts; and became the first to kill in a downward spiral of jealousy, leading to hate and eventually murder.

Nimrod is described in

Genesis 10:8–12 as

the first on earth to be a mighty man.

He was a mighty hunter before the Lord.

Nimrod established a great kingdom that included 

Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

A mighty hunter before the Lord:

It means

against the Lord/ in opposition to..

and he hunted mens souls.

In coming against the Lord, he built the famed tower of babel

which was the reason YeHoVeH came down and confused their languages to stop the progress of their plans.


Tsayid  hunter venison , hunter , victuals , provision , hunting , catch , food , hunting

Tsayad – hunter.

Other scriptures with hunter:

Ps. 91:3 he will certainly rescue you from the snare of the hunter and from the destructive plague.

Prov. 6:5 Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.

Lam. 1:6 ו Vav All her splendor has vanished from Daughter Zion. Her leaders are like stags that find no pasture; they walk away exhausted before the hunter.

There are hunters who hunt for meat for food;

there are those who hunt for sport and

those who hunt for mens souls.

As Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun…

the same is true today; as predatory individuals stalk, hunt, trap and snare others, especially the most vulnerable, for their own ungodly lusts and desires.

There is not much anywhere in the scriptures that supports or applauds hunters.

Along with Nimrod there was another famous hunter, Esau.

And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents

His story does not end well either!

But are there for our education and as warnings, to beware of the things of the flesh life that can cause us to fall away from our Heavenly Father; and their inevitable consequences.

Fishers are not as aggressive in their active pursuit of prey and many will return their prize to the waters they came from. Releasing them if they are not fishing for food to sustain self and family.

Mentioned in

Ezekiel 47:10
Fishermen will stand by the shore; from En-gedi to En-eglaim they will spread their nets to catch fish of many kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea.

Hooks catch ones,

nets catch many

at one casting.

The analogy that Jesus/Yeshua uses is for both as in:

leave the 99 and seek the ONE. 

Matthew 18:12 & Luke 15:4

Also the 2 instances of the

casting of the net


catching the fish.

One was at the start of His ministry

when calling the disciples to become

fishers of men

and the

2nd was after His resurrection.

Both times the nets were filled to over capacity.

The First Disciples

Luke 5:4-7
3Jesus got into the boat belonging to Simon and asked him to put out a little from shore. And sitting down, He taught the people from the boat. 4 WhenJesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” 5“Master,” Simon replied, “we have worked hard all night without catching anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets.”…

Jesus Appears by the Sea of Tiberias

after His Resurrection

5 So He called out to them, “Children, do you have any fish?” “No,” they answered. 6 He told them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it there, and they were unable to haul it in because of the great number of fish. 7Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” As soon as Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it) and jumped into the sea.…

Fishers of men were what He called them to become and as they were obedient to His instructions the results were miraculous.

This shows us that as we too are obedient to His instructions we will see Him work miracles through us.

Mark 16:20. “And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.”

Humanity is flailing around in the oceans of life,

tossed to and fro by winds of doctrine.

Tossed about like a wave “by every wind of doctrine”. It is “doctrines“, in great part, which have broken up unity. By the sleight of men. Their tricks. Cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. Craft and cunning, employed by teachers of false doctrine in order to deceive. Ephesians 4:14


The seas of the worlds systems have them caught in tides of both confusion and controlled directions.

We must be ready to fish with both hooks and nets,

to haul in the harvest of souls

before the predators hunting them get to them first.


The call of God to each of His children never changes, it is to make disciples of all nations. Being a fisher of those disciples begins with casting the net in faith and obedience

and baiting the hook

with the bread of life

of which also the crumbs

are sufficient to bring deliverance

and salvation…

the sweet smelling savor to those perishing. 

The one whose

hope is in the Lord…

this one is like the tree planted by the waters.

Yeshua/Jesus the Tree of Life and

the life giving water source.

He is the fountain of living waters…

fish live in water;

not on the mountains, hills, or holes in the rocks.

We are fish and the symbol was used back then and still is today.

WE are the fish thriving in the living waters.

Pulled from the sea of humanity and from the fast flowing rivers of the worlds ways… we are not of those who hide ourselves in the mountains and in the holes of the rocks.

We are not the hunters, the predators.

We are the fish

and the

fishers of men.

We need to continually remind ourselves that all Jesus/Yeshua quoted from, was the Torah and Prophets and Writings. The New Testament writings did not exist at that time, nor in the apostles days. Yes, we need to study what we call the Old Testament or none of the New makes sense.

Yeshua/Jesus’ message echoed the call of the prophets

to repent and turn to the lord.

We swim upstream against the flowing tide

of iniquity, sin and ungodliness;

which carries the multitudes

towards an eternity

without our Heavenly Fathers presence.

We are to reach out

snatching them from the fires of judgment.

Jude 1:23

Today is the day of salvation,

together let’s cast that net

lets be the fisher we were called to be

and that fisherman/disciple He promised to make us into.

2 Timothy 4:2 KJV: Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

Acts 1:6 And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Speak that word in season,

give that tract.

Cast the net

and be part of

gathering His harvest.

May His true Shalom/Peace

rest upon each one in Jesus/Yeshuas’ Name.

‘Mishpachah’ ‘Family’


Mish-pa-KHa Mish-pa-KHa

you are greatly loved and prayed for daily..

NOT SURE if you are part of His Family?


Say the following and mean it from your heart…

Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He came in the flesh and He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life.

Because your word is truth, I say that I am now forgiven and born again in my spirit and by faith I am washed clean with the Blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.