…. Jesus/Yeshua Had Not Come… there would be no New Year according to the Gregorian calendar.
So-called because it was introduced in October 1582 by Pope Gregory Xlll, as a reform of the Julian calendar. It’s a solar-based calendar of 365 days, it was only adopted by Britain and its colonies 260 years ago! The biblically based lunar Calendar is the one still followed in Israel.
It is 2018 only because of Jesus!
The year is dated because of His birth and even non believers reference His coming every time they say or write the year!
However if Jesus had not come our calendar would be as the calendar still is today in Israel counting from creation. According to that the year is 5778 but it would still be B.C.(Before Christ) or (AM = Anno Mundi meaning years since creation).
Remembering that in Israel, the fall appointed time of Rosh Hashanah means “head of the year” and that’s why it’s called The Jewish New Year (also known as Yom Teruah and often translated as Feast of Trumpets.)
This is not at all like the New Years celebrations in the western world. It occurs on the first day of the 7th month of the year.
When the Israelites were in Egypt, the Lord changed the beginning of their year from the fall to the spring month of Nisan for Passover/Pesach to be the start of the spiritual year. (Exodus 12:1-2)
However, since Jewish tradition holds that the birth of the world took place in the fall, they kept the New Year observance where it was. So in effect, they are celebrating the world’s birthday on Rosh Hashanah and have a second beginning in the Spring Appointed Times. (The Seasons are represented as Cyclical not linear.)
A very interesting point is, the Hebrew year 5778 coincides with 2018 on the Gregorian calendar and is significant because it was in the year 2018 BC (or AM) that God made the first covenant with Abraham. (This was 70 years after Abraham’s birth in 1948 BC (AM).
Then we see the new independent state of Israel was established by the UN in 1948 (Gregorian calendar), so 2018 will also be a 70 year time frame (or a generation, see Psalms 90:10)
Just imagine, if Jesus had not come, the Bible would end at Malachi or if read in chronological order it would stop after 2 Chronicles.
It would probably only be available in the Hebrew language and maybe still only on kosher scrolls.
The complete set Hebrew Scrolls Tanakh
Among other things too numerous to mention or count: There would be no New Testament, no churches or denominations, no choirs, Christian charities, no Christmas trees, no carols and symphonies, no one would be born again and there would be no evangelists, no missionaries.
No ‘communion’ (as in bread and wine celebration) outside of Passover, Pesach.
This was celebrated as part of the commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in ancient Egypt and their freedom and rebirth as a nation under the leadership of Moses.
There would however still be the Holy Land and the children of Israel, the tribes and their descendants and the Jewish people.
The term having come from the tribe of Judah – Yehudi – Judahite and shortened to Jew. It is written that all tribes will want to say they are from Judah collectively and not so much as individual tribes an example is Mordecai in the book of Esther, he was from the tribe of Benjamin but was known as Yehudi.
That Hebrew language would be still intact as it is today and so is their faith that one day Messiah will come as promised in prophecy.
There would still be
there would still be
Torah, Prophetic, Poetic and Historical Writings.
The history of God’s plan since creation would still be as it is.
How important is the old Testament then!
How foundational.
How significant are the Hebraic roots of our faith for they would stand even if Messiah had not come yet.
It makes one wonder if we would have converted to the faith of the Old Testament Patriarchs?
For if Jesus had not come we would be numbered among the heathen lost! 
Still the Jewish people would be, and are still, serving the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, celebrating the seven annual feasts, preparing and rehearsing for His promised appearing and keeping their covenant commandments.
So what are we doing? Have we disregarded the Old Testament foundation in favor of ‘Penthouse’ believing? Are we guilty of thinking that somehow we are more ‘entitled’ by our new Testament faith in Jesus?
He came in fulfillment of the Jewish Scriptures not as a replacement, not instead of, but in addition to.
A world without Jesus/Yeshua would be a world without born again believers, both Messianic Jews and Christian believers. No Christmas holiday or carols, no Turkey’s, presents or all the worlds commercialized accessories and distractions.
However we would still have the greater part of the Bible and could live by its instructions and guidance.
The biggest obvious consideration is that our sins have to be paid for and that by a blood sacrifice.
A life for a life. And the life is in the blood, so an innocent must die for each and every individual.
If Jesus had not come, believers in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob would still be continuing to offer the necessary sacrifices today.
And by His life and death and resurrection, He fulfilled the promises in the bible of a coming Redeemer. One man’s life blood – God Himself, paid the price for our sins. Once for all and no more individual sacrifice is necessary.
However do we really comprehend it?
Do we appreciate it?
Do we understand it?
And do our lives reflect our appreciation and gratitude for what He did?
Or have we just grown accustomed and complacent with our faith and too easy-going in the gift of grace for the righteousness/ right-standing before the God of Heaven and earth?
Do we have a deep remorse and hatred of the way we were before He graciously accepted us into the beloved. We are grafted in by His compassion He is calling the Goyim, the heathen, to be His own.
Is living for our self the way we show Him our love? Is building our own reputation and kingdom/empire really part of His plan for us?
