Thankfulness for His love, protection and provision and for family and friends and all our many blessings.
Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received.
Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling which, when followed, results in Thanksgiving.Thankfulness for every new day;
for shelter and rest at night;
for our food, our health;
for love of family and friends;
for everything His goodness provides and continues to send our way;
and for all the things, such as our freedom, that we often take for granted.
For His love endures forever. Ps. 107:1 This week in USA is the day of thanksgiving to God when tradition remembers the harrowing TWO month, (60 days) journey, across 3000 miles of storm tossed ocean,
in a ship called the Mayflower.
An English ship that famously transported the first EnglishPuritans, known today as the Pilgrims, or the Pilgrim fathers
from Plymouth, England to the New World in 1620. That’s only 397 years ago!!!
There were reportedly 102 passengers and a crew of 30 but the exact number is unknown.This voyage has become an iconic story in some of the earliest annals of American Historywith its story of death and of survival in the harsh New England winter environment.They established a small community in Plymouth, building homes from local materials.Historically known as Plimouth and Plimoth, it’s a town in Plymouth County, Massachusettes, United States. They departed from a town in England with the same name.It was the following year, a meal was shared by the Wampanoag Native American tribes
and the first settlers/ Pilgrims in Plymouth in the autumn of 1621.It originated as a Harvest Festival, (which undoubtedly has its roots in the 7 Feasts/Festivals/Gods Appointed Times of Israel. For further info., go to and type in Feasts of Israel in the Search box.)
It has been celebrated nationally on and off since 1789.
Lets not relegate thanksgiving to just one day a year…. or get caught up in the commercial frenzy of the season…but remember the Lord’s goodness and provision with grateful hearts, full of thanksgiving, for all He has done and is doing each and every day all through the year.
May His Shalom be with you, whether or not you are celebrating.
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