The Spring season of Appointed Times of the Lord/Moedim were initiated this week with Purim.
The remembrance of Purim is a precursor to the 7 on the Hebrew Calendar; and it commemorates the selfless action of woman chosen for a specific time and purpose. Purim is always 30 days before Passover/Pesach. It’s almost like a heads-up, a marker, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, of what is about to begin!
Although previous posts have highlighted Esther /Hadassah/Myrtle, one aspect of this story was not included in:
Mystery of a Pur, a Secret Name and a Miracle.
This aspect concerns the fact that Gods name was hidden in this book. It did not mean He was not there or didn’t know what was going on.
Although the name of God is not written as a literal word in this book, it is however, conspicuous by its absence. In that absence, it is more of an indication that, although God is hidden and not obvious in the text; He is working behind the scenes.
From here He is causing His will to proceed and come to a victorious conclusion in bringing about the salvation of His chosen people, even though at the same time, the devil was trying to orchestrate their extinction.
When His Name is not obvious, on and in the events, as in the book of Esther, readers may think He has forgotten, deserted or has abandoned them.
NOT SO and nothing could be further from the truth.
He is working?
How do we know that?
Because His Word tells us He Never slumbers nor sleeps:
Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. … Psalm 121; Psalm120; Psalm 122.
Hinei lo yanum v’lo yishan shomer Israel
A further confirmation being one of the Covenant Names of God, that shows and qualifies His attributes is:
YHWH-Shammah —
“The Lord is present”
(Ezekiel 48:35)
God is ALWAYS present with us.
Phonetic Spelling:
(yeh-ho-vaw’ shawm’-maw)
read from right to left under each Hebrew letter
<maw shaw h-va-ho-yeh <
Pronounced Ya-wa or
Yod–Ha-Vav-Ha Sham-ma
God is intimately and intricately involved in the lives of His people. He is constantly at work in every aspect of their lives. But everything He does is for a purpose.
Job 34:20
In order for the scenes to change in the faith experience, the Lord, Who is “the Author and Finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2), must work behind the scenes.
Although people and circumstances are always associated with where we are in the spiritual drama, the Bible teaches that God is the major Force behind the ever changing scenes of life.
Just as we see in the life of Joseph
God had been working behind the scenes, in the lives of two men Joseph had never met. God worked in their life circumstances in what initially appeared to be negative events in order to bring these three men together in the same place for this very moment. Specifically so that Joseph could interpret their dreams.
Joseph said, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell it to me, please” (v. 8).
The whole of Josephs early life and experiences were in preparation for the time He would save his family, his people and his whole nation which included the line from which Messiah would come to bring salvation.
Gideon also had an experience of God working In Judges 7:9-15 as the warrior was about to face the troops of Midian with a much smaller and less-equipped force.
Although Gideon was a willing servant of God, he needed assurance that it was, in fact, God calling him to this task (vs.17).
In accomplishing the mission set before him by God, Gideon proves himself to be faithful, as well as a mighty warrior, becoming a strong leader of men (Judges 7:17).
9 And it came to pass the same night, that the Lord said unto him, Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I have delivered it into thine hand. 10 But if thou fear to go down, go thou with Phurah thy servant down to the host:
Judges 7:9-15 KJV.
The following night the Lord commanded Gideon to go down to the camp of the enemy, as He had given it into his hand. In the Hebrew language text, here the perfect is used to denote the purpose of God, which had already been formed.
In the same way as in Judges 4:14,
God had worked behind the scenes!
This working, is not confined to the Old Testament/TaNaKh, but is further confirmed for us in Yeshua/Jesus own words informing us that God is always working His purpose out.
God is working right now!
John 5:17, NIV: In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day,
“My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.” John 5:17 NKJV
He is watching ever mindful of us and all the events unfolding. At the appointed time, He intervenes. He reveals Himself in all His glory and ability to bring events to a perfect and timely conclusion.
To coin a couple of well known phrases:
The wedding will take place – the show must go on.
It also has a worldly meaning that people often push forward in their own strength, when they are not supposed to, regardless of how negatively pressing and unfavorable circumstances may be.
For us, knowing that He is WORKING, it brings COMFORT..
His nechamah.
(see mmm last post link above)
… and He is in control and nothing happens that He does not see.
Fear NOT!!
and do not look at the circumstances –
Proverbs 3:25 Be not afraid of sudden fear/disaster/danger, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.
26 For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.
Look unto Jesus/Yeshua, His Righteous right arm!
and have faith in His and the Fathers ability to accomplish all that has been planned from the foundation of the world;
because He Is:
Omnipotent (All-powerful)
Omniscient (All-knowing)
Omnipresent (Ever-present)
His word will come to pass.
All scripture will be fulfilled.
All prophecy will happen just as it has been written.
Esther came into the moment.
Into the time line.
Just as the events seemed set to wipe out Gods’ children for good.
The enemy’s plan was to destroy and totally annihilate the people of God, the tribe of Judah, the Jewish race and in turn to stop the future birth of Messiah.
Consider how many times that was attempted and every time it failed!
Esther’s Jewish name comes from the Hebrew word הֲדַס hădaç Hadas which means ‘myrtle’.
Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the thorn/brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. To set forth his glory. Of God’s deliverance, and that he will never forsake his Church. Isaiah 55:13
Read that one more time………
To set forth His glory.
Of God’s deliverance, and that
He will
church = ecclesia = called out/apart ones/His BRIDE.
That’s all of us who meet His criteria!
Instead of the thorn, (from the crown of thorns of the suffering servant); shall come forth the myrtle
the flower
the servant
and the chosen one
the hidden bride.
Esther’s name has a meaning of hidden, this meaning is that the bride of Messiah is to this day hidden from the Jewish people. Esther disguised herself as a Gentile, but secretly she was a Hebrew (Ivri )/Yahuwdiy (Jew).
In the same way, those who are born-again by the blood of the lamb are not recognized by many who call themselves Jews because, as of today, many do not acknowledge Jesus/Yeshua as their true Messiah, but one day they will see Him who they pierced.
To be the true bride kallah/challah of the King.
We have seen that as believers symbolically God is our bridegroom and we are His challah/kallah, His bride.
Strong’s Hebrew: 3618. כַּלָּה kallah
כַּלָּה ;
phonetically pronounced (kal-law’).
Yeshua/Jesus our Heavenly Bridegroom was born – nothing could stop it. No devilish plans could prevent His coming then,
and it will not now either.
His second coming will occur at the appointed time.
Events will unfold on time – His time — just as they did in Esther’s day.
The devil still seeks to destroy God’s family, he wants to prevent the wedding taking place., but he does not succeed!
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