We aspire to be something, a somebody, to make a name for ourselves. It didn’t work out so well for those who tried it on the plains of shinar.
Self-deception is subtle and is an easy slippery slope, the biggest problem being we don’t believe we are deceived or that we can be.
We help God out, because it’s taking too long or not going the way we want, we put words in His mouth, to justify our actions and decisions, and twist the truth of Scripture to fit our not so straight path.
We use the tools of the world and its commerce to fulfill desires based on covetous, selfish ambition and aspire to a comfortable way of life.
Whatever we choose to believe will never change truth, for He said, I am the way the truth and the life.
For believers it should be His way or no way.
His way is clear, we are to live our lives as Jesus did and do the works of Him who called us and saved us.
We are to preach the good news, make disciples, visit the prisoners and the sick, bring healing to them, deliver the oppressed, set spiritual captives free, feed the hungry, give to the poor, house the homeless, which of these did we do today? Which of these did we do this Christmas
We are to bind up the brokenhearted, raise the dead, calm storms.
Christianity is not just a free ticket to heaven to then go ahead and live as we please. Grace is not free and neither is salvation, for we are set free to serve Him and further His kingdom, not ourselves in our own.
If Jesus had not come we may have something of a legitimate excuse, that we don’t know any better but He did come and so we are without excuse.
As we begin 2018 Anno Domini on the Gregorian calendar take a moment to think how it would be if Jesus had not come!
Time is one of the greatest gifts we have been given. What we do with it will have a huge impact on our final destination.
This time of year people make resolutions to improve their lifestyles, let us start learning to live in His presence, and to operate out of His shalom, where love abides and faith matures.
If God was in a hurry He would have not said over 2000 years ago, ‘I’m coming soon’.
He exists outside of our time and space and that is hard for us to comprehend.
We live our lives by the clock and without realizing it, it can bring us into bondage.
But in due season. Gal 4:4
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, Romans 5:6. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
We will be accountable for how we spent the time we have been given according to 2.Cor. 5:10
It is a phrase that has the connotations of ‘satisfaction.’ Abraham died as a man at peace with himself, at peace with God and at peace with the world. He was contented with all that God had done with him and in him, at an old age that was good and mature and content. In verse7 ‘Now these are the days of the years of Abraham which he lived.’ For it implies that he had lived every day to the full in the will of God not one day was wasted of the days that had been given him.
According to The JPS Torah Commentary on Genesis, the meaning of this phrase in Genesis 25:8 is “old and contented.” The commentary continues, “Such a summation of a life is found with no other personality in biblical literature. The phrase describes not his longevity, which is otherwise mentioned, but the quality of his earthly existence.”
And also in Job 42:17 so Job died, being old and full of days /years.
The civil year of 5778 according to Israel began in October at Rosh Hashanah and the spiritual new year according to scripture, begins in April at Passover with the sacrificial death of an innocent lamb.
As we go forward into ‘2018’ and continue in 5778, let any resolution we make begin with a grateful heart of thanks that HE CAME; and let the number of this year reminds us how long ago that was.
Let’s try to remember that, ‘New Beginnings’ come from the Grace of God, not from dates or resolutions.
That they come from His Mercies, that are new each day. Not the day itself.
Let the next year be 365 days be FULL according to the will of God for us.
It may not be what we wanted to hear but its what we need to hear!
It’s a rallying call to the troops, time to renew our commitment to the Lord.
It’s an alarm bell to wake up the sleeping ‘ecclesia’, we are the ‘called out ones.’
For the day is far spent.. Luke 24:29 Now is the time to let Him in, to abide with us and your salvation/redemption is nearer now than when you first believed. Rom 13:11
The times are serious and so is God!
Then as we realize Jesus did come, let’s make this year one where our resolution is; to spend more time in His presence and in doing His will. Fulfilling His plans and purposes instead of our own.
Let’s not be too busy this year. God is obviously not in a hurry, He has no daily rush hours. He is not driven, desperate or in a panic and looking for a way to make things happen!
His presence is now, believing in faith is for now.
Today is the day of salvation, so share the gospel with that person you keep meaning to!
He is the ever present God. I am that I am.
He is Jehovah Shalom.
He moves, acts and abides in Shalom. Where there is nothing missing or broken.
He doesn’t rush through life.
He is life.
It is impossible to live life as we were meant to live it, if we are too busy rushing around.
We are too busy because of the decisions we have made, that brought us to where we are at this moment.
So this year we have an opportunity to make decisions that will enable us to be less busy. It’s our choice.
Choose this day.. choose life.
The treasures revealed from His Word, are not simply for information but include messages to be lived and ways to develop a relationship with the Father.
They are to be experienced which is the most important aspect. Let God impress upon our hearts the precious truths which are essential to the life of every believer who truly desires to follow Jesus/Yeshua our Messiah.
Lets pray that we comprehend all that it means to be a disciple. And as we learn about Him, let our central focus be, to know Him and the power of His resurrection in our personal relationship with Him, for we are required to apply His words to our lives, daily.

Thank God Jesus Came!
May His Shalom surround guard and keep you year in and year out!
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