Today is a Jubilee date for Israel.
It is 50 years since the victory of the six day war.
In Israel on June 7, 1967 after 2000 years
the Jewish people regained their holy city of Jerusalem.
The Six-Day War, also known as the June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War.
It was fought between June 5 and 10, 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.
Before and after: the land (above) and some of those that fought 50 years ago. (below).
Jerusalem sits on the barren rocks of Judaean hills and the area may not be as beautiful to look at as many others around the world. However it is God’s chosen location and the Bible is full of promises to rebuild and restore it and to make it the holy city of God once again.
Instead of replacing it with something new elsewhere, every time Jerusalem was destroyed through the centuries, the city was rebuilt. In the 6th century below
and again on Sept 8th 70A.D. the destruction of Jerusalem was complete.
Jerusalem was rebuilt (by e.g. Nehemiah, Solomon and Herod), because of God’s love for His chosen location.
When you love something and it breaks you rebuild it.
We are a little like Jerusalem. Broken vessels in many ways and because He loves us, rather than give up on us, He puts back together the broken pieces of our lives piece by piece.
He does not give up on us, even when we give up on ourselves.
Ps 68:13 says, “Though you have lain amongst the potsherds,
In archaeology, a sherd, or more precisely, potsherd, is commonly a historic or prehistoric fragment of pottery, although the term is occasionally used to refer to fragments of stone and glass vessels, as well. pot•sherd (pŏtˈshûrd)
A fragment of broken pottery, especially one found in an archaeological excavation.
yet shall you be as the wings of a dove covered with silver and her feathers with yellow gold.” Ps 68:13
In same way He came to heal the broken hearted

He does not force us but waits patiently until we are ready so he can begin the restoration. And when we allow Him to repair, restore and renew us, we will become vessels of His glory, from the inside out.
The Japanese have an amazing technique called
which means, ‘to repair with gold.’
It is the art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken! 
It sounds like something our Heavenly Father would do as He restores our souls and bodies and brings forth beauty out of brokenness.
Jesus said that His body was broken for us, so that we can be restored and made whole. He also promises to make Jerusalem a praise in all the earth. Isaiah 62:7.
He will restore those whose hearts full of hope and trust, are in His ability to make
Behold I have made all things new. Rev 21:5
We are also reminded that when we see the budding of the fig tree in Luke and
(Matthew 24:32) that it is a prophetic sign of His promises being fulfilled before our eyes.
And so on this Jubilee of Jerusalem being restored to Israel, and prophecy being fulfilled after 2000 years, we can be assured that He will fulfill each and every promise in His Word, of which not one scripture will fail.
Let us continue to
Congratulations on your Jubilee Jerusalem!
For more on Jerusalem
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